Rotary Encoder LED Ring User Guide

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Rotary Encoder LED Ring

Mayhew Labs User Guide

Table Of Contents:
Introduction 1
Hardware Description 1
Compatible Hardware 1
Pin Descriptions 3
Example Hardware Connection for Arduino 3
Example Code for Arduino 3
Adjusting LED Current and Brightness 3
Diffusing the LEDs 4
Setting the LED Sequence 4

Since rotary encoders have no start or end point, knobs without a position indicator are typically used – as opposed
to potentiometers, where an indicator knob is suitable. Many applications require a visual representation of how a
rotary encoder is reacting to user input as well as the control’s current position. The Rotary Encoder LED Ring
offers a solution with a ring of 16 LEDs that surround the encoder. The designer may implement any desired
sequence on the LEDs by communicating with the onboard series-to-parallel constant current shift register.

Hardware Description
The Rotary Encoder LED Ring has two separate sections: a rotary encoder breakout and a collection of LEDs
controlled by a shift register. A microcontroller can be used to obtain encoder data and set LED data.

A rotary encoder may be mounted to the printed circuit board in two separate ways. The PCB has (1) mounting-tab
holes and soldering positions for a rotary encoder as well as (2) a hole for the encoder shaft: the encoder may be
soldered to the PCB or fitted through the shaft hole. Compatible rotary encoders are described below in the
‘Compatible Hardware’ section.

The PCB has 15 LEDs in a 270˚ arc and one LED at the bottom of the arc; they are interfaced with a Texas
Instruments TLC5925 16-bit shift register. The interface uses a standard Serial-Data/Clock/Latch-Enable 3 wire
connection that is further described with timing diagram in the TLC5925 datasheet:

A thru-hole resistor can be used to increase the brightness of the LEDs and is described further in the ‘Adjusting
LED Current and Brightness’ section.

Please see the ‘Pin Descriptions’ section for more information about the 10 available connections.

Compatible Hardware
The Rotary Encoder LED Ring is compatible with any microcontroller with at least 2 input lines (for the rotary
encoder) and 3 output lines (for the serial interface) available.

It can accept knobs up to 3/4-inch diameter without covering the LEDs. Image 1 shows how a 3/4" knob appears
on a shaft-mounted encoder.

© 2010 Mayhew Labs

Contact: [email protected] 1
Rotary Encoder LED Ring
Mayhew Labs User Guide

Image 1: Rotary Encoder LED Ring with a 3/4-inch knob

10.8 2 PLCS.
(.425) 2.1 +0.2/-0
3.5 (.083 +.008/-0)
The Rotary Encoder LED Ring is compatible with many rotary encoders; encoders that have either a compatible
13.2 footprint or shaft diameter (7mm 2 PLCS. or less) may be used. The PCB is capable of encoders with or without a push
(.520) 2.1 +0.2/-0
switch. Table 1 Alists
a small set of compatible thru-hole encoders and Figure 1 shows the PCB footprint to consult
(.083 +.008/-0)
for encoders
(.098) not listed.
1.0 +0.2/-0
(.039 +.008/-0)
Table 1: Partial List of Compatible Devices

Brand Models
(.035) Alpha 318ENC Series
Alps EC11, EC12
Bourns PEC11, PEC12, PEL12, PES12, PEC16
CTS 290 Series
Panasonic EVE Series
Sparkfun SKU: COM-09117

Figure 1: PCB Footprint for Compatible Rotary Encoders


2.1 +0.2/-0
(.083 +.008/-0)

2 PLCS. 7.5
2.0 +0.2/-0
(.079 +.008/-0)
1.0 +0.2/-0
(.039 +.008/-0)

Image Credit: Bourns PEC11 Datasheet

30.0 _________________________________________

© 2010 Mayhew Labs

Contact: [email protected] 2
Rotary Encoder LED Ring
Mayhew Labs User Guide

Pin Descriptions
Pin Description Section
GND Ground, zero voltage reference
VCC 3 to 5.5 Volts (Yellow, Green, Red LED models) Power
** BLUE LED model requires 3.6 to 5.5 Volts **
ENCA Rotary Encoder A Terminal
ENCB Rotary Encoder B Terminal
SWTCH Rotary Encoder Switch
SDI Serial Data Input
CLK Clock
LE Latch Enable TLC5925
OE (Active Low) Output Enable; tie to ground for constant operation
SDO Serial Data Output – for daisy chaining units

Example Hardware Connection for Arduino:

The following is an example of how the Rotary Encoder LED Ring might be connected to an Arduino. The example
code listed below follows this set of connections.

Rotary Encoder LED Arduino Pin

Ring Pin
ENCA 8 (Digital)
ENCB 9 (Digital)
SWTCH 10 (Digital)
SDI 2 (Digital)
CLK 3 (Digital)
LE 4 (Digital)
OE (Active Low) GND
SDO Not connected

Image 2: Connections to an Arduino Table 2: List of pin connections to an Arduino


Example Code for Arduino:

Three examples of how the Rotary Encoder LED Ring might be used can be found in the Arduino example code
available at:

If an Arduino is not the desired target device, the example code gives enough detail to outline the procedures
necessary to implement an interface on other programmable devices.

Adjusting LED Current and Brightness:

© 2010 Mayhew Labs

Contact: [email protected] 3
Rotary Encoder LED Ring
Mayhew Labs UserTLC5925
.......................................................................................................................................................................................... SLVS765 – OCTOBER 2008
The Rotary Encoder LED Ring ships with dim LEDs so the end user may increase the brightness to a level
appropriate for the application. TheINFORMATION
current to each of the 16 LEDs is constant and is set per the TLC5925
datasheet. A surface mount 22kΩ resistor is provided and a parallel thru-hole resistor may be added to increase
g Principlesthe brightness by lowering the resistance. Please reference Equation 1 and Figure 2 to set the current output to the
LEDs. Using a parallel resistance calculator like or
Current Equation 2 can help determine what resistor value to use for the thru-hole resistor. With the surface mount 22kΩ
play applications, the output
TLC5925 current
provides is setno
nearly to current
about 1mA. Adding
variations a 1kΩ
from resistor
channel thru-holeand
to channel will from
IC the LED brightness to
their highest setting.
e IOUT ” 45 mA, the maximum current skew between channels is less than ±5% and between ICs is
A potentiometer or voltage controlled resistor may also be used to adjust the brightness on the fly. Care must be
taken to not increase the current beyond the capability of the LEDs (20mA to 30mA max).
Output Current
ets IOUT based on the external resistor R Each
Equation 1: Current Output toext
. Users
can follow the below formulas to calculate the
ut current IOUT,target in the saturation region:
(1.21 V / RextI)OU ×is18the external resistance connected between R-EXT and GND.
! T18,=where Rext
the default current is approximately 26 mA at 840 Ÿ and 13 mA at 1680 Ÿ. The default relationship
on betweenFigure
IOUT,target and Rext is shown
2: Relationship in Figure
between 5. REXT
IOUT and

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Rext – !"

Figure 5.Image Credit:

Default Texas Instruments
Relationship CurveTLC5925 Datasheet
Between IOUT,target and Rext After Power Up

Equation 2: Parallel Resistance Total (Surface Mount and Thru-Hole)

R1 × R2
Rext =
R1 + R2

Diffusing the LEDs:

Some applications may require LEDs that have more uniform lighting or appear more as an indicator than a light
source. Sanding the clear lens of the LEDs, roughening it up to create a diffused lens can accomplish this. 400 grit
sand paper or similar works well.

Setting the LED Sequence:

There are primarily two methods to create an LED sequence to be outputted to the shift register. The first, and
easiest, is to create a sequence of ‘images’ that will be stepped through as the encoder is rotated. The second is to
use bitwise operations (AND, OR, XOR) to build and modify the ‘image’ that is currently on the LEDs. This method
is how the example code turns on the bottom LED while not changing the current image otherwise.

© 2010 Mayhew Labs

Contact: [email protected] 4

8, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 13

Product Folder Link(s): TLC5925
Rotary Encoder LED Ring
Mayhew Labs User Guide

As an example, the image to output that will turn on one additional LED each step looks like:
0000000000000001 (hex 0x01)
0000000000000011 (hex 0x03)
0000000000000111 (hex 0x07)
and so on. This sequence can be written directly to the shift register.

If the same output was created using XOR or OR, the sequence would look like:
0000000000000001 (hex 0x01)
0000000000000010 (hex 0x02)
0000000000000100 (hex 0x04)
and so on. An image would be OR’ed with the previous image and the result would be the same as the first

For details about using bitwise operations, please see the Arduino Reference:

Using the map() function, it is possible to scale the speed of the LED output sequence relative to the encoder
rotation. For example, when rotating the rotary encoder one full revolution, one additional LED is turned on. See
the Arduino Reference:

© 2010 Mayhew Labs

Contact: [email protected] 5

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