Cyoa House of Danger

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HOUSE OF Ages 10+


This game can be played alone or in a group. These instructions apply to
1 or More Players both instances.
60 Minutes
1. Place the Nightmare image on the table. For two minutes, study this
image for clues about places to visit and objects to investigate in the
game, as moving toward them will help unravel the mystery
Print and Play Instructions & Rules of your nightmares. Then, set the Nightmare image aside and place
the Game Board on the table.
This print and play demo of Choose Your Own Adventure: House
of Danger includes the first chapter of the full game. To assemble the 2. Place the Psychic Mover on the “3” spot of the Psychic Scale. Place the
game, cut out the cards and fold them in half to create a front and back. Danger Mover on the lowest “3” spot on the Danger Meter.
Try to avoid reading the cards as you do so, but seeing a little bit won’t
ruin the story. Please note that the cards are slightly smaller than their 3. Place the two blue Starter Kit cards face up below the Game Board.
counterparts in the full game to allow for printing on fewer sheets. This is the start of your inventory.
4. Take the Story Cards and Clues and set them in a separate decks,
Cut out cards and fold them over like so:
organized in numerical order, by the Game Board. Place the Book
Cover on top of the Story Card deck.
Print & Play Edition
5. Pick a player to read the first Story Card (see STORY CARDS &
THE where you have your combination
office and research laboratory. You
CLUES on Page 3).
GROUNDS dash down to the lab to answer it.
“I need . . . I need . . . ,” a weak voice
CHAPTER ONE says when you pick up the receiver.
“I need your hel-l-l-lp.” You hear a loud
click, and the phone goes dead.
6. On the back of the Story Card you will usually see two or more Story
But you were prepared: while the
caller was talking, you activated your
Choices. Story Cards may also include Optional or Required Challenges
high-speed telephone tracing device. It
instantly displays the caller’s number:
You call back the number right away,
Page 5). After reading the Story Card, decide as a group on any Story
It’s a Tuesday morning in late June,
and you wake up in a cold sweat. The
nightmares came again last night. Even
but there’s no answer. After consulting
the tall stack of reverse phone books Choices you want to make or Challenges you want to take on. If there
though you are an aspiring detective
and psychic investigator, you haven’t
behind your desk, you are disappointed
to learn the number is unlisted. is no consensus, the current reader decides for the group.
You sense that the phone call is some-
been able to make sense of the haunting
how related to your nightmares.
dreams you’ve had these past few weeks.
In your dreams you keep seeing the
Later, while at the Hedge Brook
Police Station to return a night scope
7. After you undertake Challenges and make Story Choices, the current
same spooky house. You’re still shiver-
ing under the covers when you hear the
you borrowed for a recent stakeout, you
describe the mysterious phone call and
reader places the Story Card in a discard pile with the number side
phone ring downstairs in your basement,
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back Continued on Story Card 1
facing up. You always need to know the last place you explored
©2018 Chooseco LLC (see GOALS & DEATHS on Page 4).
8. The current reader then searches the Story Card deck for the chosen
You can also cut out the Game Board and Nightmare image, although you Story Card and gives that card to the player on their left. Do NOT
don’t need to. Finally, you will need 1 standard 6-sided die (numbered 1 discard any unread Story Cards into the discard pile. Do NOT pass the
through 6), and 2 small pieces to represent the Psychic Mover and Danger entire deck to the reader—just the card to be read. Always keep the
Mover. Book Cover on top of the Story Card deck.
9. The new reader reads the new Story Card, and repeats steps 6 onward.
You are an aspiring detective and psychic investigator. For weeks, you The chapter in this demo has a Goal. Keep this Goal in mind as you
have experienced recurring nightmares that you sense might be important. make Story Choices and take on Challenges.
Your mission is to get to the bottom of these visions. You will decide how
to move through the story as a group. CHAPTER ONE When you see this on
a Story Card, you have
SET UP completed a chapter Goal.
If you die during your adventure, move the Psychic Mover back the
CLUES number of spaces on the Psychic Meter as directed by the card, and go to
the previous Story Card as indicated. Dying isn’t the end of the game—it’s
only a setback! PSYCHIC SCALE
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
9 17
Level 3
The Danger Meter represents your precarious 8 DANGER METER 18

Level 2

Level 4
MOVER state. As the danger rises, you are less capable
of meeting the perils of your adventure. 7 -2 19
DANGER CARDS The numbers on the Danger Meter indicate6the 6 20
current difficulty of any Challenges you face (see 5
5 21
DIE If you are instructed to raise or lower the level

= Challenge Loss
4 22
on the Danger Meter, move the Danger Mover 5

Level 1

Level 5
up or down the indicated number of spaces.3 4
STORY CARDS & CLUES If the Danger Mover reaches the space at 2 4 24
the top of the Danger Meter by exact count or
1 4 25
Most Story Cards include Story Choices that send you to another Story more, you must stop and take a penalty. Move
Card to see the result of your choice. After you finish a Story Card, discard the Psychic Mover back two spaces on the 3
it. Always keep the Book Cover on top of the unread Story Cards. Psychic Scale (see PSYCHIC SCALE on Page 3
Sometimes you’ll be directed to draw a Clue from the deck, which may 6). Then reset the Danger Mover to the third 3
continue the story, give you an item that can be used later (see ITEMS on “3” space on the Danger Meter, as shown by
Page 5), or hint at future danger (see PREMONITIONS on Page 7). the arrow. You will begin your next Story Card The Danger Meter will go
Many Clues are discarded when you finish with them, but you keep items or Challenge with the Danger Mover on the up and down throughout
your adventure.
and premonitions in your inventory. third “3” space.
Fight the creature CHALLENGES
WIN: Draw CLUE 10 .
LOSE: Raise Danger
Some cards present Challenges. You must
Meter by two.

©2018 Chooseco LLC

After Challenge, make CLUE Fight th
Story Choice below.
e creatu E
undertake Required Challenges, but you choose WIN: Draw re
LOSE: Ra .
ise Danger
You open a drawer and find a
book. The middle portions of its
pages are cut away, and inside
whether to take on Optional Challenges. Meter by
To perform a Challenge, roll the die. To win the
THE the hollowed area sits a glass key.
After Chall
Story Choicenge, make
Perhaps you’ll find a use for this.
CHAPTER TWO Keep this item. Move forward
1 space on the Psychic Scale. e below.
Challenge, you must roll a number equal to or greater
Finish Story Card 39.
If you run into the guardhouse,
go to Story Card 19.
If you run up the driveway,
Story CLUE A COOPERATIVE ADVENTURE GAME than the number marked by the Danger Mover on
the Danger Meter. If your roll is less, you lose.
go to Story Card 8. ©2018 Chooseco LLC
3 4
If you run
into the gu
6 6 20
For example, if the Danger Mover is on a “3” space
on the Danger Meter, and you roll a 3, 4, 5, or 6, you
= Challenge Loss

win the Challenge. If you roll a 1 or a 2, you lose.
5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Level 1

Level 5

Some items can help you win Challenges by boosting 9 17

Level 3
your die roll (see CHALLENGE BOOSTERS below). 8 DANGER METER 18

Level 2

Level 4
To use an item as a Fight the
your recurring dreams to your friend,
7 -2 19
SergeantWIN: Draw CLUE 10 .
Challenge Booster, call does
“That LOSE: sound strange,” he
Raise Danger”
by into
says. “We’ll look
place it in the
20 “And about that house in your
6 dreams,” a voice says from the hallway.
After Challenge, makeabout the
Challenge Booster slot 5 “I wonder if you’re
Choice below.
CHALLENGE, YOU LOSE AUTOMATICALLY— 5 21 Marsden house out on Hedge Brook
Road.” Detective Murphy sticks
at the bottom of the 5 mustached face into the room.

= Challenge Loss
22 “Modern house, ornate gate . . . That
5 sounds like the Marsden place, all right,”
says Sergeant Morrison. “Strange things

Level 1

Level 5
you roll the die. The 3
23 are reported to happen out there.”
Detective Murphy takes a puff on his
pipe. “That place is haunted,” he says.
number shown will be 2 4 24 “I know it sounds unprofessional,
Below each Challenge are instructions.
I’ve had a file on the Marsden house
added to your roll. 1 4 25 years, and I’m sure of it.” He waves
front of your eyes, and a phone
If you win a Challenge, follow the WIN
folder in
A reminder of the
If you run into the front
jumps out
number written go on the
to Story Card 19.
3 at you. It matches the one from your
instructions. If you lose a Challenge, follow automatic loss rule is on you runcall.
If phone
the Game Board, to the 3
mysterious up the driveway,
3 7
©2018 Chooseco LLC

go to Story Card 8.
Continued on back
the LOSE instructions. left of the Danger Meter.
Some Clues are items to keep and use later. If you BOTTLE OF WATER 2 HIGH-POWERED
draw a Clue that states “Keep this item,” place that
e book
to di s are
up th ns of its pa llowed
io ho
item face up in your inventory below the Game Keep this item.
You find a pair of binoculars in the
shadows. With the creature on the
You dle port side the t kind of
loose, you can’t hide here forever,
id in ha so you run to the guardhouse.
the m ay, and s key. W glass key? +
cut aw ts a glas ld use a Keep this item and go to
si ou Story Card 4.
area ck w Keep this item.
ial lo ard Discard at any time to lower
spec forw e. Danger Meter by three.
Move al +
em. sychic Sc
this it eP
Keep es on th d 32.
2 spac Story C
Some Clue items are Challenge Boosters, which can add to your die roll
during a Challenge. Items that are Challenge Boosters show or and POCKETKNIFE
feature an icon showing what type of Challenge they can boost. Fight the creature
A Challenge Booster WIN: Draw CLUE 10 .
LOSE: Raise Danger
can be used only if the Meter by two.
Challenge Booster and
After Challenge, make
the Challenge are the Story Choice below.
same type.
Climbing Fighting Dexterity Perception Strength Keep this item.
The five different Challenge and Challenge Booster types.
You may use only one Challenge Booster in a Challenge. Before you roll,
place the item you want to use in the CHALLENGE BOOSTER slot on the
Game Board.
After you roll for the Challenge, add the number on your Challenge Booster If you run into the guardhouse,
to your die roll to determine the final outcome. After the Challenge, return the PSYCHIC SCALE go to Story Card 19.
If you run up the driveway,
Challenge Booster to your inventory. 7
go to Story Card 8.
WARNING: IF YOU ROLL A “1” WHILE USING A The Psychic Scale represents the level of your extrasensory powers
CHALLENGE BOOSTER, IT IS DISCARDED FROM THE throughout the game. Actions you take during your adventure will raise or
GAME. Place the lost Challenge Booster item in the Clue discard pile. lower your Psychic Scale level. Higher levels will yield beneficial rewards!
5 6
The Nightmare you studied at the beginning of the game is one
example of the psychic impressions you can receive. If your level on the
Psychic Scale is high enough, you may be rewarded with Premonitions.
Premonitions are images that warn of dangers ahead. Keep
Premonitions in your inventory. You can examine them as often as you like.
When you reach a Story Card indicating that you achieved your Goal,
you may move on to the next chapter. This demo includes the first
chapter: the full game contains 5 chapters.
At key places in the story, special Story Returns let you go back in the
current chapter to pursue alternate experiences. This might result in new
items to add to your inventory, but every choice you make comes with a
risk. You might climb up the Danger Meter or fall down the Psychic Scale.
If you choose to go back in the story, two rules apply:
1. Cards you have already seen (cards that have been
discarded and clues in your inventory) cannot be added to
your inventory again and cannot lower the Danger Meter or
move you forward on the Psychic Scale.
2. You must make it back to the Story Card with your
chapter Goal in order to continue to the next chapter.
This Story Return symbol means
you have a chance to go back.
There are items in this
chapter that will be useful
later in the story. You can
take a risk and go back for
any you missed by following
THE GOLDEN RULE the choices below.
If you head to the statuary, raise
Some cards in the game contain instructionsDangerthat Meter
mayby contradict
two and this Game by Prospero Hall
manual. Always follow the text on the card rather go to Story Card 4.
than the instructions in Instructions: © 2018 Forrest-Pruzan Creative, LLC
Story Cards and Clues: © 2018 Chooseco LLC
this manual. If you head to the cemetery, raise
Based on the Choose Your Own Adventure® book House of Danger by R.A. Montgomery,
Danger Meter by two and
go to Story Card 21. © 1982, 2005 Chooseco LLC, Waitsfield, VT.
A full catalog of currently published Choose Your Own Adventure titles can be found at www.
If you head to the ditch, raise Danger
Meter by two and go to Story Card 26.
If you head to the pool, raise Danger The CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE name and logo, and book cover design, are
Meter by two and go to Story Card 23. trademarks or registered trademarks, and trade dress of Chooseco LLC in the United States
and other countries. Z-Man Games is a ® of Z-Man Games. NOT INTENDED FOR PERSONS
Otherwise you may advance AGE 9 OR YOUNGER.
to Chapter Two. Keep all
inventory items. Used with permission. All rights reserved. Images may differ slightly from actual product.
1995 County Rd B2 West
Roseville, MN 55113 USA
(651) 639-1905
[email protected]
Game Board Nightmare Image
Level 3
Level 2

Level 4
= Challenge Loss
Level 1

Level 5
CHALLENGE BOOSTER Print & Play Edition
©2018 Chooseco LLC

©2018 Chooseco LLC


1 2 The sabre comes loose in your
hand. It’s heavy and quite sharp.
Your psychic senses tell you this is
an important item.
THE THE Keep this item. Move forward
GROUNDS Keep this item. GROUNDS 2 spaces on the Psychic Scale.
Finish Story Card 4.
Print & Play Edition
+ Print & Play Edition +
©2018 Chooseco LLC

©2018 Chooseco LLC

2 3
Not only is the lockbox open, but
inside you find a key to a truck. Your
THE THE psychic senses tell you this is an im-
portant item.
GROUNDS Keep this item.
CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER ONE Keep this item. Move forward
Discard at any time to lower 2 spaces on the Psychic Scale.
Print & Play Edition Danger Meter by three. Print & Play Edition Finish Story Card 18.
©2018 Chooseco LLC

©2018 Chooseco LLC

You turn and follow a path for
several minutes. Wait  . . . this looks
1 4
familiar . . .
THE THE You find a battery in a drawer. It
could power a flashlight. Or a Taser.
GROUNDS GROUNDS Or who knows what else.
Raise Danger Meter by one and Keep this item.
Print & Play Edition draw CLUE 11 . Print & Play Edition Finish Story Card 19.
©2018 Chooseco LLC

©2018 Chooseco LLC

You walk down the steps into
the water and see what’s making
the waves: a strange, whirring
5 8
metal sphere, slightly bigger than a
softball. You impulsively grab it.
The sphere vibrates in your hand.
There are two buttons on it. You
press one. Nothing happens. You
You pull a pair of garden shears press the other button. The sphere
from the shrub. They could help you continues to vibrate. Instinctively,
THE pry something open.
THE you press both buttons at the same
time. The sphere stops moving and
GROUNDS Keep this item.
Finish Story Card 15.
GROUNDS begins to glow.
Print & Play Edition Print & Play Edition Draw CLUE .
+ 21
©2018 Chooseco LLC

©2018 Chooseco LLC

CLUE CLUE You turn and follow a path deeper
into the maze. You feel like you’re
going in the right direction.
The first aid kit is fully stocked.
The way things are going, you’re
THE sure you’ll need it. Discard at any THE
GROUNDS time to lower Danger Meter
by four.
CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER ONE To go left, draw CLUE 11 .
Keep this item.
Print & Play Edition Finish Story Card 27. Print & Play Edition To go right, draw CLUE 12 .
©2018 Chooseco LLC

©2018 Chooseco LLC

It’s probably unwise to engage
such a savage beast in combat,
but Danger is your middle name.
7 10
You land a few quick jabs on the
creature before it can react, and
then you throw it to the ground.
Your psychic senses tell you this is You stand there for a moment, your
an important item. You look to your confidence high. Then, the creature
left and see a path to a driveway leaps to its feet and rushes you. You
that might be the front of the house. managed to win Round One, but
THE You jump off the gazebo and run to THE you’re in no hurry to start Round
Two, so you race for the shadows
GROUNDS check it out.
Keep this item. Move forward 1
GROUNDS beside a big boulder before the
CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER ONE creature can get its hands on you.
space on the Psychic Scale.
Print & Play Edition Go to Story Card 30. Print & Play Edition Draw CLUE 25 .
11 14
©2018 Chooseco LLC

©2018 Chooseco LLC

CLUE CLUE You’d think you’d be better at this

You keep going. And going. It
seems like you’ve just walked in a by now . . .
11 14
Raise Danger Meter by two and Raise Danger Meter by two and
Print & Play Edition draw CLUE 12 . Print & Play Edition draw CLUE 13 .
©2018 Chooseco LLC

©2018 Chooseco LLC

CLUE You feel like you might be getting
close to the end of the maze!
12 15
The cigar box contains a flash-
light. You check and discover that
THE THE it has no batteries. Discard any
BATTERY to automatically
GROUNDS GROUNDS win a Perception challenge.
CHAPTER ONE To go left, draw CLUE 13 . CHAPTER ONE
Keep this item.
Print & Play Edition To go right, draw CLUE 14 . Print & Play Edition Finish Story Card 14.

remove the lid and are surprised to find that not

only is there no body, but an opening to a secret
passageway offers yet another way out of the

Place the new Story Choice below at the bottom of

It takes some muscle, but you manage to

Story Card 5. This option may be considered when you

©2018 Chooseco LLC

©2018 Chooseco LLC


OR... To take the secret passageway,

Finally you see it . . . The end of


the maze!
13 16

are ready to make your Story Choice.

draw CLUE 24 .

Print & Play Edition Go to Story Card 18. Print & Play Edition
17 20
©2018 Chooseco LLC

©2018 Chooseco LLC

CLUE Your fingertips graze a piece of

CLUE The thing—whatever it is—wraps
the satellite dish, but you can’t more tightly around your leg. It’s
quite grab it. You reach too far, lose pulling you down! Another tendril
17 20
your balance, and tumble from the (or tentacle?) slides around your
gazebo and down a short hill. neck. You pry it off, and with the
Your confusion from the fall slowly last of your strength, you give a
subsides, and you hear the sound powerful kick, and you’re free. Just
of a beautiful violin nearby. You like that, the thing is gone. You
stumble off in the direction of the emerge into a swimming pool with
music. a lush pool house next to it.
Raise Danger Meter by two. Lower Danger Meter by two and
Print & Play Edition Go to Story Card 17. Print & Play Edition go to Story Card 23.
When you inadvertently press a hidden switch,

Place the new Story Choice below at the bottom of

Story Card 4. This option may be considered when you
the statue slides to one side, revealing a cement

OR... If you want to see where the hidden

©2018 Chooseco LLC

©2018 Chooseco LLC

passage leads, go to Story Card 28.

18 are ready to make your Story Choice.

THE THE Your psychic senses tell you this is
GROUNDS GROUNDS an important item.
CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER ONE Keep this item. Move forward

3 spaces on the Psychic Scale.
Print & Play Edition Print & Play Edition
Finish Story Card 23.
©2018 Chooseco LLC

©2018 Chooseco LLC

CLUE CLUE You hold on to the top of the
gazebo with one hand and time
your lunge perfectly—you snag a
chunk of the whirling satellite dish.
The piece appears to be made
by hand. An engraving on it reads
The paper looks like a map to the
THE hedge maze. Your psychic senses
tell you this is an important item.
GROUNDS Keep this item. Move forward
1 space on the Psychic Scale.
Print & Play Edition Finish Story Card 26. Print & Play Edition Draw CLUE 7 .

Place this card in the Goal slot above the Psychic

©2018 Chooseco LLC

©2018 Chooseco LLC


Scale while playing this chapter.

Marsden house.
Get inside the
23 26

You find a large wooden dowel.
Your psychic senses tell you this is
an important item.
THE Keep this item. Move forward 1 THE
GROUNDS space on the Psychic Scale.
Finish Story Card 5.
Print & Play Edition
©2018 Chooseco LLC

©2018 Chooseco LLC

CLUE You travel through the tunnel
for what feels like forever. The
light disappears, and the tunnel
24 27
eventually ends. You feel frightened
and trapped. You want to run back
and try the other routes out of the
Before you go, you feel around in
the dark. There’s nothing in front
of you or to your sides. But you
THE discover a mossy hatch in the tunnel
ceiling. You turn the handle, and the
GROUNDS hatch opens on to a grassy patch at GROUNDS
CHAPTER ONE the entrance to a hedge maze. CHAPTER ONE
Print & Play Edition Go to Story Card 12.
©2018 Chooseco LLC

25 You find a pair of binoculars in the
shadows. With the creature on the
loose, you can’t hide here forever,
THE so you run to the guardhouse.
GROUNDS Keep this item.
Go to Story Card 19.
Print & Play Edition
Print & Play Edition Print & Play Edition Print & Play Edition
® ®

your recurring dreams to your friend, So the call is related to your night-
Sergeant Morrison. mares—your psychic sense were right!
“That call does sound strange,” he
says. “We’ll look into it.” Draw CLUE 26
“And about that house in your to discover your goal.
dreams,” a voice says from the hallway.
“I wonder if you’re dreaming about the Back at home, you grab a bottle of
BASED ON THE BOOK BY R. A. MONTGOMERY BASED ON THE BOOK BY R. A. MONTGOMERY Marsden house out on Hedge Brook water and your trusty pocketknife,
Road.” Detective Murphy sticks his preparing for a new investigation.
mustached face into the room. Half an hour later, you stand before
“Modern house, ornate gate . . . That the Marsden residence, which appears
sounds like the Marsden place, all right,” exactly as it did in your nightmares.
says Sergeant Morrison. “Strange things The house’s futuristic look is a strange
are reported to happen out there.” contrast to the antiquated appearance
Detective Murphy takes a puff on his of the stone wall and the wrought iron
pipe. “That place is haunted,” he says. gate, which is locked shut and wrapped
“I know it sounds unprofessional, but in steel chains.
I’ve had a file on the Marsden house for Even though the air is balmy, a chill
years, and I’m sure of it.” He waves a travels down your spine. The gathering
folder in front of your eyes, and a phone clouds on the horizon hint at a brewing
number written on the front jumps out summer thunderstorm.
at you. It matches the one from your If you search the wall for a way in,
mysterious phone call. go to Story Card 13.
©2018 Chooseco LLC ©2018 Chooseco LLC ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back If you climb the gate, go to Story Card 7.
Print & Play Edition Print & Play Edition
THE where you have your combination
office and research laboratory. You
In one heroic move, you jump into
the opening of the roof access door and
GROUNDS dash down to the lab to answer it.
“I need . . . I need . . . ,” a weak voice
land on your feet inside the greenhouse,
ninja-like. You take a deep breath,
CHAPTER ONE says when you pick up the receiver. ninja-like. You collect yourself, ninja-like.
“I need your hel-l-l-lp.” You hear a loud You assess the situation . . . like a ninja.
click, and the phone goes dead. The botanical specimens in this green-
But you were prepared: while the house are unlike anything you’ve ever
caller was talking, you activated your seen. Glossy pink bulbs seven feet across
high-speed telephone tracing device. It sit atop yellow vines that spread hori-
instantly displays the caller’s number: zontally for twenty feet. One plant with
555-7259. sharp spikes is actually see-through.
You call back the number right away, Suddenly, you hear a rustling sound.
It’s a Tuesday morning in late June,
but there’s no answer. After consulting You look to the corner of the room and
and you wake up in a cold sweat. The
the tall stack of reverse phone books see a dark-green cluster of vertical vines
nightmares came again last night. Even
behind your desk, you are disappointed twitching and shaking. I might not be
though you are an aspiring detective
to learn the number is unlisted. alone, you think.
and psychic investigator, you haven’t
You sense that the phone call is some- Through the wall of the greenhouse,
been able to make sense of the haunting
how related to your nightmares. you spot a commotion of some kind on
dreams you’ve had these past few weeks.
Later, while at the Hedge Brook top of a gazebo just beyond the trees
In your dreams you keep seeing the If you check out the writhing vines,
Police Station to return a night scope about forty feet away. You need to think
same spooky house. You’re still shiver- go to Story Card 25.
you borrowed for a recent stakeout, you fast!
ing under the covers when you hear the
describe the mysterious phone call and If you dash outside to explore the
phone ring downstairs in your basement,
commotion on the gazebo,
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back Continued on Story Card 1 ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back go to Story Card 9.
Print & Play Edition
You only make it a few steps across The mausoleum interior feels musty OPTIONAL CHALLENGE
the open field before you hear a clicking and cool. Something is dripping from Search around the
sound from around your feet that freez- the ceiling and landing in the corner sarcophagus
es you in your tracks. Looking down, with a PLINK, which is odd, given that WIN: Draw CLUE 23 .
you see freshly disturbed earth around it hasn’t started raining yet. You also LOSE: Raise Danger Meter
your sneakers, as though someone had notice the mausoleum is bigger on the by one. You may try again.
recently buried something there. inside than the outside suggested. A
As you lift your foot to look— stone sarcophagus lies before you in the OPTIONAL CHALLENGE
KA-KLICK!—the reality of the situation center of the chamber with the word Remove the stone lid of
becomes clear. You have just stepped on MARSDEN carved into it. the sarcophagus
a landmine. It appears that others have been in the WIN: Draw CLUE 16 .
A noise like thunder, infinitely loud, mausoleum recently: there’s a freshly LOSE: Raise Danger Meter
rings out, but you never even hear it. dug pit to the side of the sarcophagus, by two.
Instantly, everything goes black. and an elaborate tunnel has been dug
into the ground beside the nearby wall. After Challenges, make
You can see that the tunnel is lined with Story Choice below.
The End
If you climb into the pit,
Move back 1 space on the go to Story Card 16.
Psychic Scale and return to
the previous card. If you travel through the tunnel,
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back Print & Play Edition ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back go to Story Card 28.
3 5
Print & Play Edition Print & Play Edition
The horseman is a dashing, bearded OPTIONAL CHALLENGE Just as you reach for the doorknob, “Hello?” Sergeant Morrison says,
Civil War soldier, his bronze face stoic. Search the monument’s a fierce gust of wind violently flings exasperated. “Good-bye!”
He holds out a cavalry sabre toward the base open the door. The windows are all He hangs up!
brooding sky. The sword’s edge glints WIN: Draw CLUE 18 . wide open, and wind continues to rush You are unsure why the sergeant
in the weak sunlight that penetrates LOSE: Raise Danger Meter through the quarters, blowing papers off couldn’t hear you, but you are now
the thickening clouds above. The sword by one. tables and knocking an umbrella stand distracted by a swirl of sounds: a haunt-
looks almost new. to the ground with a CRASH. ing violin plays somewhere outside,
At the base of the statue is a plaque OPTIONAL CHALLENGE Your arm accidentally knocks a teacup while a wild and chaotic noise rises from
that proclaims this as a memorial to Climb the statue to off the kitchen counter, which shatters a gazebo in the distance.
Henry Marsden. The plaque reads: examine the sabre on the floor. You start to feel nervous.
WIN: Draw CLUE 2 . You notice a phone on the wall. This
Henry Marsden, born 1839, died might be too much to handle alone.
LOSE: Raise Danger Meter
1887. General in the Union Army by two. You may try again. You grab the phone and call Sergeant
during the Civil War. Severely wound- Morrison.
ed at the Battle of Shiloh in 1862. After Challenges, make “Hedge Brook Police Station.
Appointed warden of Hedge Brook Story Choice below. Sergeant Morrison speaking,” he says.
Prison in 1880. “Sergeant Morrison!” you blurt out.
“It’s me! I’m on the grounds of the
To your left is the entrance to a hedge Marsden house! I might be in trouble!”
maze. To your right is a graying picket “Hello? Hello?” says the sergeant
fence with a rickety wooden gate. You impatiently.
If you enter the hedge maze, If you move in the direction of the violin,
can see two stone angel statues and go to Story Card 12. “It’s me!” you shout back. “I need go to Story Card 17.
beyond them, a cemetery. your help!”
If you visit the cemetery, If you check out the gazebo,
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back go to Story Card 21. ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back go to Story Card 9.
4 6
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You pull yourself over the rusting gate OPTIONAL CHALLENGE You sprint to the gazebo, practically PREMONITION
and land with a CRUNCH on the gravel Fight the creature pushed along by the winds that are pick- If you are Level 2 or higher on the
driveway leading toward the house. But WIN: Draw CLUE 10 . ing up. A light sprinkling of rain spatters Psychic Scale, draw CLUE 27 .
before you can survey your surround- LOSE: Raise Danger the ground as you run.
ings, you hear a guttural sound coming Meter by two. You make it to the shelter of the struc-
from your left. ture, and the mayhem occurring above
You encounter a shadowy, hunched- After Challenge, make you on the roof increases in intensity.
over figure emerging from the darkened Story Choice below. Who is up there, and what are they
doorway of a decrepit gatehouse. You doing? you wonder.
can just barely make out eyes and white You notice a driveway about twenty
fangs dripping with saliva. feet away.
The figure crouches, as if to spring
forward at any moment.
“Who’s th–there?” you stammer.
Suddenly, the creature lunges at you,
snarling. You spot a guardhouse not
far away. If you can get past the crea-
ture, you might be able to hide there.
Or perhaps you should just turn and flee
up the driveway toward the main house!
If you run into the guardhouse, If you climb to the top of the gazebo,
go to Story Card 19. go to Story Card 10.
If you run up the driveway, If you run to the driveway,
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back go to Story Card 8. ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back go to Story Card 30.
7 9
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Your heart pounding, you bolt up the You stand on the gazebo’s railing, REQUIRED
driveway, which bends around the back steadying yourself by gripping an ornate CHALLENGE
side of the manor. After running about post holding up the roof. The rumbling Attempt to grab a piece
fifty yards, you slow down, out of breath. above sounds and feels frightening— of the satellite dish
Gasping for air, you stop at a large wall what are you getting yourself into? WIN: Draw CLUE 22 .
of thorny hedges lining one side of the Reluctant to barge into the middle LOSE: Draw CLUE 17 .
driveway. You hear water trickling down of this situation, you raise yourself just
a ditch on the opposite side of the drive- enough for a peek and discover that
way. Charcoal-gray clouds are massing there is no one on the gazebo roof. The
ominously on the horizon, and the near- commotion is actually a large satellite
by tree branches rattle with sudden gusts dish, broken into three pieces. The big,
of wind. jagged fragments are still connected to
Before you can catch your breath, a the base by wires, and the violent winds
dark-windowed limousine roars around are spinning them in a circle with great
the bend—you only have a split second force.
to decide which way to go to avoid being Flailing wildly like an angry octopus,
hit! the satellite dish almost hits you in the
face. You might be able to grab a piece
zooming by.
If you dash through the hedges,
go to Story Card 15.
If you jump into the ditch,
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back go to Story Card 26. ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back
8 10
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You can tell that the pool house was Moving along the mossy stone wall
once quite luxurious. It contains half a that surrounds the property, you come
dozen private rooms with showers, as across a jagged opening created by fall-
well as an ornate mahogany bar in the en rocks—it’s just big enough for you
common area. It must have been fun to to squeeze through. Once on the other
hang out in this place in its glory days. side of the wall, you find yourself stand-
Those thoughts fade as the sounds of a ing in a cobblestone plaza surrounded
disturbance erupt from the top of a gaze- by marble and bronze figures. Most of
bo in the distance. the sculptures depict men gazing off into
And now you can hear a lone violin the distance as if pondering the deeper
playing a soothing melody. meaning of it all, but at the edge of the
courtyard is a monumental statue of a
man atop a muscular steed.
To your right, a stony pathway leads
away from the statuary and into a pictur-
esque garden, where topiary bushes have
been trimmed into whimsical shapes.
If you investigate the gazebo, If you inspect the statue of the man on
go to Story Card 9. the horse, go to Story Card 4.
If you follow the sound of the violin, If you walk toward the topiary bushes,
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back go to Story Card 17. ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back go to Story Card 15.
11 13
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The hedge maze is massive. Its thick You climb down the gnarled vine into FREE ACTION
hedge walls are twice as tall as you but a walled courtyard beside an outbuilding To check out what’s in the cigar box,
don’t seem stable enough to climb, so that appears to be the servants’ quar- draw CLUE 15 .
you’ll have to solve this labyrinth the ters. The door is slightly ajar, but you are
old-fashioned way! You take a deep unsure if anyone is inside. In the court-
breath to steady your nerves and head yard there is a small table with a cigar
through the maze’s entrance. box sitting on top of it. There is also a
path that leads out of the courtyard and
up to the side of the mansion.
If you approach the door to the servants’
quarters, go to Story Card 6.
If you go left, draw CLUE 9 .
If you run to the side of the mansion,
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back If you go right, draw CLUE 1 . ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back go to Story Card 20.
12 14
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You emerge into a clearing. Manicured You move further and further toward
bushes in the shapes of fish, swans, and the hypnotic sound of the distant violin,
rabbits perch atop a well-kept lawn. One which is oddly calming and uplifting
larger shrub has been sculpted to look even as the winds increase around you.
like an outstretched hand with its palm You notice there is a driveway up in
upturned. You see a black handle of the distance, but before you get there,
some kind sticking up out of one of the you arrive at a horse stable with an open
fingertips. gate. Inside, sitting on a stool, is the
A brick path winds through the shrubs source of the violin music: a chimpanzee
and splits into two paths in the distance. playing his heart out, a soulful expres-
One of these leads toward a rickety sion on his face.
wooden gate flanked by a pair of stone The chimp is fully committed to the
angel statues. The other path leads into music. You have never heard such an
an open field, across which you can see emotional performance.
the front door of the Marsden manor. It’s . . . it’s beautiful.
To pull the handle out of the bush,
draw CLUE 5 .
If you leave the stable and run to the
If you walk through the wooden gate, driveway, go to Story Card 30.
go to Story Card 21.
If you tiptoe through the gate to
If you head across the field toward the experience the full power of the
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back manor’s front door, go to Story Card 3. ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back performance, go to Story Card 24.
15 17
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Without warning, the earthen walls You finally come to the end of the FREE ACTION
begin to collapse around you, and before hedge maze. It exits toward a pool To see if the lockbox is open,
you can react, you are up to your waist house. A short stone pedestal stands draw CLUE 3 .
in dirt. You writhe and twist, trying to in front of you with a metal lockbox on
escape, but it only causes more soil to top. Perhaps someone wants to reward
cascade down. Soon it’s up to your you for navigating that accursed maze,
shoulders, then your neck, then your though the whole thing does seem suspi-
cheeks. You struggle to spit the soil out cious.
as it fills your mouth, but within moments Looking toward the pool house, you
you are fully buried. You can only see see its door is barely hanging from its
the dark earth in front of your eyes. hinges. There is also a gate that leads—
Your hand closes around a metal disc— you assume—directly to the pool.
perhaps a coin? You’ll never know,
though, as the soil fills your lungs, and
the world wavers and goes gray before
finally turning black.
The End
If you explore the pool house,
Move back 1 space on the go to Story Card 11.
Psychic Scale and return to
the previous card. If you walk through the gate to check out
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back Print & Play Edition ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back the pool, go to Story Card 23.
16 18
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You were lucky to escape the crea- Not a popular guy, you think. Passing between a pair of stone angels,
ture, but you know it’s still out there . . . The desk has three drawers—maybe you enter an old family cemetery. There
somewhere. You run into the old guard- there’s something useful inside. A wood- is a marble mausoleum in the center of
house, which is a small room with sever- en ladder leads up to a hatch in the roof. the cemetery. A short set of stairs leads
al TV monitors flashing black-and-white Through a window filled with cobwebs into its shadowy interior.
images of various places on the estate you can see an open field that leads to Next to where you stand, a freshly
grounds. Some monitors are broken, the manor’s front door. You consider dug grave yawns in the pale sunlight. It’s
and shards of glass are scattered across what to do next. unsettling to think of climbing into it, but
a desk and the wood floors. you see something shiny embedded in
A hefty book titled History of Nothwin OPTIONAL CHALLENGE the dirt walls.
County is lying on the desk. Curious, Search the desk drawers
you look up the name “Marsden, Henry” WIN: Draw CLUE 4 .
in the index. Sure enough, it references
LOSE: Raise Danger Meter
an entry on Page 93. Your heart races by one.
as you turn there to read this bio:
After Challenge, make
Henry Marsden, born 1839, died
Story Choice below.
1887. General in the Union Army
during the Civil War. Severely wound-
ed at the Battle of Shiloh in 1862.
If you climb the ladder to the hatch in the
Appointed warden of Hedge Brook If you enter the mausoleum,
roof, go to Story Card 27.
Prison in 1880. Rumored to have been go to Story Card 5.
killed in the Prison Riot Fire of 1887. If you crawl through the window and run
for the front door of the house, If you climb into the open grave,
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back go to Story Card 3. ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back go to Story Card 16.
19 21
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Running along the side of the house, Mustering all the courage you can, you REQUIRED CHALLENGE
you discover that it is a tight squeeze dive into the watery tunnel. There is just Fight to escape!
between the house and the fence. You enough room in the tunnel above the WIN: Draw CLUE 20 .
almost have to shuffle sideways to make water for you to lift your head between LOSE: Raise Danger Meter
it through, which makes you claustro- strokes and take a breath. by four and try again.
phobic. Eventually, the tunnel drops lower and
Out of nowhere, you hear the sound of lower until it’s completely submerged
a lone violin playing a gorgeous, flowing under water. You hold your breath, dive
melody with expert skill and confidence. down, and look around: after about thir-
There is a clearing up ahead, though ty feet, the tunnel opens up to a bigger
you are unsure of what lies at its end. body of water—a pond or pool—with
And the space you are in has become so sunlight beaming into it. You pop up for
tight, it would be easier to climb over the air. Well, I’ve come this far, you think.
fence to check out the violinist playing You’re ready to chance it. You take a
that amazing melody. deep breath and dive back down.
You get ten feet in  .  .  . fifteen feet
in  .  .  . twenty-five feet in  .  .  . Just as
you’re about to exit the underwater
tunnel, something tugs on your leg. You
can’t tell if it’s an animal or if you’re
caught in an underwater vine.
If you run toward the clearing,
go to Story Card 30.
If you climb over the fence to follow the
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back violin melody, go to Story Card 17. ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back
20 22
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It’s obvious that nobody has cleaned OPTIONAL CHALLENGE As soon as you take a step toward the
the pool in ages. The water is a murky Investigate the ripples vines, one of them lashes out and wraps
green, and the surface is littered with in the pool around your neck. Then another whips
leaves and branches. Ripples pulse WIN: Lower Danger Meter around your waist. More and more vines
outward from the center of the pool. by two and draw CLUE 8 . spring out at you.
Out of nowhere, you hear a commo- LOSE: Raise Danger Meter This isn’t really happening, you
tion. You look around and wonder if it’s by two. You may try again. think.
coming from inside the pool house near- The vines are moving all around you,
by. Then you see movement on top of After Challenge, make spinning you into a cocoon. You strug-
a gazebo in the distance. Someone—or Story Choice below. gle to break free of them, but they only
something—is engaged in a struggle up tighten their grip on you. This can’t
there. Maybe they need your help! Then be real! Eventually, you can’t breathe.
again, if you offer assistance you might Everything seems to turn a deep green,
end up needing help yourself! then you see a bright white light—and
then you no longer exist.
The End
If you go to the pool house,
go to Story Card 11. Move back 1 space on the
Psychic Scale and return to
If you go straight to the action at the
Story Card 2.
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back gazebo, go to Story Card 9. ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back
23 25 Print & Play Edition
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You tiptoe through the open gate, You land in the ditch, splashing into OPTIONAL CHALLENGE
eager to hear the finale of the chimp’s shallow, frigid water. At this point, you Grab the paper
violin piece. Quietly . . . quietly . . . notice a large grate ahead of you, which WIN: Draw CLUE 19 .
With your third step, you trigger a partially blocks the entrance to a dark, LOSE: Raise Danger Meter
motion-sensor light that completely cement culvert that the water flows into. by one.
illuminates the interior of the build- If you bent over, you could walk under
ing. Apparently, this is no stable: it’s a the lower rim of the grate and enter the After Challenge, make
kennel. Twenty Doberman Pinschers culvert. Story Choice below.
were peacefully enjoying the concert, You then see a small piece of paper
but now they glare at you with anger in drifting by you in the water. You might Along the side of the ditch is a dusty
their eyes. be able to grab it if you act fast. path leading toward what appears to be
The chimp frowns and slowly points his an elaborate hedge maze.
violin bow toward you. The Dobermans
respond and rush to attack you and then
eat you alive. The last thing you see is
the chimpanzee violinist laughing at
your fate. So embarrassing!
The End
Move back 1 space on the If you enter the culvert,
Psychic Scale and return to go to Story Card 28.
Story Card 17.
If you enter the hedge maze,
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back go to Story Card 12.
24 26
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You scramble up the ladder, through OPTIONAL CHALLENGE After crossing the precarious board,
the hatch, and onto the guardhouse’s Get to the first aid kit you find yourself at one end of a walk-
decaying tile roof. It seems to be on the WIN: Draw CLUE 6 , then way that spans the length of the green-
verge of collapsing, but you find a spot make Story Choice below. house roof. From here you can see most
that you are reasonably sure won’t cave LOSE: Raise Danger Meter of the mansion’s vast grounds, which are
in when you put your weight on it. by two and go to Story a little out of place amid the surrounding
Across the dangerously unstable roof Card 26. suburban neighborhood. The air is full
from where you crouch uneasily, you of mosquitoes and other buzzing insects.
can see a pile of construction materials, The clouds you saw on the horizon earli-
probably left over by contractors work- er seem to be closer now. You see that
ing on the roof. Among the material is there’s an open access door in the roof
a first aid kit, but navigating the length that would allow you to descend into the
of the roof to reach it will be perilous. greenhouse. You can also drop down
One wrong step and you could stumble onto a path, which appears to lead to
off the roof, into a ditch you see below. the side of the mansion itself.
Near you is a thick vine that you could
climb down to reach a courtyard, and
not too far from you is a long board
someone has laid between the roof and
a nearby greenhouse, which seems to be If you wriggle through the access door and
enter the greenhouse,
sturdier than the guardhouse.
If you cross to the greenhouse, go to Story Card 2.
go to Story Card 29.
If you drop onto the path and run to
If you climb down the vine, the side of the house,
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back go to Story Card 14. ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back go to Story Card 20.
27 29
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You creep through the darkness and
find the cement walls end as natural CHAPTER ONE STORY RETURN
stone and earth begin. Occasional vents GOAL ACHIEVED. There are items in this
to the surface let in just barely enough chapter that will be useful
light to see by. Ahead you glimpse the later in the story. You can
You appear in a driveway, which leads
warm firelight of torches. take a risk and go back for
you to the mansion’s entrance. On the any you missed by following
You come to a fork in the tunnel,
door is a plaque that reads MARSDEN the choices below.
lit by the dancing flames. One tunnel
and a large crystal doorknocker, which
descends deeper and is half-filled with
seems newer than everything else on the If you head to the statuary, raise
water. You could swim through it, but Danger Meter by two and
front of the building. You knock loudly,
you can’t see where the tunnel leads or go to Story Card 4.
many times. But there is no answer. The
how far it goes.
storm is really picking up now. You try
Another tunnel looks partially caved If you head to the cemetery, raise
the doorknob and are surprised to find
in. Tiny clumps of earth periodically fall Danger Meter by two and
that the door is unlocked. go to Story Card 21.
from the ceiling as you approach this
You’ve been lucky enough so far, but
tunnel, and several of the supports that
you wonder if you’ve missed something. If you head to the ditch, raise Danger
hold the walls up have gaping cracks in
Before you enter the house, you look Meter by two and go to Story Card 26.
back. You can see a few clear paths.
One leads toward a statuary, another If you head to the pool, raise Danger
to a small cemetery. Two more paths Meter by two and go to Story Card 23.
If you dive into the water-filled tunnel, stretch out toward a watery ditch with a
go to Story Card 22. gate and the house’s luxurious pool. You Otherwise you may advance
could go back to explore if you want. to Chapter Two. Keep all
If you explore the partially collapsed inventory items.
©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back tunnel, go to Story Card 16. ©2018 Chooseco LLC Continued on back
28 30

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