Carboguard Low Haps Epoxy: Selection & Specification Data Substrates & Surface Preparation
Carboguard Low Haps Epoxy: Selection & Specification Data Substrates & Surface Preparation
Carboguard Low Haps Epoxy: Selection & Specification Data Substrates & Surface Preparation
Ventilation When used in enclosed areas, thorough air circulation *Shelf Life: (actual stated shelf life) when kept at
must be used during and after application until the recommended storage conditions and in original
coating is cured. The ventilation system should be unopened containers.
capable of preventing the solvent vapor concentration
from reaching the lower explosion limit for the solvents
used. User should test and monitor exposure levels to
insure all personnel are below guidelines. If not sure or
if not able to monitor levels, use MSHA/NIOSH
approved respirator.