Project Identication and Appraisal
Project Identication and Appraisal
Project Identication and Appraisal
Alemu L.(PhD)
December, 2020
Table of Contents
3 Needs Assessments
Course Objectives
Course Contents
Evaluation Methods
Reading List
What is a Project
Needs Assessments
Once project idea generation is done, the next step is
conducting a need assessment .
It seeks to nd out who should benet and what their needs
Five WH Questions
Stakeholder Analysis
The main purpose of need assessment (NA) is to let the
business analyst understand in details the business problem or
opportunity and make sure the right problem is solved by the
upcoming project.
Stakeholder Analysis
Stakeholders are:
individuals or groups with a direct, signicant and specic
stake or interest in a given territory or set of natural resources
and, thus, in a proposed project.
People aected by the project
People who can inuence the impact of an activity
Entities, etc
Participation or stakeholder analysis seeks to identify the major
interest groups involved (all those aected by or involved) in
the project.
Stakeholder Analysis
Key players
1 The project manager: Is responsible for achieving project
2 Sponsor : the person or group that provides the nancial
resources, in cash or kind, for the project
3 Customer/user/client : the person or organization that will
use the project/s product.
4 Performing organization : the enterprise whose employees are
most directly involved in doing the work of the project.
5 Project team members : the group that is performing the
work of the project
6 Project management team the members of the project team
who are directly involved in project management activities
7 Potential opponents : Groups which may oppose a project.
8 Supplier : Provides resources
Alemu L. Project Identication....
Course Objectives and Contents Stakeholder Analysis
Project Identication and Basic Concepts Problem Analysis
Needs Assessments Objectives Analysis
Analysis of Project Identication Strategy Selection
It is a four-step process:
1 Identify key stakeholders.
2 Assess stakeholder interests and the potential impact of the
project on these interests (expectations, benets, willingness to
mobilize resources, interests).
3 Assess the stakeholder inuence and importance (power,
control of strategic resources).
4 Outline stakeholder participation strategy.
Alemu L. Project Identication....
Course Objectives and Contents Stakeholder Analysis
Project Identication and Basic Concepts Problem Analysis
Needs Assessments Objectives Analysis
Analysis of Project Identication Strategy Selection
Identifying stakeholders
Problem Analysis
What interests are at stake for the actor (e.g. state) overall?
Problem Analysis
Problem Analysis
State the problem meaningfully
Problem Analysis
Objectives Analysis
Objective Tree
Technique to describe the future situation that will be
achieved by solving the problems
Strategy Selection
Make an assessment of the feasibility of the dierent
Selecting Strategies