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1. Summary of the answers of 10 Students

10 students in total were interviewed for the purpose of the project, out of which
some were day scholars who stay at their homes, approximately at a distance
ranging from 1 km to 20 km away from the school and some are boarders who
have to travel to school only once, because they reside in the dormitories on the
school campus.
Day scholars prefer to travel to school by a private school van or a bus which
takes a number of students at a time which is safer for the environment, while
some others prefer private vehicles. The boarders have to travel to school only
once so most of them use private cars and on a daily basis they walk to school.
This method is more ecofriendly and environmentally sound.
Now due to the pandemic since the classes are happening online i.e. virtually the
students do not have to travel to school on a daily basis. This reduces the pollution
caused by the vehicles.
Some methods suggested by the students to make their trips greener are as
1. Using a school bus, a bus that will accommodate many students at a time
2. Travelling by train if available,
3. Using electric cars if available,
4. Using bicycles,
5. Walking short distances,
6. Making use of Public transport,
7. Solar paneled cars,
8. Carpooling,
9. Staying in the dormitory on the school campus,
10.Going to a school which is close to one’s home.


2. Summary of the Answers of 5 Teachers

In total 5 teachers were interviewed for the purpose of the project. Most of the
teachers that teach in our school are locals, however some are not. The teachers
who stay in the local areas, stay at a distance of approximately 1 km to 2 km. The
teachers who travel from other cities stay on the school campus.
The teachers residing in the town travel a distance of 1 km to 2 km daily. On the
other hand, the teachers who stay on campus are at a walkable distance from the
school building.
The teachers who travel to school daily either walk to school/ ride a bicycle /make
use of a car/ motor bike. Most of the teachers prefer walking to school since 1 km
to 2 km is not that far and at the same time, “It is healthy to walk”, said a teacher.
However, this is only true when leisure time is available to them, on instances
when they are late for school most of them prefer a motor bike since it is faster
and helps them to reach the school on time. Motorbikes are not environment
friendly but they are used rarely by the teachers.
The teachers who stay on campus have to simply walk a short distance from the
dormitory to the school building. This method is cost effective, eco-friendly and
saves time.
Some methods suggested by the teachers to make their trips greener are as
1. Walking to school,
2. Riding a bicycle to reach school/workplace,
3. Having your accommodation closer to the work place,
4. Making use of public transport,
5. Using vehicles that are electric/ run on CNG depending on its availability,
6. Plant more plants - phytoremediation
7. Car-pooling.


3. Summary of the answers of 5 people who

travel by Public transport

5 people who travel using public transport on a regular basis were interviewed
for the purpose of the project. The public transport mentioned by these people
mainly included the buses and the trains. In a metropolitan city like Mumbai
people mainly travel using trains. As per them train are more convenient and
efficient because they are clean, the frequency of the train is good and there is no
issue of traffic. Trains are very spacious, well aerated and clean. However, the
trains sometimes are very crowded which makes it difficult for the daily
commuters to travel by. The cost of the train tickets/ passes is very less as
compared to that of a private vehicle. E.g. If a journey of 89.3 km costs a person
Rupees 900 by a car, it will only cost them only Rupees 20 if the person is
travelling by the train. Therefore, people mostly prefer a public transport like a
train for their daily travels.
On the other hand, places where trains are not available people mostly rely on
public buses. Daily commuters choose public transport over private because that
is cost effective and it has all the necessary facilities that one may require while
Some reasons why the people interviewed preferred public transport are as
 It is convenient,
 If more people use public transport it will cut down the pollution caused by
the private vehicles, thus the use of public transport will lead to reduction in
the pollution caused by private vehicle. People are mindful and aware of this
fact and therefore they deliberately travel by public transport
 It is economical,
 We meet new people on our journey,
 It is reliable and safe.

Public transport in India are economical as compared to a private vehicle. The

inexpensive nature of the public transport attracts the people to travel by them.

Considering the current situation, the Government has taken several measures to
ensure the safety of the people using public transport.
E.g. feet stickers at a distance of 2 m in the buses, people not wearing mouth
covers are not allowed in the public transport, hand sanitizers made available in
the buses etc.

4. Ask your parents on realistic ways to

reduce the use of private cars


My mother’s thoughts on reducing the use of private cars-
One must make use of Public transport as much as possible, that will not only
reduce pollution but also have a positive impact on road traffic.

My mother’s thoughts on online shopping-

Online shopping has its own pros and cons. My mother does a lot of online
shopping. Some of the reasons being there is a lot of variety offered online and
she does not therefore have to personally visit the market places which further
reduces the pollution caused by the vehicles.

Realistic ways of reducing pollution-

 Making use of public transport as much as possible.
 Walking short distances.
 Car pooling


Online Shopping
As per my father online shopping is good but whether it supports ones’ economy
is a question? Buying from local market will help small businesses in the country
to grow. Buying things online will help reducing pollution, but not the economy.

Working at home via internet

My father is a teacher. According to him working from home via internet has
been a good experience in lock down, he has learnt a lot of new things but as per
him teaching in a physical classroom is much better than the online education.

Realistic way of reducing pollution-

 By using bicycle for shorter distances.
 Making use of electric cars.
 Government should increase the frequency of the public transport, e.g. buses.


Work from home-
Since the pandemic my father has been working from home and according to him
it is really beneficial because it cut downs on the use of vehicles thereby further
reducing the pollution caused by it. Reports also suggest that the air quality has
improved since the pandemic in different states of India.

Online Shopping-
Shopping online is faster and an environment friendly method only to a certain

Realistic suggestion to reduce pollution-

People should switch to healthier modes of transport at least when travelling to
shorter distances people should use a bicycle or walk.


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