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It is estimated that there are more than two billion bicycles being used around the world and by 2050 that
number could be as high as five billion. In China 37 per cent of the population use a bicycle. In Japan
bicycle use is even more common with 57 per cent of people using one.
There are too many people using bicycles in my town and most of them do not follow the rules of the
road. They often do not obey traffic signals, they ride on pavements and they cycle between cars when
there is heavy traffic. This is dangerous for pedestrians and motorists.
I own a local business and I have noticed that employees who cycle to work often arrive late. They
blame it on traffic, bad weather or problems with their bicycles. It is my business that suffers with lost
time and profits.
I have been told that over half of bicycle users do not wear helmets to protect themselves from injuries.
If there is an accident, then they will be absent from work and need expensive medical treatment. A
local doctor told me that they treat at least one person every week with a serious injury caused by
cycling. This must be why we spend so much in taxes!
It’s the car for me. We can visit relatives more easily, whatever the weather. We have a large car so we
can easily transport the whole family. Our nearest city is only 50 km away so we can go there easily by
car. It would be hard to travel that far by bicycle.
Fuel and road taxes are expensive but it is worth this cost to use a car. There is also the problem of
pollution but it does not worry me as I am in good health.
I am taken to school by car every day and I am always on time and I have 100 per cent attendance.
I arrive at school with clean clothes, not like some of my class who walk along the dirty roads.
We had a lesson about bicycles in school today from a famous cyclist. He said that each year more
than 100 million bicycles are made and this number will increase in the future.
I use a bicycle to get to school every day and I am always on time because I can use the smaller paths
where cars are not allowed. Before I had a bicycle, I had to walk for nearly an hour each day to school.
I was always tired in lessons. This was wrong as I was not able to learn very well.
My attendance and punctuality have improved and I will be more healthy when I am older as I get
exercise every day. We should all try to keep as healthy as possible.
Why would people want to use buses or cars? They speed along the road causing traffic problems and
accidents. I read on the internet that over one million people in the world die from traffic accidents each
year. This is definitely not a safe way to travel. I think two wheels are best!