Homework: Problem
Homework: Problem
Homework: Problem
q1 q2
cc1 cc2
m1 m2
k1 k2
Figure 1: Two-degree-of-freedom mass-damper-spring system
Given the above model of e.g. a suspension system:
linear depicted
equationsinoffigure 1 of e.g. a suspension system:
Write the corresponding
Write linear dynamical
the linear equations of motionssystem
3. Solve the linear dynamical system via ODE45 in Matlab
stability of the system
corresponding linearfor different damping
dynamical system parameters c1 and c2
5. Discuss the observability of the system assuming that you can measure q1 and q2, q1 only and
q2 only,
Q3. Solverespectively
the linear dynamical system via ODE45 in Matlab
6. Discuss the controllability of the system for different damping parameters c1 and c2
happens thetostability of the system
the controllability forsystem
of the different damping
if we parameters
apply the input u oncthe
1 and
firstc2mass only?
Write the transfer
Discuss function of the
the observability system
of the andassuming
system its impulse response
that you canin measure
Matlab q and q , q only
1 2 1
and q2 only, respectively
Dr Gianmarco Discuss the controllability
the systemforfor different Research
Engineering damping parameters c1 and c2 115
Q7. What happens to the controllability of the system if we apply the input u on the first
mass only?
Q8. Write the transfer function of the system and its impulse response in Matlab
Q1. The linear equations of motions are as follows
m1 q̈1 + (c1 + c2 )q̇1 − c2 q̇2 + (k1 + k2 )q1 − k2 q2 = 0
m2 q̈2 − c2 q̇1 + c2 q̇2 − k2 q1 + k2 q2 = −u.
HOMEWORK ME5701 Week 3
Q4. The system is asymptotically stable for c1 and c2 > 0, stable for c1 and c2 = 0 and unstable
for c1 and c2 < 0. In addition, (i) for |c1 | |c2 |, with c1 > 0 and c2 < 0, the system is
asymptotically stable, and (ii) for |c2 | |c1 |, with c2 > 0 and c1 < 0, the system is also
asymptotically stable. Finally, for both (i) and (ii) there exists a combination of values
of c1 and c2 for which the system is stable.
Q5. The system is always observable for any of the measurement combinations suggested.
Matrix A guarantees enough coupling. See also attached Matlab script.
Q6. The system is always controllable regardless of c1 and c2 . See also attached Matlab script.
Q7. The system remains controllable. See also attached Matlab script.