02 Vivekachudamani Volume 02

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Adi Sankaracharya’s


Volume 02

SR. No Topics Verse Page No

51 Attitude in meditation 250 to 253 938 to 969
52 Aids to meditation 254 to 266 969 to 1031
53 Give up Vasanas - The method 267 to 276 1031 to 1061
54 End superimposition - The Means 277 to 292 1061 to 1112
55 The Perceived “ I “ Factor - False 293 to 297 1112 to 1127
56 Condemnation of the ego 298 to 309 1127 to 1161
57 Actions, thoughts and Vasanas - Renounce 310 to 319 1161 to 1189
58 Total Vigilance its price 320 to 329 1190 to 1225
59 In the one, no plurality 330 to 338 1225 to 1251
60 Spiritual growth - The secret 339 to 348 1251 to 1285

SR. No Lecture Verse Page No
227 88 Verse 250 938
228 88 Verse 251 949
229 88 Verse 252 950
230 89 Verse 253 955
231 90 Verse 254 969
232 92 Verse 255 982
233 92 Verse 256 986
234 92 Verse 257 991
235 93 Verse 258 998
236 93 Verse 259 999
237 93 Verse 260 1002
238 93 Verse 261 1004
239 93 Verse 262 1011
240 94 Verse 263 1016
241 94 Verse 264 1021
242 94 Verse 265 1023 ii
SR. No Lecture Verse Page No
243 94 Verse 266 1027
244 95 Verse 267 1031
245 95 Verse 268 1038
246 95 Verse 269 1040
247 96 Verse 270, 271 1044
248 96 Verse 272 1047
249 96 Verse 273, 274 1049
250 97 Verse 275 1055
251 97 Verse 276 1058
252 97 Verse 277 1061
253 98 Verse 278 1064
254 98 Verse 279, 280 1071
255 98 Verse 281 1073
256 98 Verse 282 1080
257 98 Verse 283 1083
258 98 Verse 284 1084
259 100 Verse 285 1087 iii
SR. No Lecture Verse Page No
260 100 Verse 286 1091
261 100 Verse 287, 288 1095
262 100 Verse 289 1099
263 101 Verse 290 1103
264 101 Verse 291 1104
265 101 Verse 292 1108
266 101 Verse 293 1112
267 102 Verse 294 1116
268 102 Verse 295 1119
269 102 Verse 296 1124
270 102 Verse 297 1126
271 102 Verse 298 1127
272 103 Verse 299 1130
273 103 Verse 300 1133
274 103 Verse 301 1135
275 103 Verse 302 1137
276 104 Verse 303 1142 iv
SR. No Lecture Verse Page No
277 104 Verse 304 1143
278 104 Verse 305 1146
279 104 Verse 306 1149
280 105 Verse 307 1153
281 105 Verse 308 1156
282 105 Verse 309 1159
283 105 Verse 310 1161
284 106 Verse 311 1166
285 106 Verse 312 1173
286 106 Verse 313 1176
287 106 Verse 314 1178
288 107 Verse 315, 316 1183
289 107 Verse 317 1187
290 107 Verse 318, 319 1189
291 107 Verse 320 1190
292 108 Verse 321 1197
293 108 Verse 322 1199 v
SR. No Lecture Verse Page No
294 108 Verse 323 1202
295 108 Verse 324 1206
296 108 Verse 325 1208
297 109 Verse 326 1212
298 110 Verse 327, 328 1219
299 110 Verse 329 1224
300 110 Verse 330 1225
301 110 Verse 331 1229
302 110 Verse 332 1232
303 111 Verse 333 1236
304 111 Verse 334 1238
305 111 Verse 335 1240
306 111 Verse 336 1242
307 111 Verse 337 1246
308 112 Verse 338 1249
309 112 Verse 339 1251
310 112 Verse 340 1256 vi
SR. No Lecture Verse Page No
311 112 Verse 341 1259
312 113 Verse 342 1263
313 114 Verse 343 1271
314 114 Verse 344 1272
315 114 Verse 345(Very Important) 1276
316 115 Verse 346 1280
317 115 Verse 347 1281
318 115 Verse 348 1284

Verse 250 :

Discarding the not-self, in the light of the passages such as ‘it is not gross and so on’, one realises
the self, which is self established, unattached like the sky and beyond the pale of thought. So
negate this illusory body which you perceive and have accepted as your own self. With a purified
understanding that ‘i am Brahman’, realise your own self which is knowledge absolute. [Verse 250]

Another type of Mahavakya

Vidhi Mukha Verse 249 Nisheda Mukha

Positive / Direct Revelation Negative / Indirect revelation

Upanishad :
• Reveals Brahman by negating all objects of experience And leaves as it is only subject
left out.
• Brahman is what remains after negating all objects. 938
Example :
• If 2 children = Elder sun - Very brilliant and stay quiet.
• 2nd idea conveyed not brilliant.
• Praise both or never praise either.

2 Things in Creation

Object Subject

Inert Chetanam

- Universe / Body / Mind - Kshetrajna

- Kshetram - Observer
- Anatma - Atma
- Negated - Indirectly up conveys Brahman =
- Keep Quiet Kshetjna
- Mounam Vakyam is saying it
without uttering
- 1st Statement required, rest
• You please come with me… if 2 Are there, Nisheda Mukha Pramanam. 939
How Upanishad does this?
• By Negating all attributes (Objectifiable) Objectifiable universe negated.
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad :

He said: O Gārgī, the knowers of Brahman say, this Immutable (Brahman) is that. It is neither gross nor
minute, neither short nor long, neither red colour nor oiliness, neither shadow nor darkness, neither air
nor ether, unattached, neither savour nor odour, without eyes or ears, without the vocal organ or mind,
non-luminous, without the vital force or mouth, not a measure, and without interior or exterior. It does
not eat anything, nor is It eaten by anybody.[3 - 8 - 8]

• Neither big / Small / Good / Bad - Experienced - Not experienced.... Long / short.
a) ‘ अ ‘ - Non - All there what mind can conceive of
b) Neti Neti
c) Keno Upanishad : Anyadeva tad.....(Chapter 1 - Verse 3)
Keno Upanishad :

The eye does not go there, not speech, nor mind, We do not know That. We do not know how to instruct
one about It. It is distinct from the known and above the unknown. We have heard it, so stated the
preceptors who taught us That. [ Chapter 1 - Verse 3]

• Brahman not known / Unknown category.

• Only left - Out… Other than Seen / Unseen.
Eyes :
• Not seen / Not Unseen(Can be Seen in Future)
• It has to be knower - Subject Consciousness.
• Asat = Objective universe - Anatma - Drishya Jadam.
• Brahman unseen in Mind, Mystic Experiences - Not Brahman.
• I Consciousness before mystic experience, During mystic / After mystic experience -
• I Non mystic - illuminator of all experiences = Brahman.
• I am That Consciousness… Nirasya… Negate…
• How you know I am left out….
• Doesn’t require proof, Therefore called - Self.
Definition of self :
• That which is self Evident Svata Siddha….
• No Need to use ears / Eyes to say I am in the Hall. 941
• No use of logic… I exist because I hear talk - Logic possible because.
• I am there… Only thing which exists without Proof = I / Consciousness… Therefore
Svataha Siddham…
• Remains like Akasha / Sky / Space - Space remains after eliminating everything from
• Nothing other than space exists which is Unnegatable…
• Remove all thoughts… Blank stage… Blankness = Consciousness… which is illuminator
of Blankness… which can’t be removed at all.
• Unremovable space remains….
• Similarly Unremovable Consciousness… व्योमवद.
What type of Akasha?
• Not available for logic / Perceptual study.
• Never object of study… Apratyartarqyam, self Evident Consciousness… should be
identified with Brahman… What's left should be owned up as Brahman.
• Then give up body / Shell / Mind, shall use body… owning up Means using as Myself.
• Which has been till now mistaken as Myself…
• I am connected with Physical body or Subtle body… Give up because body is Mithya.
• Doesn’t have independent existence.
Why Mithya?
• Brahman = Karanam
• World = Karyam / Product / Nama / Rupa, No Substance called product / Desk / Body
/ world / Mind… Non Substance.
• Whatever I experience is Non Substantial, Experiencable god - Non Substantial.
• Nedham Yadhidam Upasate… Experiencer I.. Only Substance…
• After Vedanta… I am Substance - World depends on me….
• Before Vedanta… I depend upon world…
Is it Possible?
• When I am in Dream… Individual within Dream… Depend on Dream world for
Survival… Moment I wakeup, I no more depend on Dream world.
• Dream world depends on me for its existence.
• As long as I am in dream of ignorance I depend on the world.
• When I know I am Chaitanyam, the world depends on me.
• In front of me, body's are going - Why depend on That… Own up Substance Atma…
not Anatma.
Lecture 89
1) Aikyam in 2 Ways in Up :
• Positively as Jagat Karanam and Then showing Tatu Jagat Karana Tvam Asi.
• That cause of Universe is you.
• Here alone Apply Baga Tyaga Lakshana through That Brahman… Karanam status has
to be removed… Arrive at pure Existence / Consciousness, Inherent in Karanam and
• Which itself is neither Karyam or Karanam…
• Water is neither Karanam of ocean or Karyam Wave.
• Water inherent in Karanam(Ocean) Karya - Wave, Water by itself is neither Karanam
or Karyam.
• Elimination of Karana / Karya Status is Upadhi Elimination not physical elimination of
• Upadhi alone gives Karanam / Karyam status... Partial elimination of Upadhi and
consequence status is called Baga Tyaga Lakshana... This s direct revelation.
Brahman Indirect Revelation :
Upanishad does not say :
• Brahman you are explicitly - Upanishad introduces definition of Brahman and when
we are looking for Brahman, it goes on negating everything... Concrete / Subtle /
concepts and then Upanishad develops.
What is left out after negating everything :
• Only thing = Pure Consciousness principle...
• Which remains after every negation and witness of all negation...
• Negator is not negated, Unnegatable Negator remains...
• Remainder Consciousness - Need not objectify to reality...
• It has been self evident all the time.
• Self evident ‘Consciousness’ alone remains
Example :
• I see many in hall but blended with light which pervades.
• Left behind light principle... Light illumines people and absence of people and self
• People distract attention... After dismissing nothing to distract...
• Consciousness is there when thoughts are.
• Consciousness is there when thoughts are negated.
• Evident at both times.
• Lost sight if when thoughts are there.
• Left behind Consciousness is Brahman - i am. 945
Verse 250 :

Discarding the not-self, in the light of the passages such as ‘it is not gross and so on’, one realises the self,
which is self established, unattached like the sky and beyond the pale of thought. So negate this illusory
body which you perceive and have accepted as your own self. With a purified understanding that ‘i am
Brahman’, realise your own self which is knowledge absolute. [Verse 250]

• Negate all Asat - Non Brahman / Anatma not self.

• What is left behind is self evident ‘Consciousness’
• Remains like space when objects removed - Nothing in room - Space is there.
Chidambaram :
• Worship space - Blankness pervaded by self evident Consciousness.
• Remains after all thoughts go... Silence / Awareness.
How to own that Consciousness?
• Nisheda Avadhi... Culmination of all negation = Unnegatable remains.
• Akasha left out... Is culmination of evacuation. 946
Similarly in Vedanta :
• Culmination of negation = Consciousness being left out... That Consciousness - Own
• Own up that Unnegatable Consciousness - As I am Brahman.
Brahman :
• What is nature of that - Svayam Atmanam - Real Self....
• Others - incidental, dress

Removable - Body / Mind, Vasamsi Jirnani - Removable in sleep!
Unremovable :
• I - witness One’s own true nature - Which is Akhanda Bodham.
• It is not property of mind.


- Take ‘Consciousness’ as Mind - Consciousness taken as

Say : Property of Mind / Brain
- Mind and Matter
- Kshanika Vigyana Vada
- Buddhist View 947
• In both views ‘Consciousness‘ will be limited.
• I have one mind / you have different mind.
Demolishes this idea by saying : Akhanda Bodham
• Consciousness not mind or property of Mind.
• Consciousness is all pervading... Pervades mind also.
Therefore Khanda :
• Portioned / Divided.
Gita :

This Self cannot be cut, nor burnt, nor moistened, nor dried up. It is eternal, all-pervading, stable,
immovable and ancient. [Chapter 2 - Verse 24 ]

• Consciousness - One, Minds Many thoughts many, body many.

• Don’t own up Khanda (Divided) Shariram
• Own up Akhanda Chaitanyam.
• After owning up Consciousness... Give up ownership of body / Mind - Don’t be
obsessed with objects of experience. 948
• Wakers body / Dream body used for transactions I am neither of them.
• Dream / Waking body appears real in Dream / Waking, Appearance Doesn’t confirm
• Shariram = Mithya... Identified with body for 55 years.
Use pen for 10 years - Attached - Raasi !
• Sentimentally attached - Body pampered / Watched in mirror.
• Body / Mind caused by Vasanas - Removable in sleep.
• Ananda Consciousness - Not property of mind.
• Own up with Akhanda Consciousness... don’t be obsessed with Body / Mind - Mithya
- Lower order.
• As long as identification is there Samsara will be there...
• He is dead... Abhimana injurious to health.
Verse 251 and 252 : Capsule of Essence :

All Modifications of mud such as the pot are accepted by the mind as real but are, in fact, mud
alone, so too, the entire universe which comes from Brahman, is Brahman alone and nothing other
than Brahman, the self existent reality, one’s very own self. Thou art That, the serene, the pure, the
supreme Brahman, the Non-dual.[Verse 251]

Verse 252 :

Just as the place, time, objects, knower and so on, in a dream are unreal, so too, is the world we
experience in our waking state, which is due to our own ignorance. Since the body, the organs, the
Pranas, the ego and so on, are unreal, thou art that, the serene, the pure, the supreme Brahman
the non-dual. [Verse 252]
1) Brahman is defined as pure Existence :
• Entire creation is addition of Nama / Rupa to that Existence.
• [ Pure Existence and Nama Rupa] = Srishti
• Creation of furniture = Wood and name and form.
• Desha / Kala / Nama / Rupa... Has desk like functions, different than chair.
• Wood is basic substance inherent. 950
• Destruction = removal of particular Nama / Rupa / Function = Blank = Pralaya.
• ‘Sat; is constant factor - What you experience.
• Existence is intrinsic part, like wood in Desk.
Wooden table Golden bangle
Adjective Adjective
• Indicates inherent Substance, Adjective gold / Wood.
• Existence Vayu / Akasha / Agni / 14 Lokas / man

Adjective Women / Animal

Reveals Brahman - Substance or Existence Substance, Focus on Substance ‘Existence’
2) Brahman as existence in Chandogyo Upanishad :

Somya, before this world was manifest there was only existence, one without a second. On this subject,
some maintain that before this world was manifest there was only non-existence, one without a second.
Out of that non-existence, existence emerged. [ 6 - 2 - 1 ]
• When creation comes, ‘Existence’ not replaced but superimposed.
• Furniture can’t replace wood
• World can’t replace ‘Existence’
• Undisplaceable ‘Existence’ you focus.
1st Part of Vedanta : Existence in the world
2nd Part of Vedanta :
• ‘Existence’ inherent in me also - Undisplaceable
• In what form can I experience ‘Existence’
• You are experiencing as Consciousness - Awareful, sentient being in Jagrat / Svapna /
2) ‘Consciousness’ is there witnessing absence and presence of everything.
• Common thread in me = Baeya Avastha...
I am boy / Youth :
• Features subject to change
• Emotional / Cell / Physical / Intellectual

12 Years / Replaced / Body replaced
3) Constant factor = Consciousness → Makes me say - I am.
• Idagum Sarvam..... (Isavasya Upanishad : Verse 1) 952
Chandogyo Upanishad :

‘That which is the subtlest of all is the Self of all this. It is the Truth. It is the Self. That thou art, O Svetaketu.’ [Svetaketu
then said,] ‘Sir, please explain this to me again.’ ‘Yes, Somya, I will explain again,’ replied his father. [6 – 8 – 7]

4) Sat is Dut Now :

• I am Consciousness - Being when I own up sat as chit then Glory of Sat is mine / Real

5) Before creation I was Sat without Nama Rupa.

• Upon me ‘Consciousness’ - Nama / Rupa got added.

6) As Undivided ‘Consciousness… No transaction, Transaction requires duality.

7) Before Srishti… I was in undivided form as in sleep.

• Then Nama / Rupa Added and in Nama Rupa - I become as though Divided.

Example in Dream :
• I Divide myself in to Dream transactor / Dream Boss.
8) I waker got Multiplied…
• Similarly I Originally Consciousness… I Multiplied by Nama Rupa - And because Triputi
Subject Object - Duality and do transaction like Dream.
9) In dream shouter / Shouted :
• I am Mayyeva Sakalam - Kaivalyo Upanishad :

In me alone everything is born ; in me alone does everything exist and in me alone gets
everything dissolved. I am That non-dual Brahman. [ Verse 19 ]

10) Tat - Sat / Tvam - Chit Asi

11) That Existence is you the Consciousness

• Understand and Assimilate… Vedanta Over ← Verse 250

• Verse 251 Pot / Jug are Products of clay. 954

Verse 253:

That which is wrongly supposed to exist in something, is when the truth about it is known, recognised as
nothing other than the ‘Substratum’ and not at all different from it. The pluralistic dream universe
appears and subsides in the dream itself. On waking, does it appear as something different from one’s
own mind? [Verse 253]

• Products of clay, its nature is clay.

• No pot other than Clay.
• Products have only Verbal existence.
• Pot only in tongue… no Substance… Clay - Only Substance.

Pot Clay
World Existence

Clay Pot Existence World

- Substance - Non Substance - Substance - Non Substance
- Core-essence - Idam Jagat born out of
- Content pure ‘Existence’
- Sad-Atmanam 955
World is Existent Wooden chair, Golden Bangle
Brahman Essence / Sara
• World born out of Brahman / Existence, Therefore everything Brahman.
• No Matter outside existence - Nothing else is there other than Brahman.
• Pot = Nama / Rupa / Karma

At Cosmic Level.. Called Maya - Total Name / Form / Function
• Brahman = Satyam… independently existent clay Continues… Without clay - No Pot.
What is substantial = Real :
• Non substantial = Mithya / unreal / illusory - That Existence is self - Your core -
Common in all individuals :
• We are Conscious being / Individual Consciousness = Atma, where is
• One who wants to experience Consciousness is Consciousness.
• That ‘Existence’ which is this ‘Consciousness’ is the real you all others - Fake
Vesham... you have come to play drama On earth and seriously, We forgot we are
playing role of beggar. 956
• Actor identifies with beggar - Play role... I Remember.
• Sat alone called Brahman - That Brahman you are.
Adjustment of Brahman :
• Prashantham / Advaiyam / Param Brahma... Tvam Asi
Prashantham :
o Body / Mind - Disturbed - Nature of body / Mind.
o Disturbance - Part of system
o Body has to respond to situation
o Cold...
• Nature of mind(Not Substance)... to produce thoughts
• Own up ‘Consciousness’ as you are - No disturbance in Consciousness.
Amalam - Shudham :
• Advaitam.. Non dual / undivided Brahman
• Param = Absolute - That doesn’t fall.
• Within pairs of opposites
• Existence - Not short / Long, Gross / subtle. 957
• When pair of opposite, arrival of one displaces other... Darkness / Light.

• If Existence - is one of pairs of opposites... Moment that comes, ‘Existence’ will be


• If clip - Opposite to Existence, if cliff is opposite to ‘Existence’ - Clip will be left out,
no clip without Existence.

• Nothing can displace Existence / Consciousness.

• That which does not have opposite = Absolute, definition.

• That which has opposites is empirical absolute, Param = Existence = Consciousness.

• Nothing can replace ‘Consciousness’ - Book has pushed away... Therefore not
empirical - That Param Brahman - I am.

Lecture 90
• Verse 251 and 252 Winding up Tat Tvam Asi
• Verse 241 - 252 - Tat Tvam Asi
Verse 251 :
• Chapter 6th - Tat Tvam Asi summary
• Brahman = Existence, Jiva = Consciousness
• Existence = Essence of creation, Consciousness - Essence of Jiva, Existence =
• Sat chit one and same, Existence of Universe = Consciousness of Jiva.
Verse 252 :
• Jagat like Svapna Mithya, resting on Sat / Chit Atma - Substratum of both which I am.
In dream we experience :
o Desha - Space
o Kala - Time
o Vishaya - Sense objects Divisions
o Jnata - Experience / Subject
o Instrument of experience
• Intimately experienced - Imagination / Thought Disturbance. It is real in dream.
• Distance between subject and object real, Kala - Real - Experience doesn’t prove
reality. 959
• Can’t claim world real because it is intimately experienced… Appears real…
• Pramatru / Pramana - Projected in by sleep.
• Mithya.. Experientially available - Factually Non-existent.
Waking :
• Higher level of dream - This Desha / Kala / Vishaya / Jnata is Mithya.
Why ? Because it is born of ignorance :
• When dream is taken as real – Caused by ignorance of Nature of Water - which is
Reason :
• Concealment / Covering of nature of waker.
• I don’t know I am comfortably lying on bed… No problem - Don’t know.
• My higher I / Nature… Lower dream = Real.
• Similarly this subject - Object waking world, Unreal because of concealment of
Brahman Svarupa - Higher nature.
Need - 2nd waking up :
1st Waking 2nd Waking
- Dream Falsified - Wisdom
- Waking falsified 960
• w.r.t. Waker - Atma is higher nature
• w.r.t. Teijasa - Vishwa is higher nature
• w.r.t. Vishwa - Turiya is higher nature
Concealment is fact :
o Svapna Prapancha - Pratibasika Mithya
Vaitatya Prakarana
o Jagrat Prapancha - Vyavaharika Mithya
• Body / Mind - Falsified in Universe.
• Integral part of waking world.
• In Dream / Sleep don’t experience Body / Mind complex.
Sharira Karanam Prana Aham is Asat
- Body - Organs - Pancha Prana - Aham is Mithya
- Ahamkara
- Empherical / Relative
- Which is connected with external

Aham Ahamkara
Turiyam not connected to any of Aham comes to lower level, identifies with
this body and becomes subject and relates
myself to world
Relative I :
• Because of my identification with body… is Ahamkara.
• In Dream… identify with Dream body.
o I become Observer
o I relate myself to dream Objects.
• Relative I in waking and Dream = Ahamkara (Karam - Tears come)
Aham Without Ahamkara :
• Neither Pramata - Not Subject
Pramana - Instrument
Prameyam – Object
Mandukya Upanishad :

It is not that which is conscious of the internal subjective world, nor that which is conscious of the external
world, nor that which is conscious of both, nor that which is a mass of consciousness, nor that which is simple
consciousness, nor is it unconsciousness. It is unseen by any sense-organ, beyond empirical dealings,
incomprehensible by the mind, uninferable, unthinkable, indescribable, essentially by of the Self alone, negation
of all phenomena, the peaceful, the auspicious and the nondual. This is what is considered as the Fourth (Turiya).
This is the Atman and this is to be realised. [Mantra 7]
• Dream Mithya… Only from Waker’s standpoint… For dreamer… Dream real
• Similarly For dream problem - Use dream world.
• Dream - Not real in absolute sense
• Dream unreal w.r.t. waker.
• Waking real - w.r.t. - observer
- w.r.t. - Consciousness - This is Asat Mithya
Therefore Tat Tvam Asi :
• You are that Consciousness… which is Prashantaha Ever undisturbed…
• Amalam - Ever pure
• Advayam - Ever non dual
• Param - Ever absolute - Beyond all pairs of opposite… Known in Shastra as Brahma -
infinite one
Verse 253 :
• Last Verse of Mahavakya Vichara.
Method of Vedanta :
a) Vedanta doesn’t negate world directly… uses Adhyaropa / Apavada - Nyaya.
1) Accept world :
• Because, negation of World not easy
• Great philosophers don’t accept, negation like accepting Pot. 963
2) Introduce Brahman as 2nd entity :
• Student will not resist if I add one more god, Student resists negation.
• Add property
• World and God
• Like introducing clay and pot.
Strong Notion : 2 things :
God :
• Teacher introduced
World :
• I am attached to
Teacher temporarily accepts two :
• Even though in teacher’s mind - Advaita Atma alone is there comes to level of
• Accepts world and Brahman - Duality.
↑ ↑
Karyam and Karanam
3) Do Viveka of Brahman and World - Discriminative Study / Scrutinisation
• Atma - Anatma
• Deha - Dehi
• Jagat - Brahman
• As many words, so many objects is our orientation. 964
7 Names - 7 things
• God and world
• Consciousness and Matter - 2 words - 2 Things
4) On Enquiry :
• Clay and pot - 2 words
• No substance called pot - Separate from clay, Pot looses its substantiality.
• Becomes - Chandogyo Upanishad :

O Somya, it is like this: By knowing a single lump of earth you know all objects made of earth. All changes
are mere words, in name only. But earth is the reality.[ 6 – 1 - 4 ]

Word used for transaction :

• Has transactional reality - No substantial reality… Don’t count Pot as no. 2.
• Pot Discounted - Mithya
• World - Non substantial
• Brahman = Myself… I am only one worth counting… Not Body / Mind / Intellect…
• I Consciousness - Alone count-worthy
• World - Discount given by Lord. 965
Verse 253 :
• If 2 Things are there…
Adhishtanam - Branthya Kalpitham :
• Satyam - Mithya
• Waker - Dream
• Rope - Snake
• Clay - Pot
• Adhishtanam alone remains - Branthya Kalpitham Doesn’t remain, dream Goes…
• Adhyastham Nasti - Not negate experience.
• Peculiar negation - Not negate experience of world.
• Jagat Prateeti Na Nishidyate
• Jagat Ashrayam Satta - Nishidyate
• Experientiality of world not negated.
Example :
• Negate sunrise - But not negating experience of sunrise.
• Negation in terms of wisdom - Not in experience - No world separate.
• Adhyastham other than Kalpita Vastu.
• Kalpita Vastu - Separated from Adhishtanam - No separate entity other than
Adhishtanam. 966
• Dream universe - Experienced in dream Lost in waking - As wonderful as Jagat
Shabda / Sparsha… All there.
• Experience same - Gives Joy - Saw Venkata Chalapathi - Capable of giving Sukham /
• Discounted as Mithya because of waking.
• Do you see dream world separate from you.
Having existence independent of you?
• Rescuing someone who has fallen in well and you wake up… Doesn’t exist separate.
Dakshinamurthy Stotram :

The Entire World is Like a City Seen within a Mirror, the Seeing happening within One's Own Being, It is
a Witnessing happening within the Atman, (the Witnessing) of the Externally Projected World; Projected
by the Power of Maya; As if a Dream in Sleep, One Experiences this Directly (this Play of Maya) during
Spiritual Awakening within the Non-Dual Expanse of One's Own Atman Salutations to Him,
the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence;
Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy. [ Verse 1 ]
• Never choose… uncommon features of example, Focus on common features. 967
Brahma Jnanam Dream
- Another form of waking up - Falsified when you wake up 1st
- Waking falsified when you wake up 2nd time time
- Wisdom Difference :
- Dream experience goes away
- Don’t see dream
Difference :
• In Wisdom waking world falsified.
• Experience of world doesn’t disappear!
Change Experience :
Experience Knowledge
Sun rise Sun doesn’t rise
Continues to have Pratiti :
• Even after knowing Earth is round / Moving.
Experience : Flat / Stationary
• Particular experience can continue even if there is knowledge against it.
• Dvaitin Pratiti - Continues after Advaita Jnanam… but it can’t disturb Advaita
• World = Non tangible energy
• Experience = Tangible Matter
Sadharmyam Vaidharmyam
- Common feature - Uncommon features
- Function of example
• Dream doesn’t exist separate from me, Essence of Vedanta.
• I am the only Reality - Everything else has lesser order of reality.
Advantage :
• Everything available for experience
• Free channel
• World - Lesser order of reality.
• I Experience world but it can’t touch me (Atma)
• Aham Satyam.. Tasmat Aham Nitya Mukta Asmi - Essence.
• Verse 253 Vedanta Over.
• Sravanam over, Jnanam over - Aham Brahma Asmi.
Verse 254 :

That which has no caste, creed, family or lineage, which is without name and form, merit and demerit, which is
beyond space, time and sense objects ‘That Brahman thou art’ Meditate on this in your mind.[Verse 254]
• Paroksha Jnanam - Indirect knowledge of remote object.
Brahman not remote object :
• Therefore not indirect knowledge but ever evident Consciousness.
• Jagrat / Svapna / Sushupti / Sphurti Vijambrayate, Brahman in states.
• Brahman not experienced as result of sensory operation.
• Therefore at the end of Sravanam - Wrong notion….
• Every other experience is an end product of an operation.
• There is one experience which is not end product of operation = Consciousness
experienced all the time…
• Without / Requiring particular operation - Sruti Is illumining ever evident
Consciousness as Brahman.
• Therefore no struggle required for Brahman Anubava.
How to experience Brahman… Wrong question :
• Brahman Jnanam - Obtained by Sravanam - Ever evident Consciousness… I am
• For Brahman Jnanam - Shastra promises - Jeevan Mukti - Jnana Phalam. 970
Jnana Phalam : Gita :

He, whose mind is not shaken up by adversity, and who, in prosperity does not hanker after pleasures, who
is free from attachment, fear and anger is called a Sage of stead Wisdom. [Chapter 2 – Verse 56]

• Freedom from attachment / Hatred / Jealousy / Anger / Sense of fulfilment /


• Some discover Jnana Phalam with Sravanam, for Some - Jnana Phalam deludes.

• Understand teaching but don’t experience Jnana Phalam.

Gap Between :

• Jnanam and Jnana Phala Anubava.

Obstacles :

• Intellectual / Emotional / Psychological level.

Lecture 91
1) Mahavakya reveals :
• Brahman most intimate thing in my life… “Consciousness”
2) Brahman not object Away from me.
3) Aparoksha Jnanat :
• Knowing Brahman as ever Evident Consciousness / Ever experienced ‘Consciousness’
everything else experienced because of ever experienced ‘Consciousness’ called
• Don’t look for Brahman Anubava Separately.
4) Look for Brahma Jnana Phala - Anubava.

Positively Negatively
- Shanti Freedom From :
- Poornatvam - Raaga
- Trupti - Dvesha
- Abayam - Kama
- Krodha

• These are mental sates not Jnanam but result of Jnanam.

5) Shakti Anubava not Brahman Anubava But Brahman Jnana Phala Anubava.
• Therefore remove obstacle for Brahman Phala Anubava. 972
6) Tap :
• Water should flow down - Naturally.
• Remove obstacle and turn knob
• We do not force water down
• Shakti / Abayam - Not unknown but we want as enduring fulfilment குறை
என்றும் இல்றை
7) Intellectual obstacles :
• Not convinced of Vedantic teachings.
• Brahman satyam - Jagan Mithya
• I am not convinced of teaching, because intellect raises ‘Question’ Can’t solve this in
Mananam :
• Defending Advaitic teaching against Purva Paksha objection.
Ask intellect :
• Why not convinced
Siddhi Granthas :
• Defends other philosophy
• Avirodha Adhyaya
• For conviction - Reasoning is solution - Not ‘Mananam’ 973
Teaching doesn’t go against :
• Perceptual knowledge / Logic / Science / Sruti / Smriti / iti Hasa / Puranas Mantavya.
• Tarqa Pradhana is intellect
Vivekachoodamani :
• Beginners Grantha
• Not much reasoning
• Mananam not taken in Vivekachoodamani
8) Emotional / Psychological obstacle :
• Can teach Vedanta / Intellectually convinced but miserable in life....
• internal problem
• Remove not by logic
• Emotionally upset
• Don’t use logic
• Lost some one... Don’t say Law of karma at work - Union has separation ‘அறை ‘

My biggest mistake at domestic issues
applying Vedanta where not to be done
Shed tears / Share grief... 974
Solution : ‘Nididhyasanam’
• Nididhyasanam not for Brahman Jnanam / Anubava..
• Only for emotional Obstacles.
• Brings Brahman Jnana Phala Anubava… Trupti / Shanti / Poornata.
What is nature of Nididhyasanam :
What is nature of obstacle :
• ‘Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti’
• No Viveka / Vairagya / Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti / Mumukshutvam,
constructing without Strong foundation...
• No - ‘Nididhyasanam’ in Gita / Upanishad / Brahma Sutra.
• Not required if correct path taken.
• Sravanam and Mananam enough
• Nididhyasanam for Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti.
• Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti - 50 / 100... ?
• Method of Nididhyasanam - Depends on seriousness of Raga / Dvesha / Bayam /
• Like seriousness of disease
• Nididhyasanam = Alert living... Don’t loose sight of Vedanta in and through
transactions. 975
• Mano / Buddhi / Chittani - Naham... Life has ups and downs...
• Body has 6 Vikaras... For Samsaric reactions, it will remove or dilute...
• Be in touch with Shastra... Repeated Sravanam - Shastra - Anu Sandhanam.
• Satsanga / Being alert / Repeated Sravanam / Nididhyasanam Brahma Abyasa...
• Uniqueness of Brahman Abhyasa... Continue all activities and be alert during
• Then one can attain Brahman Jnana Phalam...
• Serious Nididhyasanam = Mano Nirgraha - Rupa ‘Nididhyasanam’
Mananam :
• Concentrate on mind
• Pattern of thinking - Which thought nagging one...
For This :
• Use Dharana / Dhyana / Samadhi Ashtanga Yoga... For i.c.u Cases...
Gita 6th Chapter :

Let him firmly hold his body, head and neck erect and still, gazing at the tip of the nose, without looking
around. [Chapter 6 – Verse 13]
• Focus on Aham Brahmasmi...
• Forget - I am father / Boss - See that is Mithya... Nothing to do with my real
Nirvana Shatakam :

Neither am I bound by Death and its Fear, nor by the rules of Caste and its Distinctions, Neither do I
have Father and Mother, nor do I have Birth, Neither do I have Relations nor Friends, neither Spiritual
Teacher nor Disciple, I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness; I am Shiva, I am Shiva, The Ever Pure Blissful
Consciousness. [Verse 5]

• Don’t be obsessed with intellectual roles.

• See Mithyatvam of incidental roles and See Satyatvam of Atma Svarupa...
• My Boss-hood / Husband-hood - Mithya... Atma Svarupa is Satyam.
Mananam :
• Gita - 6th Chapter
• Mandukya - 3rd Chapter end
Mano Nigraha :
• For serious psychological problems
• For Brahma Abhyasa - ‘Nididhyasanam’.. Being alert / in touch with Shastra...
Satsanga. 977
• Then Mano Nigraha.. Rup ‘Nididhyasanam’ not Done in other texts.
• Dharana / Dhyana / Samadhi Rupa Nididhyasanam = Atma Samyama by Patanjali.
Yoga Sutras :

The three processes of Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi, when taken together, are the components of
meditation (Samyama). [Verse 4 ]

• Therefore 6th Chapter Called Atma Samyama Yoga

Gauda :
• For some Shanti depends on Mano Nirgraha.
Verse 254 - 417 :
• I C U - ‘Nididhyasanam’
• I have to decide if i need...

I am Brahman I have Fear - Not correct

Sthula / Sukshma / Karana Vyatirikta Gone to Sukshma Sharira
• Biggest confusion is Sliding between Atma(Few Hours) / Anatma (Few Hours)
• You are witness of all these... If not steady in this... Bawayaha.. Dwell on this.
• Until Soaked like in Oorgai in liquid Pickle ‘Nididhyasanam’ 978
• Dwelling = Mano Nigraha Dhyanam
= Vedanta Mananam
• Dwell on both part of teaching
• I am Chaitanyam / I am not body / Mind / Karana Sharira.
• “ All Mithya... Jagan Mithya“... Should be meditated - More than I am Brahman.
• All worries / Anger / Jealousy / Hatred - Directed at one Mithya.
One should not see world at all??
• As good as not there...
• Table not there when I focus on wood.
• World not there when I focus on Brahman.
• Dwell in Atmani - Mind - Antahkarana
• Dwelling is thought process / Entertain thoughts
• Dwelling on Badrinath Bavanam... Vritti Pravahaha - Thought flow takes place in mind
Atma has no thoughts.
• Vedantic meditation requires mind
• Don’t transcend or stop mind - Keep mind
• Stopping thoughts = Yoga, ‘Mananam’ - Not approved
• Yogic ‘Mananam’ cessation of thoughts, Vedantic ‘Mananam’ - Flow of thoughts. 979
Graded as

Dharana Dhyana Samadhi

- Entertain Mano Buddhi - Continue same thought - Absorption

Naham - Not allow other flow of - Merged / Lost in
- Bring Mind to thought thoughts Object of thought
- Similar thought flow,
unaffected by dissimilar
- I am Nithya / Mukta /
Shudha - Asanga /
Poorna / Adhishtana /
- No Anatma Vritti … I am ?
• We have gone through Dharana / Dhyana / Samadhi in Anatma Vishaya... cricket
match / Worries...
• Dharana / Dhyana / Samadhi… Atma Samyama / Mano Nigraha / Atmani Bavaya.
What is nature of Brahman :
1) Jati :
• Not Brahmana / Kshatriya... Belongs to Sthula / Shariram - Not Sukshma Shariram.
2) Neeti :
• Dharma / Adharma... Belongs to Karta / Ahamkara
• Brahman = Akarta - Therefore Anyatra Dharma / Adharma..
3) Kula :
• Family / Senior / Junior.
4) Gothram - No sutra / Sharma
5) Duragam - Far away from Brahman
6) Nama / Rupa / Guna / Desha...
• Name / Form / Virtues / Vices / Positive / Negative... free from, Varjitam...
• Therefore Brahman not good / Bad.
• Desha / Kala / Vishaya / Ati Varti (Transcends) Time / Space / Objects.
• Vastu Paricheda... Attributes wise limitation.
• Don't Admire... Own up that glory.
• Enjoy Glory... Not Knee Pains!

Prarabda has to be exhausted by Vijnanamaya Kosha. 981
Lecture 92
1) Nididhyasanam :
• Called Brahma Bavana… First line... Definition of Brahman.
• Meditate upon Brahman as yourself..
• In this alone - We are breaking our orientation...
• Easy to say - Brahman is all pervading / Eternal Divisionless... Since Brahman is
revealed as Aham.
I should be convinced to say :
• I am all pervading / Eternal
• 3rd Person singular to 1stperson singular.
• Singular means one - Advaitam No 2nd thing exists
• Tat Brahman Tvam Asi... See this fact.
Verse 255 :

The supreme Brahman which is beyond the expression of speech, which is only for the eye of
‘Pure illumination’, which is pure Mass of consciousness, which is a Beginningless entity -
‘That Brahman thou art’ - Meditate on this in your mind.[Verse 255] 982
यत्परं :
• Beyond empirical world
Param :
• Not relative
• Desha Kala Vastu Paricheda Shunyam.
• That which is free from 3 Fold limitation caused by Time / Space / Attributes.
Sakala Vag Agocharam :
• Beyond all description.

Sakala Vag Agocharam

- Speech words - Indescribable
- Not Accessible
• Not directly describable but can be indirectly communicated - Like Saying without
Example :
• 2 Standing - Ask one to come
- Say 1st boy intelligent - Other upset
- Unsaid : He is not good
• Brahman can be communicated indirectly - By negating objective universe...
• Jagat Nisheda Mukha Pramanena Neti Neti Vachanani... Upanishad negates
everything. 983
• What is left behind... Nisheda Avadhi.
• Unnegatable remainder - Brahman Revealed without using words.
Go Charam Vimala Bodha Chakshusha :
• When indirect description is given... it is grasped.
• Knows implication of teaching... Jnana - Chakshu - Eye of wisdom.
• Aham Brahma Asmi... Accessible to eye of pure intellect - Vimalam - Pure knowledge.
• Impurity in any knowledge = Doubt and vagueness and error

Visishta Advaita / Dvaita / Advaita
• I must have intellectual honesty not emotional attachment to a system.
• Then knowledge can’t take place.
Honesty :
• Most important virtue of student - Freedom from emotional hang-ups! to a person /
System / Sampradaya...
• Ooha / Apoha - Vichakshakatvam - Capacity to sort out.
• 3rd Eye of Shiva Jnana Chakshu.
Burn Manmadha Kama
- Personified - Desires born out of a sense of
Apoornatvam = Ignorance
• Jnana Chakshu Burns(Wisdom) → Kama and ignorance. 984
Shudha chit Ghanam :
• Brahman = Mass of pure Awareness - Objectless Awareness = without Sajatiya /
Vijatiya Svagata Bheda.
Spacelike pure Consciousness :
• Therefore Consciousness - Not part / Product / Property of body.
• It is a basic Substance.
• Ghanam = Mass of Consciousness is Basic stuff of creation.
Consciousness is Cause!
Material Science :
• Consciousness came from matter
• Emergent from Matter
• Anaadivat - Beginningless.
Vedanta :
• Matter manifests and dissolves into Consciousness
• Consciousness - Doesn’t evolve out of matter
• Tat Tvam Asi - 9 times in Chandogyo Upanishad : Uddalaka - Svetaketu Samvada.
• Here Amani Bavayaha meditate in your mind
Verse 256 :

That which is untouched by the ‘six waves of sorrow’, which the yogi’s heart meditates upon
but which is not grasped by the sense organs, that which the intellect cannot know, which is
unimpeachable - ‘That Brahman thou art’ Meditate on this in your mind. [Verse 256]
• Oormi… Huge wave in ocean
• Here pain in Human life Samsara = Ocean filled with ignorance and consequent
confusion… Sanchita / Agami Prarabda Karma…
• We are floating in Samsara, Tidal waves - Lash me – Don’t die / Again Surface.
• Tormented by waves… Every Human going through same Suffering.
• Shad Waves - Oormi - Sufferings…

Ashanaya Pipasa Shokam - Moham Jara – Mrityu

- Hunger / Thirst, primary Kosha - Sorrow / Grief conflict / - For Sthula
- Annamaya Confusion - Manomaya Shariram
• Chunk of life dedicated to these 2 Oormis…
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad :

Then Kahola, the son of Kuṣītaka, asked him. ‘Yājñavalkya,’ said he, ‘explain to me the Brahman that
is immediate and direct - the self that is within all.’ ‘This is your self that is within all.’ ‘Which is
within all, Yājñavalkya?’ ‘That which transcends hunger and thirst, grief, delusion, decay and death.
Knowing this very Self the Brāhmaṇas renounce the desire for sons, for wealth and for the worlds,
and lead a mendicant life. That which is the desire for sons is the desire for wealth, and that which
is the desire for wealth is the desire for the worlds, for both these are but desires. Therefore the
knower of Brahman, having known all about scholarship, should try to live upon that strength which
comes of knowledge; having known all about this strength as well as scholarship, he becomes
meditative; having known all about born meditativeness and its opposite, he becomes a knower of
Brahman. How does that knower of Brahman behave? Howsoever he may behave, he is just such.
Except this everything is perishable.’ Thereupon Kahola, the son of Kuṣītaka, kept silent.[3 – 5 - 1] 987
• Udara Nimittam Bahu Kruta Vesha...
• Hunger Thirst - Now / Old age..
• I want to be in Singapore... Children in USA - Advantage / Disadvantage - Conflict - Go
/ Not go...
Glory of Brahman, Doesn’t have all 6 :
• Ayogi... Not connected -
• Yuj - To be connected
• Yogi - Hruth Bavitam(Meditated) in heart of yogi
• Ashanta yogi... Dvaita philosophers Invoked in mind as Sakshi.... in presence &
absence of thoughts.
• Consciousness all pervading, invocation of Consciousness done in the mind... God
invoked in Linga.
Very important realisation :
• All pervading “ Consciousness “ invoked not as mind / Thoughts but as witness of
presence and absence of thoughts.
• Vritti Bava / Abava Sakshi Rupena...
Who is Sakshi of Vritti?
• My self... Atma Rupena Bavitam. 988
न करणैर्विभार्वतम ् :

• Not Available for mind / Sense organs - Instrument.

• If not Objectified… How are you going to Meditate.
• Mananam not Objectification, only owing up thoughts.
o Our thoughts not to illumine Brahman
o Our thoughts in the form of owing up, ever Evident ‘Consciousness’ as myself.
• Only owning up thought not Objectifying thought.
ु ्यवेद्धयम :
• Not Object of intellect
• Intellect doesn’t Objectify Brahman.
• Intellect known because of Brahman.
येत मन म्मनुतॆ न मने मने मतम :

• If intellect can’t Objectify why use intellect… Intellect not for illumining Brahman but
to own up fact.
• That this ever Evident Consciousness is Brahman which is myself. 989

Vritti Vyapti Phala Vyapti

Owning up Vritting “Aham Objectification is Phala Vyapti

Avadyam(Unspeakable) - Amy Dosha :
• Un Avadyam = Free from Dosha
- Shudham
• Brahman Worth owning because it doesn’t have any problem.
Gita : Chapter 5th :

Even here (in this world), birth (everything) is overcome by those whose minds rest in equality; Brahman is
spotless indeed and equal; therefore they are established in Brahman. [Chapter 5 – Verse 19]
• Anything you associate - Pay price.
Vedanti :
• Identifying with body...
• Accept - Old age / Disease / Death - Don’t require Vedanta.
• When person can’t stand problem of ‘my’ finitude.
• ‘My’ separation / Old age / Disease
• Avadhyam... Vedanta solves problems works.
Verse 257 :

That which is the ‘substratum’ for the universe and its various aspects which are all due to delusion,
which supports itself, which is other than the gross and the subtle, which has no parts and truly has
no comparison ‘That Brahman thou art’ - Meditate on this in your mind. [Verse 257]

Verses not for reasoning :

• At ‘Nididhyasanam’ level - Problem not of conviction - Conviction comes only by
• When I say - Aham Brahmasmi - Another part of intellect says - Who knows? 991
Reasoning : Ask Buddhi :
• Why you are not convinced
• Buddhi has to answer question - Objections
• ‘Nididhyasanam’ - I am only remembering what
- I am already convinced of
• Nididhyasanam - Not for logical analysis...
- Seeing facts gathered during Sravanam and Mananam.
• Words - Not teaching..
• Brahman - Adhishtanam - Ashrayam of finite world.
Kala :
• Part of finite, Alpam Jagat.
• Born of ignorance = Branti - Agyana Kalpitam - Produced like desk Created by
• Desk is solidified form of ignorance.
• Wood is knowledge
• Similarly Agyana crystallised is the form of world is.
• Jnana crystallises - in the form of Brahman alone is
• Drsyate Sruyate Yadyad
Atma Bodha
• Brahmano’nyanna Tadbavet... 992
Atma Bodha :

All that is perceived or heard is Brahman and nothing else. Gaining the knowledge of the Reality one
sees the universe as the non-dual Brahman, Existence-Consciousness –Bliss Absolute.

What you see / Hear is Brahman :

• World is projected by ignorance.
• For wonderful world - Brahman Is Ashrayam
What is Ashrayam of Brahman?
• Who is father of God - God father of everyone.
• Sva-Ashrayam... Brahman is unsupported by anything... doesn’t require support.
Chandogyo Upanishad :

Sanatkumara said : Bhuma [the infinite] is that in which one sees nothing else, hears nothing else, and
knows [i.e. finds] nothing else. But alpa [the finite] is that in which one sees something else, hears
something else, and knows something else. That which is infinite is immortal, and that which is finite is
mortal. Narada asked, “Sir, what does bhuma rest on?” Sanatkumara replied, “It rests on its own power –
or not even on that power [i.e.. It depends on nothing else].” [7 – 24 – 1]
• Sad-Asad Vilakshanam - Beyond Murtha / Amurtha Prapancha.
• Formed / Formless Prapancha
• Formed / Formless creation
• Gross / Subtle Creation
• Sat / Asat Creation

Manifest / Unmanifest world.
• Sat is Brahman in Chandogyo Upanishad :

Somya, before this world was manifest there was only existence, one without a second. On this subject, some
maintain that before this world was manifest there was only non-existence, one without a second. Out of that
non-existence, existence emerged. [ 6 - 2 - 1 ]

Nirguna Brahman :
• Brahman alone is w.r.t Right understanding
• W.r.t Wise - On Sad Exists
• W.r.t Ignorant - God - Invisible, Asat
- Not There
- Milk is there - No Butter, potentially there. 994
Gross minded accept transacted object alone as real :
• From worldly angle - Sad is world
• From Vedantic angle - world is sad
• Sad - Here - world = Gross Murtha Prapancha
• Asat - intangible - Subtle creation.
• Because worldly people do not accept.
• Scientist doesn’t accept Sukshma Sharira / Karana Sharira, Atma - Survives death of
brain / Body / Travels... Don’t see mind.
• Brahman beyond Sat / Sthula Shariram
• Brahman Beyond Asat / Sukshma Shariram
• Brahman beyond Karya / Karana / Murtha / Amurtha.
Nishkalam :
• Without internal division / Parts / without form Like space, Svagata Bheda Rahitam.
• Niravayayam... Without limbs, Hands / Legs.. Part / Limbs of Body.
When Partless Limbless :
• Lord has no eyes / Ears.. Personal God not Ultimate... Vedanta Negates - Flute, Eyes,
• Transformation = Transcending form
• When form... It will get deformed. 995
Achalam / Tad Apani Padam :

• Vibhum / Susukshmam / Tat Avyayam / Pashyati Dheera.

• Upasanam = Comparison

• Nir Upasanam = In comparable

• Why it can’t be compared - No 2nd thing at all.

• Appreciate Brahman to own up Brahman.

Lecture 93
Verse 257 :
• Nididhyasanam = Brahma Bavana - Mentally dwelling upon Brahman.
= Brahma Dhyanam
= Brahma Anusandhanam
= Brahma Abhyasa

• Thought involved - Not remaining in silence.

• In yoga - Cessation of thought - Chitta Vritti Nirodha...
• In Vedanta, importance is in direction of thought.
• Now thought in Anatma direction, Entertain thought centred on Brahman.
• Brahmakara / Atmakara - Vritti Pravachanam.
Akhanda Karanam :
• Vritti - Pravaha... Any Upasana can be taken for Nididhyasanam, here Sample
Kaivalyo Upanishad :

In me alone everything is born ; in me alone does everything exist and in me alone gets everything
dissolved. I am That non-dual Brahman. [ Verse 19 ]
Verse 258 :

That which is changeless and so free from birth, growth, development, waste, disease and death,
which is indestructible and the cause of the creation, maintenance and dissolution of the universe
‘That Brahman thou art’ - Meditate on this in your mind.[Verse 258]
Vihanam : Free from 5 factors
1) Asti
2) Janma - Birth
3) Vridhi - Growth
4) Parinathi - Transformation / Change
5) Apekshaya - Disease / Decay / Declension
6) Nashana - Mananam
7) Added Vyadhi - Disease
Avyayam Eternal :

Vishwa Srishti Ava Vigate

World Creation Preservation Dissolution 998
• Jagat - Srishti / Sthithi / Laya Karanam...
• Job of Mananam = Use Sruti / Yukti / Anubava Pramanam.
Nididhyasanam :
• Dwell on convinced fact - Enumerates them without proving them.
Verse 259 :

That which is free from all distinctions, which is never of the nature of Non-existence, which is calm
like an ocean without waves, which is ever free and is of indivisible form ‘That Brahman thou art’ -
Meditate on this in your mind. [Verse 259]

Astha Bhedam = Without Sajatiya Vijatiya

- Without Division - Man and Animal - Man – Man
- Specie wise - Member of Same specie

Svagata :
• Difference within single member. 999
Anapastham Lakshanam :
• Sat Chit Svarupam.
• Never Negated Existence / Consciousness - Same nature looked from 2 Angles.
Unnegated - Ever there :
• Other states - Negatable
• Jagat Karanam Incidental nature w.r.t Nama Rupa Prapancha.
• When world is negated - Karanam status negated, Incidental feature… Causal status
intrinsic feature = Sat / chit - Existence is intrinsic Nature.
• Nistharanga Jalarashi Nishtharam.
• Ever Nischala / Steady - Unchanging like Apoorya Mana - Achala Pratishtam.
• Waveless ocean - Remains - Shanta - Samudra (Pacific ocean) ever calm.
• Nitya Mukta.. Ever free
Working for elimination of notion :
• I am not free, Bondage notion removed.
• Freedom never attained
Liberation :
• Job taking place in intellect, w.r.t. Atma - No liberation.
• Bondage - Intellectual delusion removed by study / Knowledge.
• I thought I was born / Bound
• I know I am not Born / Bound - Thought
• Avibaktam Murthi ← Nature
• One whose Svarupam is homogenous.
Svagata Beda :
• Sajatiya / Vijatiya Beda Ideas repeated
• Both without division - Homogenous

Tat Tvam - 2 Meanings

Tat - Tvam 2 Separate words Tattvam Suffix of Tvam

That ‘Paramatma’ - You ‘Jivatma’ Noun

Manushyatvam Mumukshutvam
Pashutvam / Vikshatvam
Thatness - Svarupam :

• That and you.. Tattvam

• Tat That Brahma - Tvam you are - 2 Separate words. 1001

Verse 260 :

That which, even though it is one existence, is the cause for the many, which refutes all other
causes but itself is without cause, which is distinct from cause and effect and is independent ‘That
Brahman thou art’ - Meditate on this in you mind.[Verse 260]

‘Ekam’ :

• Nothing other than Brahman - World not there.

• Pure ‘ Existence‘ is its nature

• ‘Existence’ - Not property but basis, substance

• World - Property of that Existence.

Golden Ornament
- Adjective is Substance - Not Property but Substance
- ‘Existence’ - Very Substance - Ekam 1002
What ‘Existence’ does?
• One ‘Existence’ cause of Anekam - Entire creation.
• Plurality = Product - Name and form, Substance can’t be produced by law of
conservation of matter.
• Configurations alone produced
• Creation = Nama / Rupa = Mithya
• If Brahman = Cause of everything, what is cause of Brahman?
Brahman :
• Causeless cause
‘Nirasa’ :
• Free from cause - Effect chain
• Causal status of Brahman - Not intrinsic status, incidental status of Brahman.
• When you see creation, Brahman called Karanam.
• Once you negate creation as Mithya.. Brahman ’s status becomes Mithya - Not -
Brahman is Mithya.
• Mithya Status w.r.t. Karyam.
• Brahman = Turiyam Karya - Karana Vilakshanam. 1003
Vishwa / Teijasa :
• Karya Pada Pragya… Karana Pada
• Turiya - Vilakshanam Pada
Katho Upanishad :

Naciketas said : “That which thou seest as other than virtue and vice – as right and ‘unright’, as other than
cause and effect, as other than the past and future – tell me that.” [I – II – 14]

Homework :
• Trace each Verse - From which Upanishad.
• Karanatvam - Tatastha Lakshanam not Svarupa Lakshanam.
Verse 261 :

That which is free from Maya, which is infinite and indestructible, which is other than the world of
change, which is supreme and eternal, which is permanent and indivisible bliss, untainted ‘That
Brahman thou art’ - Meditate on this in your mind. [Verse 261]
• Vikalpa = Division
= Used for Triputi
• Experiencer Subject - Jnanata - Karta - Bogta.
• Experienced world - Jneyam - Karma / Bogya, Karanam - Connecting Link /
• Creation = Pramatru / Pramana / Pranmeya Vikalpa.
Brahman :
• Is, in which this Vikalpa is not there

2 Types

State of Experience Fact to be Known

- Incidental - Not State in time

- Arrival / Departure - Its Nature was / is / will be
- Sleep = Natural State of Nirvikalpa - fact to be owned up - Not Arrived
- Artificial State = Samadhi of - How can Nirvikalpa be a fact
Nirvikalpa when Vikalpas are experienced?
- Both experiential 1005
In Jagrat :
• I am Experiencer - You are experienced Nirvikalpa is there.
• Vikalpas are Mithya - Which do not disturb fact that I am Nirvikalpa...
• Dream division Mithya - Which doesn’t disturb fact waker alone is in the room.
• Therefore Experiential Vikalpa doesn’t disturb, Fact that I am eternally Nirvikalpa
• I need not eliminate Vikalpas
Remember :
• These Vikalpas are Mithya
Vedanta Requires :
• Remembrance of Mithyatvam
Yoga Shastra :
• Requires elimination of Vikalpa...
• ‘Analpam‘ - If no division, No limitation in Brahman.
• If I am driving on road , I am free More vehicles - Restriction comes.
• Nirvikalpatvat / Triputi Rahitvat – Analpam. 1006
Chandogyo Upanishad :

Sanatkumara said : Bhuma [the infinite] is that in which one sees nothing else, hears nothing else, and
knows [i.e. finds] nothing else. But alpa [the finite] is that in which one sees something else, hears
something else, and knows something else. That which is infinite is immortal, and that which is finite is
mortal. Narada asked, “Sir, what does bhuma rest on?” Sanatkumara replied, “It rests on its own power –
or not even on that power [i.e.. It depends on nothing else].” [7 – 24 – 1]
Aksharam :
• Changeless / Eternal / Nirvikara free from decay and change.
• Brahman = Purushottama - Gita :

As I transcend the perishable and I am even higher than the imperishable, I am declared as the
Purushottama (The Highest Purusa), in the world and in the Vedas. [Chapter 15 - Verse 18] 1007

Manifest Gross Matter Unmanifest Matter Purusha

Vyakta Achetana Avyakta Achetana Consciousness - Principle

Prapancha Prapancha
Substratum for Manifest
and Unmanifest Matter
- Prakirti = Matter
- Subject to mind transformation Remains unchanged like
• Manifest matter becomes Unmanifest matter

• Unmanifest matter becomes manifest matter

• Like matter Converted energy, Manifest and Unmanifest, Upon ‘Consciousness’

substratum - Screen, - Matter Gets converted To energy... Vyaktam - Avyaktam.

• Energy → Matter... Avyaktam - Vyaktam, both happening in me ‘Consciousness’


• I am witness of Manifest / Unmanifest - Unaffected by this phenomena. 1008

Macro Simulation Micro Version :

Avastha Trayam Jagat Svapna Sushupti

Manifest Matter Unmanifest - Matter

• I get involved… in Matter then problem.

Who is Hero :

• Physical Body and Mind complex.

• Get Absolved and Makes life into Samsara.

Gita : 15th Chapter :

Two Purusas are there in this world, the perishable and the imperishable. All beings are the perishable
and the Kutastha is called the imperishable. [Chapter 15 - Verse 16] 1009
Kshara Purusha Akshara Purusha Brahman
- Manifest Matter - Unmanifest Matter - Uttama Purushya / Turiyam
↓ ↓ - Kshara / Akshara Vilakshanam
Mandukya : Pragya - beyond Prapancha and Maya
- Vishwa Teijasa Therefore Param :
- Time in Matter - Nityam / Avyayam / Sukham - Eternal,
alone Unbound by time
- Inexhaustible Ananda
- Time can’t influence ‘Consciousness’
- Nitya Ananda / Shashvatam Ananda


Mind Brahman

- Experiential Ananda - Non experiential Ananda

- No Limitation
- Anantha
- Not pleasurable experience
- Sukham Means Poornam

No Blemish / Blot Shudha / Ever Pure

Verse 262 :

That one reality, which appears variously because of delusion though itself always unchanged and
assumes names and forms, qualities and changes, like gold through all its modifications ‘That
Brahman thou art’ - Meditate on this in your mind. [Verse 262]
• Brahman = Pure ‘Existence’ - Sat - Anekaha Vibati.
• One ‘Existence’ = Appears as though many.
• Gold one = Appears as Ring(Nama) / Chain(Rupa)
How it happens... Because of Brahma - confusion :
• Seeing plurality as Nama / Rupa... is not confusion
• Variety fine... Don’t stop seeing plurality.
• Dosai / Idly... Rice one / Ekam / sat.
• Enjoy plurality... 1011
Chandogyo Upanishad :

O Somya, it is like this: By knowing a single lump of earth you know all objects made of earth.
All changes are mere words, in name only. But earth is the reality.[ 6 – 1 - 4 ]


Persecution Pleasure

Confusion No Confusion if correct

What is reason for this Appearance?
• Nama / Rupa / Guna / Vikriya mane.
• Appears as different names / Forms / Properties / Modification.
• Vikriya = Avastha Beda.
Water :
• Solid - ice
• Liquid - Water
• Gaseous - Steam / Vapor

3 Avasthas like Waking / Dream / Sleep
• One Beda Rahita Brahman = Appears many

Itself Changeless, Changes Superficial….
• Loss of one form
Essentially Same
Gain of one form
• Let modifications be in the world - Jnani not concerned
Changes - Non substantial
• Brahman = Svayam Avikaryam... Essential features interact...
• What is not intact = Non essential feature.
• Hemavat - Like gold Svarupa Drishtya… Changeless

When Body Deforms No Problem

Non essential Nature / Feature

• Essential feature = Sat, chit. 1013

Lecture 94
Verse 254 to 417 - Nididhyasanam :
• ‘Nididhyasanam’ only process by which Knowledge used to transform ones life and
• Otherwise knowledge remains in intellect, persons behaviors remains as before.
• Person doesn’t benefit
• Others wonder - if Vedanta is Worthwhile!!
• Transformation… impossible without effort / Nididhyasanam.

Study Transformation

Not Gaining / Improving Knowledge

• Viparita Bavana Vritti - Old habits remain.
• Deliberate Samsaric way of behaviour, No Habit naturally dies... however informed
We are against habit.
• Requires deliberate effort
• Acquiring new habit easy
• Removing old habit - Difficult / Impossible. 1014
2 Types of Effort

- Comes to Vedanta after Upasana and - Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti

Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti Lacking
- Student has Advantage - In Nididhyasanam - Double effort
- Sadhana well prepared required
- Person has Amanitvam / Adambitvam - Vidyaranya - Jeevan Mukti text
/ Shanti - In Kaliyuga 99 % without qualification
- Jeevan Mukta - Akruto Upasti
- Purusha - Qualified (Kruta Upasti) - No Karma Yoga / Upasana Yoga
Effort to study :
- Dharmic / To follow values
• Role of Dhyanam = 10 Verses, Invoke Non Samsara Nature.


Invoke Higher Nature Reject lower - Anatma Nature

Turiyam - I am Brahman Ahamkara

Vishwa / Teijasa / Pragya Nature - I

am not father 1015
Both Can’t coexist :
• Mental rejection required - Don’t tell wife!
• Then its role play / Drama… Otherwise - Role real, Sorrow - Real

Vedanta Home
Ananda Svarupa Sorrow
Verse 263 :

That beyond which there is nothing, which is above Maya which is superior to its effects - The
universe which is the innermost subjective self, which is of one essence, which is continuous
existence-knowledge-bliss, which is infinite and immutable ‘That Brahman thou art’ -
Meditate on this in you mind.[Verse 263]
• यनु चकस्थि - Brahman shines, self Evidently.
• Known every Moment - Pratibodha Viditam Matam
• Jagrat / Svapna / Sushupti… Sphutataram Balyadishu / Jagridaste…
• Brahman is ‘Consciousness’ itself… Evident all the time, No effort required to
experience Brahman.
• Because of Brahman we experience, Svayam, Jyoti Svarupena Pramuchate.
• Anaparam = Brahman doesn’t produce effect, its Akaranam.
Mandukya Upanishad : 3rd Chapter :
• Ajati Vada Brahman = Ajati Doesn’t Produce creation.
In beginning Stage :
We Say :
• Brahman = Cause of Creation
Later :
• Brahman not cause, Karya Karana Vilakshanam - Verse 260.
• Brahman not Karanam because world unreal w.r.t. Unreal Karyam... Status of
Karanam is unreal.
• If I have unreal son... Fatherhood is unreal - I am not Unreal.
• If Brahman has unreal effect - Brahman not real cause
• If causal status unreal,
What is real status of Brahman?
• Not cause.... Anaparam -
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad : Madhu Brahmanam :
• Tadet Brahma Aparamanan... 1017
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad :

This is that meditation on things mutually helpful which Dadhyac, versed in the Atharva-Veda, taught the
Asvins. Perceiving this the Rṣi said, ‘(He) transformed Himself in accordance with each form; that form of
His was for the sake of making Him known. The Lord on account of Māyā (notions superimposed by
ignorance) is perceived as manifold, for to Him are yoked ten organs, nay hundreds of them. He is the
organs; He is ten, and thousands— many, and infinite. That Brahman is without prior or posterior, without
interior or exterior. This self, the perceiver of everything, is Brahman. This is the teaching.[ 2 – 5 - 19]
Mayaya Beyond :
• Parat Param(Karya Rahitam) - Anaparam(Beyond Maya)
Maya :
• Which is cause of world
• Substratum of Maya = Unaffected by Maya.
Pratyag Eka Rasam :
• Homogeneous ‘Consciousness’
• Svagata Bheda Rahitam. 1018
Where is Brahman? Lord not above?
• Not far… Pratyag (Maya Rahitam) Nirguna within oneself.
Song :
• Parat Para… Parameshwara Parvati Pate…. Maya Sahitam / Saguna, According to
level… Essence within…
• Atma Lakshanam = Brahman whose definition is Atma.
Atma - 4 Definitions :
• Aapnoti Sarvam - Atma…
• Aapnoti to pervade - Aapnoti - All pervading
• Therefore Brahman = Atma
• Atma = Brahman
What is its Svarupam :
Sat Chit Ananda
‘Existence’ as Noun ‘Consciousness’ as Bliss as noun
Adjective :
• Associated with Matter
• Noun - Not Associated with Matter
• Clip is Existence, is associated with clip Matter
• Existence / Consciousness - Adjective… Both Associated with Matter.
Both Noun :
• Existence / Consciousness can exist independent of Matter.
o When Body goes, Consciousness Survives
o When Clip goes, Existence Survives
• Existence and Consciousness - In pure form not visible.
• Matter associated Existence / Consciousness is Experiencable.
• Pure Brahman useless - Not associated with matter.
• Pure gold - Too malleable for making ornament - Must add copper.
• Pure Brahman = Avyavaharyam
• Mix copper called Maya - Then useful.
• Pure Ananda = Not experiential Ananda
• Experiential Ananda = Matter / Thought / Mind / Time Associated.
• Pure Ananda - Not available for experience
- Anantha - Limitless
• Sophadhika Ananda = Experience
• Nirupadhika Ananda = Not Experiencable.
• Sukha - Anantham = Limitless, therefore Avyayam.
• If experiential pleasure - it will get exhausted
• If not experiential pleasure - Avyayam. 1020
• Not Exhaustible Ananda Existence / Consciousness.
• It is eternal existence / Consciousness Poornatvam = Brahman.
Verse 264 :

One must meditate with the intellect in one’s heart on the truth indicated above by means of
scriptural arguments. By These means, one will realise truth without any doubts and the like,
just like water in the hollow of one’s hand. [Verse 264]
• Sample meditation package = Conclusion, Meditation upon Aham Brahmasmi
teaching Practice Yuktchit – Yuktam.
Reasoning :
• Clear and convincing through ‘Meditation’
• Well known in Shastram - No doubt in meditation
• Meditation can’t remove doubt
• Meditation - Proves - Aham Satyam chit Sukham
- Without doubt
• Japa / Ishvara / Puja - Meditation. 1021
• Vedantic meditation = Nididhyasanam - Aham Brahmatvam, is owned
• If doubt - stop ‘Mananam’ - Go to Sravanam.
Ask intellect - What are objections?
• Why believe in Upanishad as valid means of knowledge.
• Intellect powerful - Nama Shiva Ok.
Stop ‘Mananam’ - if no conviction :
• Teaching can’t be shaken, Dwell in your own mind.
Vedantic Meditation :
• Entertaining thoughts not going beyond mind.

Nididhyasanam = Reliving Class Video Cassette recorder

Video Cassette Player Sravanam requires Guru
Benefit :
• Conviction becomes Samshaya Rahitam - Doubtless.

Free from Doubt Negative Samsaric Habits

Removed by Mananam Removed by Nididhyasanam

• Both do not give knowledge - Only Sravanam gives knowledge.

• Both meant to clean up Mind. 1022

Example :
• Cold water in hand - Can’t miss water
- No Doubt
• Knowledge can never be missed by Sravanam.
Verse 265 :

In this cause-effect bundle, realising knowledge absolute free from ignorance and its effects, like
the king in an army, resting in that knowledge, ever established in your own self, merge the
universe into Brahman. [Verse 265]
Nididhyasanam :
1) Recognise pure Consciousness / Pure reality, good Sloka / Stages of Sadhana
• Mere consciousness = Pure reality Discern.
2) Consciousness / Body experienced all the time, don’t require new experience.
• Need only sorting up… Consciousness and Body experience… hand and light. 1023
Hand Light
- Independent Entity - Independent Entity
- Not property of light
• Atma Anubava and Anatma Anubava - We don’t have Viveka.
In the beginning :
• Consciousness in the body, conscious of listening / Pinching / Tasting / Seeing.
• Consciousness - Not unknown.
Keno Upanishad :

Preceptor : It is the Ear of the Ear, the Mind of the Mind, the Tongue of the Tongue (Speech of the Speech)
and also the Life of the Life and the Eye of the Eye. Having abandoned the sense of Self or I-ness in these
and rising above sense-life, the wise become Immortal. [ Chapter 1 - Verse 2]

Therefore teach - 5 Steps :

1) Not part of body :
• Sambodha Matra Vijnayaya.
• Discerning ‘Consciousness as independent entity - Inherent / Inter penetrative.
Rasagulla = Syrup Tasteless Chakkar
- Sweet - Anatma
- Consciousness - Body / Prana / Mind / Sense organs
- In dead body - No Consciousness - Sangaha Assemblage of 5 Koshas
- Consciousness inherent
• King among Soldiers(Stands out) - Dress / turban / Special Enclosure
• Chaitanyam = King among matter, without Chaitanyam can’t prove presence body,
country without king / Ruler in condition.
2) New Training to Mind :
• I am not body with ‘Consciousness’
• I am ‘Consciousness’ with incidental body which will quit at any time.

Tad Ashraya
Jneyam With help of

• With knowledge - Claim - I am ‘Consciousness’, not body, till knowledge soaks

• Sarvada… one moment you forget….
• If higher I is forgotten, lower, I Husband I - Waiting / Boss I, - Miserable with own
• Let Ego I have a Functional not dominant Role. 1025
Servant Comes - Cleans and goes :
• When required... Ego I / Husband I / Boss I - Functions and walks off - Otherwise
Samsara will over power.
3) Tough Stage :
• Vishwa Jadam Brahmani Vida Paya (Dissolve)
• Resolve universe in yourself.
By Saying :
• There is no world separate from Observer.
Dream :
• is seemingly ‘outside’ me the waker.
• There is no dream world separate from observer ( Waker )
• I myself create tiger out of my mind and got frightened.
• Similarly I myself created the waking world out of my Maya - And I am getting
frightened of this world.
• Dream world not separate from myself.
• Waking world not separate from myself.
World can’t touch me.. Remind yourself :
• Chaitanyam
• Not body
• Body will be affected by world. 1026
3rd Steps : Advaita Siddhi :

• Resolving world into yourself.

Defanging the cobra :

• Threatens if it has poisonous fang

• Like Lord Shiva - You can wear

• Similarly world becomes defanged cobra once you understand world is Mithya - Like

Verse 266 :

In the cave of the intellect is Brahman, other than the gross and the subtle, existence, supreme and
non-dual. He no more enters the mother’s womb who dwells in this cave as Brahman. [Verse 266]

• Repeating ideas as part of Nididhyasanam.

• Brahman is sad - Asad Vilakshanam 1027
Beyond cause Effect
- Sad - Asad
- Murtha - Amurtha
- Formful - Formless Creation
- Prithvi / Jalam / Agni - Vayu / Akasha

• Satyam - Pure Existence

• Param - Beyond pairs of opposites
• Therefore Advaitam - Non-dual - Without second
• Such all pervading Brahman is present in cave of intellect.
Why in Buddhi specifically ?
• In the Buddhi alone it is recognisable as witness.
• ‘Consciousness’ Sakshi Chaitanya Rupena Buddha Meva Upalabyate.
• It is present everywhere - But recognisable in Buddhi...
• Electricity everywhere - But recognisable in bulb form / Plug point tester.
What should one do?
• One should remain as Brahman which is in intellect as witness Consciousness.
• Invoke that knowledge.
• I am always Brahman you are Brahman / Remain as Brahman.
• Don’t forget fact you are Brahman.
• Regularly invoke fact you are Brahman. 1028
• Can’t see Brahman outside - See only Nama Rupa.
• Invoke in form of Sakshi Chaitanyam by which i am aware of Presence / Absence of
thoughts - That I am Brahman.
• For this meditation, if thoughts are there - I am witness of thoughts.
• If thoughts are not there - I am witness of absence of thoughts.
• Vedantic Mananam - invokes Vritti Bava / Abava Sakshi
• Doesn’t require removing thoughts.
What is benefit :
• Prison - Body - Jail - No need to enter.
• No need to enter another body / Punar Janma Nasti
• Videha Mukti for one invokes Brahman Svarupam.
• For one who invokes - Husband Svarupam
- Father Svarupam
• Born as father... Punarapi Jananam.
• Play role - Don’t be obsessed with that role.
Lecture 95
Verse 266 : Nididhyasanam :
• Dwelling upon teaching, received through Sravanam and Mananam.
• Not for receiving knowledge
• Not for conforming knowledge
• Not for new experience.
Nididhyasanam :
• To give up old habitual ways of thing and Habitual ways of looking at oneself and
• Removal of habit important, because its obstacle in enjoying benefit of knowledge.
• Not obstacle for knowledge gained through Sravanam / Mananam.
• Jeevan Mukti Pratibanda.
• Elimination Pratibanda, Nivritti Gradual not Sudden.
One method :
• Viparita Bavana
• Elimination of unhealthy habits
• I am Body / Karta / Bogta / Baddha / Samsari / Mukta.
2nd Method of Pratibanda Nivrithi :
• Vasana - Nasha / Mano Nasha - Prakriya = Method. 1030
• Used in Yoga Vasishtam… Voluminous Vedanta Grantha - Through stories - 34,000
verses - Written by Valmiki - Rama Vasishta.
• Practice of Vasana Kshayam and Nididhyasanam.
• Sravanam and Mananam and Nididhyasanam and Vasana Kshaya Mano Nasha(Result
of Nididhyasanam) and Jeevan Mukti.
• Author adopting that Prakriya.
Verse 267 :

Even after the realisation of truth, there remains a powerful Beginningless, deep impression that one is
doer and the enjoyer, which is the cause for rebirth. By living in a subjective state of steady identification
with the self, it has to be conscientiously removed. That which is the annihilation of the Vasanas, here and
now, is called liberation by the sages. [Verse 267]
• Vasana = Habit formed in mind because of repeated action.
Get up at 5 am :
• Vasana
• Body wakes up without alarm!
• See wrong TV at 10 pm ! Without alarm!
• Habituated, we use language
• Because of Abhyasa… Groove formed.
• Naturally our attitudes grow in that groove.
Mind management technique :
• Vasana - impression = Samsara
• Preserved In Sukshma Shariram - Antahkaranam As Chittam.
• Mano / Buddhi / Ahamkara / Chittam(Stores memory)
• Vasana = Seed of memory - Vasana Janya Smriti.
• Anytime you remember anything it is Vasana - Activated - Not visible because it is in
seed form.
• Therefore infer from effect…. It is casual seed.
What is effect of Vasana :
• It makes Person do impulse action.
• Vasana = Creation of all impulse action / Reaction.
• Impulse action - Not action but reaction.
• Action = Deliberately done after thinking, Impulsive action - Not action.
o No thinking / Past / Future - Not involved
o Action emerges
o Words rush out without my deliberation. 1032
What is force behind Action :
• Not will / Judgment / Planning but Habit / Vasana.
Vasana : Muktika Upanishad :

Now this concupiscence is defined as the fixed desire of the mind, for the possession of something,
without consideration of its prior and ultimate conditions, (i.e. Whether it is worth having or not, and
whether its gain will be productive of the desired object in view). [5 – 91 - 29]

Padartasya Adanam :
• Taking to any person / Object / Action.
• Tyakta Purva Para Vicharanam, without thinking of past experiences ( Done similar
action / Suffered / Matured)
• Past maturity not available
• Made this mistake / Suffered - Buddhi not working.
• Apara Vicharanam Tyaktam…
• What is consequences…. not there.
Deliberate action :
• Preceded by Past / Future experience / Consequence… Impulsively spoken / Acted. 1033
Father scolding - Disney!
• Caused by Dridah Bavanaya.. Drida Abyasa Vashat - Habit - Because of repeatedly
used that language / Action before.
Thing Falls - Body shakes :
• Glass falls… One falls - 2nd Falls - Deliberately watch one breaking / Carefully - Keep it
Habit / Function

Positive Negative
• Cause of any impulsive Action = Vasana / Habit Vasana Kshaya = End of all impulsive
actions / Mechanical - Loving / Talking / Reaction…
• Hear news and Say… Aa.. So what
• Deliberate anger - ok Positive - Accept.
• Impulsive anger negative - Reaction - Not accepted -
- Deadly
- Regret later
• As long as Vasana is there, even though.
• Aham Brahmasmi knowledge is there, Day to day reaction / Transaction - Not based
on Aham Brahma Asmi… it is based on Aham husband / Boss Asmi…
• All these are Vasanas - According to Vedanta. 1034
Not husband is a fact!
• All ego based responses… I am father / Boss / Attributes in Biodata.
• Ego determines response… I am father / Boss / And Attributes in Biodata.
• Ego determines response… Vasana Response.
Every response should be :
• Aham Brahmasmi response
• Not karta / Bokta based Response.
• Not Pitha / Ahamkara based response

All because of habit, till I come to Vedanta.
• Any news I hear as individual… what happens to me
• Gradual process… Requires alertness, Not done by sitting like ‘Mananam’
• Vasana Kshaya done during transaction.
• By alert living - Pratipaksha Bavana
- Deliberately entertaining opposite thoughts
• I have relationship / I am Asanga
• I am worried of old age / I am Jara - Marana Rahitaha
• I don’t have anything / Aham Poornaha
• Requires initiative - will power – Commitment
• Doesn’t happen - Has to be cultivated by alert living. 1035
• Jeevan Mukti… Mental freedom we enjoy is proportional to Vasana Kshaya, More
Vasanas - More I am hijacked by Kama / Krodha… My peace of mind gone.
• Make Vasana feeble / Thin
• Jnanam and Vasana Kshayam required…(By Alert Living - Nididhyasanam)
• Making Vasana friendly, Vasanas - Ok
- Shuba Vasanas
• Malina / Durvasana / Himsa Vasana / Bandha Hetu - Cause of bondage - Jan mane
• Durvasanas - Only to be destroyed
• Mano Nasha = Amani Bava( Mandukya)
• Mano Amani Bavaha Dvaitam Na Bavate.
• No Jnani can destroy mind as long as Prarabda is there.
• When Prarabda ends - Videha Mukti comes… Mano Nasha happens.
• Sukshma Sharira - Vigyanamaya Kosha Goes in Videha Mukti…
• During Jeevan Mukti, mind will be there.
• Mind is no more capable of reviving Durvasanas.
• Durvasanas weakened - Then relax.
• Vasana = I am Mr. Shekar / Owner / Director!
Consequence :
• I am Karta / Bokta / Dull / Educated / Jnani. 1036
Maneesha Panchakam :
• To claim I am Jnani you have to identify with intellect.
Vasana = individuality :
• Features of Vasana = Anaadi / Beginningless / Balavat… Very strong.
• Impulsive / Worry / Fear / Jealousy… Habit continues…
• Dridah = Firm - Habit, Bit will be there.
Requires Abhyasa :
• Expresses - As Karta / Bokta - Aham.
• When you plan for future, you invoke karta, Sarva Sankalpa Sanyasi - Should not plan.
• Grihasta has to plan but don’t worry - Continues after Brahma knowledge, Cause of
Samsara - Continuation.
• Know Brahman - Can’t enjoy benefit remove Vasana Obstacle…
Example :
• Sugar in coffee - Not stirred
Wife : Coffee Jnana Nishta!
• Dukshva Drigna Manaha… No benefit of Sravanam / Mananam, stirring / Assimilation
/ Vasana Kshaya.
• Give up verbal / Physical habitual living.
• By turning attention / Dwelling in the Atma. 1037
Invoking Vedanta Jnanam :
• Turning direction of vision.
• Looking within not be Antar Mukha.
• Without Sravanam / Mananam - Can’t invoke Atma Svarupa
• Without Vasana Kshayam one can’t enjoy Jeevan Mukti benefit.
Example :
• Bulb burning covered by black box, Concentration not in Sravanam / Mananam…
effort required to improve life style.
• Durvasana Pratikara Dashakam
• Morning to night - How to be alert = Jeevan Mukti.
Verse 267 :
• Foundation Verse for Handing Habitual ways of life = Vasanas.
Verse 268 :

‘I’ and ‘mine’ this notion in the body, sense organs and so on, which are the not-self this
superimposition the wise man must end by identification with his own self. [Verse 268]
• Aham / Mama Vasana.
• Claim body as myself and thinking, planning about age / Obsessed worry about
• Vedanta dominant - Only in one hour tape.
• When Aham comes - Mana / Samsara comes Inspite of knowledge.
• Body / Sense organs / Prana… All Anatma - Is superimposition - Error.
• This Adhyasa Vasana have to be repeatedly negated.
• Remind yourself = Status / Relationships - incidental.
• Because of karma - Relationships
• Prarabda = Guru - Sticking All relationships - When Prarabda goes, They will be gone.
Gita :

Beings were unmanifest in the beginning, and unmanifest again in their end, seem to be manifest in the
middle, O Bharata. What then, is there to grieve about? [ Chapter 2 - Verse 28]

Over Obsessed Vidkamsha :

• Be wise by dwelling upon Atma.
Nirvana Shatakam :

Neither am I bound by Death and its Fear, nor by the rules of Caste and its Distinctions, Neither do I
have Father and Mother, nor do I have Birth, Neither do I have Relations nor Friends,
neither Spiritual Teacher nor Disciple, I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness; I am Shiva, I
am Shiva, The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness. [Verse 5]
• Relation free Na Mrtyur… Na Bandham… Left friend - Don’t cry.
• After rejecting… Own up Ananda Svarupam (By wisdom)
Verse 269 :

Realising your innermost self, as the witness, of the intellect, and its disturbances and ever maintaining
the thought ‘That I am’ shed your identification with the not-self. [Verse 269]

Nididhyasanam :
• Works after Sravanam / Mananam, spends years in Sravanam / Mananam.. Get
continued knowledge… I am witness ‘Consciousness’ of my mind and thoughts. 1040
• Pratyag Atma Aham Asmi… I am inner self - The ‘Consciousness’

• Sakshi witness of thoughts / Mind and its thoughts and blank mind without thought
in Sravanam - Knowledge should come.

Then Soham Vritti - Nididhyasanam :

• Practice - ‘Nididhyasanam’ by Entertaining Sacked Noble thought.

• Nididhyasanam = Not thoughtlessness, Soham = Sacred thought.

• No Ha - Ka (in Tamil ) Shogam.

• That ‘Paramatma’ - Sacred sat - Thought Give up I notion in the body - Give up

Lecture 96
1) :
Vasana Kshaya
Nididhyasanam - Helps
Mano Nasha
• Freedom from weakening of unhealthy habits…
Gita : Chapter 16th :

The divine nature is deemed for liberation, the demoniacal for bondage; grieve not, I Pandava, you are
born with divine qualities. [Chapter 16 - Verse 5]

Shuba Vasana :
• Promotes assimilation of knowledge.
• After complete assimilation of knowledge.
• Shuba Vasana continue because of practice of Continuation of Shuba Vasanas.
• Jnani allows… become non binding Shuba Vasanas.
• As Sadhaka… Before gaining knowledge, he has avoided Asuri Sampat and cultivated
Deivi Sampat
• Cultivated Devi Sampat continues. 1042
Example :
• Ahara habit… Punjabi Jnani - Paratha
Tamil Jnana - Idli
• Baditha - Anuvritti… tongue used to Idli
Baditam :
• Weakened - incapable of binding.
• Will not cry… when choice - will take like non-binding desire.
Mano Nasha :
• State in which mind - No more capable of generating Durvasana.
• Rasa Varjam Rasupyasya… Ashuba Vasanas come feebly not at verbal / Physical level.
• Shakneiti Yat Sodum…
• Prag Sharira - Mokshaha… Kama / Krodha Vegam…
• Power of Durvasanas to affect my life is gone… Like catching cold.
Gita : Chapter 14th :

The Blessed lord said : Light, activity and delusion, when present. O Pandava, he hates not, nor
longs for them when absent. [Chapter 14 - Verse 22] 1043
• Rajas - Tamas - Dominance for Jnani also but not dominant enough to push him back
to Samsara…

• Cyclist Looses balance… Adjusts handle bar and drives… Technically Mano Nasha -
Mandukya - 3rd Chapter Amani Bava.

Verse 270 :

Leaving your involvement with social formalities, leaving all ideas of beautifying the body,
leaving aside unnecessary study of the Shastras, banish the superimposition which has crept
up on the self. [Verse 270]

People cannot attain realisation because of their desire to run after the world, their thirst for
unnecessary study of the Shastras and their anxiety to pamper the body. [Verse 271]

Vasanas Consciousness

Loka Anuvartanam Deha Anuvartanam Shastra

- External Anatma(Bahya) - Dancing to tunes of - Sukshma Sharira Angi

- Worldly pursuits body - Anantham
- Name / Fame / Money / - Body powerful intimate - For Intellectual
Social Status closer Anatma - Tarqa / Mimamsa
- Previously = Obsession - Sthula Sharira Adhyasa - Not Finished Gita
occupies mind all the Abhimana (Abhimana with Buddhi)
- Watch mind when free
waiting for flight / Lying
down / Sleeping
- See which powerful
thought occupies
- Dancing to tune of world
- Makes Vedanta feebler

Many Slokas of Nididhyasanam :

• Applicable to Sanyasi - Who can ignore
• Not Grihasta…. Drop Gossip / News from others… 1045
Shastra Vasana :
• Give up idea - I have not finished Gita / Upanishad / Brahma Sutra.
• Bharatvaja Rishi… Study 24 hours Birth to death
Vedic Wisdom Infinite
• Don’t get identified with intellect and Develop Jealously.. He does Gita class -
• Disidentify from intellect - Shastra helps to get out of Shastra desires.
• Get Detached from notes - Sukha Vasana Shastra… Not stop studies.
• If time and choice… Gita Ok.
• If situation comes - No regrets
Vedanta Mantaha - Kaupina Vantaha!!
• Why we feel Vedanta - Doesn’t work.
• Don’t lack Knowledge / Conviction / Experience…
• We are Brahman all the time.
• Only knowledge is hostile to Vasana.
• Hands / Legs tied by Trivida Vasana, No need of new person.
• For this human being, clear knowledge without obstacles - Doesn’t take place.
• Because bothered about worldly Condition / Set up / Office / Family / Nation… Never
ideal set up.
• Never over whelming knowledge - Do what you have to do. 1046
Verse 272 :

The wise have spoken of the three kinds of Vasanas as iron chains shackling the feet, for him who wishes to
be liberated from the prison house of this world. He who is free from them, attains liberation. [Verse 272]

• If one desires Moksha from Samsara prison.

• Crime = Avidya / Kama / Karma.
• Knowledge - Key to unlock doors - You can go away.
• Avidya lock gone… Freedom given Dead weight - Tied to legs… Sravanam / Mananam
- Have given clear knowledge - Can teach others.
• 3 iron chairs in the mind.
• Loka / Deha / Shastra - Vasana Trayam / chain.

Feeble Teevra Vasanas (Intense)

- Create unhealthy thoughts - Flow to verbal / Physical level
- Enemy
• Not Nourish Pattern of thing.
• Not Reduce to Zero. 1047
• Make it sufficiently healthy / Feeble to run life.
• Zero Durvasana - idealistic
• Neglect - Don’t feel guilty / Relax. Handle at thought level.
• Open jail door - Jnana Prapti
• Removing Chain = Vasana Kshaya / Jeevan Mukti.
• Mind enjoys glories of knowledge.
Gita : Chapter 2nd :

The Blessed Lord said : When a man completely casts off, O Partha, all the desires of the mind and is
satisfied in the Self by the Self, then is he said to be one of steady wisdom. [Chapter 2 – Verse 55]

He, whose mind is not shaken up by adversity, and who, in prosperity does not hanker after pleasures, who
is free from attachment, fear and anger is called a Sage of stead Wisdom. [Chapter 2 – Verse 56]
• Relaxed Inspite of problem.
Verse 273 and 274 :

The captivating fragrance of the Agaru (Agolocum) which gets enveloped by an insufferable stink created
by its contact with water again manifest itself as soon as the enveloping smell is entirely removed by
scrubbing. [Verse 273]

The fragrance of the supreme self, like the fragrance of Sandalwood, is covered by the dust of unending
Vasanas deeply ingrained in the mind and is again clearly perceived when it is purified by a continuous
securing with knowledge. [Verse 274]
Example :
• Role of Vasana Kshaya.
• It doesn’t produce knowledge.
• Pramana alone can produce knowledge or liberation. 1049
What is role of Vasana Kshaya :

• Knowledge has fragrance of freedom in it.

• Knowledge acquired - Like sandalwood has fragrance of peace / Joy / Happiness.

• Foul smell of Vasana Trayam overpowers fragrance of Jnanam - Can’t see…

• Foul smell from fungus formed.

• Handles Vasanas… Vedanta already in mind with Gita / Upanishad / Jnanam.

• No need for mystic experience.

• Handle Durvasana and experience not Brahman.

But Brahman Jnana Phala Anubava :

• Shanti / Poornatvam / Constant, relaxed experience throughout is benefit.

• We are all sandalwood.

Lecture 97
1) Obstacles Between :
Jnanam Jnana Phala Prapti
Self Knowledge Shanti / Abaya Poornata
2) Not for all Students - Only those who have obstacles…
3) Who has Obstacles?
• Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti - Adhikari - Has no gap Between Jnanam and Jnana
Phala Prapti.
• During Sravanam - Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti - Gets fulfillment.
• Events with time Gap = Means lack of Yogyata…
4) Gap reduced by Vasana Kshaya… Pratibanda Nivritti…
3 Fold

Loka Deha Shastra

- Identification with - Internal Anatma - Identification with

external world Friends / - More Intimate Buddhi Scholarship
Family / Possession
- External Vasana /
5) Example :
• Sandalwood with fungus because of long contact with Water.
Verse 274 : Drashtanta : Sangarshanam
• Rubbing of Vasana Trayam = Dwelling upon teaching.
• Paramatma Vasana = Acquired by Sravanam.
• Registered - I am not body / Mind complex not related to external world… Nothing
belongs to me…
• I belong to none… I am Asanga Chaitanyam, Formed Adyatma / Spiritual Samskara
Problem :
• Even though knowledge of fragrance is there… it is small… Deha-Loka Vasana…
producing foul smell…
• Relative strength of foul Vasana.
• Deha and Loka… Compare with fragrance of Vivekachoodamani…
Dominant is foul Smell :
• Over coating above ‘Paramatma’ Vasana… impurity / fungus in form of Loka / Deha /
Shastra Vasana… coated over ‘Paramatma’ Vasana. 1052
Why called Impurity?
• Durantha - Produces negative / Sorrow producing unfavourable Vasanas….
Gita :

But, the man who rejoices only in the Self, who is satisfied with the Self, who is content in the
Self alone, for him verily there is nothing (more) to be done. [Chapter 3 – Verse 17]
• Every relationship has potential to cause sorrow - Loka relationship…
• To remember 10 Upanishads… Struggle… Shastra Vasanas - Depressed… Durantha -
Binding Anantha Vasana.
• Each divided to 100 houses / Dog…
• Vasanas are Samskaras in subconscious mind - Never know they are in you…
• Every Vasana potential / Hidden… When they generate sorrow - Convert every sorry
to cause, comes in form of Memory / Worry / Pain / Action…
• Today not in good mood / Vasana!
• Anger = Vasana trigger…
• Knowledge received - Overpowered by Vasana Trayam - Samsara habits continue. 1053
How Rubbing Done?
• Sangarshayam…
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad :
• Tam Eva Visyamaya Pragyam Kurute = Nididhyasanam revise classes.
• Expect result without putting time and effort wrong.
• End of class Summarise - I have not done!
Mind should dwell on : Nirvana Shatakam :

Neither do I have Hatred, nor Attachment, Neither Greed nor Infatuation, Neither do I have Pride,
nor Feelings of Envy and Jealousy, I am Not within the bounds of Dharma (Righteousness), Artha (Wealth),
Kama (Desire) and Moksha (Liberation) (the four Purusharthas of life), I am the Ever Pure Blissful
Consciousness; I am Shiva, I am Shiva, The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness. [Verse 3]

• Then fungus Away.

• Nothing new happens.
• ‘Paramatma’ Vasana becomes brighter - Relative Strength changes...
• ‘Paramatma’ Vasana - Stronger
• Vasana Trayam - Weaker.
• Jeevan Mukti - Gradual transformation of personality - Not flashy.
• Like baby to adulthood - Gradual.
• Don’t notice in prominent fashion.
• ‘Paramatma’ Vasana - Pratiyate - Manifests / Evident - Sphutam - Clear / Dominant.
Verse 275 :

Innumerable desires for things that are the not-self cloud the desire for self-realisation. When these have
been destroyed by being constantly established in the self, the Atman Manifest all by itself. [Verse 275]
in spite of study :
• Atma Vasana, I understand... Don’t reap benefit by Anatma Vasana.
• Habitual identification called Viparita Bavana... Net work of Vasana... with many
• Anantha... Loka / Deha / Shastra - Together called Anatma Vasana.
Gita : 16th Chapter :

The divine nature is deemed for liberation, the demoniacal for bondage; grieve not, I Pandava, you are
born with divine qualities. [Chapter 16 - Verse 5]
• By dwelling on Nitya Atma Nishta in keeping with Sravanam - Means.
• Self - Aham - 1st Person singular.
Train yourself Saying :
• Aham Shudhaha / Asangaha / Punya / Papa Rahitaha / Anartha / Abokta.
• This Abhyasa called - Nididhyasanam - Nitya.
• Atma Nishta - Tat Chaitanyam = Brahma Abhyasa - I have not done anything.
• When Anatma becomes weaker (Not to affect me )
• Feebler - Not zero - Bondage

You can ignore feeble Vasanas...
• Comes in form of thoughts = Not concretised in form of words / Action.
• Causal thought comes and disappears without damage....
• Then Atma Vasana / Spiritual Samsara - More prominent, Spontaneous / Not
• In ‘Nididhyasanam‘... Deliberately bring Atma thoughts.
How to know progress? 3 Parameters
• Study - Frequency of unhealthy reaction / Jealousy / Anger / Fear / Frustration... How
frequently it happens.
• Reduction of frequency of unhealthy responses to favourable situations. 1056
2) Intensity of this reaction at thought / Word / Deed .
Seedanti :
• Mama Gamani... Intensity Shivering in body - High.
• Mental / Verbal - Medium - Pada Padappu
• Manage at mind level - Least
3) How long to come to normalcy :
• Uttama Purusha - Anger - See
• Madhyama Purusha - Anger - Minimum
• Adhama Purusha - Morning to night
Papi :
• Now I think of that person - Blood boils...
Prepare Diary :
• Instances where I reacted, Examine day to day behaviour.
• Only way to find - Where we stand.
School :
• Progress report - Ask others to give report
• Knowledge brighter - When Vasana feebler ( Very true) 1057
Verse 276 :

To the extent the mind becomes steadily established in the Subjective self, to that extent it leaves its
desires of the objects of the world, when all such desires completely end, then there is the clear,
Unimpeached realisation of the self. [Verse 276]

• As mind practices ‘Nididhyasanam’

Previously :
• Sravana dominated Sadhana
Later :
• Nididhyasanam dominant - Sravanam less - Mind dwelling on Atma... My beauty /
• Renunciation of Vasana Trayam becomes more and more....
• When Vasanas are totally eliminated, Knowledge shines...
• Bothered about Durvasana Kshaya only, Shuba Vasana - Continues.
• Purity - Never 100 % - No 100 % Gold. 1058
Gita : Chapter 14th :

The Blessed lord said : Light, activity and delusion, when present. O Pandava, he hates not, nor longs
for them when absent. [Chapter 14 - Verse 22]
• Jnani - Goes through - Sattva / Rajas / Tamas - Fluctuations and has traces of moha.
• But feeble... Appears / Disappears As good as destroyed...
• Presence doesn’t affect me... Self awareness... Atma Anubuti... No Body / Mind ego...
• I am different than all these things... Called Sahaja Dhyanam.
• Sahaja - Samadhi... I am free...
• Not because of no problem - My freedom is Inspite of family problem - Physical /
Memory / Sparsha...
Gita :

But he, who knows the Truth, O mighty-armed, about the divisions of the qualities and (their)
functions, and he, who knows that gunas as senses move amidst gunas as objects, is not attached.
[Chapter 3 – Verse 28]

Gita :

I do nothing at all, thus would the harmonised knower of Truth think – seeing, hearing, touching, smelling,
eating, going, sleeping, breathing... [Chapter 5 – Verse 8]

Speaking, letting go, seizing, opening and closing the eyes – convinced that the senses move among the
sense objects. [Chapter 5 – Verse 9]

• Throughout transactions... Self awareness continues... Called Atma Anubuti.

• Aham Sthula / Sukshma / Vyatirikta.
• Panchakosha Vilakshana - Satchid Ananda Svarupa Asmi...
• Not deliberately remember - While driving... Mind involved in deliberate worldly
action... 1060
• In the back of the mind, There is constant awareness - In Subconscious mind...
• Pratibanda - Shunya... Self awareness without obstacle.
• Atma - Jnana Nishta = if self knowledge is available, For rescue whenever you want,
you have Nishta.
• Fire service - 101 - Called and it Comes - Doesn’t say - Tyre punctured / No water!
• For rescue - Jnanam fire service, Don’t recall self knowledge All the time.
• Depression... Agarbathi - Police comes - Ragha / Fear / Jealousy... Can’t help rising =
Self awareness.
Verse 277 :

Being ever fixed on his own self, the Meditor’s mind ends. Then there is a complete cessation
of Vasanas. SO negate entirely your superimposition. [Verse 277]
• To Enjoy Jeevan Mukti… Vasana Kshaya… Imperative to Enjoy fulfillment and peace…
• Dwell upon your own self - invoke higher Nature - Sada Always.
Sva Adhyasa Apanayanam Weakening :
• Take out layer by layer… Atmani Anatma Buddhi…
• Remove your Viparita Bavana / Vasana Trayam / Superimposition upon self. 1061
• Vasana Kshaya Abhyasa... By Such Meditation Mind gets Destroyed...

• Amani Bava takes place... Jnanis Mind.... Problematic / Binding / Heavy... Mind will be
destroyed... The will be stone....

Light Mind comes :

Gita :

Ever content, steady in meditation, self-controlled, possessed of firm conviction, with mind and intellect
dedicated to me, he, my devotee, is dear to me. [Chapter 12 - Verse 14]

• Jnani has contentment / Compassionate mind, ignorant mind Destroyed.

Lecture 98
1) Vasana Kshaya :
• For Jnana Phala Prapti.
Verse 277 - 284( 8 Verses) :
• Establishes Svadhyasa Apanayanam(Mistake / Superimposition / Viparita Bavana).
• Svasmin Atmani Anatma Adhyasa (Atma → Anatma)
• Anatmani Svasya Atmani Adhyasa (Anatma - Atma)
• Anonyanya Adhyasa / Called here Svadhyaya indicates both Adhyasa.
Rope Snake - This is a Poisonous Snake :
• Refers to rope
• Upon Rope not snake - Superimposition of Snake and Poison.
• Rajju Svarupasya Adhyasa.
• Snake doesn’t have existence of its own.
• There is exchange of Snake Ness and existence.
• Snake Ness given to Rope, existence of rope - Given to snake.
• Mutual transference of Snakeness and existence is Anonya Adhyasa.
• I am a Human being. 1063
Humanness Am Ness
- Belongs to Anatma - Belong to Atma
- Superimposed on Atma - Superimposed on Anatma
• May you remove Mutual Superimposition, Important, Therefore Repeated.
Verse 278 :

Tamas is destroyed both by rajas and Sattva; rajas by Sattva and Sattva is destroyed on ‘Purification’.
Therefore, solely depending upon Sattva, deny entirely your superimposition. [Verse 278]
• Negate Superimposition of Anatma on yourself.
Example :
• Shining black elephant throws mud on body after both instinctively for Temperature
• We Superimpose Dharmas of Sthula / Sukshma / Karana on Atma.
Teaching :
• Mano - Chitta… Naham.. Nirvana Shatakam
Nirvana Shatakam :

Neither am I the Mind, nor the Intelligence or Ego, Neither am I the organs of Hearing (Ears), nor that
of Tasting (Tongue), Smelling(Nose) or Seeing (Eyes), Neither am I the Sky, nor the Earth, Neither
the Fire nor the Air, I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness; I am Shiva, I am Shiva, The Ever Pure
Blissful Consciousness. [Verse 1 ]

Teacher :
• Washes to some extent.
• Rest your responsibility
Therefore wash off 3 Gunas and own up Nirguna Chaitanya :
• Tamas - Washed / Eliminated / Negated by : Rajas and Sattva
• Rajas - Washed / Eliminated / Negated by Sattva
• Sattva - Washed / eliminated / Negated by Shudha Atma Jnanena.
Soap Eliminate Soap Eliminate Water
- Remove impurity - Water - Wipe
- Tamas - Rajas - Sattva
- Rajas and Sattva - Sattva - Atma Jnana 1065
Gita :

Now Sattva rises (Prevails), O Bharata, having overpowered rajas and inertia (Tamas); now rajas having overpowered
Sattva and inertia; and inertia (Tamas), having overpowered Sattva and Rajas. [Chapter 14 - Verse 10]

Eliminate All Adhyasa :

• Is it possible to wash off all Vasanas?
• Will Nirguna Brahma Alone remain?
• Knowledge not after all Vasanas gone - Wrong.

Vasana Kshaya 2 Parts

Shuba Ashuba / Durvasana

- Can’t Eliminate - Kama / Krodha

- Sattva Guna - Weakens Durvasana with Shuba
- Eliminated by Secret shifted ‘ I ‘ Vasana not NIL
From Antahkaranam / Mind to - Positive responses come down
Atma Disown Vasana - FIR - down 1066
• Intensive reaction - Mind / Word / Body
• Less reaction - Mind / Word
• Least reaction - Mind
• Not hurt by mind.
Gita :

The Blessed lord said : Light, activity and delusion, when present. O Pandava, he hates not, nor
longs for them when absent. [Chapter 14 - Verse 22]
Durvasana :
• Like writing in water - Not seen.
Shuba Vasana :
• Jnani’s mind has Shuba Vasana
• Claims I am free from Ashuba Vasanas also.
• Jnani’s mind full of Sattva Guna - Has weak Ashuba Vasana
• Claims I am not Antahkarana
• Claim - I am Sthula / Sukshma / Karana Sharira - Vyatirikta Atma. 1067
Atma has no Vasana :
• Jnani from Atma Drishti - Free from Vasana
• Jnani from mind Drishti - Antahkarana Drishti has Shuba Vasana.
• Vasana Kshayam - Upto some extent only.
After that Aim should be :
• To disown Vasana - Secret
• If I am weakening Durvasana permanently, means I have not Heard Vedanta properly.
• Stronger you want to weaken Durvasana.
• Stronger he knows I am the mind
• If he clearly knows he is Atma, he need not clear Vasana.

2 Stages of Vasana Kshaya

1ST Weaken Vasana Ashuba Disown all Vasanas

By Owning Vasana Rahita Atma

Verse 278 : Advise to Sanyasi Jnani :
• Sanyasi should not have money / No Future planning.
• Grihasta - Future security Upto some extent.
Rest :
• Ananya Chinta Yo Maam...
• Take only balance left.
Grihasta :
• 50 % Ishvara Kripa / 50 % Purushartha
Sanyasi :
• No Plan for future ultimate, Saranagathi.
Gita :

Content with what comes to him without effort, free from the pairs of opposites and envy, even-minded in
success and failure, though acting he is not bound. [Chapter 4 – Verse 22]

• Whatever Bhagawan wants to do with my Prarabda… Dvandateeta Mana /

Apamanam - Tulyah… Bikshu with Pooja / Insult.
• With Pooja - Ego comes. 1069
• Surrender to Prarabda - Maneesha mama Have a firm conviction in that.
• Body preserved for Jnanam.
• If God thinks I should teach - Let body teach Serve society.
• Neither attached to life / Death.
Jnani Grihasta :
o Has to act for family
o Preserve body for others sake
Ascertain in mind :
• Not bother about next moment.
• Enjoy whatever happens in life
• If dehatma strong... Fear of old age / Disease / Death.
• Be Bold - with Jnana Shastram.
• Nothing can give as much security as Jnanam.
• Remove Ashuba Vasanas - Anxiety / Worry about children...
• Ashuba, should not become bondage.
• Nothing should bind you

“ Yath Ne Na “
Verse 279 and 280 :

Knowing for certain that your prarabdha will nourish this body, remain undisturbed and with
courage, deny entirely your superimposition. [Verse 279]

‘i am not the Jiva, i am the supreme Brahman’ Thus by eliminating all that is the not-self, deny
entirely your superimpositions which manifest through the propulsion of your past
‘urges’.[Verse 280]

Worry about Deha :

Myself My Belonging
- Ahamkara Janitha - Mamakara Janitha
- My wife / Money
Claims :
• Nothing belongs to me
• Everything belongs to god / Totality.
• Law of Karma will determine future of everyone - Don’t allow future to cause worry.
• I am not Jivatma consisting of Body / Mind complex.
• I am Asanga Brahma, Sambandha Rahitam Brahman.
• Na Me Mrithyu Share
Repeat 108 Time?
Jati Bheda Pitha Na
• Naham Jeevaha / Param Brahma Aham Asmi.
• Spend more time - What i am not what i am - Aham Brahman less important - Than i
am not Father.
• Asat Anatma Elimination Asad / Abrahma / Anatma negation.
• Sthula / Sukshma / Karana not Brahman - With Anatma Negation - Own up Atma.
• Eliminate habitual identification born, out of heavy Vasana.
• Every time i relate with wife, i invoke i am husband.
• Fatherhood Invoked - By Children.
• With every empirical transaction, i have nourished Habitual identification.
• Required Effort to pull out Nail - What Effort used to Drive Nail.
• More i have Hammered, More i have to negate.
• Vedanta requires Perseverance and deliberate eliminative e of Vasana.
Verse 281 :

Having realised your own self to be the self in all through scriptures, by reasoning and from
your own direct experience, deny entirely your superimpositions, even when a slight trace
appears. [Verse 281]

• Study of Shastra - As important As Nididhyasanam.

• Brick on top of each other - Building built not dump lorry of Bricks.

• Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti - Sthula / Sukshma / Karana Sharira Vichara, one day
at a time.

• Atma Vichara / Sthula Prapancha / Karana Prapancha / Brahma Vichara.

• Atma = Brahman Aikya Vichara.

• Order involved can’t neglect.

• Before Nididhyasanam - Vedantic / Mananam one should Gain knowledge - Brahma

Bava = Wholeness completeness of oneself… Should be known clearly. 1073
Sruti Yukti Anubava
- Shastra - Reasoning in - Not Brahma Anubava
Keeping with Shastra - Everybody has Brahma Anubava
All the time

• Brahman / Consciousness.. Experienced, all the time, Awareness.

• Consciousness - Because of which we experience class.
Anubava :
• Knowledge in Keeping with daily Anubava.. Of Avastha Traya Anubava…
• Part of Avastha Traya - Part of teaching Svapna Sushupti knowledge should not
contradict Shastra / Yukti / Anubava.
1st : Know :
• Aham Brahma Asmi doubtlessly (Once Ignorance Gone)
• After Clear knowledge, have problem of Habit(Obstacle for Tap water) Knowledge
doesn’t Eliminate habit.
• Habit Eliminated by Effort, Do Homework Class not enough.
• How often you react - Disciplines to be Practiced….
• Eliminate Boss / Husband / father / Son / Abhimana.
Lecture 99
• Verse 49 Upto 253 - Vedanta teaching.
• Verse 254 - Nididhyasanam…
Knowledge Conviction
By Sravanam By Mananam
Nididhyasanam :
• Habit removal Conversion from Jnana to Mukti / Jnana Nishta.
Atma :
• Not Object of Experience.
• If Knowledge form / Dridham - Freedom from Punar Janma - Videha Mukti.
Samsara experienced in Mind :
• Kama / Krodha / Ashanti / Bayam / Angry / Frustration / Jealousy.
• Emotional problem, Drishta Plane, experience plane.
• Jeevan Mukti = Freedom from Emotional Problems.
Verse 49 to 253 - Vedanta Teaching :
• My private problem - My Jeevan Mukti = Experiencable. 1075
Gita :

He, whose mind is not shaken up by adversity, and who, in prosperity does not hanker after pleasures, who is free
from attachment, fear and anger is called a Sage of stead Wisdom. [Chapter 2 – Verse 56]

• Benefit of Jeevan Mukti... I can know intimately.

• Know fear - I experience intimacy.
• Jnanam has to be connected to Jeevan Mukti...
• Jnanam at intellectual level has to flow to mind - Water at higher level has to flow
to lower level.
• If Jnanam doesn’t naturally express in form of Jeevan Mukti... There is obstacle... Law
not violated...
• Many blocks... Do not allow Jnanam to express in the form of Jeevan Mukti.
• Removal of block called Viparita Bavana / Durvasana / Nididhyasanam Deha
Abimani / Viparyaya / Vasana Kshaya / Svadhyasa - Mix of Atma - Anatma / Habit of
fearing / Anxiety.
Nididhyasanam :
• Breaking Habitual ways of thing.
• I am clear About Brahman but my wife is worry... 1076
• I = Brahman… Brahmans wife? Mix up / Flow slipping / Shutting between I - Atma and
I - Ahamkara Unknowingly.
• All worries, Shutting problem.
1st :
• Diagnose problem Solution - Simple, Atma does Anatma Adhyasa.
• In Anatma Atma Adhyasa, Svasya and Svasmin Adhyasa.
• Atma - Ahamkara Mix responsible for worries.
In Nididhyasanam :
• Stand as Atma and Learn to look at Ahamkara Objectively
• Helps me Accept problem, Situation called Problem when there is Abhimana.

Read Death in Paper Problem / Tragedy

News / Natural to Creation Natural Converted by Ahamkara /
Atma mix up
• Situation converted to tragedy by Mix up of Atma / Ahamkara….
• Mix up habitual Process called Svadhyasa Viparita Bavana / Vasana.
Verse 277 - 281 :
• Svadhyasa Arpanam Kuru.
• Look at Situation from Atma Not Ahamkara.
Atma Ahamkara
- Universal law / Natural - My relative Ahamkara converts
Buddha : Situation to problem
- Go to one House where no death takes place - I Suffer more
- Death = Universal law / Not tragedy - Situation converted is, Ahamkara
- Come under Ishvaras law / Srishti I Called Prarabdam
- Like Winter - Cold
- Summer - Hot
• Look at problem as Situations - Objectively not Subjectively.
• Conversion of Jeeva Srishti into Ishvara Srishti.
• Conversion of Vishaya / Object / Into Padartha.

Vishaya Padartha
- See Subjectively - Binding Entity
- See Objectively
• Time consuming Long Process, converting problem into Situation…
• Through Sruti / Yukti / Anubava (Avastha Traya)…
• Understand problem in mind.
• Raaga / Dvesha - When Mind is Functioning.
• Raaga / Dvesha In Sleep - Not there. 1078
Therefore mind is Problem :
• When mind is not - No problem.
• Therefore problem belongs to mind and not to me.
o Through Avastha Traya Anubava
Biggest discovery of Vedanta
o Arrive at your Nature
Having Ascertained :
• Brahma Bava / infinitude, Remove habitual identification with Body / Mind -
Eliminate Mithya Adhyasa.
Initial Stage :
• Remove habitual ways of thinking / Worrying.
Deliberately break habit :
• Becomes weaker... When problem stronger it expresses at word / Thought level -
Problems only at thought level / Not verbal / Physical level.
Ask Question(Very Good Solution) :
• After weakening Viparita Bavana.
• Does Viparita Bavana belong to me ( Climax of Vedanta)
Aim :
• Not to totally remove Viparita Bavana - Not possible.
• Its form of thinking, belonging to Anatma alone.
• Viparita Bavana belongs to mind 1079
Am I the mind?
• Problem of Anatma - Not worried about complexion / Greying because problem
belongs to Anatma.
• I - Chaitanyam does not have Viparita Bavana.
Body / Mind :
• 100 % Health - Not possible
Verse 282 :

Since he has no idea of eating or evacuating, the sage has no relationship with action. Therefore,
through continuous involvement in the contemplation of Brahman, deny entirely all your
superimpositions. [Verse 282]

• This is serious Sadhana - Requires commitment.

• Look at problem as situation - Conscious, deliberate process.

• Therefore Sanyasa Ashrama for ‘Nididhyasanam’ - 2 Types

Kutichika Sanyasi in Grihasta to do

Vividha Vidwat

- For Sravanam and Mananam - For Nididhyasanam Not for

- Live in Ashram Sravanam and Mananam
- Guru Required - Yajnavalkya Grihasta Jnani
- Parivarjaka Sanyasi, No Guru

Nididhyasanam = Mind and responses study :

• Body belongs to Ishvara, Controller of 5 elements.
• I am trustee of body - So be more careful...
• Self re-orientation done by Vidwat Sanyasi / No other duty.
• 3 Ashramas depend on one Ashrama.
• Brahmachari
• Vanaprastha Depends on Biksha from Grihastas
• Sanyasi 1081
Jnani :
• Not Materially productive
• Existence is blessing
• Need not Teach, Spiritually Productive.
Basic Activity of body :
• Annam and Snanam
Grihasta :
• Trim Activity and have time for ‘Nididhyasanam’
Kutichika Sanyasi :
• In Grihasta - Do ‘Nididhyasanam’
• Cut Activity
• Without Nididhyasanam - Jnana Not Converted into Manas Shanti.
• See your own Mind / Worry less - All not uniform…
20 Years Vedanta :
• No difference - No ‘Nididhyasanam’, before Vedanta if Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti
Attained no ‘Nididhyasanam’ required.
• With Min Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti, Nididhyasanam more required.
• Duration of Nididhyasanam - Proportional to Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti,
Sravanam / Mananam - Gives Shanti… if Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti is there less
time required for Nididhyasanam. 1082
Amateur Professional
- Casual - Gives full time
- Life’s Aim
- Remove Ahamkara Adhyasa
Verse 283 :

By means of the realised knowledge of the identity of Brahman and Atman, Arising from such great
maxims of the Vedas as ‘That thou art’, Deny entirely your superimpositions in order to strengthen your
identification with Brahman. [Verse 283]

• Invoke less and less Ahamkara... Personality... weakens it...

• Invoke more Svarupam... Svadhyasa Apanaya... By invoking knowledge.
• Reading / Writing / Talking - More and more, talking less of family personality.
• By Invoking higher nature, invoke Ahamkara less... Tat Tvam Asi - Jivatma /
Paramatma - Aikyam.
• No - Jnana problem - Jnana allowed to flow into Shanti... For assimilation of Brahma
• Claiming myself to be Brahman should be natural, like actor... I - When he said He is
Husband of so and so….
• Similarly when I Say - I am, Brahman… Should be remembered.
Father = Role :

Higher I Lower I

I am in Middle
• Closer to Ahamkara... I am further away from higher...
• If Problem of Ahamkara... Means Vedanta is in notebook.
• Vedantic teaching should overpower problem - Stars during day overshadowed by
• Atma - Predominant - Don’t feel its existence.
Verse 284 :

Till the identification with the body is completely rooted out, with Vigilance and
concentration, deny entirely all your superimpositions. [Verse 284]

• Do this until Ahamkara doesn’t give serious problem - Frequency / Intensity and
Recovery period of worry / Fear / Angry / Jealousy should come down.
• Lessening of intensity / Recovery period / Frequency - By this Ahamkara - I Notion in
body comes down. 1084
Ahamkara Force insignificant :
• It is there for Vyavahara to Brush teeth!
• Not deliberate Abhimana - Requiring quality time… Sufficient Ahamkara for
Vyavahara not Strong enough to create problem eating - Watch TV.

Bushanam Dushanam
- For Shiva, Snake is Abaranam / - All Problems Due to Non Alertness
- Jnani, Ahamkara with Alertness
• Sa - Avadhana... Non Mechanical Ness with disciplined mind.
• Remove habitual ways of living, Check your ways of living.
Watch your :
• Thoughts
• Actions
• Habit
• Character
• Destiny
• Every thought building block - Of future.
• Take responsibility of my thought = Nididhyasanam 1085
Lecture 100
Verse 283 :
1) Nididhyasanam = Removal of Viparita Bavana :
• When Viparita Bavana is receding, Brahman Jnanam gets converted to Jeevan Mukti.
• Brahman Jana Phalam experienced in form of freedom from general disturbances
of mind... Anxiety / Worry / Fear / Jealousy / Anger...
• This is Jeevan Mukti - Phala Anubava, do not look for Brahma Anubava - But Jeevan
Mukti Phala Anubava.
• This is freedom from regular Samskara disturbances.
2) Obstacles go gradually :
• Peace - Not jealousy experience, Obstacles recede gradually.
• Sun rises - Darkness withdraws gradually not from pitch darkness to bright day light...
• Similarly Jeevan Mukti Anubava... Gradual reduction in mental disturbances.
• Experienced in less frequency / Intensity / Recovery period from disturbances.
3) Nididhyasanam = Not Sudden Action :
• Regular Abhyasa - Viparita Bavana Nivrithi / Vasana Kshaya - Svadhyasa
Apanayatvaha. 1086
Vasana Kshaya Svadhyasa Apanayatvaha
- Apanaya - Vasana
- Mutual Mixing up of Atma / Anatma
• Atma on Anatma - Superimposition Should be eliminated, it should not be
Rasavarjam Rasopyasya :
• Rasa Nivritti = Vasana Kshaya.
Verse 285 :

O learned one! As long as even a dreamlike perception of the world of objects and of the experiencing
ego (Jiva) Persists; continuously strive to deny entirely all your superimpositions. [Verse 285]
• After Sravanam and Mananam... can claim I am Jnani....
• Problem = Not lack of knowledge, Lack of removal of habitual orientation.
Problem :
• No doubt, Remove mechanical - Habitual life.
• Vedanta will be assimilated.
• Lead deliberate life - Alertness required. 1087
• Break - Habitual Ego / Individuality / I am father... Father hood feebler -
Overshadowed by my Brahman hood.
• With sunrise - Stars disappear.
• Fatherhood feebler / Less significant Deha Abhimana - Significant enough to do duty.
• Brush teeth / Not think day and night - I should brush tomorrow.
• Invoke Abhimana to do Job / Bathe / Not Worry.
Jnanis Ahamkara - Functional Non Binding Ahamkara :
• This world same as Svapna Prapancha.
• All worries - Connected with one personality - Husband / in law / Boss.
• That Ahamkara not overpowered, Invoke Aham Brahmasmi and then boss Ahamkara
- Becomes Smaller and Ahamkara based problems become feebler.
Nirantaram :
• Struggle
• Worth it if it takes Janmas!
• Significance of world roles - Should be reduced to dream significance.
• In dream, how much Raga / Dvesha you will deliberately develop?
• Neither strong Dvesha or raga.
• Similarly in the world, world should be incapable of powerful Raga / Dvesha in me...
Martin King Luther :
• I will not allow to make any person to hate me.
• Will want to make me hate him Satyatva Buddhi - in world, should disappear by
developing Satyatva Buddhi of Buddhi Adhishtanam.
• Svapna - Real till I discover, Svapna Adhishtanam I = waker.
• In light of waker reality, Svapna reduced to Mithya.
• Dwell upon Brahman sufficiently to reduce Jagrat like Svapna.
• Experience of world and its capacity to produce Raga / Dvesha...
• Experience of Jeeva and its relationship.
• Jeeva relationship doesn’t create problem while walking on road.
• Among 5 Billion people, how many disturb mind.
• Sanga / Expectation create Raaga (When not Fulfilled, creates Dvesha)
• Experience of Jeeva should be reduced to Dream.
• Until i am able to reach that, state when you are experiencing Svapna, Mind occupies
thought of Svapna.
• After you are aware, Svapna world doesn’t occupy your mind.
What Svapna I had :
• It has existence only at time of experience.
• Later doesn’t remain in mind and disturb you.
• Similarly if world is reduced to present existence and experiences are not carried in
form of memory then world is reduced to Svapna Samana.
• No experience is carried forward = Svapna Pramana.
• He scolded me... 10 Years ago - Memory, Remember words years Ago

Remembering / Reliving Dream!
Vedanta :
• This world should be Made, unreal - Our accomplishment....
• Past - What's unreal - By repeatedly remembering, we make it real.
• What’s real should be made unreal.

Real Unreal
Exists only in present, Biggest clue Call it Mithya

• What’s unreal we make it real.

Unreal Real
Old past incidence By Remember Again and Again

• Till then continue Vedanta.

Verse 286 :

Without giving even the slightest change to forget the Atman because of sleep
(Unawareness), Matters of the world or sense Objects, reflect Steadily upon the self in the
mind. [Verse 286]

• When I dwell on Vedanta, worldly personality / Roles Get Adibutam overshadowed.

Reverse also true :
• When I invoke worldly personality more and more, In front of worldly invocation,
Veda teaching - Aham Brahmasmi gets overshadowed.

Fatten Small / Feebler

- Ahamkara - Atma - Drop Deliberately
- Atma - Ahamkara - Invoke Deliberately

• Invoke minimum Ahamkara for transactions.

• Don’t give chance to forget teaching of Vedanta at any time ‘Kwachit’ - Don’t forget it
in vacation...

Why Vedanta gets over overpowered?
1) In Nidra - Sleep, every knowledge forgotten Nobody says - Aham Brahmasmi - in
2) Loka - Varta :
• Worldly gossip - Neighbour Vag Tapas Mounam
• Mundak - Be Ativadi
3) Shab Dadi :
• Contact with sense objects, Worldly interactions - Necessary things only choice.

Loka Varta Shabdadi / Vyavahara

Verbal Physical

• Invoke imperishable Ananda in the mind.

• Deha Abhimana - Identification and attachment to own body from birth.
• Attachment to others - Later - Not permanently with others.
• Carefully nourished body and its ups and downs connected to me.
• Intrinsic attachment for self Protection also if Insect falls... Hand pushes.
• Abinivesha... Instinctive fear of death. 1092
Natural Deliberate
- Instinctive part - Given Up Deliberately
- Becomes Weaker when I don’t nourish it
• When attachment powerful - How to remove it.
1) Create Dvesha to body initially :
• Remove thorn by thorn.
• Discomfort of cold - Vicks - Irritation Overpowers other irritation.
• Dwells on weakness of body.
• Once raga is reduced by... Creating controlled Dvesha.
2) Injection to develop immunity - inject disease by controlled dose.
• Once raga feebler... Remove Dvesha.
• Here Dvesha generation / Disgust / Jugupsa / Aruveruppu...
• Body dirt / Filth... When it comes out / Toilet is Jigupsa... It is there in the middle of
the body - Walking toilet - Improper to talk.
• Born out of flesh and Filth of parents body has generated This flesh and Filth and
impurity... Don’t cry for this.
• Abhimana - Like Chandala Unhygienic
• Person - Stay far Away - Give up Abhimana - Meditate. 1093
• Body born out of 5 Elements / Simple instrument - Has wear / Tear / will give pain in
old age as it gave happiness in beginning.

• Joints - Useful for Activity

• Joints - Arthritis....

• Teeth - For Murukku

• Therefore Teeth pain - Unbearable

• Dwell on that... When you have too much hatred meditate as follows

1) Body = Bhagawans gift

= Instrument for Moksha

• If Attachment see Dvesha

• If hatred see positive

• Have Neither Raaga / Dvesha.

• Its Instrument - Has That Much utility.

• Instead of claiming yourself as Human being, Drop identification with body. 1094
Human Adjective Claim being (Noun)

- Adjective belongs to Body - Belongs to me Awareness /

- Always in trouble Consciousness(Never in trouble)
- Complaints - Be Satisfied
• कृती - Be fortunate / Contented / Happy.
Verse 287 and 288 :

Shunning to a safe distance, like an outcast, this body which has come from the impurities of
the parents and which itself is constituted of flesh and its impurities, assert your divine
Brahmika nature and realise the Fulfiment of your life. [Verse 287]

Merging the infinite ego in the supreme self, like the pot space in the infinite space, by meditating on
their identity, be forever peaceful, O Sage! . [Verse 288]

Nididhyasanam :
• Consists of 3 Parts. 1095
Consists of 3 Parts

Brahma Satyam Jagan Mithya Jeeva Braheiva Na Paraha

- Consciousness is like - World must be brought - Inside Consciousness

space / Light / All to mind - Not forget (Jivatma) is same as
pervading Mind thoughts / Shut outside
senses / Organs (Consciousness)
- Jivatma = Paramatma

Not escape from World :

In ‘Mananam’ :
1) Bring world into mind deliberately
• Let world thought come
• See Mithyatvam of world - Jagan Mithya Dehaha - Mithya.
• Relationships / Possessions / Body / World - Anityam see deliberately.
2) See Nityatvam of ‘Consciousness’ / Awareness :
• Pervading body, like light pervading room, turn attribute to Chaitanya Amsha in body.
• Negate Attribute from Body / Mind… Don’t peddle thoughts. 1096
Example :
• Look at hand and light.
2 Sets of thoughts

Attributes on Body / Mind / Attributes not on Chaitanya

thoughts Amsha
Tell yourself :
• Chaitanyam not confined to this body.
• All pervading Brahma Chaitanyam.
Example :
• Look at space in room - All pervading
• Look at light in room - All pervading
• Look at ‘Consciousness’ in Universe - All pervading
• Space / Light / Consciousness within hall / Outside - Same.
Attention :
• One space within - without
• One ‘Consciousness’ Within - Without - Nityam. 1097
• All halls within space
• All Jagrat within ‘Consciousness’ “ i am that “ - Vision of Vedanta
Svapna within Consciousness
Sushupti within Consciousness
May you merge / Understand :
• Inside Chaitanyam = Jivatma
• Outside Chaitanyam = Atmani
• I am space like Consciousness - Ghatakasha and Mahakasha in which body is floating,
Entire Cosmos floating.
• Jagrat / Svapna / Sushupti - in one ‘Consciousness’ / Awareness...
• Body is spec of matter floating because of Prarabdam... Dissolves in time, supernova
takes place in space.
• Body is growing / will become insignificant - Don’t measure diabetes daily and feel
• Insignificant becomes significant, change orientation.
• What has been mistakenly taken as Significant - They become insignificant.
• See Akhanda / Spacelike Atma - See Aikyam...
• Sada Tushmin Bava - Shut up - Talk to extent required.
• Mune! Eh thoughtful person Mounat Muni - Talks Measurably. 1098
Verse 289 :

Yourself becoming the self-luminous Brahman, the sole substratum of all things, reject the macrocosm
and microcosm, like two unclean parcels. [Verse 289]

• Own up Brahman and become Brahman, Self evident / Self effulgent - Adhibutane.
• Look at myself as wave located in ocean - Look at myself as water not located in
ocean / Wave.
• I am water in which ocean and wave - Namarupa are located, No ocean other than
• I am wave / Water - Bring shift in vision.
• Become that by yourself not gradually - Can’t become after Mananam.
• Wave need not expand to become water.
• You are already Brahman - Own up all pervasiveness.
• Need to own up / Understand all pervasiveness.
• My nature in the form of Atma - Expansion not process...
- Can’t expand body / Mind.
• As Chaitanyam own up nature, Having owned up,
• Disown - Disidentify - Anatma - world

• Pindanam - Body / Brahmandam = Total creation

• Vyashti/ Samashti - Anatma

• Vyashti / Samashti - Matter

• Valueless for you... Not create Raga / Dvesha for you.

• Sanyasi got Kohinoor diamond and parted with it - Piece of coal.

• He has something more valuable than diamond.

• Brahman Jnanam... More valuable than any wealth in front of which cosmic wealth =

• All Anatma valueless because of Atma.

Lecture 101
Verse 289 :
1) Viparita Bavana Nivritti :
• Aim of Vedantic ‘Mananam’ Dwelling on knowledge - Not Attempting to know
Anything new.
2) I have Higher Nature - Brahman Svarupam free from Samsara Problems.
• I have relative Nature - Ahamkara Svarupam… = Lower Nature.
3) :
Prepare to

Accept Reject Both

- Both Deliberately - Should reject Ahamkara

- Get out of pleasure and Pain
• Get relative strength to with stand tragedies which Ahamkara will face.
• Claiming only pleasure and not pain part of Ahamkara - Not possible.
• Pleasure of possessing / Loosing.
• Disidentify with Object, work as working clip.
• Use Object - Be detached - Don’t identify. 1101
• When I have extra attachment - Gives me extra kick - When it goes gives pain.
• I have freedom / Choice - Be attached and be ready to take problems.
Be ever ready to loose : Chip
• I have Ahamkara with pleasure and pain
• I have Atma - Beyond all pleasure and pain.
Choice :
• Identify with Ahamkara... welcome both
• Disidentify with Ahamkara... Reject both pleasure / Pain.
• Buy car - Pleasure and pain
• Inner strengthening to welcome pleasure and pain through Atma / Anatma Viveka =
• If you Disidentify from Ahamkara and identify with Consciousness... World is Big
Bubble Samashti Prapancha.
Samashti Vyashti Identify with Consciousness
Virat : world Vishwa : Body - Beyond Manifest and Unmanifest
- Hiranyagarbha - Teijasa - Identify with Atma
- Ishvara - Pragya (Unmanifest)

• Renounce 3 Pairs… identify with Turiyam. 1102

Verse 290 :

Shifting your identification which is now fixed in the body to the Atman which is existence-
knowledge-bliss, rejecting the subtle body, may you become, ever the pure self alone. [Verse 290]
• Withdraw Aham from lower I and place it on higher I.
• As much rehearsal you can do, so much is assimilation of teaching, Limited Rehearsal
- Drama will not go well.
• With God rehearsal - Drama successful
• Take Aham Vritti ‘I’ identification which is strongly identified with physical /
Emotional / Intellectual Personality - Relational personality - I am boss / Father...
pluck it from Anatma - Body / mind... Place it on Chidatma.
• Mano Buddhi Na Aham... I am not father / Say one Lakhs times...
• Sangat - Dukham Bavati
• In The Atma - it is Chit
- Ever Ananda Svarupa
• W.r.t Deha - Lingam - Disidentify Sukshma Shariram / Sthula Shariram own up
Nondual Nature.
• Invoke Atma Sarvada, constantly. 1103
Verse 291 (Important Verse) :

That in which there is the ‘illusion’ of the universe, just as the ‘city in the mirror’, that Brahman you
are. Knowing this, you will experience the fulfilment of your life. [Verse 291]
• Appearance / Manifestation of Universe in ‘Consciousness’
• World appears in Consciousness... Like city in mirror
Dakshinamurthy Stotram :

The Entire World is Like a City Seen within a Mirror, the Seeing happening within One's Own Being, It is
a Witnessing happening within the Atman, (the Witnessing) of the Externally Projected World; Projected by the Power
of Maya; As if a Dream in Sleep, One Experiences this Directly (this Play of Maya) during Spiritual Awakening within
the Non-Dual Expanse of One's Own Atman Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This
Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy. [ Verse 1 ]

Concept :
• Mithyatvam of Universe world can’t affect Mirror.
• Movie / Doesn't affect screen. 1104
• That ‘Consciousness’ which is infinite is Myself / Aham and world appearing in
Consciousness.... And Consciousness is Myself.
• Therefore world is appearing in me.
How to swallow?
• Dream world... In dream identified with dream body, then individual in dream and
dream world outside.
• Dream world affects because i am identified with one of creation of Dream - Which is
dream body.
When i Wake up :
• Instead of Saying - I am in the Dream world.. I Say.
• Dream world - Svapna - Jagat Abhasa in me
When I wake up to Consciousness :
• Instead of Saying - I am in waking world I Say.
• Jagrat is Abhasa in me, reversal took place because of waking.
How to define waking :
• I have Disidentified from dream body. 1105
Identified with

Dream Body Wakers Body

Dreaming Waking

Withdrawal From

Dream Body Wakers Body

Waking Realisation

• In dream body identification - I am within dream world - When dream body

Disidentification takes place - Dream world is within me!

• Identified with this body - I am within.

• Cosmos - Disidentify from this

• Body - Entire Cosmos including this body is within me. 1106

Example 2 :
• As long as I identify with wave - Name / Form - I am within ocean.
• When I identify with water Consciousness - I am not within ocean... Ocean and all
waves are within you.
• Whether I am within / Or others within me is shift from Nama Rupa to water - Body
to Consciousness.
Dream body to waker :
• Similarly from Waker’s body to Chaitanyam.
• Therefore Tatu Brahma - Aham - Iti Jnatva
• No change in mortality of wave / Body is like Mortality of wave / Body Doesn‘t affect
Now I don’t say :
• I am Mortal
Say :
• Wave / Body is mortal - I am not mortal Because I am not wave.
Jnani :
• Accepts body’s mortality
But continues to say :
• I am immortal - Acceptance of body’s mortality is knowledge / Realisation.
• Total contentment - Everything ok as it is. 1107
Verse 292 :

Attaining that which is intrinsically one’s essence, which is knowledge absolute and bliss, non-dual, which
is beyond all forms and activities, one should cease identifying with the false body, like the actor who
relinquishes his dress and make-up. [Verse 292]

What happens when you Disidentify from Ahamkara?

• All personalities becomes Vesha, life becomes Drama.
• During drama - Tears / Laugh
• Movie not permanent scar / Depression in personality of actor.
• He goes through emotions... Emotions have lost ability to scar me.
• No event creates permanent shocks
• No Vichalanam - No Dukham, Cyclist doesn’t fall permanently.
Handle moves here and there :
• FIR down - Depression / Fear / Anger / Anxiety / Not Permanent.
• Name of Actor - Satyam / Jnanam / Brahma before Drama. 1108
Nature of Actor :
• Never dies - No Birth
• Birthday Drama - Aham Nitya
• My real Nature = Nija Rupam Birthless Consciousness.
Aadyam :
• It was there before Time / World / Space Emerged.
Taittriya Upanishad :

Other than that (soul) made up of the essence of food there is an inner soul (sheath) made of the prana. With it
this is filled. This (Pranamaya) is of the same form as the previous. Its human form is exactly as the human form
of the former. Of that, prana is the head, vyana is the right side, apana the left side, akasa is the trunk, earth is
the tail or the support. About this also there is the following vaidika verse. [II – II – 2]

How was I before birth?

• Experience Timeless / Spaceless / Divisionless oneness… 1109
Just Sleep :
• I am there in Sleep, no Individuality.
Chandogyo Upanishad :

Sanatkumara said : Bhuma [the infinite] is that in which one sees nothing else, hears nothing else, and
knows [i.e. finds] nothing else. But alpa [the finite] is that in which one sees something else, hears
something else, and knows something else. That which is infinite is immortal, and that which is finite is
mortal. Narada asked, “Sir, what does bhuma rest on?” Sanatkumara replied, “It rests on its own power –
or not even on that power [i.e.. It depends on nothing else].” [7 – 24 – 1]

• From that Absolute I - Relative I was born… Svapna / Jagrat - Born, relative I = father /
Boss I etc subject to arrival / Departure.
Therefore They must be Vesham :
• During sleep my nature is my real Nature - ‘Nija Svarupam’
Today :
• Thinking waking Nature = I = real I
Vedanta reverse :
• Mr. Shekar, Vesham during sleep, whatever obtains is your Svarupam in Sleep -
Ananda also. 1110
Aadyam (Karanam also) :
• Before emergence of creation it is there.
Chid :
• Nature of Chaitanyam / Ananda… Poornatvam / Not experiential pleasure /
• Don’t lack Anything - Because everything in me.
• Freedom from Missing anything is called Ananda.
• Advaya - Nondual
• Arupam - Formless
• Akriyam - Free from Action (Akarta / Abokta)
• Sanchita / Agami Prarabda to be Destroyed belongs to Ahamkara Alone.
• To destroy Prarabda… I have strong identification with Prarabda.. World says I have
• Jnani looks at himself as Atma.
Form Ajnani :
• Looks at Jnani as Ahamkara with Prarabda…
• Repeatedly invoke that i… How far it goes inside depends on time spent on invoking
real I. 1111
Therefore time I Put is important :
• When Value is there - Time is there, to invoke higher / Own nature, go to green room
• When Trichur elephant comes… Space comes.
• Utsrujata… Reduce body into Vesham in our mind.
• Give up false personality like role of beggar, taken by actor.
• After movie, actor forgets role - Otherwise he would not have made so many
movies… After action, forget our roles, learning to reduce everything as role play -
Your own Vesham…
Verse 293 :

The objective world is quite unreal/ neither is the ego real. For it is seen to be fleeting. How then can the
apparent ‘I know all’ be true of the ego and so on, which are momentary? [Verse 293]

• By Rejecting worldly roles / Ahamkara you are not going to loose anything because
they are all fake / Universal / Mithya…
• Wake up from Dream… Disown dream body - Need not worry I had wonderful dream
body / wife / Boss / Staff lost it!
• Dream loss… Mithya after waking you will be upset. Within Dream - Objects real from
wakers Standpoint. 1112
• If you can Disidentify without any difficulty, don’t lose anything.
• Similarly having owned up higher Nature, When you look at possession, Panchabuta
modified… All is Ash.
Objects of Possession identified As :

Aham Mama
- Identification with Panchakoshas / My - Identification w.r.t. world called
body called Ahamkara Mamakara
- I am the body - My House
Objects :
• I and Mine are Mithya have no reality of their own, pot has no reality of its own,
Nama / Rupa.
• Ahamkara - Finite / Located personality called Aham - Mr. I / Mr. Shekar dissolves in
• Other than emerging / Dissolving Ahamkara, there is Sakshi Aham which neither
dissolves / Nor emerges.
Drk Drishya / Vidyaranya :
• Na Deti Nasta Meita Eka… Samprividesha Svayam Prabha….
• Witness I.. Not a personality, impersonal. 1113
We love personal I :
• We are worried to own up impersonal I Chappu Nu இைக்கே … Chaitanyam - No
eye / Ears…
• If you don’t like higher I, Vedanta says - Be in lower I - Don’t Cry when personality I
has personal problem, Ravana / Khamsa will be there.
• If tired, come to witness I.
Why no Personality without problem?
• Samsara impossible… become impersonal Aham, to reject Samsara.
• “Aham Padartha” - Real Meaning of I.
• Impersonal I = Witness of personality I
• Impersonal I = is immortal, Nityam
• Formless I - Exists in Sushupti Also
• Sushupti - Time = Only time when we are free of time.
• I am timeless impersonal I - in Sushupti.
• Supported by Sruti - Katho Upanishad - Supported by Ajaha Nityaha – Iti.
Katho Upanishad :

“The intelligent Atman is not born, nor does He die. He did not spring from anything, and nothing sprang from him. This
unborn, eternal. Everlasting, ancient, is not slain even when the body is destroyed. [I – II – 18]

That is your core nature :

• Sad Asat Vilakshanam - Chaitanyam.

• Whether you want to own up or not is your choice.

• Be person have Samsara, Become impersonal be free.

Lecture 102
Verse 294 :

But the real ‘ I ‘ witnesses the ego and so on. It is always there, even in deep sleep. ‘it is unborn, eternal’,
Says Sruti herself. Different, therefore, from the gross and the subtle is Paramatman. [Verse 294]
• Learn to shift Aham from Ahamkara to Sakshi.

Body Mind and Reflecting Consciousness =

- Subject to Arrival / Departure - No Change
- Changes Janma to Janma - Not replaced when Janma is changed
- Mind and Chidabasa Same in all Janmas
- Same entity
• Ahamkara wears in one Janma and drops body and takes another body in another
• Therefore physical body not included in Ahamkara - Because it changes from Janma
to Janma…
• Mind / Reflection continues Anaadi Kala Pravahaha.
Ahamkara :
• Sabasam Manasa Sa with reflection (Abasam)
• Along with Ahamkara - Original Consciousness - Called Sakshi… inherently present.
• No Reflection possible without Original.

Original Face Reflected face

Here There
• No Distance between Original Consciousness and Reflecting Consciousness.
• Sakshi and Ahamkara Always together.
I (Individual ) :
Sakshi Ahamkara

As seeker train to own up Sakshi Disown

• Aham used… to identify with Ahamkara - Samsara dominant.
• As Sakshi, I am liberated, Ahamkara Looses impact and Sakshi, invoked regularly and
Ahamkara problems and their impact less…
• Candle light.. Felt prominently in midnight
• Candle light in sunlight… Light not felt… Abibavaha.
• Jnani can’t destroy Ahamkara… But its impact insignificant. 1117
• As long as Prarabda karma is there… Body / Mind / Chidabasa / loss / victory will be
• Jnani’s invocation of Sakshi stronger… His owning up stronger… Mercury light
gradually bright…
• By ‘Nididhyasanam’… Worst problems of Ahamkara, become insignificant.
• Stronger ‘Nididhyasanam’ - Weaker impact of Ahamkara.
• Weaker ‘Nididhyasanam’ - Stronger impact of Ahamkara
• Turn attention to Sakshi which continues in Sushupti.
• Don’t turn to Ahamkara which dissolves in sleep.
• Sleep dissolving Ahamkara… Don’t pay attention to Sleep non-dissolving Sakshi I…
Pay attention to.
• Ajaha / Nitya / Sashvataha / Pratyagatma / Sad Asad Vilakshana / Karya - Karana

Vishwa / Teijasa Pragya Vilakshana

- Karyam - Karanam - Vilakshana = Turiya
↓ ↓ ↓
Asad Sad Nantap Pragyam
Verse 295 :

That which is the knower of all changes in all things which are liable to change, must doubtless be eternal
and changeless. Again and again, the unreality of the gross and the subtle bodies is clearly perceived in
one’s fancy, dream and deep sleep. [Verse 295]
Why should I own up Sakshi and disown Ahamkara?
Intellect Asks :
• Why should I not own up Ahamkara and disown Sakshi with whom I have fallen in
love with… Crazy / Obsession… why can’t I continue with my affair.
Sakshi = Svarupam Ahamkara = Incidental Nature
Svabavika Rupam Heat in fire Aguntaka Rupam Water in heat
• How do I prove Ahamkara is incidental Nature.
• How do I prove Sakshi is not Incidental nature.
Earlier / Human being Incidental
- Intrinsic Now - What comes and goes
- Ahamkara only in Jagrat / Svapna…
- Not in Sushupti / Samadhi.. 1119
Vyabichari Sabava :
• Agama Pahina / Aguntanka
Sakshi :
o Anaaga Pahinaha
o Avyabichara Svabavat
o Doesn’t come and go
• Sakshi continues in Sushupti.. What is proof.
• If Sakshi doesn’t continue in Sushupti… You can’t experience Sushupti…
• How can you experience absence of Ahamkara unless there is ‘Consciousness’
• That there is Sakshi in sleep is proved by experience of sleep.
How you prove Ahamkara is not there in Sushupti?
• I don’t have sense of limitation / Localisation / Individuality - Proof for dissolution
of Ahamkara…
• Wise to own up Sakshi… Foolish = own up Ahamkara.
Pedivatham :
• I will continue with Ahamkara, Padu Maname Padu… Anubavi raja Anubavi…
• Guru not upset… Person chose to suffer
• Guru can’t remove problem - Baby pulls its own hair and cries…
• Drop and enjoys - Hold and suffer…. Nimmadhi is our choice. 1120
• Sakshi is illuminator / Knower / Experiencer of all modifications of Changing things
• Balyam / Yavanam / Maranam / Asti - Jayate…
Prana :
• Ashanaya / Pipasa
• Vikari / Vikara
• Hunger / Thirst… indigestion..
• Manomaya Vikara.. Kama / Krodha…
• Vikara… Agyana / Samshaya Jnanam / Viparyaya
Ananda Maya Kosha :
• Moodah / Pramodah / Priya Sakshi illuminates..
What is its Nature?
• Illuminator of Changes - Remain changeless.
• If Sakshi changes - Another illuminator will be required.
Technical Question :
• Can a thing illumine its own changes?
• No - Why?
• Change is property of Changing thing. 1121
Hand Changes
Substance, changing thing Property
Re-phrase Question :
• Can Substance illumine its own properties?
• Subject should become subject to illumine its property.
• Property should become object
• To be object it has to be away
• Eyes can’t see their own colour
• Eyes have to be plucked and brought out to see colour.
Basic law of Vedanta :
• Substance can’t objectify its property, Observer can never objectify its own property.
• If Sakshi has changes, it can’t be illumined by Sakshi.
• Therefore, Sakshi has to be changeless.
Law :
• Witness of changes can’t be changing, It has to be changeless.
Gita : Chapter 13th :

Know me as the knower of the field in all fields, O Bharata. Knowledge of the field as also of the knower
of the field is considered by me to be my knowledge. [Chapter 13 - Verse 3 ]

Sakshi Avikara :
• Therefore Nitya / Deathless
• One of the changes is Maranam…
• Nityaha Sakshi - Avikaratvat..
When do we experience this?
• Ahamkara and Ahamkara Vikara - Arriving and departing… Repeatedly experiencing
• Sakshi performance… See clearly…
• Ahamkara as impermanence… Experienced daily.
• A New knowledge / Understanding based on available experience… Therefore no
Samadhi - New insight required…
Available experiences :
• Sakshi - Non arrival
• Ahamkara - Arrival / Departure
Therefore new Knowledge :
• I am not Arriving / Departing Ahamkara Amsha, but Sakshi Amsha. 1123
Manoratha :
• Waking - Day Dreaming
• Imagination
• Mind is Changing.. I Witness am Changeless.
Svapna :
• Objectify Mind… Experience of Dream world.
• Thought of mind.. Objectification of Dream = Objectification of mind… No Dream
other than our mind…
Upadesha Sahasri : 1 Chapter :
• Svapna Smriti Prakaranam…
Sushupti :
• Objectified mind - Resolved Objectifier Sakshi Continues, Sakshi - My intrinsic Nature.
Verse 296 :

Therefore, reject you identification with this mass of flesh and with the ego or the subtle body, of which
are the imaginations of the intellect. By Realising your own self which is knowledge Absolute, which
cannot be denied in the three period of time, attain to the state of supreme peace. [Verse 296]
What is task of Nididhyasanam?
• Deha Abhimana Tyaga…
Body :
• Piece of flesh - Rotting.
• Give up Sthula Pinda Abhimana and reflected Consciousness (Pinda Abimani
Chidabasa) which has localised I - Notion Sharira Abimani.
Where is Chidabasa formed ?
• On intellect, Chidabasa - Closer to real I ‘on’ intellect
• Because - Shariram = Jadam
• Chidabasa - Effulgent…

Mirror Reflected Sun

- Different than Sun - Close to Original Sun
- Give up because as impermanent as - Reflected ‘Consciousness’ Closer to
reflecting medium is perishable Original ‘Consciousness’
- Identification is more

• Reflecting medium and reflected consciousness - Perishable.

• Original Consciousness - Keep, Mind always wants to hold to something… Hold
• May you claim / Own up your real higher nature / Unlocalised ‘Consciousness’ / All
pervading / Indivisible Consciousness / which can never be negated in time.
• If I am Ahamkara… Bothered About time. 1125
Sakshi :
• Yama can’t threaten
• You can threaten Yama… Yama becomes food for Atma.
• Ahamkara (Eaten).. Food for Yama…
How to do?
• By Mere understanding because Sakshi already my nature… Claiming your right…
• Owning up Sakshi = Owning up Shanti.
• May you enjoy permanent peace of mind, instead of floating log in ocean.
Verse 297 :

Renounce your identification with family, lineage, name, form and order in life which are attributes of the
body which is like a foul corpse. Sp too, renounce your ideas of agency and so on, which are attributes of
the subtle body. Thus become the very essence of bliss Absolute. [Verse 297]

• Dharmi / Dharma… Adhyasa Tyaga Disidentify from body / Status of body.

• Male / Female / Brahmave… Properties of body / By Parentage.
• Parents give birth to Sthula Shariram, Mamas Pindam.. / Wet Corpse / Not Dried up.1126
• Body has Kulam / Form / Ashrama.. Stages of life.
• I am Sanyasi… All should do Namaskara - Abhimana.
Sukshma Sharira :
• Dharma… I am Educated Karta / Bokta / Jnata / Pramata / Drop
• I am Akhanda… Sukha Rupam
• I am Chaitanya.. Sukha Rupam
• Samsari’s Happiness - Unbalanced
Verse 298 :

It is observed that are other obstacles also which hurt man into a whirl of birth and deaths. Their one
root, for the reasons given above, is the ego, the first modification of ignorance. [Verse 298]

• Sama Vritam… Can chant

• Visham Vritam.. Can’t Chant, For Seeker Obstacles Many…
Any Attachment :
• Cause of Samsara… Obstacle to Atma Ananda.
• Any Pain in life = One Attachment.
• Attachment to house… Has Root in Ahamkara till you have Aham / Mama… Samsara
will be there…
• Be willing to give up Aham - For Jeevan Mukti - Give up both - Aham / Mamakara. 1127
Lecture 103
Verse 298 :
1) Nididhyasanam :
• Elimination of Obstacle between Jnanam and Jnana Phalam to experience result of
• No Specific Experience of Brahman… As Result of Jnana… But Samatvam / Shanti /
Abayam.. Experienced, Elimination - Not Flash… Gradual process.
2) Nididhyasanam = Viparita Bavana / Viparyaya / Vasana ← Obstacles
Verse 298 : Technical :
• Ahamkara is highest Viparita Bavana, Gross form of Viparita Bavana = Habitual Kama
/ Krodha.
In technical form :
• All habitual problems because of ‘I’ - We have been claiming.
Ahamkara :
• Responsible for sense of limitation / Parichinna Buddhi comes… Kama / Krodha
Through Vedanta :
• I am not Ahamkara… I keep forgetting and act as though Ahamkara.
• Self forgetfulness and doing Vyavahara as Ahamkara is problem… No Vyavahara - As
Atma… 1128
• Jnani - Invokes Ahamkara for Vyavahara but doesn’t forget Ahamkara is lower Nature
/ Incidental Nature / Vesha…
• Like Actor identifies with role and brings emotions / Tears… Doesn’t forget his role.
• Ahamkara is Vyavaharika Mithya - Pay Attribute to Ahamkara… Moolam for all.
Relations :
• Problem
• Due to Sanga / Relationship
• Expressed as Mama
• Modification of I
• Aham when related to people gets converted to Mama…
• I Root Ahamkara… Gets converted Emotional Struggle.
Experientially Proved :
Waking / Dream :
• Ahamkara rises
• Mamakara rises / Relationship / Struggle / Dhi Loka
• Shunya Ekam - Ramana Maharish… Attacks Ahamkara - Kingpin.
• In Sleep Ahamkara / Mamakara / Samsara resolves
↓ ↓
Satve / Abave Satve / Abava 1129
Therefore Ahamkara = Moolam :
• Prathama Vikara - Prathama - Karyam Product
• 1st Product from Atma = Ahamkara without 1st person / Singular… No 2nd / 3rd Person.
Ahamkara :
• Prathamika Adhyasa, primary Superimposition.
• All others - Owner / Boss / Secondary Superimposition - Without Aham… No Mama….
12 Verses (Verse 298 to 310) :
Verse 299 :

As long as there is any relationship with this vile ego, so long there should not be even the slightest talk
about liberation, which is unparalleled. [Verse 299]
• Ahamkara Biggest enemy of Spiritual Seeker…
Definition of Ahamkara :
• Body / Mind Complex(Continues till Death) with Reflecting Consciousness
• Original Consciousness = Atma…
• Individual = Mix of Ahamkara and Atma. 1130
All transactions done by Ahamkara :
• Pure Ahamkara can’t exist without Atma… requires reflecting Consciousness…
• Original Consciousness… Reflecting Consciousness and Ahamkara and Body Mind

Requires Original Consciousness
• Mere Ahamkara can’t exist without Atma.
• Mere Atma can’t Transact without Medium of Ahamkara.
• In sleep, Ahamkara resolved, Atma exists but can’t function…
• Nididhyasanam = Mix is transacting… Give importance to Atma part alone.
• Ahamkara - Not given importance / Significance.
• More Ahamkara - More Samsara - More problems

Perishable / Maya / Floating
Realisation :
o What I am experiencing is Ahamkara
o Hero of all transactions not mind
o It is perishable every minute… Exists for fleeting moment / Maya.
Ahamkara :
• Will have Asti / Jayate.. Problem
• Will have Viyoga / Samyoga… 1131
• Understand - Problem of Ahamkara… Attitude to Ahamkara should change.
• Dushta Svaroopa… Defective / Problematic / Headade… Samsara Inherent in
• No Ahamkara without Samsara…
1) Ahamkara - Duratma
- Dukha Svarupa
2) I shouldn't have sincere connection with Ahamkara.. By Invoking / Dwelling on it…
Planning :
• Our Plan is to improve Ahamkara… one day will have ideal Setup / Conditions ideal…
when Setup ready, transfer.
• Order comes at 95! Ahamkara has to quit - Skating on thin ice.
• Karma Khanda - To improve Ahamkara - Oriented life.
• Go higher and own up Atma…
• As long as higher I wants partnership with lower I… So long no Mukti from
• Ahamkara can’t be given up - Because all transactions through Ahamkara…
• Even teaching but don’t be hooked to Ahamkara.
• Make Ahamkara functional - Actor / Vesham (Not take Serious)
• (My problem!! Took it very seriously when hurt) 1132
Verse 300 :

Freed from the shackles of the ego, like the moon freed from the eclipse, man gains his true nature and
becomes untainted, infinite, ever blissful and self effulgent. [Verse 300]
• If I break association with Ahamkara will I not be in complete.

Atma Ahamkara
• By dropping Ahamkara - Not going to miss anything.
• Ahamkara - Not required to improve your status, without Ahamkara… Atma Nityaha
/ Poornaha Shudha…
• Existence of Ahamkara - Because of blessing of Atma…
• Rivers threaten ocean… If you don’t give water to flow into ocean.
Ocean :
• Water evaporated = Cloud = Rain = River Aapooryamanam….
• Ahamkara - Not required for Poornatvam but helps in expressing my Poornatvam.
• Jnani - Uses Ahamkara for expressing Poornatvam as compassion / Love /
fearlessness / Generosity….
• If Ahamkara goes, I am free / Mukta… freed from hold of Ahamkara.. Person
discovers his superior Nature… contrary to his thought… Status not down but
Discovers his Svaroopam :
• Vimala - Pure - Only - Ahamkara - Gives me only Agami / Sanchita / Prarabda…
Punyam / Papam.
• By association with Ahamkara - Problem, Discover Poorna alone.
• Sense of limitations gone… without Ahamkara.
• During Waking / Dream… Ahamkara alive.
• Limitations many - Wake up, to be done many.
Sakshi :
• Pradhana - My life is Atma Pradhana personality, Ahamkara lies low.
• In Atma Pradhana life - I am Ananda Svarupa / Poornaha… Therefore we love sleep!!

Ahamkara never gets permanent Ananda Atma is ever ‘Sada Ananda’

- Struggle for Yoga / Kshema - Svayam Praba
- Rahu - Caught Atma Chandra = Ahamkara - Like Chandra freed from Grahana
- Chandra
Therefore Evils come :
• Grahana Bad - For Laukika Activities
- Good for Spiritual / Religious Activities
• Local Graham = 3 Hours - Samsara Graham = life long
• With Atma Jnanam - Free
• Chandra = Vimala - Poornaha - Bright after Grahanam(Gives Ananda)
• Sun is hot - Not Surya Grahanam.
• Chandra cool rayed one, Himamshu… Relatively self effulgent…
• Free from Ahamkara = Free from Samsara.
Verse 301 :

The ego is that which has been produced by the intellect, which is deluded by ‘Nescience’ and which is
perceived in this body as ‘I am so and so’ When this ego sense is totally annihilated, one attains an
unobstructed identity with Brahman.[Verse 301]
How Ahamkara Dominates person life?
• By ‘I’ notion placed on Body / Mind complex, Ahamkara - Expresses as I am this Body
/ Mind.
• Therefore this is my house / Possession / I am this body - Through body other
• Person marries one… Relationships in Laws 100! Broker - Buddhi - Deluded… 1135
Moodah :
• Governed by Tamo Guna… Visualised by / Caused by / Governed by Ahamkara…
• My real nature - Body is deluded thinking - No thinking!
• Ahamkara should be totally destroyed - Not a little bit…
• I am Sanyasi / Jnani / Guru is Ahamkara…
To say Jnani :
• You have to get related to mind / Thought
• Jnani doesn’t claim I am Jnani.
• Ahamkara Nasha = Ahamkara Mithyatva Nischaya
= Falsification of Ahamkara
• Destroying pot - Without touching - Vedantic destruction = Enquiry.
• Pot = Clay, in Part / Present / Future
= Name / Form.
• No Existence of its own… is understanding destruction of pot nothing called pot…
• Weight of pot = Weight of clay - Mithyatva Nischaya.
• Then Brahma Atma Bavana Takes over… I get different Orientation / Shade.
What dominates My thought :
• Aham Poornaha / Nitya Shudha / Mukta / Abayaha…
• These thoughts Dominate mind, Now and then play role of Ahamkara… 1136
• Pot can’t obstruct Vision of Clay, I am seeing pot… See clay.
• No Pot Exists as Substance to cover Vision - Clip covers Vision of hand.
• Pot not substance to cover Vision of clay… no 2nd thing…
• Atma Vision Never covers Ahamkara = Jeevan Mukti.
Verse 302 :

The treasure of the bliss of Brahman is enwrapped by the mighty and dreadful serpent of the ego sense,
and Jealously guarded for its selfish use, by its three fierce hoods, the three Gunas. The wise man who
destroys it by severing its three heads with the great sword of Realisation, in accordance with the
teachings of the scriptures, alone can enjoy this treasure which brings bliss. [Verse 302]

Poetic imagination :
• Jnana Phala of Brahma Ananda - Treasure / Nidhi
• Seeker with Sravanam and Mananam and has Jnanam - Found treasure - Gained this
• Treasure Surrounded by poisonous snake… 3 Hooded.

• I am Jnani… Ahamkara / individuality ego Snake. 1137

3 Hooks of Ahamkara

Sattva Rajas Tamas

- Done Service one - Started cyber from - Destroyed so Many…

dominate Scratch and now Big Gita : 16th Chapter :
- No time for - Idam Adya…
Brahmananda - No
Gita : 16th Chapter :

“This has today been gained by me, this desire I shall obtain, this is mine, and this wealth shall also be
mine in future”. [Chapter 16 - Verse 13]

Nididhyasanam :
• Vigyanam = / Survival - Destroy Adhyasa snake - Then Brahmananda Nidhi is yours.
• Treasure of Brahmananda is protected by Ahamkara - Guna Ahihe - Fierce snake.
• How it protects - Surrounding Brahmananda within its own coils - 3 Gunas, Foo Foo
seeds poison away… with sword of Vigyana / Nididhyasanam / Jnana. 1138
• Jnana Nishta / Abhyasa… chastened / Sharpened by Shastra - Kallu Yuji Mata…
Shining sword.
• Cut off 3 Gunas / Transcend - Destroy snake
Gita - Chapter 14th :

When the seer, beholds no Agent other than the Gunas and knows him who is higher than the Gunas, he
attains to my being. [Chapter 14 - Verse 19]

The embodied-one, having crossed beyond these three Gunas, out of which the body is evolved, is freed
from birth, death, decay and pain and attains to immortality. [Chapter 14 - Verse 20]

• Snake dead when 3 hoods cut… Rishi called Jeevan Mukti / Jnana Nishta…
• Man of determination / Viveki / Sincerity / Perseverance alone is fit and capable of

Lecture 104
Verse 302 : Nididhyasanam :
• For Viparita Bavana Nivrithi
• Verse 254 to 417… Elimination of Habitual, ways of thinking which obstructs benefit
of enjoyment of Vedantic Study…


Not to claim I have studied Not for Scholarship But to enjoy benefit

- Habitual ways of
thinking must Go
- Viparita Bavana
- Aham / Mama Bavana

• Having I - Identification in Body / Mind complex.

• Anything related to body becomes, My relation - One Marriage to 100 relations
• Once Aham connected to body… Anything happening to body will be indirectly
Indirect Connection :
• Parampara or Samsarga / Sambandha.
• Direct Sambandha = Tadatmaya Sambandha… Sakshat Sambandha.
• Indirect connection = Ahamkara / Mamakara Sambandha… Aham and mama
• Whenever Ahamkara - Mamakara will be there, Kevala Ahamkara never exists.
• As long as there is Ahamkara / Mamakara are there, one can never get benefit of
Aham Brahmasmi Jnanam…
• Because there are several problems like Body / Mind complex… Old age / Disease /
• Ahamkara caused problems… Worried about my old age / Disease / Death, because
its connected with Aham.
• I am worried about my wife's old age / Disease / Death… Mamakara based worries.
• All worries traced to Ahamkara / Mamakara…
• We can’t eliminate Aham / Mamakara as long Prarabda Is there…. Transactions will
be there…
• Can’t avoid… Transactions necessary… Eating in whose mouth I should put food.
• Make Aham / Mama insignificant so that they have strength only for transaction.
• Eating / Brushing - Done by instinctive Ahamkara.
• Ahamkara stranger because it is not of Mamakara… Without Ahamkara… No
Mamakara possible. 1141
10 Verses to handle Ahamkara - Upto 310 :
• Nididhyasanam = Pragyanam / Vijana… Cut off 3.
• Gunas of Ahamkara then Brahmanda treasure is yours…
• For Laukika Sukham… Dukham will come.
Verse 303 :

As long as there is even a trace of poison left in the body, how can one hope for complete recovery? Such
too is the effect of the Ego Sense Upon the mediator's liberation. [Verse 303]
• Vishama Matre Prose verse…
• Why can’t I retain some Abhimana which I love very much…
• Detach from all except ½ attachment… to that level of attachment - Pain to that
level will be there.
• As long as Vishama Dosha - Sphurti is there Deha will be there…
• Defect of toxin in body
Big Problem
Dust in body
• Can never enjoy health… Similarly Satvika Ahamkara… Has Satvika attachment…
• Guru / Shastra Vasana… Attachment will cause pain…
• Money Attachment = Rajasa Ahamkara
• Drug / Smoking = Tamasa Ahamkara 1142
Use To Transcend
- Rajas Ahamkara - Tamasa Ahamkara
- Sattvic Ahamkara - Raja Ahamkara
- ‘Nididhyasanam’ - Sattvic Ahamkara
Manesha Panchakam :
• I am Jnani = Ahamkara to claim… I am Jnani… identify with intellect.
Atma :
• Therefore neither Jnani or Ajnani… to claim I am Jnani.. You need Buddhi Tad
Jnanena :
• Aham Brahmasmi is Vritti belongs to Buddhi…
To Guru :
• Don’t Ask - Are you Jnani
• I am Atma… No Sanyasi Ahamkara - Sanyasi Ahamkara… Not Conducive for Jeevan
Verse 304 :

By the complete cassation of the ego sense, gained by restraining the diverse mental waves, created by the ego
itself and through the discrimination of the innermost reality, one experiences reality as ‘I am this’. [Verse 304]1143
• Therefore Ahamkara should become insignificant like eating…. Don’t go on dwelling
like eating…
• Any transaction - invoke father Ahamkara - After that it should not hover around in
mind… invoke and then forget it…
• Then Ahamkara doesn’t take mind as hostage Not invoke automatically…
• If I invoke… I am master of Ahamkara, means Ahamkara is feeble….
• If it hovers on my head, it means I am under control of Ahamkara…
• It is powerful enough to cause sorrow for me…
• It is indication of strength of Ahamkara…
• Master of Ahamkara should be totally eliminated… Slave Ahamkara should be
• Roles should come when I want.
• When role thinks… does it come or When I think it comes.
What is Alkaidikarathu?
• That Ahamkara / Abimani strong… Owner I / Cut it off…
• Invoke that Ahamkara and cut it off in ‘Mananam’
• Boss-hood / Husband- hood…. Master Ahamkara should be handled…
• All secondary products… Mamakara caused by Ahamkara…
• Mana Vikalpa… Every relationship / Role is Mamakara… Atma is Asangoham… 1144
Nirvana Shatakam :

Neither am I bound by Death and its Fear, nor by the rules of Caste and its Distinctions, Neither do I
have Father and Mother, nor do I have Birth, Neither do I have Relations nor Friends, neither Spiritual
Teacher nor Disciple, I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness; I am Shiva, I am Shiva, The Ever Pure
Blissful Consciousness. [Verse 5 ]

• Keep Guru / Shastra / Satvika Ahamkara… / Ishvara - till the end…

• Cut tuft - Symbolic to cut off all relationship / Sambandha….
• Deliberate invocation and elimination = Nididhyasanam.
• Invoke boss hood / Manhood and cut off…
Therefore Nididhyasanam = Long process :
• By doing this… Vedantic teaching gives more benefit….
• Before Tat Tvam Asi… No effect Aham / Mama - Powerful strong.
• Thinner Aham / Mama… More penetrating Tat Tvam Asi.
• Aham Ananda Asmi… Big Question before, My family story / Aham Mama Story.
• Atma Vichara / Pratyag - Tattwa Vichara / Inner reality.
• When Aham / Mama feebler… Invocation of teaching more penetrative…. 1145
• Atma owns Tattvam… Sthula / Sukshma / Karana Shariram Vyatirikta…
• Avastha Traya Sakshi… Panchakosha Vilakshana… Sachit Ananda Svarupa - Chaitanya
Tattvam I am…
• Aparoushyam - Chaitanyam..
• Reception of Atma… Proportional to thinning of Aham / Mama obstacle…
Verse 305 :

Renounce immediately your identification with the ego sense, the ‘sense of agency’ which is by its
very nature a modification and is lit up by a reflection of the self. It diverts one from being
established in the self. Identifying yourself with this (False sense), you have reached this relative
existence, full of the miseries of birth, decay, death, although you are the witness, the essence of
knowledge - Bliss absolute.[Verse 305]

• Ahamkara = Body / Mind complex with reflecting Consciousness, Chidabasa Sahita

Sthula / Sukshma Shariram.
• Giving up Ahamkara in live Body / Mind Complex…
• When should you give up… it is Headache… Tablet Instantaneously, Don’t wait to be
Panchaya drop like hot potato… 1146
• Ahamkara will burn you… Hetu Garba Visesheshanat…
• Don’t move with that person… Say… Dushta Svabava.. Therefore give up…
• Vikara Atmani… Because it is nature of modification…. if it becomes happy, it can
never become happy all the time… Happy Ahamkara changes to unhappy - Dukhi…
Why drop Ahamkara :
1) Vikara Svarupam
2) It doesn’t have original consciousness, enjoys only Reflecting Consciousness.
Atma Prati Phalam :
• Reflection of Atma Chaitanya alone is there in Ahamkara…
• Consciousness in body forms Ahamkara…
• Death is proof… Then it is Abhasa Chaitanyam…
• Give up identification in Ahamkara which enjoys only borrowed Consciousness…
• Svasthithi… Natural condition / Being at ease at home…
• Ahamkara - Comes to steal away… Robs away your relaxation… Stress creating -
Ahamkara and Mamakara….
• As long as they are, person has stress in various degrees… intense / Mild stress…
other than Jnanis… Whole world is in stress… 1147
Psychiatrist - World has problem
• All freak… All mad - Normal stress completely goes when.
• Aham / Mama is dropped
• Takes away Easiness… Disease not at ease… Abhimana in such Ahamkara drop it.
• You are already in jail of Samsara… Samana Karagraha…
• Moksha… Because of Ahamkara - Abhimana has come.
Definition of Samsara :
• Saturated with repeated Birth / Death / Torture - Jara - Disease - Not allowed to die….
• Dukham…. Psychological pain…
• Children not to my expectation - Because associated with wrong entity - Ahamkara…
• Where will I get Ananda, when I give up Ahamkara…
• You are Chaitanya Svarupam…
• Spring of Ananda… Chinmurtha - Sukha / Ananda Svarupa…
• Nature of Consciousness… inner self of body….
• For you, this Samsara because of Ahamkara Sambandha alone…
Verse306 :

But for you identification with the ego sense there is no transmigration for you, who are immutable
and eternally the same, knowledge absolute, omnipresent, bliss absolute and of unsullied glory.
[Verse 306]

• For Happiness... Require only yourself because you are always of same nature...
Unchanging / Uniform Nature... Chidatmano...
• Chaitanyam Eka Rupasya / Vibho - Size of that Chaitanyam Sarva Vyapaksya... All
Pervading... Embodiment of Ananda...
• If you want to have Sukham... Chit / Ananda / Anantha Svarupa... Chit Svarupam.
• You have blemishes glory - Sat Svarupam
• Anavayadyam = Blemishless
• Avikari = Changeless
• Samsara never possible for you...
• Other than Aham Adhyasa... I notion in Ahamkara. 1149
• Without Aham notion... in Abhimana... You can never have Samsara, only problems
at any time...

• Ahamkara Adhyasa alone... Comes !

• Because you are not aware of fact, that I am somebody else different / Superior to

• I own a pure water lake who will enjoy sewer water - Because of ignorance of higher
self... I am sticking to lower ego... Give it up and enjoy Moksha.

Lecture 105
Verse 306 :
• To Enjoy Jeevan Mukti - Benefit of Atma Jnanam, one should carefully handle
• Self Knowledge - Aham Brahmasmi (Sakshi Chaitanyam)
• I - Sakshi Chaitanyam is my real nature for all transactions we have to use Ahamkara -
As long as Prarabdam is there, we can’t avoid transaction and interaction.
• Every transaction / interaction Sacred
• To Sishya / Guru /
Ahamkara Required
Boss / Husband / Bakta
Atma :
• Not Bakta / Bhagawan / Boss / Sishya / Guru…

Relative role of Creator hood “Jeevatvam” / Ishvaratvam w.r.t World.
• Bhagawan status belongs to Big Ahamkara of Bhagavan.
Gita :
• Mahabutam hi Ahamkara…. (Chapter 7 - Verse 4)
Gita :

Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intellect, egoism; these are my eightfold Prakrti. [Chapter 7 – Verse 4]
• For Secular / Sacred transaction, we have to invoke ‘Ahamkara / Doership / Roles ‘
all the time.
By chance :
• If we forget higher nature and slip unknowingly to Ahamkara nature ( Not role)…
• When it becomes prominent… Samsara problem starts.
Drama - Ends as tragedy :
• Nididhyasanam - Keep Ahamkara at subdued level.
• It must be just enough in life to do duty.
• In society / Varna / Ashrama, invoke Ahamkara sufficiently to discharge duty.
• It would not cause worry / Tension.
• Dropping Ahamkara fully - irresponsible
• Taking Ahamkara fully - Samsara
• Why India Poor - Desha Ahamkara / Desha Bakti.
• Iot of Anxiety / Fear / Jealousy / irritation… Means - Ahamkara Prominent. 1152
Verse 307 :

Therefore, with the great sword of realisation, destroying this ego sense, your enemy - Which
is like a thorn in the throat of a man who is eating Enjoy directly and freely the bliss of your
own domain, the Majesty of the Atman. [Verse 307]
• Since strong invocation creates Samsara, Keep Ahamkara at Subdued level.
Example :
• Costly Dish in mouth to Swallow.
• In throat - Thorn… Therefore can’t Swallow
• Getting Jeevan Mukti - Dish…
Different :
• Manushyatvam / Guru / Mumukshutvam / Class / Shastra / Understanding… thought
will not so.
• Jnana Prapti.. Swallow Jeevan Mukti.
Problem :
• Ahamkara Vasana not Allowing me to enjoy Jnana Phalam, Ahamkara = Not Obstacle.
• Through knowledge - Know Ahamkara is Mithya. 1153
• During Vyavahara, Ahamkara Vasana, makes Ahamkara real, Then Ahamkara
problem real.
• Samsara over whelmingly real.
Problem :
• Not ignorance - But Vasana, Ahamkara is real - Know its Mithyatvam…
• During problem, Ahamkara seems real, Ahamkara experienced like thorn in throat -
Not allowing me to swallow.
• Jeevan Mukti / Ananda / Vedantah
Therefore Ahamkara :
• Sva - Shatru - Enemy for Shanti / Samatvam / Abayam Anubava / Not Brahma
Anubava - But Brahma Jnana Anubava.
• Not total Shatru… To do duty have to invoke Ahamkara... Guru is guiding Sishya…
When too prominent, Ahamkara is Shatru.
• You have to falsify Ahamkara at regular intervals.
• When any worry overwhelms, invoke worry
• See cause - Father / Husband in Ahamkara
- Particular Ahamkara
• Father / Husband / Son / Boss Ahamkara has become too real.
• Therefore Ahamkara causing worry to be falsified Go back to height of Atma,
Insignificant - Adibutam. 1154
• When thing insignificant in Presence of Something else… Starlight Sunlight.
• Sunlight doesn’t destroy Star - As though Nonexistent.
Therefore Insignificant :
• Similarly Ahamkara problem will continue.
• When you invoke higher I, it become insignificant, taking in Stride.
Life :
• Prarabda will come Abibavaha not Seriously worried.
• Sanchita / Agami destroyed - Prarabda Abibavaha Bavati.
• Prarabda becomes insignificant for Jnani Vidhiyata… Mithya / Subdued.
• By Vigyanam sword - Vedanta teaching alone, Can cut Ahamkara / Samsara w.r.t.
Galaxy - Earth - See me - Insignificant Particular body - Dust - Disturbing society.
• In any other field, Ahamkara is nourished.
• Service - Award I am so and so.
• Ahamkara emaciated by Nididhyasanam / Knowledge, not vaguely.
• Be convinced, Ahamkara is insignificant, See worldliness of Ahamkara.
• If I do that - What is the advantage? Advice out of compassion.
Benefit :
• You enjoy / I am enjoying - Atma Samrajya - Sukham = Jeevan Mukti Anubavaha -
Free - No competitor. 1155
• Brahma Ananda will not become less, because more people are Sharing.
• Like bore well - Water shared by Many.
Verse 308 :

Checking the activities of the ego and renouncing all attachments, through the experience of the
supreme reality, be free from duality through the enjoyment of the bliss of the self and remain
serene in Brahman. For, then you have attained your infinite nature.[Verse 308]
By Owning Up :
Paramartha - 2 Meanings

Artha Artha

Ultimate Substance Goal, Ultimate Goal

• Ultimate Substance = Ultimate goal = Atma = I Myself.
• Attainment of my higher Nature. 1156
Benefit :
• Drop all you Attachments / Desires / Expectation.
• Ahamkara leads to expectation.
• I will be happy it you follow my Advice.
• Advice Becomes - Commandment / Enforcement
- Relations Strained
Say :
• Presented for your good
• I want that to happen
• You choose - Course…
• Advice should be suggestion not commandment once 16 Putra becomes Mitra…
Right to command gone because of expectation.

Suggestion and Expectation Commandment

Drop Drop

Don’t Say :
• Duty over my mistake!!
• Never approach as to what I will get out of Action Approach - My Mistake. 1157
Talk :
• What you will get
• Incidentally my duty over
• You should be settled.
• Give up all Raaga / Expectation.
• Turn identification away from Ahamkara and Mamakara.
• Don’t be over whelmed by Aham / Mama Activity.
• May you not be Submerged / Immersed / Drowned let it become incident.
Advantage :
• Got lot of inner leisure peace.
• Remain relaxed when not engaged in duty.

I do I worry No time for Vedanta

When relaxed : Enjoy :
• Atma Sukham / Ananda / Poornatvam / I am full / contented as I am - Don’t lack
Anything. 1158
• Atma Ananda Anubava… in form of Limitless Poornatvam.
• Remain in Brahman… Dwell in thoughts…
• Aham Poornosmi / Asangosmi / Nityasmi / Truptosmi / Nirvanosmi / Chaintananda
Roppcha Nirvikalpaha / Without Subject Object Div.
Verse 309 :

Even though completely rooted out, this terrible ego sense, if revived in the mind (Vyullekhitah)
even for a moment, returns to life and creates hundreds of mischief's, like a cloud ushered in by the
wind during the rainy season. [Verse 309]
Nididhyasanam :
• Addiction to Ahamkara dead.
• Ahamkara - Vasana - Tendency for Re-addiction is there.
• Be Alert… Any Worry = Ahamkara in Particular relationship - Father / Husband.
Say :
• That Ahamkara will have its own Prarabda, I have my action, Bhagawan is there - I am
ready to face consequence. 1159
Therefore don’t worry!
• Particular thought Pattern / Build-up is nourishment of Ahamkara.
• Daughter… Each thought inflates / Pumps of Ahamkara tube… worm / Fear… Takes
over Rain / sunshine - One side of knowledge.
Another side - Fear / Worry :
• Spot thought build up in the beginning.
• Powerful Ahamkara in Vasana Rupam - Raja Varjam Rasopyasya…
• Person Re-addicted - Tendency to get back to addiction.
• Mahan - (Negative) Powerful Ahamkara when it is Reinvoked by thought build up….
• What will Happen next year…
• When re activated, comes to full life again.
Ahamkara :
• Raksha Beeja - Drop of blood falls down, Another Rakta Beeja Ahamkara comes…
• One drop - One Ahamkara
• Out of Single thought full fledged Ahamkara is reborn / Recreated - Even though I
have destroyed Ahamkara through knowledge.
• Invoked through worldly thought leads to 1000’s of Vikshepa Fluttering / Rumblings
in Mind. 1160
Example :
• Nadaswaram - Wind - Brings rain bearing clouds to cause rain…
• Pieces of clouds brought together by wind and then rain comes.
• Similarly Pest of Ahamkara brought together by wind of invocation…
• Thought build up = wind
• Ahamkara build up = Cloud
• Disturbances = Rain
• In summer = Jnana Nishta
• Intermediary period = Rainy season
• Have knowledge - Can’t enjoy Ahamkara till knowledge comes.
Verse 310 :

Having once overpowered this enemy, the ego, not a single moment’s rest should be given to it ti
ruminate over sense objects. That is verily the cause of its returning to life, just like water is the
cause for the flowering of a citron tree that has dried up before.[Verse 310]
• Prominent Ahamkara = Obstacle to ‘Nididhyasanam’ / Assimilation. 1161
What is cause of invocation of Ahamkara :
• Dwelling on any worldly thing / Person / Situation more than required.
• Nothing in the world should occupy mind beyond a certain limit.
Dayananda :
Gita : 5th Chapter :

Shutting out (all) external contacts and fixing the gaze (as though) between the eyebrows, equalising the
outgoing and incoming breath moving within the nostrils. [Chapter 5 – Verse 27]
During ‘Mananam’ :
• Keep world outside your mind
• We don’t allow world to be outside
• We are occupying our mind in daily phone calls - If world occupies mind, beyond
necessary time, it gives scope for invocation of Ahamkara.
‘ Vishaya Anuchintanam ‘ :
• By allowing external object to occupy your mind / Thinking of external object - Mind
invokes Ahamkara.
• Not give up house / Sit in cave, Chinta - Think to extent required. 1162
• Anuchinta - Repeatedly / Constantly thinking is worry.
• In the name of planning, most of the time we are worrying about future.
Planning :
• Deliberate action
• Requires particular duration of time only - Efficient.
• Choose time - Plan for trip - Chinta
Worrying - People / Objects / Situation :
• It Happens - Not based on time - Daily don’t fix time 7 - 7.30
• Deficient Anuchinta
• Sadashiva Brahmendra song on ‘Chinta’
• By repeated dwelling… Ahamkara invoked never give scope of rise of Ahamkara - By
Dwelling on Vishays too much… Kwachit - On Any day.
Allow :
• Camel to enter tent soon, people will have to go out.
• By Being Alert and Deliberate / Channelising thoughts throughout day.
• Proper living / Watching / Monitoring thoughts called Nigrihya - ननगह्
ृ य.
Ahamkara is my enemy no 1 :
• Mechanical thinking process, Rejuvenation / Recessation of Ahamkara - Sanjeevana
of Ahamkara - Takes place coming back to life - Revival of Ahamkara. 1163
Like :

• Drying leaf / Free pour Water - Dying Ahamkara / Tree will be revived

Mechanical Thinking Water

• Train of thoughts come - No Training required.

Lecture 106
Verse 309 :
1) Nididhyasanam :
• Leading a way of life in which Ahamkara not invoked too much and not dominant in
2) All transactions require Ahamkara :
• Sanyasi / Boss / Student / Son / Husband / Father / Friend, Ahamkara - Required for
3) To Maintain Sanyasa Dharma :
• Husband Dharma…
Gita :

Whatever a great man does, that other men also do (imitate); whatever he sets up as the standard, that
the world (people) follows. [Chapter 3 – Verse 21]

• Allow Ahamkara to function… Not Dominate Upto 310 - One Angle…. 1165
Verse 311:

He alone, who has identified himself with the body, is greedy of sense pleasures. How can one,
devoid of the body idea be greedy? Hence, the tendency to ruminate over sense objects is, indeed,
the cause for the ‘Bondage of Becoming’, and the idea of distinction or Duality. [Verse 311]
How Ahamkara gets invoked / Becomes Dominants Psychology?
1) Subject - Has counterpart - Objects in the Universe
• Subject - Object inter related / Interconnection - One can’t exist without other.
• No Object without Subject
• No Subject without Object
2) Jagrat / Svapna Dvanda :
o Subject - Object is there
o Pramata - Prameya is there
o Bogta - Bogya is there
• Mutually Dependent. 1166
Sushupti :
• Objective Universe resolves
• Individuality Dissolved

Therefore Nourishing One Means Nourishing Other

- Subject - Object
- Object - Subject
- Bogta - Bogya
- Son - Parent
- Wife - Husband (Can’t invoke husband without wife !

• Husband - Wife - Complementary pair

• Father - Daughter - Complementary pair

• When mind obsessed with Bogya Prapancha, the sense object - Bogta will be invoked

Vishaya Anuchintanam
- Object / Person / Situation

• Internal with them - Not allow to Hover mind all the time - You are Making it more
and more powerful - Dhyayato Vishayam Purushaha… (Gita : Chapter 2 - Verse 62)
Gita :

When a man thinks of objects, attachment for them arises; from attachment desire is born; from desire
arises anger… [Chapter 2 – Verse 62]

1) Look at world as Padartha…

2) When you see
• More and more Raaga / Dvesha comes - Giving happiness - Sorrow.
3) Object allowed to invoke Karta / Ahamkara, Samsari, Brings tears and Depression Any
depression Macro(Rain / Tsunami) - Micro(Tears)
4) Handled Ahamkara, ok in Vedanta, but revived by me by pouring Water.
• Vishaya Anuchintanam is being Obsessed with world as cause of revival of Ahamkara.
Verse 311 :
How world leads to invocation of Ahamkara? Leads to Raaga /Kama?
• Dhyayato Visayan…. Vishaya Chintana leads to Kama.
1) Sanga = Feeble Kama (Mild thoughts)
= Kama in Plant form 1168
2) Develops into Kama tree by repeated thinking.
3) Ahamkara - Invoked - Kami invoked
- Enjoyment of sense objects
- Invocation of Kamitvam = Boktrutvam
• Dhyanam Sanga Kama / Kami Bogta.
Kama / Kami Bogta
Kami is to experience sense Has to be Deha Abimani
• Pure Atma can’t be Bokta.
• If i have Invoked Boktrutvam, i have Body / Mind complex = Ahamkara
• Any experience... Requires identification with I
• Eyes - Enjoy form and Colours
Indriya / Deha / Mano / Abhimanam / Bogta /
• Ears - Enjoy Sweet voice Deha Abimani
• Skin - Enjoy Touch
• Viparita Bavana Invoked... = Obstacle
• Brahmatva Sthitva - Kami Neiva Bavati
• Dehatma Shitva - Kami Bavati
• One who Abides in the knowledge Aham Brahma Asmi... Can never be Kami. 1169
Gita :

The Blessed Lord said : When a man completely casts off, O Partha, all the desires of the mind and is
satisfied in the Self by the Self, then is he said to be one of steady wisdom. [Chapter 2 – Verse 55]

• Brahmatva Samastittatva = Akami

• Dehatmatva Samastittatva = Kami - Identified with Sthula / Sukshma.
• Akami - Aware of Poorna / Asanga / Nitya / Trupta / Svarupam.
• I don’t require world to be full and complete
• I will not be Enamoured by anything…
• Appreciative world wonderful… I look at Flower and Appreciate Ok.
• I need it Permanently… Possession to be full and complete.. Samsara has come.
• This knower wonderful / Worth it / Want it - Can’t Survive / Bound…
• Ishvara Srishti… Vibuti of lord not invoked dependently to appreciation = Freedom /
• Appreciation in which dependence is invoked = Samsara. 1170
Gita :

For him there is no interest whatever in what is done, or what is not done; nor does he depend
upon any being for any object. [Chapter 3 – Verse 18]

• No dependency on anything.

• Aim, should maintain Samasthithi...

• Anything which obstructs Brahmatmane Samastiti should be handled in the

beginning itself.

• What brings bondage of Samsara = Artha Santana Param.

• Being obsessed / Allowing mind to be, over occupied permanently - World of object
/ People / Situation.

• Wherever you go - Carrying in your mind all the time.

• Jeevan Mukti - Not Nirvikalpa Samadhi. 1171

Gita :

I do nothing at all, thus would the harmonised knower of Truth think – seeing, hearing,
touching, smelling, eating, going, sleeping, breathing... [Chapter 5 – Verse 8]
• Living in the world - Not withdrawn balanced interaction.
Sandhana Paratvam :
• Fixing(Mind on the world) / Dwelling / To connect.
• All the time being Obsessed / Cause of Bandaha Samsara, Brahmana Sandhanam.
How it becomes Samsaric Bondage?
• By Creating Duality of Bogtru / Bogya relationship.
• There is a constant worry of Maintaining.
• Relationship not allowing Object to be lost - Insecurity.
• 1st - Strike Relationship - Yoga
• 2nd - Retain Relationship - Kshema 1172
How to keep Husband / Wife together Said :
• Previously Prarabda… Like tied to your body!
• Struggle to Maintain Bogtru - Bogya Sambandha itself is pain.
Verse 312 :

When the ‘effects’ are flourishing, the ‘seeds’ also are observed to increase. When the ‘effects’ are
destroyed, the ‘seeds’ also are destroyed. Therefore, the ‘effect’ must be subdued. [Verse 312]

Previously :
• Vishaya Dhyana cause for invocation of Bogta
Now :
• Vishaya Dhyana Cause of Karta Invocation.
• Revival - Activation of sleeping Ahamkara - Nourishing invocation.
• Like Lord’s invocation - Lord is now in Avyakta form - When you install idol and Chant
Dhyana Sloka - Avahaniyam and Positive invocation.
• Invocation - எழிப்பு விழுேிைது Dormant to dominant. 1173
2nd :
• Over activity - Getting immersed in Vyavahara - Getting carried away in waves of
activity - Kartrutva invocation.
• When I think of world - Boktrutvam - invocation.
• When I think of activity - Kaamatva - invocation
• Both Ahamkara - 2 facets - we can’t avoid activity
• In some Ashrama - Brahmacharya /Grihasta / Vanaprastha / Sanyasi.. More / Less
Aim :
• Not to destroy / Domination of Ahamkara - Activity should be balanced
Spend Time :
• To Remember Activity is Vesha... Part of Big Drama
• Drama in Maya Screen alone, can’t be given more importance.
• Than what it deserve... Sufficient importance... Not forget my higher nature.
• Remember i am Playing Role...
• Don’t forget by Original Nature - Restrain, not Stop - Active life.
• When it causes frustration / Restlessness / Go to Rishikesh…
• Lizard to ceiling - I Support you… 1174
Gita : Chapter 15th :
• Tree expands / more Upwards, Grows roots thicker / Vaster / Urdva Moola…
• Root Thicker when, Branches expand.
Karma Kartrutvam / Ahamkara Paridrashyate
- Expands more - Thicker and Bigger - Seen fact
- Branches - Root / Beejam
• To uproot tree - First cut branches and tree uprooted.
• By becoming workaholic - Karyam tree expands.
Generally :
• Beejam = Root destroyed - Tree destroyed
• Beeja Nasha = Root weaker - Root can be easily uprooted Reverse also true..
• Destroy Karanam / Karyam... Mutually dependent
• Destroy Cause / Effect...
• Increase of Activity = Increase of Ahamkara
• Increase of Ahamkara = Increase of Activity.
• Karya Nashat - Beeja Nashat
• Restrain expanse of your Activity.
• Dont get lost in Vyavahara / Not Dominate life, Not Suppress Vedanta Knowledge -
Painfully Gathered, Travelling to classes / Writing notes!! 1175
Verse 313 :

Through the increase of Vasanas, Egocentric ‘Work’ increases and when there is an increase of
Egocentric ‘Work’, there is an increase of Vasanas also. Thus, Jivas transmigration never comes to an
end. [Verse 313]
• To Uproot Ahamkara - Reduce Karma / Noble service (Noble Ahamkara)
• Sarva Dharman Parityajya…
Ahamkara :
• Sattva / Rajas / Tamas - So Many Students.
• In relative field can’t Avoid Ahamkara / Sorrow, Cutting head with Golden Sword (For
Prince) or Iron Sword - No Difference
• Sattvic / Rajasic Ahamkara - No Difference
• Any Ahamkara - Hurts / Causes Sorrow! Check if i am Nourishing Ego.
After Vedanta :
• Ahamkara During Activity is called Ahamkara Vasana.
• Jnanis Ahamkara - Causes Samsara, if he is not Careful.
Before Vedanta :
• Called Ahamkara Vritti, Ajnanis Ahamkara. 1176
If Allowed to Dominate :
• I am Jnani / Sanyasi
• I have name / Fame / Students
• Atrupti
• Increase in Activity has tendency to Increase Ahamkara.
• If I Have skill to Avoid Ahamkara - Good, not general Rule - Not Invariably fattened.
Example :
• Fast / Rash Driver… Differentiating like this

Be Alert Careful
Jnani :
• Fattening of Sattvic Ahamkara
• Parallely Criticism with Glories
• Rama / Krishna / Shankara / Gandhi not Spared
• Apamanam Comes, Disturbed
• Never value Manam / Honor - Allowing Apamanam to disturb, Mana Apana Yo
Tulyaha…. Don’t get Carried Away.
• When Ahamkara Strong - Samsara Rises.
• Knowledge Samsari, ignorant - Samsari, Only different - Categories. 1177
Verse 314 :

In order to snap the chain of transmigration, one should burn to ashes these two; for, thinking
of sense objects and doing selfish action lead to increase of Vasanas. [Verse 314]

Conclusion :
• Ahamkara - Fattened Body / Mind / Intellect.
1) Obsession with world 2) Vishaya - By karma Niratatvam
Vishaya Anuchintanam Logic / Carried Away
Kriya :
• Experiencable at external level
• Getting Involved in Activity
Vishayaha Chintam :
• Internal Level karma - External level / Revives Ahamkara Vasana.
Sanyasi Definition : One who is committed / Dedicated to Pursuit of Vedanta

“Yati” :
• Should burn - Vishaya Anuchintanam and karma for cutting knot of Samsara... To
enjoy benefit of Vedanta. 1178
2 Causes :
• Internal cause - Obsession with world
• External cause - Restless activity
• Individuality is invoked in karma
Fact :
• You are Brahman in which all individuals rise and set - Don’t choose to be individual.
• Don’t love to be perishable wave.
• You are water in which waves rise and fall.
Why you are bothered of wavy status :

Restrain Both

Chintanam Kriya

Not Visible to others Visible to others

Lecture 107
Verse 314 : Nididhyasanam :
• Alert Living only after, Vedanta learning - Like Rope Walking because one has to
Handle Aham / Mama - Kara.
• Performance of Duty requires Ahamkara / Mamakara - Wife / Children Duty, Related
to me.
Nididhyasanam : Invoking Vedanta :
• Destroys Aham / Mamakara
• Reveals Atma - Without relations Asangaha
Nirvana Shatakam :

Neither am I bound by Death and its Fear, nor by the rules of Caste and its Distinctions,
Neither do I have Father and Mother, nor do I have Birth, Neither do I
have Relations nor Friends, neither Spiritual Teacher nor Disciple, I am the Ever Pure Blissful
Consciousness ; I am Shiva, I am Shiva, The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness. [Verse 5] 1180
Learn to Handle Both :
• Ahamkara should not Hover in Mind carrying / Worry / Frustration before / After
• Cinema - Actor - Identifies with Role intensely and does what he has to do and then
gets out.
• Controlled Invocation of Aham / Mamakara is Nididhyasanam.
• 10 Minutes Nirvana Shatakam 15 Minutes Nididhyasanam not possible, Careful /
Alert Living important.
• When will fast driving become Past Driving without Alertness…
• Ahamkara and Controlled Ahamkara Like time.
2 Things lead to losing control

Vishaya Karma Vishaya Chinta Allowing world to

remain in mind too much
Vyavahara over Activity


Bahi Kriya Anta Chinta

Outer Course Inner Cause
Baja Govindam

Vridha Statvatu Balaha Tarunaha

Old Age - Chinta Invoker Kriya Invoker

- Can’t do external Vyavahara

- Compromise by internal
- Go on Worrying about others

• Ordinary person - Worry - Ok - No Vedanta

• After Vedanta - Worry is like having food in front and going hungry!

Verse 314 :

• Take care - Be alert - Warning

Verse 315 and 316 :

Augmented by these two, the Vasanas produce one’s transmigration. These three however, are destroyed
by looking Upon everything, under all circumstances, always, everywhere and in all respects, as Brahman
and Brahman alone. Through the strengthening of the longing to be one with Brahman, those three will
be annihilated. [Verse 315 and 316]

• Because of Constantly thinking about something, Obsessive thinking Activity, Aham /

Mamakara Vasana is Nourished.
Think of Children Possession
Father Vasana Nourished Ownership Vasana Nourished
• Every external object nourishes a particular Ahamkara... Because I am related to
Therefore it grows :
• If it helps in performance of duty - Ok - If invoked more than required, Arouses
anxiety / Worry / Depression / Jealousy / Frustration... Means Aham / Mama over
invoked. 1183
• Balanced invocation - Do duty but should not disturb...
• If I don’t have Aham mama - Other extreme... Become irresponsible...
• I should do my duty but should not be burdened - Need to be balanced invocation.
• Otherwise psychological problems... Mental problem = Samsara...
2 Causes of worry :
• Invocation of Ahamkara
• Invocation of Mamakara
• Suppose Samsara comes - Take Vedanta invocation tablet.
When worry is assailing you :
• Relationships are causing fear and tension
• Drop all for some time - Sit quietly and don’t think of same problem.
• Invoke teaching... See all as incidental Mithya drama only.
Invocation of Vedanta :
• Sad Vasana invocation tablet for Aham Vasana neutralisation.
For destruction of 3 Vasanas :
• Ahamkara Vasana - Nourished by Vishaya Chinta and Kriya Chinta.
See Brahman is truth of all 3 :
• No World / No People / No House.
• All Nama Rupa False Subject to Change / Don't Lean on perishable Namarupa, lean
on their content.
• Not Wave Drishti... But Water Drishti. 1184
Gita :

Brahman is the oblation; Brahman is the clarified butter, and so on, constituting the offerings; by Brahman
is the oblation poured into the fire of Brahman; Brahman verily, shall be reached by him who always sees
Brahman in all actions. [Chapter 4 – Verse 24]

• Become Brahman Karma Samadhi… Avarohanam Seeing Awareness.. Brahman alone

is there.
Do under all circumstances :
o Sarva - Avasthasthu - All circumstances
o Sarvada - At all times
o Sarvatra - All places
o Sarvatacha - By all means
• Remembering Awareness / Consciousness / Principle you will make Movie incapable
to hurt you.
• When movie hurts - See screen... Movie
• Becomes Pithless - Incapable of hurting you
• Sadvasana - Becomes strong lead long alert life... Samaj Samadhi I never forget
Vedantic teaching. 1185
• Like have Address… You are in Sahaj Samadhi
Re :
• Address Can get / Retrieve knowledge.
Nishta :
• Any knowledge which is retrievable without effort.
• If Nishta is there, W.r.t - Brahman I am in Sahaja Samadhi.
• When Everything is Brahman - Water - Imperishable Kutastham.

Individual Body World Body

Wave Ocean

Perishable - Brahma becomes firm

• Then Vasana / Chinta / Karma becomes controlled.

• Control of Vyavahara till you get Nishta.
• Cyclist - Confined to play ground Until cycle Nishta
• Later - Cycle anywhere
• During ‘Nididhyasanam’ - Be alert 1186
Verse 317 :

With the end of selfish actions, brooding over sense objects ends, which is followed by destruction of
Vasanas. The destruction of Vasanas is liberation, and this is considered as liberation - in - Life.[Verse 317]

• Have Alert life Style till ‘Nididhyasanam’ / Nishta Spontaneity comes.

By Reducing Activity at time of Nididhyasanam / Sanyasa Ashrama
• Yoga Rudasya… Ksham Karana Muchyate.
Graphs :
1) Active life
2) Reduction of Activity
3) Commitment to Sravanam / Mananam / Nididhyasanam
4) Leads to Nishta
5) Loka Sangrahatvam karma.
• Action Withdrawal - Nishta - Activity for world(Not Compulsory)
• During Sadhana.. Withdrawal and Nishta… Compulsory

Sarva Dharma Paritajya 1187
Again Activity - Optional :
• Worry less / Less relationship / Situation / Activity.
• Larger field of activity - Bigger scope of preoccupation of mind.
• When Kriya reduced - Chinta reduced.
• Aham / Mamakara Vasana Reduced
• Won’t come again... Once Nishta... will not revive again... Convalescence period =
Nididhyasanam Later normal.
• Immunity Strong - Ahamkara Prakshaya = Jeevan Mukti
• After Nishta... Detached from Vyavahara - Success / Failure doesn’t affect him.
• Move with people intensively / Absence - Also - No problem...
Gita :

For him there is no interest whatever in what is done, or what is not done; nor does he depend upon any
being for any object. [Chapter 3 – Verse 18] 1188
Quiet or activity - OK :
• Internal immunity against worry / Anxiety / Tension = Jeevan Mukti.
• Until Jeevan Mukti... Learn to handle activity / Thinking / Invocation of Aham - Mama
Verse 318, 319 :

When the longing to be one with Brahman has Vividly risen to expression, the egocentric
Vasanas will readily disappear, as the most intense darkness completely disappears to the
glow of the rising sun. [Verse 318]

Darkness and its resultant evils are not noticed when the sun rises. So too, on realisation of
bliss absolute, there is neither bondage nor the least trace of misery. [Verse 319] 1189
Verse 320 :

Causing the perceived universe, both external and internal to vanish, and meditating Upon the reality,
the bliss-embodied, one should pass one’s time watchfully for any residual prarabdha. [Verse 320]

• How to develop Vedanta / Sad Vasana to neutralise Samsara Vasana.

• Aham - Mama Vasana - Flush Koovam water - With oceanic water
• Displacement method... Mind should have higher things to think.
• Otherwise will think of worldly things.
• Share Vedanta... Don’t allow any dull moment.
• What you love - will think of that.

Night - Worry

Fully Dwelling in Vedanta

Nourishing Vedanta Vasana
• Training mind - Requires will power, Hobby approach not get full benefit.
• Nourishment of Sad Vasana... Sad Vasana Prakasha...
• In light of Vedanta Brahma Vasana - (Learn Vedanta Sloka by heart)
• Can’t put light and Disturb others at night.
• Vedanta Vasana Sphurati - Vajrihanam (Nourish)
• Once they occupy your mind - Most of time.
Gita :

Therefore, at all times, remember Me and fight , with mind and intellect fixed (or absorbed) in Me;
you shall doubtless, come to Me alone. [Chapter 8 – Verse 7]

Not irresponsible life - Unreal life :

• Should be replaced by Vedantic thought of Awareness alone existing!!
• Mostly we worry in the name of planning(Any time not enough)
• Replace mechanical thoughts by deliberate Vedantic thoughts - Other Asad Vasana.
• Ahamkara / Mamakara / Chinta / Kriya.
• Unnecessary worry - Obsession / Activity / Training - No more occupy mind. 1191
• Samsara Ahamadhi - Vasana = Darkness
• Displaced by light - Vedanta Vasana.
• Just as one thought comes in horizon, sun rises and light spreads over earth, Very
intense / Deep / Dense darkness totally dissolved - Goes away.
• Similarly when worst Uneliminatable, worry can’t stand.... When you switch on
Vedanta light...
Verse 319 : Example : Elaborated
• Dinesha = Surya… Once sun rises Darkness gone, Consequence of Darkness also
• If road light not there, Hit Wall / Manhole / Tamah Karyam…
• Pain and Hurt consequence of Darkness.
• Anartham = Series of Pain Avoided - Jalam
• Life Journey Hit Against people / Relationship - Causing Hurt.
• Because life covered in darkness of self ignorance.
• Because of which all transactions painful...
• When I arrive in darkness, driving painful....
• Life painful in darkness of self ignorance
• Light up road - Ride smooth.
• Get self knowledge - Any relationship will not cause Problem / Hurt.
• Once you get Jnanam - Fulfilment. 1192
• Experience / Aparoksha Jnanam of Ananda, fulfilment, Shanti = Anubati (Experience).
• Brahman not matter of experience - Not possible.
• Anubuti refers to Jnana Phalam.
• As a result of Brahman - Owning up
• Shanti that comes is a matter of experience.
• Ananda Rasa Anubuti - Poornatvam belongs to Advayam Brahma...
• Once Trupti comes / Poornatvam comes - No bondage / No dependence.
Gita :

The Blessed Lord said : When a man completely casts off, O Partha, all the desires of the mind and is
satisfied in the Self by the Self, then is he said to be one of steady wisdom. [Chapter 2 – Verse 55]
• World can’t threaten / Blackmail me! No iota of sorrow in life.
Verse 320 : During Nididhyasanam :
• Dissolve experienced world of Experience.
Dissolve : Technical Word :
• See it as Mithyatva Darshanam. 1193
Dissolving pot into clay by Knowing :
• No pot at all other than clay.
• Pot has only Verbal existence
Chandogyo Upanishad :

O Somya, it is like this: By knowing a single lump of earth you know all objects made of earth. All changes
are mere words, in name only. But earth is the reality.[ 6 – 1 - 4 ]

• No Substance called pot.

• This Vision called falsification of world.
• Reducing world into Nama / Rupa, Non Substantial.
• Then it looses its capacity to create Raaga / Dvesha.
• Dassera - Paper Tiger - Can’t tighten / Painted - Reduce world into Paper Tiger.
• Appreciate Glory of Brahman… Variety of Nama / Rupa…
• Don’t give Hook to world to give Raaga / Dvesha.

Raaga Dvesha
Attachment Hatred 1194
How to put world in its place :

• Pravilapanam put man in his place.

• By Seeing truth of the world…

• Pot(Outer thing) understood as Nama Rupa… When you understand clay is Inner

• World can be made Mithya, by invoking Satyam Brahma Pure Existence / Ananda

• Abiding in that Vision, not forgetting worldly Mithyatvam.

Transaction - Within Without

Don’t Allow thoughts to Hurt you Outside, not Carried by Activity

• Spend rest of life - Till Prarabda Karma is there Duration of life - Determined By
Prarabda - Don’t allow world to disturb you.

Lecture 108

1) How ‘Nididhyasaka’ should lead life :

• Study and ‘Mananam’ not enough.

Give care to Way of life

Thought life Activity Life

Internal External

Vishaya Chinta Karma

Don’t get absorbed with world /

Family / own body

They invoke Ahamkara

Mamakara Vasana

• Then Aham Brahmasmi / Weaker or Knowledge not formed.

• Then its life of Samsara. 1196

3 Factors

Kriya Chinta Vasana

Required to handle Vasana

Positive exercise :
• Developing Brahma Vasana / Sad Vasana Sphurti (Verse 318) - Aham Brahmasmi Vritti
• Dehatma Vasana Feebler
• Associate with Satsanga / Shastra / Jnani (Whose Sad Vasana Stronger)
• Association will include Sad Vasana, Mentally Associate by Being Mentally in their
• Therefore Nourishment of Sad Vasana - Verse 318 / 319 / 320.
Verse 321 :

One should never neglect one’s steady atonement with Brahman. Bhagavan Sanatkumara, the
creator’s own son, has called inadvertence, death itself. [Verse 321] 1197
• Carelessness / Negligence of Sadhana / Pramadaha as serious defect / Obstacle,
• Because of lack of value / Over confidence.
• Vedantic Progress - Alert response = Physical Mental response... Monitor should not
nourish Aham / Mamakara Vasana...
• Opposite of Pramadaha / Negligence = Kuru Avadanam...
Mahat Avadanam - Baja Govindam
• Spiritual life = Non mechanical life, Be alert...
• Great Alertness required - Savadhanena க ோ... Go alertly
• Steep / Narrow / Dangerous - Can’t be careless for one second.
• Pramada = Death of spiritual seeker
= Destruction of spiritual seeker
• Not Tamil Payasam Pramadam - Here... Negligent here.
• Warning for negligence w.r.t. Jnana / Brahma Nishta / Vishaya / Nididhyasanam
Chinta and Kriya - Not speed breaker Be alert... Through out waking Pramada is
Mrityu - Destruction of Spiritual seeker.
• Shankara - Referred Here - Son of Brahma... Wrote death of Spiritual person (Not
Physical person)
• [‘Shankara Sujatiyam’ Commentary by Shankara] 1198
Verse 322 :

No Greater danger is there for the Man of Wisdom than carelessness about his own real
nature. Form this comes delusion, thence egoism. This is followed by bondage and then by
Misery. [Verse 322]
• No danger / Threat / Evil / Enemy for spiritual except negligence.
• Negligence w.r.t. Jnana Nishta... Remaining in one’s own - Svarupa
• In class - I - Sakshi Chaitanyam taught
• In transaction - I am Ahamkara - involved Constant contradiction...
Which is original and which is Vesha?
Initial Stages :
1) : Original Nature Class
Ahamkara I am Boss / Husband / Aham Brahmasmi Vesham
2) Reverse process is Nididhyasanam :

I am Brahma I am Husband / Boss / Son Vesham

Original Know All roles Vesham till then Be

• Slipping from Higher to lower Ahamkara is Biggest Fall.

How Do I know if I have Fallen :
• From Atma Svarupa to Ahamkara Svaroopa.

Deliberate Coming Down Falling Down Shipping Down

- Avatara - Ajnani / Jeeva ‘Patanam’
- Descending with Control, coming down - Common
• In day to day transactions have descended / Fallen to Ahamkara...
• If consciously come down....
• Raga / Kama / Krodha... will not affect me.
• No violent emotion will assail / Frustrate me.
• If I am slave of violent emotion, red light warning....
• Shastra is telling... Instead of descending you have fallen... Go to Green Room
• Samsaric Emotion = Clue ‘Atma Svarupam’ to Ahamkara Svarupam (Worst Enemy) 1200
What Happens After negligence :
• Vismriti - Temporary forgetfulness of Atma
1) Pramada (negligence)
2) Mohaha (Delusion / Confusion / Doubt / Wavering True
Depiction of
3) I am Ahamkara Adam - Dhi (I am Boss / Owner) my life!
4) Bandah (Fears / Anxiety / Greed Anger = Emotional Slavery, Sorrow.
5) Dukham Sorrow
1st Fall : Mohaha
Confusion :
• Whether I am Atma or Ahamkara.
• In Class - Sure I am Atma.. Can communicate with others... After negligence -
Doubt / Wavering..
Doubt :
• Am I Ahamkara Vesha or Atma? Or reverse
2nd Fall : ( Aham - Dhi)
• I am Ahamkara only - Individuality overwhelms me.
• Father dominant - No more Vesha
• Husband dominant - No more Vesha
• Husband hood has possessed me - New possession - -Husband Hood / Father Hood /
Boss Hood / owner hood... 1201
3rd Fall : Bandah :
• Positive emotions - irresistible bondage
• Fear / Jealousy / Anxiety / Frustration possess me
Verbally I repeat :
• Chidananada Rupa - Shivoham, Nip in the bud.... Once emotion takes over.
• Vedanta won’t work... See in the beginning itself.
• Any violent emotion, thought build up not sudden.
1st Thought :
• Neglected / Allowed to grow... Pavement encroachment initially tackled Ok.
• Church in middle of road / Once built is a problem.
• Temple in middle of road / is a problem
• Emotional slavery = Bandaha
• Emotions lead to pain only
• Anger leads to pain only
• Common factor in all diseases = Physical pain, Violent emotions - Lead to sorrow.
Verse 323 :

Finding even a wise man hankering after the sense objects, forgetfulness torments him through the
evil propensities of the intellect, as a woman torments her doting paramour.[Verse 323]
How Pramada negligence causes problem?
• We have to face world... Can’t Avoid perceptions / Situation / Vishaya / Anatma
Prapancha people / Objects.
Vishaya Abimukham Drishtva :
• Jnani facing Anatma Prapancha.
• Has Jnanam - But no Jnana Nishta.
Jnani Nishta
- Liable to fall - Saved himself from Samsara, will never
- Can’t be complacent till he becomes Fall
Nishta Nididhyasanam :
- Sravanam and Mananam make me Jnani - Made Me Jnana Nishta
- Has Pramada Problem
Jnani :
• Has Pramada problem because of powerful Nature of Anatma.
• Jnani - Can forget teaching for a Moment.
• Look at cinema star it happens.
• Certain Aspects powerful, i have weakness in my Character.
• Therefore Temporary forgetfulness - Vismriti = Pramada. 1203
What Vismriti Does?
• Disturbs mind of Jnani
• Vismriti Forgetfulness

Vikshepa Yati - Creates Emotions beyond control
- Unmanageable Emotions called Vikshepa
Don’t criticise emotion :
• Good emotions
• Controllable emotions
• Love / Fearlessness / Confidence
Criticise uncontrollable emotions :
• Both Jnani and Jnana Nishta have emotions, Part of life.
Jnana Nishta :
• Doesn’t allow any emotion to overpower him.
Jnanam :
• Allows Samsaric emotions / Powerful raga / Dvesha to overpower Jealousy / Key
Doshas diseases of mind.
Example :
• Woman disturbs mind of immoral / Careless man.
• Who doesn’t have appropriate attitude / Value towards women...
Jaaram Priyam
Without Appropriate Attitude Susceptible to Attachment
W.r.t Woman without Appropriate Attitude
• Sucha Jnani - Doesn’t have Appropriate Attitude towards woman.
Similarly Inappropriate Attitude :

Ajnani Jnani Jnana Nishta

- To Women - To World giving reality to world
- Women disturbs Baja Govindam :
- Vikshepa - Maya Mayam Idam Akhilam Budva
Bhaja Govindam :

Do not be proud of wealth, kindred, and youth; Time takes away all these in a moment.
Leaving aside this entire (world) which is of the nature of an illusion, and knowing the state of
Brahman, enter into it. [Verse 11]
• Brahman, Vedanta Based Attitude not there… inappropriate world Capable of
disturbing me - Vikshepa. 1205
Verse 324 :

As moss, even if removed, does not stay away for a moment, but closes up to cover the water
again, so also Maya, or Nescience, covers even a wise man, if he ever gets extrovert. [Verse 324 ]
257 Verses Balance out of Verse 581 :
• Jnanam from Sravanam and Mananam will eliminate ignorance and Ahamkara
Problem :
• Will not totally Eliminate because powerful of ignorance (Maya) Ahamkara (Vasana)
Tend to come back once Again.
Example :
• Certain trees… Think you have destroyed Branches / Dried Up.
• After rain… Frees leaf come Back.
Cancer :
• Relapses After 10 years I cell Multiplied.
• Ahamkara Vasana Raises hood Anytime. 1206
Example :
• Moss covers pond / Lake - Can’t see face Just push moss Aside... Top green layer
Moss again comes back.
Pushing Back :
• Temporarily moss removed not permanently.
In Vedanta :
• In class / Satsaya... Fine and confident leave it for Vacation... Not totally removed.
• Total removal requires long Nididhyasanam - For majority.
• Moss - Temporarily pushed aside for a moment doesn’t remain in its place.
• Once again comes back to its original place and covers... And face not seen.
• Similarly how do you know Ahamkara / Mamakara.
Shaivala moss has come to your life?
• See place of mind going away - Which comes from Atma Svarupam / Vedanta
gradually recedes and old problem come again.
• Similarly Powerful Maya... Jada Baratha....
• Had Vairagyam / Commitment... invoked in Bhagawan.
• Deer became dear, Jnanis limited cave to Deer should have been ok.
Meditated :
• Pashyam... Did Variety of Activity with one object in mind.
• God Replaced by Deer... Ended as Deer. 1207
One should be Alert :
• Powerful Maya... Represented by Aham / Mamakara Vasana.
• Born of ignorance... Blinds enlightened person.
• Obsessed with Anatma - Temporarily become Anatma / Extrovert...
• Bahir Mukhatvam / Parang Paritvam.
• Give minimum attention to what world deserves... Certain degree of reality to
perform duty - Sickness not Mithya - Real - See doctor - Take care...
• If it overpowers you, it is a problem.
Verse 325 :

If the mind ever so slightly strays from the ideal and becomes outgoing, then it goes down and
down, just as a ball, inadvertently dropped on a flight of stairs, bounces down from one step to
another. [Verse 325]
Same idea :
• If mind Strays away from god even for moment… Away from goal of Atma Nishta.
• Jeevan Mukti = Immediate goal from that, Chitta Mind - Strays away from the goal. 1208
• Like Railway track / Chennai - in beginning.
• I see difference in track while staring - Later difference comes
In the end East / West :
• When slip, initial slip - Neglected - Alpam Small / Finite Slip…
• Deviates from goal of Moksha… then Anatma becomes more important.
• Original goal - Neglected
• Anatma goal - Preoccupies
• Mind should have goal… Obsessions with other goal, Bahit Mukatvam… Anatma
Nishta Instead of Atma Nishta.
Example :
• Like Ball Dropped because of Negligence from top of Staircase.
• We come carefully to top with Mind / Ball and Playing with Mind / Ball… Because of
carelessness.. Ball . Mind Dropped…
• 1st Drop = Near Feet
• Last Drop = On Ground - impossible to retrieve mind
• Therefore be careful in the Beginning.
Lecture 109
Verse 325 :
• Nididhyasanam = Keeping Ahamkara / Mamakara Vasana in Subdued form - Not
Eradication, Vyavahara requires Aham / Mama Deha For Yatra.
• Jnani Must know this body different than other bodies, for Snanam / Ahara / Sharira
Abhimana required.
• Other wise, Sishya will expect Namaskaram from Guru.
• Minimum Mamakara / Ahamkara required.
• Aham / Mama Shouldn’t become too prominent to Harass me…
• 2 Methods to keep mind in Subdued.
Condition :
1) Vishaya Chinta Subdued :
• Obsession with world to maintain fully - Thoughts required to occupy mind.
2) Kriya : Worldly Activity :
• Vishaya Oriented / Vishaya Pravirti / Nivritti Make mind.
Obsessed :
• Vishaya - Dvesha - Thinking of Object and Nourish hatred
• Raag - Thinking of Object and nourish Attachment (Raaga) 1210
• To Nourish Vishaya Raaga / Dvesha, I Nourish Satyatva Buddhi in them.
• Can’t have Raaga / Dvesha without entertaining Satyatva Buddhi in them.
• They Nourish Aham / Mama Vasana.

Keep 3 Factors Subdued for Vasana

Kshaya control

Activity Chinta thought of World Aham / Mama Vasana

• This Sadhana should not be taken lightly / Not Complacent.
• Pramadeivai Mrithyu… Negligence w.r.t ‘Nididhyasanam’ fall of Spiritual Seeker.
• Yoga Brashta because of Negligence w.r.t
Negligence of ‘Nididhyasanam’ :

Yoga Brashta Mukta

Done Sravanam and Mananam Moksha postponed to next
No Nididhyasanam Janma
• Spiritual fall Gradual - Like Smoking / Drinking.
Example :
• Falling Ball… Moksha Slipped because of Negligence.
Jnana Nishta :
• Incapable of Falling :
Verse 326 :

When the mind enters the sense objects it reflects upon their qualities. From mature reflection arises
desire. After desiring, a man sets about to gain that thing and thus fulfil his desire. [Verse 326]
• Stages of Spiritual Sadhana.
Normal Fall :
• 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1…
Gita Stages : Chapter 2nd

When a man thinks of objects, attachment for them arises; from attachment desire is born; from desire
arises anger… [Chapter 2 – Verse 62] 1212
Gita :

From anger comes delusion; from delusion, loss of memory; from loss of memory, the destruction of
discrimination; from destruction of discrimination, he perishes. [Chapter 2 – Verse 63]
1st :
• Vishaya Chintanam / Dhyanam Object Anatma(Wife /Co / Children / Can’t Avoid
Gita Against :
• Repeated Dwelling / Obsession / Mon / Eve / Dream… Obsession… Cyber!
• Think to extent required - As Svadharma - Do duty... Children of God....
• Temporary relationship caused by Prarabda for spiritual growth.
• Prarabda debt forms relationship, No one belongs to me.... I don’t belong to anyone.
In Gita introduction :
• Shankara Samsara - Aham Esham mama Ete
• I belong to these people - Village!
• They belong to me.... Mutual relationship
1st Chapter : Repeats “ Svajanam “
• Non Binding Chintanam fields / Thought direction. 1213
3 Areas

Shastra Dharma Bakti

• Dwell on text book, Dhyanam.
What is beauty?
• Mind should be occupied in Samadhi....
Samadhi :
• Strongly Samyak Manasha Aadhanam(Place)
• Placing mind on object / Directing thought.
• Samadhi = Positive Sadhana
• Negligence of Samadhi = Worst enemy.
Double Negative :
• No worst destruction other than negligence w.r.t. Nididhyasanam.
• w.r.t that Jnani - Who has done Sravanam and Nididhyasanam.
• Dhyanam Prescribed - Not for lay person
Brahma Videha :
• One who has understood his nature.
Before Mananam on :
• Nama / Japa / Saguna Ishvara. 1214
Mananam :

• Not for self knowledge / Self experience.

• To Subdue Aham / Mamakara Vasana and Creation of Aham / Mama should become
insignificant in front of higher Nature.

• So that he can Rise to level of higher I… and in the presence of higher I lower I
becomes insignificant.

• When sun rises, flame insignificant.

Lecture 110

Nididhyasanam 2 Ways :

1) Subduing Ahamkara / Mamakara Vasana :

• Aham / Mama present for duty.

• Once duty is over, mind should be occupied with Vedanta books...

Dedicate task :

• Can’t totally eliminate Aham / Mama.... As long as Prarabda is there.

• Can’t destroy in Samadhi to destroy Aham / Mama.

• For all transactions invoke Aham / Mama.... 2 Ways to Subdue.

Aham / Mamakara

Vishaya Chinta Bahya Kriya Extroverted Activity


Reduction of Ahamkara Strengthening of Atma aspect of I -

2nd side of coin

- Reduction of Ahamkara - Should become more and more

- “One Side of Coin” pronounced / Invoked
- Ahamkara Durbali Karanam - Atma Prabali Karanam

In and through All :

• Pashyam… Gachhan Ahamkara remains subdued so that I do not forget Atma
Gita :

Which having obtained, he thinks there is no other gain superior to it; wherein established, he
is not moved even by heavy sorrow. [Chapter 6 – Verse 22]
• In worst tragedies, invoke higher I - To see tragedy belonging to Ahamkara and
Ahamkara can’t escape tragedies and comedies.
• What will happen when mind dwells on the objects of the world...
• Aavishathu - Aavesham - Getting obsessed.
1) Mind 1st things of Objects and Virtues of Objects, Object very Nice / Glory belongs to
2) Worth possessing / Without Us knowing fall has Started.
3) I Want Object :
• (From Padartha to Vishaya, From Object to Self centred)
4) Without that Object, i can’t live.
• Sankalpa… Repeated thinking

Seed form of Desire, Samyak Sankagamat Kamaha.
5) Kama Tree grows :
• To fulfill Kama, Pravirthi Starts (Not in Gita, In Gita : Kama Krodha) Activity Starts.

These three are gates of hell, destructive of the self lust, anger and greed; therefore, one
should abandon these three. [Chapter 16 - Verse 21]
• 2 Verses Missing in Swamiji’s Books.
Verse 327 and 328 :

Through inadvertence, a man may deviate from his real nature. The man, who has thus deviated, falls.
The fallen comes to ruin, and is rarely seen to rise again. Therefore, just, as the eatables, prohibited by the
doctor, are not taken by the victim of the disease, one should totally give up the habit of reflecting upon
the sense objects, which is the root cause for all the mischief. [Verse 327]

• Sanskrit commentary of Sringeri Matacharya….

6) Once involved in Activity thinking is stopped Karma Suppresses thinking power.
o Kriti tamodatav
o Pathana Karanam
Bhaja Govindam
o Phala Ashashvatam
o Gati Nirodhaka
• Kama is whirlpool - Once involved, Busy thinking accessories - Plan for money /
People / Worry of consequences - Vedantic thinking suppressed.
• Work - important till you reach maturity, Then - Karma - Big bondage.
तत : From that Pravarthana :
• Because of involvement of activity, one falls from this Atma Svarupa...
Why slip happens?
• Atma - Akarta... Karma can’t go together.
• Square - Peg in round hole - How to fit
• Recedes to insignificance and Karta Ahamkara nourished...
Veidica Karma : Talk of Gothram / Sutram
• Belong to Ahamkara
• Grandson of…
Atma : Mundak Upanishad :

That which is invisible, ungraspable, unoriginated and attributeless, that which has neither eyes nor ears
nor hands nor legs – that is Eternal, full of manifestations, All-pervading, Subtlest of the subtle – that
Imperishable Being is what the wise perceive as the Source of all Creation. [I – I – 6]
• Karma Nourishes Ahamkara / Overshadows Atma… ववभ्रंशो.. Overshadows. 1220
र्वभ्रष्टस्तु पतत :
• Once Ahamkara comes, fallen into Samsara... Ahamkara can never be liberated....
• Can never be away from Samsara...
Why Ahamkara is Samsara?
• Time / Space / Property wise / Family problem... Ahamkara is father / Brother...
Limitation... No perfect father / Husband.
All Ahamkara has limitation :
• Never free from Janma.

Light Darkness
Atma Ahamkara
• पनततथय नाशं बवनत
• Fallen in Ahamkara… Spiritually destroyed Avalanche / Land slide of ice / Rock comes
• Once Fallen... can’t stop in between.
• Either stop in beginning or climb up again after fall.
Nip in bud - Don’t be complacent :
• Gunanam in between Climbing difficult. 1221
Advice to Jnani - Become Jnana Nishta :

Advice Jnani
My Case! Gained knowledge, liable to fall!
Nididhyasanam :
o Watch thought pattern
o Monitor thought Pattern
o Monitor talk / words pattern
o Monitor Action pattern
• Words indicate thought Pattern.
• Action gross, representation of thoughts.
o Watch thought - They become words
o Watch words - They become action
o Watch actions - They become habit
o Watch habits - They become character
o Watch Character - They become destiny
• Like river - Watch Ganga originating - Trickle.
• In Bihar - 10 Km wide.
• Thought feeble in beginning - If you leave it... it becomes strong.
• May you leave obsession with Anatma, relative / Person / Jobs. 1222
Why you should not have obsession?
• Obsession = Repeated thinking
• Sarva Anarthasya Karanam - Result of negative consequence.
• Manushatvam / Mumukshatvam / Sarvapurusha / Shastra Vichara and fall...
• Like bringing diamond from ocean and losing in beach.
• Like = Diabetes patient with eating Pickle (Full of salt)
Apathyam :
• Loves Avakkai and Suffers, In beginning Say no....
• In life practice saying ‘No’ in front of mirror.
Diabetes :
• Drop Mysore Pak... Or suffer.
Don’t complain to Lord :
• You are responsible for your Samsara.
Objects :
• Poison for him... For others fine.
Primary Apathyam :
• Repeated thinking of any Anatma. 1223
Verse 329 :

Therefore, to the discriminating knower of Brahman there is no greater death than inadvertence to
meditation. But the man who meditates regularly attains complete success. (Therefore) carefully meditate
(upon Brahman) in your mind. [Verse 329]

• If I avoid worldly thinking and worry ( My pet subjects today)

Mind has free time - What will it do?
• Mind can’t remain thoughtless permanently or in suspended condition.
• It is dynamic instrument - Do Vedantic Mananam.
• Shift thinking to Atma Vishaya Chintanam, Promote higher self.
Samahita :
• Blind dwelling on higher I needs Savdhanam / Alertness, Therefore Pramada Mrityu...
Mechanical life = Destruction in spirituality.
Nididhyasanam :
• Alert living... Not 15 minutes Mananam.
• Repeat Nirvana Shatakam - Mano Chitta Ahamkara Naham, 3 times Kadakada...
• Nididhyasanam = Constant alert living - Monitoring my responses to all situations,
not going haywire. 1224
Verse 327 and 1st line of Verse 328 :
• Should be read after Verse 326 2nd line 328 and 1st line of 329….
• Obsession with external world causes Spiritual fall of person.
• Similarly in Gita 2nd Chapter.
Therefore Sankalpam Varjaye…
• Don’t dwell on Any Anatma, more than what's required.
Verse 330 :

He who is completely aloof, even while living, is alone really aloof after the dissolution of the body. The
Yajur-Veda declares that there is fear for one who sees the least bit of distinction. [Verse 330]

1st Line :
• Incidental note
Only in Nididhyasanam :
• Can find Jeevan Mukti
Without Process of Nididhyasanam :
• Sravanam / Mananam - Not complete in itself.
Jnani :
• Well informed in Vedanta. 1225
No Jnana Nishta… Nididhyasanam :
• Converts Jnanam into Jnana Nishta.
What is Problem of Jnani?
• No Benefit and without Jnana Nishta, Salad and No Dessert.
• Vegetable - Dish conversion from vegetables-
• Jnanam - Jnana Nishta - Dish - Cooking - Then Shanti / Poornatvam nourishment.
• Raw vegetables = Raw Jnanam
• Cooked curry = Nourishing Shanti
Aim :
• Mental transformation is freedom from worry / Anxiety / Tension depression - Then
Jnana Nishta required.
Moksha : Gita :

He, whose mind is not shaken up by adversity, and who, in prosperity does not hanker after pleasures, who
is free from attachment, fear and anger is called a Sage of stead Wisdom. [Chapter 2 – Verse 56]

• Dukheshu Dvigna Manaha : Remaining calm in crisis

• Sukheshu Vigata Spriha : No loss when controlling well. 1226
• Vitha Raaga Krodha : Freedom from attachment towards anyone even from intimate
• Freedom from fear
Even if one looses Job / Person!
• Freedom from anger
• For all this - ‘Nididhyasanam’ Compulsory
• Who has Jeevan Mukti Alone, can Attain Videha Mukti...
• Marana Anantharam... Videha Mukti.. Freedom from Punar Janma.
Negative Incentive :
• When you see Division - Ahamkara will come.
• From wave Drishti... Will see one father / Grandfather / baby wave... Dvaita Drishti..
And Tara Tamyam Superior / Inferior / Jealousy.
• See water... No Big / Small / Baby Water... One water.
• Yatra Yatra Ahamkara Drishti - Tatra Tatra Bheda Drishti....
• Yatra Yatra Atma Drishti, Tatra Tatra Abheda Drishti.
• Ahamkara never free from Bayam = Fear of Somebody death / My Death.
Therefore Ahamkara Brings Fear :
• Dviatmai Bayam Bavati.
Brahmananda Valli - Taittriya - Yajur Veda :
• Udaramantaram Kurute… (2 - 7 - 3)
Taittriya Upanishad :

When this seeker attains the fearless oneness with Brahman who is invisible, incorporeal,
inexplicable and unsupported, then he becomes free from fear. When however, he makes even the
slightest distinction in Brahman, then there is danger for him. That very same Brahman Himself
becomes the source of fear for him who makes a difference and who reflects not. To the same
effect, there is the following Vaidika Verse. [2 - 7 - 3]
• Where duality, Cause of fear.
• In Duality, God not foe, refuge.
• Lord - Srishti / Sthitha Karta but also Laya Karta - Gita Chapter 11... All entering his
mouth... Inform of Kala... You are following.
• As long as in Duality, Time and Space... Bhagawan acts, as old age / Death...
• Therefore Bhagawan cause of fear and Bhagawan distinction should be dropped.
• Adrishye - Akritye - Anilaya... Abayam Pratishta... Ahamkara Means Dvaitam / Bayam.
• Atma = Advayam = Abayam.
• Yajur Veda - Taittriya Mentions Bayam for one who sees duality.
Verse 331 :

Whenever the wise man recognises even the least difference in the infinite Brahman, at once, that which
he sees as different through Mistake, becomes a source of fear to him. [Verse 331]

2 Types of Dvaita Darshanam

Because of Ignorance 2nd :

- After Vedanta Dvaita Vasana
There is Duality because of Habit
- Goes only By Nididhyasanam
• Both create equal amount of Samsara.
Nididhyasanam :
• Dwell on each Vasana until you are free. 1229
Vipaschitu :
• Learned - Sravanam / Mananam Karta... Not ‘Nididhyasanam’ Karta.
Taittriya Upanishad :

When this seeker attains the fearless oneness with Brahman who is invisible, incorporeal,
inexplicable and unsupported, then he becomes free from fear. When however, he makes even the
slightest distinction in Brahman, then there is danger for him. That very same Brahman Himself
becomes the source of fear for him who makes a difference and who reflects not. To the same
effect, there is the following Vaidika Verse. [2 - 7 - 3]
• Done Sravanam / Mananam for 18 Years... Sorrow / Anger / Depression doesn't go
Away... Commit to ‘Nididhyasanam’.
Nididhyasanam - Karanam :
• Whatever is Source of mental Agitations deliberately falsify and Disown.
• Tell Sound / Other problems / Roles - Mithya... Object / Person / Situations...
Concentrated attack.
• This is Mithya - Nama / Rupa. 1230
• I am Asanga Atma... I am not related to anyone in creation.
• When relationship comes - Ahamkara invoked
• Deliberately invoke and negate relationship - Pitha Neiva...
• Moment you invoke a wee bit of duality / Sambandha... Antaram / Bhedam...
• Intensity of worry is proportional to intensity of ownership and Attachment....
• Number of hours you invoke that relationship...
• Day and night.... Thinking of business / Money... Samsara.
• In that Brahman, there is no division at all...
• Division I see is Nama / Rupa / Mithya Superficial division.
• Brahman has no duality - Either by arrival or departure, World causes Sorrow / Pain
as long as you see world as dual...
See world as Brahman :
• Wave angle - Arrival / Departure...
• Water - Never arrives or departs
What is cause of fear ?
• That object which is seen as fear which seen is different then me... 1231

Arrival Departure

Disease Money
• Because of wrong Darshanam.
Why wise sees Duality?
• Due to Pramada, Wise not done ‘Nididhyasanam’ to assimilate wisdom.
• Jnani not Jnana Nishta By Habit / negligible.
• Nama / Rupa Pradhana comes… By Habit Fear also comes…
• Whenever you see duality, there is fear.
• Whatever is Seen as different is cause of fear.
Verse 332 :

He who identifies himself with the objective universe, which has been denied by hundreds of
Sruti's, Smritis and reasoning's, suffers one misery after another, like a thief, for he indulges in
something forbidden. [Verse 332] 1232
• During Sravanam / Mananam... Body falsified / Negated.
• Mere Nama / Rupa... Unreal pitiless entity.
• Drishyam / Anatma... Incidental Nama / Rupa... You are not body.
Sruti : Taittriya Upanishad :

Other than that (soul) made up of the essence of food there is an inner soul (sheath) made of the prana.
With it this is filled. This (Pranamaya) is of the same form as the previous. Its human form is exactly as the
human form of the former. Of that, prana is the head, vyana is the right side, apana the left side, akasa is
the trunk, earth is the tail or the support. About this also there is the following vaidika verse. [II – II – 2]

Gita / Smriti :
• You are Dehi / Nityam…
Gita :

He is not born, nor does He ever die; after having been, He again ceases not to be; unborn,
eternal, changeless and ancient, He is not killed when the body is killed. [Chapter 2 – Verse 20]
• Body only shell… destroyed by Kalam, Vasamsi.. Old dress.. Dropped.
Jnanyaya :
• Reasoning given to prove you are not body.
• Drk Drishya Viveka… Experiencer different than experienced.
• I am Experiencer - Body experienced
• Alambanam filth inside... Out of disgust... Give up Shankara says give up body.
• People have Aham - iti Buddhi... I am body - Deha Abimani.
• Because of Vasana / Viprita Bavana / Negligence.
How to know I am Jnani or Jnana Nishta?
3 Factors :
• When reactions are there - Check / observe.
• Frequency / Intensity / (Body / Verbal / Mental) of your reactions.
Recovery period - Cry - How many days !?
• Journeying to Jnana Nishta... More reduction of all 3... Closer to Jnana Nishta.
• If no Jnana Nishta, Sorrow / Depression / Worry / Anger / Frequency - Generally
unhappy Now and then happy - But in Vedanta.
• Like person of wrong action - Nishida karta. 1234
• Deha Abhimana - Karta suffers like a person.

• Who does Nisheda karma...

Example :

• मलिम्िु Luchahe… one who has stolen one with negative intention… With Malam
Mental Impurity…

• Robber moves with negative motive - Who is going with Chain…

Chandogyo Upanishad :

• Chapter 6th End - Taqara Drishtante, Taskaraha Drishtante, Malini Luchaha..

Lecture 111
Verse332 : Nididhyasanam
• To Keep 3 Fold Vasana in Control.
• Aham / Mama - Vasana
• Vishaya Kriya - Vasana
• Chinta - Vasana
• Can’t avoid all 3 as long as Prarabda is there - We have to be Active…
• Varna / Ashrama duty is there.
• Keep Under check.. Don’t allow them to overpower you.
• How to keep Vasana Under check constantly Invoke Aham Brahma iti Jnanam to
Balance Deha Abhimana.
• Invoke Brahma Bava… if not done, Aham / Mama Vasana will overpower and will
create Dukham.
Verse 333 :

He who devotes himself to meditation on the reality, and is free from Nescience, attains to the eternal
glory of the Atman. But he who dwells on the ‘unreal’ is destroyed. That this is so is illustrated in the case
of one who is not a thief and one who is a thief.[Verse 333]
Like thief :
Person accused :
• you have stolen not proved.
• King tests is it true or not with hot iron axe.
• Tapta Parashu Drishtante
Belief :
• If statement truth, truth will give insulation - Satyam capable of insulating person.
• What is giving Kavacham = Satyam
• No burning and released

Tapati Nivrittu and Mukti - 2 Phalam.
• Satya Abhisandaha - For one committed to truth.
• Falsehood will not serve as Kavacham... Therefore Tapaha and imprisonment.
• Aham Jeeva - instead of claiming
• Aham Brahmasmi - Both embrace world which is satyam / Mithya...
• Tapta Purusha... Hot world / iron.
• Aham Brahmasmi is truth - Will not create Trivada Tapam / Dukham. 1237
Trivada Tapam / Dukham

Adhyatmika Adibautika Adideivatam

• Aham Jeeva with Biodata… Abvidaye Gothram / Sutram / Brahmana…
• Interact with world - Because Jeevatvam is false, Statement is false… Interaction
Family / Office Tapam… Because not protected…
• To Enjoy Jeevan Mukti… Be Aham Brahmasmi not Aham Ahamkara Asmi.
• One with constant commitment Like Tambura… Anusandhanam… Always in the
Background - Commitment.
• Existing in Body = Imprisonment
• Continued In Body = Imprisonment his Natural claims Glory.
• If Dominant personality… Emotional / Spiritual destroyed in Samsara.
Verse 334 :

The Sadhaka, should give up dwelling on the unreal, which causes bondage, and should always fix his
thoughts on the Atman as ‘This, I Myself am’. For, Steadfastness in Brahman gained through the
realisation of ones’ identity with it, give rise to bliss and thoroughly removes the misery born of
nescience, which one experiences in the state of ignorance.[Verse 334]
Nididhyasanam :
• Aham Brahmasmi - Prominent Aham / Mamakara less Prominent.
Insignificant to disturb me :
• Change of life style - Sanyasa Ashrama Scope for invoking Ahamkara less.
• Husband I / Boss I / Brother l / Doesn’t exist… He removes roles.
Devotee / Sishya / Sambandha only!
• Ahamkara invocation limited
• Grihasta requires more time for ‘Nididhyasanam’
• Because he invokes I am father / Boss… More - To turn rope Right - Turn left - 100
• Fatherhood belongs to Anitya incidental Temporary - Mithya Deham, body –
• Neutralise in ‘Mananam’… I am not Body / Mind / Intellect.
• Jog 10 km if chocolate eaten - Ahamkara invocation = Bondage.
• Nididhyasanam gives up Ahamkara invocation and neutralises by Ayam Sakshi /
Paramatma / Brahman / Atma.. By Jnanam.
• Behind his mind all the time - Benefit immeasurable.
• Aham Nitya Shudha / Mukta / Na Punyam / Na Papam / Na Saukyam / Na Dukham…
Shivoham… No depression after knowledge.
• Released from strain…. Because of owning up of Poornatva / Jnana Phala Anubhuti.1239
• Gives fulfilment… Gives Ananda… Eliminates sorrow.
• Others invoke, my father hood Husband hood… Nothing affects me…
• Avidya Karyam Dukham - which is Pratitam - Notion… Sorrow for fact.
• Notion generated by repeated wrong thinking.
• Suppose this happens tomorrow… 70 % worries of future events which don’t
• Imagines and becomes / Appears / Sorrow / Build up / Worked up emotion /
Superimposed pain - Eliminate absolutely.
• Not escapism from sorrow… Going to movie… Hero has more sorrow than you…
• Other methods palliative… Temporary relief… Atma Jnanam totally eliminates
Verse 335 :

Constant contemplation upon the external objects will only gather up its fruits, namely, enhancing the evil
propensities, which grow from bad to worse. Knowing this, through discrimination, one should leave the
thoughts of external objects and constantly apply oneself to meditation on the self. [Verse 335]

• If I don’t invoke Atma, I will think of Anatma.. Only… Bahya Anusandhi…

• Obsession with Body / Family / Business.. They get more reality than what they
deserve. 1240
• Present thoughts become dream, because of waking repetition.
• Becomes more real… waking has become unreal.
• I am comfortable waker but dream nightmare very strong… Can disturb throughout
• I am afraid of my own thought, Can’t harm… But disturbs me - Bahya Anusandhi…
• Reality which is invoked by repeated thinking… Called Passion / Involvement /
getting lost…
• It increases as consequence of Ahamkara Vasana… w.r.t. external object,
corresponding Ahamkara has to be invoked.
• If Anatma - Family / Obsession / Business.
• We invoke father I / President /..
• We nourish Dur Vasana more and more.
• Why it is Dur Vasana because Aham Brahmasmi is a fact.
• Aham tree Stronger… Adhyasya Moolasya Shakha….
• Having discerned consequence of Ahamkara invocation… Discriminative person.
• Having reduced Obsession with Anatma, should be replaced with Atma
Anusandhanam = Nididhyasanam.
Therefore Practice Nididhyasanam :
• 150 Verses no Nididhyasanam - Verse 254 to 417 - Unique in Viveka 1241
Nididhyasanam :
• Job to be done by student Sanyasi Ahamkara, also not good.
• Jnani stature only w.r.t. Buddhi = Anatma.
• Who am I… Braheiva Brahmavithu…
Therefore Nididhyasanam :
• Life long process… As Ahamkara comes life long.
Verse 336 :

When the Objective world is shut out, the mind becomes quiet, and in the quiet mind arises the vision of
the Paramatman. When ‘That’ is perfectly realised, the chain of birth and deaths is broken. Hence the
Shutting out of the external world is the initial step for reaching liberation. [Verse 336]

Nididhyasanam : Not Job we have to do.

• Dwelling Upon Something, That we like is natural to mind.
• I am Ananda Svarupa.. All like Vedanta - Tells me interesting… Nitya / Shudha /
Buddaha / Aparicheda / Ananda / Asanga / Beautiful…
• Sravanam and Mananam… Most interesting topic in creation… 1242
Therefore Nididhyasanam :
• Natural to mind… obstructed because of our preoccupation with worldly activity.
Nididhyasanam :
• Need not be done… Only remove obstacle of too much Pre-occupation with
• Over Pre-occupation - Like river flowing and Dam obstructing.
• Remove dam - River will flow…
• If water has to flow up… Remove obstruction and Dump… Give energy to flow
down… Remove obstacle only.
Law :
• Human mind dwells upon thing it likes.
Sravanam and Mananam :
• Gives most enjoyable topic in creation….
• If I have time… ‘Nididhyasanam’ will happen
• If ‘ Nididhyasanam’ doesn‘t happen because preoccupied with too many obsession…
• Remove obsessions with Vyavahara…
• Nirodha… Restrain external world - which enters my mind.
• 5 Minutes - Free time…. 1243
Swamy Dayananda :
• Train ticket for one - Whole family travels in head! Remove from cluttered Head.
Gita : Chapter 5th : Before Mananam / Nididhyasanam :

Shutting out (all) external contacts and fixing the gaze (as though) between the eyebrows,
equalising the outgoing and incoming breath moving within the nostrils. [Chapter 5 – Verse 27]
• Shutting all external contacts… Be mental Sanyasi, without roles for 15 Minutes -
‘Nididhyasanam’ Happens…
• Most wonderful Enjoyable knowledge Surfaces(Very True!)
• Mind Empty.. Knowledge flows…
• Air Enters - Empty Bottle
• Water Enters - Empty Vessel
• Similarly when mind emptied - Paramatma Darshanam Happens!
• When Ahamkara Evacuated naturally there will be Atma Darshanam.
• Atma Jnanam Gathered in Sravanam / Mananam = Paramatma Smriti.
• Recollection of teaching will Gush into Empty Mind. 1244
• When Atma Jnana remains in Mind for Sometime, you are Soaked in that Process…
• Bava Baudha Nasha… From Ahamkara
• Drishti… Every problem Significant from Atma.
• Drishti… Every problem Insignificant.
• In Dream, Problems Significant
• On Waking, Loose their Significance.
• Dream Problem - Satyam in Dream Mithya on waking up.
• Insignificance Means Mithyatvam.
• Bondage of Samsara will be Overpowered - Abibava… Not Disappear.
• Flame of candle.. Has same amount of power when day light Breaks… Light doesn’t
go Away but insignificant.
Night - Candle Light Powerful :
• Bring Atma Jnana light… Problem to be handled not Big Problem… I have to solve..
Overwhelming thing not there.
Don’t Cry :
• Therefore Method of Nididhyasanam = Remove obstacles which is over Involvement
with World.
Method of Nididhyasanam :
• Remove Obstacle which is over involvement with world.
• Bahit Nirodha… getting lost / Carried Away / Obsession / Checking / Moderation /
dilution of Ahamkara is only Sadhana… Means for Vimukti and to enjoy benefit of
Verse 337 :

Where is the man who being learned, able to discriminate between the real and the unreal,
believing the Vedas as Authority, fixing his gaze Upon the Atman, the supreme reality, and being a
seeker after liberation, will, like a child, consciously run after the unreal, which will surely cause his
fall? [Verse 337]
• Once value of ‘Nididhyasanam’ and benefit understood, he can’t ignore
• Panditaha - One who studied scriptures can’t ignore ‘Nididhyasanam’
Panditaha informed person :
• Who has measured Atma / Anatma, Satyam / Mithya.
• World = Mithya... can’t give security... Poornatvam, will desert... Can’t support me...
• Sat/ Asat - Viveki... Atma alone can support. 1246
• Suppose person has Sruti teaching and Paramatma Darshanam means understood

• Mumukshu knows value of Liberation.

• How can he still hold / Take Support of Mithya… Ahamkara and Mithya world /

• Known its useless… can’t give security but gives more insecurity… Require more
possessions for security.

• Know possessions / Wife / Children / Money… More insecurity.. Cause of falling into
more Samsara.

Lecture 112
Verse 337 :
1) Nididhyasanam = Way of life... Satyam Brahma is dominant and Mithya - Anatma-
Jagat not dominant.
2) One should be aware of Satyam / Mithya.-
a) At subjective level :
• Dehatma Ahamkara - Mamakara is Mithya.
• I Sakshi Chaitanyam is Satyam
• During Vyavahara, Ahamkara should not become over dominant to overshadow.
• Aham Sakshi awareness is a fact.
b) At Subjective level :
• My absorption in Nama / Rupa Prapancham - Should not overcome fact that behind
Nama-rupa... Sat existence alone is reality and should not be forgotten.

Sat Chit
- In external word - In Internal world
- Sara outside - Sara Inside
Anu-Abisandihi :
• Obsession / Carried Away
• Playing with fire - Childish.. Who Puts finger
• On fire - Doesn’t know what Agni can do. 1248
Verse 338:

There is no liberation for him who is attached to the body and so on, and the liberated man has no
identification with his body and so on. The sleeping man is not awake, nor is the waking man
asleep, for, these two states are contradictory in nature. [Verse 338]
• One can’t have Atma Abhimana and Anatma Abhimana simultaneously.
• Can’t hold to Atma / Anatma simultaneously, Holding to one is rejection of other.
Mithya - Abisandhi Tyaga :
• If I know screen alone is reality
• Behind movie... Naturally, all characters are shadows...
• There is nothing wrong in watching characters... Not substantial entities - Non-
substantial shadow - Asat.
• More reality given to characters... Screen recedes more and lost sight of.
• See elephant - Wood lost sight of
• Recognise wood - Elephant can’t threaten me
• Can’t have both elephant and wood Satyatva Buddhi...
• Strong Deha Abhimana Liberation out of Question. 1249
Gita :

Greater is their trouble whose minds are set on the Unmanifest; for the goal, the Unmanifest,
is very hard for the embodied to reach. [Chapter 12 - Verse 5]
• Vedanta will not work
• Bothered about physical personality.
• Mukti / Deha Abhimana Can’t go together.
• One who is liberated - Can’t have Deha Abhimana.
• Putra Abhimanam - Comes only w.r.t. Deha In Purva Janma - Didn’t have this body.
• Because of Prarabda come together.
• Have Abhimana to do duty... Not get disturbed by family condition.
• Disturbance - Proportionate to Abhimana.
Example :
• Awake / Dream / Sleeping, can’t go together.
• Aware of external and internal world - Can’t go together.
• Moksha / Attachment - Sangha... Only one
• If more... Do Karma Khanda rituals / Danyam / Choose one inside and not tell
outside. 1250
Sleep Jagrat / Svapna
Tamo Guna Ashritam Rajo / Sattva Guna Ashritam
Verse 339 :

That man is free who, knowing the self through his mind in all moving and unmoving objects and
observing it as their substratum, renounces all superimpositions and remains as the absolute and the
infinite self. [Verse 339]
Gita :

That, which is night to all beings, in that the self-controlled man keeps awake; where all beings are awake,
that is the night for the Sage (Muni) who sees. [Chapter 2 – Verse 69]

• Waking / Sleep can’t coexist.

• Day / Night, Sleep, can’t coexist
• Light / Darkness Sleep can’t coexist 1251
Assumption :
• Will vote for Moksha as Mumukshu has problems of attachments.
• Parikshya Lokan… Family / Business attachments.
Advise :
• Don’t hold to Ahamkara / Mamakara, Own up Asanga Atma Svarupa - Not father I…
All problematic.
Where do you recognise Atma?
• Inside / Outside body… Moving / Non-moving living beings in form of
Consciousness… My nature / Inside / Outside.
• In inanimate object Atma is there - Chaitanyam is not absent but not manifest.
What is manifest… Sat / Existence / Manifest :
• In desk… Chit is there but not manifest? But sat is manifest.
• One should see himself as Atma of Universe… Essence of universe.
Wave recognises itself as water - Wave will say :
• I am water - Substance behind this wave / All waves / Ocean / Rivers.
• Atmana… As substratum - Adharataya…
• Without me - World doesn’t exist
• Without world - I don’t exist is thinking before…
• World saving me - Before. 1252
• Truth = Without me - World can’t exist.
• Without water… No wave / No ocean / River
• When I took myself as wave
• I said I depend on ocean
When I know I am water - I Say :
• Ocean depends on me
• Ocean Nama / Rupa… Whether I depend on world or world depends on me is
dependent on my understanding Of meaning of word Aham.
• See yourself as Adhyasa of Universe.
This Requires :
• If you take yourself as body, you have to depend on world - Require food / Shelter /
• To become independent of world, you have to disown body.
• Don’t have Deha Abhimana…
• Deha Abhimana leads to world dependence, therefore give up Deha Abhimana.
• World threatens only body - Death not big tragedy…
• Upadhi = Anatma - Give up Obsession / Abhimana / Attachment to body with
individual Nature.
• w.r.t. body - I am Khanda from world.
• Form of Samsara
• Being Separate from world.
• Sense of Separation expresses in form of rejection.
• Worst of pain… My friends reject me / don’t play with me… Feel rejection by others /
Family, Doesn’t respect…
Psychological pain :
• Children don’t care Physical / Psychological Khandatva…
Feeling :
• I am not home is Samsara As long as I am Body / Mind… Samsara / Khanda will be
there… Own up Atma Svarupam.
No one can reject me?
• Can wave rivers / Ocean Reject water?
• Rejecting water… They don’t exist existence requires inclusion of water.
• Once I know I am Atma, nothing in world can reject me.
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad :

The Brāhmaṇa ousts one who knows him as different from the Self. The Kṣatriya ousts one
who knows him as different from the Self. The worlds oust one who knows them as different
from the Self. The gods oust one who knows them as different from the Self. The beings oust
one who knows them as different from the Self. All ousts one who knows it as different from
the Self. This Brāhmaṇa, this Kṣatriya, these worlds, these gods, these beings, and this all are
the Self. [ 2- 4- 6]

• Unless you know Atma, sense of rejection will not go away…

• I am Akhanda Rupa - Undivided Atma - Essence of everything in world.

• Therefore Poornatma… Khandatvam - Means division - Apoornatvam Remain as


Gross Samsara Subtle Samsara

- I want others - I should be Wanted by others
- I get no Invitations?

Mukti :
• Never having the feeling of Being wanted…
Jnani :
• Can remain in Any comer… Dead / Alive… Whether people care or not difficult but
worth Attempting. 1255
Verse 340 :

To recognise the universe as the self is the means of release from all sense of bondage. There
is nothing higher than realising the ‘Universe as the self’. One realises this state by excluding
the objective world through steadfastness in the eternal Atman. [Verse 340]

• This awareness - I am Poornatma…

• Don’t depend on world… Don’t depending on, World depending on me.
• Not feeling sense of isolation / Separation / Rejection… This maturity / Perspective
is Sarvatma Bava… Deep significant expression for Moksha.
o This alone gives freedom
o Then alone you are complete
o Life mission accomplished
o No other means of liberation
• As we grow old, world doesn’t need us.
• World utility oriented - Must be ready for this.
• Should enjoy this… Have time to dwell on Sarvatma Bava… 1256
What is Sarvatma Bava?
• Atma standing everywhere.
1) Sarvam Atma iti Jnanam :
• Vision which means everything is Atma… Seeing - Everything is Atma…
• Vision / Perspective… See clip As Atma
2) Sarva Atma Darshanam = Sarva Anatma Mithya Darshanam
• Everything Atma = Everything other than Atma is Mithya…
3) Sarva Atma - Raaga - Dvesha Abavaha
See Logic :
• Raaga Dvesha is only for real thing.
• Thief snatches chain and finds out it is fake, will drop - No Raaga… Worthless no
• Where Mithyatva Darshana - No Raaga / Dvesha w.r.t Entire world.
How I know that?
• Where Raaga / Dvesha is there, mind Violently disturbed.
• Symptoms of strong Raaga / Dvesha → = Agitated Mind.
• Strong Raaga / Dvesha… Symptom of Satyatva Buddhi.
• Satyatva Buddhi is Symptom of Sarva Bava Abava.
• No Violent disturbance should be there. 1257
Example :
Good Road Bad Road
No Disturbance Violent Disturbance
• Sarvatma Bava = Samatvam Buddhi
= Possible only in Sarva Anatma Tyaga / Anatma world of object.
• Agrahanam = Renunciation = Tyagaha
• Does it give up = I like to give up Chappal… Living requires body / Dress / Anatma.
• Anatma Tyaga = Anatma Abhimana Tyaga.
• Give up attachment to your possessions, it will work.
2 Ways = shouldn’t have ownership(Body
/ Money)

Philosophical Approach Religious Approach

- Give up owning Attachment - Everything belongs to lord

- Empty, problematic, worthless Give - Given by lord for temporary use
up by Mithyatva Darshana and return
- Shouldn’t have ownership - Through out life, remember
- Everything is Mithya
• Sarvatma Bava only if you give up ownership of Anatma.
What's left - Atma :
• Mithya Anatma Tyagaha - Satya Atma Praptihi.
• Sarvatma Bava takes place - I am free person…. Big Project to Accomplish in few
• Without Sarvatma Bava - No Jeevan Mukti.
Verse 341 :

How is the exclusion of the objective world possible for him who lives identified with the body, whose
mind is attached to the perception of external Object, and who performs various acts for that end? This
exclusion should be carefully practised by sages who have renounced all kinds of duties and actions and
Objects, who are passionately devoted to the eternal Atman and who wish to possess undying bliss
Absolute. [Verse 341]

• Abhimana and Sarvatma Bava can’t go together….

• Description of Deha Abimani… has Dehatma Abhimana / Ahamkara individuality.
• Therefore certain parts of creation favourable Have Raaga / Dvesha - Like and Dislike.
• Strong mind attached to set up.
• TC / Chair / Pen, should be in proper place… Volcano at home. 1259
Perfectionist - Always disturbed :

• Meticulousness / Orderliness / Harmony Discipline in Vyavahara Good but should

not Agitate / Disturb… are you hooked and Become slave to it.

Are you hooked to such an extent that it enslaves you?

• Prasantha Manasa… Without that, I am seriously disturbed… Comes, because of

Deha Abhimana….

• Deha Abhimana leads to, set up Abhimana - When set up reversed… Upset!

Lecture 113
Verse 340 :
1) Sarvatma Bava :
• Seeing everything as Atma - Sarvam Atma iti Bavaha Darshanam.
2) Sarva Bava :
• is Sarva Anatma - Nama-Rupa Mithyatva Darshanam - Seeing Anatma as Mithya.
3) What is indication of Anatma Mithyatva Darshanam :
• Anything unreal doesn’t deserve Raga / Dvesha.
• Fake chain - Counterfeit Rs 500 / Fake tiger Doesn’t deserve attachment.
• Mithyatva Drishti should remove Raga / Dvesha for world.
4) Sarvatma Bava expresses in form of Dilution / Neutralising of raga / Dvesha…
5) How are we to know if raga / Dvesha is neutralised?
• Intensive negative reaction subsides Anger / Fear / Depression / Jealousy…
• These are expressions of Raaga / Dvesha - These come down…
• There is Samatvam of mind / Balance of mind / Tranquillity / Peaceful.
• They are indicators of Sarvatma Bava… Mind free from Violent Negative reaction.
This Verse :
• Sarvatma Bava Difficult because of Deha Abhimana / Family… More Powerful
Ahamkara / Mamakara.
• More difficult is Anatma Mithyatva Darshana suppose person has Strong Dehatma
Abhimana, Unintelligent … 1261
• He orders external conditions, Specifications for business, Wife, want all cosy
conditions for Ahamkara…
• Mind Prashantham - Committed to experience particular favourable condition…
• Bahya - Artha… if temperature - 17…. Mind up and down.
• Therefore naturally busy, Irritation, Flaring.
• Slave of external condition can’t have Anatma Mithyatva Darshana… Seeing Anatma
as Satyam… Not indifferent to external condition.
• Care for family but not constant involvement.
• What generates attachment must be dropped, Internally detach from situation…
• Renounce - Dharma rituals - Shastriya karma
• Laukika karma - Social activity - Vishaya / Possessions - Maintain duty.
• Invoke Shastra - Subdue Ahamkara
• Aham individual Asmi must fade…. Aham Nitya / Shudha / Buddha / Chaitanyam
Asmi Brahma.
• Now reverse… Aham Brahma Asmi - Faded personality Prominent.
Tattwa Nishta :
• Be connected of teaching after Sravanam / Mananam.
• Its remedy reveals Atma Ananda, Moksha.
Practice :
• Anatma Mithyatva Darshanam, Drishya Agrahanam with Effort / Sincerity. 1262
Verse 342 :

To the Sannyasi who has listened to the discourses upon the scriptures and who has
cultivated ‘calmness, self-control’ and so on, to him the Sruti prescribes Samadhi for realising
that ‘The whole universe is the self’ (Sarvatma-Siddhi). [Verse 342]
• Samadhi Abhyasa Nirvikalpaka Samadhi.
Nididhyasanam :
• By Alert living and Dwelling on teaching in which Raaga / Dvesha not dominant.
• Leading to Kama / Krodha… Unvedanta response Gita :

He, whose mind is not shaken up by adversity, and who, in prosperity does not hanker after pleasures, who
is free from attachment, fear and anger is called a Sage of stead Wisdom. [Chapter 2 – Verse 56]

• Jnanis life Style…. 2 Chapter / 12 Chapter / 14 Chapter… Sthithapragya, Parabakta,

Gunateeta Lakshanani, 1263
How Jnanis live?
• I monitor my response / behaviour and See gap is lifestyle… By Alert living… Reduce
Gap… Mana / Apamana… Tulyaha…
• Lakshana / May Behaviour - See gap.
• Introspection and Auto Suffusion required… Monitor.
2nd Part of Nididhyasanam :
• Be with teaching through Sravanam / Manam.
Aim :
• Dwelling… teach what I learnt…
Nididhyasanam : Aim : Jnana Nishta

Alert Living Dwelling Become Sthithapragya and

Become Jeevan Mukti

• Reduction of intensity of negative reaction…

• Frequency of intensity of negative reaction
• Recovery period of intensity of negative reaction.
• If no full benefit of these Sadhana…
Then Samadhi Abhyasa :
• Not compulsory if Nididhyasanam Inadequate… because of internal Viparita Bavana…
Samadhi Abhyasa

Condition 1 Condition 2

Create Atmosphere Dwelling

2) Condition :
• Foundation, Dwelling, depending on Psychological problem…
• Paricheda Buddhi - Sense of limitation… Less money / House… then focus on
• If you Dwell on Mistakes committed in secret… Dwell on Papa / Punya Rahitaha
o Sit in proper condition / Ideal Atmosphere
o Take portion of Shastra Poornata / Papa Rahita / Focus on Object.
To Practice Nididhyasanam : Yoga Recommended :
• Yama / Niyama / Asana / Pranayama / Pratyahara / Dharana / Dhyana / Samadhi
Concentration Focusing in 4 Stages :
• Focusing / Fixing / retaining in that chosen field / Savikalpaka Samadhi…
• Deliberate Assertion in teaching…
• Culmination of 3 Stages… Nirvikalpa Samadhi effortless Absorption… 1265
3rd Stage :
• Will / Effort involved - Deliberate
• Distraction natural - Absorption required
4th Stage :
• No will / Effortless
• I become incapable of Distraction
• Absorption natural… distraction can’t take place.
Yoga Shastra :
• Object of Samadhi… Keep mind in Mooladhara / Agya Chanra…
Vedanta :
• Chakra is Anatma… Absorb in Teaching focused recollection.
Yoga : Nirvikalpaka :
• Goal of Samadhi…
Vedanta :
• Goal not Nirvikalpaka Samadhi
Aim :
• Dwell on Shastra, Process more important - Not Nirvikalpa Samadhi itself. 1266
Yoga :
• Twist Spitual chord… Looked at Switch board.
• If no Switch board - Couldn't Practice… Turn neck Instead of twisting Spinal chord…
Turn eye balls…

Presented Aim Intended Aim

- See switch board - Twist Spinal chord
- Nirvikalpaha Samadhi - Dwelling Upon recollection of Teaching
- Aim of Yogic ‘Mananam’ - Focused recollected in Specially designed
Atmosphere will give
• Great impact to mid… this impact is Assimilation of teachers… required… real, it
Alerts living and being in Shastra has failed in Nididhyasanam.
Verse 341 : Introduction of ‘Nididhyasanam’
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad :

This has been expressed by the following hymn: This is the eternal glory of a knower of Brahman: it
neither increases nor decreases through work. (Therefore) one should know the nature of that alone.
Knowing it one is not touched by evil action. Therefore he who knows it as such becomes self-controlled,
calm, withdrawn into himself, enduring and concentrated, and sees the Self in his own self (body); he sees
all as the Self. Evil does not overtake him, but he transcends all evil. Evil does not trouble him, (but) he
consumes all evil. He becomes sinless, taintless, free from doubts, and Brahmana (knower of Brahman).
This is the world of Brahman, O Emperor, and you have attained it—said Yajnavalkya. ‘I give you, sir, the
empire of Videha, and myself too with it, to wait upon you.’ [4 – 4 – 23 ]

• For Bikshu.. Sanyasi = Serious about ‘Nididhyasanam’ Pursuit.

• ‘Nididhyasanam’ can’t be practiced without Sravanam / Mananam.
• To get Sarvatma Bava / Sarvatma Anatma Mithyatva Bava…
• Raag Dvesha - Neutralisation / To Enjoy Samatvam Shanti - All the time.
Context of Sruti :
• 6 Fold Qualification - Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti… Kshama / Dama / Uparati /
Titiksha / Then Sravanam Fulfills…
• Samadhi Abhyasa to fulfill deficiency of Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti… not for
• When Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti Accomplished, teaching more powerful….
• Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti for Anadhikari’s.
Lecture 114
Verse 341 : Nididhyasanam :
• Require intellectual conviction of Teaching.
3 Aspects of Nididhyasanam

Alert Life Dwell on Shastra Samadhi Abhyasa

- Monitor behavior - If Emotional problems

- Dwell on Shastra
- Sthithapragya and My - Focused recollection in
- Reading Writing,
behavior Gap a Specially designed
hearing, Discussing
- Imitate Jeevan Mukta Atmosphere
- To get Atma Nishta
- Faking his behavior - Arriving at Effortless
- General Medicine
- Fake it / Make it Absorption
- ‘Pathyam’ - ICU, I see my Ahamkara

Favoured Recollection :
• Choose one position of Vedanta to solve my specific emotional problem.
• Anger / Depression / Jealousy / Inferiority Complex…
• Aham Asangosmi / Nityosmi / Nirvikalposmi / Nirakarosmi… See which part will be
useful to me…
• Without Svabavam - No recollection.
2nd Part :
• In specially designed atmosphere to create impact of teaching.
• Jurassic Park - See in theatre… Atmosphere provided by Ashtanga yoga - Technique…
8 Fold Antaranga Sadhana :
• Deha / Seat / Posture / Sensory position / Breathing / Mental withdrawal /
intellectual condition.
• Desha / Kala / Prana - Sharira Sthithi / Indriya Nirgraha / Prana Nirgraha / Mano
Nirgraha / Buddhi Nishchaya… 8 fold factor… Provides Atmosphere.
Purpose :
• To create impact out of same statement - Heard During Sravanam in class.
3rd Part of Samadhi Abhyasa :
• Aiming at effortless absorption.
• Nirvikalpa Samadhi
• It is only presented as goal
• Intended Goal - Not Nirvikalpa Samadhi… Whether it happens or not - Doesn’t
• Focussed recollection is like stretching exercise which is more important
Aim :
• Dwell in teaching / Recollection.
• Effortless absorption in teaching. 1270
Verse 343 :

Even wise men find it impossible to suddenly destroy the ego, once it has become strong, except
for those who have become perfectly calm through Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Indeed, desires are the
effects of innumerable births. [Verse 343]
• Many require 3rd Part of ‘Nididhyasanam’
• I have to decide if I am Hungry / Require intense ‘Nididhyasanam’
• Many require… For emotional problems to go away.
• Destruction of Ahamkara… Not physical destruction… But falsification of Ahamkara,
Make it insignificant…
• Perform duty - Not create Ahamkara with Ahamkara.
• Require Balanced Ahamkara.
• Mithyatva Nischaya of Ahamkara.
• Whose intensity increased by past life.
• Before Nourished Ahamkara - I am BA / Lawyer / Owner / Donated one Lakh…
• Married I / Transformation of Ahamkara I…
• Aarudha Pravidha Shakti… Nourished failures / Complexes / Wounded / Guilty /
Frustrated… not easy to falsify.. 1271
Therefore Destruction not easy :
• I have given freedom - Therefore they threaten me now… By Vasanas / habits.
• Rented tenant for 25 Years - Refuses to go… can be destroyed by commitment and
Steadiness in Nirvikalpa Samadhi practice.
• Focused recollection in Specially designed Atmosphere… Aiming at effortless
Absorption recollection of Teaching.
Nischala :
• Standing in Abhyasa - Why many require... Because of habitual jealousy / Anger /
Depression / Inferiority complex / Viparita Bavana
• Born out of countless Janmas - Vasanas developed, Emotional problems / Emotional
happenings in the mind because of Viparita Bavana manifold.
Verse 344 :

The ‘Projecting-power’, through the aid of the’ Veiling-power’ confuses, then man with storms of
egoistic ideas, and distracts him through the attributes of that agitation. [Verse 344]
Diversion : Technical
• Habitual problem caused by power of ignorance called Vikshepa Shakti, for Vikshepa
Shakti to be Active, it requires co-operation of Aavarna Shakti. 1272
Agyanam has 2 powers :
• Aavarna and Vikshepa Shakti 2 Friends.
• Both together alone can cause Samsara, we are breaking unholy Mix / Combination
between Vikshepa and Aavarna...
1st Attack :
• Aavarna Shakti alone by Sravanam and Mananam, Divide enemy by weakening.
• If you attack Vikshepa Shakti... will never succeed because, nourishment of Vikshepa
Shakti is provided by Aavarna Shakti...
• Thief - Acts, communication line 1st / Support cut / You become weaker - Vikshepa
Shakti not destroyed but weaker.
2nd Attack :
• Blow on head - Blow on Vikshepa Shakti.
• ‘Nididhyasanam’ is capable of handling weaker Vikshepa Shakti - If ‘Nididhyasanam’
Aavarna Shakti continuing means :
• I am still not sure I am Brahman.
Practice :
• Aham Brahmasmi... Another corner. 1273
Big challenge for Swamiji - யாரு கண்டா ??
• Conviction - Aham Brahmasmi is destruction of Aavarna Shakti.
• Vikshepa Shakti - Aham boss Asmi.... Infinite, has army of Aavarna Shakti.
• Vikshepa Shakti connects person to Ahamkara by taking him away from Atma.
• It invokes more Ahamkara.. Forces me to involve - Aham Deha / Husband / Boss
• Personality I - invoked by Vikshepa Shakti... Supported by Aavarna Shakti.
• Infinite Ahamkara... Karta / Bokta - Which deludes a person... When I identify with
Ahamkara in events of life - Events become too significant.
From Vedanta angle :
• Any event insignificant because it is Mithya...
• Assumption of over significance of any event is delusion.
• Ahamkara creates delusion - Therefore called Mohini Ahamkara...
• Activation of Ahamkara done by Vikshepa Shakti supported by Aavarna Shakti.
Mechanism of Samsara :
Stage :
1) Aavarna Shakti supports Vikshepa Shakti
2) Vikshepa Shakti activates Ahamkara
3) Ahamkara gives over significance to events of life by making it absolute reality
4) Over significance causes Samsara 1274
Solution :
1st :
• Cut of Aavarna Shakti by Sravanam and Mananam.
2nd :
• Handle Vikshepa Shakti through simple ‘Nididhyasanam’
3rd :
• Go for intense ‘Nididhyasanam’
Vikshepa Shakti :
o Disturbs Mind
o Doesn't allow you to be quiet / Calm / Serene / No Nimmathi
o Require counselling.
• Binds through Sattva / Rajas / Tamas belonging to Ahamkara not Atma I - Gita :

Sattva attaches to happiness, rajas to action, O Bharata, while Tamas verily, shrouding knowledge,
attaches to heedlessness. [Chapter 14 - Verse 9]

Vyasa :
• Spends 18 Verses on how each Guna binds…
Verse 345 :

It is extremely difficult to conquer the ‘Projecting-power’ unless the ‘veiling-power’ is perfectly rooted
out. And that covering over the Atman naturally vanishes when the Subject is perfectly distinguished from
the objects, like milk from water. But the victory is undoubtedly complete, and it becomes free from all
obstacles, when there is no oscillation of the mind the to the false sense objects. [Verse 345]

• If ‘Nididhyasanam’ fails, it is because Vikshepa Shakti is very powerful.

• If Vikshepa Shakti is powerful because of Aavarna Shakti not taken away from
Vikshepa Shakti.
• Aavarna Shakti not taken away because Sravanam not done properly.
• Non Sravanam / in sufficient Sravanam is cause.
• Therefore Vikshepa terrible and ‘Nididhyasanam’ will not work, Aavarna Shakti not
removed totally.
• Total removal of Aavarna Shakti = Total conviction I am Brahmasmi.
• No proof required to accept Aham Brahmasmi is fact. 1276
• Don’t seek powers Siddhis / Experience = Total Aavarna Shakti.
• If Aavarna Shakti not removed it is difficult to conquer Vikshepa Shakti through
Mananam / Nididhyasanam(My Problem)
What should I do in Sravanam?
• Brahma Sutra - wonderful... Seeker Wants to do Samadhi Abhyasa.
What is Sravanam?
• Clearly distinguishing / Separating / Discriminative / Sthula / Sukshma / Karana
Shariram and Shariri.
• Bheda / Vibaga... Atma - Anatma Viveka
• Drk / Drisya Viveka = Sravanam
By Sravanam Crystal clear :
• I am consciousness - I am not body / Mind
Example :
• Like separating milk and water
• Then Aavarna Shakti will get destroyed in yourself, Practice Sravanam properly.
• Because of Aavarna Shakti destruction, Atma / Anatma Viveka happens.

Atma Anatma
- Satyam - Mithya
- Insignificant, not worth loosing sleep / Worry
• If worry… Means given more Satyatva Buddhi than what it deserves… More
• If insignificant, no Vikshepa - No Disturbance because of them.
• Once Vikshepam comes, Mental worries comes, they are seen as insignificant.
• Victory over Vikshepa - Shakti comes without Obstacles - Unchallenged… See Mithya
as Mithya.
• Remove Over significance… Get out of Undue Worry…
• Victory Unchallenged / Vikshepa Shakti unchallenged.
Doubtlessly Conquer :
• All negative reactions to life get transformation…
• Vikshepa Shakti Jayaha = Jeevan Mukti.
a) Frequency
b) Intensity Of Negative reactions - Reduced
c) Recovery Period
• Not extremely upset / Angry
• Vikshepa Shakti Rise in mind and getting free in mind is Jeevan Mukti.
Lecture 115
Verse 345 Samadhi Abhyasa :
• One can seriously attempt ‘Nididhyasanam’ after Sravanam and Mananam.
• Upasana - Before Sravanam and Mananam… Saguna Dhyanam…
• Atma Dhyanam - Only after Sravanam and Mananam.
• Through ‘Nididhyasanam’ we are trying to avoid Ahamkara and Mamakara Vasanas.
• Habitual identifications(Ahamkara) with Body and Mind and Relationship with
• Aham / Mama Vasana is obstacle for Jeevan Mukti.
• Elimination means making it insignificant, Not over significant to hurt mind and lose
• Worry causing Ahamkara - Not good.
• Preserve Nischaya = Handling Vikshepa Shakti of Agyanam.
• Vikshepa Shakti nourished by Aavarna Shakti called self ignorance...
• Cut supply / Aavarna Shakti / Arms supply / Communication lines by Vedanta
Sravanam and Mananam.
• Before Samadhi Abhyasa... Aham Brahmasmi should be a fact....
• ‘Nididhyasanam’ can’t prove Aham Brahmasmi.
Nididhyasanam :
• To remove habitual identification. 1279
Verse 346 :

Perfect discrimination arising from direct realisation distinguishes the true nature of the ‘Subject’ from
that of the ‘Object’ and snaps the bond of delusion created by Maya. There is no More transmigration for
one how has liberated himself from this. [Verse 346]

Sravanam for Sanyasa Viveka :

• I am Sakshi Chaitanyam not Ahamkara…
• Body / Mind complex / Reflecting Consciousness = Ahamkara
• Chidabasa Sahita Sthula / Sukshma Shariram = Ahamkara Definition.
• I am Original Consciousness who am lending reflection to this.
• Body / Mind complete = Ahamkara / Sakshi Viveka.
• This is born out of clear thinking / Studies / Analysis.
• Clean Mirror - Get Clearer Vision of my eyes.
• Cleaner with Shastram Mirror - Clearer Vision of my Nature
Shankaras Aim :
• To make us free, more you look into words / Mirror / See your own face Shastra
Jnana = Atma Jnanam. 1280
Discriminate :
• Observer / Sakshi / Chaitanyam
Drishyam : Object / Observed
• I am different from every object experienced by me
• I am not world / Body / Mind /… Observed - Clip / Shariram.
• I am Observer / Shariri.
2 Principles Distinguish in Sravanam :
• Because of discrimination, Student destroys bondage caused by Delusion.
How Bondage is caused?
• Agyana Janya Mohaha ignorance = I am not body I don’t know.
Delusion born :
• I am Body / Mind.. I conclude in Mind.
• Ignorance caused Deha Abhimana destroyed, For a person free from delusion - No
Verse 347 :

The fire of knowledge that the Jiva is the Brahman, entirely consumes the impenetrable forest of Avidya
or nescience. For him who has realised the state of oneness, is there any ‘Seed’ left for future
transmigration? [Verse 347]
Verse 1 to 253 - Sravanam :

• Essence of Sravanam here again.

Discovery of Fact :

• That I am the truth behind this body and (Jivatma)

• Brahman = Truth behind the world… Both Are one and same.

Water :

• Truth of individual wave (Micro) and Ocean(Macro) is one and Same

Jivatma / Paramatma - Aikyam :

• Brahman / Paramatma / Paraha - Truth of world

• Aparaha = Jivatma / Truth of individual Body, Avastha, Traya Sakshi, Pancha Kosha

• This knowledge we should have gained before ‘Mananam’ not during ‘Mananam’

• Knowledge like fire Capable of destroying.


Prakashavatvat Agni Nashakatvat Agni

Illumines object in Darkness Knowledge can destroy Avidya

Deep Forest / wild growth of
Knowledge illumines like fire ignorance

Avidya Grahanam - Confusions /

Doubts / Included
Jivatma / Paramatma - Ajnanam Dahati :
• Burnt totally once ignorance destroyed, Jnani has come to State of Advaitam.
• Previously he was seeing Jivatma / Paramatma Bhedam - Dvaitam therefore Samsara.
Deliberately Worried :
• If we have no worry at night, considered irresponsible, not compassionate / No
• Care Without worrying Jeevan Mukti
• Compassion without Passion
Verse 348 :

The veil that hides truth gets lifted, indeed, when reality is fully experienced. Soon follows the
destruction of false understanding and the cessation of misery brought about by agitations,
created by the false knowledge. [Verse 348]
• Vishama Vritam - Uneven metre... Read like prose
• Sama Vritam - Chanted.
How Sravanam / Mananam - Removes Aavarna Shakti - Mechanism :
• They give knowledge of object and Avarnam - Darkness goes away.
• In night, objects covered by darkness... Andhakara Avrittam.
Before Vedanta :
• Aavarna Shakti has covered our true nature with Vedanta light... Tesham
• Guru removes Andhakara.
Do you accept?
• I am infinite or do you need proof.
• Nivritti - Elimination / Withdrawal / Destruction of Aavarna Shakti of ignorance. 1284
Mithya Jnanam :
• Erroneous knowledge
• Not ignorance
• But born out of ignorance
3 Stages :
• I don’t know what is there… ignorance
• There is Snake = Error - Fright / Sorrow.

Ignorance Error Dukham / Sorrow

- Common to 5 People - Not common - Grandchild of ignorance
- Mala / Snake / Stick - Child of error
- Vary form individual to - Agyanam Janati Dukha Nivrithi
individual by Jnanam Alone
- Child of ignorance
• Vikshepa Shakti = Adhyasa = Mithya Jnanam.
• Ignorance of rope - See rope as Snake - Sweating.
• Ignorance and error goes through one Atma Jnanam blow.

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