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Date: 11.12.2020

To All Offices

Mission Parivartan Division Circular No. 19 /2020

PNB LenS- Agriculture Module (KCC Scheme)

With the amalgamation of Oriental Bank of Commerce (eOBC) & United Bank of India
(eUNI) into Punjab National Bank w.e.f. 01-04-2020, a need was felt to have a loan

management solution, which can be used for activities related to lead capturing, loan
appraisal, sanction and documentation. Accordingly, Bank started customization of an
IT based solution for loan management christened as PNB LenS – the Lending
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Solution. This system is envisaged to be implemented in phased manner for all kind
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of loans (MSME, Agriculture, Retail & Other Credit).

In the first phase, the solution has been implemented for lead capturing, online
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processing and sanctioning of MSME Proposals upto Rs.10 lakh under Mudra Scheme
with effect from 01.12.2020. Detailed guidelines along with SOP in this regard is
already conveyed vide MPD Circular No. 18/2020 dated 27.11.2020.
27 20

CRMC in its meeting dated 10.12.2020 has approved the rollout of Agriculture Module
(KCC Scheme) of PNB LenS. Now, all KCC loan proposals (fresh/ enhancement) shall
be processed through PNB LenS.

The solution is having interfaces with CBS, PAN Verification, Bureau One Integration
for Credit Information Report (Consumer), PNB Farm Score, Document Upload
Facility, SMS & Email to Customer on lead registration.

Objective of Loan Management Solution (PNB LenS):

 Standardization of System, Process and Appraisal Formats for Loan Processing

and Sanction.
 Ease of processing due to integration with various tools/software required for
 Uniform and consistent appraisal to speed up the process of Credit sanctions.
 Automated generation of Loan Documents for each type of credit facilities.
 Better user experience to improve the speed and accuracy of loan processing.
 Reduce delay, cost and human errors involved in manual processing.
 Digital record maintenance, audit trail to ensure security and data privacy.
 Ready to use monitoring and MIS reports for better tracking and transparency.

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PNB LenS- Agriculture Module (KCC Scheme)
“Confidential. Strictly for internal circulation only”

Brief Instructions for Use of PNB LenS:

PNB LenS is an independent and responsive programme tool that runs on Google
Chrome browser. Link of the solution is available on Non CBS Page under Mission
Parivartan Division. URL to access PNB LenS is, which can be
accessed through any CBS PC. In case URL is not opening on some PCs, then please
go to proxy settings > and add following in the last Proxy server box >*.pnb.*; and
click on check box >Save.

There is maker-checker concept for loan appraisal and sanction. The proposal is to be
prepared by Officer/Loans–In charge (as per extant guidelines issued by IRMD from
time to time) and verification/sanction to be done by the Sanctioning Authority as per
their vested loaning powers.

The lead beyond the loaning power of GBB will be submitted to PLP/MCC. The lead
will appear in the lead mail box of PLP/MCC and the loan to be processed as per
annexed Customer Profile & Proposal Master by PLP/MCC.
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To have a better understanding of the module, the process flow of Lead Master and
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Customer profile & Proposal Master of PNB LenS – Agriculture Module is given
at Annexure A.
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All concerned are requested to go through the process flow of Lead Master and
Customer profile & Proposal Master of PNB LenS – Agriculture Module before using
the system for processing and sanctioning of KCC loan proposals. The User Manual
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should be read in conjunction with the scheme guidelines issued by the Bank
(available on the PNB Knowledge Centre) from time to time and ensure compliance of
all prevailing applicable guidelines. Required due diligence as per Bank’s norms/Policy
guidelines at each level is to be done meticulously.

Printout of each report/ format (Acknowledgement, Pan Validation Report, CIR Report,
CR, Visit Report, Process Note, Sanction Letter, Loan Documents, etc) to be drawn &
kept on record. All other extant guidelines related to documentation issued from time
to time be adhered to.

User Management: Login_id of the users has been created in the system as under:

 Login ID: - PF no. (7 Digit)

 Password :- through OTP on registered mobile number on clicking forgot
password link.

The user IDs of the branches/CO Admins are prepared centrally at time of rollout of
Mudra Module. To expedite the process of User ID Updation for rollout of KCC Module,
the role assignment in user IDs of Agri Segment Officials of PLP is being done at HO

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PNB LenS- Agriculture Module (KCC Scheme)
“Confidential. Strictly for internal circulation only”

For Branch, any requisite modification like role change, SOL change, Designation, etc.
is to be carried by CO Admin User. The PLP/MCC Head in addition to their Office
Incumbent role will also have admin rights to allocate the role to their officials.

Support System: Any clarification, feedback and support related to PNB LenS shall
be sent through email on dedicated email id [email protected]. Further, the issues
including request for creation/updation of user ID and resetting of Password can also
be escalated through lodging calls in SPSD under incident area- PNB LenS.

All field functionaries are advised to get themselves acquainted with this processing
tool and ensure that all KCC loan proposals (fresh/ enhancement) are processed using

All Inspecting Officials are advised to note the guidelines to ensure its compliance. In

case of non-compliance of the above-mentioned guidelines, the issue may be
flagged/reported to the respective controlling offices for taking further action in the
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Chief General Manager
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(Vimlesh Kumar)

Encl: As above
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PNB LenS- Agriculture Module (KCC Scheme)
“Confidential. Strictly for internal circulation only”

Annexure A

Process Flow of PNB LenS, the Lending Solution (Agri Module)

Step 1: Lead Creation in Lead Master TAB by


Step 2: Customer Profile Creation by fetching data

from CBS

Step 3: Proposal Creation & Processing of
Application through Maker ID
20 4
/20 41
Step 4: Transfer of Application to the Sanctioning
Authority for Sanction
/12 39
27 20

Step 5: Sanction of Application by Sanctioning

Authority in PNB LenS

Step 6: Documents Printing & Signing

Step 7: Account Hands-Off to CBS for Account

Opening and Completion of PDA

Step 8: Disbursement of Loan in CBS

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PNB LenS- Agriculture Module (KCC Scheme)
“Confidential. Strictly for internal circulation only”

STEP 1: Lead Generation

1. Click on New to create the new lead and select the sector as Agriculture.
2. Fill the basic details of the Customer.
3. For existing Customer: Search with Customer ID and basic details of customer
will be fetched from Finacle.
4. For Walk-in Customer- Cust ID to be created thereafter details of customer will
fetched from Finacle.
5. After filling/fetching the basic details of customer, fill details of Loan applied,
Scheme Type, Purpose of loan, Co-Applicant / Guarantor / Beneficiary
required, and save.
6. System will facilitate the user to verify the following at Lead page:
PAN Verification
Mobile number verification through OTP

7. CIR (CIBIL/Equifax /Experian/ CRIF High Mark) generation
8. Lead number will be generated. After generation of lead number, details of Co-
Applicant / Guarantor, if any can be filled on next tab.
9. CIR reports (CIBIL, CRIF, EXPERIAN etc) can be generated on the next tab.
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10. Lead reference number will be generated. SMS and Email will be sent to the
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applicant mentioning Lead Reference number for further reference.
11. Lead Mail Box: Lead will start reflecting in lead mail Box of respective
Branch /PLP/MCC where the proposal to be processed initially.
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STEP 2: Customer Profile Creation (part of appraisal)

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a) Click on ‘Retail & Agriculture’ under Customer Profile.

b) Click on CBS Customer Id, enter Existing Customer Id and click on ‘SEARCH’
then select the customer from the record fetched by system from Finacle.
c) Click on ‘EDIT’ at the bottom of the page to fill all required details in
‘Demographics’ and click on ‘SAVE’.
d) Demographics: Select Scheme Name ‘Agriculture’ from the Drop down list in
case customer wants loan under agriculture scheme. Fill the page and save
it.After saving the information click on ‘KYC Norms’ TAB.
e) KYC Norms: Click on ‘EDIT’ at the bottom of page and fill the pending
information, which is not fetched from Finacle. Save the information and click
on ‘Income/ Expenses’ Tab.
f) Income/Expenses: Fill the page and save it. After saving this page “STATUS”
of Customer Profile will appear as “Completed”.
STEP 3: Proposal Processing

a) Before going to this field ensure that: Lead Master for the proposal has been
created & Customer Profile of the Applicant is in ‘Completed’ status.
b) Go to ‘Home’ Screen and Click on “Agriculture” Tab.
c) Enter Borrower name or CBS Cust ID to create the new proposal. Click on

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PNB LenS- Agriculture Module (KCC Scheme)
“Confidential. Strictly for internal circulation only”

d) Select the Borrower Name from the list. Click on “New proposal” for creating
new Proposal.
e) Click on ‘Fresh’ radio button (In case of fresh proposal).
f) Fill the page ‘Loan Product’ under ‘Loan Particulars’. Proposal No. will be
g) All other tabs like, Credit Information, Pre sanction, Documents, Agriculture
Appraisal TAB etc. to be filled by user.
h) Internal Rating of customer can be fetched from PNB Farm SCORE using Cust
i) Appraisal/Assessment will be done by the system as per parameters filled at
set up level using the details filled by user.

STEP 4: Transfer of Application to the Sanctioning Authority

a) After completion of the proposal, user will forward the proposal to next higher

authority for further decision or recommendation as the case may.

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STEP 5: Sanction of Application by Sanctioning Authority in PNB LenS
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a) Proposal Mail Box: Sanctioning authority will go to proposal Mail Box– check
all the details and take the decision on the proposal.
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b) In case of Sanction the proposal user will reallocate the proposal to the
respective Branch/ user for documentation and completion of the formalities.
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STEP 6: Documents Printing & Signing

a) The Branch User will enter the detail in the documents available in PNB LenS
& applicable to the loan and print the documents & get the same executed as
per extant bank guidelines & complete other requisite formalities.

STEP 7: Account Handoff to CBS for Account Opening and Completion of PDA

a) After completion of the formalities, user will click on the button account handoff
and loan account will be opened in Finacle.
b) PDA report is to be entered in PNB LenS and will be submitted to the authorities
as per the extant PDA guidelines before disbursement.

STEP 8: Disbursement of Loan/Release of limit in CBS

a) After complying the extant PDA guidelines, the disbursement/release to be


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PNB LenS- Agriculture Module (KCC Scheme)
“Confidential. Strictly for internal circulation only”

Tracking of Application- PNB LenS will send SMS & Email to the customer at
following stages-

Stage SMS/Email to be sent to

At the time of Saving of Lead Applicant
Complete Documents Received at GBB/ PLP Applicant
At the time of Sanctioning of the Proposal Applicant
At the time of Rejection of the Proposal Applicant
At the time of opening of Loan Account in Finacle Applicant

Features available in the PNB LenS Agri Module (KCC Scheme)

a) Generation of Acknowledgement Letter (For Customer)

b) SMS to Borrower regarding generation of lead no. towards his/her application
at the time of generation of Lead in PNB LenS.
c) Mail to Customer acknowledging lead/request of customer.
d) Pan Validation 20 4
e) Generation of CIR from CIC’s (PNB Lens is integrated with Bureau One.)
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f) Generation of Auto-filed Loan Documents.
g) Account Handoff facility
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The existing system of submission of Field Visit Report by the Field Officer shall
continue as per extant bank guidelines. The same to be uploaded by PLP in PNB lead
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Master- Document Upload tab of PNB LenS post submission by Field Officer till the
functionality & role of FO is developed in PNB LenS.

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PNB LenS- Agriculture Module (KCC Scheme)
“Confidential. Strictly for internal circulation only”
The LENding Solution


Lead Master- Agriculture Module (KCC)
Version 1.0


 Enter PNB LenS User Id & Password at Login Page .

 Default User Id is 7 Digit PF Number.
 Click on Forgot Password to Set/Reset Password.
 OTP will be sent to Registered Mobile Number.
 Set Password with the help of OTP.
 To change PNB LenS password Click on Change Password.
 Please enter Captcha.
 After login of User Id & Password, Home Page will appear.


• Click on ‘New’ for entering New Loan Application & on
‘Search’ for existing Loan Application.

• Select Radio Button ‘Agriculture’ to create Lead under

Agriculture Sector. Enter the Cust ID in adjoining TAB. The
Customer’s Details are auto-fetched and auto-populated.

• Fill Basic details of Customer, Fund Based & Non Fund Based
under Details of Loan Applied, Select Application Received
Date, Resident Status, Purpose of Loan, Scheme Type,
Whether Co-Applicant / Guarantor / Beneficiary Required
and Save.


Click here to Create or Manage Lead

To enter the Application Details click on Lead Master


Type data here to search Click on new to create new lead

Click on All radio button to see all leads

Click here to see or edit existing lead

• Additional Details / Requirements to be submitted: - Here only those papers to be
selected (by double clicking on the field) which are yet to be submitted by the applicant. User
can type also. If all papers have been submitted by the Borrower, put “None”.

• Whether Application is received with all required documents? : User has to select “Yes”
after receipt of all required papers, the system will allow processing the proposal only after
that, and however, lead will be saved.

• Status of Application: Status of application will be “Received/Forwarded/Under Process”

to process the application and if documents are pending than status of the application will be
“Query reply pending”.

• The Proposal will be initiated / created at *: Select the option from drop down where the
proposal will be created.

• After filling the entire required information click on “Save” button appearing at the bottom of
the page and can take printout of the Acknowledgement Receipt of the Application by
clicking on Print Acknowledgement at Bottom.


Click on Agriculture radio button, for Agri lead



• PAN :After entering PAN , a window will pop up. This will validate the PAN number from NSDL whether
given details are valid or not and shows pop-up of details. Please check and confirm that Applicant
name is matching with Name appearing in PAN verification pop up. To take Print out of the Pop up ,
Click on Print .

• After generating the lead successfully, system sends SMS on Mobile (No. given in Lead Master) of
Applicant, the status of Loan applied with Unique Application Number.

• Click on User Diary will generate a popup screen where the user can enter details in reference the lead
details. Editing in Lead Master is not possible when Application is attached with the proposal.

• Lead Mail Box: Lead Generated will be shown in Lead Mail Box of the users of the respective Branch &

• Co-Applicant and Guarantor: The Co-Applicants and Guarantor can be added in the Lead Master. The
tab will be available when the option “Yes” is selected from Whether Co-Applicant / Guarantor /
Beneficiary Required?

• Click on ‘New’ at the bottom of page. Fill the page ‘Co-Applicant/Guarantor’ and save it. Click on Cancel
to not save the details entered. Click Close to exit from the current screen.

Co-Applicant/Guarantor/ Beneficiary

Click on New to enter details Click on Save after filing all details

Bureau One Report
• Process to generate CIR-

Generate Download View PDF

PDF Report PDF report report

Bureau One Report

Click on Download to download PDF

copy of CIR reports & view PDF to
see report.

Click on Click on generate report for generating

Select record from radio button authenticate CIR after authentication of data

Attach Documents

 On this tab we need to attach all KYC documents & any other documents for reference.File extension name
can be only .pdf, .jpeg,.png.
 Documents like Loan application, KYC Documents etc. can be attached in this TAB. Select from Document
Name Dropdown, click on New and Save. The Documents can be attached by clicking Attach. Choose File to
be attached. After Successful upload “File Upload Success” message will appear.

Attach Documents

After successfully completion of Lead ,Click on "Home" and then on “Agriculture” TAB to create the
proposal under Agriculture Scheme.

The LENding Solution


Customer Profile & Proposal

Agriculture Module (KCC)
Version 1.0

Customer Profile

Click on “Home” after

Click on “Customer Profile” completion of Lead

Customer Profile

Click on ‘Retail & Agriculture’ under Customer Profile.

Click on CBS Customer Id, Enter Existing Customer Id and click on ‘Search’.
Select the record fetched by system from Finacle.

Customer Profile-Demographics

Demographics: Click on ‘Edit’ at the bottom of the page to fill all pending required details in
‘Demographics’. Select Scheme Name ‘Agriculture’ from the Drop down list in case customer wants loan
under Agriculture Scheme. Fill the page and Save it. After saving the information click on ‘KYC Norms’ TAB.

Customer Profile-KYC Norms

KYC Norms: Click on ‘Edit’ at the bottom of page and fill the pending information and Save it. Most
of the KYC Details will be fetched from CBS. Save the information and click on ‘Income/Expenses’

Customer Profile- Income/Expenses

Income/Expenses: Fill the page and save it. After saving this page “Status” of customer profile will
appear as “Completed”.

Proposal -Agriculture

Click on “Agriculture” Click on “Home” after completion

of Customer Profile


Click on “Proposal”

Enter Borrower Name or CBS Cust ID to create the New Proposal. Click on search. Select the Borrower Name
from the list. The name of the Borrower will appear only after completion of Customer Profile.
In case proposal has already been created, click on Lead Master Application ID or Proposal Number. Click on
search. Select the Borrower Name from the list.


Click on “New Proposal” for creating New Proposal. Click on ‘Fresh’ Radio Button (In case of Fresh
Proposal).In Case, User is creating the Proposal first time in PNB LenS ,then to click on “New Proposal”


Enter details as per Radio Button selected

Click on Radio Button

Click on Search

Fill the Page ‘Loan Product’ under ‘Loan Particulars’.

Proposal-Loan Particulars
Loan Particulars: Loan Product (KCC)
• Click on <Edit> to enter the values of the displayed fields. Fetch Application No. using CBS Cust id or using Borrower Name or
Application Number. Select the Loan Scheme carefully by reading complete name of the scheme.
• Present Proposal in Brief: Text typed here will be appearing in process note. Enter the values. Click on <Save> to save the page.
• Co-Applicant/Guarantor :-( Applicable if Co-Applicant/Guarantor is there)
• Click on ‘New’ at the bottom of page. Fill the page ‘Co-Applicant/Guarantor’ and Save. Before attaching Co –Applicant / Guarantor please
ensure that his/her separate Customer Profile has been created and status is completed.
Credit Information:
• Click on ‘Edit’ at the bottom of page. Fill the details of Customer’s Movable /Immovable/Other Assets, Liabilities to calculate Net Worth.
Movable / Immovable assets details:
• Click on Movable /Immovable/Other Assets Details. Select Applicant Type and then click on New and fill the page and Save it.
• Add New Record: Click on“+” to add a new record. Enter all applicable details on the screen. Click <Save> to add the details to the table
on the screen or click <Cancel> to neglect the details entered. Click <Close> to exit the current screen.
• Delete an existing record: Select the Check box of the details from the table on the screen which you wish to delete. Click on“-”to delete
a particular record. Click <Close> to exit the current screen.
• Liabilities: Click on Liabilities, select applicant type, fill the page and save it.
• Others: Click on others, select applicant type, fill the page and save it.
• Net Worth: This tab displays the net worth of the Applicant / Co-Applicant and Guarantor based on the values filled under Asset ,
Liabilities & Others tab.

Proposal-Loan Particulars

Select Loan Scheme from Searcher and Select Drop down from Products i.e. KCC (Presently)

Proposal-Loan Particulars

Proposal- Credit Information

Pre Sanction:
Click on ‘Pre Sanction’ Tab. Click on ‘New’ at the bottom of page Fill the ‘Pre Sanction
Report’ details and Save the page. Click on Print button at the bottom of the page to print
the report.

Click on ‘Edit’ at the bottom of page. Click on check box of Documents required from
Applicant/Bank under Documents tab. Save the page.

Agriculture: (Kisan Credit Card-KCC)

The agriculture details for the proposal are filled in following sub tabs under “Agriculture”
Land Holding and Security Details, Securities Offered, Verification Details, Legal
Opinion, Crops proposed to be grown , Expected Annual Income , PMSBY, Schedule I &
Schedule II etc.


Land Holding and Security Details:
• Click <EDIT> at the bottom of page. Fill the ‘Land holding and security Details’ page under ‘Agriculture’ and save
it. This screen is used for entering the details of the land holdings of the applicant/ co applicant. You can add
more than one land details as detailed below.
Add new record
• Click <New>.Enter all applicable details on the screen. Click <Save> to add the details to the table on the screen or
click <Cancel> to neglect the details entered. Click <Close> to exit the current screen.
Edit an existing record
• Select the radio button of the details from the table on the screen which you wish to edit. Click <Edit> and make
applicable changes to the details that are displayed on the screen. Click <Save> to update the details or click
<Cancel> to nullify the effect of current changes made and retain the old data. Click <Close> to exit the current
Delete an existing record
• Select the radio button of the details from the table on the screen which you wish to delete. Click <Delete>. The
details will be deleted from the table on the screen. Click <Close> to exit the current screen.
Securities Offered: Click <EDIT> at the bottom of page. Fill the ‘Securities Offered’ page under ‘Agriculture’ and
save it. This tab is to enter the details of the primary and collateral securities to be obtained from the borrower for
the loan to be sanctioned. The securities entered here will reflect in process note and sanction letter.

• Details: Click on ‘Edit’ at the bottom of page. Fill the ‘Verification Details’ page and Save it.
• Legal Opinion: Click on ‘Edit’ at the bottom of page. Fill the ‘Legal opinion’ page and Save it. Click on ‘New ‘at the
bottom of page to add more records.
• Crops Proposed to be grown: Click on ‘Edit’ at the bottom of page. Fill the ‘Crops Proposed to be grown’ page
and Save it.
Add new record
• Click on“+” to add a new record. Enter all applicable details on the screen. Click <Save> to add the details to the
table on the screen or click <Cancel> to neglect the details entered.
• Expected Annual income: Click on ‘Edit’ at the bottom of page. Income from Crop Production will be
autopopulated based on entry in Crop Proposed to be grown Tab. Fill the ‘Expected Annual income’ page and Save
• PMSBY: Click on ‘EDIT’ at the bottom of page. Fill the ‘’ page and Save it. The details on the nominees of the
Personal Accident Insurance of borrower can be filled in this screen. More than one record can be created by
selecting “New” button and fill the information for Co-Applicant and Save the page.
• Schedule I & II: Fill Details and Save
• Appraisal: View and verify the ‘Assessment’ under ‘Appraisal’ Tab.
• Limit Recommendations: Click on ‘Edit’ at the bottom of page. Fill the ‘Limit Recommendation’ page and Save it.



• Loan Detail: Go to ‘Loan Detail’ Page .Click on ‘Edit’ at the bottom of page. Fill the Loan Details page and Save it.
• Terms & Conditions: Add Terms & Conditions.
• Check List: Verify the Check list. Edit and Save the page .
• Qualitative Assessment: Click on Edit at Bottom, select options from drop down and Save.
• MIS/CBS Details: Click on ‘Edit’ at the bottom of page. Fill the ‘MIS/CBS Details’ and Save it.
• Rating Tab: Click on ‘Rating’ Tab. Search with Farm Score Card Id. Fetch the rating and Save it.


History: View the proposal History.
Click on ‘Action’
Select Flow points
Verification of proposal: to forward the proposal to the Sanctioning/Higher Authority.
Sanction: To be selected by the sanctioning authority to sanction the proposal.
Reallocation: To move the proposal to another user / previous user.
• Select Recipient: - Select the user name to which the proposal is to be forwarded.
• Recommending /Sanctioning Authority Comments: - To write the recommendation/
sanctioning comments of the proposal.
• Click on ‘SEND’ button to send the proposal to selected Recipient.
• If user wants to send the proposal to next higher authority, than select sol id in
select organisation field and Select the user name to which the proposal is to be
forwarded in select recipient field.

• Sanctioning Authority will login with his/her login ID and password.
• Click on ‘Proposal Mailbox’ or the Proposal may be searched through
Proposal No. in Search Box.
• Click on Proposal Number.
• Now, Sanctioning Authority will confirm and verify all the particulars of
the proposal.
• Go to ‘ Action’ under ‘Workflow’ Tab.
• To sanction the proposal, click on Sanction (work flow point) and click
on ‘Sanction’ (button) at the bottom of page. Proposal will be
sanctioned and Status of the Proposal at Top of the screen will be
changed from Open/Pending to Processed /Approved.
• Documents Detail:
• Go to ‘Documents Detail’ Tab, Click on ‘EDIT’ at the bottom of page.
Enter date and place and save it. This Date and place will appear in the
respective document.

Work Flow – Documents to be printed
To print proposal note ,sanction letter, CR, Visit report , legal
documents flowing path to be followed.

Click on tab
Documents to
Work Flow which you need
be printed
to print/Save

Work Flow – Documents to be printed

Work Flow
• After completion & all formalities/documentation, if user wants to open account in Finacle, then go
to ‘PDA’ under ‘Workflow’ Tab. Fill the dates and save the page.
• Account Handoff: Fill Account Handoff 1 & 2 .Click on Account Handoff. This will generate account
number of Applicant in Finacle.
• Account Handoff button will be activated automatically one by one after completion of previous
• Pre Disbursement audit format should submitted as per bank guideline.
• The functionality of renewal of KCC limit on existing terms & conditions shall be released separately.


• It is a Provisional Job Card as other Schemes are being implemented in the system and interfaces
are under process. The software shall be updated regularly based on the input being received from
the field and as necessitated from time to time.
• This shall be read in conjunction with the scheme guidelines issued by the Bank.


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