CMSC 311-101 (Fall 1995) : Class URL: HTTP://WWW - Cs.umd - Edu/ Hollings/cs311/f95

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CMSC 311-101 (Fall 1995)

Professor: TA:
Dr. Jeff Hollingsworth Shekhar Patankar
4161 AV Williams 1109 A V Williams
(40) 5-2708
[email protected] [email protected]
Office Hours: Office Hours:
Tu 1:00-2:30
W 10:00-11:00

Class URL:

You are expected to check the class web page on a regular basis (at least weekly).

Catalog Description:
Introduction to assembly language. Design of digital logic circuits. Organization of central processors,
including instruction sets, register transfer operations, control, microprogramming data representation,
and arithmetic algorithms. Memory and input/output organization.

An in-depth understanding of how a stored-program computer works and how it executes a machine-
specific language. An understanding of the design tradeoffs faced by computer architects and engineers.

Prerequisites: CMSC 113

Topics Covered:
• Boolean Algebra, Logic Gates, Flip-Flops (2 weeks)
• Computer Elements (combinatorial and sequential circuits and memories) (2 weeks)
• Internal Code and Data Representation (2 weeks)
• Register Transfer Language (2 weeks)
• Organization and Simulation of a Stored-Program Computer (2 weeks)
• Assemblers and Writing an Assembly Language Program (4 weeks)

Required Course Text:

Computer System Architecture, (Third Edition), M. Morris Mano, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1993.

Computer Organization and Design the Hardware/Software Interface, D.Patterson and J. Hennessy,
Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 1994. (recommended)

Final Exam 40%
Midterms (2) 30%
Programming Assignments (1) 15%
Homework (7) 15%

Midterm #1 - October 12 (in class)
Midterm #2 - November 9 (In class)
Final - Fri. December 15 (8:00-10:00)

Late Policy:
Homework and programming assignments must be turned in when due. Late work will only be accepted
in the case of serious illness or family crisis (i.e., death in the family).

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