Prim 121 Week 1 10 1

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PRIM WEEK 1 Short Quiz 1

The classical economist has assumed markets to be foreign wherein demanders and suppliers knew of each
other presence.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.

Marketing may mean non-satisfaction of clients.

Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.

Direct Mail Marketing does not use printed materials like post cards, brochures, letters, catalogs, and fliers.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.

The establishment of a Market Economy wrought marked changes in the social and economic structure.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Broadcast Marketing includes television and Radio Advertisement.

Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

The heart of business lies in its Marketing.

Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.


Includes requested calling and cold calling of consumers over the phone.
Select one:
a. Telemarketing
b. Broadcast
c. Push Marketing
d. Direct Mail
The correct answer is: Telemarketing

These are activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service.
Select one:
a. Value Theory
b. Cost
c. Marketing
d. Traditional Marketing
The correct answer is: Marketing

It is another area of economic thought relevant to early studies of marketing.

Select one:
a. Value Theory
b. Marketing
c. Traditional Marketing
d. Cost
The correct answer is: Value Theory

It offers an effective way to deliver content to current and prospective customers and can become a catalyst to
drive your web site along other traffic marketing assets. This traditional marketing approach often referred to
as ?
Select one:
a. Direct Mail
b. Telemarketing
c. Push Marketing
d. Broadcast
The correct answer is: Push Marketing

It incorporates many forms of Advertising and Marketing. It is the most recognizable type of marketing,
encompassing the advertisements that we see and hear every day.
Select one:
a. Traditional Marketing
b. Cost
c. Value Theory
d. Marketing
The correct answer is: Traditional Marketing

The overall Marketing Umbrella does not cover Advertising and Public Relations.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Telemarketing is one of the most effective way of convincing clients.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Traditional Marketing is a rather broad category that incorporates many forms of advertising.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.

The development of Marketing thought began in the twentieth century.

Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.


Smaller companies typically invest the most in carrying out sophisticated relationship marketing campaigns.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.

Relationship Marketing concentrates on selected customer.

Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Branding is the final component of relationship marketing. A company can form a long term relationship with
a client if that client feels like the brand they purchase reflects who they are or who they want to be.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Relationship Marketing is a facet of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) that focuses on Customer
Loyalty and Long Term Customer Engagement.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Relationship Marketing is more popularly known as Social Marketing when a firm takes care of its
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.

Social Media Sites allow business to engage their customers in an informal and ongoing way.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.


This is a type of research where reactions of consumers to the firms communications are evident.
Select one:
a. Product Research
b. Advertising Research
c. Social Marketing
d. Sales Research
The correct answer is: Advertising Research

This is a type of research where the sales are coming from and shares of competition.
Select one:
a. Sales Research
b. Brand Managers
c. Relationship Marketing
d. Product Research
The correct answer is: Sales Research

This is a type of Marketing that benefits the society.

Select one:
a. Product Research
b. Sales Research
c. Social Marketing
d. Advertising Research
The correct answer is: Social Marketing

This is a type of research where the characteristics of the product that consumers like.
Select one:
a. Brand Managers
b. Relationship Marketing
c. Sales Research
d. Product Research
The correct answer is: Product Research

This is a plan that integrates the marketing mix to provide a good service or idea to prospective buyers.
Select one:
a. Marketing Strategy
b. Marketing Concept
c. Marketing Plan
d. Marketing Research
The correct answer is: Marketing Plan

The focus of Business Marketing is on Industrial Goods or Capital Goods rather than Consumer Products or
End Products.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Relationship Marketing was dominant in 1960's in Southern Europe.

Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.

The objective of Customer Relationship Marketing is profit through best possible customer service and
building customer loyalty.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Companies must first look at demographic and historical data about their customers to understand who they
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Longquiz 1 WEEK 2
The development of Marketing thought began in the twentieth century.
The heart of business lies in its Marketing.
Marketing may mean non-satisfaction of clients.
Broadcast Marketing includes television and Radio Advertisement.
The classical economist has assumed markets to be foreign wherein demanders and suppliers knew of each
other presence.
Telemarketing is one of the most effective way of convincing clients.
The overall Marketing Umbrella does not cover Advertising and Public Relations.
Traditional Marketing is a rather broad category that incorporates many forms of advertising.
The establishment of a Market Economy wrought marked changes in the social and economic structure.
Direct Mail Marketing does not use printed materials like post cards, brochures, letters, catalogs, and fliers
Branding is the final component of relationship marketing. A company can form a long term relationship with
a client if that client feels like the brand they purchase reflects who they are or who they want to be.
Companies must first look at demographic and historical data about their customers to understand who they
Demand for a product is greater than supply. A production orientation m
Profit through selling methods selling are important, n

Smaller companies typically invest the most in carrying out sophisticated relationship marketing campaigns.
Social Media Sites allow business to engage their customers in an informal and ongoing way.
The confidence of product concept is a radical concept but the confidence leads to the consumer being
overlooked, since the organization has the great knowledge and skill in making the product, the organization
also assumes it knows what is best for the consumer.
The early approaches of Marketing includes Production to selling to marketing.
The focus of Marketing Concept, "The customer is king" It determines what the consumer wants, then produce
the same and sell the same. Avoid having a dissatisfied customer.
The four P's of Marketing : Product, Price, Promotion and Place

Find the 10 Marketing Words from the table.

relationship marketing
business marketing
business marketing
social marketing
sales associate
social marketing
holistic marketing

WEEK 3 Short Quiz 3

Includes advertisements in newspapers, newsletters, magazines, brochures and other materials for distribution.
Select one:
a. Print Correct
b. Telemarketing
c. Direct Mail
d. Broadcast
The correct answer is: Print

It is a business philosophy which holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consist of determining
the needs and wants of target markets and delivered the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently.
Select one:
a. Marketing Strategy
b. Marketing Concept Correct
c. Marketing Research
d. Marketing Plan
The correct answer is: Marketing Concept

Organize and Supervise all of the marketing that accompanies a specific brand.
Select one:
a. Brand Managers Correct
b. Product Research
c. Relationship Marketing
d. Sales Research
The correct answer is: Brand Managers

It consist of selecting a segment of the market as company's target market and designing the proper mix of
product/service, price, promotion and distribution system.
Select one:
a. Marketing Strategy Correct
b. Marketing Plan
c. Marketing Research
d. Marketing Concept
The correct answer is: Marketing Strategy

It is the act of determining the needs and wants of the market.

Select one:
a. Marketing Strategy
b. {
c. Marketing Research
d. Marketing Concept
e. Marketing Plan
The correct answer is: Marketing Research

Concept of Production includes diminishing 3 marginal returns Cost, Representative Firm, Product
Opportunity and ?
Select one:
a. Marketing
b. Traditional Marketing
c. Cost
d. Value Theory
The correct answer is: Cost

He is responsible for planning, developing and directing the marketing efforts for a particular product or brand.
Select one:
a. Brand manager
b. Model
c. Advertiser
d. Director
The correct answer is: Brand manager

Includes radio and television commercials, as well as specialized forms like on screen movie theater
Select one:
a. Broadcast
b. Telemarketing
c. Push Marketing
d. Direct Mail
The correct answer is: Broadcast

It is about forming long term relationships with customers.

Select one:
a. Relationship Marketing
b. Brand Managers
c. Product Research
d. Sales Research
The correct answer is: Relationship Marketing

Includes fliers, postcards, brochures, letters, catalogs and other material that is printed and mailed directly to
Select one:
a. Broadcast
b. Direct Mail
c. Push Marketing
d. Telemarketing
The correct answer is: Direct Mail


Exploration is the process when customer investigates or tests the supplier's capabilities and performance or
cross verifies the product or brands usefulness.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Expansion is the process when the supplier looses customer's faith and customer falls under huge
interdependence of the supplier.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.

Relationship between two parties is actually the interaction or transaction done between the two overtimes or
consists of a continuous series of synergistic episode of interaction many times.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Relationship with customers cannot change from time to time because it evolved under distinguished
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
In CRM the letter R means Retroactive.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.


Email and other forms of electronic communication make it easier for business professionals to stay in touch
with clients.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Obtaining new business is important to the growth of a company, but maintaining customer relationships
drives revenue.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

We need to hire people who genuinely care about the company and customers.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

It is important to build effective customer relationships.

Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Customers does not remember your great customer service, they also remember the great time they had at your
annual customer appreciation gathering.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.

Customer Service is critical in competing effectively.

Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Interacting directly with customers, would mean putting on special events, calling a customer to let her know
that the style she's looking for is now in stock or simply spending time chatting wih customers about topics
that aren't necessarily related to business.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.


Customer Service is the support you offer your customers.

Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Commitment is yet another milestone that should be achieved to set a short term mutual relationship.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.

Commitment is a powerful stage when suppliers learn to adapting business rules and goal to excel.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Customer Relationship Management is a term that refers to practices, strategies and technologies that
companies use to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer life cycle, with
the goal of improving business relationships with customers.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Dissolution is a stage when customer requirement suddenly changes and he looks for better perspectives. This
sudden change is the end of relationship.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.


Not all policies and procedures of the company are customer oriented.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.

Reliability means inconsistent performance that meets the expectations.

Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.

We don't need to empower employees.

Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.

Even if customer service structures and tools are in place today they will likely need to be different tomorrow.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Workflow should promote reliable delivery of customer orders.

Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

The Customer is the boss.

Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

The mission of the customer service department is to retain and to encourage increased business from
customers by efficiently satisfying the needs of the customers.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Most buyers don't have technical knowledge they need to make the best choices when they are purchasing
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.

Customer Wants and Needs must be considered at every step.

Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

Customer Experience is important.

Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.


To retain your client's business, you need to constantly be offering innovative suggestions on how he can get a
better return on his investment in your company's product or service.
Select one:
a. Solicit Customer Input
b. Provide Extras
c. Stay Proactive
d. Frontline employees
The correct answer is: Stay Proactive

When they are empowered to go above-and-beyond with customers, or have a helpdesk solution that makes it
easy for them to upsell or cross-sell relevant services, they can create winning experiences that help you stand
out from the competition.
Select one:
a. Support agents
b. Customer Support
c. Customer Experience
d. Customer Relationships
The correct answer is: Support agents

The act of taking care of the customer's needs by providing and delivering professional, helpful, high quality
service and assistance before, during, and after the customer's requirements are met.
Select one:
a. Frontline employees
b. Customer Service
c. Solicit Customer Input
d. Relationships
The correct answer is: Customer Service

They will help a customer form an opinion about the companyincluding whether she wants to continue doing
business with it.
Select one:
a. Customer Service
b. Relationships
c. Frontline employees
d. Solicit Customer Input
The correct answer is: Frontline employees

This approach helps customers feel invested in the company and that their opinion is valued.
Select one:
a. Customer Service
b. Frontline employees
c. Solicit Customer Input
d. Relationships
The correct answer is: Solicit Customer Input

PRIM Long Quiz 2

A major driver of customer experience, but only if you expand the role of your support team beyond the purely
reactive role many of them play today.
Select one:
a. Support agents
b. Customer Relationships
c. Customer Support
d. Customer Experience
The correct answer is: Customer Support

Building these with your customers is critical to your business's success.

Select one:
a. Relationships
b. Solicit Customer Input
c. Frontline employees
d. Customer Service
The correct answer is: Relationships

By using strong strategies to build customer relationships, you can

Select one:
a. Create new revenue streams
b. All of these
c. None of these
d. Retain repeat business
The correct answer is: All of these

Customers remember your great customer service, and they remember the great time they had at your annual
customer appreciation gathering.
Select one:
a. Solicit Customer Input
b. Provide Extras
c. Frontline employees
d. Stay Proactive
The correct answer is: Provide Extras

Customers who deal with companies with which they have built a relationship tend to
Select one:
a. All of these
b. Provide referrals
c. None of these
d. Repeat business
The correct answer is: All of these

Focusing on this is smart business.

Select one:
a. Customer Support
b. Customer Experience
c. Support agents
d. Customer Relationships
The correct answer is: Customer Experience

In the past, people chose which companies they did business with based on price or brand, but today this is the
Select one:
a. Overall experience
b. Customer support
c. Customer service
d. Customer relationship
The correct answer is: Overall experience

Majority of customers cite that they no longer give a company their business due to this.
Select one:
a. Price
b. Negative experience
c. Brand
d. None of these
The correct answer is: Negative experience

Making every touchpoint great does not just make customers love you.
Select one:
a. None of these
b. All of these
c. It can also increase your profits
d. Consumers would pay more
The correct answer is: All of these

Obtaining new business is important to the growth of a company, but maintaining this drives revenue.
Select one:
a. Support agents
b. Customer Experience
c. Customer Support
d. Customer Relationships
The correct answer is: Customer Relationships

This approach can help you get back on customers' radar when they have been feeling overwhelmed by too
aggressive an approach.
Select one:
a. Interact directly with customers
b. Strive to genuinely improve your customers' lives
c. Hire people who genuinely care about your company and customers
d. Vary the type of communications you send your customers
The correct answer is: Vary the type of communications you send your customers
This approach helps customers feel invested in the company and that their opinion is valued.
Select one:
a. Vary the type of communications you send your customers
b. Strive to genuinely improve your customers' lives
c. Interact directly with customers
d. Solicit customer input when making changes to your product or services
The correct answer is: Solicit customer input when making changes to your product or services

This is where you cultivate an atmosphere of transparency and trust.

Select one:
a. Interact directly with customers
b. Solicit customer input when making changes to your product or services
c. Vary the type of communications you send your customers
d. Strive to genuinely improve your customers' lives
The correct answer is: Strive to genuinely improve your customers' lives

Which of these can build effective customer relationships?

Select one:
a. Interact directly with customers
b. Strive to genuinely improve your customers' lives
c. Hire people who genuinely care about your company and customers
d. All of these
The correct answer is: All of these

Which of these is a Customer-Relationship building strategy?

Select one:
a. All of these
b. Pick up the phone
c. Provide extras
d. Stay proactive
The correct answer is: All of these

Customer are willing to pay more for a better experience.

Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.

Customer Service is critical in competing effectively.

Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Customers does not remember your great customer service, they also remember the great time they had at your
annual customer appreciation gathering.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.

Email and other forms of electronic communication make it easier for business professionals to stay in touch
with clients.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.

If you present your clients with new ideas to help them better manage their business, then your competition
will beat you to it.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.

1. A general direction in which something is developing or changing.


5. Give someone the authority or power to do something.


7. A stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or
organization in order to function effectively.


8. Beyond or more than what is usual, expected, or necessary


9. Ask for or try to obtain something from someone.

10. Make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.


2. The amount of money that a company actually receives during a specific period


3. You make things happen, instead of waiting for them to happen to you.


4. Introduce modifications or changes into (something) so as to make it different or less uniform


6. This and other forms of electronic communication make it easier for business professionals to stay in
touch with clients, but they are not an effective way to build a relationship.


WEEK 6 Short Quiz 6

Which of these is demographic factor?

Select one:

a. Income

b. Ethnicity

c. All of these

d. Age

The correct answer is: All of these

Collections of information about customers that help determine why people buy or do not buy a

Select one:

a. Behavioral Analysis

b. Customer Profile

c. Customer Buying Criteria

d. Consumer Analysis

The correct answer is: Customer Profile

Which of these is market opportunity analysis step?

Select one:

a. Identify what is currently happening in the business environment.

b. None of these

c. All of these

d. Describe your target market.

The correct answer is: All of these

To achieve the maximum impact, the marketing plan must be clear, concise and simple. It needs to
concentrate on the 20 percent of products or services, and on the 20 percent of customers, that will
account for 80 percent of the volume and 80 percent of the profit.

Select one:

a. Review of the marketing system

b. 80:20 rule

c. Marketing Objectives

d. Review of the detailed marketing activity

The correct answer is: 80:20 rule

What are the things you need to include in your Market Analysis?

Select one:

a. Industry description and outlook

b. Competitive analysis

c. Information about your target market

d. All of these

The correct answer is: All of these

The foundation of a well-written marketing plan.

Select one:

a. Table of contents

b. Glossary of items

c. Hollow strategic foundation

d. Solid marketing strategy

The correct answer is: Solid marketing strategy

Which of these is one of the main purposes of developing a marketing plan?

Select one:

a. Set the company on a specific path

b. Determine the company's historical data

c. Marketing strategies revamp

d. Prepare a detailed case for introducing a new product

The correct answer is: Set the company on a specific path

The major criteria that customers use to distinguish competing products.

Select one:

a. Price

b. Convenience

c. Quality

d. All of these

The correct answer is: All of these

A study of the marketing organization, marketing research systems and the current marketing objectives
and strategies.

Select one:

a. Review of the marketing system

b. Review of the detailed marketing activity

c. 80:20 rule

d. Marketing Objectives

The correct answer is: Review of the marketing system

The most important factor in successful marketing.

Select one:

a. Marketing mix

b. Corporate mission

c. Corporate vision

d. Marketing plan
The correct answer is: Corporate vision


They are unlikely to come forward with their problems, so consider an anonymous suggestion box or an
employee engagement survey to see what makes your employees tick.

Select one:

a. Bad customer experience

b. Dissatisfied employees

c. Experienced agents

d. Be available

The correct answer is: Dissatisfied employees

They can effectively mentor new hires by "whispering" answers to them as they chat with customers.

Select one:

a. Dissatisfied employees

b. Experienced agents

c. Be available

d. Bad customer experience

The correct answer is: Experienced agents

What is the most important thing you can do to improve relationships with your customers?

Select one:

a. Work ethics

b. Clear Communication

c. Improve Customer Service

d. Thick Skin

The correct answer is: Improve Customer Service

The mission of the customer service department is to retain and to encourage increased business from
customers by efficiently and courteously satisfying their needs with respect to ordering, shipping,
invoicing, handling claims and adjustments, and responding to inquiries, complaints, and related

Select one:

a. Dissatisfied employees

b. Experienced agents

c. Customer is the boss

d. Customer Service

The correct answer is: Customer is the boss

This, at any point in the customer lifecycle, can ruin your relationship.

Select one:

a. Be available

b. Bad customer experience

c. Dissatisfied employees

d. Experienced agents

The correct answer is: Bad customer experience


Represent the ability of online users to interact directly with each other, without the need for an
intervening organization other than to facilitate the communication.
Select one:

a. Peer-to-peer

b. Business-to-employee

c. Employee-to-business

d. Consumer-to-consumer

The correct answer is: Consumer-to-consumer

Prevailing philosophy and objectives of the political party or parties running the government, as well as
laws and government regulations.

Select one:

a. Natural environment conditions

b. Sociocultural conditions

c. Legal-political conditions

d. Economic conditions

The correct answer is: Legal-political conditions

A transaction that reflects what businesses do attract and keep their employees in terms of recruitment
tactics, benefits and opportunities.

Select one:

a. Consumer-to-consumer

b. Business-to-employee

c. Employee-to-business

d. Peer-to-peer

The correct answer is: Business-to-employee

Develop when governmental institutions become sellers and citizens assume the role of buyers.

Select one:

a. Government to citizen

b. Business to employee

c. Business to business marketing

d. Consumer markets

The correct answer is: Government to citizen

Why conduct a market research?

Select one:

a. None of these

b. It provides the information on which you can make informed decisions.

c. Both of these

d. To identify threats and opportunities in the marketplace

The correct answer is: Both of these

Transactions in these markets are often more complex, the distribution channels are shorter and more
direct with stricter product standards and specifications.

Select one:

a. Business to business marketing

b. Consumer markets

c. Business to employee

d. Government to citizen

The correct answer is: Business to business marketing

Health of the economy in terms of inflation, income levels, gross domestic product, unemployment, and
job outlook.

Select one:

a. Natural environment conditions

b. Sociocultural conditions

c. Legal-political conditions

d. Economic conditions

The correct answer is: Economic conditions

A market research where probing questions are posed to better understand that person's product

Select one:

a. Surveys

b. In-depth interviews

c. Focus groups

d. Observation

The correct answer is: In-depth interviews

Represented by individuals who purchase goods, products or services for their own consumption.

Select one:

a. Business to business marketing

b. Government to citizen

c. Business to employee

d. Consumer markets

The correct answer is: Consumer markets

Norms, customs, and values on such matters as human rights; trends in education and related social
institutions; as well as demographic patterns in society.

Select one:

a. Sociocultural conditions

b. Natural environment conditions

c. Economic conditions

d. Legal-political conditions

The correct answer is: Sociocultural conditions

WEEK 7 LA 10

Represents a mix between the internal and external forces that surround an organization and have an
impact upon it, especially their ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target

Select one:

a. Market Research

b. Marketing Environment

c. Macro Environment

d. Micro Environment

The correct answer is: Marketing Environment

Made up of factors that are close to the firm and affect it on a 'day to day' basis; usually these factors
interact with the firm or are involved in the same industry.

Select one:

a. Macro Environment

b. Marketing Environment

c. Micro Environment
d. Market Research

The correct answer is: Micro Environment

The regional intergovernmental organization and geopolitical union of nations in South Asia.

Select one:

a. The South Asian Free Trade Area or SAFTA

b. Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation or BIMSTEC

c. The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation or SAARC

d. Information and Communications Technology or ICT Incorrect


The correct answer is: The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation or SAARC

The process of assessing the viability of a new good or service through research conducted directly with
the consumer, which allows a company to discover the target market and record opinions and other
input from consumers regarding interest in the product.

Select one:

a. Macro Environment

b. Marketing Environment

c. Market Research

d. Micro Environment

The correct answer is: Market Research

This can include population information from government census data, trade association reports or
presented research that another business operating within the same market sector has already

Select one:

a. Marketing Environment
b. Secondary Data

c. Market Research

d. Macro Environment

The correct answer is: Secondary Data

WEEK 7 LA 11

Made up of factors that affect the firm on a long-term basis.

Select one:

a. Market Research

b. Micro Environment

c. Marketing Environment

d. Macro Environment

The correct answer is: Macro Environment

An umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio,
television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on,
as well as the various services and applications.

Select one:

a. Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation or BIMSTEC

b. Information and Communications Technology or ICT

c. The South Asian Free Trade Area or SAFTA

d. The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation or SAARC

The correct answer is: Information and Communications Technology or ICT

An agreement reached on 6 January 2004 at the 12th SAARC summit in Islamabad, Pakistan.

Select one:

a. The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation or SAARC

b. Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation or BIMSTEC

c. The South Asian Free Trade Area or SAFTA

d. Information and Communications Technology or ICT

The correct answer is: The South Asian Free Trade Area or SAFTA

Made up of factors that are close to the firm and affect it on a 'day to day' basis; usually these factors
interact with the firm or are involved in the same industry.

Select one:

a. Marketing Environment

b. Micro Environment

c. Macro Environment

d. Market Research

The correct answer is: Micro Environment

A regional organization comprising seven Member States lying in the littoral and adjacent areas of the
Bay of Bengal constituting a contiguous regional unity.

Select one:

a. Information and Communications Technology or ICT

b. The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation or SAARC

c. The South Asian Free Trade Area or SAFTA

d. Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation or BIMSTEC

The correct answer is: Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation or

The expertise of business buyers falls into this category.

Select one:

a. Technical expertise

b. None of these

c. Both of these

d. Buying process

The correct answer is: Both of these

Most consumer goods are discretionary products people may want but do not necessarily need. In
contrast, businesses usually come prepared to buy a solution to a need.

Select one:

a. Smaller & Highly Specialized Markets

b. Individual Business Buyers Represent Higher Value

c. Closer Proximity & Higher Degree of Independence

d. Business Needs vs. Consumer Wants

The correct answer is: Business Needs vs. Consumer Wants

In consumer marketing, the relationship often ends with a remote transaction made through a
retailer.In business marketing, the buyer-seller proximity is reversed.

Select one:

a. Closer Proximity & Higher Degree of Independence

b. Smaller & Highly Specialized Markets

c. Individual Business Buyers Represent Higher Value

d. Business Needs vs. Consumer Wants

The correct answer is: Closer Proximity & Higher Degree of Independence
Many business products are specialized and require a high degree of technical customization for specific
applications. The widely varying needs of business customers dictate highly personalized marketing,
including customized products, services and prices.

Select one:

a. Expert Buyers & Multiple Decision Makers

b. Stronger Customer-Centric Focus

c. More Complex Products Requiring Customization

d. Product Importance

The correct answer is: More Complex Products Requiring Customization

Business marketers focus on fewer, more intimate and longer-term customer relationships.

Select one:

a. Smaller & Highly Specialized Markets

b. Individual Business Buyers Represent Higher Value

c. Closer Proximity & Higher Degree of Independence

d. Business Needs vs. Consumer Wants

The correct answer is: Individual Business Buyers Represent Higher Value

Business marketers generally sell to narrower vertical markets substantially smaller than most consumer

Select one:

a. Smaller & Highly Specialized Markets

b. Individual Business Buyers Represent Higher Value

c. Business Needs vs. Consumer Wants

d. Closer Proximity & Higher Degree of Independence

The correct answer is: Smaller & Highly Specialized Markets

B2B marketing requires that all parts of the business be customer-oriented and that all marketing
decisions are based on a complete and accurate understanding of customers' needs. B2B companies are
usually closer to their customers and more knowledgeable about their needs than the typical consumer
company is.

Select one:

a. Expert Buyers & Multiple Decision Makers

b. Stronger Customer-Centric Focus

c. More Complex Products Requiring Customization

d. Product Importance

The correct answer is: Stronger Customer-Centric Focus

Consumer purchases typically involve an individual decision maker in a single-step transaction.

Compared with consumer decision making, business-buying behavior is characterized by a formal multi-
step process conducted professionally over a period, involving many people interacting within a formal

Select one:

a. Product Importance

b. Expert Buyers & Multiple Decision Makers

c. Stronger Customer-Centric Focus

d. More Complex Products Requiring Customization

The correct answer is: Expert Buyers & Multiple Decision Makers

Complex and highly structured requiring multiple steps drawn out over a period and involving a wide
range of individuals representing various areas of expertise or interest from within the organization.

Select one:

a. Consumer buying process

b. Both of these

c. Business buying process

d. None of these

The correct answer is: Business buying process

The physical product is of greatest importance in consumer markets. In B2B markets, the purchase
extends beyond the product and includes an array of economic, technical and personal relationships
between buyer and seller.

Select one:

a. Product Importance

b. Expert Buyers & Multiple Decision Makers

c. More Complex Products Requiring Customization

d. Stronger Customer-Centric Focus

The correct answer is: Product Importance

MARKETING WEEK 9 Short quiz 9 and Learning Activity 13

Solve the crossword puzzle below. Type the answers in the spaces provided under the statements

4. A sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act



8. A person’s pattern of living as expressed in his or her activities, interests, and opinions



9. The action of obtaining or procuring something



10. One of the most influential factors to buying behavior




1. A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a
person's behavior



2. Made up of the subconscious factors that push a consumer to buy a product



3. Most basic aspect of a consumer’s life that influences the values and beliefs that they live their life



5. The way that different consumers interpret information



6. The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others



7. Affects the goods and services that that consumer will want or need to purchase



LEARNING activity 13

These factors are the relationship between buyers and sales representatives of various competitor

Select one:
a. Organization buying

b. Interpersonal factors

c. Individual factors

d. Systems buy

Ans- Interpersonal factors

These factors are related to the buyers and their reactions.

Select one:

a. Organization buying

b. Individual factors

c. Interpersonal factors

d. Systems buy

Ans- Individual factors

The decision-making process by which formal organizations establish the need for purchased products
and services and identify, evaluate, and choose among alternative brands and suppliers.

Select one:

a. Systems buy

b. Interpersonal factors

c. Individual factors

d. Organization buying

Ans-Organization buying

The factors about a person that that come together to make up their individuality such as age, life-cycle
stage, occupation, economic situation, lifestyle, and personality and self-concept.

Select one:

a. New task buy

b. Personal factors

c. Organizational buying situations

d. Modified rebuy

Ans- Personal factors

Refers to the positions held within the groups and social networks that a consumer is a part of.

Select one:

a. Personal factors

b. New task buy

c. Organizational buying situations

d. Roles and Status

1. Ans- Roles and Status

What is the first stage in the consumer buying process?

Problem recognition

2. Which of these is the reason service strategies don't get the serious attention they deserve?

All of these

3. A process in which the organization gives a single order to a single organization for supplying a
full system.

Systems buy

4. Which of these is an important service strategy in the Philippine Business setting?

All of these

5. Business or transactions conducted directly between a company and consumers who are the
end-users of its products or services.

Business to Consumer or B2C

6. A strong company will already have great customer relationships. But a smart company will
always be asking this question.

What is good customer service?

7. Which of these is an imperative of customer experience strategies?

Designing the right experienced-focused value propositions

8. The goal of any service strategy should be to

All of these

9. Can pertain to how a group of individuals feels about certain social issues, which can be of
interest to nonprofit or charitable organizations.

Consumer Values

10. This is improving the functionality of your existing products.

Horizontal Value

11. Which of these is a characteristic of organization buying?

All of these

12. Seeks to identify and weigh the relative importance of factors consumers use to choose one
product over another.

Behavior Analysis

13. The immediate nature of customer service.

I need a replacement part now!

14. Why is customer experience important?

All of these

15. Ensure you convey to customers exactly what you mean.

Clear Communication

16. The coordinated planning of the individual products and services can contribute towards the
balanced portfolio.

Portfolio Planning

17. In this situation, the buyer is buying the product for the first time.

New task buy

18. Which of these is a key to improve your team's customer service skills?

Look at every touchpoint

19. Best defined as the factors that influence a consumer's mind on the buying behavior they
engage in.
Psychological factors

20. A sub-set of a market made up of people or organizations with one or more characteristics that
cause them to demand similar product and/or services based on qualities of those products such
as price or function.

Market Segment

21. Which of these are required skills of a customer service rep?


22. The commonly used tools to help marketers identify a consumer are buying decisions because
as a person ages and moves throughout the different life-cycle stages, their tastes change.

Age and life-cycle stage

23. It isn't a quick fix or a policy to be implemented one time that lasts forever.

Customer Service

24. Requires a moderate amount of time for information gathering.

Limited decision making

25. Factors are extremely difficult to change and are often pulled from the family and peers of the

Both Beliefs and Attitude

26. Can be thought of as a definition of what the organization is or what it does.

Corporate Mission

27. This is extending your product lines, personalizing products and using collaboration to build a
loyal following of customers.

New Value

28. Because these include factors like nationality, religion, racial groups, and geographic region
affiliation, these factors can often not be changed by consumers.


29. A type of transaction that exists between businesses, such as one involving a manufacturer and
wholesaler, or a wholesaler and a retailer.

Business to Business or B2B

30. This is empowering your customers, creating greater efficiency and accessibility of your

Trapped Value

31. It identifies target customers, ascertains the needs of these customers, and then specifies how
the product satisfies these needs.

Customer Analysis

32. A comprehensive document or blueprint that outlines a company's advertising and marketing
efforts for the coming year. It describes business activities involved in accomplishing specific
marketing objectives within a set time frame.

Marketing Plan

33. It is better known as the individual qualities of a person that make them who they are and set
them apart from their peers.

Personality and self-concept

34. Go through all six stages of the buying process.

Extensive decision making

35. No conscious planning.

Impulse buying

36. Which of these is proactive customer service?

All of these

37. In this buying situation, only purchasing department is involved.

Organizational buying situations

38. Buying experts whose sole function is to procure products and services on behalf of the

Procurement managers

39. In this buying situation, there is a modification to the specifications of the product or
specifications related to delivery.

Modified rebuy

40. Generally made up of businesses that buy products and raw materials for their own operation.
Business Markets

41. Solve the crossword puzzle word. Type the answers in the spaces provided













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