Cleat Angle Connection

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Date 13-Aug-20

Standard Mezzanine Connection Dsn. By PRJ

Chk. By SKG
Cleat Angle (IS 800:2007) Rev. No. 0

Shear Force (V) = 150 kN Conn. Capacity (Vds) = 240 kN

Supported Beam Supporting Col. Web

Section Sizes Width / Depth Thk. Width / Depth Thk.
Top Flange 150 8 mm 375 16 mm
Web Thk. 400 5 mm 800 8 mm
Bottom Flange 150 8 mm 375 16 mm
Material Specification = ASTM A 572 ASTM A 572
Material Grade = 50 [345] 50 [345]
E= 2,00,000 N/mm2

Connection Data
Connection Code = MZC-J15
Bolt Specification = DIN 933
Bolt Grade = Grade 8.8

1) Design Model

Ultimate Tensile Strength (fub) = 800 N/mm2 Bolts

Ultimate Tensile Strength (fu,b1) = 450 N/mm2 Supported Beam
Ultimate Tensile Strength (fu,b2) = 450 N/mm2 Supporting Beam
Yield Strength (fyb) = 640 N/mm2 Bolts
Yield Strength (fy,b1) = 345 N/mm2 Supported Beam
Yield Strength (fy,b2) = 345 N/mm2 Supporting Beam
Notch = Top
Notch depth (dnt) = (dnb) = 25 mm The notch at top and bottom should be same
Notch length ( ln ) = 36 mm depth and length
Tranverse Pitch (p3) = 95 mm
2) Other Parameters

Bolt Diameter (d) = 16 mm

Diameter of Hole (do) = 18 mm
Longitudinal end distance cleat angle (e1) = 30 mm on double shear side
Longitudinal end distance cleat angle (e1.s) = 70 mm on single shear side
Longitudinal end distance (e1,b) = 25 mm to edge of beam or notch
Transverse end distance (e2,c) = 140 mm to edge of column
Transverse end distance cleat angle (e2) = 30 mm
Transverse end distance (e2,b) = 35 mm from face of beam web
Ultimate Tensile Strength (fu,c) = 450 N/mm2 Supporting Column
Ultimate Tensile Strength (fu,p) = 450 N/mm2 cleat angle
Yield Strength (fy,c) = 345 N/mm2 Supporting Column
Yield Strength (fy,p) = 345 N/mm2 cleat angle
Horizontal gap (gh) = 10 mm
Vertical gap (gv ) = 20 mm e1,b - e1
Depth of Supported Beam (hb) = 416 mm
Depth of Supporting Beam (hb,1) = 832 mm
Height of cleat angle (hp) = 300 mm
Dist. between bottom of beam and cleat angle (he) = 96 mm hb - ( hp + gv )
Number of bolt rows in double shear (n1) = 4 In double shear
Number of bolt rows in single shear (n2) = 3 In single shear
Total number of bolts (n) = 10 n1 + 2 n2
Longitudinal Pitch (p1) = 80 mm
Thickness of cleat angle (tp) = 6 mm
Thickness of supported web (tw,b1) = 5 mm
Thickness of supporting web (tw,b2) = 8 mm
Thickness of column web (tw,c) = 8 mm
Thickness of column flange (tf,c) = 16 mm
Transverse distance (z) = 45 mm from face of supporting web to bolt group
Nominal ultimate tensile strength of weld (fu) = 450 N/mm2 Min. ( fub, fuw ) E70XX Electrode
Design shear strength of weld (fwd) = 207.85 N/mm2 fu / gmw ( 3 )0.5 Sec.
Partial factor on the yielding of plate (gm0) = 1.10 Table 5
Partial factor for Welds (gmw) = 1.25 Table 5
Partial Safety Factor for Bolts (gmb) = 1.25 Table 5
Partial Safety Factor for Stresses (gm1) = 1.25
Shear area of bolt (Anb) = 156.83 mm2 0.78 π d2 / 4
3) Bolts in Shear Sec. 10.3.3
a) Double Shear
Design Shear Strength per bolt (Vdsb) = 57.95 kN [ ( fub Anb ) / ( 3 )0.5 ] / gmb
a = 0.00 0 for 1 bolt line
b = 0.17 6 z / [ n ( n + 1 ) p1 ]
Design Shear Strength of bolt group (Vds.1) = 384.25 kN 2 n1 Vdsb / sqrt [ ( 1 + an1 )2 + ( bn1 )2 ]

b) Single Shear
Design Shear Strength per bolt (Vdsb) = 57.95 kN [ ( fub Anb ) / ( 3 )0.5 ] / gmb
Design Shear Strength of bolt group (Vds.1) = 278.15 kN 2 ( 0.8 n2 Vdsb )
(The reduction factor 0.8 allows for the presence of tension in the bolts)

4) Cleat angle in bearing Sec. 10.3.4

a) At supported beam
(kb) = 0.556 Min. ( e1 / 3 d0 ), ( p1 / 3 d0 - 0.25 ), ( fub / fu,p ), (1.00)
Design Vert. Bearing Strength per bolt (Vdpb.ver) = 48.00 kN 2.5 ( kb d tp fu.p ) / gmb
(kb) = 0.56 Min. of [ ( e2 / 3 do ), ( fub / fu,p1 ) , 1.00 ]
Design Horz. Bearing Strength per bolt (Vdpb.hor) = 48.00 kN 2.5 ( kb d tp fu.p ) / gmb
Design Bearing Strength of bolt group (Vds.2) = 318.28 kN 2 n1 / sqrt [ ( (1 + an1) / Vdpb.ver )2 + ( bn1 / Vdpb.hor )2 ]

b) At supporting beam
(kb) = 1.00 Min. ( e1 / 3 d0 ), ( p1 / 3 d0 - 0.25 ), ( fub / fu,b1 ), (1.00)
Design Bearing Strength per bolt (Vdpb) = 86.40 kN 2.5 ( kb d tp fu.p ) / gmb
Design Bearing Strength of bolt group (Vds.2) = 518.40 kN 2 n2 Vdpb

5) Cleat angle in shear (gross section) Sec. 8.4

a) At supported and supporting beam

Shear resistance of cleat angle (Vds,3) = 513.29 kN 2 hp tp fy,p / [ 1.27 gm0 sqrt (3) ]
The coefficient 1.27 takes into account the reduction of the shear resistance, due to presence of bending moment.

6) Cleat angle in shear (net section) Sec. 6.4.1

a) At supported beam
Avn = 1368 mm2 tp ( hp - n1 do )
Shear resistance of cleat angle (Vds,4) = 511.80 kN 2 ( 0.9 Avn fu,p ) / [ gm1 sqrt (3) ]

b) At supporting beam
Avn = 1476 mm2 tp ( hp - n2 do )
Shear resistance of cleat angle (Vds,4) = 552.21 kN 2 ( 0.9 Avn fu,p ) / [ gm1 sqrt (3) ]

7) Cleat angle in block shear Sec. 6.4

a) At supported beam
Atg = 180.00 mm2 tp e2
Avg = 1800.00 mm2 tp hp
Atn = 126.00 mm2 t p ( e2 - do / 2 )
Avn = 1242.00 mm2 tp [ hp - e1 - ( n1 - 0.5 ) do ]
Tdb1 = 733.53 kN 2 { Avg fy,p / [ (3)0.5 gm0 ] + 0.9 Atn fu,p / gm1 }
Tdb2 = 577.57 kN 2 { 0.9 Avn fu,p / [ (3)0.5 gm1 ] + Atg fy,p / gm0 }
Block shear resistance of cleat angle (Vds,5) = 577.57 kN Min. (Tdb1, Tbd2)

b) At supporting beam
Atg = 180 mm2 tp e2
Avg = 1800 mm2 tp hp
Atn = 126 mm2 t p ( e2 - do / 2 )
Avn = 1110 mm2 tp [ hp - e1.s - ( n2 - 0.5 ) do ]
Tdb1 = 733.53 2 { Avg fy,p / [ (3)0.5 gm0 ] + 0.9 Atn fu,p / gm1 }
Tdb2 = 528.19 2 { 0.9 Avn fu,p / [ (3)0.5 gm1 ] + Atg fy,p / gm0 }
Block shear resistance of cleat angle (Vds,5) = 528.19 kN Min. (Tdb1, Tbd2)

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