Tre Atment For P Oultry Mite Infes Tations in Chickens: Technical Manual
Tre Atment For P Oultry Mite Infes Tations in Chickens: Technical Manual
Tre Atment For P Oultry Mite Infes Tations in Chickens: Technical Manual
Exzolt™, new from MSD Animal Health, wipes out over
99% of poultry mites (Poultry Red Mites and Northern
Fowl Mites), making it the most impactful and eff ective
solution for infestations. And because it’s simply
applied through your poultry drinking system,
there’s no special training or new equipment
needed, meaning one person can treat all your
birds faster than ever.
Exzolt provides 99%+ mite elimination in three simple steps. F
hen’s drinking water to eliminate live mites. Administration th
spraying and minimizes the potential of chemical exposure to
application to eradicate mite stages not susceptible to the firs
Changing outer clothing per house and use specific tools per each
Cleaning and checking for poultry mite absence before being used
1 2
en flocks
h barn
d in another house
2. PRODUCT PROFILE................................................. 15
Pharmacology, Mode of Action, Efficacy, Safety,
Fluralaner Chemical Properties
Label Information
Product Profile Summary
4. SAFETY. . .............................................................. 31
Target Animal Safety – Laying Hens
Target Animal Safety – 3-Week-Old Chicks
Reproductive Safety
Withdrawal Period
Environmental Safety
Safety Summary
5. EFFICACY............................................................. 41
Efficacy Against Poultry Red Mites
Treatment Regimen Rationale
Dose-Determination Research
Dose-Confirmation Studies
Field Efficacy Study
Efficacy Against Northern Fowl Mites
In vitro Activity
Dose-Confirmation Study – Layers
Dose-Confirmation Study – Replacement Chickens
Field Efficacy Study – US
Natural Infestation Efficacy Study – Brazil
Efficacy Summary
6. USAGE GUIDELINES................................................ 59
Dose Calculation
Preparing Stock Solution and Dosing Birds
Considerations for Use of Dosing Pumps
7. SUMMARY.. ........................................................... 65
8. REFERENCES CITED............................................... 69
9. LABEL SUMMARY.................................................. 75
Though most health programs for chickens are focused on bacterial, viral, or coccidial threats,
production birds are also vulnerable to parasites that can live on or in their bodies. Cage housing
has greatly reduced the exposure of commercial layer flocks to internal nematode parasites and
their intermediate carriers (although recent trends to cage free and free range production is
causing some reversal of this trend), but the economic damage posed by external parasites has
historically lagged far behind in technological advancement.
Recent surveys have confirmed the extremely high
and increasing prevalence of infestations with
Poultry Red Mites in Europe. The average overall
infestation rate of European layer houses has been
estimated at 83%, with rates of 94% reported
for Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands, and
67% to 90% for France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Sweden,
and the UK.7-9 Extrapolation of these estimates
suggests that about 300 million hens in Europe are
potentially suffering from mite infestations at
any particular point in time. Poultry Red Mites
are found
in all production types, from backyard
or organic farms to intensive, enriched cage or
Figure 1-1: Poultry Red Mites on a piece of straw at a free-range farm.. barn systems.10
Though only very limited information has been published in the scientific literature regarding red mite
prevalence outside Europe, highly variable values have been reported for Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and
Latin America. Poultry Red Mites are known to co-exist with Northern Fowl Mites in Latin America and Asia.
12-24 hours 2-3 days
Adults Larvae
Deutonymphs Protonymphs
Infested chickens can develop anemia due to
repeated mite bites, with laying hens possibly losing
more than 3% of their blood volume every night.6 In
extreme cases, D. gallinae infestation burdens may
be so high that hens become severely anemic and
die from blood loss alone.11-12 A 10-fold increase
in hen mortality following severe infestation has
been reported.11
A 2013-2014 FAO poultry census estimates the Salmonella gallinarum and enteritidis
number of layer chickens in the 17 largest egg-
Pasteurella multocida
producing countries in Europe to be 431 million. 24
Recently a large layer genetics supplier estimated Escherichia coli
that productivity losses can reach €0.57 per hen
Listeria monocytogenes
per year in case of moderate mite infestation
(range €0.27 for low infestation to €2.50 for high Mycoplasma synoviae
infestation). 25 The estimation of the evolution
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
of direct treatment costs is complex due to the
changes in the acaricidal treatments arsenal Coxiella burnetti
available to the farmers for the past decades,
Nocardia brasiliensis
as described later in this review. However, the
same layer genetics supplier recently estimated Borrelia burgdorferi
the total cost of D. gallinae infestation to be up
Viral diseases such as Newcastle disease,
to €1 per laying hen per year, depending on the
St. Louis encephalitis, avian influenza,
housing system, the infestation intensity, and
Eastern, Western, and Venezuelan
the control methods used. 26 Based on the above
equine encephalitis1,8,18,19,21,27,28
recent poultry census data, 24 the updated average
infestation prevalence (83%7), and recent per bird
cost calculations, 26 we now estimate the current
cost of red mite infestation for the egg industry in HUMAN HEALTH CONCERNS
Europe to be about €200 million for productivity
Poultry Red Mite pests are of growing concern
losses and up to about €360 million for overall costs.
in human medicine as D. gallinae infestation is
increasingly responsible for human dermatological
lesions (gamasoidosis), particularly in people living
POULTRY RED MITES or working in close proximity to poultry.28 In fact, red
mites in poultry production buildings are recognized
AS VECTORS OF DISEASE as a significant occupational hazard to poultry
In addition to their effects on poultry production, workers.29,30 A recent survey reported an increasing
Poultry Red Mites can spread an array of diseases incidence of gamasoidosis worldwide and found
of humans and other animals.1,8,19 Many bacterial that the disease is underdiagnosed. 8 The survey
and viral pathogens that affect both humans showed that gamasoidosis severity is exacerbated
and animals and have been either isolated from by the persistence of mite infestation, treatment
red mites or had mite-vectored transmission failures, and the potential transmission of zoonotic
demonstrated in laboratory settings, including: diseases by the mites (such as Borrelia burgdorferi,
the cause of Lyme disease; Babesia spp.; Bartonella
spp.). Dermatitis related to D. gallinae has become
so substantial that workers in some countries have
to be paid 3-times the basic rate to work with D.
gallinae-infested birds.22
Dermanyssus gallinae
Adult Poultry Red Mite
Although it may be applied in the presence
CONTROL ATTEMPTS of birds in an infested house, it should not be
Current methods for managing red mites lack sprayed directly onto the birds, thus decreasing
sufficient efficacy to keep infestations under its ability to reach mite refuges in crevices and
control in many poultry farms. 26 The parasites are cracks close to the birds.
difficult to control since they can be transferred
The product is restricted only to those cases
between flocks by crates, clothing, and wild birds,
where its use is unavoidable because the
and they can be difficult to detect unless birds are
infestation has become overwhelming.
examined at night when mites are feeding. 31
Simply removing the host from an area will not Users should wear special protective clothing
eliminate the mites, as deutonymphs and adults during treatment and cannot re-enter the treated
are known to resist desiccation and live as long house for at least 12 hours after treatment.
as 8 months without feeding.1,4 Furthermore,
recent European legislation (2012) banning use A 12-hour egg withdrawal period must be
of traditional cages for poultry birds (European observed after treatment (makes product
Council Directive 1999/74/EC) has favored the use unsuitable for use in large, intensive layer farms).
of housing systems incorporating more complex
Similar precautions apply for most other premise-
environments. While these animal welfare
spray/pesticide approaches to red mite control.
measures represent positive advancements for
Several acaricidal spray products are available in
poultry husbandry, such housing systems appear
some European countries for the treatment of the
to favor red mite proliferation and exacerbate
poultry house and equipment (not birds), mainly
infestation problems by providing mites more
for use during the unoccupied period between
hiding possibilities, thus enabling them to more
flocks. These products may contain pyrethroids
easily escape control measures. 22,26,32,33
(cypermethrin, permethrin, deltamethrin),
Chemical control of mites is often attempted, carbamates (bendiocarb), abamectin, and spinosad.
involving treatment/spraying of the local Most may only be applied in empty buildings; only
environment including walls, floors, roosts, nest a few (e.g., spinosad and cypermethrin) may be
boxes, and birds. Synthetic acaricides such as applied in the presence of birds in some countries.
organophosphates (dichlorvos, fenitrothion, However, some of these products have no approved
chlorpyrifos, diazinon), carbamates (carbaryl, recommended egg withdrawal time, thus posing
methomyl, propoxur), and pyrethroids a potential human food-safety risk. In addition,
(cyhalothrin) are the most common chemicals currently marketed acaricidal products have
used against mite infestations, though their only short residual activity, 34 which is a problem
efficacy is questionable. Many conventional mite since D. gallinae mites may not encounter treated
products have been withdrawn from European surfaces for several days post-application; and
markets or banned in the past few years because these products exert little or no activity on mite
they did not comply with European or national eggs, thus enabling regrowth of infestation burdens
regulatory requirements with regard to human in treated houses. The application of pesticides
consumer and user safety. to an entire poultry house also carries the risk of
feed contamination, and treatments often need to
Currently, the organophosphate phoxim is the be repeated at 2-week intervals. Thus, the use of
only veterinary medicinal product registered in chemical treatments involves the direct cost of the
Europe for the treatment of D. gallinae infestations pesticides used plus labor costs, worker protection
(since 2010). However, the product is not currently equipment, and the cost of maintaining the flock
licensed in the largest layer industry countries such through the egg and meat withdrawal times
as Germany, Poland, Spain, and the UK, where following treatment.
the prevalence of D. gallinae infestations exceeds
80%. Furthermore, strict precautions pertaining
to animal safety, user safety, and consumer safety
must be observed when using phoxim:
Fowl mites are closely related to Poultry Red Mites and induce similar consequences in terms
of animal welfare and production losses. Like Poultry Red Mites, O. sylviarum is considered a
“dermanyssoid” mite but is placed in a different taxonomic family (Macronyssidae rather than
the Dermanyssidae). Though originally a nest-parasite of wild birds, these obligate blood-
feeding mites have become common ectoparasites of domestic birds, causing direct damage
to poultry and decreased economic output. Severe infestations and economic damage occur
primarily in layer hens (chickens) or breeders (chickens or turkeys), which are raised for
longer periods of time than other poultry types (such as broilers) and thus allow high mite
populations to develop and be maintained.
Adults Larvae
Blood Feeding
Deutonymphs Protonymphs
Blood Feeding
1-2 days
populations increased. All of these negative
impacts may also be related to mite-induced
immune responses.
onto birds, with the spray directed upwards from exposure are increasing, organic production is
underneath hanging ‘battery’ cages (pesticides increasing (which disallows most pesticides), and
are most effective when applied to feathers in poultry housing is changing.
the vent region where mites gather). However, the
US industry is gradually transitioning away from
using small wire battery cages for egg production THE NEW APPROACH
and switching instead to larger ‘enriched’ cages or
cage-free housing. Effective spraying of birds with The development and approval of Exzolt (fluralaner)
pesticides is more difficult in these systems and solution for use in drinking water now offers an
thus severely limits some methods for mite control. innovative new approach for comprehensive
management of Poultry Red Mites and Northern Fowl
Clearly, an urgent need exists to develop new Mites in chickens. As discussed in the following pages,
or alternative control methods for fowl mites novel Exzolt provides a unique combination of potent
because the number of available synthetic control efficacy, user convenience, and bird safety in a ready-
agents is decreasing, concerns about pesticide to-use aqueous solution for water administration.
Poultry Red Mites (Dermanyssus gallinae) are the primary mite threat in Europe,
while Northern Fowl Mites (Ornithonyssus sylviarum) predominate in other regions
such as the US and Latin America.
The approximate total cost of Poultry Red Mite infestations and overall costs totals
€360 million in Europe, and the parasites can spread a diversity of bacterial and
viral diseases of humans and other animals.
Poultry Red Mites can spread a diversity of bacterial and viral diseases of humans
and other animals.
Current methods for managing Poultry Red Mites lack sufficient efficacy to keep
infestations under control at many poultry farms, and often pose safety threats
for both birds and humans.
Exzolt is a unique parasiticide for chickens that provides potent efficacy against Poultry Red
Mites and Northern Fowl Mites via a convenient oral solution dosage form for administration
in the drinking water. Fluralaner (carbamoyl-benzamide-phenyl-isoxazoline), the active
ingredient of Exzolt, is a member of the novel antiparasitic compound class of isoxazoline-
substituted benzamide derivatives. It is a racemic mixture of S- and R-enantiomers, with the
S-enantiomer expressing activity (equal amounts of left- and right-handed enantiomers of the
chiral molecule). Exzolt is a 1% fluralaner aqueous solution (10 mg/mL) intended for treatment
and control of Poultry Red Mite (D. gallinae) and Northern Fowl Mite (O. sylviarum) infestation
in chickens (pullets, breeders, and layers) when administered orally via drinking water twice
(7 days apart) at a dose of 0.5 mg fluralaner per kg body weight (BW) (equivalent to 0.05 mL
Exzolt/kg BW).
Fluralaner is a compound from a new chemical class and is the first isoxazoline approved for
use in poultry. This development is notable because very few new pharmaceutical molecules
have been licensed over the past few years for use in poultry in Europe. In fact, the high
economic pressures and low margins inherent to egg and chicken meat production typically
mean the poultry industry can “afford” only older compounds or agents widely used in the
crop or premise-protection domain. In contrast, fluralaner has never been used in agriculture,
and therefore represents a truly new and innovative treatment for poultry.
Treatment of the host with Exzolt (instead of Fast start of kill (within 4 hours for
Poultry Red Mite), with prolonged
treating the host environment) is an innovative
duration in birds spanning 2 mite
approach to targeting mite parasites that live on life cycles.
the premises and spend only 30 to 90 minutes/
High bioavailability, systemic distribution
day on the host.6 Convenient treatment of
in poultry.
poultry with Exzolt via the drinking water causes
effective levels of the acaricide to be systemically Active against mites resistant to
classical acaricides.
distributed within all birds, ready to kill mites
whenever parasites extract a blood meal from
their hosts. Efficacy against D. gallinae begins
within 4 hours after exposure of mites to treated Treats all birds, unlike hit-and-
chickens, and any mites feeding on treated miss spraying.
chickens for at least 2 weeks after the first Exzolt More convenient and cost-effective
administration will be killed. In addition, non- than sprays.
blood-feeding stages (eggs, larvae) are killed as Uniform dosing accuracy.
soon as they develop into hematophagous forms,
1 treatment—2 administrations,
and egg production by female mites is stopped. 1 week apart.
Thus, the mite life cycle is disrupted due to the
Ready-to-use solution for simple dilution,
rapid onset of fluralaner activity, the very high
with no sedimentation or clogging.
mite-killing efficacy (duration of at least 2 mite
life cycles), and the absence of egg production Flexible; easy to tailor treatment to
bird management programs (feeding,
from female mites exposed to treated chickens. housing, etc.).
Exzolt also contributes toward long-term control
of mite populations in a poultry house when used Reduced labor compared to sprays.
in conjunction with implementation of proper Re-sealable, multiple-entry container
biosecurity measures. with an in-use shelf-life of 1 year.
Exzolt provides poultry producers a revolutionary new option
for managing Poultry Red Mites and Northern Fowl Mites that
is that is effective, safe, convenient, and cost-effective, thus
helping chickens maintain optimal productivity performance
unhindered by profit-suppressing ectoparasites. Exzolt sets
a new standard for management of mites and represents an
excellent therapeutic component of comprehensive health
programs aimed at optimizing overall performance of pullets,
breeders, and layers.
DOSAGE AND ADMINISTR ATION The required amount of product on each treatment
For use in drinking water. day is calculated from the total BW (kg) of the
entire group of chickens to be treated, using the
Dose: 0.5 mg fluralaner per kg BW (equivalent to following formula:
0.05 mL Exzolt) administered twice, 7 days apart. The volume of product (mL)/treatment day = Total
complete course of treatment must be administered estimated BW (kg) of chickens to be treated X 0.05 mL
for a full therapeutic effect. If another course of
treatment is indicated, the interval between two Therefore 500 mL of product treats 10,000 kg
courses of treatment should be at least 3 months. body weight (e.g., 5,000 chickens of 2 kg body weight
each) per day of treatment administration.
GROUP: for systemic use
Cl O
Cl CH3 O
Packaged in 1-L and 4-L bottles (HDPE) closed
with an aluminum foil seal and a child-resistant
polypropylene screw cap.
Treatment with Exzolt provides fast, convenient, and potent acaricidal efficacy,
with proven safety for chickens and the users of the product.
Exzolt is approved for treatment of Poultry Red Mite (Dermanyssus gallinae) and
Northern Fowl Mite (Ornithonyssus sylviarum) infestation in pullets, breeders, and
layers when provided in drinking water at 0.5 mg fluralaner/kg BW, administered
twice 7 days apart.
Exzolt has a zero-day withdrawal for chicken eggs and a 14-day withdrawal
period for meat and offal, with no contraindications, known adverse effects,
or known interactions.
Because orally administered fluralaner reaches target ectoparasites via the gastrointestinal tract
and the bloodstream, a review of the pharmacologic behavior of fluralaner within chickens is
relevant. Several studies documented the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics/activity of
fluralaner in support of product indications. As mentioned earlier, fluralaner is a racemic mixture
of S- and R-enantiomers (equal amounts of left- and right-handed enantiomers of the chiral
molecule), with the S-enantiomer expressing acaricidal activity.
Comprehensive studies examined the label recommendations and fluralaner pharmacokinetic profile of Exzolt.
Research investigated the pharmacokinetic RESULTS
profile of fluralaner in chickens after intravenous Fluralaner was quickly absorbed (Figure 3-1) and
administration of 0.5 mg/kg BW and after oral concentrations peaked at the 1.5-day time-point
administration by gavage at 0.25, 0.5, and 1 mg/ after the first administration and 0.5 day after
kg BW (4 treatment groups, 45 laying hens/ the second administration, with Cmax of 323.7
treatment).43 Blood samples were collected pre- ng/mL and 355.1 ng/mL after the respective first
treatment and at 17 post-treatment time-points (5 and second administrations, indicating slight
minutes through 35 days). Fluralaner displayed a accumulation. Concentrations of fluralaner then
slow elimination profile (T1/2 of about 5 days after decreased gradually. The AUC was 1297 ng*day/
intravenous administration), dose linearity, and mL (day 0-7) and 2388 ng*day/mL (day 7-infinity).
91% oral bioavailability. Fluralaner is highly bound Notably, the 2-administration fluralaner plasma
(~100%) to plasma proteins.44 profile covered the time-period needed for
completion of 2 consecutive mite life cycles,
The pivotal pharmacokinetic study examined use a fundamental concept used for selecting the
of Exzolt according to label recommendations and dose regimen with the intent of imposing lengthy
assessment of the fluralaner pharmacokinetic disruption of mite population dynamics.
profile after oral administration via drinking water.44
Fluralaner oral bioavailability is high and drug
55 healthy laying hens were treated with was rapidly absorbed after oral administration
2 single administrations of Exzolt (2-times in drinking water at 0.5 mg/kg BW twice at 7-day
0.5 mg fluralaner/kg BW) at 7-day intervals. intervals, and slight accumulation occurred in
blood, consistent with a rhythm of administration
Blood samples were collected from hens designed to maintain therapeutic efficacy between
pre-treatment and at 20 time-points from administrations. Appropriate levels were achieved
6 hours until 21 days post-treatment and maintained in blood plasma for targeting of
(4 sample-times/hen). blood-feeding mites.
Total fluralaner
S-enantiomer (active)
0 Exzolt 7 14 21
Figure 3-1: Fluralaner plasma concentration; time profile after Exzolt administration in chickens at 0.5 mg/kg BW in drinking water, twice at a 7-day interval.
16 laying hens (~ 20 weeks of age) were randomly
In preliminary research regarding fluralaner allocated to 2 groups of 8 hens housed in 2
pharmacodynamics and activity, fluralaner separate pens. One group was treated on days
demonstrated a prominent feeding activity against 0 and 7 with Exzolt at the recommended dose of
Dermanyssus gallinae compared to a less potent 0.5 mg fluralaner/kg BW while the second group
contact activity, which is appropriate for an orally remained unmedicated (controls).
administered drug with a systemic mode of
action (Figure 3-2). 43 Another study evaluated the Six hens of each group were artificially infested
susceptibility of nymph and adult mites to fluralaner, with unfed D. gallinae (mainly adults) on multiple
using an immersion test.43 Fluralaner was highly active occasions between days 1 and 26. After each
in vitro against both nymph (LC90=0.38 ppm) and adult infestation, a sample of engorged mites were
(LC90 =0.52 ppm) mite stages. collected from each infested hen, incubated, and
assessed for mortality after 4, 8, 12, and 24 hours.
Mite mortality in Exzolt group (% reduction vs controls) Reduction in Exzolt group (% reduction vs controls)
100 100
100 Nymphs produced
80 80
Eggs laid per
60 60
40 40 48.1
15.9 15.2
0 10.6
0 Day 1 Day 5 Day 8 Day 12 Day 15 Day 19
Days 1-15* Day 19 Day 22 Day 26
Study day (Exzolt treatment on days 0 and 7)
Hours after artificial mite infestation:
Figure 3-4: Impact of Exzolt on reproductive capacity of surviving female mites (percent
4 hours 8 hours 12 hours 24 hours reduction vs controls). *Egg value could not be calculated before day 19 because the dead
females did not lay eggs before death.
Study day (Exzolt treatment on days 0 and 7)
The development of resistance by mites to control agents is an ongoing concern, as with most all medicinal or
chemical interventions used for animal health (e.g., antimicrobials, anthelmintics, insecticides, etc.). However,
because fluralaner is a new agent recently introduced in veterinary medicine, resistance has not shown to be a
concern and none has been detected. Isoxazolines like fluralaner act at previously unrecognized activity sites
without cross-resistance to other chemotypes, and effects differ between insects and mammals so toxicity is
selective.46 In vitro bioassays have indicated that fluralaner offers efficacy against parasites with known field
resistance to various chemical classes, including organophosphates (tick, mite), pyrethroids (tick, mite), and
carbamates (mite).
During dose confirmation and field studies conducted in support of Exzolt approval, 12 Poultry Red Mite
isolates were collected in 2014 and 2015 from 12 chicken houses in France, Germany, and Spain. The
collected isolates were tested for in vitro acaricide sensitivity to fluralaner (11 isolates) and several other
acaricides (not all tested for each isolate), with the following outcomes for various agents:47
Fluralaner: Isolates were highly susceptible Additional in vitro research found that pyrethroid-
to fluralaner with LC90 < 15.63 ppm. resistant Northern Fowl Mites were also extremely
sensitive to fluralaner.48 The test isolate was
Phoxim: Demonstrated variable sensitivity resistant to pyrethroids (permethrin, deltamethrin)
as 6 of 11 isolates had LC90 greater than the despite not being exposed to acaricides for at least
recommended concentration for chicken houses 10 years. Still, the LC99 for fluralaner against adult
(2,000 ppm). The average LC90 for the 11 recent fowl mites was achieved at only 8.09 ppm (study
isolates was 3 dilutions higher than an older details presented in Efficacy section).
isolate collected in 2011.
The Exzolt dosage regimen (2 administrations
Deltamethrin: 3 of 3 isolates tested had LC90 seven days apart) was designed to ensure effective
exceeding the recommended concentration treatment and elimination of all mite development
for chicken houses (250 ppm). stages from the flock, which limits resistance
development. In addition, research45 showed that
Propoxur: 2 of 2 isolates tested had
female Poultry Red Mites dying after a blood
LC90 > 1,000 ppm.
meal from a fluralaner-treated hen were unable
Spinosad: 1 of 11 isolates tested had LC90 to lay any eggs, suggesting that the development
(> 4000 ppm) higher than the highest of less sensitive mite stages from eggs is unlikely.
recommended concentration in the field Correct use of Exzolt according to label directions
(4000 ppm). cannot be overemphasized, such as providing
the full approved dose regimen (2 consecutive
administrations 7 days apart), estimating bird
weights as closely as possible, etc.
The bioavailability is high, approximately 91% of the dose. Fluralaner is highly bound
to protein. The apparent elimination half-life is approximately 5 days following
oral administration.
Fluralaner is a very potent acaricide, acting extremely fast (within 4 hours) and for at
least 15 days when administered to chickens by the recommended Exzolt dosage regimen.
Exzolt significantly impairs reproduction of D. gallinae. During the first 15 days post-
treatment, all mites died within 24 hours without laying any eggs, and after 19 days,
mite reproduction was still seriously limited due to a remaining killing effect on female
mites combined with a reduction of their oviposition, thus limiting development of any
less sensitive mite stages from eggs.
No resistance for fluralaner has been detected in field isolates, and fluralaner was
active in vitro against mite isolates that were resistant to other acaricides.
The Exzolt treatment regimen (2 administrations 7 days apart) provides acaricidal activity
for a duration sufficient to break 2 consecutive mite life stages, thus providing a complete
elimination of mite population in the building and thus limiting development of resistance.
A comprehensive safety program was conducted to demonstrate the safety of Exzolt for
chickens. One study investigated safety in laying hens, the primary production class for Exzolt,
while another study evaluated safety in young 3-week-old chicks. A reproductive safety study
was also conducted, evaluating safety in both treated breeder birds and their eggs/progeny.
Outcomes obtained in these studies support the safety of Exzolt in pullets, breeders, and layers,
per label indications.
120 laying hens at peak egg production (~28 weeks of age; under high physiological stress related to intensive
egg production) were randomly allocated to 4 treatment groups of 30 birds.
The 3 treated groups were offered tap water medicated with Exzolt as described in Figure 4-1 on 6
occasions (days 0, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9) while control group birds received non-medicated water. (As a result, the
total net doses of fluralaner administered were 3-, 9-, or 15-times the recommended total dose.)
Clinical health was monitored throughout the 35-day study, and feed and water intake were recorded.
Egg production was assessed daily for each treatment group, and eggs from 10 randomly pre-selected
birds in each group were evaluated for typical quality parameters. Hematology and clinical chemistry
parameters were measured pre-treatment and at multiple time-points.
Eight birds per group were euthanized on days 10 and 28 for complete gross necropsy, and complete
histopathological examination was performed on organs from the control and the highest dose (5X) group.
1X DOSE 0.5 mg/kg/d (recommended dose rate) = 3 mg/kg total dose (3X)
3X DOSE 1.5 mg/kg/d (3X recommended dose rate) = 9 mg/kg total dose (9X)
5X DOSE 2.5 mg/kg/d (5X recommended dose rate) = 15 mg/kg total dose (15X)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 35
Exzolt Treatments Exzolt Treatments
Figure 4-1: Experiment design of target animal safety study for laying hens.
Evaluations of the massive quantity of collected data revealed no clinically significant or relevant differences
for any safety or toxicological parameters between the control group and all medicated groups, including birds
treated at the 5X dose rate. Furthermore, no statistically significant differences between groups were detected
for egg production, the number of abnormal eggs, or egg quality characteristics.
Water intake was similar between all treatment groups, indicating that normal palatability was maintained
for drinking water medicated with Exzolt.
This target animal safety study demonstrated that Exzolt is well tolerated and normally palatable in laying hens,
even when grossly overdosed at up to 5-times the recommended dose rate for 3-times the recommended
frequency. Use of Exzolt at the recommended daily dose rate of 0.5 mg/kg BW twice at a 7-day interval clearly
offers a wide margin of safety for laying hens and does not impact rates of water consumption.
320 broiler male and female chicks (3 weeks of age at start of dosing) were randomly allocated to 4 treatment
groups of 80 birds.
The 3 treated groups were offered tap water medicated with Exzolt as described in Figure 4-2 on 6 occasions
at weekly intervals (days 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35) while control group birds received non-medicated water. (As a
result, the total net doses of fluralaner administered were 3X, 9X, or 15X the recommended total dose.)
Clinical health was monitored throughout the 54-day study, feed and water intakes were recorded, and
pen body weights were obtained weekly. Hematology and clinical chemistry parameters were measured
pre-treatment and at multiple time-points.
Ten birds per group were euthanized on days 36 and 54 for complete gross necropsy, and complete
histopathological examination was performed on organs from the control and the highest dose (5X) group.
1X DOSE 0.5 mg/kg/d (recommended dose rate) = 3 mg/kg total dose (3X)
3X DOSE 1.5 mg/kg/d (3X recommended dose rate) = 9 mg/kg total dose (9X)
5X DOSE 2.5 mg/kg/d (5X recommended dose rate) = 15 mg/kg total dose (15X)
0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 54
Exzolt Treatments
Figure 4-2: Experiment design of target animal safety study for 3-week-old chicks.
No clinically significant or relevant differences for any safety or toxicological parameters were detected between
the control group and all medicated groups, including birds treated at the 5-times dose rate. The mortality
rate per pen was similar for all groups, and treatments had no effect on BW or rates of feed consumption by
chicks. Thus, use of Exzolt even at such extreme levels was not associated with any clinical, gross, or microscopic
findings, productivity not measured.
Water intake was similar between all treatment groups, indicating that normal palatability was maintained
for drinking water medicated with Exzolt.
This target animal safety study demonstrated that Exzolt is well tolerated and normally palatable in chicks and
growing chickens, even when grossly overdosed at up to 5-times the recommended dose rate for 3-times the
recommended frequency (6 occasions at 7-day intervals). Use of Exzolt at the recommended daily dose rate
of 0.5 mg/kg BW twice at a 7-day interval clearly offers a wide margin of safety for growing chickens and does
not impact water consumption. Consequently, there is no age restriction for Exzolt use in chickens.
A pivotal study assessed the reproductive safety of Exzolt when administered via drinking water to layer breeders
(Bovans brown) at their time of peak egg production (31 weeks of age). 50
Exzolt was purposefully overdosed at 1.5 mg/kg BW/day, a dose rate 3-times the recommended dose rate of
0.5 mg/kg (Figure 4-3). In addition, treatment was administered weekly for 4 consecutive weeks, 2-times the
recommended frequency (2 treatments a week apart). As a result, the total net dose of fluralaner administered
was 6 mg/kg BW, 6-times the recommended total dose.
432 layer breeders (384 females, 48 males) were randomly assigned to 16 pens holding 3 males and 24
females per pen. Birds in 8 pens received Exzolt treatment while birds in the other 8 pens served as non-
medicated controls.
No adverse impact of treatment with Exzolt was detected in regard to adult pen weight, egg production,
egg weight, egg fertility, chick hatchability, chick viability, and day 14 chick weight. Furthermore, gross and
microscopic examinations revealed no tissue alterations or changes in weights of reproductive organs
attributable to Exzolt administration.
Water intake was similar between all treatment groups, indicating that normal palatability was maintained
for drinking water medicated with Exzolt.
This reproductive safety study conducted in layer breeders demonstrated that Exzolt has no adverse effect on
overall reproductive performance, even when overdosed at 3-times the recommended dose rate for 2-times the
recommended frequency. Use of Exzolt at the recommended daily dose rate of 0.5 mg/kg BW twice at a 7-day
interval clearly offers a wide margin of safety for breeder chickens and does not impact water consumption.
Two target animal safety studies demonstrated that Exzolt was well tolerated and
palatable in both very young birds as well as adult hens under high physiological stress
related to intensive egg production, even when dosed at 5 times the recommended
dose for 3 times the recommended duration of treatment (no adverse impacts on
health, egg production, or growth performance).
Use of Exzolt at the recommended daily dose rate of 0.5 mg/kg BW twice at a 7-day
interval clearly offers a wide margin of safety for all classes of pullets, breeders, and
layers and has no impact on water consumption.
Eggs from hens treated with Exzolt are not harmful to consumers and NO withdrawal
period is necessary before collection of eggs for human consumption (even on the day
of administrations or between administration days). A withdrawal period of 14 days after
last administration of Exzolt is required for human consumption of meat and offal.
The recommended treatment regimen for Exzolt (0.5 mg/kg BW twice at a 7-day interval) was
identified as a result of a comprehensive dose-determination program that evaluated multiple
doses and durations using artificial infestations of Poultry Red Mites under experimental
conditions. Clinical data demonstrating the efficacy of Exzolt against natural Poultry Red
Mite infestations in layers, breeders, and pullets was subsequently generated from 4 studies:
Three EU-based dose-confirmation studies were designed to confirm under field conditions
the dose and frequency of treatment with Exzolt that was needed for efficacy against natural
infections with D. gallinae. Because the earlier dose-determination studies showed that the
frequency of treatment is also relevant for efficacy, the dose-confirmation studies focused on
2 treatments at a 7-day interval.
An extensive 9-site field study assessed the efficacy of Exzolt against Poultry Red Mites
for chickens reared under commercial production conditions.
Research also investigated the activity and efficacy of Exzolt against Northern Fowl Mites
(O. sylviarum) when used at the same dose regimen as that used for Poultry Red Mites.
An in vitro study confirmed the susceptibility of Northern Fowl Mites to fluralaner, and
1 dose-confirmation study, 1 field efficacy study, and 1 natural infestation efficacy study
documented the efficacy and duration of the 2-dose Exzolt regimen against Northern Fowl
Mite infestations in chickens.
Efficacy assessment was based on percent of mite
In preliminary research, a regimen dosing Exzolt at mortality for treated birds as compared to the
0.5 mg/kg BW twice at a 7-day interval was identified negative controls, and the duration of high efficacy.
as the most effective method for the treatment
of induced red mite infestations on hens.43 This
regimen provided sufficient mite-killing efficacy
against D. gallinae for at least 15 days and was thus All 3 Exzolt treatment groups experienced high
able to span the targeted 2 mite life cycles. Other mite mortality and inhibition (most 100%) for 1
single-dose treatments, even those of higher drug to 5 days after each dose, while only 2.7% mite
concentration, did not provide persistent efficacy for mortality was observed in controls. The low-dose
15 days. group (B, 0.25 mg/kg) did not provide suitable
efficacy for 15 days. In contrast, Group C birds (0.5
A second study evaluated only 2-dose regimens mg/kg) demonstrated consistent 100% efficacy
where Exzolt was administered at a 7-day interval against red mites, providing complete mortality
at 0, 0.25, 0.5, or 1.0 mg/kg BW to hens artificially for 15 days (Figure 5-1). The high-dose group (D,
challenged with red mites.43 1.0 mg/kg) did not show a significant additional
benefit to justify the greater dose.
32 laying hens
22 weeks of age The Exzolt dosage regimen of 0.5 mg fluralaner/kg
BW twice at a 7-day interval achieved 100% mite-
killing efficacy for at least 15 days, thus meeting
STUDY DESIGN the target efficacy duration spanning 2 mite
development cycles.
A controlled, randomized dose-determination
study. On day -12, hens were allocated
to 4 treatment groups according to BW, Mite mortality (%)
8 birds group.
Exzolt treatments were administered via
drinking water (first dose=day 0) as follows: 80
2 mite life cycles or more
– Group A: untreated control group 60
Three controlled, single-site dose-confirmation
Three studies were conducted to confirm the studies. Each study involved a qualifying
efficacy of the Exzolt dosage regimen found effective commercial laying hen farm (in Germany, France,
in previous dose-determination studies (0.5 mg or Spain) with 2 comparable houses naturally
fluralaner/kg BW in drinking water twice at a 7-day infested with Poultry Red Mites (no recent
interval). The 3 studies, conducted under a common acaricide treatment).
protocol at commercial laying farms of different sizes
in Germany, France, and Spain, evaluated Exzolt The 2 houses at each of the 3 enrolled farms were
dose efficacy for treating natural infestations of as similar as possible with regard to size, breed,
Poultry Red Mites (D. gallinae)(Table 5-1).43 Unlike the and age of chickens; feed/water distribution
previous dose-determination studies that directly systems; and housing system (Table 5-1).
evaluated efficacy by killing mites feeding on treated
Mite infestation levels of each house were
animals, these dose-confirmation studies assessed
assessed using mite traps, with farm eligibility
the effect of treatment on the reduction of the mite
confirmed if mite counts averaged > 100 in
population in the house.
each house. Field isolates of study mites were
confirmed to be susceptible to fluralaner using a
ANIMALS contact in vitro test (LC90 < 15.63 ppm).
Over 166,600 laying hens On day 0 at each farm, birds in 1 house were
46-58 weeks of age treated with Exzolt (0.5 mg/kg BW/day twice 7
days apart) and the remaining house was left
untreated (controls). Houses with the highest mite
infestations were selected for Exzolt treatment,
for animal welfare reasons. Treatment was
administered either using a medication tank or
a dosing pump.
E=Exzolt-treated house; C=control house Table 5-1: Description of 3 Exzolt dose-confirmation studies.
Additional mite traps were placed at the As expected, Exzolt efficacy against larval non-
same locations on day -1 (baseline infestation blood-feeding stages of mites (Figure 5-3) increased
level) and at multiple time-points thereafter. more slowly than efficacy against nymphs and/
Traps were removed after 24 hours for mite or adults. However, as larval stages progressed
differentiation and counting. to later blood-feeding forms, Exzolt efficacy was
more consistently detected, with more than 95%
Data were also collected regarding adverse efficacy confirmed by day 6 (before the second
events and the number of dead chickens, laid administration). Thereafter, mite counts for larvae,
eggs, and downgraded eggs (study B) per house. nymphs, and adults were similar.
Personnel involved in the assessment of efficacy Favorable impacts of effective mite control were also
and safety criteria were blinded to treatment observed for several production parameters (Figure
group assignments. 5-4). For each parameter, the difference between
the Exzolt group and controls was calculated pre-
EFFICACY CRITERIA treatment (week -1) and post-treatment (from first
treatment through study conclusion). Mortality
Efficacy assessment was based on the percentage
remained very low in both houses of each study.
reduction of mites (mobile stages, i.e., larvae,
Overall, birds treated with Exzolt experienced an
nymphs, adults) in the treated house at each post-
increase in the laying rate (0.9-1.9%) and a decrease
treatment time-point compared to the control house.
in the percentage of downgraded eggs in study
Production parameters were descriptively analyzed.
B (3.4% more normal eggs). These productivity
benefits reflect the successful and prolonged relief
RESULTS of ectoparasite burdens by Exzolt, which thus
Study A was concluded after 4 months because allowed for better productivity in these field studies.
mite counts decreased spontaneously in the control
No adverse events related to the use of Exzolt were
group. Study B was concluded at the end of the
reported during the studies.
scheduled production cycle of the hens, after about
3 months. Study C extended about 6 months, until
regrowth of the mite population in the treated CONCLUSIONS
house reached 50% of the baseline count. However, Dose-confirmation studies demonstrated that Exzolt
the birds in the control house received treatment consistently provided high efficacy against Poultry
with another product at week 11 (day 77) to ensure Red Mites when administered at 0.5 mg fluralaner/
appropriate animal welfare. Analyses of water kg BW given twice 7 days apart via drinking water.
samples from all 3 studies confirmed that actual Treated birds also demonstrated excellent tolerance
fluralaner concentrations were generally close to of Exzolt, with no treatment-related adverse
target levels. effects observed. Under commercial production
conditions in these studies, the 2-dose Exzolt
The efficacy of Exzolt against all mite stages
regimen successfully controlled mite infestations
compared to controls is summarized in Figure 5-2.
for extended periods far exceeding the 2 weeks
For all studies, efficacy resulting from the complete
of effective blood concentrations. This extended
2-dose regimen exceeded 95% by day 6 and 99%
period of efficacy was due to the ability of Exzolt
by day 14, achieving 100% at several time-points.
to interrupt mite life cycles and, thus, massively
Efficacy remained high through the end of the
decrease mite populations of the houses.
production cycle in study B (3 months) and for
17 and 19 weeks in studies A and C, respectively.
Exzolt reduction of mite population FIELD EFFICACY STUDY
(% reduction vs controls) An extensive, multi-site field study was conducted
in the Germany, France, and Spain to evaluate
100 the efficacy of Exzolt (0.5 mg fluralaner/kg BW in
98 drinking water twice at a 7-day interval) for treating
96 natural infestations of Poultry Red Mites (D. gallinae)
at a variety of commercial poultry farms.43 The
study was conducted at 9 sites involving 5 layer
92 farms, 2 breeder farms, and 2 replacement chicken
90 (pullet) farms (Table 5-2), using a protocol similar
Study A Study B Study C to the previous dose-confirmation studies. The
farms covered all relevant chicken production types
86 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 (layers, breeders, pullets), various housing systems
Exzolt (barn, barn with free-range, enriched cages), various
Treatments Week of study
drinking water systems (dosing pump, medication
Figure 5-2: Percentage of Exzolt reduction of mite population vs controls in dose- tank, gravity tank) and drinking water compositions,
confirmation studies (sum of larvae, nymphs, adults; weeks after first Exzolt administration).
and different climatic conditions.
65,600 breeders
20 25.4 34-41 weeks of age
Day 2 Day 4 Day 7 18,100 pullets
Study A Study B Study C 11-13 weeks of age
Figure 5-4: Productivity improvements of Exzolt group vs controls for average laying
rate and percent of normal (non-downgraded) eggs over time; post-treatment change vs
pre-treatment (treated house - control house).
Mite infestation levels of each house were Data were also collected regarding the number
assessed using mite traps. Field isolates of of dead chickens and laid eggs, and 2 flocks
study mites were confirmed to be susceptible were observed for adverse events. Rates of
to fluralaner using a contact in vitro test incubation, fertility, and hatchability were
(LC90 < 15.63 ppm for 7/9 isolates, and recorded for the 2 breeder farms.
15.63-31.25 ppm for the other 2 isolates).
Personnel involved in the assessment of efficacy
On day 0 at each farm, birds in 1 house were and safety criteria were blinded to treatment
treated with Exzolt (0.5 mg/kg BW/day twice 7 group assignments.
days apart) and the remaining house was left
untreated (controls). Houses with the highest The control house at 3 sites (L1, L3, L5) had to
mite infestations were usually selected for be treated for mites during the study due to
Exzolt treatment, for animal welfare reasons. an unacceptable mite burden (animal welfare).
After treatment at site L3, mite counts for efficacy
Additional mite traps were placed at the same assessment were still available and > 95% through
locations on day -1 (baseline infestation level) the end of the production cycle at day 238.
and at multiple time-points thereafter.
Traps were removed after 24 hours for mite
differentiation and counting.
COUNTRY Germany Germany France France Spain Germany France Germany Germany
Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer Breeder Breeder Pullet Pullet
Ross PM3J
Dekalb ISA Novo Lohmann (hens) Tetra Tetra
White Brown Brown Brown RJ344 Brown Browna
TRAP/HOUSE 568 (E) 2138 (E) 2244 (E) 196 (E) 680 (E) 1148 (E) 8279 (E) 430 (E) 1074 (E)
(BASELINE, ALL 409 (C) 1673 (C) 758 (C) 162 (C) 829 (C) 521 (C) 1841 (C) 997 (C) 347 (C)
DAY -1)
DRINKING WATER Dosing Gravity Dosing Dosing Dosing Dosing Dosing Medication Medication
SYSTEM pump tank pump pump pump pump pump tank tank
E=Exzolt-treated house C=control house also Harco Black, Koenigsberger Blue, and Sussex Table 5-2: Description of 9-site Exzolt field study.
EFFICACY CRITERIA Mortality was low at most of the farms and
Efficacy assessment was based on the percentage comparable between the study groups before and
reduction of mites (larvae, nymphs, adults) in after treatment. However, the acaricidal efficacy
the treated house at each post-treatment time- of Exzolt and resulting relief from mite infestation
point compared to the control house. Production positively impacted the laying rate at 6 of the 7
parameters were descriptively analyzed. layer or breeder farms, with a relative increase
ranging from 0.9% to 12.6% (Figure 5-7). The sole
RESULTS site with reduced post-treatment lay rate (B1) had
The efficacy of Exzolt (against all mite stages) a known history of reduced performance in the
compared to controls is summarized in Figure 5-5. house selected for treatment relative to the house
The onset of efficacy was very fast, with an overall used as a control. In regard to breeder performance,
average mite reduction of 46.6% observed after increased fertility and hatchability rates (2.8% and
the first night following the day of initial treatment 1.7%, respectively) were observed at the B2 site, but
(day 0; trap placed and mites collected for 24 hours). no improvements were detected at the other B1
Efficacy was already 97.6% on day 3, achieved >97% breeder farm (site houses not fully comparable for
by day 6, and persisted at that level for a lengthy these parameters).
period of time depending on the farm (100% efficacy
No adverse events related to the use of Exzolt were
at day 14 after the second Exzolt dose in 7/9 farms).
reported during the study.
A similar degree of fast and high onset of mite
control efficacy was observed in all production types
(layers, breeders, pullets) and housing systems. CONCLUSIONS
The field study confirmed the high efficacy and
The duration of mite population control following
excellent safety of Exzolt when administered in the
the 2-dose Exzolt regimen was assessed at the
drinking water (0.5 mg fluralaner/kg BW twice 7 days
house level using a threshold of 90% reduction vs
apart). Under commercial production conditions at 9
non-medicated controls (Figure 5-6). The duration
diverse layer, breeder, or pullet farms, Exzolt provided
of mite control was long and variable (2-8 months)
fast and persistent reductions in mite counts and
and did not depend on the production type or the
positively impacted production parameters (rates of
drinking water system, but was impacted by the
lay, fertility, hatchability). The 2-dose Exzolt regimen
duration of the remaining time until the end of
successfully controlled natural mite infestations for
the chicken production cycle and on the level of
extended periods, far exceeding the time of actual
house separation of the compared groups. At 6 sites
drug administration (e.g., up to 34 weeks, or nearly
(L3, L4, B1, B2, P1, P2), no decrease of efficacy was
8 months, at 1 layer farm).
observed until the end of the study (6 to 34 weeks;
the 6-week efficacy of the pullet sites reflected the
short remaining production cycle and shipment/
removal of the birds). Three sites (L1, L2, L5) Exzolt reduction of mite population
experienced a regrowth of the mite population (% reduction vs controls)
in the treated group after 8 to 18 weeks.
the mite population was controlled until the end Figure 5-5: Percentage of Exzolt efficacy against mites vs controls at 9 sites of field
of the production cycle (16-34 weeks). efficacy study (larvae, nymphs, adults; days after first Exzolt treatment).
L4 24
L5 18 6
5.7 5.7
B1 16
B2 20
3 0.9 1.1
P1 6 0
Pullets shipped from farm on day 42 -2.2
P2 6
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 B1 B2 All
Mortality outcomes summarized in Table 5-3
30 adult female fowl mites were placed in
indicated that the LC99 for fluralaner against adult
each of a series of filter paper packets treated
mites was achieved at only 8.09 ppm. No other
with different concentrations of fluralaner,
tested acaricides demonstrated this degree of
phoxim, spinosad, propoxur, deltamethrin, or
mite susceptibility. Oviposition was reduced by
fluralaner at concentrations higher than 100 ppm,
After 48 hours of continuous exposure, the while phoxim required 1500 ppm, spinosad 2000
packets were opened and mite mortality was ppm, deltamethrin 1000 ppm, and propoxur
assessed by counting and removal of dead and 100 ppm to reduce egg production. Permethrin
live mites, and eggs already deposited by the had no effect on egg production. None of the
mites were counted. acaricides reduced egg hatch or seriously impeded
development to the nymph stage.
Northern Fowl Mites (O. sylviarum) appear to be A controlled, randomized dose-confirmation
similarly sensitive to fluralaner as Poultry Red study. Hens originating from an infested flock
Mites (D. gallinae). In this study, O. sylviarum mites were distributed in 12 pens (11 birds/pen); 3
were found to be extremely sensitive to fluralaner, pens were then allocated according to vent
even though the test isolate was resistant to mite-count densities to either of 4 treatment
pyrethroids (permethrin, deltamethrin) despite groups.
not being exposed to acaricides for at least 10
years. Reduction of egg production was obtained Exzolt treatments were administered via
with fluralaner concentrations higher than lethal drinking water (first dose=day 0) as follows:
concentrations, but the drug had no further
effects on reproduction in this study. – Group A: untreated control group
– Group B: 0.25 mg fluralaner/kg BW/day twice
ACARIDE LC 50 (PPM) LC 99 (PPM) 7 days apart
The recommended Exzolt dosage regimen of 0.5
mg fluralaner/kg BW twice at a 7-day interval
achieved 98% efficacy against Northern Fowl Another US study was conducted to confirm the
Mites for at least 15 days, covering at least 2 mite fowl mite efficacy of the Exzolt dosage regimen
life cycles. Exzolt provided an efficacy profile found effective in the previous dose-confirmation
against O. sylviarum similar to that provided for D. study (0.5 mg fluralaner/kg BW in drinking
gallinae, even under a ‘worst case’ test scenario water twice at a 7-day interval). Conducted at a
involving permanent re-infestation of treated university research facility, the trial evaluated
birds due to the continuous presence of untreated Exzolt dose efficacy for treating infestations of
mite-source hens in the same pen. (Under typical Northern Fowl Mites (O. sylviarum) in replacement
field conditions, all birds of a same flock would chickens. 38
be treated, thus potentially allowing for total
eradication of the mite population.)
132 layer hens
Exzolt efficacy against Northern fowl mites
(% reduction vs. controls) 32 weeks of age
A controlled, single-site dose-confirmation
60 study. Birds were housed in a small-scale
2 mite life cycles or more
poultry house at a major Western US university.
Birds were obtained as uninfested birds and
following a brief acclimation period in the study
cages were infested with Northern Fowl Mites.
7 14 21 28 Healthy birds with established mite infestation
Treatments Day of study were ranked by mite counts on day -8 and
Figure 5-8: Efficacy of Exzolt (0.5 mg fluralaner/kg BW twice 7 days apart) for reducing
randomly assigned to 32 cages (4 birds/cage
counts of Northern Fowl Mites (O. sylviarum) vs. controls, under conditions with permanent each) with 16 cages assigned to each of 2
re-infestation. treatment groups.
RESULTS On day 0, birds in 1 group were treated with
The efficacy of Exzolt compared to controls is Exzolt (0.5 mg/kg BW/day twice 7 days apart)
summarized in Figure 5-9. Early onset of action using a dosing pump system while the other
was noted as mite vent counts were significantly group remained untreated (controls). Exzolt
reduced 99.6% in the Exzolt group beginning at dosage was based on cage bird weights
day 2 (P < 0.001). Similarly, significant 100% mite determined on day -1 and water consumption
count reductions (P < 0.001) were observed on measured on days -4 and -3.
every subsequent sample day, even at 4 weeks
Mite vent counts were performed on days -5,
after initiation of treatment. No adverse events
2, 8, 14, 19, and 28. Adequacy of infestation
related to the use of Exzolt were observed.
criteria set in the protocol specified that at least
1 bird from 60 of 80 sampled control cages had
CONCLUSIONS a mite count ≥ 25 mites per individual bird. The
This dose-confirmation study verified that Exzolt criteria were met at each counting day.
provided high (100%) efficacy against Northern
Fowl Mite infestations of replacement chickens EFFICACY CRITERIA
when administered at 0.5 mg fluralaner/kg BW
Efficacy assessment was based on the percent
given twice 7 days apart via drinking water.
reduction of mites on treated birds vs.
Treated birds also demonstrated excellent
untreated controls.
tolerance of Exzolt, with no treatment-related
adverse effects observed. The Exzolt dose regimen
successfully met (and far exceeded) the target RESULTS
efficacy duration spanning 2 development cycles The efficacy of Exzolt compared to controls is
for Northern Fowl Mites. summarized in Figure 5-10. Exzolt provided
early onset of action as mite vent counts were
significantly reduced 99.5% beginning at day 2.
FIELD EFFICACY STUDY – US Mite count reductions of 100% were achieved on
every subsequent sample day, even at 4 weeks
A field study was conducted in a US university after initiation of treatment. No adverse events
facility to evaluate the efficacy of Exzolt (0.5 mg related to the use of Exzolt were observed.
fluralaner/kg BW in drinking water twice at a
7-day interval) for treating natural infestations
of Northern Fowl Mites (O. sylviarum) in layer CONCLUSIONS
chickens derived from a commercial poultry farm This US field efficacy study demonstrated that Exzolt
in California. 43 provided high (100%) efficacy against Northern
Fowl Mite infestations of commercial chickens when
administered at 0.5 mg fluralaner/kg BW given
ANIMALS twice 7 days apart via drinking water. Treated birds
800 commercial White Leghorn chickens also showed excellent tolerance of Exzolt, with
(Hy-Line W36), 16 weeks of age. no treatment-related adverse effects observed.
The Exzolt dose regimen successfully met (and far
exceeded) the target efficacy duration spanning
2 development cycles for Northern Fowl Mites.
A controlled, single-site field efficacy study.
Commercial layer chickens were obtained
as uninfested birds and following a brief
acclimation period became naturally infested
with Northern Fowl Mites.
80 Efficacy assessment was based on the percent
reduction of mites on treated birds vs.
2 mite life cycles or more untreated controls.
The efficacy of Exzolt compared to controls is
summarized in Figure 5-11. Early onset of action
7 14 21 28 was noted as mite vent counts were significantly
Treatments Day of study reduced 94% in the Exzolt group beginning at day
Figure 5-10: Efficacy of Exzolt (0.5 mg fluralaner/kg BW twice 7 days apart) for reducing 2 (P < 0.01). Furthermore, significant 100% mite
counts of Northern Fowl Mites (O. sylviarum) vs. controls in a US field efficacy study. count reductions (P < 0.01) were observed on
every subsequent sample day, even at 4 weeks
after initiation of treatment. No adverse events
NATURAL INFESTATION EFFICACY related to the use of Exzolt were observed.
Another field study was conducted in Brazil to
evaluate the efficacy of Exzolt (0.5 mg fluralaner/ This natural infestation efficacy study verified
kg BW in drinking water twice at a 7-day interval) that Exzolt provided high (100%) efficacy against
for treating natural infestations of Northern Northern Fowl Mite infestations of laying hens
Fowl Mites (O. sylviarum) in laying hens from a when administered at 0.5 mg fluralaner/kg BW
commercial poultry farm. 52 given twice 7 days apart via drinking water.
Treated birds also demonstrated excellent
tolerance of Exzolt, with no treatment-related
ANIMALS adverse effects observed. The Exzolt dose regimen
60 commercial laying hens. successfully met (and far exceeded) the target
efficacy duration spanning 2 development cycles
for Northern Fowl Mites.
The Poultry Red Mite efficacy of Exzolt administered in the drinking water of chickens at
the recommended dosage regimen of 0.5 mg fluralaner/kg BW twice 7 days apart was
evaluated in multiple studies, including a dose-determination study using artificial Poultry
Red Mite infestation as well as several dose-confirmation studies and a 9-site field-
efficacy study conducted under natural infestation conditions.
Total or near-total elimination of Poultry Red Mite populations in the treated houses was
quickly achieved in all layer, breeder, and/or pullet houses treated.
This effect was maintained for a duration largely exceeding the duration of effective blood
concentrations required to kill mites feeding on the treated birds.
Northern Fowl Mites were found to be extremely sensitive to fluralaner in vitro. Two
dose-confirmation studies verified Exzolt efficacy against fowl mites using the same
dose regimen as for Poultry Red Mites. Furthermore, 2 field efficacy studies
demonstrated fast Exzolt efficacy in reducing Northern Fowl Mite infestations within
2 days of treatment initiation, and 100% efficacy that extended for at least 4 weeks
after initiation of treatment.
In several studies, positive impacts on productivity (e.g., laying rate, fertility, etc.) were
observed for treated birds, likely due to the ability of Exzolt to massively decrease the
mite population of the house.
Exzolt clearly offers potent, consistent, convenient, and safe efficacy against Poultry Red
Mites and Northern Fowl Mites and thus helps prevent the significant adverse economic
consequences of inadequately controlled mite infestation.
The dose for Exzolt is 0.5 mg fluralaner per kg BW AND DOSING BIRDS
per day (equivalent to 0.05 mL Exzolt) administered
The instructions below need to be followed in the
twice, 7 days apart. The full course of therapy must
order described to prepare the medicated water.
be administered for full therapeutic effect.
Check the water system to ensure it works
First, determine the time period (in hours) needed
properly and is free of leaks; also ensure that
to administer the product on the treatment day.
water is available to all nipple or bell drinkers.
This period must allow all birds to receive the
required dose. Estimate how much water birds will For each day of treatment, medicated water
consume during treatment based on their water must be freshly prepared.
consumption during the same period the day
before start of treatment.
– Mix the required volume of Exzolt into a large
Next, calculate the needed volume of Exzolt, based medication tank or with additional water
on the total weight of the bird group to be treated. to create a stock solution to be dosed by
To ensure administration of the correct dose, proportioner or dosing pump. Always add
body weight should be determined as accurately product and water simultaneously in order
as possible and a sufficiently accurate measuring to avoid foaming. It is important to rinse
device should be used. The required amount of the container used to measure the required
Exzolt on each treatment day should be calculated product volume during the filling phase in order
from the total body weight (kg) of the entire group of to ensure that the complete dose is emptied
chickens to be treated, using the following formula: into the medication tank or the stock solution
and that no residues remain in the measuring
volume of product (mL)/treatment day = Total body device. Stir the stock solution or the content of
weight (kg) of chickens to be treated × 0.05 mL the medication tank gently until the medicated
water is homogeneous, and connect the
Examples: medication tank or the proportioner or dosing
TOTAL BODY WEIGHT OF AMOUNT OF EX ZOLT PER pump to the drinking water system.
(1 L of Exzolt fully treats 10,000 kg body weight Prime the drinker lines with medicated water and
across the 2 doses – e.g., 5000 chickens weighing check to see when medicated water has reached
2 kg body weight each will use a total of 1 L of Exzolt, the end of the line. This procedure should be
or 0.5 L per treatment day × 2 treatment days.) repeated on each day of administration.
Exzolt represents an innovative, completely new approach for comprehensive management of
Poultry Red Mites and Northern Fowl Mites in chickens, providing systemic acaricidal activity
within the bird instead of relying on external contact with a pesticide. Only Exzolt offers a
unique combination of features and benefits that, together, distinguish the product as a major
advance for optimizing the health and productivity of layers, breeders, and pullets threatened by
external mite parasites.
Contains fluralaner, a potent yet safe acaricide Highly active against mite strains resistant
from a new chemical class, the first isoxazoline to classical acaricides.
approved for use in poultry.
Ideal for layers due to zero egg withdrawal period.
Induces a rapid and massive decrease in mite
populations in a chicken house, often with No adverse impacts on egg production,
more than 99% efficacy. hatchability, or chick survival of breeders
(in fact, positive impacts often observed).
Fast kill starts within hours of administration,
and the 2 administrations a week apart span Safe and well tolerated in all classes of chickens,
2 mite life cycles, thus disrupting mite with a very wide margin of safety.
population dynamics.
Avoids exposure of house workers and birds to
Convenient treatment in the drinking water at a toxic sprays.
low dose of 0.5 mg/kg BW/day, repeated 1 week
Short 13-day withdrawal for meat or offal.
later, allowing uniform and accurate dosing
compared to other control methods. Fulfills a critical unmet need for overall animal
health and welfare in several regions including
Ready-to-use aqueous solution (1% fluralaner,
Latin America, Africa, Middle East and Asia etc.
10 mg/mL) for simple dilution, with no
sedimentation, clogging, or spoilage. High product quality and research-based
technical support from MSD Animal Health.
Treats the bird, not just the surroundings. Much
more effective, safe, targeted, and convenient
than mite sprays.
Chauve C. The Poultry Red Mite Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer, 1778): current situation and future prospects
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Avian Path, Indianapolis, July 2017.
• Too frequent and repeated use of acaricides
1. NAME OF THE VETERINARY from the same class, over an extended period
Exzolt 10 mg/ml solution for use in drinking water • Underdosing, which may be due to
for chickens underestimation of body weight,
misadministration of the product, or lack of
calibration of the volume measuring device.
Light yellow to yellowish-brown solution for use in Special precautions to be taken by the person
drinking water. administering the veterinary medicinal product
to animals
The colour of Exzolt may change slightly over
The veterinary medical product may be slightly
time due to the presence of the antioxidant
irritating to skin and/or eyes.
Avoid contact with skin, eyes and
mucous membranes.
4. CLINICAL PARTICULARS Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling the product.
4.1 TARGET SPECIES Wash hands and contacted skin with soap and water
after use of the product.
In case of eye contact, immediately rinse thoroughly
TARGET SPECIES Remove clothes affected by the spillage.
Treatment and control of Poultry Red Mite
(Dermanyssus gallinae) or Northern Fowl Mite 4.6 ADVERSE REACTIONS (FREQUENCY
(Ornithonyssus sylviarum) infestation in pullets, AND SERIOUSNESS)
breeders and layer hens.
None known.
4.8 INTER ACTION WITH OTHER MEDICINAL simultaneously in order to avoid foaming.
PRODUCTS AND OTHER FORMS OF It is important to rinse the container used
INTER ACTION to measure the required product volume
None known. In clinical field trials, no interaction during the filling phase in order to ensure
was observed with accompanying routine that the complete dose is emptied into the
treatment such as vaccination, deworming or medication tank or the stock solution and
supplementing with nutritional additives. that no residues remain in the measuring
device. Stir the stock solution or the content
of the medication tank gently until the
medicated water is homogeneous. Connect
the medication tank or the proportioner or
For use in drinking water. dosing pump to the drinking water system.
The dose is 0.5 mg fluralaner per kg body weight • Make sure the dosing pump is properly set
(equivalent to 0.05 ml Exzolt) administered twice, to deliver the medicated water during the
7 days apart. The full course of therapy must be predetermined treatment period (hours per
administered for a full therapeutic effect. day).
Determine the time period (between 3 and • Prime the drinker lines with medicated water and
24 hours) to administer the treatment on each check to see when medicated water has reached
treatment day. This period of time must allow all the end of the line. This procedure should be
birds to receive the required dose. Estimate how repeated on each day of administration.
much water birds will consume during treatment
based on the previous day’s water consumption. After each treatment administration, fill the stock
solution container with clean (unmedicated) water
Calculate the volume of Exzolt needed based on to rinse the water lines.
the total weight of the bird group to be treated. To
ensure administration of the correct dose, body
weight should be determined as accurately as
possible and an accurate measuring device should
be used for measuring the calculated volume of the No adverse reactions were observed following the
product to be administered. treatment of 3-week old and adult chickens dosed
with up to 5 times the recommended dose for 3
The required volume of product for each treatment times the recommended duration of treatment.
day is calculated from the total body weight (kg) of
the entire group of chickens to be treated: No negative effects on egg production was
observed when layer hens were treated with up
ml product/treatment day = Total body weight to 5 times the recommended dose for 3 times the
(kg) of chickens to be treated x 0.05 ml recommended duration of treatment.
500 ml of Exzolt treats 10,000 kg body weight (e.g., There were no adverse effects on reproductive
5,000 chickens of 2 kg body weight each) per day of performance when breeding chickens were treated
treatment administration. at 3 times the recommended dose for 2 times the
The instructions below need to be followed, in the recommended duration of treatment.
order described, to prepare the medicated water:
• Check the water system to ensure it works
properly and is free of leaks; also ensure that Meat and offal: 13 days.
water is available to all nipple or bell drinkers. Eggs: zero days.
• For each day of treatment, medicated water must
be freshly prepared.
−− Mix the required volume of Exzolt into a
large medication tank or with additional
water to create a stock solution. The solution
should be dosed by proportioner or dosing
pump. Always add product and water
mite), cyclodienes (tick, flea, fly), macrocyclic
5. PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES lactones (sea lice), phenylpyrazoles (tick, flea),
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Ectoparasiticides for benzophenyl ureas (tick), pyrethroids (tick, mite) and
systemic use. carbamates (mite).
2017 Intervet International B.V., also known as MSD Animal Health. All Rights Reserved.