Ornamentals & Turf
Ornamentals & Turf
Ornamentals & Turf
Fungus gnat and shore fly adults are commonly weak fliers and are normally found flying or running over
found hovering about the surface of greenhouse plants the growing medium surface.
and potting media. Both fungus gnats and shore flies Larvae are whitish-clear, with a shiny black head
thrive in moist conditions, especially during propagation, capsule. The digestive system is often visible through its
plug production, and before plants develop well- transparent body. Larvae grow to ˘ inch long.
established root systems. Fungus gnats are a more The two most common fungus gnats found in
serious problem to greenhouse growers because they greenhouses are Bradysia coprophilia and Bradysia
directly damage plants, while shore flies are primarily a impatiens. Their life cycle consists of an egg, four larval
nuisance. Fungus gnats can also damage plants when stages, a pupa, and an adult. Females can lay between
they transmit fungal diseases. Recognizing the difference 100 to 200 small (less than 1/32 inch long) whitish eggs
between these two pests will help you develop a more in the cracks and crevices of the growing medium in a
effective pest management program. five-day period. Fungus gnat females are highly attracted
to growing media containing peat moss and pine bark.
DESCRIPTION, LIFE CYCLE AND DAMAGE Eggs hatch into white, transparent or slightly
translucent, legless larvae that are approximately ˘ inch
Fungus Gnats long. Larvae can be found within the top 1 to 2 inches of
Adults are small (1/8 inch long), slender, black or the growing medium; however, they can also be found in
dark brown flies. Their two wings are delicate and clear, the bottom and on the edge of pots. Fungus gnats take
with a distinctive “Y” shaped vein in each wing. Antennae approximately 2 weeks at 72°F to develop into a pupa.
are longer than the head and many segmented. Legs are After 4 to 7 days, adults emerge from the pupal skin. Adult
long and dangling, resembling a mosquito. Adults are fungus gnats generally live about 10 days.
Fungus gnat larvae damage plants by feeding on
plant roots. They are especially destructive to seedlings
and young plants, but can also damage mature plants if
numbers are high. Larvae can tunnel into succulent
stems at and below the growing medium surface. This
tunneling collapses the stem causing the plant to wilt, or
grow less vigorously. Larvae are capable of transmitting
fungal pathogens such as Pythium, Thielaviopsis, and
Fusarium. In addition, larval feeding creates wounds that
allow secondary soil-borne pathogens to enter roots.
Adult fungus gnats are also capable of transmitting
fungal pathogens, including Botrytis. In addition to
damaging plants, fungus gnat adults emerging from
plants in wholesale or retail situations are considered a
Fungus gnat adult nuisance that can affect plant sales.
Adults look very much like small houseflies. They are problems. Piles of uncovered growing media and debris
1/8 inch long, and have black bodies and reddish eyes. should never be allowed in the greenhouse because they
They possess dark wings with five or more light-colored provide suitable resting sites for fungus gnat and shore
spots on each wing. Antennae are shorter than the head fly pupae.
and the legs are small. Shore flies are stronger and faster Maintain a weed-free environment. Weeds should
fliers than fungus gnats be eliminated from inside and outside the greenhouse,
Larvae are opaque yellowish-brown with no head including areas underneath benches, behind vents, and
capsule and grow to ˘ inch in length. The most common in pots. Weeds underneath benches may create a moist
species of shorefly found in greenhouses is Scatella environment suitable for fungus gnat and shore fly
stagnalis. Shore flies have a life cycle consisting of an development. Maintain a 20-30-foot weed-free barrier
egg, 3 larval stages, a pupa, and an adult. Females lay around the greenhouse perimeter to prevent weed seed
eggs in areas where algae accumulate, such as growing germination and entry of new weed seeds through
medium, benches, and greenhouse floors. A single female unscreened vents and doors.
can lay between 300 to 500 eggs. Eggs hatch in two days Control algae in pots, in propagation areas, on
into maggot-like larvae that are light tan. Larvae are benches, and under benches because fungus gnats and
found just under the top layer of growing medium, where shore flies breed in algae. Areas under benches can be
they feed on algae. The body is located in the growing treated with a disinfectant such as Green-Shield, Triathlon,
medium and the head in the algae. Larvae take 7 to 10 ZeroTol, Physan 20, or chlorine bleach. Algae removal
days to form pupae in the growing medium. Adults will greatly reduce shore fly populations.
emerge in 4 to 5 days and live about 3 to 4 weeks. Clean up all freestanding water on solid benches, on
Large numbers of shoreflies can reduce crop walks, and under benches. Be sure that cooling pad
marketability. Generally, the adult and larval stages of distribution tubes are not leaking. Avoid overwatering
shore flies feed on algae and fungi, not plant roots. plants.
Active Ingredient Trade Name REI* Target Stage**
Acephate Orthene 24 A OP
Azatin 4 L
Azadirachtin B/IGR
Ornazin 12 L
Talstar 12 A
Bifenthrin P
Attain 12 A
Cyfluthrin Decathlon 12 A P
Pyrethrin Pyrethrum 12 A P
Revised 7/2003
It is the policy of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service, David C. Petritz, Director, that all persons shall have equal opportunity and access to the programs and facilities
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