I W Intern Details: Nternship Orksheet

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Argus Partners|Internship Worksheet

(Subhashni Kumari)|(NUSRL, Ranchi)

1st Feb–28th Feb 2020

Intern Details
Name Subhashni Kumari
Course/Year B.A- LL.B/ 3rdYr
College/ NUSRL, Ranchi
Duration of 1 month [1st February, 2020 – 29th February,2020]

Assignment Details
Assignment Assigned By Remarks

Researched and drafted Mr. Dattatray Vyas

notes on whether the

provisions of CPC are
followed in the cases of
DRC Act, 1958 and what is
the statutory period of
filing the written statement
in the case which falls
under the Delhi Rent
Control Act, 1958?

Drafted and tabulated the

description of the Documents Mr. Akshay Singh Sengar
annexed in the case of Auto
Kashyap v. Volvo.
Drafted and tabulated the
description of the Documents Mr. Sanidhya Sonthalia
annexed in the Standard
Chartered Bank Case.
Assisted in preparing list of
dates and factsheet in the Ms. Pierre Uppal
matter of RCF, Thal.

Researched on the

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Argus Partners|Internship Worksheet
(Subhashni Kumari)|(NUSRL, Ranchi)
1st Feb–28th Feb 2020
consequences in case Quasi Mr. Shashank Dixit
Judicial Body expires the time
limit framed by the Appellate
Researched and prepared
notes on whether the Mr. Shashank Dixit
defendant can cross-examine
his co-defendant.
Researched case laws on
doctrine of indoor Ms. Shreya Singh
Researched and prepared
notes on the section 11 of Mr. Nikhil Singh
Arbitration and Conciliation &
Act, 1996. Mr. Shashank Dixit

Researched and prepared

notes on Frustation, Force Mr. Nikhil Singh
Majure and Novation in
relation to Arbitration of
Commercial Contract.

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