Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic Array Under Partial Shading Conditions For Different Array Configrations

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International Conference on Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their

Impact on Humanity (CIPECH14) 28 & 29 November 2014



Shahida Khatoon1 , Ibraheem2 Mohd Faisal Jalil3,

Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering
Jamia Millia Islamia Jamia Millia Islamia
New Delhi INDIA New Delhi INDIA
[email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract -This Paper Presents an improved analysis of

solar photovoltaic module under partial shaded research has been conducted in this field over last
condition, when a solar photovoltaic array is under few decades. To extract maximum power from
partial shading (non-uniform insolation) conditions module recognition of optimal operating point is
than there will be large power losses in the array. important as solar photovoltaic module is non-linear
Cells/modules under shade absorbs significant amount power source and output power of modules varies
of electric power generated by cells/modules at higher
with temperature and insolation.[4,10] The extraction
illumination and convert it into heat across the shaded
Cells/modules. Under partial shading conditions in the
of maximum energy becomes more complex under
array there exist multiple peaks in power-voltage non uniform insolation as there exist multiple peak in
characteristics. In this paper we have used P-V characteristics and conventional maximum
MATLAB/SIMULINK software, firstly modeling is power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms are not able
done for PV module which is further modified to get PV discriminate between local and global peak so it is
array model. The array current-voltage and power- very important to understand characteristics of solar
voltage characteristic is verified from experimentally photovoltaic array under partial shading condition to
available characteristics. Analysis has been done for maximize its output and to effectively use solar
modules connected in series and parallel under partial
photovoltaic installations under all conditions.
shading condition. Demerits of series connections under
partial shading condition are inferred. The comparison
has been made for series and parallel connected solar
photovoltaic modules. Simple equivalent circuit and single diode model of
solar cell is shown in figure 1.
Index Terms—Array configuration, maximum power VC
point tracking (MPPT),partial shading, photovoltaic (PV) R
characteristics. A
A Iph L
PV o
Load Isc Vd VC
I sc a
O d
With the increase in demand of energy it desired to
switch to the renewable energy sources and solar Fig.1. A PV cell and its simple equivalent circuit
photovoltaic is ideal green energy. A great amount of
c CIPECH14. 452
Parameters of solar photovoltaic module [3] are III. SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY
The simulation results of the solar photovoltaic CONDITIONS
module are shown in Figures 2 & 3. Figure 2 & 3 In a solar photovoltaic array spread over large area, it
shows I-V & P-V characteristics respectively of solar is probable that shadow may fall over some of its
photovoltaic module at variable solar cells or modules due to shade of a neighboring
insolation,25°C. construction, clouds passing through, shadow of trees
etc. In a series connected string of cells/modules, all
TABLE . Parameters of the adjusted model of the KC200GT the cells/ modules carry the same current. Under non-
solar array at nominal operating conditions. uniform insolation some of cells/modules are shaded Paramters Value they will have less photon generated current but these
cells/module are bound to carry same current as other
cells/modules are carrying which are at higher
1 Voc 32.9 V will results in damage of the
2 Isc 8.21A system.[5,10] Solar energy is acquiring much acclaim
3 Kv .0032A/K due to the decreasing cost of photovoltaic cells and
4 Ki - 0.1230V/K recent advancements in power conversion
5 Ns 54 technology, now a days there is an increasing trend to
6 Rs .221 integrate the SPV arrays at the design level in the
building itself. In building integrated SPV array it is
difficult to avoid partial shading of array due to
neighboring constructions throughout the day in all
the seasons. In conventional SPV systems, the
shadow drastically lowers overall power



For checking up the performance of parallel

connections under partial shading condition we have
taken an array having three modules connected in
Figure 2. I- V characteristics of solar photovoltaic module at
variable solar insolation,25°C.
parallel, Figure 4 shows simulation of three parallel
connected modules and each module consist of 54
cells in series. Figure 5 and 6 shows I-V and P-V
characteristics of solar photovoltaic array
respectively, where each module receives different
illumination. module-1 receives 100% illumination,
module-2 receives 75% illumination and module-3
receives 25% illumination. The characteristics reveal
that both the shaded and non-shaded modules can
operate in the area. I-V characteristics reveals that Isc
of modules are in proportion with level of radiation
falling on it. Module 1 is receiving full illumination
so it has Isc of 8.21 amp, module 2 is receiving 75 %
of full illumination so it has Isc of 6.15 amp, module 3
Figure 3. P- V characteristics of solar photovoltaic module at is receiving 25 % of full illumination so it has Isc of
variable solar insolation,25°C.
2.0525 amp.

2014 Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH) 453
Figure6. P -V Characteristics of three parallel connected modules
under partial shading.


Figure 4. Parallel connected solar photovoltaic Modules under
partial shading. The simulation model of three modules connected in
series is as shown in Figure7.The I-V and P-V
I-V characteristics of Parallel array shows that Isc of
characteristics of SPVA consisting of three series
parallel array is sum of short circuit current of all
connected modules are shown in Figures 8 and 9
modules connected in parallel. P-V characteristics
respectively, where each module receives different
reveals that Pmax of parallel array is sum of Pmas’s of
illumination. The shading condition (100%, 75%,
module1, module 2 and module 3. P-V characteristics
25%) on three series connected modules.
of parallel connected array under partial shading
condition did not have multiple peak, so conventional I-V characteristics of shaded series connected array
maximum power point tracking algorithm can be are in step wave shape and number of steps in I-V
applied. characteristics is equal to number of illumination
levels on the array. As there are three illumination
levels so there are three steps in I-V characteristics,
as module 1 is fully illuminated so, step 1 shows Isc
of 8.21 amp , module 2 is receiving 75% of full
illumination so step 2 shows a current level of 6.15
amp and module 3 is receiving 25% of full
illumination so, step 3 shows a current level of
2.0525 amp. There exist multiple peaks in P-V
characteristics of series connected solar photovoltaic
array under partial shading condition and number of
peaks in P-V characteristics is the equal to number of
shades on the array, as there are three different
shading level, so there are three peaks in P-V
characteristics out of which two peaks corresponds to
Figure5. I-V Characteristics of three parallel connected modules local maxima and other to global maxima.
under partial shading.

454 2014 Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH)

When bypass diodes are connected across module

then the reverse current Ipv – Isc3 will pass through the
bypass diodes Db3 and there will no damage to the
module. A part of power generated by highly
illuminated modules is not getting wasted in low
illuminated modules but now it will be available to
the load. The power generated by low illuminated
module is getting wasted as it is short circuited by
bypass diode and low illuminated modules have no
contribution to the load power. Power-voltage and
current-voltage characteristics of solar photovoltaic
array having three modules connected in series with
different irradiance with bypass diodes are shown in
figures 8 and 9.

Figure7. Series connected SPV Modules under partial shading with

bypass diodes.



We have first taken the case when the bypass diodes

are not present. Let the first module is receiving full
illumination, modules second is receiving 75 % of
full illumination and module three receiving 25% of Figure8. I-V curve of three series connected SPV Module at
full illumination. It means that photon generated 1000, 750 and 250 W/m2 respectively.
current of module 1 is greatest and lowest for module
3(Isc1 > Isc2>Isc3). Now if load current (Ipv) is lower
than current generated by lowest illuminated module
(Isc3) then current through cell diodes will be
difference of generated current and load current. Now
let us take case when load current is greater than
current generated by lowest illuminated module (Isc3 )
but load current is less than current generated by
module 1 and module 2 (Isc1 ,Isc2 ). Then current
through cell diodes 3 will tend to become Ipv – Isc3 in
reverse direction. Reverse biased diode D3 will offer
a high resistance. The point M will go positive with
respect to the point L and this voltage will become
high, if difference in illumination levels is high, the
diode D3 may get damaged due to excessive Figure9. P-V curve of three series connected SPV Module at 1000,
heating.[3] 750 and 250 W/m2 respectively.

2014 Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH) 455
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