History of Pscad English PDF

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Power System & Engineering Services

The Manitoba HVDC Research Centre is dedicated to pioneering
innovative technologies for the global electric power industry
by supplying power system simulation tools, applied research,
and engineering services. We foster strategic partnerships, and
Since 1993, PSCAD® has been collaborate with leading researchers and industry associations.

the professionals’ choice... The Manitoba HVDC Research Centre is a division of Manitoba
Hydro International Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Manitoba
33,000+ users in 76 countries. Hydro, Canada’s 4th-largest electrical utility.

1981 Non-profit research

company founded

1983 EMTDC used for

commercial application

1993 PSCAD v.2 for Unix

commercially available

1994 RTDS Technologies Inc. founded

1999 PSCAD v.3 (Windows version)

2000 Centre becomes a subsidiary

of Manitoba Hydro

2003 PSCAD v.4 released v.4

2009 Centre becomes division of
Manitoba Hydro International Ltd.

2010 PSCAD X4 released X4

Manitoba HVDC Research Centre
211 Commerce Drive
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3P 1A3
T +1 204 989 1240 F +1 204 989 1277
[email protected]
Visual Simulation
©2011 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre
for Power Systems
PSCAD® is a registered trademark of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd.
EMTDC™ is a registered trademark of Manitoba Hydro.

Trademarks are used throughout this brochure in an editorial fashion with no intention
of infringement. All trademarks are the legal property of their registered owners.
The Professionals’ Choice
for Power System Simulation...
PSCAD® is a fast, accurate, and easy-to-use power system simulator
for the design, analysis, optimization and verification of power
systems and power electronic controls. PSCAD,® with the EMTDC™
transients simulation program, provides a rich set of tools and
models for complete and accurate analysis of your electrical systems. Master Library A modern ribbon control bar
Limitless Applications
Component provides easy accessibility to
most features and components. A product of 30 years of power systems simulation
Included is a quick access bar, research, PSCAD® has become the visual design tool
which is fully customizable for of choice at commercial, industrial, and research
placement of favoured button
Home organizations worldwide. Applications include:
Custom • AC transients and insulation coordination studies
component including TOV, TRV, lightning and VFT, line
and equipment switching
• HVDC interconnection studies
(conventional as well as VSC based)
• Modeling and assessment of FACTS based solutions
SVC, STATCOM, TCSC, and other
• Wind energy system design and integration
Fault ride-through, control and protection
performance, SSR concerns
• Power quality studies that include
a wide spectrum of harmonics
• Protection and control system design,
optimization, and validation studies
• and much more...

Advanced Display Techniques

With its complete set of controls and control logic,
Online PSCAD® provides the end-user with the ability to
Controls interact with their power systems models.

As a simulation runs, users can dynamically control
events and input data, and have the ability to record
and display output using advanced plotting techniques.
PSCAD® users gain a better understanding of complex
systems, which results in optimal designs.

Dedicated Support Team & Help Desk
extensively PSCAD®’s dedicated technical support team consists
validated of highly qualified professional engineers and
master library
technology specialists with expertise in different
areas of simulation.

This team helps with software-related issues, guiding
users on complex studies and applications, and offering
Polymeter users a wide range of application examples.


Modern application framework has improved the

working environment by providing customizable
docked windows, as well as window pinning and
hiding. A new tabbed document interface (TDI)
enhances convenience in project navigation.
Revamped component wizard and search interfaces
provide more flexibility in creating new components
and project searching.

P S C A D ®/ E M T D C ™ V I S U A L S I M U L AT I O N F O R P O W E R S Y S T E M S

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