11-4.2-Information Technology
11-4.2-Information Technology
11-4.2-Information Technology
Impaired employees in co-ordination with To have a single point of control and IT Service Management (ITSM): It is
Centre of Excellence, SBI Foundation. monitoring of Network, your Bank also another tool to monitor IT services for
established a Network Security Policy end-users providing Proactive Monitoring
10. BUILDING THE Manager (NSPM) during the year. of IT Infrastructure by generating critical
alerts to be resolved on a priority basis.
RESEARCH QUOTIENT Using a comprehensive approach for the
Creating Domain Specialist Research successful development and execution SMS Seva- Appliance Based SMS
Wings: Domain specialist Research of IT strategy, your Bank also started an gateway: Your Bank has Single integrated
Wings have been created at all ATIs to Enterprise Architecture (EA) journey for system capable of handling 50,000 SMSs
address business-related concerns. conducting enterprise analysis, design, per second and 40 crore SMSs per day
More than 65 investigative studies were planning, and implementation. Today, with against the existing capacity of handling
carried out by the Research Officers strategically driven planning, analysis, 5,000 SMSs per second and 12 crore
in FY2020, and 102 recommendations design, and execution, your Bank has SMSs per day, ensuring that customers
made in these studies were accepted for the best tools in the industry to support gets their SMS alerts for critical
implementation by BUs. its enterprise architects, business and IT transactions.
Post-Doctoral Research Fellows: User Experience Design Centre
PDRFs have been recruited for innovative “Meghdoot”, your Bank’s private cloud, (UXDC): Your Bank has state-of-
and high-end academic research which was commissioned in 2014, has the-art UXDC, the first of its kind in
activities relevant to the BFSI sector. been successfully delivering IAAS for Public Sector Banking Industry. It aims
The PDRFs have shared their research 1000+ applications. It has the capacity to to provide meaningful and relevant
findings in National and International host 15,000 Virtual Servers with a scalable experiences to users. This involves the
conferences. They have published their architecture to provide infra on demand design of the entire process of acquiring
research works in leading journals to and is on its journey towards establishing and integrating the product, including
establish State Bank of India’s footprint in its PAAS (Platform-as-a-Service). Your aspects of branding, design, usability,
the domain of BFSI research. Bank has its own first “State of the Art”, and function. It ensures that your Bank’s
“TIER- 3” Data Centre at a safe seismic processes and products truly delight its
Fine-tuning Summer Internship zone (Zone2) in Hyderabad, equipped customers, and keep on improving with
Policy: The summer internship policy with nine layers of security. time. Your Bank is also embarking in the
was revisited during the year and fine- field of augmented and virtual reality (AR/
tuned to engage students in business- Your Bank is rapidly consolidating all VR), to make more immersive designs for
relevant projects. Total of 305 students its physical servers located at 22,100+ enhancing customer experience.
pursuing various educational courses SBI’s Branches, to a central location
in all top-level UGC/AICTE approved with Data Centre Security in the virtual Application Testing: Your Bank ensures
private, and Government institutes were environment, resulting in power saving that each application undergoes a host
engaged under the Summer Internship and thus reduced greenhouse gases. of tests. Your Bank conducts rigorous
programme. performance testing to ensure that
Your Bank proudly holds the world’s a new application meets the stated
11. KEEPING THE largest Oracle databases and has parameters in terms of responsiveness,
successfully upgraded to Oracle DB scalability, reliability, resource usage and
MOMENTUM version 12c. stability under high volume workload. As
Even though COVID-19 struck at the your Bank’s network is spread across
end of FY2020, your Bank’s virtual B. PRODUCTIVITY AND length and breadth of the country, it
learning tools ensured that continuity of therefore experiences varying bandwidth
EFFICIENCY availability at a different location.
training programmes were kept intact. A
seamless transition to anytime learning Enterprise Mobility Management You Bank introduced throttle tests to
and on-demand webinar classes were (EMM): To increase the internal determine whether applications perform
adopted extensively. productivity, your Bank has adopted an well under varying network speeds.
EMM solution, which provides an ‘office- These tests can be used for developing
on-the-go’ tool for facilitating work lightweight applications that can perform
2. INFORMATION from anywhere or anytime, enhancing well on low network bandwidth.
TECHNOLOGY employee productivity and efficiency.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
A. NETWORK, OFFICE 365: Office365 provides a Tool: Your Bank also uses an RPA tool,
ARCHITECTURE AND productivity suite of applications for which allows the configuring computer
the employees of your Bank. It is a software, or a “robot” to emulate
INFRASTRUCTURE and integrate the actions of a human
platform for hosting internal application/
To ensure reduced downtime and workflows, which are helping your Bank interacting within digital systems. RPA
seamless stable connectivity, your Bank to achieve a paperless work environment robots utilize the user interface to capture
onboarded two additional Telecom by providing automation of workflows. data and manipulate applications just like
Service Providers (TSPs), taking its total humans do. It communicates with other
TSP partners to eleven.
systems to perform a variety of repetitive areas of your Bank. During the past two reputation of your Bank. The Department
tasks. Your Bank is using UiPath for years, 30+ Machine Learning Models has also been instrumental in coming
Automated Regression testing of various have been developed in-house. A few up with the Roop Rekha dashboard in
applications. This tool is 20-30% faster examples of such products and models alignment with the Government’s vision
as compared to traditional automation are: of a US$ Five Trillion Economy.
testing tools. It does not require
specialised automation engineers, Business Areas: Recommendation F. CUSTOMER
thereby, saving significant cost in terms Engine for leads in various P-Segment
of times and money in the long run. Loans, Propensity Based end-to-end
digital “Pre-Approved Personal Loan MANAGEMENT (CRM)
Mobile Automated Testing (MAT) Tool: (PAPL)”, 4-click SME Loan Product “Pre- Your Bank has implemented a State-of-
Your Bank uses Appium, an open-source Approved Merchant Loan (PAML)” The-Art CRM Solution for the integrated
tool for automated testing of mobile apps management of Sales, Service and
on mobile devices such as (Android and Fraud and Risk Areas: Models Marketing activities. It captures customer
iOS), tablets and iPads, amongst others. developed to detect suspicious ATM interactions across systems and channels
Appium makes mobile app regression Fraudsters, Possible Money Laundering and provides a 360° view. It has built-in
easy as and when they are updated with Activities in SB accounts campaign management modules and
new features and functionalities. ensures the timely delivery of service.
Credit Risk Areas: Models developed to The CRM solution has been widely
C. YONO identify Early Warning Stress Signals in used across your Bank with user logins
both SME and P Segment loans crossing 30 lakh per month, covering
During FY2020, the all-in-one digital
more than 65% of users.
platform YONO has been bolted with Other Areas: Models to identify Income
numerous additional feature-rich Leakage, Cross-Sell and Up-Sell
products, such as: G. DATA WAREHOUSE (DWH)
z Pre-approved paperless personal Your Bank is also entering into new Over the last 10 years, your Bank’s
loan is offered online without the territories of developing AI and ML based DWH has been instrumental in providing
need to visit the branch models, such as digital lending to SME data across your Bank on a T+1 basis,
customers through the “Pre-Approved connecting 71+ source systems. The
z Convenient fund transfer through Business Loan (PABL)”, Loans to BSBD DWH is equipped to meet the RBI’s new
BHIM UPI and QR Code customers, amongst others. direction with regard to “Element Based
z YONO Cash that enables cardless Reporting”, by acting as a Central Data
Your Bank’s adoption of AI and ML is in Repository of your Bank.
cash withdrawals from ATMs and
alignment with the Gartner Hype Cycle,
PoS as well as cashless shopping at
an industry-recognised tool that shows With the explosion of data, especially from
multiple PoS
global technology trends in AI and ML. As the ever-expanding digital ecosystem,
z ‘Tap and Go’ payments using directed, your Bank has outlined a “Board your Bank plans to set up a “Next-Gen
wearables and smartwatch Approved Three Year Roadmap on the Data-Warehouse” with state-of-the-
Adoption of AI and ML” in your Bank. art Architecture by December 2020 to
z Online purchase of various financial
products of your Bank’s Joint provide Data on Demand and to address
Venture Companies (SBI Life, SBI E. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE Data Quality and Data Integrity issues.
Caps, SBI Cards, SBI Mutual Fund This should strengthen the maturity of
Business Intelligence is the precursor your Bank’s Analytics Team in delivering
and SBI General Insurance) on to advanced analytics. Keeping this in
a single platform. For example, increasingly innovative solutions in the
mind, your Bank is introducing high value future.
customers can instantly avail life creative dashboards with visualisations,
insurance cover up to ` 20 lakh graphics, built-in intelligence, amongst
others, that provides insights from H. DATA MANAGEMENT
D. ANALYTICS, AI AND the top to the grass-root level in all OFFICE (DMO)
MACHINE LEARNING areas, facilitating quality decisions. The
Your Bank has become a pioneer in
dashboards are designed to be available
Addressing the critical pain points the Indian BFSI sector by establishing
on all platforms, such as intranet, internet,
within the system, your Bank’s Analytics a robust Data Governance Structure
iPad, Mobile, amongst others. The
Department is committed to deliver and has set up the Data Management
department is well on its way in its journey
on its vision of becoming the Centre Office under the Chief Data Management
towards becoming the Single Source of
of Excellence and a Prominent Value Officer. The Data Governance Framework
Truth for your Bank. In this pursuit, it has
Creative Department, by developing is being driven through an Apex-Level
developed several Master Dashboards
multiple Predictive AI/ML based Models. Data Governance Council (ADGC),
and automated maximum number of
Over the last five years, the Analytics supported by the Data Governance
data points to minimise data quality
Team has matured and delivered various Council (DGC). This structured approach
issues, meet RBI’s stipulation of Element
value creative models using the latest will reduce complexity and ensure data
Based Reporting and various compliance
tools and algorithms in almost all the quality and security across your Bank,
and risk needs, thereby improving the
thereby enabling better utilisation of its
Data Assets.
P. MERCHANT ACQUIRING per RBI, Your Bank is number 3 in terms
AND TREASURY of POS terminals deployed in the country
SUPPORT SERVICES with 6.73 lacs terminals (13.43% market
(MAB-OPS) share) as on 31-03-2020.
Your Bank has established an active High
Availability Environment for applications During the year MAB-IT Op executed
viz. Finacle Core, Treasury and Connect customer centric projects like YONO Q. SPECIAL PROJECTS
24, which ensures enhanced reliability, Cash@PoS and YONO Sale@PoS, Metro
Your Bank is working on several special
efficiency, productivity, security and projects for enhanced customer delight
projects to bring an enhanced banking
scalability of applications, and seamless in affecting payments to the merchants
experience to its customer. Some key
customer experience. It has also set up a and EMI on SBI debit cards on Pinelabs
initiatives include:
BCP site for the dealing room, equipped managed terminal etc. to name few. As
with the latest infrastructure to ensure
continuity in operations during disaster
Website: Your Bank has revamped its NBFC Co-origination: Your Bank has T. FINANCIAL INCLUSION
corporate website and launched its Hindi increased its Priority Sector Advance
version for better customer experience. portfolio by introducing an automatic
Additionally, a sustainability website process of Integration with NBFC for co- SCHEMES (FI&GS)
was launched to showcase your Bank’s origination of demand and term loans To enhance Financial Inclusion and add
sustainability initiatives. of the leads sourced by NBFC. The customer convenience following new
State Bank of India disburses the loans facilities were introduced during FY2020:
GST Tax Engine: A centralised solution in a predefined ratio, while the NBFCs
was introduced to meet customers’ carries out the necessary follow-ups and Bill Payment through FI channel
requirements with respect to GST, for recoveries. (BBPS): An additional avenue for
example, the filing of GSTR1, GSTR7, customers to pay utility bills at CSP
GSTR3B, returns, matching of GST2A CPM analytical tool (PSM): New outlets.
with purchase data, generation of functionality has been launched by
Consolidated GSTIN wise invoice, Real- analysing the Data for effective Post YONO Cash: FI and Non-FI Customers
time invoice, and E-Way Bill generation. sanction monitoring. can withdraw cash through YONO App
using MATM at CSP outlets, without
NPS (National Pension System): Advanced PACE Tool: Consolidating using ATM cards.
Your Bank has launched a pan-India all bank transactions of a customer and
Centralised Application for serving the categorising it based on logic inbuilt, to Aadhaar Data Vault in BC channel:
National Pension System. arrive at net business turnover by netting Regulatory requirement of Aadhaar data
off all non-business transactions. vault in BC channel implemented to
CKYC: Approximately 1.23 crore CKYC reduce the footprint of Aadhaar in the
numbers were generated, and 12 lakh S. RETAIL LOANS (RLMS) ecosystem.
CKYC records were updated using
C-KYC application. Your Bank caters to Retail Loan
Doorstep Banking: New application
underwriting and follows up at the entire
where customers can initiate a request
SBI Wealth: A personalised service Bank-level by providing end to end credit
for cash pick up, cash delivery, cheque
offering of diversified banking products journey through five applications, that is,
pick up from his home and workplace.
and services was introduced, topped LOS (PB), LOS (Agri), OCAS, OPAS and
up with best-in-class lifestyle benefits LCS.
Aadhaar Data Vault: Aadhaar Data
to your Bank’s premium customers. In Vault was envisaged as a major initiative
addition to this, a Global NRI e-Wealth LOS PB: It links over 21,000 branches,
in your Bank to protect the privacy of
Centre was started. RACPCs, RASMECCCs, RBOs and more
Aadhaar Number holders in accordance
than 1,00,000 users. In FY2020, a total of
with the guidelines laid down by UIDAI
STP (Straight Through Processing) 30,36,112 loan accounts amounting to `
for enhancing the security of Aadhaar
Implementation in APY (Atal Pension 2,66,449 crore have been sanctioned in
authentication ecosystem. It not only
Yojana): Your Bank facilitated the LOS PB.
reduces the footprint of Aadhaar numbers
automated uploading of subscriber but also ensures only trusted and
registration and contribution files into the LOS Agri: It links more than 21,000
authorised access to Aadhaar numbers.
NSDL CRA system. branches, RACCs, RBOs and more than
1,49,000 users. In FY2020, total 41,77,068
loan accounts amounting to ` 62,976.54 U. INNOVATION CELL
crore were sanctioned. Your Bank has a state-of-the-art dedicate
Cell that looks into innovative ideas in
Through the Loan Life Cycle Management AGRI Gold Loan: A loan scheme that the field of Banking. Experimenting with
System (LLMS), an in house developed reduces the entire loan journey from many ideas, it selects and implements
application, the entire life cycle of the applying loan to disbursement to seven those that make sense for your Bank.
credit process has been automated, minutes was introduced in FY2020. Some key exciting initiatives currently
leading to the standardisation of the credit undertaken are:
process by enhanced risk management, CLP for Auto Loan: A contactless module
leading to an enhanced user experience in CLP for real-time in-principle sanction Start-Ups Engagement Programme: To
by improving the TAT. through machine-based analytics and procure innovative products and solutions
credit decision was introduced in FY2020. from Fintech Start-ups, which are based
e-Mudra: Available to common man on the emerging and niche technologies
24X7, digitising the entire Mudra loan with a high potential for employment
journey from applying/processing to generation or wealth creation, and those
disbursement without any manual that are useful for your Bank.
Hackathon and Crowd Sourcing: The Your Bank conducted several outreach framework visualises empowerment of
objective is to promote an outcome- programmes such as Mega Customer Business Units at the operating level, with
based technology culture amongst start- Meets, and Customer Town Hall Meets technology being the key driver, enabling
ups and in-house developers, with the during the year. It had also conducted identification and management of risk at
focus on developing cutting edge solution Customer Service Surveys during the the place of origination. The various risks
for your Bank in an agile manner. year and is utilising the results of these across your Bank and the State bank of
surveys for bringing about improvements. India Group are monitored and reviewed
Intrapreneurship Scheme: This scheme Your Bank has also conducted various through the Executive Level Committees
aims at collaborating with and incubating campaigns for a reduction in complaints and the Risk Management Committee of
strong ideas from its employees in a during the year, with encouraging results. the Board (RMCB), which meets regularly.
focussed and directed way. Risk Management Committees at
Operational unit and Business unit level
3. RISK MANAGEMENT are also in place.
Your Bank has implemented a robust
state-of-the-art CRM solution with a
comprehensive Complaint Management MEASURES
Risk Management at your Bank includes
System (CMS) as an integral feature of risk identification, risk assessment, risk Your Bank has put in robust credit
the system. The CRM solution helps your measurement, and risk mitigation with its appraisal and risk management
Bank’s stakeholders with a 360O view of main objective to minimise the negative frameworks in place for identification,
customers for an enhanced engagement. impact on profitability and capital. measurement, monitoring and control
The CMS helps customers to lodge their of the risks in credit exposures. The
complaints and receive their feedback, Your Bank is exposed to various risks industrial environment is scanned,
suggestions, and queries through its that are an inherent part of any banking researched, and analysed in a structured
various channels such as Contact business. The major risks are credit risk, manner by a dedicated team for deciding
Centre, Website, SMS, Email as well market risk, liquidity risk, and operational its outlook and growth appetite for each
as your Bank’s Branches and Offices. risk, which also includes IT risk. of the identified 39 industries and sectors,
State Bank of India’s round-the-clock which constitute about 72% of your Bank’s
contact centres operate 24*7*365 from Your Bank is committed to creating an total advances (excluding Retail and Agri).
four different geographical locations, environment of increased risk awareness Risks in these sectors are monitored
servicing its customers in Hindi, English at all levels. It also aims at continually continuously, and wherever warranted,
and 10 major regional languages. upgrading the appropriate security the industries concerned are reviewed
measures, including cybersecurity immediately. Impact of events such as
For improving the quality of resolution measures, to ensure avoidance or Supreme Court Ruling on License Fees
of customer grievances, your Bank mitigation of various risks. and Spectrum Usage Charges in Telecom
has established dedicated Centralised Sector, liquidity risk management
Complaints Resolution Centres at the Your Bank has policies and procedures framework for NBFC, export subsidy in
Local Head Office level. Proper and in place to measure, assess, monitor, Sugar industry, falling prices and rising
timely resolution of customer grievances and manage these risks systematically imports from FTA countries in Steel
is the priority. Towards this end, your across all its portfolios, which makes sector, to name a few, were analysed and
Bank has introduced a system for seeking it amongst the leaders to undertake appropriate responses to these situations
feedback from customers on how well it the implementation of the advanced were strategised by your Bank to mitigate
resolved their complaints. You Bank has approaches under credit, market, and possible risks. Exposure to sensitive and
also put in place a system of incognito operational risk. With a view to adopt stressed sectors such as Real Estate
visits to branches, for assessing the global best practices, State Bank of and Telecom are being reviewed at half-
level of customer service and initiating India has also initiated the enterprise and yearly intervals. Sectors such as Power,
corrective action if required. Furthermore, group risk management projects, which Telecom, Iron and Steel, Textiles, which
it conducts Root Cause Analysis across are being implemented with support from are going through a challenging phase,
major areas of complaints on a continuous external consultants. are watched continuously, and analysis
basis and carry out the required product of new developments are shared with the
and process improvements to reduce RBI Guidelines on Basel III Capital business groups to enable them to make
future complaints. Regulations were implemented, and your informed credit decisions. Knowledge
Bank is adequately capitalised as per sharing sessions are conducted for the
Your Bank has been aggressively the current requirements under Basel benefit of the operating staff at various
embarking on digital banking and have III. An independent Risk Governance levels.
earmarked several more processes for Structure, in line with international best
digitisation in the near future. Its CRM practices, was put in place, in the context Credit rating thresholds for each industry
tool, backed by data analytics and of separation of duties and ensuring the are decided based on the outlook. Your
artificial intelligence, is transforming independence of risk measurement, Bank uses various internal Credit Risk
customer experience and satisfaction for monitoring and control functions. This Assessment Models and scorecards
the better. for assessing borrower wise credit risk.