PSCAD Version 4.1: New Release.: Enhanced Workspace

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PSCAD Version 4.1: New Release.

Craig MULLER & Paul WILSON, Manitoba HVDC Research Centre.

significant amount of work

A has been put into Version

4 in the last year and this
has resulted in a more stable and
more powerful version of this
very successful electro-magnetics
software PSCAD/EMTDC. The
PSCAD environment has been
expanded to include support for
arrays allowing complete support
for the single line diagram
representation of a power system.

Version 4.1, shown here, is due to

be released mid May 2004 and here
are some of the key enhancements
in this release:

Enhanced Workspace
New views allow you to navigate
more detailed runtime information
and files. Most plotting and online
control display design, as well as Figure 1
navigational operations can now be
performed directly (see figure 2).
data signals from anywhere to
anywhere in the project, without
Drag and Drop wires. Similar to defining a global
New Drag and Drop functionality variable, it provides a formal data
for component instances, as transfer mechanism that is simple
well as runtime related features, and effective without the need for
such as curves and controls, imports and exports.
can be created directly from the
workspace or from the control Control Group Names
components themselves.
A popular feature in Version 2,
this ability returns. Runtime
More Powerful Wires objects, such as online controls
Wires are now represented as a and displays may now be grouped
pathway rather than a simple line according to user defined name.
segment. These new and improved A new convenient viewing dialog
Wires can be manipulated as a set window has been added to provide
of segments, and may be merged an efficient means of viewing
or decomposed at will. In addition, control template settings.
it is now possible to show control Figure 2: Enhanced Workspace
signal flow on data wires. The Array Trace Recording
indicators appear as small arrows,
pointing in the direction of signal No more scalar limitations! Output
flow (see figure 3). channels will now directly accept
arrays of both REAL and INTEGER
types. This eliminates the need
Wireless Control to tap arrays into scalars and
Connections record each one. All traces in the
A new component called a arrays are synchronized to a single
"radiolink" can be used to transmit storage device.

Figure 3

Figure 4 (continued on page 5)



PSCAD Version 4.1: New Release. (continued)

Craig MULLER & Paul WILSON, Manitoba HVDC Research Centre.

Multi Trace Curves

Array recordings are supported by
an enhanced curve object that will
plot any and all traces of an array
on a single graph. Thus, an array
recorder can be plotted using a
single curve object.

A new stacked graph has been
designed to accept the new curves
and stack each trace as either a
digital or analogue signal.

This new display type can be
used to view instantaneous data
array magnitudes online. This is
of particular convenience when
viewing harmonic spectrums.

New Library Models

- Optimum Run takes advantage
of new advancements in multiple
run optimizations. It comes with
several optimization methods to
drastically reduce multi-runs.
- 1-Phase/3-Phase RMS Meters
have new algorithms included,
which calculate the RMS value
using a sliding window. This
effectively removes any output
ripple while retaining its dynamic
- An Internal Combustion Engine
model is now provided to act as
a prime mover torque input on
Both 1-phase and 3-phase
Autotransformer models are now CEDRAT Partner of EWEC
provided. 2004 European Wind
Energy Conference

22-25 November, London UK
We are very pleased with results of
this effort. The new improvements New PSCAD version 4.1
compliment the single line presented on CEDRAT booth
capabilities introduced in V4.0 (Hall 2, K77)
and go much further to create a
powerful tool for manipulating and For any information Contact
visualizing transients data. Please Mr. Lionel GRAND:
contact us for more information on [email protected]
this exciting product.


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