The Effect of Monolingual and Bilingual Dictionary On The Foreign Language Learners' Acquisition

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The Effect of Monolingual and Bilingual Dictionary on the Foreign Language

Learners' Acquisition

Article  in  International Journal of Applied Linguistics and Translation · October 2019

DOI: 10.11648/j.ijalt.20190504.11


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Nada Aboghunaim
University Of Kufa


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International Journal of Applied Linguistics and Translation
2019; 5(4): 55-57
doi: 10.11648/j.ijalt.20190504.11
ISSN: 2472-1166 (Print); ISSN: 2472-1271 (Online)

The Effect of Monolingual and Bilingual Dictionary on the

Foreign Language Learners' Acquisition
Nada Mohsin Aboghunaim
Department of English, University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq

Email address:

To cite this article:

Nada Mohsin Aboghunaim. The Effect of Monolingual and Bilingual Dictionary on the Foreign Language Learners' Acquisition.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics and Translation. Vol. 5, No. 4, 2019, pp. 55-57. doi: 10.11648/j.ijalt.20190504.11

Received: September 8, 2019; Accepted: September 25, 2019; Published: October 11, 2019

Abstract: Dictionaries have traditionally been a widely used tool by foreign and second language learners. In spite of the
rejection of using dictionaries in classroom by some teachers, recent studies have showed that dictionaries play a vital role in
language learning and teaching. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of both monolingual and bilingual
dictionaries on the foreign language learners' awareness and acquisition. The study seeks to investigate that monolingual
dictionaries, unlike bilingual dictionaries, would promote and assist learners' acquisition. Although bilingual dictionaries are
universally preferred by learners, teachers’ duty here is to encourage students to consult monolingual dictionaries during
classroom since they often expose to the foreign language which is the end. Thus, the research will highlight the pros and cons
of both monolingual and bilingual dictionaries. It will focus on the teachers' role which is crucial on not only guiding learners
how to use dictionaries, when and which type but also allocating time during classroom to encourage students to consult the
dictionary in order to be familiar with this tool. Finally, the striking findings are both dictionaries have positives and negatives
but the good teacher can guide his/her students to consult the appropriate one in the specific time and a suitable task in
classroom. Dictionaries are not always the perfect tool used by students and teachers but there are some cases and situations
teachers should take in consideration when they deal with dictionaries.

Keywords: Monolingual Dictionaries, Bilingual Dictionaries, Learners' Acquisition, Foreign Language Learners

monolingual and bilingual dictionary and to what extent

1. Introduction they can enhance foreign language and promote acquisition.
Dictionaries in general are often seen as a powerful Besides, the study seeks to answer whether monolingual
pedagogical device in the process of foreign language dictionary is the best dictionary in terms of language
learning. A wide range of studies are conducted regarding acquisition or not and why.
using dictionaries in order to learn a foreign language. [1-5]
However, it has been still a controversial issue to decide 2. Literature Review
which kind of a dictionary students should consult.
This paper will investigate the crucial role of dictionaries Although dictionaries are seen as a basic tool in the
that promote teaching strategies and develop linguistic skills. process of foreign language learning for some teachers, some
In this regard, a dictionary can be seen as an authentic source teachers believe that dictionaries hinder language learning.
of knowledge in the foreign language learners' classes. They can waste the time during lessons. [2]
Dictionaries are first manifested to meet the need of native The idea of using dictionaries in the classroom was
speakers as oxford English dictionary. Then, they have been rejected for a long time, as Thornbury puts, due to many
modified to be used by millions of English learners around reasons. First, it was thought that it hinders guessing skills
the world. [4] from context. Second, learners tend to spend more time on
A dictionary can be divided into three kinds: translation if the dictionary is bilingual. [6] However, a range
monolingual (MD), bilingual (BD), and bilingualized. [4] of studies and surveys show the influence of using
This paper will shed light on the first two types, i.e. dictionaries in teaching and learning language especially
56 Nada Mohsin Aboghunaim: The Effect of Monolingual and Bilingual Dictionary on the Foreign
Language Learners' Acquisition

vocabulary. [6-9] Lew & Adamska-Salaciak add that more precise and detailed information than BDs, learners
dictionaries encourage learner autonomy. [5] prefer bilingual dictionaries that start with L2 in finding
Some studies reveal that students who use dictionaries unknown words. The reason for this lies in the fact that
obtained higher scores than students who did not, even unclear words in defining the entry word force learners to an
though those candidates spent twice as long to read the additional search. Further, the lack of direct reference to L1
passage as learners who did not use a dictionary. Students in MDs results in disregarding this type of dictionary. Thus,
who do not cope with guessing strategies depend on L2-L1 dictionaries provide easy access for students to
dictionaries in order to help learning vocabulary. The use of understand the materials they read [12].
dictionaries, in this case, will be useful for them. [1] Turning to the positives of BDs, they offer meaning in an
According to Nation and Lew & Adamaska-Salaciak, there accessible way and has two directions-L1-English and
are three types of dictionaries: monolingual dictionaries English-L1. Additionally, students seem to use them for
(MDs), such as Collins Cobuild English dictionary and productive use (writing and speaking). On the other hand, the
Oxford English dictionary for learners in which a word entry, negatives of MDs are that they use a controlled vocabulary in
definitions and examples are written in one language. The defining the meaning of a word entry. Thus, learners are
second type is bilingual dictionaries (BDs) such as required to be familiar with this vocabulary and grammatical
wordreference and AL-Mawrid in which two languages are difficulties. MDs lack the feature of BDs that BDs provide
used and they often have two directions-L1-English and simple access to vocabulary for productive use [6, 8].
English-L1. Bilingualized dictionaries are the third type A number of researchers criticise BDs for promoting
which are known as semi-bilingual dictionary. The choice of translation that is thought to be a drawback feature in
which dictionary is the best reference tool in learning classroom. That is to say, BDs encourage the belief that
vocabulary is a controversial issue. Some teachers words in L1 and L2 are equivalent in meaning and they
recommend MDs over BDs. While others propose BDs. In provide little information on the using of words [8]. Another
fact, each kind of dictionary can be used in a way that is drawback is stated by Baxter which is BDs discourage
different from others and has positives or negatives. Let us learners from thinking in the target language. In this regard,
consider the features of each type. [5, 8] learners would not develop their linguistic skills such as
paraphrasing. [10]
2.1. Monolingual Dictionaries To improve a dictionary then, researchers, suggest using
First, MDs will be discussed. Nation identifies that English bilingualized dictionaries since they believe that they
learners use monolingual dictionaries so as to interpret the provide a variety of look up possibilities and personal
definition, examples and the word forms. [8] The advantages references. One of the advantages of this dictionary is that it
of MDs, as Baxter presents, can be said that they promote the combines the information of both MDs and BDs. However,
ability of paraphrasing among learners as they would realize it has negatives. Unidirectionality from the target language
the definition in the context. BDs, however, discourage this is one of its weaknesses. Learners, then, need to be familiar
ability since students realize that meaning can be expressed with L2 word form so as to look up for necessary
by a single word. Another factor to be considered is that the information. [12]
best monolingual dictionaries provide a wide range of lexical
information (i.e. noun countability, collocation, idioms, 3. Conclusion
examples, derivations). In this regard, learners will expose to
the knowledge and they can unconsciously acquire language To conclude, a dictionary is an indispensable tool in the
effectively. [5] learning process. It was worth noting that neither MD nor BD
Nevertheless, there are many challenges encounter foreign is perfect in itself. Both of them are complementary to each
learners. First, learners are required to know how they look other. Both have positives and negatives. In this regard, some
up the correct entry in order to benefit from this wealth of researchers and teachers recommend that in order to gain
data since the entry is written in the L2 [5]. In this case, MD effective use of a dictionary learners need to use both
attempts to entirely eliminate learners from their L1. Less monolingual dictionaries (MDs) and bilingual dictionaries
proficient students, then, would have negative attitude (BDs) to obtain adequate and reliable information though
towards MDs since they would face difficulty to understand using two dictionaries is considered time-consuming and
the definitions, the symbols and morphological information rather tedious [8, 12]. Furthermore, it should be clear now
in the foreign language [1, 2]. Wingate also criticizes MDs that MDs are useful for upper intermediate and advanced
because MD tends not to be useful for learners if it is used learners. Teachers should devote time to consult dictionary
for production purposes since learners cannot find the item during classes whenever applicable. They should guide and
they are looking up for. [11] encourage learners and recommend them to use MD in order
to think in the foreign language which is the end of each
2.2. Bilingual Dictionaries teacher and student. Rich information and wealth date given
by MD, unlike BD, would help them acquire language
The second type is bilingual dictionary. According to a effectively.
survey conducted, learners admit that though MDs provide
International Journal of Applied Linguistics and Translation 2019; 5(4): 55-57 57

4. Pedagogical Implication [2] Holi Ali, H. I. (2012). Monolingual dictionary use in an EFL
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learning and teaching foreign language, the use of dictionary dictionary and foreign language learning: facts and opinions.
is considered as one method to deal with vocabulary. [7] Porta Linguarum, 20, 89-101.
Teachers, especially non-native speakers, involve with
dictionaries to confirm their knowledge and when they [4] Al-Sayed, A. & Siddiek, A. (2013). Monolingual and bilingual
dictionaries as effective tools of the management of English
construct exercises. Teachers should teach their students how language education. Theory and practice in language studies,
and when to use dictionaries. Teachers could guide learners to 3 (10), 1744-1755.
use a dictionary after they teach them a phonemic transcript,
grammar codes to promote the easy and effective use of a [5] Lew, R. & Adamska-Salaciak, A. (2015). A case for bilingual
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dictionary as well as quick search for the word alphabetically.
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looking up the dictionary to solve it [13]. monolingual and bilingual dictionaries on vocabulary recall
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