Module Packets: BAP & E
Module Packets: BAP & E
Module Packets: BAP & E
BA 311 – Operations Management (Cycle 2)
The modules, will discuss the basic principles of and Concepts of Operations Management.
The course will teach the leaners the blend of concepts from industrial engineering, cost
accounting, general management, Marketing and quantitative methods, and statistics. This
module provides strategies in forecasting, allocating resources, designing of goods and
services, and scheduling the production activities distribution schemes. At the end of this
module, you are going to submit an observational output specifying how you apply the
lessons you learned from this module in reality.
You are all to learn a new field in your in your study, welcome to Operations Management
Phone or Messenger: 8-10 AM Wednesdays
Virtual time: 11-12N- Wednesdays
Deadline for module 1 output: 17 November 2020, at strictly 5:00 in the afternoon
1.1 Functions of Business
Coverage: Organization, Operations Process, Marketing, Value Chain, and Global
1.4 & 1.5 Operations Management and Marketing Process and Decision making
Note: The teams/pairs must use the official template that will be sent in doing this output.
Prepared By:
Alfredo E. Daqiula
COC Faculty
Designing a market-driven
Lecture discussion 1 hour
Deadline for module 1 output: 17 November 2020, at strictly 5:00 in the afternoon
2.1 Features of product/service design
Coverage: Innovation and redesigning of product and services, the ethical, legal, and
environmental issues; the functions of quality deployment.
Real Life/company Application: Identification of company and their approaches
Coverage: Legal and environmental requirements; safety and security of the customers
Real-Life/Company Application: Interviews with company LGU planning and zoning officer
Note: The teams/pairs must use the official template that will be sent in doing this output.
Alfredo E. Daquila
COC Faculty
Deadline for module 1 output: 17 November 2020, at strictly 5:00 in the afternoon
2020-2021 Module Packets for BA 311 –Operations Management | College of Commerce |
University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, 5000, Philippines Page 9
of 33
Note: The teams/pairs must use the official template that will be sent in doing this output.
and defend what company position on TQM challenges
Prepared by:
Alfredo E. Daquila
COC Faculty
Deadline for module 1 output: 17 August 2020, at strictly 5:00 in the afternoon
4.1 Designing a Supply Chain Network and Management
Coverage: Elements of Effective Supply Chain Management- Strategy, Tactical, operations
Real-Life/Company Application: Visit 2GO and other companies and know/make report
Note: The teams/pairs must use the official template that will be sent in doing this output.
Prepared by:
Alfredo E. Daquila
COC Faculty
Deadline for module 1 output: 17 November 2020, at strictly 5:00 in the afternoon
5.1 Understanding the aspects of Project Management
Coverage: Manpower requirement, Costs, Time Mgt., project completion
Real-Life/Company Application: Readings on successful cooperatives doing PM
Note: The teams/pairs must use the official template that will be sent in doing this output.
LEVEL OF Shows some Content indicates Content indicates Content indicates
CONTENT thinking and thinking and original thinking and synthesis of ideas,
reasoning but most reasoning applied develops ideas with in-depth analysis
ideas are with original sufficient and firm and evidences
underdeveloped and thought on a few evidence. original thought
unoriginal. ideas. and support for
the topic.
DEVELOPMENT Main points lack Main points are Main points well Main points well
detailed present with limited developed with developed with
development. Ideas detail and quality supporting high quality and
are vague with little development. details and quantity. quantity support.
evidence of critical Some critical Critical thinking is Reveals high
thinking. thinking is present. weaved into points degree of critical
GRAMMAR Spelling, Most spelling, Essay has few Essay is free of
AND punctuation, and punctuation, and spelling, punctuation, distracting
MECHANICS grammatical errors grammar correct and grammatical spelling,
create distraction, allowing reader to errors allowing punctuation, and
making reading progress though reader to follow ideas grammatical
difficult; fragments, essay. Some errors clearly. Very few errors; absent of
comma splices, run- remain. fragments or run-ons. fragments, comma
ons evident. Errors splices, and run-
are frequent. ons.
STYLE Mostly in elementary Approaches college Attains college level Shows
form with little or no level usage of style; tone is outstanding style
variety in sentence some variety in appropriate and going beyond
structure, diction, sentence patterns, rhetorical devices usual college
rhetorical devices or diction, and used to enhance level; rhetorical
emphasis rhetorical devices. content; sentence devices and tone
variety used used effectively;
effectively. creative use of
sentence structure
and coordination
FORMAT Fails to follow format Meets format and Meets format and Meets all formal
and assignment assignment assignment and assignment
requirements; requirements; requirements; requirements and
incorrect margins, generally correct margins, spacing, evidences
spacing and margins, spacing, and indentations are attention to detail;
indentation; and indentations; correct; essay is neat all margins, TOTAL:
neatness of essay essay is neat but and correctly spacing and
needs attention. may have some assembled. indentations are
assembly errors. correct; essay is
neat and correctly
assembled with
professional look.
Prepared by:
Alfredo E. Daquila
COC Faculty
Deadline for module 1 output: 17 November 2020, at strictly 5:00 in the afternoon
6.1 Goals & Objectives of Waiting Lines
Coverage: Waiting space cost, customer satisfaction, loyalty, and goodwill
Real-Life/Company Application: visit restaurant, service companies and make report
Real-Life Application
Note: The teams/pairs must use the official template that will be sent in doing this output.
Prepared by:
Alfredo E. Daquila
COC Faculty
Deadline for module 1 output: 17 NOVEMBER 2020, at strictly 5:00 in the afternoon
7.1 Goals & Goals and objectives of Inventory management
Coverage: Nature of Inventories, production requirements, customers’ requirements
Real-Life/Company Application: visit producers , service companies and make report
Real-Life Application
Note: The teams/pairs must use the official template that will be sent in doing this output.
Prepared by:
Alfredo E. Daquila
COC Faculty
Deadline for module 1 output: 17 NOVEMBER 2020, at strictly 5:00 in the afternoon
6.1 Goals & Objectives of Waiting Lines
Coverage: Waiting space cost, customer satisfaction, loyalty, and goodwill
Real-Life/Company Application: visit restaurant, service companies and make report
Real-Life Application
Note: The teams/pairs must use the official template that will be sent in doing this output.
ORGANIZATIO Writing lacks logical Writing is coherent Writing is coherent Writing shows
N organization. It and logically and logically high degree of
shows some organized. Some organized with attention to logic
coherence but ideas points remain transitions used and reasoning of
lack unity. Serious misplaced and between ideas and points. Unity
errors. stray from the topic. paragraphs to create clearly leads the
Transitions evident coherence. Overall reader to the
but not used unity of ideas is conclusion and
throughout essay. present. stirs thought
regarding the
LEVEL OF Shows some Content indicates Content indicates Content indicates
CONTENT thinking and thinking and original thinking and synthesis of ideas,
reasoning but most reasoning applied develops ideas with in-depth analysis
ideas are with original sufficient and firm and evidences
underdeveloped and thought on a few evidence. original thought
unoriginal. ideas. and support for
the topic.
DEVELOPMENT Main points lack Main points are Main points well Main points well
detailed present with limited developed with developed with
development. Ideas detail and quality supporting high quality and
are vague with little development. details and quantity. quantity support.
evidence of critical Some critical Critical thinking is Reveals high
thinking. thinking is present. weaved into points degree of critical
GRAMMAR Spelling, Most spelling, Essay has few Essay is free of
AND punctuation, and punctuation, and spelling, punctuation, distracting
MECHANICS grammatical errors grammar correct and grammatical spelling,
create distraction, allowing reader to errors allowing punctuation, and
making reading progress though reader to follow ideas grammatical
difficult; fragments, essay. Some errors clearly. Very few errors; absent of
comma splices, run- remain. fragments or run-ons. fragments, comma
ons evident. Errors splices, and run-
are frequent. ons.
STYLE Mostly in elementary Approaches college Attains college level Shows
form with little or no level usage of style; tone is outstanding style
variety in sentence some variety in appropriate and going beyond
structure, diction, sentence patterns, rhetorical devices usual college
rhetorical devices or diction, and used to enhance level; rhetorical
Prepared by:
Alfredo E. Daquila
COC Faculty
Deadline for module 1 output: 17 November 2020, at strictly 5:00 in the afternoon
6.1 Goals & Objectives of management of quality
Coverage: Quality production with zero defect & zero waste; Deming’s et al principles
Real-Life/Company Application: visit Beverage co., service companies and make report
Real-Life Application
Note: The teams/pairs must use the official template that will be sent in doing this output.
are vague with little development. details and quantity. quantity support.
evidence of critical Some critical Critical thinking is Reveals high
thinking. thinking is present. weaved into points degree of critical
GRAMMAR Spelling, Most spelling, Essay has few Essay is free of
AND punctuation, and punctuation, and spelling, punctuation, distracting
MECHANICS grammatical errors grammar correct and grammatical spelling,
create distraction, allowing reader to errors allowing punctuation, and
making reading progress though reader to follow ideas grammatical
difficult; fragments, essay. Some errors clearly. Very few errors; absent of
comma splices, run- remain. fragments or run-ons. fragments, comma
ons evident. Errors splices, and run-
are frequent. ons.
STYLE Mostly in elementary Approaches college Attains college level Shows
form with little or no level usage of style; tone is outstanding style
variety in sentence some variety in appropriate and going beyond
structure, diction, sentence patterns, rhetorical devices usual college
rhetorical devices or diction, and used to enhance level; rhetorical
emphasis rhetorical devices. content; sentence devices and tone
variety used used effectively;
effectively. creative use of
sentence structure
and coordination
FORMAT Fails to follow format Meets format and Meets format and Meets all formal
and assignment assignment assignment and assignment
requirements; requirements; requirements; requirements and
incorrect margins, generally correct margins, spacing, evidences
spacing and margins, spacing, and indentations are attention to detail;
indentation; and indentations; correct; essay is neat all margins, TOTAL:
neatness of essay essay is neat but and correctly spacing and
needs attention. may have some assembled. indentations are
assembly errors. correct; essay is
neat and correctly
assembled with
professional look.
Prepared by:
Alfredo E. Daquila
COC Faculty