Scarab Army: Equipment
Scarab Army: Equipment
Scarab Army: Equipment
Reach: A fighter with a weapon that has reach can attack enemies
he is in contact with and those within 3 cm of him.
The army list shows the standard and maximum number of fighters
in a unit and the respective costs in A.P. It also gives the cost of each
individual extra fighter the player might want to add to the unit’s
standard number of fighters, without reaching its maximum number
Gift of the Scarab: The player of a Scarab company rolls as many The units that have a cost indicated in the “+1 special fighter”, “+2
dice as there are damage points inflicted on the fighters of the Scarab, special fighters” or “+3 special fighters” column may include such fight-
just before removing the losses. Each or cancels a damage point. ers, whose characteristics are listed after those of the standard troops.
Each also generates a bonus die for this test. Each special fighter replaces one of the unit’s standard fighters.
Every unit can include an Incarnate. He can be added to the unit
Aim: If at least one member of the unit does not move during its even though it may already be at its maximum number of fighters.
activation, the fighter adds his Attack to his Strength on
Strength tests.
Symbiotic weapon
Each Incarnate has a specific number of points he can spend to The result required for the and
obtain artifacts and, when possible, rituals and communions. The Strength test is read one column to the right on the resolution table.
cost of each artifact is equal to its value.
Some Incarnates are also magicians or faithful. In the first case, they
are associated to a path and certain elements; in the second case, to a
cult and aspects. This information is available in the following list:
Finally, the costs to resurrect each Incarnate are listed. This is also
the number of Elixir points gained by the opponent when one of his
Incarnates eliminates the Incarnate.
Irul: 4
Kurujaï: 2
Maneös: 4
Meari: 4
Numaë: 3
Onental: 7
Shaenre: 4
Spirit bow
Value: 1
The holder gains the following values:
1 8 6 Scarab mascot
Value: 2
These values replace those the holder could already have. Spirit bow The holder gains two extra health points.
cannot be given to a fighter with an area of effect ranged weapon.
Seed of Quithayran
Fayree elytron Value: 2
Value: 1 The player can re-roll the failures on the holder’s Gift of the Scarab
The holder gains the “Flight” ability: when he moves, the fighter tests once more.
ignores obstacles and miniatures. Units with Flight are always in
scattered formation. Talisman of haste
Value: 2
Sacred Weapon The Movement of the holder’s unit is increased by 5.
Value: 1
The result required for the Strength test is read one Breastplate of Earhë
column to the right on the resolution table. Value: 3
Strength tests taken against the holder are always challenges .
Symbiotic armor
Value: 1 Spear of Eäkhyn
When he uses the Gift of the Scarab, the holder heals one health Value: 3
point for every , or . The holder’s strength tests are always .
Phantasmal fear
Path: Fayree
Element: Water
Value: 1
Mana: 8
Difficulty: 5
Target: Unit
Duration: Instantaneous
Soothing wave
Path: Fayree
Element: Water
Value: 1
Mana: 7
Difficulty: 5
Target: Unit
Duration: Instantaneous
This ritual brings one of the targeted unit’s fighters, who is not
an Incarnate, back into the game and in formation. If he cannot be
brought back into formation, this ritual has no effect.
Roots of anger
Path: Fayree
Element: Water
Value: 1
Mana: 10
Difficulty: 5
Target: Unit
Duration: Round
Force of nature
Path: Fayree
Element: Water
Value: 1
Mana: 7
Difficulty: 5
Target: Unit
Duration: Round
Failures on the targeted unit’s tests are re-rolled once more. The difficulty of shots targeting the unit is increased by 2 points.
Fayree oak Warlike blossom
Cult: Earhë Cult: Earhë
Aspect: Creation Aspect: Creation
Value: 1 Value: 1
Faith: 5 Faith: 7
Difficulty: 5 Difficulty: 5
Target: Special Target: Unit
Duration: Round Duration: Round
The player puts a spare card face down on the The unit’s fighters all gain symbiotic armor: when he uses the Gift of
battlefield somewhere the faithful can see. It the Scarab, the fighter heals one health point for every , or .
cannot be placed on a unit. This card represents
one massive tree. It cannot be crossed in any way
and it blocks lines of sight.
Fayree resurrection
Cult: Earhë
Aspect: Creation
Value: 1
Faith: 4
Difficulty: 5
Target: Fighter
Duration: Instantaneous
Killer instinct
Cult: Earhë
Aspect: Creation
Value: 1
Faith: 7
Difficulty: 5
Target: Unit
Duration: Round
D6/hth ATT/ FOR/
Name Category Rank HP MOV DEF RES C/F D6/r ATT/r FOR/r AUT ENE FER Compétences
hth hth
Minimum num- A.P. + 1 special + 2 special + 3 special Maximum num- A.P. + 1 special + 2 special + 3 special Extra fighter Metal miniature
Name ber of fighters fighter fighters fighters ber of fighters fighter fighters fighters
Wolfen hunter 4 425 450 475 9 950 975 1000 105 Wolfen hunter 3
Irul 1 175
Kurujaï 1 115
Maneös 1 175
Meari 1 180
Numaë 1 125
Onental 1 340
Shaenre 1 175