Plant Worksheet A. Vascular Plant B. Nonvascular Plant C. Xylem D. Phloem E. Photosynthesis F. Spores G. Dicot H. Monocot I. Embryo J. Seeds
Plant Worksheet A. Vascular Plant B. Nonvascular Plant C. Xylem D. Phloem E. Photosynthesis F. Spores G. Dicot H. Monocot I. Embryo J. Seeds
Plant Worksheet A. Vascular Plant B. Nonvascular Plant C. Xylem D. Phloem E. Photosynthesis F. Spores G. Dicot H. Monocot I. Embryo J. Seeds
Plant Worksheet
Directions: Place the letter of the most correct answer to the left of each number.
a. vascular plant b. nonvascular plant c. xylem d. phloem
e. photosynthesis f. spores g. dicot h. monocot i. embryo j. seeds
__________1. Specific type of plant tissue that transports water and minerals from the roots, through the stems, to leaves
__________2. Specific type of plant tissue that transports food (sugar) made in the leaves to the entire plant
__________3. Type of plant that is usually taller (longer) and has vascular tissue (xylem and phloem) that provides support
_______________ 4. The process by which plants make food
__________5. Examples of these plants include mosses, liverworts, and other plants with no xylem or phloem
__________6. This is what almost all non-flowering plants reproduce from (except cone bearing plants)
__________7. A type of plant with a seed that has one food storage area
__________8. A type of plant with a seed that has two food storage areas
Directions: Place the letter of the most correct answer to the left of each number.
__________9. Other than transporting water, what is a function of xylem?
a. making food transporting food c. helping support the plant d. catching light
__________10. These classifications of flowering plants have leaves with veins that are parallel to each other.
a. Monocot Plants b. Dicot Plants
c. Nonvascular Plants d. Spore Producing Plants
__________11. These classifications of flowering plants produce flowers with 4 or 5 petals.
a. Monocot Plants b. Dicot Plants
c. Nonvascular Plants d. Spore Producing Plants
__________12. Plants are similar to animals in which of the following ways?
a. They both make seeds and reproduce
b. They both go through the process of photosynthesis
c. They both respond to their environment
d. They each can court and respond to sound
__________13. Which of the following plants are considered nonvascular plants?
a. Monocot Plants b. Dicot Plants c. Ferns d. Moss
__________14. A flower’s ovary becomes a seed so, what comes second, a flower or a seed?
a. Flower b. Seed c. Spores d. They develop at the same time
__________15. What structure on a conifer or evergreen plant produces seeds?
a. Flowers b. Cones c. Spores d. Pine Needles
__________16. All of the following are ways seeds are dispersed except:
a. Amount of light c. Birds/Animals
b. Water d. Wind
__________17. These plants must get nutrients directly from the environment and distribute it from cell to cell.
a. Vascular c. Nonvascular
b. Seed Producing d. Cone Bearing
__________18. Almost all flowerless plants reproduce from which of the following:
a. Spores c. Seeds
b. Water d. Vascular
__________19. Which types of plants are generally larger?
a. Vascular c. Nonvascular
b. Fungi d. Vertebrates
__________20. A seed can be produced in which of the following types of plants?
a. Corn c. Fern
b. Moss d. Mushroom