How To Make $1,000 in 48 Hours: Confidential Guide
How To Make $1,000 in 48 Hours: Confidential Guide
How To Make $1,000 in 48 Hours: Confidential Guide
Confidential Guide
Jeff: Right, okay, now let me ask you another question, a little bit next part of the topic here, if
somebody needed to make emergency money.
Shawn: Okay?
Jeff: There may be people on this call today that have been in that situation or I know that
myself, I’ve been in that situation plenty of times. Let’s say to make a thousand dollars in
forty-eight hours, could you just quickly walk us through the steps that you would go
through to make that kind of emergency money based on all the stuff we just talked
Shawn: Sure. Well, the first thing I would do, I’m just going to assume that people have very
little money to spend, that they’re not experts, that they’re not comfortable being an
expert, they’re not going to write a killer sales letter over night or anything else. We’re
not going to give anybody any great credit for the moment, which means that if you’re
good at all that stuff it’s just going to be even easier. But, the first thing you got to decide
is if you’re going to make money fast, we’re going to come straight back to the basics
which is we’ve got to find something that’s hot, something that’s a great target market.
Shawn: The market first, because the markets going to determine what we want to sell them. At
the same time, however, you’re going to be thinking in the back of your head who do I
know that’s an expert that might have something that a target market would be interested
in. For instance, you might live next door to the woman who has grown the prize-winning
roses in the Atlanta garden club, seventy-two years in a row. She’s a stone cold expert,
got fifty-seven blue ribbons, and everything else that you want. You say, I know
somebody I can interview who’s a rose gardening expert, how hard is it to make a
product now? Not hard, I can walk next door with a tape recorder and go let me ask you
questions for the next hour, do you mind? Even if you do it for a hundred bucks, buy her
a beer, something. Finding experts is easy, finding people who like to talk is easy, just
listen to us. I would, as a combination of those two things, start to quickly brainstorm
about what are hot target markets I can think of, and what are people that I have easy
access to because you want to make this easy, that might have some expertise, it might be
a guy who’s brilliant, who’s a brilliant golf instructor, it might be anybody because we’re
not looking to make a fortune here, but this is the same cool way we can create a product
really quickly. Which is, all we got to do is think about okay, what do we got that people
might be really excited about, and if you’re doing this in a seasonal basis, you want to
think how can I tie this into the seasons because, or not the seasons, but whatever is
happening at the moment. If it’s Valentines Day, or Easter, or whatever, or it’s time to
plant roses, something that makes this maybe more timely. Let’s say I’m going to use this
rose gardening person, I find the rose gardening person, and she agrees that she’ll let me
interview her and create this product. Well the easiest way to do this, as far as I’m
concerned, is to set up a teleseminar because we can do this and we don’t even have to, in
advance have created a product to deliver. Alright, in fact, well let me jump back, you
could actually sell the product and tell people it’s coming in a week and give them an
early bird discount, but let’s assume you don’t even want to do that. We just want to
deliver on the spot. We can go, and I don’t want to make this too complicated, but you
can go instantly to somebody like pay pal, who is not a great long-term place necessarily
to have a merchant account. But you can set up a business and be able to collect credit
card money, and check money and everything else from pay pal instantly so we can
instantly be able to collect money. And we can go and we can set up a web page with
some basic bullets and headline and everything else that, we’re having a one time only
special teleseminar with Hazel rose growing person. So, set up a page, tell people we’re
going to charge nineteen bucks to this teleseminar and then we can just run out, we can
go to gold automation dot com because you can use it free for a month, right? So no more
cost there, set up a quick affiliate program just follow the little steps, and go out and start
emailing, or better yet calling everybody we can find that has either a newsletter on roses
or a website with rose stuff, and say listen, I’m doing this teleseminar, I’ll give you half,
this is going to be really cool, we’re going to have a lot of fun, we’re going to have
people ask questions, this women has been doing this for fifty years, she has a great
personality, people love her, here’s all accolades, blah, blah, blah, blah. Most people are
going to say no, but you don’t need everybody, you just need a few people. You’re going
to find a few people to promote this, and people will come to the website, people will
sign up, you go do the teleseminar, you make money. You get your thousand bucks; you
need sixty, seventy, eighty people depending on how much you’re paying out the
affiliates commissions. If you record this teleseminar, you have a product because now
you have an audio file, you can get that transcribed and turned into a book. You not only
have, this is a very simplified version obviously, but you not only have money, you also
made a product. It is that easy. So, I hope I didn’t go through that too quickly.
Jeff: No, you didn’t at all; I mean I’m just listening to what you’re saying here and again it all
focuses around having the right target market.
Shawn: Right.
Jeff: So the thing that you described would not work, like Shawn if you were trying weight
loss for example.
Shawn: Mmhmm?
Jeff: Like what you just said, it would be very difficult to do because it’s not really a target
market; I mean it’s like everybody.
Shawn: Right, it’s everybody, right. You just can’t go out and find the weight loss list that easily,
Shawn: Right.
Jeff: And you’re competing. If you go pay per clicks search engines to see what companies are
paying for leads for weight loss, like weight watchers, and you can’t go up against weight
Jeff: But I’m saying what you described is if somebody finds a niche, hot target market, you
don’t need one, what you want is one that is very, very rabid and passionate about the
Shawn: Right.
Jeff: And, like your using your rose growing, I don’t know anything about it but I bet you any
amount of money there’s people and lots of them, that you can find online who this is
their passion.
Jim: It’s so much easier these days with the Internet, I mean, in the old mail order business
that I learned to do from you Jeff, I did this very same thing with and as you know, I was
in very small niche of heating and air conditioning contractors. And there’s such a thing
as a service agreement that you get on your appliances, and you get on your furnaces, and
it’s a hot topic for contractors to sell these service agreements. And there were about six
people in the industry selling the best information, and I did interview all six of those and
I ended up having a six tape set program to sell all of my customers. It took me about
three days to put it together.
Jeff: And it’s not a huge market, but it’s a very, very passionate market about that topic.
Shawn: Right.
Jim: Yeah, but ninety thousand dollars doing that, and there was no information of my own in
there. And that was the hard way, I had to hook up tape recorders, and I had to use
cassettes and I mean now you can use conference lines, you can actually get free
conference lines online you can sign up for, there’s no cost to anything. You can take a
cord and go from your computer to your tape set or record it into your computer, a cord
from your computer to your phone, you’ve got digital files and your ready to go.
Shawn: Yeah, and in terms of cost, if you just want to set up a teleseminar one time and get it
recorded, you’re not going to spend more than two hundred bucks. And they’ll send you
a cd with a digital file on it. You don’t even have to be skilled.
Jim: And that’s if you wanted to go as streamlined as possible, like we all do.
Shawn: Right.
Shawn: No.
Jim: So, we use a conference call company, we let them record the call, we let them put it in a
digital file, and send it to us. But if you are on a budget you can go out there and search
Google for free conference calls, and you can find some services that will let you do it for
free, but they’ll limit the amount of people you have on the call. Well, if you’re just doing
an interview that’s okay. If you’re doing a call like this where you might have a couple
hundred people or whatever then you can’t necessarily use these free services. If you’re
going to do an interview you can get it done for virtually nothing if you search hard
enough. You got a few bucks; you can get it done a little quicker.
Shawn: Yep.
Jeff: Okay, Shawn, let me ask you about affiliate programs, what relates to this whole issue.
Do you sell other people’s products through their affiliate programs?
Shawn: Oh, absolutely! One of the things we do in back-end marketing, and this is where the
Internet has made my life so simple. In the old days, pre-Internet, if you had a customer
base and you wanted to sell more products and services you basically had to go make
them, own them, create them, warehouse them, everything. With the Internet, you can
think of everything your customer might possibly want to buy, related to your target
market and make offers to them through affiliate programs. Let me give you a couple
quick ideas. Let’s go back to rose gardening, and I just popped into overtures free tool
and between rose garden and rose gardening, there were thirty thousand people that
searched those two terms last month on overture. You can probably double that at least,
and figure there’s sixty, seven, sixty or seventy thousand people looking for that online.
And you can bet those people aren’t randomly doing it, so it’s probably pretty, you know,
rabid marketplace. If somebody buys a book on rose gardening, we know that they’re
interested in rose gardening. We also know that they’re going to want to buy stuff related
to rose gardening besides the book. They’re going to want to buy roses; they’re going to
want to buy gloves, shears, and fertilizer, besides more stuff about rose gardening. And
maybe other kinds of gardening stuff because if they have roses they might have sixteen
other things growing in their yard that they’re going to want to know about. So, we can
think of everything that anybody on our target market might want to buy, and go out and
find affiliate programs so we can sell those products to those people. Here’s the thing,
this rose gardening person, Jeff, is going to buy stuff from somebody. If you refer them to
good, quality products and services, they but through your affiliate link, you just get
money. You don’t do any additional work. So, can you, in your e-book, make
recommendations when your talking about pruning that these are the best pruning shears
that you ever found. Yeah, and some people are going to go buy stuff. Can you do it in
your customer member area? Sure. Can you do it in follow-up email series? Sure.
Jeff: You say you put these links directly in the book?
Jeff: Okay.
Shawn: Yeah, so you can put a link right in the book when you’re talking about the best way to
prune a rose, and you tell people look, if you don’t have the right shears, you know, if
they’re not sharp you’re going to… everything else, and if you don’t listen, click this link
go get the right shears. You know, these are the best available on the market, go here.
And not everybody’s going to click on the link, but everybody who does gets free money.
Jeff: Right, so you’re saying you put the link actually in the product.
Shawn: Sure.
Jeff: Then you also put them in whatever other things you’re offering like a member website
or other?
Shawn: Yeah.
Jeff: Then also, to of course send out follow-up emails, now do a lot of affiliate programs give
you emails to send out where they’re already good emails and stuff?
Jeff: Okay.
Shawn: Most affiliate programs are not geared towards the information concept of direct selling.
Most affiliate programs will give you like banner ads and stuff, so they’re really
worthless. So you’ll have to figure out a little bit of direct response selling in order to
make good referrals.
Jeff: Okay, now, one more question, and then Jim we can go to q and a. One question, you
said you don’t write your own products anymore, like you said it was like sucking blood
out of you to write the first book.
Jeff: Now, do you have other people do your products for you now when you come up with
new products or how does that work?
Shawn: Well, now, from my marketplace, I don’t because I personally hold myself out to be a
marketing expert, so I’m not going to go out and have somebody ghost write my products
for me. Because I don’t think that would be fair, and probably wouldn’t be as well, the
content wouldn’t be as strong as it could be. What I do instead to create my particular
products, and I’ll tell you some other easy things in a second, is that I record stuff.
Whether as I do it as an interview format, in a teleseminar, or I simply when I want to
create something or write something make myself a quick outline and I just sit down at
my computer and record audio files. Which I can do way faster than I can write, and
there’s like a writer’s block between your head and you head, but there’s not between
your head and your mouth. Just think about how many things we’ve all said that they
never should have said. There’s no block, you can talk forever most people, especially if
there’s no audience, there’s no reason to be afraid. So you can literally, I use a program
called shoot, I’ll tell you in one second because it’s on my desktop, you can buy this
online, it’s called, it’s made by a company called acoustica, it’s their mp three audio
mixer. It’s just a little, it’s like twenty-nine bucks, you download it, and install it, and you
can record audio files that are mp threes or wave files, the kind of files that play on your
computer, and they’re real easy to edit. But I just talk, and if I talk for two hours, I talk
for two hours, and then I just, I have somebody transcribe the file for me. Then all I’ve
got to do is just roll through it, make a couple quick edits, and I’ve gotten the written
version of whatever I wanted to write. And editing costs you, you can buy it cheaper than
this, but the most expensive you should pay is a dollar a minute. So, if I talk for two
hours it costs me a hundred twenty dollars for somebody to edit, for someone to
transcribe it into words. And it saves me days of pain.
Shawn: Actually we have some outsource customer service people that we use, but I’m going to
recommend people if you don’t know who to use, there’s, man, there’s one that has a
really good website name that I know of, people use, but I can’t think of the...
Shawn: But I mean, you can also go to e lance dot com, which I’m going to recommend in terms
of getting people to even create products for you. Which is simply e-l-a-n-c-e dot com.
You go there, sign up for a free account, and you can place any project you want to have
people do up on this service. And that includes getting stuff transcribed that includes
getting books written. My sister sells a book on downs syndrome, babies first year of
downs syndrome, that book was actually written by somebody with great technical
writing skills, we looked at samples ahead of time before the book was written. This
person lived in India, wrote this book, turned over all author’s rights to my sister’s book,
it’s like a hundred sixty pages long with footnotes, five hundred bucks. Written to her
specifications, she’s now the author, she owns it, so it was essentially ghost written by
somebody else.
Jeff: Okay, and how much do you think you should pay for transcription you said?
Jeff: Okay, all right, Jim do you have any questions for Shawn before we open it up?
Jim: No, what we’ll do is we got some of those resources, we’ll get Shawn’s too, and we’ll get
those transcription resources to the Internet.
Jeff: Okay, good. All right Shawn, this is really, really helpful. And I appreciate you taking the
time to walk us through this in painful detail like this.
Shawn: Sure.