MMP Spectrum Report - Yellow

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The Millionaire Master Plan Test ~ Part 2

! Your Wealth Level

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You are at Yellow Level
This is your
Spectrum Report
Date: 03-08-2022
! Congratulations,
! you are at
Yellow is the fourth level of nine levels in the Wealth Spectrum. Yellow is empowered
to forge your own journey. You know how to create value, leverage it and make money
in your niche. You have created a level of freedom, but your earnings are limited as you
and your enterprises still rely on you more than others to keep things flowing.

Welcome to the Enterprise Prism, where all the money is made. Whether you are in a
business, are self-employed, or hold a job, you find yourself in demand. You love what
you do and create your own flow. Be careful, though: Yellow Level can become a vortex
of frustration. You can easily get stuck and achieve only a fraction of your true
potential. Many find their winning formula here by putting the “pedal to the metal.”
The result is multiple projects or businesses, all of them moving but none of them
really working well as well as they should. That’s because they all depend one thing:
you. And if you stop, the money stops. The solution? Change gears and move up a level.

The Nine Wealth Levels

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level of the Wealth Lighthouse and to grow your Genius network
Yellow Level
! The Player

“I love what I do and

create my own flow.”

Measure Positive cash flow from mastering your market

Emotions Self reliance; attraction; limitation
Benefit of staying here Freedom; flexibility; self-indulgence
Cost of staying here Limited growth; limited impact; isolation
Focus needed Rhythm and mastery
How did I get here? Resourcefulness; resilience; stubbornness
How do I stay here? Identify Your Identity; Master Your Market; Monetize Your
How do I move up? Establish Your Enterprise; Refine your Rhythm; Synchronize
your Steps

Positive cash flow from mastering your market
You have mastered your own personal flow, but this flow still relies on
you as the music relies on a main Player. Moving to Green level
Performer – which is the next step in multiplying your flow - is all
about trusting others as much as you trust yourself, which means
following strategies which are often the opposite of what got you to
Yellow level.

Self reliance; attraction; limitation
Yellow players have learnt how to build a business. You have a level of
self reliance (which is why everything relies on yourself). That has
given you a level of independence and freedom that you don’t want to
give up. You might choose to stay here, but if you choose to move up,
there is a big step forward from independence (where it’s all about
you) to interdependence (where it’s all about others).

Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take GeniusU Learning Missions at each
level of the Wealth Lighthouse and to grow your Genius network
Emotions (Continued)
Self reliance; attraction; limitation
! !
While Orange level has proven that they can swim (and keep their head

above water), Yellow level has used their ability to swim as the qualifier
to get out of the water and become a sea-faring sailor. The skill is now
not in the swimming, but in the navigating.
That means self-reliance is a key part at Yellow level. Many in self-
employment are at Yellow level, but then there are many who are self-
employed who are still at Orange level. The difference is that Yellow
level knows how to package flow into profit-making campaigns and
promotions, and know how to build attraction within their market.
This is a level of self-reliance where you are focused on what you need
to do to make things happen.
There are employees who are at Yellow level, and there are business
owners who are at Yellow level. All Yellow is empowered through their
own skill level, but limited by needing to get it done themselves. They
have set a rhythm that works for them intuitively, but that limits them
from empowering a team at the level that Green does. This limit is like
a musician who is skilled at an instrument, but who needs to keep
playing them self in order to hear the music.

Benefit of staying here

Freedom; flexibility; self-indulgence
Many Yellow level Players are constantly frustrated that they can’t find
others that can do what they do. So it’s easy to convince yourself that
you need to keep doing things the way you’re doing them. The truth is,
there are benefits to staying at this level. The benefits of a level are
often invisible, but they are what draw us unconsciously to remain at
that level – even when we consciously want to move out of the level.
Yellow level allows us to have freedom and flexibility to break free of
the dependence on a job. Will we have that same freedom if we build
our business too big or too many people are relying on us? Many at
Yellow level fantasize about expanding their enterprise but then the
personal freedom they think they will lose makes them shy away from
building the team and taking the actions.
Self-indulgence is a need for instant gratification with your time similar
to how Infrared level are stuck in instant gratification with their
money. They lose their money, and you lose your time. Investing your
time in building a plumbing system maintained by others when you
reach blue level is a different level of freedom waiting for you.

Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take GeniusU Learning Missions at each
level of the Wealth Lighthouse and to grow your Genius network
Cost of staying here
Limited growth; limited impact; isolation
! !
! The cost when you choose to stay at Yellow level is limited growth. Like
! a pot plant limited by the pot, the height to which you can grow
depends on the reach of your roots. When you have a look at the

entrepreneurs and investors that have extended far beyond themselves,
they have always achieved it at a level of Green or beyond.
While limited growth is a current cost to you, your limited impact is
your future cost. As long as you are relying on yourself for all your
major strategic decisions, you are the bottleneck in your own legacy.
Your results are largely limited by your own time, and your
opportunities are limited by what passes your way, rather than what
passes through your environment and picked up by others.
Finally, by living at a level where you are a focal point of action and
attraction, you are limiting your own relationship with trust, and the
experience of selecting the right people around you who you can trust –
others who hold your future in their hands, and where there trust in
you becomes both valuable and necessary. This becomes most clear as
the direction of a market changes or as your early partners progress in
their own areas of success.
When you’re stuck at yellow level, you’re stuck having to figure
everything out for yourself. When you move up to Green Performer
level and above, you’re the the first to be invited into the new
opportunities that appear.

Focus Needed
Rhythm and mastery
Like a musician who has gone from solo to a band, the first step is to
reset your rhythm in what you do and when you do it from yourself to
an enterprise. When you meet for strategy, review and renew needs to
be preset and preparation becomes as important as the performance.
Hand in hand with this is a mastery in playing with others, which
means changing the question from ‘How do I get into flow’ to ‘How do I
help you to get into flow’. This is a mastery that means being
accountable for and to others to gain a far higher level of performance.
Going from Yellow to Green is like switching from lead guitar to the
drums. You let others take the limelight while maintaining the rhythm.
You put more emphasis on the rehearsals and preparation with the
team than making it up once you’re on the stage.

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How did I get here?

Making a stand: At Yellow level, you are standing out from the crowd
in a specific area that reflects who you are. Your curiousity and skill in
understanding how to direct flow and attraction has led to you moving
from Orange to Yellow, whether you were aware of it or not. This
means you are not dependent on a job – as you know how to create
your own flow. That is as long as you stay curious and up-to-date with
the changes in your industry.
Doing it yourself: Some people move straight from Orange to Green,
by staying within a high-performing team. In your case, you have relied
more on yourself – which means you have shrunk your circle of trust
(and effectiveness) to surround just yourself and a few others. So while
you have the freedom to play your own music, you’ve trapped yourself
in a state where it’s impossible at this level to reclaim your time. Some
people stay at Yellow all their life, and are quite happy to keep doing
what they do. It’s a choice that you can now be conscious of. Stay where
you are without frustration and envy, or make the choice to move up to
Green and Blue level.
Seeking freedom: The easiest way to gain time freedom is to do what
you’ve done, and live at Yellow level. This is not the same as gaining
financial freedom, which comes from mastering Green and then Blue
level (as it will be high performing teams managing your assets and not
assets on their own that will sustain your flow of passive income). So
while the desire to create your destiny got you here, now decide
whether you want to create your destiny or master your destiny.

How do I stay here?

Identify your identity: Creating attraction in your market niche is
not that different from getting to know your garden before planting
the seeds. What does the market need? What price is right? Who
should I connect with? What position am I playing in this game?
These are all questions working from the outside in, where often the
best opportunities come simply by staying in the flow.
This strategy that got you to Yellow is the same one that will stop
you moving to Green. Green level doesn’t work from the outside in,
but from the inside out – with more time in preparation of the
strategies, systems, service and team necessary to cope with a bigger
flow. This is a switch from a focus on the plumber to the focus on the
plumbing system.

Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take GeniusU Learning Missions at each
level of the Wealth Lighthouse and to grow your Genius network
! How do I stay here? (Continued)
! !
! Master your market: Success at Yellow level comes from staying out
! in front – connecting with the market and finding the smartest ways to

 capture flow of money in exchange for flow of value. This is what will
keep you in Yellow as the market changes. This time out in front comes
with a cost, though. As the Yellow Player you don’t need to write down
the notes you’re going to play, but as a Performer in an orchestra, you
need to be following the same score as everyone else on the stage. That
means more time working internally with the team where every person
does one thing instead of one person doing everything.
Monetize your moment: At Yellow level, you know how to package
value and exchange it for money – Whether that is creating a new
product or service, or trading properties, shares or other assets, you
know how to speak the language of fair exchange. This is like knowing
how to reap your crops after the first two steps of sowing and
nurturing. If you want to move to Green level, however, the question is
no longer “How do I make money” but “How can I help you make
money.” There is a paradigm shift from moments of wealth creation to
an ongoing wealth stream that flows outside of you.
At Yellow level, you stay there by continuing to rely on yourself as the
centre of control. To move to Green level, you need to shift the centre
entirely from you being the centre, to your enterprise being the centre.
Like having a baby, your enterprise will take after you, but will have its
own identity, character and rhythm. How you guide it is the key.

How do I move up?

Establish your enterprise: The first step at Green level is to give
your enterprise a stronger identity than you have. Whether this is your
trading company, or your investment vehicle – this is where you want
to create sustainable flow. Establishing your enterprise means being
clear what size of flow you plan to see three years from now: How
market position, how many customers, what revenue and profit, what
value, what size team, and then setting up the projects to support that
flow. What financial systems do you need? What quality team? What
culture, service, training, partnerships and communications? This
sounds overwhelming at Yellow level as you are used to working these
things out yourself. At Green level, you begin with the team.

Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take GeniusU Learning Missions at each
level of the Wealth Lighthouse and to grow your Genius network
How do I move up? (Continued)

Refine your rhythm: Yellow level often pride themselves on their
time freedom, where they do what they want when they want. That’s
why most Yellow level Players cannot build an enterprise without it
outgrowing itself into chaos. Your enterprise will get into flow through
a rhythm of manage and measure, review and renew. When do you
meet each week to review your key metrics? When do you meet every
month to review your financials? How do you connect every quarter to
review your team and projects, and every year to renew your strategy?
Yellow level often change strategy far too often and don’t review key
metrics often enough to keep the heartbeat of the enterprise in rhythm.
Synchronize your steps: Like a musical orchestra, when you play
becomes as important as what you play. Grabbing someone else’s
instrument because they aren’t playing it right isn’t good etiquette, yet
it happens all the time with small business owners trying to grow
bigger. Leaving them to play when they are off key also isn’t the
solution. Synchronization is different from abdication. It means
knowing the times when you are tuning in before the score begins, and
giving time each week and month to re-synchronize with each other,
your customers, partners, stakeholders and the market.
Remember that moving up to Green level is a choice! Many people stay
happily at Yellow level with a small business their entire life. If you are
ready to move, Green level is counter intuitive for someone at Yellow,
as it appears you are giving up freedom. Like a player who wants to join
a band, but then realises that means he now needs to show up for
practice. This is about less freedom, but more responsibility to
something greater than yourself. Once your enterprise and team have a
flow of their own, you have far more freedom and flow than you can
achieve at Yellow: Many at Yellow level aspire to multiple streams of
income – which is Blue level. The only way to get there sustainably is
through Green, as it will be through multiple teams of income that you
get to multiple streams.

Read your Chapter

Read your Chapter within the Millionaire Master Plan to see how
each Genius naturally moves through these three steps. You will
also see exactly what not do to as well as what to do.
Then, follow the Mission on GeniusU to move from this level to the
next. You will find videos as well as assessments and Playbooks for
each of these three steps. Focus on these steps and track your
progress to achieve measurable, tangible change.

Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take GeniusU Learning Missions at each
level of the Wealth Lighthouse and to grow your Genius network

The Five Spectrum Principles

!Before we go into the details of what your results mean, here are the five Spectrum
Principles to keep in mind:

We are all in the Spectrum. ALL economic

conditions – from being in debt to being a millionaire to
controlling a country’s taxes to being a global philanthropist –
exist in the 9 levels of the Spectrum. A wealth gap makes us
powerless. A wealth ladder allows us to start climbing.

The Spectrum is always here. Every level of the

spectrum plays an economic role which keeps money flowing,
so all nine levels exist. Complaining about your (or any other)
level won’t make it disappear - or improve your own situation.

The Spectrum is the map to your wealth.

We change levels through our life. Understanding the nine
levels and where you are empowers you to ensure your path to
your success is deliberate and not accidental.

Your level determines your reality. Every

level has a level of flow and a level of consciousness. When we
move levels, our flow changes and so does our awareness. The
problems and opportunities you see in life will depend on the
level you are at. When you change level, what appeared to be
big issues often simply disappear.

Your wealth is your choice. When you know

your level, you can choose to stay at that level, move down or
up. Each has costs and benefits. Knowing your level gives you
the power to direct your focus on the next steps to take. Your
wealth is your choice.

When you understand the nine levels, and why we get stuck at each level, you can use
your Genius to follow your natural path from one level to the next.

Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take GeniusU Learning Missions at each
level of the Wealth Lighthouse and to grow your Genius network
The Three Wealth Prisms
Your level is one of nine, divided into the 3 Wealth Prisms. These link all wealth flow

 from personal to commercial to universal – This covers the entire world of wealth we
live in. Each Prism includes three levels, which together make up the nine levels of the
Wealth Lighthouse. You are always only at one level at any one time, and seeing all
levels will give you a full picture of where you want to – and don’t want to – be playing.

The Foundation Prism

This is mastery of the wealth flowing through our life: Our
ability to create an abundant flow of value and money through
our life regardless of market conditions.

The Enterprise Prism

This is mastery of the wealth flowing through our markets: Our
ability to manage investments and enterprises effectively to
flow value and money through our teams and markets.

The Alchemy Prism

This is mastery of the wealth flowing through our societies:
This is the prism in which money itself is made and the rules of
our markets are created.

Why is it so important to move through these three prisms in this order? Many of us
have a desire to have an impact in the world, but the only way to have that impact is to
master flow at a community level. We can do that after mastering market flow, and that
requires first mastering our own personal flow. Like a captain who wants to set sail to
distant shores, the journey begins with being on the crew of other ships - and the only
way to get on a crew is first learning how to swim.
That’s the distinction between the three prisms - From mastering your personal flow, to
mastering market flow, to mastering global flow. At every step, you are ‘earning the
right’ to move to the next level. Like gears in a car, once you understand each level you
can move smoothly from one to the next, and change pace with the seasons - in your
team, your company and your industry.

Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take GeniusU Learning Missions at each
level of the Wealth Lighthouse and to grow your Genius network
The Nine Wealth Levels
The nine wealth levels measure your level of mastery in creating value and leveraging it
profitably. Here is an overview of the nine levels. Read them in context of where you
! currently are, and where you plan to be:

The Foundation Prism

Infrared Level: Victim
Infrared falls deeper in debt month after month. Infrared
comes from separation, and the steps out come from discipline
and duty. You need to fix the plumbing before filling the pipe,
and setting up the habit of paying yourself first.

Red Level: Survivor

Red makes just enough money to have nothing. You may even
have a successful business, but if you are just surviving
personally, every business problem becomes a personal
problem, which means you are your business’ greatest liability.

Orange Level: Worker

Orange is someone who works for a living. Whether you are in
a job or self-employed, when you are Orange you have to work
hard to earn a living, and you don’t know how to multiply your
income. An Orange world is about action, not attraction.

The Enterprise Prism

Yellow Level: Player
Yellow is empowered to forge your own journey. You know
how to create value, leverage it and make money in your niche.
You have created a level of freedom, but your earnings are
limited as you and your enterprises still rely on you more than
others to keep things flowing.

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level of the Wealth Lighthouse and to grow your Genius network
! Green Level: Performer
! !
Green enables enterprises: Leading a team profitably is
entirely different from self-employment, but the rewards are
exponential. While Yellow works from outside in, Green works
from inside out, leading to high performance teams and

Blue Level: Conductor

Blue frees you entirely from having your hands full. Blue level
has multiple investments and has mastered both cash and
capital. Blue speaks an entirely different language, focus and
set of measures, with multiple teams of income.

The Alchemy Prism

Indigo Level: Trustee
Indigo is the playground of the billionaire. When you have
mastered the enterprise prism, trust becomes your greatest
asset and one that you can monetize in magical ways.
Understand this level, and you will see the world’s wealthy
through a new lens.

Violet Level: Composer

Violet prints our currencies, sets our taxes and scripts the
tunes we dance to. Until recently the domain of nations, more
entrepreneurs, leaders and communities are now stepping into
the role of composer and rewriting the rules by which the rest
of us play.

Ultra-violet Level: Legend

Those at ultraviolet are the symbols to live by, like legends on a
map. Their names become synonymous with their
composition, and are left as a legacy. This level has a frequency
that lasts over generations, and the rise and fall of nations.

Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take GeniusU Learning Missions at each
level of the Wealth Lighthouse and to grow your Genius network
The 9 Levels
The following is an extract from the Millionaire Master
Plan, giving you more details on how the nine Wealth
levels connect with each other and to your flow:

! Why we get stuck at each level

Have you ever met someone stuck in a job, dreaming of being their own boss but never
making the move? Or have you met someone who made the move only to find the formula
that made them a great employee is now making them a terrible entrepreneur? Have you
ever met someone who grew a small business to earn their freedom only to find they can’t
even afford to take a holiday?
Do you have friends who have been in these situations, but later had a breakthrough and
found that the invisible ceiling they were bumping against year after year magically
disappeared? They can always pinpoint afterward the shift in mind-set and actions they
went through. They will always tell you they needed to let go of something and adopt a
whole new set of rules, which led to a whole new set of actions.
As we progress along our entrepreneurial and business paths, every one of us reaches a
moment when, no matter how hard we try, we cannot move ahead with the same strategy
that got us there. Think of the gears in a car: Putting our foot on the accelerator while still
in a lower level is no longer the answer to moving faster into the next level. Shifting from
one level to the next means letting go of our winning formula and learning an entirely new
one. In other words, going faster in this “car” means taking your foot off the accelerator in
order to change gears. You need to disengage the clutch, let the car freewheel (even if only
for a few seconds), and reengage with an entirely new gear—a gear that until that point was
not even being used.
There is a good chance that as you look at the people around you who are at different levels
than you, and you read even these short descriptions of the levels and how we get stuck,
you will nod knowingly and say, “I’ve been trying to tell them that for so long, but they just
won’t listen.” Why is it that it can seem so obvious to us what others could do to move out
of their level, but it still feels so difficult for us to move ourselves?
The reason is, we enjoy a freedom at our current level that unconsciously we do not want to
let go of.

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level of the Wealth Lighthouse and to grow your Genius network
!! Freedom of Choice vs Movement
In the Foundation Prism, as an Infrared Victim I could see that (in theory) with more
discipline and application I could move to Red Level. But I didn’t want to give up my
freedom of choice to spend my time and money the way I wanted to.
When I got to Red Survivor by giving up my freedom of choice with a more
disciplined routine that made me the money I needed to survive, I gained freedom of
movement. I was less stressed and more able to make use of my Dynamo Genius. But to
move to Orange Worker meant being even more accountable to serving others and
fitting in to their schedule. That meant losing the one thing I had fought for at Red Level:
my freedom of movement.
When I got to Orange Worker, what I gained was a new level of freedom of choice.
Many opportunities came my way that weren’t there before. But then to move up to
Yellow Level meant focusing on a niche, which meant giving up this freedom of choice I
had just fought for! I would need to say no to many of the opportunities coming my way.
It gets even harder when we move into the Enterprise Prism. As a Yellow Player I gained
a freedom of movement to do what I wanted and go where I wanted—the kind of
freedom that Tim Ferriss talks about in The 4-Hour Workweek. To move to Green Level
meant building a team, a schedule, and accountability. I would need to give up the
freedom of movement I was enjoying.
When I committed to creating the rhythm and model necessary to attract a team, as a
Green Performer I gained a new freedom of choice that comes from a sustainable
businesses that does not depend on any one person—the kind of choice that Jim Collins
talks about in From Good to Great.
Higher-level opportunities came our way. But to move to Blue Level meant giving up that
freedom of choice to select my team and decide how the business would work. I would
need to leave that to others who would run my businesses for me.
In becoming a Blue Conductor and having others lead my businesses for me, I could no
longer choose what I could change in my businesses; instead I empowered others to make
those decisions for me. But with multiple streams of income, I gained an even higher level
of freedom of movement.
At this level, the higher calling to be an Indigo Trustee for your industry or cause
inevitably arrives. At this point, you need to ask if you are willing to give up that freedom
of movement you have earned to live up to the higher public expectations of being a role
model for or leader of your industry or cause.
Notice a pattern? In the nine steps up the Wealth Lighthouse, we move in a
zigzag from freedom of choice to freedom of movement.

Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take GeniusU Learning Missions at each
level of the Wealth Lighthouse and to grow your Genius network

 Driver vs Designer

We progress through personal value and personal leverage to social value and social
leverage. At each step we move from the driver (who knows how to drive the vehicle but
not how to build it) to the designer (who knows how to design the vehicle).
The driver has freedom of choice - but needs to show up to the timetable of others, and so
loses freedom of movement. The designer has freedom of movement - but is no longer
automatically connected to an intersection of opportunities, so loses freedom of choice.
In giving up freedom of movement or freedom of choice, we are sacrificing the reason we
fought so hard to get to that level. But we need to let go to move up - sacrifice is key.
But remember this: At every level, we may have to give up on choice or movement, but we
never give up freedom itself—the freedom we have earned in order to earn the right to
move to the next level and how great it feels to do it in our natural genius state. It feels,
well, freeing!

Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take GeniusU Learning Missions at each
level of the Wealth Lighthouse and to grow your Genius network
The Power of Zero
Think about what feels like a lot to you now. When I was twenty-two and my mentor
challenged me to make an extra $100 each month, I thought that was easy. When he said I
could make an extra $100,000 each month, I thought he was crazy. So what feels like a lot
of money to you in terms of those zeroes? Is it $10, $100, $1,000, $10,000, or more?
What is the amount of money you would really notice if it disappeared from
your bank account tomorrow?
When I was seven, I received pocket money of 50 cents each week. I thought, If I save up
my pocket money, I can buy a bicycle like my friend Paul got for his birthday. I didn’t take
the time to work out how many months or years I would need to save. I just remember
saving, and after one month I had two dollars. Five months later, I had ten dollars.
Then we moved to a new house and in the move I lost my piggy bank. I literally lost all the
money in my piggy bank! It was heartbreaking. Ten dollars was like a million dollars to me
then. More than a decade later, when I was in Cambridge and ran my first little business as
a student, I was at Red Level; $10 was no longer a lot to me. But $100 was. By the time I
got to Orange, I wouldn’t miss $100 because there was more money flowing, but $1,000
became a risk. By the time I moved through Yellow Level, $10,000 was not so much (I was
used to seeing that move rapidly in the day-to-day of the team), but $100,000 was a
stretch to risk or lose.
Simply put, I earned the right to play with more zeroes at the next level by achieving the
level below naturally and automatically. Adding a zero to what I was willing to comfortably
lose (and a zero to what I was able to make) unlocked a new code—a new language—which
we all need in order to listen with clarity and speak fluently at the level above.
By focusing at the right size and speed of your promotions, as you rise up the levels one
step at a time, you can turn what felt like a lot to something that you know is much easier
to make. While promotions in the Foundation Prism are largely based around using your
time and genius to connect to the flow of others, Yellow Level promotions are larger
because you are now engineering new sources of flow—launching a new product, starting a
new partnership, or entering a new market.
The difference between $1 and $1,000,000 is just six zeros. Think of each level
up the Wealth Lighthouse as adding a zero to what feels natural to make, to
lose, to get and to give. That’s the power of zero.

Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take GeniusU Learning Missions at each
level of the Wealth Lighthouse and to grow your Genius network
Your Next Steps
Read the Millionaire Master Plan
Step One is to continue reading the Millionaire Master Plan to see how the
different geniuses follow their natural path from one level to the next.
Take your first mission on GeniusU
Take your first learning mission on GeniusU to learn more about your
Genius and your Wealth Level, and take the first steps to progressing up
the Wealth Lighthouse. This leads to further assessments and learning
missions at every level of the Millionaire Master Plan.

Connect with our online community

Connect with us online. You can connect with everything related to:
The book at
Roger at and
Entrepreneurs Institute at
Visit GeniusU, our online university, to take GeniusU Learning Missions at each
level of the Wealth Lighthouse and to grow your Genius network

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