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[Sonawane* et al.

, 5(8): August, 2016] ISSN: 2277-9655

IC™ Value: 3.00 Impact Factor: 4.116

Sonawane S. P.*, V. T. Shinde, R. L. Kamble, A. A. Sawant and N. J. Thakor
Department of Agricultural Process Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology,
Dr. BSKKV Dapoli – 415 712, Dist - Ratnagiri (Maharashtra)

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.60171
Experiments were conducted for determination of various physical properties of Vengurla-4 variety of cashew nut.
The diameter or size and sphericity of cashew nut were found to be 21.92 mm and 0.68 respectively. The average
gravimetric properties such as bulk density were found to be 533 kg/m3, true density were 663.3 kg/m3 and porosity
were 19.6%. Angle of repose for cashew nut were found as 30.5 0.

Thermal conductivity of cashew nut were determined at different moisture contents of 8.7%, 13.6%, 19% and
25%(d.b). Thermal conductivity at 8.7% were found to be 0.109 W/m0k, at 13.6% were 0.125 W/m0k, at 19% is
0.142 W/m0k and at 25% is 0.155 W/m0k. Thus thermal conductivity of cashew nut were found to be increase with
increase of moisture content.

The thermal properties depend mainly on the physical characteristics of food such as temperature, size, shape, state
(frozen or unfrozen), compositional parameters, (moisture content, fat content, protein, and ash) and fiber orientation.
As these properties vary widely with temperature and composition, it is essential to report the measured properties in
concerned with these parameters. Thermal data are more often reported, either as a function of moisture content or fat

The presence of all the required nutrients in the cashew nut makes them suitable for large-scale utilization in the
manufacture of various food products, e.g. baby foods, snack foods, dietary foods, etc. During processing, the nut and
kernel undergoes a number of unit operations such as drying, roasting, cutting, peeling, drying etc. Knowledge of
thermodynamic properties of agricultural materials constitutes an important and essential engineering reference in the
design of machines, structures, processes and controls. This is useful in analyzing and determining the efficiency of a
machine or an operation, in developing new consumer products of plant or animal origins, and in evaluating and
retaining the quality of the final product.

Such basic information should be of value not only to engineers but also to the food scientists, manufacturers and
other scientists who may exploit these properties and find new uses (Mohsenin, 1980). Hence, this study to determine
the thermal properties, viz., specific heat, thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of the cashew nut and kernel
with reference to moisture dependence, has been made.

Methods for measuring thermal conductivity can be classified into two broad categories: steady- and transient-state
heat transfer methods (Mohsenin, 1980). The tests using steady-state methods often require a long time to complete
and moisture migration may introduce significant measurement errors (Mohsenin, 1980; Kazarian & Hall, 1965; Dutta
et al., 1988). The latter methods are more suitable for biological materials that are generally heterogeneous and often
contain high moisture content. The line source method is the most widely used transient-state method. This method
uses either a bare wire or a thermal conductivity probe as a heating source, and estimates the thermal conductivity.

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

[Sonawane* et al., 5(8): August, 2016] ISSN: 2277-9655
IC™ Value: 3.00 Impact Factor: 4.116


About 3 to 4 kg (depends on moisture content) sample of cashew nut of vengurla-4 variety were taken for testing of
each replication. Then its moisture content was determined as thermal conductivity is affected by moisture content.
This quantity of sample is required for each replication. Three replications were taken at each moisture content. Such
replications at four different moisture content of 8.7%, 13.6%, 19% and 25%(d.b) were taken and effect of moisture
content on thermal conductivity were determined.

Properties of Cashew nut:

Spatial dimension
Three dimensions viz. length, breadth and thickness of the seed were, measured by using digital vernier. Dimensions
were calculated by noting the dimension of ten randomly selected seeds of local variety. From these dimensions,
flatness ratio, elongation ratio and surface area were calculated.

Flatness ratio was calculated by taking the ratio of length to breadth. Elongation ratio was calculated by taking the
ratio of breadth to the thickness. Surface area was calculated by taking the ratio of breadth to the thickness. Surface
area of seed was calculated by considering the shape of grain as spherical. Geometric mean diameter was taken as the
diameter of the cashew nut.

Longest dimension called length ‘L’ second longest dimension perpendicular to L called breadth ‘ B’ and third longest
dimension perpendicular to both is called thickness ‘ T ’ of an object.

Size or equivalent diameter

Size or equivalent diameter is the geometric mean of the three dimensions viz. length, breadth and thickness. The size
was calculated by using following relationship.
D = 3 LBT
L = Length
B = Breadth
T = Thickness

Assuming that the volume of the solid is equal to that triaxial ellipsoid with intercept L, B, T and that the diameter of
the circumscribed sphere if the longest intercept (L) of the ellipsoid (Mohsenin, 1950), the degree of sphericity was
determined as follows,
Sphericity =
Where, L =Length
B = Breadth
T = Thickness
Sphericity = geometric mean diameter
Mean diameter

Flatness ratio
It is the ratio of length of sample to breadth of sample.

Flatness ratio = length of sample

Breadth of sample

Elongation ratio
It is the ratio of breadth of sample to thickness of sample.

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

[Sonawane* et al., 5(8): August, 2016] ISSN: 2277-9655
IC™ Value: 3.00 Impact Factor: 4.116
Elongation ratio = breadth of sample
Thickness of sample

Bulk density
It was determined by filling a specific mass of sample in known volume of cup. The sample was weigh, which required
filling the cup. The density of any material may be expressed as below,
Bulk density = weight of material
Volume of material

True density
It was determined by pouring a specific mass of sample in known volume of toluene. Increase in level of toluene was
observed and from that volume was determined.
True density = weight of material
Volume of material

True density was calculated from he known values of bulk density and porosity, using the following standard

t 
1  Pt
P t = porosity in fraction
t = True density and
b = Bulk density

Porosity is also known as packing factor, it was determined from bulk density and true density of grains may be
expressed by following expression (Mohsenin, 1970)
Porosity = True density - Bulk density
True density
Angle of Repose
Angle of repose was determined using a set-up. It involves the measurement of the height of the grain heaped over a
circular disc of known diameter (V. V. Sreenarayanan, 1988).

Initial moisture content

The initial moisture content of sample was determined in gravity air oven at 110 0 C for 16-20 hours till constant weight
was obtained. From above procedure final moisture content was obtained.

W1  W2
M  d .b  
W1  W2
M  w.b  
W1= weight of wet sample, gm
W2= weight of dry sample, gm


http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

[Sonawane* et al., 5(8): August, 2016] ISSN: 2277-9655
IC™ Value: 3.00 Impact Factor: 4.116
The line heat source method is used for measurement of thermal conductivity of cashew kernel. The sample holder is
cylindrical in shape with 15cm diameter and 30cm height. For thermal conductivity determination sample holder is
fully loaded with case nut sample. As stated earlier, two thermocouples are fixed at center of cylinder for measuring
temperature of sample at center of cylinder and near the surface of cylinder. These thermocouples are fixed with
cylinder. Constantan heater wire with 0.035  per cm resistance passes vertically through sample holder. After
loading, cylinder was closed from both ends with insulating material to avoid heat loss. Power is given to circuit and
thus heating wire is energized at constant voltage and current. Heating wire continuously transfer the heat to the sample
and heat is transferred through sample due to surface contact i.e. due to conduction. Digital temperature indicator
records the three different temperatures with the help of selector switch. Simultaneously time was recorded till constant
temperature is obtained. Thermal conductivity of cashew sample was hence calculated. Four replicates were taken at
different moisture content of 8.7%, 13.6%, 19%and 25% and data was recorded for thermal conductivity calculations.
Sufficient time was given for getting 10 oC differences in temperature of sample. It normally ranges from 15-20 min
between replicates and 2-3 hours for each moisture content measurement.

Fig. 1 Circuit diagram of thermal conductivity apparatus

Fig. 2 Circuit of thermal conductivity apparatus

Following equation was used for calculating thermal conductivity

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

[Sonawane* et al., 5(8): August, 2016] ISSN: 2277-9655
IC™ Value: 3.00 Impact Factor: 4.116
q ln (2-1)
4 (t2 - t1)
k=thermal conductivity
q=heat input and
t1 and t2 are the temperatures of heating element at times 1 and 2 respectively.


Physical Properties
The spatial dimension of the seed such as length, breadth and thickness of cashew nut were measured and from that
equivalent diameter, sphericity, flatness ratio, elongation ratio, surface area were evaluated. The average values of
physical properties of cashew nut at moisture content of 8.7%(d.b) are given in Table 4.1.

Table 1 Average values for physical properties of cashew nut.

Particular Length, Breadth, Thickness, Equivalent sphericity Flatness Elongation
mm mm mm Diameter Ratio Ratio
L B T 1 1 L/B B/T
LBT 3 LBT 3 /L
Cashew nut 32.36 22.70 14.34 21.92 0.68 1.42 1.58

Gravimetric Properties
Bulk density
The bulk densities of Vengurla-4 variety of cashew nut at 8.7% (d.b) moisture content were recorded. The average
bulk density of cashew nut is 533 kg/m3. Three replications were taken and bulk densities were obtained as 530kg/m3;
520 kg/m3 and 526.6 kg/m3.

True density
The true densities of Vengurla-4 variety of cashew nut at 8.7%(d.b) moisture content were recorded. The average
bulk density of cashew nut is 663.3 kg/m3. Three replications were taken and true densities were obtained as 690
kg/m3; 680 kg/m3and 620 kg/m3.

Porosity of Vengurla-4 variety was calculated from the values of bulk density and true density at 8.7%(d.b) moisture
content. Porosity of cashew nut at above moisture content is 19.6%.

Angle of repose
Angle of repose of Vengurla-4 variety of cashew nut is measured and found as 30.5 0.

Thermal conductivity of cashew nut

Around 3.15kg of cashew sample for each replication were taken and thermal conductivity at different moisture
content were calculated. At each moisture content three replications are taken and result obtained are as follows;

Table 2 Thermal conductivity of cashew nut

Sr. Moisture content, % Thermal Conductivity, (k) Avg. Thermal Conductivity, (k)
No. (d.b) W/m0k W/m0k

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

[Sonawane* et al., 5(8): August, 2016] ISSN: 2277-9655
IC™ Value: 3.00 Impact Factor: 4.116
1. 8.7 0.109
2. 13.6 0.123
3. 19 0.141
4. 25 0.155

The Thermal Conductivity apparatus using a probe for the measurement of thermal conductivity of a cashew nut was
developed and fabricated based on the theory of the line heat source method. The sample holder of the apparatus was
designed using the known physical properties of cashew nut. The designed dimensions of sample holder are 15cm
inner thickness; 30cm height and 0.5mmthickness.considering time response factor smaller probes were used in design
of apparatus. The probe lead wires were soldered to the insulated wires at ends. Constantan heater wire of 0.250mm
diameter, 500mm length and made up of 0.035 per cm resistance used as line heat source. Accordingly range of
ammeter (0-2A), voltmeter (0-20V) were chosen and used in the design and fabrication of apparatus. All the specified
parts are assembled on single platform of 65cm30cm7cm.The overall dimensions of thermal conductivity apparatus
are length 65cm, breadth 30cm and height 40cm. During fabrication all parts are connected according to circuit
diagram and enclosed in apparatus with M.S sheet. Thermocouples are inserted in brass cylinder at its center to indicate
two different temperatures. Heating wire is connected vertically across the cylinder passing through sample.

Testing of apparatus
The developed thermal conductivity apparatus was initially tested for determination of thermal conductivity of food
grains whose thermal conductivity is known. The average value of thermal conductivity of paddy and wheat was found
to be 0.10W/m0k and 0.14 W/m0k respectively, which closely match with the values of literature (0.106 W/m0k for
paddy and 0.15 W/m0k for wheat).

Effect of moisture content on Thermal conductivity

Fig. 3 Effect of moisture content on Thermal conductivity of cashew nut

http: // www.ijesrt.com © International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

[Sonawane* et al., 5(8): August, 2016] ISSN: 2277-9655
IC™ Value: 3.00 Impact Factor: 4.116
Thermal conductivity of cashew nut were determined at different moisture contents of 8.7%, 13.6%, 19% and
25%(d.b). Thermal conductivity at 8.7% were found to be 0.109 W/m0k, at 13.6% were 0.125 W/m0k, at 19% is 0.142
W/m0k and at 25% is 0.155 W/m0k. Thus thermal conductivity of cashew nut were found to be increase with increase
of moisture content.

Water is good conductor of heat and electricity. In thermal conductivity measurement we used both of these parameters
i.e., heat and electricity. Electric current through constantan wire is given to cashew sample to increase its temperature.
Heat transfer through sample occurs due to conduction. Therefore by increasing moisture of cashew nut sample its
current carrying capacity also increases and thus it results in increase of thermal conductivity.

1. The average value of length, breadth, thickness of the cashew nut was found to be 32.36mm, 22.70mm, and
14.34 mm respectively. The average size and sphericity of cashew nut were found to be 21.92mm and 0.68
respectively at 8.7%(d.b) moisture content.
2. The bulk density, true density and porosity of cashew nut were found to be 533 kg/m 3, 663.3 kg/m3 and
19.6% respectively. The dynamic angle of repose of cashew nut was found to be 30.5 0c at 8.7%(d.b) moisture
3. The thermal conductivity of cashew nut increases from 108W/m0k to 0.155W/m0k with increase in moisture
content from 8.7% to 25% (d.b).

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