Askari 2015
Askari 2015
Askari 2015
Pore scale modeling method has been widely used in the petrophysical studies to
estimate macroscopic properties (e.g. porosity, permeability, and electrical resistivity)
of porous media with respect to their micro structures. Although there is a sumptuous
literature about the application of the method to study flow in porous media, there
are fewer studies regarding its application to thermal conduction characterization,
and the estimation of effective thermal conductivity, which is a salient parameter in
many engineering surveys (e.g. geothermal resources and heavy oil recovery). By
considering thermal contact resistance, we demonstrate the robustness of the method
for predicting the effective thermal conductivity. According to our results obtained
from Utah oil sand samples simulations, the simulation of thermal contact resistance
is pivotal to grant reliable estimates of effective thermal conductivity. Our estimated
effective thermal conductivities exhibit a better compatibility with the experimental
data in companion with some famous experimental and analytical equations for
the calculation of the effective thermal conductivity. In addition, we reconstruct a
porous medium for an Alberta oil sand sample. By increasing roughness, we observe
the effect of thermal contact resistance in the decrease of the effective thermal
conductivity. However, the roughness effect becomes more noticeable when there
is a higher thermal conductivity of solid to fluid ratio. Moreover, by considering
the thermal resistance in porous media with different grains sizes, we find that the
effective thermal conductivity augments with increased grain size. Our observation is
in a reasonable accordance with experimental results. This demonstrates the useful-
ness of our modeling approach for further computational studies of heat transfer
in porous media. C 2015 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise
noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
The effective thermal conductivity is an important factor to accurately estimate oil production
rate for the thermal recovery methods such as Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) process.1
The effective thermal conductivity, or other petorphysical parameters such as permeability, can
be obtained from analytical, experimental and numerical methods. Analytical approaches provide
exact solutions to a temperature field from which the effective thermal conductivity for a specific
physical model is determined (e.g., Refs. 2–5). Analytical methods have the disadvantage of over-
simplified assumptions that restrain their applications for real complicated problems.6 Based on
laboratory measurements, experimental methods (e.g. needle probe,7 parallel plates,8 and optical
scanning9) are used to determine the effective thermal conductivity.10–16 However, logistic or eco-
nomic constraints might confine the practicability of experimental measurements.17 In quest of
addressing the challenges and limitations associated with the analytical and experimental methods,
computational techniques have been widely considered in recent years (e.g. Refs. 18–27) among
which the pore network modeming28 and the pore scale modeling29,19 approaches have demon-
strated promises to predict petrophysical parameters of porous media.
Macroscopic properties of porous media (e.g. porosity, electrical conductivity, permeability,
and thermal conductivity) can be obtained from their microstructures (the geometry and topology of
void spaces and solid volumes). Based on this presumption, Fatt28 introduces the network modeling
technique where the void spaces of a porous medium are represented by a graph of connected
sites. Sites are considered as pores, and are connected by several bonds that are defined as throats.
Network modeling technique qualitatively, within an order of magnitude, predicts some petrophysi-
cal parameters such as permeability for sand packs and sandstones.30–34 However, its application for
the quantitative predictions of petrophysical properties has been challenging because this method is
based on some assumptions that oversimplify a real structure of void spaces. For instance, at each
site, a particular value is assigned to the number of bonds; or throats are assumed to have the same
Bryant et al.17 introduce the pore scale modeling approach to predict macroscopic petrophys-
ical parameters of porous media by considering real shapes of grains, and other geometrical and
topological features. Based on this procedure, a pixel based pore model is reconstructed by either
a direct imaging techniques such as X-ray microcomputed tomography (micro-CT),35–37 thin sec-
tion analysis38,39 or simulation of random grains packing process.40,41 Using the reconstructed pore
models, different petrophysical parameters are determined. The advantage of pore scale modeling
over pore network modeling lies in the fact that the physics and image of a porous medium is
used directly in simulation, therefore, there is no need for any simplification of pores, throats, and
grain shapes. Furthermore, using computational simulation for grain packing process, we can create
numerous realizations of porous media for a given grain size distribution to provide a reasonable
correlation among different macroscopic parameters (for example, porosity versus effective thermal
conductivity). For these reasons the pore scale modeling approach is greatly utilized in different
petophysical studies such as the predictions of relative permeability, electrical conductivity, and
capillary pressure.42
In this study, we develop a computational algorithm to reconstruct 2D granular porous media
by which the thermal conduction behavior and the effective thermal conductivity can be studied
in pore scales. Our approach creates a granular porous medium for a given grain size distribu-
tion such as Normal, bi-Normal, Log-Normal, Weibull, or any distribution directly derived from
experimental data, in which the thermal contact resistance is simulated by applying roughness to
the grains. The approach allows simulation of random grain packing process by a swelling circle
procedure.43 In this procedure, a set of random points in a 2D plane is created where each point
is a center of a circle. Circles grow (swell) incrementally based on their given sizes. In each step
of swelling, the circles’ centers are slightly rearranged to avoid circles interferences. In addition,
in our methodology, we can increase the thermal contact resistance by the increment of grains’
We simulate granular porous media with respect to a real grain size distribution of Utah uncon-
solidated oil sand samples at different porosities and demonstrate the potential of our method to
describe the thermal conduction process. In addition, we reconstruct a 2D granular porous media
based on a real grain size distribution of Alberta unconsolidated oil sand sample and measure its
effective thermal conductivity with respect to different roughness values. Furthermore, we estimate
the effective thermal conductivity with respect to grain size.
Grain size is a textural factor that affects the thermal conductivity.16 Rzhevsky and Novik44
observe that the thermal conductivity increases with augmented grain size. Following Rzhevsky and
Novik,44 other experimental studies confirm this observation (e.g. Refs. 16, 45, and 46). In spite
of these experimental observations, recent modeling studies report an inverse relationship between
the grain size and effective thermal conductivity.47 In this study, we successfully exhibit the grain
size effect by considering the thermal contact resistance for granular porous media. To best of the
authors’ knowledge, it is for the first time that the surface contact roughness is incorporated for a
proper pore level modeling of heat conduction through granular porous media such as unconsoli-
dated oil sands. We hope that our work will be an incentive to initiate the application of pore scale
modeling in those studies.
097106-3 Askari, Taheri, and Hejazi AIP Advances 5, 097106 (2015)
FIG. 2. The steps of swelling circles algorithm. (a) Selection of random points, (b) initial growth of circles, (c) an example
of the overlap of two circles, (d) the removal of the overlap in Fig 2(c) by reconfiguring the circles, (e) one of the last steps
of the growth, (f) the final step of swelling after slightly shrinking the circle A.
conductivity is called the effective thermal conductivity and is a function of the thermal conduc-
tivities of matrix and fluid, and the configurations of grains and pores.16 In this study, by solving
the steady state heat conduction equation, we determine temperature distributions for 2D granular
porous media. Using the calculated 2D temperature profile, we estimate the heat transfer rate and
consequently the effective thermal conductivity.
We digitize a 2D reconstructed porous medium into a pixel based 2D image. Each pixel is given
either zero or one value based on its correspondence (pore or grain). Finite volume method48 has
been widely used in numerical heat transfer studies (e.g., Ref. 49). In addition, finite volume method
is independent from the thermal conductivity of matrix to fluid ratio, which provides accurate re-
sults when the thermal conductivity of fluid is low (for example, gas).50 Therefore, we adopt this
technique to solve the steady state 2D heat conduction equation with no heat flow through upper and
lower boundaries and constant temperatures at the right and left boundaries as shown in Figure 3.
We obtain a set of linear equations to compute temperature distribution. The system of equations
can be written as51
Gm = d, (1)
where the coefficient matrix, G, contains the thermal conductivities assigned to the grids, the vector
m is composed of unknowns parameter (here the temperature profile of the grids), and d is the
right constant vector which is determined by the boundary condition (here the temperatures at the
right and left sides of a medium). We use the Bi-Conjugate gradient stabilized method,52 which is
097106-5 Askari, Taheri, and Hejazi AIP Advances 5, 097106 (2015)
a fast and smoothly converging variant of the BiConjugate Gradient method, to solve our system of
We discretize the domain using uniform grids in both x and y directions. The grid sizes are
chosen to be equal or smaller than the image pixel sizes which ensures the conservation of image
resolution. Hence, surface roughness effects are properly captured. Moreover, this guarantees that
the simulation results are grid independent. To demonstrate the grid intendancy, two simulations
with different grid sizes are performed (Figure 4) for the reconstructed porous medium in Fig-
ure 11(a). With respect to Figure 4, we observe a perfect match for the temperature contour lines
FIG. 4. Temperature contours for a porous medium using two different grid sizes: 5 µm × 5 µm (solid lines) and 2.5 µm
× 2.5 µm (hashed lines).
097106-6 Askari, Taheri, and Hejazi AIP Advances 5, 097106 (2015)
1000 × 1000 grids with the size of 5 µm × 5 µm (solid lines) and 2000 × 2000 grids with the size of
2.5 µm × 2.5 µm (hashed lines). Accordingly, in this study for every simulation, we consider grids
to be small enough so that the calculated effective thermal conductivity becomes independent from
the grid size.
FIG. 5. The micro structure of the contact surface (bottom) between tow grains.
097106-7 Askari, Taheri, and Hejazi AIP Advances 5, 097106 (2015)
FIG. 6. A medium where in the boundaries of k 1 and k 2, there is a void with thermal conductivity of k.
right side of the medium. We assume the void to be filled by a fluid with the thermal conductivity of
k. We divide the medium into three sections of a, b, and c. The overall thermal conductivity of the
system, k o is obtained from
ko = 1−ε 2 ε2
α + (1−ε 1)α+kε 1
FIG. 7. The estimated effective thermal conductivities of the reconstructed Utah oil sand sample (the solid points) with re-
spect to the experimental data (empty circles represents),13 and other correlations. 1: Geometrical mean value, 2: Receiprocal,
3: EMT model, 4: Maxwell model, and 5: Veerenda and Chaudhary model.
TABLE I. Some well-known analytical and experimental models for the effective thermal conductivity of two-component
materials. In the above equations α = k f /k s .
kf ϕ
( )
1 ke = k s ks Weighed geometric mean55
ke 1+( α−1)ϕ
2 ks = √
1+( 1/α−1)ϕ
Reciprocity model55
k −k e
3 −k e
(1 − ϕ) kkes+2k e
+ k ff+2k e = 0 ETM model55
ke 3(α−1)ϕ
4 ks = 1 + (α+2)−(α−1)ϕ Maxwell model55
( )1
ks 3
5 k e = (1 − ϕ)k H + ϕk L − ϑ kf Veerendra and Chaudhary model56
k H = k s e βϕ
k L = k f e −β(1−ϕ)
β = k sf − 1
and, the coefficient ϑ is adjusted with
respect to the experimental results.
empty circles). Figure 7 demonstrates that our predicted thermal conductivities for the case when
no roughness is presumed are overestimated with regard to the experimental measurements. In
fact, neglecting the surface roughness results in zero thermal contact resistance and consequently
over-predicted effective thermal conductivities. In addition, we compare the experimental data,
with some well-known experimental and analytical models such as weighted geometric mean,55
reciprocal model,55 ETM,55 Maxwell model,55 and Veerendra and Chaudhary model56 (Table I).
None of the models present a strong correlation with the experimental data. However, the weighted
geometric mean exhibits a more acceptable coherency with the experimental data.
Various mathematical and experimental analyses have shown that the surface roughness results
in the thermal contact resistance.57–59 Thermal contact resistance becomes very important in heat
conduction through unconsolidated granular porous media because imperfect contact points among
grains dramatically affect the thermal behavior of a medium. In some studies, this phenomenon has
been taken into account by assuming that the grains are covered by a thin layer of material with a
thermal conductivity lower than that of grains (e.g., Refs. 60 and 61). In our study, i.e. pore level
modeling of heat flow in granular porous media, we capture the influence of imperfect grain-grain
contacts in micro scales by inclusion of roughness to the grains’ surfaces. To this aim, around any
circle, we consider an infinitesimally thin layer to be called “outer layer” in this paper (the gray
layer in Figure 8; however, its thickness is widely shown for visualization purpose). By dividing
097106-9 Askari, Taheri, and Hejazi AIP Advances 5, 097106 (2015)
FIG. 8. Roughness simulation, by randomly removing a fraction of the outer layer (the gray ring of the circle A) which
results in circle B.
FIG. 9. The estimated effective thermal conductivities of the reconstructed Utah oil sand sample (the solid points) after
applying roughness to grains. Empty circles represents experimental data.13
the layer into many small sections and randomly removing a percentage of them, we obtain a circle
whose surface is not smooth (circle B in Fig. 8). Thus, by repeating the process for all circles in a
porous medium, roughness is simulated which accordingly results in thermal contact resistance.
Using the above approach, we include roughness to our simulations of Utah oil sand by
randomly removing 50% of the grains’ outer layers (Figure 9). The solid line in Figure 9 is a second
degree polynomial fitted to the simulations. When the roughness is considered, our simulations
are in excellent agreement with the experimental measurements. Moreover, our simulation results
exhibit a better coherency with the experimental data in comparison with the weighted geometric
mean model. This demonstrates the potential of the pore scale modeling to characterize the ther-
mal conduction mechanism in granular porous media when their micro structural features, such
as roughness, are taken into account. From Figures 7 and 9, it can be concluded that roughness
simulation is an important factor for the pore scale modeling approach to obtain reliable predictions
of the effective thermal conductivities.
FIG. 10. Grain size distribution of an Alberta, Canada oil sand sample.
FIG. 11. (a) A porous medium reconstructed based upon the grain size distribution in Fig. 10, and (b) its temperature
097106-11 Askari, Taheri, and Hejazi AIP Advances 5, 097106 (2015)
FIG. 12. The temperature distributions of the reconstructed Alberta oil sand sample with respect to different roughnesses.
(a) 20% (b) 30% (c) 40% (d) 50%.
Figure 11(b) shows the temperature distribution for the medium (we recall this as the reference
temperature distribution). The estimated effective thermal conductivity is 3.87 Wm−1K−1.
We gradually increment roughness by removing more percentages (20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%)
of the outer layers’ sections. Figures 12(a)-12(d) show the temperature distributions for the reduced
outer layers’ sections, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% respectively. The circles in Figure 13 are the
estimated effective thermal conductivities with respect to the percentage of the removed sections.
The effective thermal conductivity decreases (almost linearly) when more sections of the outer
layers are discarded which consequently culminates in increasing roughness and the thermal con-
tact resistance among the grains. To better comprehend the thermal contact resistance effect and
its dependency on roughness, we subtract the reference temperature distribution from the temper-
ature distributions in Figure 12. Figures 14(a)-14(b) show the difference between the reference
temperature distribution and the temperature distributions in Figure 12. We observe the increase
of the thermal contact resistance with roughness as the temperature differences in the boundaries
of the grains augment accordingly. Therein lies the reason why the effective thermal conductivity
decreases with increased roughness as it hampers the heat transfer from one grain to another.
In addition, we estimate the effective thermal conductivity for the reconstructed Alberta oil
sand sample by assuming different k s /k f ratios (1, 4, 12, and 50). When k s /k f is 1, the effective
097106-12 Askari, Taheri, and Hejazi AIP Advances 5, 097106 (2015)
FIG. 13. The estimated effective thermal conductivities of the reconstructed Alberta oil sand sample with respect to different
roughnesses when pores are filled by air (circles), and water (squares).
FIG. 14. (a), (b), (c), and (d) the differences of the temperature distribution in Fig. 11(b) from the temperature distributions
in Fig. 12 respectively.
097106-13 Askari, Taheri, and Hejazi AIP Advances 5, 097106 (2015)
FIG. 15. The effective thermal conductivity with respect to grains diameters (3.75, 7.5, 15, 30, and 60).
C. Grain size
To investigate the effect of the grain size on the effective thermal conductivity, we estimate
the effective thermal conductivity with respect to grains’ diameters of 3.75 µm, 7.5 µm, 15 µm,
30 µm, and 60 µm as shown in Figure 15. Since the influence of grains size is explained by the
thermal contact resistance effect, we assume k s /k f to be 1000 where the most of thermal energy is
transferred through the solid part of a porous medium, and hence, the roughness effect and thermal
contact resistance are more observable. We consider two different porosities of 0.36, and 0.41. For
both porosities, we observe the same trend of increment of the effective thermal conductivity (k e )
with grain size. In addition, the trend intensifies with increased grain diameter (in particular after
30 µm). Our simulated trends of the effective thermal conductivity with respect to grain size are in
strong agreement by experimental observations by Midttømme and Roaldset.16
We show how to implement micro structures of granular porous media such as grains size
distribution to estimate the effective thermal conductivity as a macroscopic property. Specifically,
we focus on roughness as a decisive parameter to characterize thermal behavior of unconsoli-
dated granular porous media. Roughness causes imperfect surface contacts among grains which
consequently hampers heat transfer in a porous medium. Therefore, to obtain realistic estimates
of granular porous medium properties, a meticulous simulation of roughness is necessary. For
instance, the grain size influence on the effective thermal conductivity is explained by the thermal
contact resistance effect. In a porous medium with small grain size, there are a larger number
of thermal energy transfer hindering zones along the path of heat flow which accordingly culmi-
nates in decreasing thermal conductivity.16 Therefore, the success of any computational modeling
to perceive the grain size effect depends on the thermal contact resistance simulation. Quite the
contrary to the experimental results, Wang et al.47 propose that the effective thermal conductivity
decreases with increased grain size. We believe their inconsistent result is due to not considering the
thermal resistance effect in their simulation.
097106-14 Askari, Taheri, and Hejazi AIP Advances 5, 097106 (2015)
In this study, we utilize a simple method for the simulation of roughness which is based on
randomly removing some outer layers’ sections. However, to grant better quantitative prediction of
the effective thermal conductivity, an accurate simulation of porous media with respect to fractural
geometry of roughness63 and 3D effects are necessary, which is the theme of an undergoing study.
In real unconsolidated granular porous media, thermal contact resistance is always present.
This explains why the reconstructed Utah oil sand models do not match with the experimental
measurements when roughness is not considered. According to our results from an unconsolidated
Alberta oil sand sample simulations, the effective thermal conductivity decreases with roughness
in the wake of increasing thermal contact resistance. The thermal contact resistance effect can be
seen in the increase of the temperature gradients in the boundaries among the grain. When pores are
filled by air (high ratio of the thermal conductivity of matrix to fluid), the roughness effect is more
observable because in this case, most of thermal energy is transferred through gains (as the matrix)
and imperfect contacts among them dramatically result in significant energy transport hampering.
Moreover, both experimental studies and our simulations reveal that the effective thermal conduc-
tivity increases with augmented grain size due to the thermal contact resistance effect as there are
less heat transfer hindering points along the heat flux.
The consistencies of our computational results in the Utah oil sand simulation and grain size
effect with the experimental studies demonstrate the promises of the pore scale modeling approach
for further numerical studies in the realm of heat transfer in unconsolidated porous media.
The authors are grateful to Drs. H. Motahhari and Y. Haseli for fruitful discussions and valu-
able comments. The authors also acknowledge financial support from the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
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