Email: [email protected]
Abstract. This research was conducted to know the effect of reinforcement and distance
tranducer effective in detecting the depth of concrete cracks. The test specimen used is a
15x15x60 cm3 concrete beam with a concrete quality of 19 MPa. The test material is made of
artificial cracks as depth as ± 2cm, ± 4cm, ± 6cm, and any fractured variation made 3 pieces of
speciment, in addition to the test object was given a reinforcement of Ø8 mm which is placed
horizontally in the center of the beam at a depth of 4 cm from the concrete surface. This testing
using indirect method with variations of tranducer distance of 3cm, 6cm, 9cm, and 12cm. The
study concluded that the accuracy of UPV testing results was influenced by reinforcement and
distance tranducer. Test speciment with an artificial crack depth of ± 2cm and ± 4cm have a
greater reading result with a relative error of 36.8% and 16.5%, while the test object with an
artificial crack depth of ± 6cm has a smaller reading result with a relative error ± 3.4%. In
addition, it obtained an effective tranducer distance of 12cm with an accuracy of 85.4%.
1. Introduction
Cracks in concrete are important information in identifying the strength of reinforced concrete
structures. The existence of concrete cracks, before steel reinforcement become yield is the best
structural failure mechanism in a reinforced concrete design because the failure is ductile (under
reinforcement). Cracks are an early warning of the structure, so the structure strength can be
immediately evaluated to determine the repair or reinforcement of the structure.
The measurement of crack depth can be conducted by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test (UPVT). The
principle of this UPV testing work is to transmit the ultrasonic waves from the transmitter to the
receiver through concrete material so that the wave is measured by the Read-Out PUNDIT unit
(Portable Unit Non Destructive Indicator Tester). Transmitter distance to the receiver is determined
before measurement, the ultrasonic wave velocity in concrete material can be calculated and can be
used to determine the depth of the crack.
The results of several crack depth measurements with UPVT give different results in the testing of
reinforced concrete of the same quality. This raises doubts about the results of measurements with
UPV.Therefore, this research needs to be done to determine the influence of steel reinforcement of
reinforced concrete and the effective distance of the tranducer in the measurement of concrete crack
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of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
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Broad Exposure to Science and Technology 2019 (BEST2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 673 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/673/1/012047
2. Literature Review
Roberto C A Pinto et al. 4 observed about use of ultrasound to estimate the depth of surface opening
cracks in concrete structures with the purpose of knowing and estimating the UPV method is the most
effective in estimating crack depth in concrete. The measurement in this study uses indirect methods
with 4 different data collection methods, namely the Bungey method, BS 1881 method, and 2 methods
made by the author (method A and Method B).
The results of this study shows that the BS 1881 method has a correction value of less than 10%,
smaller than the 3 other methods used so this method is the most effective method.
This research to know the influence of the reinforcement of the crack depth is also conducted by
Herlambang 3 observed effect of distance of tranducer and reinforcement on measurement crack
depth of concrete using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV). The purpose of this research is to know the
difference in the results of cracking depth in concrete with deform and plain reinforcement with
concrete without reinforcement. The research uses a variation in the crack depth of 10 mm, 20 mm,
and 30 mm with testing using 3 variations of tranducer distance of 10 cm, 14 cm and 18 cm. Testing
using 3 beam samples measuring 15 x 15 x 60 cm for each variation in depth cracks. The test object
uses a basic reinforcement of Ø 10 mm and a dash Ø 6 mm. The results gained from the study showed
that the reading of crack depth in reinforced concrete and unreinforcement concrete had differences in
reading results.
Wibowo et al. 6 observed accuracy of crack depth measurements on reinforced concrete beams
using UPV with variations in the thickness of concrete covers with the aim to measure the accuracy of
the crack depth measurement Using Ultraviolet Pulse Velocity method on reinforced concrete with the
influence of thick difference of concrete cover. The study uses 15 reinforced concrete beams with 4
thick variations of concrete cover and 1 beam variation without reinforcement. Thickness variations of
blankets used are 2 cm, 3cm, 4cm, and 5 cm with 1 variation using 3 test speciment with dimensions
15 x 20 x 50 cm. test objects using longitudinal reinforcement (elongated) Ø 8mm and transversal
reinforcement (transverse) Ø 6 mm with crack depth Made of 8cm. The results of this study indicate
that there is a relative error in artificial crack depth measurements with UPV tests. The relative average
error on concrete with thicker concrete cover 2 cm, 3 cm, 4 cm, and 5 cm in a row – also 6.80%;
6.63%; 5.48%; and 4.91%. In concrete without reinforcement has a relatively average error – an
average of 4.59%. The results of the analysis obtained that the larger the thickness value of the
concrete cover owned, the smaller the value of error relative to the reading of the crack depth.
Broad Exposure to Science and Technology 2019 (BEST2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 673 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/673/1/012047
V = Pulse velocity (m/s)
L = Distance between Transducer with receiver (m)
T = Travel time (s)
The concrete crack depth estimation uses the Indirect Method method which is used to measure
the wave propagation time from the transmitter to the receiver on a surface area where time passes the
crack line. To determine the crack depth of the concrete, 2 (two) wave propagation measurements were
carried out. The first is the transmitter and receiver placed across one surface with the same distance
from the surface crack line, that is distance X1, and then at distance X2. Illustration of measurements
as shown below :
X1 : distance between tranducer at first masurement
X2 : distance between tranducer at second masurement
t1 : wave propagation time at first observation
t2 : wave propagation time at second observation
T T1 R1 R2
Broad Exposure to Science and Technology 2019 (BEST2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 673 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/673/1/012047
4𝑡1 2 −𝑡2 2
𝑐 = 𝑏√ (3)
𝑡2 2 −𝑡1 2
4. Ekperimental Program
1. Read out PUNDIT
2. Connector
T Transmitter
R Receiver
h Crack Depth
h Transducer Distance
Broad Exposure to Science and Technology 2019 (BEST2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 673 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/673/1/012047
Tranducer distance T1 T2 Error relative
Specimens Measurement Artificial
b (cm) (µs) (µs) (%)
(cm) (cm)
3 22.77 36.63 2.50 25.00
6 36.00 66.40 2.95 47.50
B 19.2.01 2.00
9 53.20 102.00 3.03 51.67
12 81.07 158.10 3.13 56.67
Broad Exposure to Science and Technology 2019 (BEST2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 673 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/673/1/012047
Tranducer distance T1 Error relative
Specimens T2 (µs) Measurement Artificial
b (cm) (µs) (%)
(cm) (cm)
3 28.97 38.80 5.00 25.00
6 42.67 72.03 4.70 17.50
B 19.4.01 4.00
9 51.67 95.57 4.35 8.71
12 81.80 157.77 3.87 3.33
3 31.27 40.63 5.57 39.17
6 38.77 66.73 4.40 10.00
B 19.4.02 4.00
9 53.47 99.40 4.23 5.83
12 73.07 141.27 3.73 6.67
3 32.17 41.23 5.70 42.50
6 37.40 61.60 5.17 29.17
B 19.4.03 4.00
9 56.47 103.30 4.63 15.83
12 71.37 136.50 4.23 5.83
Broad Exposure to Science and Technology 2019 (BEST2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 673 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/673/1/012047
Figure 7. Position of crack depth to reinforcement for artificial crack depth 2 cm.
This test is to find out how cracking depth measurement results when cracks are not going through
the reinforcement, the cracks reach the position of the reinforcement and the cracks that pass through
the reinforcement. The crack depth test for artificial crack depth is used in 3 concrete beam specimen,
here are the results of the crack depth testing shown in the table and graphs below.
Tabel 4. The effect of Reinforcement on Crack Depth Measurement for artificial cracks depth 2 cm
Crack Depth (H)
Tranducer distance b H H Error
Specimens Correction value
(cm) Measurement Artificial relative
(cm) (cm) (%)
3 2.789 2 39.4 0.717
6 2.942 2 47.1 0.680
9 2.633 2 31.7 0.759
12 2.581 2 29.0 0.775
Average 2,736 2 36.8 0,733
Standar Deviation 4,3
Pembacaan (cm)
Measurement (cm)
5 y = -0,0155x + 2,4846
4 R² = 0,6121
0 3 6 9 12 15
Tranducer distance (cm)
Figure 10. Graph of Reinforcement Effect on Crack Depth Readings for artificial Crack Depths 2
Broad Exposure to Science and Technology 2019 (BEST2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 673 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/673/1/012047
The result above is the Test average of 3 specimen for each tranducer distance variation. The
results showed that the results of cracking depth measurement had greater results than the depth of
artificial cracks due to the influence of reinforcement. Figure 10 shows that the result of a crack depth
measurement is above the artificial crack depth. Average relative error – the average for a 2 cm crack
depth test is 36.8% with a relatively biggest error of 47.1% and the smallest 29%. The regression value
for the reinforcement effect of the 2 cm artificialcrack depth reading is y =-0, 0155x + 2.4846 with a
value of R2 = 0.6121.
Tabel 5. The effect of Reinforcement on Crack Depth Measurement for depth of artificial cracks 4 cm
Crack Depth (H)
H H Error
Specimens Tranducer distance b (cm) Correction value
Measurement Artificial Relative
(cm) (cm) (%)
3 5.411 4 35.3 0.739
6 4.756 4 18.9 0.841
9 4.411 4 10.3 0.907
12 3.944 4 1.4 1.014
Average 4,631 4 16,5 0,875
Standar Deviation 11,5
The average test of the 3 specimen described in Table 5 has an average percentage of the realtive
error of 16.46% with a percentage of the largest relative error of 35.3% and the percentage of the
smallest realistic error of 1.4%. The results showed that the depth of measurement of cracks that
reached the reinforcement has a greater result than the depth of artificial cracks due to the influence of
the reinforcement. The regression value obtained is y =-0.0791 x + 4.9083 with a value of R² = 0.2902.
The factors that lead to the value of the test result greater than the depth of artificial crack are the wave
speed at the reinforcement faster than the wave velocity in concrete 2. Reinforcement causes the
transmitted wave velocity to be greater so that the results of crack depth readings show greater results.
Crack Depth (cm)
3 H Artificial
H Buatan(cm) (cm)
y = -0.0791x + 4.9083
1 R² = 0,2902 H Measurement
Pembacaan (cm)
-1 0 3 6 9 12 15
Tranducer distance (cm)
Figure 11. Effect of Reinforcement Graph on crack depth readings for Artificial Crack Depth 4 cm.
Broad Exposure to Science and Technology 2019 (BEST2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 673 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/673/1/012047
Tabel 6. Effect of Reinforcement on Crack Depth Measurement for 6 cm depth of artificial cracks
Crack Depth (H)
Tranducer distance b H H Error
Specimens Correction value
(cm) Measurement Artificial relative
(cm) (cm) (%)
3 5.858 6 2.369 1.024
6 5.644 6 5.926 1.063
9 5.722 6 4.630 1.049
12 5.963 6 0.620 1.006
Average 5,797 6 3,4 1.035
Standar Deviation 2,1
The results of the test above indicate that the reading of the crack depth that passes through the
reinforcement has a lesser outcome than artificial crack depth due to the influence of the
reinforcement. The average percentage of the realistic error is 3.339% with the largest relative error
percentage of 5.92% and a percentage of the smallest relative error 0.62%. The regression value for
the reinforcement influence of the crack depth reading for a crack depth of 6 cm is y = 0.0056 x +
5,865 with a value of R² = 0.4074. The factors resulting in the value of the test result smaller than the
artificial crack's depth are the ultrasonic waves emitted by the Transmitter directly routed to the
Receiver after the ultrasonic waves reach the reinforcement so that the wave Ultrasonic does not reach
the base of artificial cracks i.e. at 6 cm depth.
5 y = 0.0056x + 5.865
4 R² = 0.4074
3 HHBuatan
1 HHPembacaan
Measurement (cm)
0 3 6 9 12 15
Tranducer distance (cm)
Figure 12. Graph of Effect of Reinforcement on Crack Depth Measurement for Artificial Crack Depth
6 cm
Broad Exposure to Science and Technology 2019 (BEST2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 673 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/673/1/012047
Figure 13. The position of the transducer for the Figure 14. position of the transducer for the
value of b is 3 cm value of b is 6 cm
Figure 15. position of the transducer for the Figure 16. position of the transducer for the
value of b is 9 cm value of b is 12 cm
Tabel 7. Effect of Distance Variation on Crack Depth Measurement for artificial crack depth 2 cm
Tranducer H Average of Error
H Error Relative
distance b Specimens Measure Relative
Artificial(cm) (%)
(cm) (cm) (%)
B192.01 2.500 25.00
3 B192.02 3.200 2 60.00 39,44
B192.03 2.667 33.33
B192.01 2.950 47.50
6 B192.02 3.221 2 61.06 47,08
B192.03 2.654 32.69
B192.01 3.033 51.67
9 B192.02 2.767 2 38.33 31,67
B192.03 2.100 5.00
B192.01 3.133 56.67
12 B192.02 2.833 2 41.67 29,04
B192.03 1.7758 11.21
Broad Exposure to Science and Technology 2019 (BEST2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 673 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/673/1/012047
Tabel 8. Effect of Distance Variation on Crack Depth Measurement for artificial crack depth 4 cm
Tranducer H Average of Error
H Error Relative
distance b Specimens Measure Relative
Artificial(cm) (%)
(cm) (cm) (%)
B194.01 4,967 24,17
3 B194.02 5,567 4 39,17 35,28
B194.03 5,700 42,50
B194.01 4,700 17,50
6 B194.02 4,400 4 10,00 18,89
B194.03 5,167 29,17
B 194.01 4,367 9,17
9 B194.02 4,233 4 5,83 10,28
B194.03 4,633 15,83
B194.01 3,867 3,33
12 B194.02 3,733 4 6,67 1,39
B194.03 4,233 5,83
Tabel 9. Effect of Distance Variation on Crack Depth Measurement for artificial crack depth 6 cm
Tranducer H Average of Error
H Error Relative
distance b Specimens Measure Relative
Artificial(cm) (%)
(cm) (cm) (%)
B196.01 6.140 2.338
3 B196.02 5.867 6 2.222 2.369
B196.03 5.567 7.222
B196.01 5.367 10.556
6 B196.02 5.800 6 3.333 5.926
B196.03 5.767 3.889
B196.01 5.933 1.111
9 B196.02 5.667 6 5.556 4.630
B196.03 5.567 7.222
B196.01 5.874 2.103
12 B196.02 6.137 6 2.279 0.623
B196.03 5.877 2.046
Table 7-9 shows that the tranducer distance is most effective and gives the readings closest to the
depth of artificial crack that is at a distance of 12 cm with a relative percentage of average error of
14.6% or has an accuracy rate of 85.4%. The closer the Tranducer distance results in readings with a
smaller level of accuracy. This result is approaching the provisions of BS 1881 2 and Pundit Lab
Operating Instruction 5 that the distance tranducer effective to get the optimum test result is 15 cm.
7. Conclusion
The study concluded that the accuracy of the UPV testing results was influenced by reinforcement and
distance tranducer. The specimen with an artificial crack depth of ± 2 cm and ± 4 cm have a greater
reading result with a relative error of 36.8% and 16.5%, while the test object with an artificial crack
Broad Exposure to Science and Technology 2019 (BEST2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 673 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/673/1/012047
depth of ± 6 cm has a smaller reading result with an error ± 3.4% relative. In addition, it obtained an
effective tranducer distance of 12 cm with a accuracy of 85.4%.
The Data on this paper is the result of the research of Civil Engineering Department of Sultan Ageng
Tirtayasa University, with the funds of LPPM UNTIRTA, Serang, Banten. The implementation in the
laboratory of Civil Engineering department, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Cilegon. For that,
thank the two institutions for the support that this empirical fact can be revealed.
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