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Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan: Learning Module (Finals)

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Republic of the Philippines

Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology

Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental

Edukasyong Pantahanan at
Learning Module (Finals)

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development
Republic of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental


This course shall include pedagogical content, knowledge and

skills in technology and livelihood education necessary in

Course Description teaching and learning in the elementary level. Selected topics
in Home Economics, Industrial Arts, technology and
Livelihood Education shall form a major part of the course.
Experiential learning approach shall be the focus of this

Units / Credit Equivalent 3.0 Units

Upon completing this course, EED3 students are expected to

develop certain habits, attitudes, abilities, knowledge and

Course Outcomes skills in the areas of Home Economics and Industrial Arts as
part of TLE. The students will learn basic skills in cooking,
sewing, housekeeping and carpentry.

Learning Outcomes;
Identify different kinds of stitches
Execute basic stitching using different types of stitches.
Recognize different types of wood joints.
Make samples of wood joints.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development
Republic of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental

TEMPLATE 2: Course pack Structure

Module Intended Learning Outcome/s Lessons

Identify different kinds of Basic Dressmaking

stitches - Basic stitches
Execute basic stitching using Basic Carpentry
different types of stitches. - Wood joints

Recognize different types of

wood joints.

Make samples of wood joints.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development
Republic of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental

TEMPLATE 3: Module Template


This module contains information and suggested learning activities

Module Overview
consists of 4 learning outcomes which states the needed information
for each specialization. The module also consists of learning
activities which may contribute for the development of learning of
the EED students.

Identify different kinds of stitches

Execute basic stitching using different types of stitches.

Recognize different types of wood joints.

Make samples of wood joints.

Basic Dressmaking
- Basic stitches
Lessons in the module
Basic Carpentry
- Wood joints

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development
Republic of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental

TEMPLATE 4: The Lesson Structure

Module No. and Title Module No. 1: BASIC DRESSMAKING AND CARPENTRY
Basic Dressmaking
Lesson No. and Title - Basic stitches

Basic Carpentry
- Wood joints

Learning Objectives Identify different kinds of stitches

Execute basic stitching using different types of stitches.

Recognize different types of wood joints.

Make samples of wood joints.

Time Frame 6 weeks

This module contains information on the basics of DRESSMAKING AND

Introduction CARPENTRY. It also has suggested learning activities that may help the
development of the knowledge of students. Upon completing this module,
report to your teacher for assessment to check your achievement of
knowledge and skills requirements of this module.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development
Republic of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental


Directions: Read and answer the following statements. Write your answers on the
space provided.

1. ______________

2. ______________

3. _____________

4. _____________

5. ______________


1-5 Samples of wood joints

6-10 Samples basic stitches

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development
Republic of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental

Lesson 1 – Basic Dressmaking


What is dressmaking?

Dressmaking is the art of making women's tailored clothes like skirts, blouses, and gowns in
the evening. A dressmaker, seamstress, tailor or mantua-maker does this.  
The craft of sewing clothes and dresses is defined as dressmaking.
Dressmaking is the art of making women's tailored garments, including skirts, blouses, and
gowns at night. A dressmaker, seamstress, tailor, or mantua maker does this. Dressmaking is
described as the art of clothing and dress sewing.

The importance of dressmaking courses is humungous for the ones who want to make a career out
of it or just like to have some basic stitching and sewing skills handy. As we all know that a little skill set
or practice goes a long way in no matter what we do and if one is looking at it with career perspective, it
is important to get hands over the basics first. For anyone who wants to be a fashion designer or a
celebrity dressmaker getting enrolled in any good dressmaking course would act as a great beginning.
Not only these courses help one have hands over the basics but also bring out that confidence to think
creatively and then turn those thoughts into a final product.

Some basic reasons why the ones who are in love with dressmaking should get enrolled in the best
of dressmaking courses are:

– These courses help one become aware of the latest fabric, stitching and dressmaking trends and this
helps one in crafting out something exemplary each time

– With ample of knowledge coming from the courses the students tend to learn quick and smart and this
is what helps them create out creations that are unique and have their own personal touch

– For the ones planning out a career from this, the dressmaking courses tend to set the basics right by
providing in all that training required in stitching, fabric selection and clothing repair

– Apart from the techniques, these courses help students gain complete familiarity with all those tools,
supplies and parts so that they are able to tame these the way they want

– Having learn professional dressmaking one is bound to deliver excellent results and the biggest reason
behind this is that the student is aware of the latest trends and also has the confidence to explore and
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development
Republic of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental

Now that the importance of dressmaking courses is well known, it is imperative to understand that these
benefits can only be realized if the course is chosen wisely and for this a good school that has been in the
niche can be chosen.

Dressmaker Career

Tailors and dressmakers cut, sew, mend, and alter clothing. Typically, tailors work only with
menswear, such as suits, jackets, and coats, while dressmakers work with women’s clothing, including
dresses, blouses, suits, evening wear, wedding and bridesmaids’ gowns, and sportswear. Tailors and
dressmakers are employed in dressmaking and custom-tailor shops, department stores, and garment
factories; others are self-employed


Sewing the basic hand stitches is very easy if you learn each step thoroughly before you start
practicing the next step. Sewing by hand is a skill that most, if not all, people should probably attempt to
master at some point

Back Stitch
Make one running stitch, and then take a back stitch to the beginning
of the first stitch, thus overlapping each running stitch. Resembles
machine stitching and is used to strengthen a seam made by hand.
Basting is quite important in successful sewing. This is used to hold
fabric temporarily in place, until permanently stitched. There are four
types of basting; hand basting, machine basting, pin basting and
basting edges with an iron.

Running Stitch
To make this stitch, push point of needle in and out of fabric until you
have several stitches on the needle. Hold fabric taut with left hand, pull
the needle through. Practice until you make fine even stitches.
Outline Stitch
This stitch is similar to the back stitch but it is slanted. Make one

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development
Republic of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental

slanted backstitch in front of another letting each one overlap the one
before it just a little bit, until the design is filled.
Blanket Stitch
Put your needle in 1/4 inch from the edge of the fabric, put the thread
under the point of the needle and pull through.
Catch Stitch
This is used for a flat finish next to fabric, such as seam binding on a
hem. Hold open hem edge away from you, work from left to right,
Take a stitch in the hem, then a tiny stitch to the right just beyond edge
of hem with the point of needle to the left. This makes diagonal lined
that cross each other.
Chain Stitch
Insert the needle in and out of the fabric (as in the running stitch).
Bring the thread under the tip of the needle while still in the fabric,
then pull the needle through.

Lesson 2 - Basic Carpentry

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development
Republic of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental

Carpentry may be designed as the process of making wooden articles and components such as roots,
floors, partitions, doors and windows. Carpentry involves cutting, shaping and fastening wood and other
materials together to produce a finished product. Preparation of joints is one of the important operations
in wood work. Joinery denotes connecting the wooden parts using different points such as lap joints,
mortise and T- joints, bridle joints, etc.
Carpentry is one of the most important blue collar jobs in the world. It holds much of society together.
Without carpentry we would not have homes, businesses, churches, etc. Carpentry is a very important
career because it touches everyone 's lives every day; this is why it is very important for a person to learn
this skill sometime in their life
Many of the carpenters working in the field do not anything more than a high school diploma and
hands on training. It also looks better when becoming a carpenter to have taken some shop or woodworking
classes during your high school career. Though some of the carpenters do go to vocational schools to learn
their trade; many participate in apprenticeships and employer training programs. It is believed by many that
apprenticeships are the best way to learn the skill of carpentry. Apprentices begin by learning the basics of
carpentry such as layout, form building, rough framing. They also have to learn how to use the wide array
of tools, machines, and equipment that are used by carpenters today.
Joinery makes or breaks a project. Generally, the more difficult the joint, the stronger it is. That's why
woodworkers decide on the joints they'll use early on in the planning stages. Here's a sampling of popular
joints, some simple, some more difficult.
Butt Joint. A simple joining of two pieces of wood, either at a corner or edge to edge. Make it
stronger with glue blocks or screws.

Dado Joint. You'll see this joint on bookcase shelves. A dado cut in one piece receives the end of the other

Dowel Joint. Drill aligning holes in each piece of wood, then glue dowels in place for a tight joint.
Perfection requires a centering tool.

Lap Joint. Add gluing surface and strength to a butt joint by cutting a rabbet in the overlapping piece.
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development
Republic of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental

Miter Joint. Create this corner joint by sawing one end of each piece to 45˚. It demands accurate cutting.

Mortise-and-Tenon Joint. A strong, traditional joint that can be made even tougher by adding a peg. Not
all mortises go all the way through.

Through-Dovetail Joint. There's not a better-looking joint, nor one that requires more patience and
accuracy to cut. The interlocking feature makes it really strong, but adds visual interest.

Tongue-and-Groove Joint. This joint allows for wood shrinkage. Cut a groove in the edge of one piece and
a tongue on the other to fit into the groove.


General Instructions: Read carefully the following statements. Provide what is being asked on the
given number items. Cite the reference of the answer if it needs researching using APA
format. PARAPHRASING is highly recommended.
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development
Republic of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental

Features Expert (4) Accomplished (3) Capable (2) Beginner (1)

Very Somewhat Give some new Gives no new III. RESTRICT
Quality of informative informative and information but information and ED ESSAY. In
Writing and well organized poorly poorly maximum
organized organized organized number of ten
So many (10), discuss the
Spelling and Virtually no Few spelling and A number of spelling, following
Grammar spelling, punctuation grammar, grammar and specialization:
punctuation or errors, minor spelling and punctuation
grammatical grammatical punctuation error that it 1. What is
errors errors errors interferes the
The paragraph The paragraph has The paragraph The paragraph
Sentence Count has 9-10 7-8 sentences has 6 sentences has 5 sentences
dressmaking? How does it help individual in every day’s activities?

2. What is carpentry? What is its significance?


Directions: Read and answer the following statements. Write your answers on the space

____________1. It is a type of wood joint that is done through drilling aligning holes in each piece of
wood, then glue dowels in place for a tight joint.

___________2. It is a strong, traditional joint that can be made even tougher by adding a peg.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development
Republic of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental

___________3. This is used for a flat finish next to fabric, such as seam binding on a hem.

___________4. This is used to hold fabric temporarily in place, until permanently stitched

___________5. It is one of the most important blue collar jobs in the world and it holds much of society

Directions: Supply the answer for the following:

1-7 Wood Joints

8-14 Basic Stitches

15-18 Four types of Basting

VI. Demonstration of Task.

General Instructions:

Provide a video presentation in sewing garments using the basic stitches.

Provide a video presentation in creating at least one sample wood joint.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development
Republic of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental

Competency achieved Performance level Rating

A - Advance Excellent 5
P - Proficient Very Satisfactory 4
AP-Approaching proficient Satisfactory 3

D - Developing Fair 2
B - Beginning Poor 1

Performance standard
Evidence must show that the student:

1. Demonstrate the tasks well

2. Management of the conduct of the demonstration

Congratulations! You did a good



K12 Learning Module pdf. Retrieved from


n.a (2016). The importance of dressmaking courses. Retrieved from

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development
Republic of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental


n.a (2020). The Importance of Carpentry. Retrieved from https://www.cram.com/essay/Importance-Of-


Wood Magazine (n.d). Basic Woodworking Joints. Retrieved from


Prepared by:


Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development
Republic of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development
Republic of the Philippines
Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development

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