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Cambridge University Press

978-0-521-13617-4 - English Vocabulary in Use Elementary with Answers, Second Edition

Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell
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1 The family
A Family words
A family tree for some of Anne and Ivan Sorokin’s relatives or relations.

Henry + Diana

Amelia Anne + Ivan George + Meena

Karen Jack Kavita Amal

Ivan and Anne and their children

Ivan is Anne’s husband and Karen and Jack’s father.
Anne is Ivan’s wife and Karen and Jack’s mother.
Anne and Ivan are Karen and Jack’s parents.
Karen is Anne and Ivan’s daughter. Jack is their son.
Karen is Jack’s sister. Jack is Karen’s brother.
Henry and Diana
Henry is Karen and Jack’s grandfather. Diana is their grandmother.
Henry and Diana are Karen and Jack’s grandparents.
Karen is their granddaughter. Jack is their grandson.
Amelia, George and Meena
George is Karen and Jack’s uncle.
Amelia and Meena are Karen and Jack’s aunts.
Karen is Amelia, George and Meena’s niece. Jack is their nephew.
Kavita and Amal are Karen and Jack’s cousins.

B Expressions
Have you got any brothers and sisters? No, I am an only child.
Do you come from a big family? Yes, I have three brothers and two sisters.

We say ‘my/his wife’ (singular) but ‘our/their wives’ (plural).

8 English Vocabulary in Use Elementary

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Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-13617-4 - English Vocabulary in Use Elementary with Answers, Second Edition
Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell
More information

1.1 Look at the family tree on the opposite page. Complete the sentences.
1 Kavita is Amal’s sister
2 Amal is Kavita’s
3 Anne is Kavita’s
4 Ivan is Amal’s
5 Diana is Amal’s
6 Henry is Kavita’s
7 Amal is Ivan’s
8 Kavita is Ivan’s
9 Meena is Kavita’s
10 Meena is George’s
11 Karen is Amal’s

1.2 The Sorokins have some other relatives. Complete the sentences about them.

Sanjay Alexander and Leila

Meena has a brother, Sanjay. Sanjay is Kavita and Amal’s 1 uncle and Sanjay’s wife is
their 2 . Sanjay and his wife have one son, Prem. Prem is an 3 .
Henry’s parents are still alive. Alexander is Henry’s 4 and his 5 Leila
6 7
is Henry’s . Alexander and Leila have three – Amelia, Ivan and
George. Ivan and George and their 8 , Anne and Meena, love their 9
and visit them as often as possible.

1.3 Ask a friend these questions. Then write sentences about your friend and their family. For
example, Chen has one brother but no sisters.
1 Have you got any brothers and sisters?
2 Have you got any cousins?
3 Have you got any nieces or nephews?
4 Have you got any grandparents?
5 Do you come from a big family?

1.4 Cover the opposite page. How many family words can you write down in two minutes?
Check what you wrote carefully with the book. Did you spell everything correctly?
Which words did you forget?

Draw your family tree. Then write sentences. Write about your relations. Anne is my mother.
Use a dictionary to help you.

English Vocabulary in Use Elementary 9

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-13617-4 - English Vocabulary in Use Elementary with Answers, Second Edition
Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell
More information

2 Birth, marriage and death

A Birth
Anna had a baby yesterday.
He was born at 1.15 yesterday morning.
He weighed 3 kilograms.

They are going to call him John – after John, his grandfather. His grandfather’s birthday
is June 16th too – but he was born in 1945!
The baby’s parents were born in 1974.

We say: Anna had a baby [NOT Anna got a baby]. We say: He/She was born [NOT He/She born or
He/She is born].

B Marriage
If you do not have a partner, you are single.
If you have a husband or wife, you are married.
If your husband or wife dies, you are widowed.
If your marriage breaks up, you are separated / divorced. (the marriage has legally ended)

Bill and Sarah got married.

The wedding

(bride) groom
Sarah got married to Bill [NOT with Bill].

They (got) married in 1988. (married without got is more formal)

They went on their honeymoon to Italy.
They were married for 20 years.

C Death
Then Bill became ill.
He died last year.
He died of a heart attack.

Bill is dead [NOT Bill is died or
Bill is death].
The funeral

10 English Vocabulary in Use Elementary

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-13617-4 - English Vocabulary in Use Elementary with Answers, Second Edition
Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell
More information

2.1 Think of people you know. Where were they born? When?
1 My mother was born in Scotland on July 4th 1957.

2.2 Find a word on the opposite page which means …

1 the name for a woman on her wedding day. bride
2 the name for a man on his wedding day.
3 what you are if you haven’t got a partner.
4 to be 57 kilograms.
5 what you are if your marriage has legally ended.
6 a religious service for a dead person.
7 a holiday after a wedding.
8 what you are if your husband or wife dies.

2.3 Complete the sentences with words from the box.

in after of to born on
1 In 2003 Anne got married 2 Robert Smith. Unfortunately, Robert’s
grandmother, Rosemary Smith, died 3 old age soon after their wedding. Robert and
Anne were 4 their honeymoon when she died. Anne’s baby daughter was
two years later. They called the baby Rosemary,6 Robert’s

2.4 When were these people born and when did they die? Write sentences.
1 Genghis Khan (1162–1227) Genghis Khan was born in 1162 and died in 1227.
2 Christopher Columbus (1451–1506)
3 Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519)
4 Princess Diana (1961–1997)
5 Heath Ledger (1979–2008)

2.5 Complete the sentences using died, dead or death.

1 Jill’s grandfather died last year.
2 His made her very sad.
3 Her grandmother has been for five years now.
4 She of a heart attack.
5 Now all Jill’s grandparents are .

2.6 Write about your family. Use words and expressions from the opposite page.
Here are some ideas for making your sentences.
I have . I/my I have / my has
got married in (year). children. They were born in
For my/his/her honeymoon, I/he/she went and (years).
to .

English Vocabulary in Use Elementary 11

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Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-13617-4 - English Vocabulary in Use Elementary with Answers, Second Edition
Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell
More information

3 Parts of the body

A Head and face eye
tooth / teeth

B Arm and leg

thumb leg

finger knee

shoulder foot / feet

arm toe

C Rest of body
chest back
side waist
We have skin
covering our

D Inside the body


heart brain

E Pronunciation problems
eye >' knee KF stomach PQ§JH heart EQ blood ?I§A foot C3Q tooth QR2

F Singular and plurals

one foot – two feet one tooth – two teeth
Hair is a singular word. My hair is very long – I must cut it soon.

Usually we use my, your, his, her, etc. with parts of the body. Jane is washing her hair [NOT Jane is
washing the hair]. I have a pain in my leg [NOT I have a pain in the leg].
(See Unit 6: Health and illness.)

12 English Vocabulary in Use Elementary

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Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-13617-4 - English Vocabulary in Use Elementary with Answers, Second Edition
Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell
More information

3.1 Here are the names of some parts of the body with the letters mixed up. What are they?
1 eken knee 6 are
2 osen 7 hotot
3 rathe 8 buhtm
4 hamcost 9 akbc
5 olderush 10 tiwas

3.2 Complete these sentences with words from the opposite page.
1 A hand has five fingers . 6 You hear with your .
2 A foot has five . 7 The child sat on her father’s .
3 An adult has 32 . 8 Your type can be A, B, AB or O.
4 You smell with your . 9 You think with your .
5 The is a symbol of love.

3.3 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1 I have a pain in the side. I have a pain in my side.
2 That woman has got very big foots.
3 My grandfather has a pain in the shoulder.
4 The baby has already got two tooths.
5 The little girl needs to wash the face and the hands before dinner.
6 My hairs are dirty. I need to wash them.

3.4 Parts of the body are often used in compound nouns too. Complete these nouns with a
word from the opposite page.

1 arm chair 3 stick 5 scarf

2 ball 4 brush 6 bag

Parts of the body words are used in other ways too.
1 A chair has arms, legs and a back. 4 This is a bottle. Where is
Where do you think they are? its neck?
a its back

2 This is a needle.
5 This is a mountain.
Where is its eye?
Where is its foot?
3 This is a clock. Where is its
face? Where are its hands?

English Vocabulary in Use Elementary 13

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Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-13617-4 - English Vocabulary in Use Elementary with Answers, Second Edition
Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell
More information

4 Clothes
A Clothes
coat jacket scarf gloves shoes trainers boots suit


skirt tie

ring belt sweater /

T-shirt watch shirt dress

B Plural words
These words are always plural in English. They need a plural verb.
trousers jeans shorts tights glasses pyjamas


My suit is new but these trousers are old. Her jeans / shorts / tights are blue.
Note: You say: a pair of trousers / shorts / glasses, etc.

C Verbs
You wear clothes but you carry things.
You wear glasses.
Naomi is wearing a long red coat. She’s carrying a suitcase
and a small handbag.
You can also say: Naomi has (got) a red coat on.
You carry a bag and an umbrella.

In the morning you get dressed or put your clothes on. At night you get undressed or you
take your clothes off.

;hhehmWhd_d] J_f
You put clothes on but you take When you get dressed in the morning, say to
clothes off [NOT put clothes off]. yourself Now I’m putting on my socks. Now
I’m putting on my shoes and so on.

14 English Vocabulary in Use Elementary

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Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-13617-4 - English Vocabulary in Use Elementary with Answers, Second Edition
Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell
More information

4.1 Complete the sentences.
1 Joe has a job interview today, so he’s wearing a smart su it , a white
sh and a t .
2 Julia’s not working today, so she’s wearing a T- and sh s.
3 Liz is going to play tennis. She’s wearing white s s and tr s.
4 Gianni is going to a business meeting. He’s ing a b with his papers
and laptop.
5 My trousers are too big. I have to wear a b .
6 It’s cold today. I’ll wear my j , and I’ll take my c too.

4.2 Match the item of clothing with the part of the body.

scarf belt shoe hat glove glasses tights ring

1 3 4
7 8

4.3 Complete the sentences with one of the verbs in the box and put it in the right form.

be wear carry have

1 Nick’s jeans are blue and his T-shirt red.

2 Julia jeans and a T-shirt today.
3 Meena got a red coat on and she some flowers.
4 Sarah’s dress old but her shoes new.
5 Last year Jim’s trousers white. Now they grey.
6 this a new pair of jeans?
7 My favourite pyjamas dark green.
8 Kim a new pair of shorts.

4.4 Label the picture. 1 sunglasses 6

4 8

5 9

4.5 Complete the verbs in the table.

morning night
get dressed get
or put or your clothes off

4.6 What are you wearing today? Use a dictionary to help you.
I’m wearing a white T-shirt and a blue jumper. I’ve got a pair of black trousers on. I’m wearing
blue socks and white trainers. I’ve also got a watch and a pair of glasses on.
English Vocabulary in Use Elementary 15

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-13617-4 - English Vocabulary in Use Elementary with Answers, Second Edition
Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell
More information

5 Describing people
A Height E>'Q and weight TB'Q
Bettina Schwenke is a very tall woman. Bettina Schwenke Tom Jakes
Tom Jakes is quite short.
If you aren’t tall or short, you are of medium height.

Agata Sanchez is really slim.

I was very thin when I was in hospital.
[slim is more polite than thin] Agata Sanchez

The doctor said I am overweight. [weigh too much]

An overweight man holding a fat cat opened the door.

B Face and head

Suri has dark skin and dark hair. She has brown eyes.
Polly has blonde (or fair) hair and fair skin. She has blue eyes.
Beat has a beard and long hair. He has green eyes.
Luca has a moustache J3PQ1 and short hair.
You can also use has got, for example, Suri has got
dark hair and dark skin. Suri

People are tall [NOT People are high].
Beat Luca
People have blonde or dark hair [NOT hairs].

My mother is a very beautiful woman. [very pretty]

My dad’s a very good-looking man.
My sister is pretty. (usually girls / women only)
Bob’s an ugly man. [ugly = the opposite of beautiful or good-looking]
I’m not ugly or beautiful, I’m just average-looking!

C Age
My grandmother is 97. She’s very old. My sister is 14. She’s young, but would like to be
older. My father is 56. He’s middle-aged, but would like to be younger!
This hospital is for elderly people. (more polite than old)

D Expressions
A: How tall is Bettina / Tom? B: She’s 1.85 metres tall. / He’s 1.48 metres tall.
A: How heavy are you? / How much do you weigh? B: I weigh 62 kilos / 74 kilos, etc.
A: How old is he? B: He’s 84.
A: What does Gemma / your sister look like?
Some of the words on this page are a little
B: She’s tall and dark. She’s very pretty.
negative, so be careful how you use them. It’s
better not to say to someone: ‘You are fat / thin /
ugly / old.’
16 English Vocabulary in Use Elementary

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-13617-4 - English Vocabulary in Use Elementary with Answers, Second Edition
Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell
More information

5.1 Complete the sentences.
1 He’s only 1 metre 52. He’s quite short .
2 Very people are often good at basketball.
3 Models are usually .
4 Does she have dark skin? No, it’s .
5 She’s only seven. She’s very .
6 If I eat too much I’ll be .
7 My grandmother is in this hospital. It’s a hospital for people. (don’t use ‘old’)

5.2 Complete the questions using the words in brackets ( ).

1 How tall is your brother? (your brother)
He’s about 1 metre 75.
2 Is ? (Elena’s hair)
No, she’s got dark hair.
3 Is ? (Mike’s hair)
Yes, it is quite long.
4 Are ? (your parents)
Not really, they’re middle-aged.
5 Is ? (his sister)
Yes, she’s very pretty.
6 Why ? (Sara, so thin)
She’s very ill.

5.3 Write sentences about the

people in these pictures.

Suzanna Jeff Caroline Stefan

1 Suzanna’s got long blonde hair and fair skin.

2 Jeff has
3 Caroline’s got
4 Stefan’s hair is and he

5.4 Write questions.

1 your brother, height How tall is your brother?
2 your teacher, looks
3 you, weight
4 your mother, age
5 your sister, height
6 your parents, looks

5.5 Now write answers to the questions in 5.4.

1 He’s not very tall. He’s 1 metre 52.

Write down the names of three people you know. Then write about their:
r height (tall, short, medium height) r eyes (colour)
r hair (colour, long, short, beard) r looks (ordinary, good-looking, ugly, etc.)

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