C - 8 320 30 0.015 180 Saturated Vapor 80 600
C - 8 320 30 0.015 180 Saturated Vapor 80 600
C - 8 320 30 0.015 180 Saturated Vapor 80 600
Analysis There is only one inlet and one exit, and thus m1 m2 m . The inlet specific volume of argon and its mass
flow rate are
RT 1 ( 0 . 2081 kPa⋅m3 /kg⋅K ) ( 723 K )
v 1= = =0 . 167 m 3 /kg A1 = 60 cm2
P1 900 kPa
P1 = 900 kPa
Thus, T1 = 450C
1 1 V1 = 80 m/s
ṁ= A V = ( 0. 006 m2 ) ( 80 m/s )=2 . 874 kg/s
v 1 1 1 0. 167 m3 /kg
We take the turbine as the system, which is a control volume since mass
crosses the boundary. The energy balance for this steady-flow system can be ARGON
expressed in the rate form as 250 kW
E E out E system 0 (steady) 0
Rate of net energy transfer Rate of change in internal, kinetic,
by heat, work, and mass potential, etc. energies
Ein−Eoutunderbracealignl ⏟
Net energy transfer ¿ =ΔEsystemunderbracealignl⏟
Change in internal, kinetic, ¿ ¿ 0=ΔU ¿
by heat, work, and mas ¿ potential, etc. energies ¿ 18C
or, Iron
ΔU iron + ΔU water=0 350C
Ṡin−Ṡoutunderb acealignl⏟
Rate ofnetentropytransfer ¿+Ṡgenunderb acealignlR⏟
ateofentropy ¿=ΔṠ Ã0(steady)underb acealignlR⏟
ate ofchange ¿ ¿ṁwaters1+ṁairs3−ṁwaters2−ṁairs4+Ṡgen=0 ¿Ṡgen=ṁwater(s2−s1)+ṁair(s4−s3)¿
sy tem
byheatandmas ¿ generation¿ ofentropy¿
The properties of the steam at the inlet and exit states are
h1=2564.6 kJ/kg
T 1 =35°C ¿ } ¿¿ ¿
s 1=8.3517 kJ/kg⋅K (Table A-4)
h2 =134.10 kJ/kg
T 2 =32°C ¿ } ¿¿ ¿
s 2=0.4641 kJ/kg⋅K
(Table A-4)
From an energy balance, the heat given up by steam is equal to the heat picked up by the air. Then,
Q̇=ṁ water (h1 −h2 )=(10,000/3600 kg/s)(2564 .6−134.10) kJ/kg=6751 kW
Q̇ 6751 kW
ṁair = = =671 .7 kg/s
c p (T 4 −T 3 ) (1 .005 kJ/kg⋅° C )(30−20 )° C
Substituting into the entropy balance relation,
Ṡ gen =ṁ water (s 2−s 1 )+ ṁair (s 4 −s 3 )
¿ ṁwater ( s2 −s1 )+ ṁair c p ln 4
303 K
¿(10 , 000/3600 kg/s )(0. 4641-8 .3517 ) kJ/kg⋅K +(671. 7 kg/s)(1. 005 kJ/kg⋅K )ln
293 K
¿ 0 .745 kW/K
Note that the pressure of air remains unchanged as it flows in the heat exchanger. This is why the pressure
term is not included in the entropy change expression of air.