Liang 2017
Liang 2017
Liang 2017
Abstract—Enabled by mobile and wearable technology, detailed and strategic policies according to individual
personal health data delivers immense and increasing characteristics, benefiting customers to choose flexible
value for healthcare, benefiting both care providers and insurance plans according to their needs.
medical research. The secure and convenient sharing
of personal health data is crucial to the improvement To handle health data sharing between institutions,
of the interaction and collaboration of the healthcare there is a need for a secure data sharing infrastruc-
industry. Faced with the potential privacy issues and ture. However, there are several challenges related to
vulnerabilities existing in current personal health data privacy, security, and interoperability. First, health data
storage and sharing systems, as well as the concept of
self-sovereign data ownership, we propose an innovative
are highly privacy-sensitive, especially as more data
user-centric health data sharing solution by utilizing a are storing in a public cloud, raising the risks of
decentralized and permissioned blockchain to protect data exposure. Second, current systems use centralized
privacy using channel formation scheme and enhance the architecture, which requires centralized trust. Moreover,
identity management using the membership service sup- the effective integration of health data and the interoper-
ported by the blockchain. A mobile application is deployed
to collect health data from personal wearable devices,
ability between healthcare systems remain a challenging
manual input, and medical devices, and synchronize data task. Another challenge is that users have little control
to the cloud for data sharing with healthcare providers over their personal health data [1]. With the notion of
and health insurance companies. To preserve the integrity self-sovereignty [2] concept and the increasing adoption
of health data, within each record, a proof of integrity and of the mobile platform and wearable devices, there is an
validation is permanently retrievable from cloud database
and is anchored to the blockchain network. Moreover,
urgency to develop a new version of EHR systems with
for scalable and performance considerations, we adopt user-centric access control and privacy preservation.
a tree-based data processing and batching method to Blockchain technology originated from Bitcoin [3],
handle large data sets of personal health data collected providing the robustness against failure and attacks,
and uploaded by the mobile platform. as well as functions for data provenance [4]. [5] dis-
Keywords-Healthcare, eHealth, Privacy, Permissioned cussed the existing vulnerabilities and propose measures
Blockchain, Access Control, Scalability, Integrity, Wear- to improve blockchain security. Blockchain relies on
able Devices, Mobile Platform
pseudoanonymity (replacing names with identifiers) and
public key infrastructure (PKI), keeping the privacy of
I. I NTRODUCTION the users. The workshop [6] co-held by the Office of
In recent years, the rise of wearable technology and the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) and the
the Internet-of-Things has brought great opportunities National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST)
and challenges to the healthcare domain. Enabled by focused on the blockchain usage in healthcare and re-
cloud computing and big data analytics, the data col- search, aiming to clarify the implications of blockchain
lected from individual devices contributes to big health as an infrastructure for healthcare use cases including
data and valuable insights can be derived. Hospitals and privacy preservation for predictive modeling, increasing
medical institutions can use these data to link with other interoperability between institutions at a large scale,
Electronic Health Record (EHR) data, such as clinical immutability of health records, health insurance claim
notes, to facilitate health monitoring, disease diagnoses process improvement, health information exchange,
and treatment. Health insurance companies can make healthcare delivery models with artificial intelligence,
identity management, monetization strategies and data
†Corresponding author. provenance requirements.
c 2017 IEEE In this paper, we propose a mobile user controlled,
blockchain-based system for personal health data shar- relations. Besides, user can also record every-
ing and collaboration. In the implementation, we build day activities according to a particular medical
the system on Hyperledger Fabric [7], which is a treatment such as medicine usage to share with
permissioned blockchain requiring the network nodes the treatment provider for adjustment and better
to validate, and realizes a privacy preserving personal improvement.
healthcare system with a broader coverage of the health- • Wearable Device. Wearable Devices serve to
care ecosystem from the end device to the cloud, as well transform original health information into human-
as the emphasis of the user ownership for health data. readable format and then the data is synchronized
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section by the user to their online account. Each account is
II introduces the overall system design, including the associated with a set of wearable devices and pos-
architecture, system entities, key establishment and sys- sible medical devices. When a piece of health data
tem procedures. We describe the system implementation generated, it will be uploaded to the blockchain
in Section III and give a performance evaluation and network for record keeping and integrity protec-
security analysis in Section IV. Section V presents some tion.
related work, concludes the paper and talks about the • Healthcare Provider. Healthcare providers such
future work. as doctors are appointed by a certain user to per-
form medical test, give some suggestions or pro-
II. S YSTEM D ESIGN vide medical treatment. Meanwhile, the medical
A. System Overview treatment data can be uploaded to the blockchain
network for data sharing with other healthcare
Figure 1 is a general scenario for the user-centric
providers under the user’s permission. And the
personal health data sharing. Six entities are included,
current healthcare provider can request access to
namely user, wearable devices, healthcare provider, in-
previous health data and medical treatment from
surance company, the cloud database and the blockchain
the user. Every data request and the corresponding
data access is recorded on the blockchain.
• Health Insurance Company. User may request
a health insurance quote from health insurance
companies or agents to choose a proper health
insurance plan. To provide better insurance poli-
cies, insurance companies request data access from
users including user health data from wearable
devices and medical treatment history. Users with
previous medical treatment(s) may need to pay
a higher rate and the history cannot be denied
by users to prevent insurance fraud. Users can
choose not to share exercise information due to
privacy issues but mostly they would desire to
Fig. 1: User Centric Personal Health Data Sharing. share because regular exercise can bring down the
insurance pay rate. However, users cannot hide or
modify medical treatment history data since those
B. System Entities data is permanently recorded on the blockchain
network and the integrity and trustworthiness is
• User. System users collect data from wearable ensured. Moreover, the insurance claims can also
devices which monitor users’ health data such as be recorded on the blockchain.
walking distance, sleeping conditions, and heart- • Blockchain Network. The blockchain network
beat. Those data is then uploaded to the cloud is used for three purposes. For health data col-
database hosted on trusted platform via the mobile lected from both wearable devices and health-
application. User is the owner of personal health care providers, each of the hashed data entry is
data and is responsible for granting, denying and uploaded to the blockchain network for integrity
revoking data access from any other parties, such protection. For personal health data access from
as healthcare providers and insurance companies. healthcare provider and health insurance company,
If the user is seeking medical treatment, the user each of the data access request should be processed
would share the health data with the desired doc- to get a permission from the data owner with
tors. If the treatment is finished, the data access is a decentralized permission management protocol.
revoked to deny further access from the doctors. The access control policies should be stored in a
Same scenario applies to user-insurance company
distributed manner on the blockchain which en- a new higher level group node with a new hash. This
sures stability. Besides, each of the access request step is repeated until there is a single hash which will
and access activity should be recorded on the become the tree root, that is, the Merkle root.
blockchain for further auditing or investigation.
• Cloud Database. The cloud database stores user
health related data, data requests from the health-
care provider and insurance companies, data access
record and data access control policy. Data access
is accountable and traceable. Once data leakage is
detected, the malicious entity can be identified.
A. Personal Health Data Collection
Personal health data comes from wearable devices
such as activity trackers or smart watches, and med- Fig. 3: Personal Health Data Integrity Protection.
ical devices such as pacemakers or defibrillation, as
well as manual user input for treatment tracking such
Chainpoint [9] is an open standard for creating a
as medicine usage and training. To synchronize the
timestamped proof of any data, file, or series of events,
personal data to the cloud for convenient access and
which proposes a scalable protocol for publishing data
further process, the user first can register to the cloud
records on the blockchain and generating a Merkle
service provider for an online account with enough
proof for each data record. In our implementation, we
storage capability. Figure 2 shows the data collection
anchor a list of data records to multiple Fabric channels
and synchronization architecture.
by binding the Merkle root to a blockchain transaction
and verify the integrity and existence of data without
relying on a trusted third-party. The hash of data records
brings two advantages. For one thing, each Merkle tree
can host a large number of records since only the hash
of the data record is stored. For another, the hash is an
effective measure to detect changes so that once a piece
of data is modified, the action can be detected easily by
Fig. 2: Personal Health Data Collection. traversing the tree.