Medicalchain Whitepaper en
Medicalchain Whitepaper en
Medicalchain Whitepaper en
1.0 Abstract 4
11.0 Timelines 32
The information set forth below may not be exhaustive and does
not imply any elements of a contractual relationship. While we
make every effort to ensure that any material in this whitepaper
is accurate and up to date, such as products, services, technical
architecture, token distribution, company timelines - such
material could be subject to change without notice and in no way
constitutes a binding agreement or the provision of professional
Thank you for taking the time to read the Medicalchain Whitepaper.
This paper is the result of collaboration between doctors, allied
health professionals, blockchain specialists, academics and
business advisors.
Dear Reader,
Thank you for taking the time to research Medicalchain and read our Whitepaper.
This has been a culmination of hard work and dedication from all of the team here
at Medicalchain and we would like to proudly share our vision with you all.
As a medical doctor I have worked long hours while managing expectations and
multitasking to satisfy tight deadlines. Despite such experiences nothing had
prepared me for the challenge of growing Medicalchain from the ground up. I could
not have done this without the support of my Co-Founder and COO, Mo Tayeb.
Working side by side, we have selected the finest individuals to join our team to
become, what we now know as Medicalchain.
Our team is a unique one: a perfect blend of clinicians, engineers, developers and
visionaries from the world over. We have nine different nationalities representing us,
each bringing with them their own personal views and experiences of healthcare in
their respective countries.
The Medicalchain team have the drive and commitment to improve healthcare for
those who need it most: the patients.
We enact this mission by empowering patients with the tools to engage in a more
comprehensive healthcare experience, such as accessing their own records on their
mobile device, or conducting a consultation via webcam with a doctor anywhere in
the world, we can improve people’s lives.
It has been an amazing journey so far and we are fortunate to have such strong
support from the community who has helped to drive us onwards in developing this
platform. We are only at the beginning and I truly believe the most exciting times lie
ahead. Please continue to follow and support us here at Medicalchain so that we
can truly make a difference in the healthcare industry.
Best wishes,
Medicalchain is a decentralized
platform that enables secure, fast
and transparent exchange and
usage of medical data. We use
blockchain technology to create
a user-focused electronic health
record and maintain a single true
version of the user’s data.
Medicalchain will enable users to give conditional
access to different healthcare agents such as
doctors, hospitals, laboratories, pharmacists and
The telemedicine application will enable users to
insurers to interact as they see fit.
consult a real doctor remotely (for example, on their
phone) for a small fee payable directly to the doctor.
Each interaction with their medical data is auditable,
transparent and secure, and will be recorded as a
With the marketplace, Medicalchain will enable users
transaction on Medicalchain’s distributed ledger.
entirely at their will, to negotiate commercial terms
We protect patients’ privacy in the process and at
with third parties for alternative uses or applications
all times. Medicalchain is built on the permission-
of their health data as for instance would be the case
based Hyperledger Fabric architecture which allows
with sharing this with researchers. It is intended that
varying access levels; users control who can view
Medicalchain and others will contribute many more
their records, how much they see and for what length
applications to the platform - helping bring value to
of time.
all stakeholders.
By empowering users we can build the future of
Medicalchain’s platform will be powered by
healthcare together. Medicalchain will be a platform
“MedTokens”. We are issuing 500 million tokens,
for other digital health applications to develop on;
which will be distributed at a rate up to 1 token to
users will be able to sign for these applications and
$0.25 USD in ETH and/or BTC. These will be offered
services which are powered by their health data and
in a crowd selling process commonly known as an
secured by smart contracts. Medicalchain is currently
“ICO” or “Initial Coin Offering.”
developing two applications to work alongside
the platform: a doctor-to-patient telemedicine
The contribution period will follow our presale and
application and a health data marketplace.
begin on February 1st 2018. More details on our ICO
can be found below on page 31.
4.5 Security Risks to Patient Data In spring of 2017, over a dozen NHS Hospitals
and GP surgeries in the United Kingdom and over
At present, electronic health records (EHR) are 300,000 machines in 150 countries were the target
stored on centralized databases in which medical of the WannaCry attack. This attack led to days of
data remains largely non-portable. Centralization in- uncertainty for millions of patients, cancelled ap-
creases the security risk footprint, and requires trust pointments and caused the NHS to come to a grind-
in a single authority. Moreover, centralized data- ing halt. WannaCry was ransomware with shadowy
bases cannot ensure security and data integrity, re- origins which highlighted the vulnerability of our
gardless of de-identification and controlled access healthcare systems to potential threats and a sober
requirements. Centralized health databases are le- warning about the inadequacies of the current infra-
gally a requirement and necessity in most countries structure. WannaCry is just the latest in a long list of
worldwide and therefore require an added layer of countless accounts of cybercrime.
technology to improve their portability and security.
Privacy is often compromised from within organi-
As cybercrime around the world is on the rise, health- zations. The medical records of 26 million patients
care systems also become targets and are no excep- were exposed because the systems being used by
tion as shown by recent ransomware hacking. The thousands of GPs were not secure. Hundreds of
technology that powers these systems is under at- thousands of strangers could access the records
tack on an unprecedented scale. In fact, the health- held at 2,700 practices and patients would have no
care industry has more data breaches than any oth- knowledge of their privacy being breached.
er sector and medical records are being stolen and
sold on darknet markets where they are 10 times Many have tried to overcome this issue, and it is high
more valuable than credit card data. on the agenda of many governments and a source of
frustration for both doctors and patients. A signifi-
cant component of the challenge centers on data se-
“Your medical information is worth curity. Security is paramount because medical data
10 times more than your credit card is incredibly sensitive.
With a plethora of different actors, identity management and access to data is key
to Medicalchain’s solution. A dynamic system has been developed that identifies
actors and gives them the appropriate scope over a health record, contingent on the
patient’s permission. Below are some examples of read/write permission:
Participant Permission
Practitioner • Read/Write on permissioned EHRs.
• Request permission for other Practitioner/Insti-
tutions to gain Read/Write access.
To ensure privacy, health records are encrypted In the case that a participant’s access is removed
using symmetric key cryptography. The record from a health record:
will be encrypted and stored on a data store with-
in the appropriate regulatory jurisdiction. The sym- 1. The symmetric key is decrypted with the private
metric key will be encrypted with the public key of a key of the owner of the EHR
2048-bit RSA key pair. Each time an entity is given 2. The EHR is decrypted using the symmetric key
permission to access the patient’s record: 3. The record is re-encrypted with a new
symmetric key
1. The record is decrypted with the owner’s private 4. The symmetric key is encrypted with all the
key remaining authorized users public keys
2. The symmetric key is encrypted with the public
key of the authorized user
6.4 Transactions
Any interactions with health records are recorded as transactions on the network.
Transactions are viewable only to the participants associated with the transaction.
Hyperledger’s modeling language will be used to define the domain model for the
network. Below are some examples from the .CTO file of how models will be defined
and stored on the chain. These are subject to change depending upon different
regulations and requirements in order to make the Medicalchain platform HIPPA
and GDPR compliant.
Variable Type Variable Description
String ID A unique string (128-bit UUID)
Asset PersonalDetails Structure defined in asset
String (Array) authorized Array of all participants ID’s that have been
authorized to read EHR
Asset MedicalRecord Structure defined in asset
Variable Type Variable Description
String ID A unique string (128-bit UUID)
Asset PublicProfile Structure defined in asset
String (Array) Patient Array of all participants ID’s that have been
authorized to read EHR
Asset MedicalRecord Structure defined in asset
Personal Details
Relationship: Patient (Participant)
Medical Record
Variable Type Variable Description
String Numer Numer/name of building
String Street A unique string (128-it UUID)
String City Extends Patient (Participant) asset
String Country Extends practitioner (Participant) asset
String Postal/zip code Area code
Bold companies like 23 and Me, Fitbit, Apple, Nest, and Qardio
are rapidly innovating to expand the frontier of the data that is
collectable. We already have remarkable access to anatomic,
biological, environmental, genomic, phenomic and physiologi-
cal data. New ideas and technologies will only move this fron-
tier further. If we can connect these disparate data sources, then
caregivers and researchers will have unprecedented insight into
patient’s lives. Ultimately this will lead to lowered costs, better
patient outcomes and better research.
In the same way ‘black box’ GPS devices are installed in cars by
insurance companies to monitor driving habits, with those driv-
ing sensibly being rewarded with lower insurance costs.
The same can be applied with health insurance with regular en-
gagement, measurement uploads, proof of therapy compliance
and attendance at a gym might incentivise rewards from health
Once the patient has access to their own EHR this From the patient’s perspective, the time for seeking
will enable the following key features to be used in a consultation is massively reduced by removing the
conjunction with the Medicalchain platform. need to physically attend the doctor’s practice. There
are many simple ailments that are currently managed
8.2 Telemedicine Consultations over the telephone, but by providing a telemedicine
component we can improve the patient’s experience
by facilitating a visual consultation which would be
Telemedicine, an online consultation with a doctor
more in-depth and beneficial to both the doctor and
and patient using a webcam interface, is set to
the patient.
be the future of consultations. Medicalchain not
only provides this established and successful
format of consultation, but will accommodate the 8.22 Clinician Benefits
doctor by enabling them to interact live with the
patient’s records during the consultation. Patients To attend a doctor’s appointment requires a patient
would grant access to their records during the to cancel their work in advance or a take their child
telemedicine consultations, allowing for a more in- out of school for the appointment. There is then the
depth, informative, and valuable experience for both waiting time at the clinic in order to see the doctor,
the patient and doctor. often times for a simple request. Telemedicine
There are also further benefits from the telemedicine provides the patient with the opportunity to select
experience which Medicalchain delivers. Telemed- a specific time to conduct the consultation at their
icine platforms available today offer online visual convenience , encouraging patient choice and
consultations but do not have access to longitudinal freedom. Further, patients are able to choose which
health records. Medicalchain offers this unique val- doctor they would like to conduct their consultation
ue and provides patients with privacy controls. Pa- with offering greater choice and building a
tients will be able to choose the level of detail visible relationship between that
and allocate viewing rights to their chosen doctor for
as long as they feel necessary.
8.3 Health Data Marketplace Control There would be a few broad categories of data leas-
ing agreements though more are likely to evolve over
time. Here are a few we envision:
As with the founding principal of Medicalchain, pa-
tients should have control over their health records,
• One time leasing. Institutions will use APIs
and they should also benefit from the potential value
provided by Medicalchain to pull relevant data
that they possess.
from participants from our servers.
Medicalchain will connect research institutions with
• Longitudinal studies. Institutions that need to
users who are willing to have their health data used
see data over a period of time will be able to ask
in studies in a health data marketplace. Users will be
users to stream their data. Ex: how many steps
given clear information as to how their data is being
users have walked per day or what their heart
used and what data will be required. In many cases
rate looked like today.
anonymised data will be permissible, ensuring the • Collated data. Medicalchain would combine
privacy of everyone involved. In return, participants normally disparate data sources and provide
will be compensated in MedTokens. Patients will be easy access to these data sources with user
given the ability to unlock the monetary value that consent.
their health data holds, they will be more engaged
with their health conditions and the next generation • Ongoing anonymized data offerings. Users could
of cutting edge medicine will be powered. opt in to have their data anonymized and labelled
as accessible to research institutions interested
Pharmaceutical and research companies will also in it. Institutions would have the ability to filter by
benefit from the changes brought in by Medical- broad categories (e.g 40-50 year old, 25+ BMI,
chain. They will be able to seek out patients who male) and users would be paid every time their
have opted in to being contacted by researches so data is accessed.
that these institutions can interact directly with the
patient. By doing so, companies will no longer need
to approach a hospital or clinic and can go straight
Whereas typically for a patient to gain access to their For Clinicians on-boarded onto the Medicalchain
medical records, they would need to apply to their platform, they would have immediate access to con-
service provider and pay all associated administra- duct tele-consultations with any users also on the
tive fees to have these released to them, with Med- platform. This will provide them with an additional
icalchain, the user would provide consent to have revenue stream, meaning they could practice with-
their data retrieved on their behalf, and stored free of out any overheads other than a computer with inter-
charge on Medicalchain’s nodes. Once this has been net connection.
carried out, the patient would then use the Medi-
calchain application to have a standardized, single This availability would decrease the chance of can-
point of access to those records at their discretion, cellations due to patients being unable to physically
eliminating the need for additional administration attend a consultation. Cutting this variable out saves
fees should they lose this data, or need to send orig- on facility expenses, administration costs and the
inal, physical copies at any time, instead they would need for additional staff to be present.
grant access to this data to any requesting parties.
9.4 Researchers
9.5 Insurers
Medicalchain’s ICO will be a capped sale raising $24 Of these 500 million tokens...
million (24,000,000) equivalent of ETH and/or BTC
with whitelisted contribution caps. Medicalchain • 35% will be offered in the pre-sale and crowdsale
will be issuing 500 million (500,000,000) ERC20 to-
kens, called MedTokens, to create a new blockchain • 34% will be retained by the company, team, advi-
based healthcare ecosystem. sors, founders and future employees. Within this
These tokens will be offered in a crowdsale to allow
participants to purchase MedTokens early as well as • 10% will have already vested.
contribute and support the further development of
Medicalchain. Starting on February 1st 2018, partic- • 12% vests over 2 years.
ipants will have the ability to contribute and receive
MedTokens in exchange for their ETH by sending • 12% over 4 years.
Ether to a designated address.
• Founders: 15%
During the ICO MedTokens will be distributed at an
exchange rate of 1 token = $0.25 equivalent in ETH • Company development: 8%
and/or BTC and offered before this date at a dis-
count in a pre-sale. • Team, advisors, early backers: 11%
• 31% will be retained for community development.
500 million tokens issued Medicalchain will use these tokens to help grow an
ecosystem on it’s blockchain by educating others,
supporting node holders, bringing partners onto
its platform, conducting pilots, and sponsoring in-
dustry leading events. This will vest over 4 years.
community development
retained by the company
11.1 The Story so far Together, the team has developed Medicalchain–
complementing Discharge Summary and helping to
build Dr. Albeyatti’s vision.
Work on Medicalchain started in early 2016 when
founder Dr. Albeyatti identified an issue with writing
Over the past few months a flurry of work has been
clinical notes on patients being discharged out of
completed and Medicalchain has been featured
the hospital and having their care transferred back
at world renowned forums such as the Financial
to their family doctor (general practitioner). These
Times Digital Health Summit, Blockchain Labo, and
notes, known as “Discharge Summaries” contain a
the Technology Innovation. The work to date has
substantial volume of mandatory information that
resulted in a public Beta, which will be released in
is often written in freeform text by the doctors. The
February, as well as several key partnerships. One
notes are subject to errors. For example, doctors
thing is for sure: Medicalchain is leading the way
may forget to include vital medical information, such
in blockchain applications in healthcare and digital
as the correct dosage or course of drug prescription.
health’s role in our daily lives.
These errors put the patients’ wellbeing at risk, incur
raised costs, and represent a liability for the hospital.
To address this, Dr. Albeyatti co-founded Discharge 11.2 Current Developments
Summary with Bara Mustafa.
The proof of concept is in its final phase and
First employed in Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust, the development is now focused on design and
UK, the tool was designed to generate accurate and UX/UI experience. The core of the application,
timely notes when patients are sent home. Discharge Medicalchain’s secure API and blockchain, is ready
summary received a positive welcome and was for the release of the Beta. The nodes setup and
adopted by junior doctors as well as consultants and operated during the Beta are run by Medicalchain,
other healthcare practitioners. but over time Medicalchain will include other nodes
onto it’s network. Several of these conversations are
Discharge Summary, by improving communication underway already with hospitals, universities and
and standardizing data, demonstrated to Dr. Albeyatti non-profit organisations.
the power of digital health to lower costs and improve
outcomes. He sought to apply this insight to a 11.3 Collaborative Design
broader problem: disparate health systems. In short,
documents are transferred, often on paper, to other
organisations where the exchange of data results in To enhance the user experience of Medicalchain
no single version of the truth. Moreover, oftentimes a range of global advisors have been selected to
IT systems are not interoperable; they cannot talk to work on specific use cases. Expert patients, doctors,
each other let alone use each other’s vital data. Dr. health professionals, health providers, insurance and
Albeyatti expanded the team by bringing Mo Tayeb, pharmaceutical companies will take part in system
Jay Povey, Robert Miller as well as a combination design consultation with blockchain developers. The
of medical doctors, allied health professionals, and Beta release with enable testing of each use case,
experts from the blockchain community. with the trialing community providing feedback via
the platform.
Conceptualization of ideas.
Development started on Discharge Summary
Cardialogy department identified as good
starting point to cultivate idea
Discharge Summary website launched
DS launched with Leeds Teaching Hospital trust
First release of Medicalchain prototype
Medichalchain joins Hyperledger and Linux Foundation DS launched with Queen Elizabeth Hospital
DS launched with University Hospital Lewisham
Medichalchain showcased at
FT Digital Health Summit NYC nov Medichalchain is nominated top 10 in Europe for
Accenture healthtech Challenge
Medichalchain is nominated top 20 in the world
for H-Farm Health Accelerator Competition
2019 jan
The identified actors that will require initial Communication to users is focused on safety and
onboarding include: security of patient data. Education on blockchain
technology is seen as a priority, to raise awareness,
• Patients / Service Users gain trust and influence adoption of Medicalchain.
• Clinicians Innovators and early adopters will be the prima-
• Non Profit Node Services ry target market for system trials. Influential users
• Research Institutes / Pharma that witness the benefits of Medicalchain will be the
main catalysts for further patient onboarding.
Expert patients have expressed great interest in the
benefits to owning and managing their own health As we continue with awareness and onboarding
records. We are working with several disease specif- campaigns, Medicalchain will offer a service where it
ic organisations to onboard experienced healthcare will request healthcare records for consenting users.
users to test the collation of data processes, along- Our legal team are working with system developers
side the user interface. to build API integration compliant with various in-
ternational regulations. We acknowledge that some
countries may have barriers to the decentralization
Medicalchain has several of data and we are working with others to negotiate
community campaigns running, these barriers.
on a variety of platforms to raise The data migration process would require a user to
awareness of the project and complete a short form of consent, highlighting the
providers they wish to obtain records from who they
the benefits of blockchain for had previously visited.
healthcare users.
Physical documents will be scanned and mined for
Communication platforms include: information which will then be encrypted and up-
loaded to data lakes. Electronic records will be stan-
• Global Events dardized, encrypted and uploaded.
• International Press Releases
• Sponsored Meetups Medicalchain is approaching clinicians individually
• Telegram and at an organisational level. This multilevel ap-
• Email Campaigns proach will allow for forward thinking health provid-
• Linkedin ers to test the Medicalchain platform throughout
• Reddit their service but does not exclude innovative au-
• Twitter tonomous healthcare professionals. We will work
• Bitcoin Chat alongside clinicians to test the pilot with consenting
• LINE patients and assist providers with patient targeted
• WeChat marketing material to improve user adoption.
• Kakao Talk