Thermodynamic Simulation of HCCI Engine
Thermodynamic Simulation of HCCI Engine
Thermodynamic Simulation of HCCI Engine
Olof Erlandsson
∂W = p⋅∂V
Doctoral thesis
Lund 2002
To my parents Sigurd and Maritha,
and my brother Henrik.
This thesis focuses on engine system simulation using thermodynamics and chemical kinetic
models to investigate the performance and efficiency of Homogeneous Charge Compression
Ignition (HCCI) engines for stationary applications.
It includes the development of software as well as models for engine, turbocharger,
intercooler, inlet and exhaust manifolds, wastegate valve, inlet air humidifier, inlet air heater
and more. The engine model can be classified as a one-zone, zero-dimensional and includes
sub-models for in-cylinder heat transfer, exhaust port heat transfer, heat release and the valve
flow process. The turbocharger model is developed in steps and is based on a polynomial fit
to experimental compressor and turbine performance data. Inlet and exhaust manifolds are
treated as well-mixed volumes. A simplified model for the humidifier is adopted in order to
simulate a humid air motor (HAM) concept. The whole engine system is zero dimensional
and the different system components are linked by means of mean values for mass flow,
temperatures, pressures and gas composition. The NASA-polynomials are used for calculating
thermal and transport properties. The extended Zeldovich mechanism is used as an indicator
of significant NO formation. The models are validated through comparisons with experiments
on mainly diesel and HCCI engines, both cycle and system results.
HCCI engine cycle simulations are made, showing the influence of various engine parameters
e.g. compression ratio, engine speed, air-fuel ratio, exhaust gas recycling, inlet pressure and
valve timing. Mainly natural gas and landfill gas are studied. The self-stabilizing feature of
HCCI ignition timing is investigated using chemical kinetics. HCCI engine system
simulations are made, both with (to find ignition timing) and without chemical kinetics,
investigating turbocharging and the influence of turbine size. The HCCI - HAM concept is
investigated and compared to simpler systems.
The mystery.
The Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine is without a doubt a very
thrilling concept because it uses a completely different form of ignition and combustion
principle from the common engines. It does not use spark plug and propagating turbulent
flame like the spark ignited engine, nor does it use high pressure fuel injection and luminous
diffusion flame like the diesel engine. The combustion in a HCCI engine seems to have no
single origin, it appear in many locations simultaneously with a light-blue fluorescence.
The usefulness.
The reason why HCCI is interesting is the never-ending search for power-sources with higher
efficiency and lower emissions. HCCI engines use high compression ratio and lean
homogeneous mixtures. This is also the key to high efficiency and low NOx emissions in
internal combustion engines.
The invention.
There is very little new under the sun - that is in general very true. However, inventions and
other artifacts can be before its time, and there exist several examples of that. When it comes
to HCCI, the timing is perfect. Today we have all the basic electronics to monitor and control
the HCCI engine, which is fundamental for performance, efficiency and emissions.
The challenge.
HCCI has drawbacks, and in this work, I have tried to tackle mainly one of them: the limited
specific power output that follows from the lean mixtures. The goal is to achieve acceptable
performance without loosing the benefits of HCCI.
The tool.
This thesis covers both use and development of engine system simulation software. The
thesis is written with an increasing degree of simulation complexity, after a short introduction
comes the theory behind the simulation software, then follows various validations, chemical
kinetics, cycle simulations and finally the program is used to study HCCI engine systems.
First, and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Bengt Johansson for
allowing me to do this work, and then pushing me to finish it. He is a professor with many
ideas and big demands and besides being a guru for me and other Ph. D. students at the
division, he really put Lund on the map when it comes to HCCI engine research.
Another great professor is Gunnar Lundholm who really opened my eyes for internal
combustion engines and allowed me to do my master thesis about variable compression ratio
engines. Together with excellent lectures by Krister Olsson, I got the necessary basics to
continue within this field.
I would also like to thank my colleagues at the division for all help. Either in the lab or in the
office, they are always there for support. I would especially like to mention my office
colleagues whom I had the pleasure of sharing office with these years: Magnus Christensen,
Ola Stenlåås and Petter Strandh. Also thanks to Per Amnéus, a fellow from the Combustion
Physics division, for giving excellent support with the chemical kinetics.
The financial support from the Swedish Energy Agency has been essential, so thanks to all
Swedish taxpayers.
Olof Erlandsson
Previous publications by the author
This thesis is in a way a collection of material presented by the author in papers and other
publications, although the material is updated and much more results are introduced. The idea
is that the reader can read this thesis without having access to those papers. Below is a list of
papers and publications the author somehow has been involved. Some of these, not all, are
reviewed in this thesis.
• “Demonstrating the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Variable
Compression Ratio, Alvar-Cycle Engine”, Olof Erlandsson, Gunnar Lundholm, Fredrik
Söderberg, Bengt Johansson, Victor W. Wong, SAE 982682
• “Alvar Engine, An Engine with variable compression ratio, Experiments and tests”,
Olof Erlandsson, Master thesis, ISRN LUTMDN/TMVK-5304--SE
• “Hydrocarbon (HC) Reduction of Exhaust Gases from a Homogeneous Charge
Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engine Using Different Catalytic Mesh Coatings”, Olof
Erlandsson, Bengt Johansson, Fredrik Silversand, SAE 2000-01-1847
• “Experiments and Simulation of a Six-Cylinder Homogeneous Charge Compression
Ignition (HCCI) Engine”, Jan-Ola Olsson, Olof Erlandsson, Bengt Johansson, SAE
• “Development of an Engine System Simulation Software Package – ESIM”, Olof
Erlandsson, Licentiate thesis, ISRN/LUTMDN/TMVK – 7043
• “Early Swedish Hot-Bulb Engines – Efficiency and Performance Compared to
Contemporary Gasoline and Diesel Engines”, Olof Erlandsson, SAE 2002-01-0115
• “Analysis of a 6 Cylinder Turbocharged HCCI Engine Using A Detailed Kinetic
Mechanism”, Guiseppe Cantore, Luca Montorsi, Fabian Mauss, Per Amnéus, Olof
Erlandsson, Bengt Johansson, Thomas Morel, ASME Internal Combustion Engine
Division, Spring Technical Conference, April 14 – 17, 2002 Rockford, Illinois
• “Simulation of HCCI - addressing compression ratio and turbo charging”, Olof
Erlandsson, Patrik Einewall, Bengt Johansson, Per Amneus, Fabian Mauss, SAE 2002-
1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Internal Combustion Engines......................................................................................1
1.1.1 The Diesel engine .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1.2 The Spark Ignited (SI) engines .......................................................................................... 2
1.1.3 Modern and novel engine technology................................................................................ 2
1.1.4 Fuels for IC engines........................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI)................................................4
1.2.1 The basic principle of the HCCI engine ............................................................................ 4
1.2.2 HCCI combustion characteristics ...................................................................................... 4
1.2.3 HCCI background – 2 stroke engines................................................................................ 5
1.2.4 HCCI background – 4 stroke engines................................................................................ 7
1.2.5 Emissions and exhaust gas after treatment ........................................................................ 7
1.3 “ATAC in Systems” - project description ..................................................................8
1.3.1 The challenge..................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.2 Goals, limits tools and material ......................................................................................... 9
1.4 Engine related definitions .........................................................................................11
1.4.1 Performance..................................................................................................................... 11
1.4.2 Efficiency......................................................................................................................... 13
2 The tool - ESIM .......................................................................................... 15
2.1 Engine simulations....................................................................................................15
2.2 The ESIM package....................................................................................................15
2.2.1 Description....................................................................................................................... 15
2.2.2 Limitations....................................................................................................................... 15
2.3 General assumptions .................................................................................................16
2.3.1 Ideal-gas equation of state ............................................................................................... 16
2.3.2 Thermal and physical gas properties ............................................................................... 17
2.3.3 Energy relations............................................................................................................... 21
2.3.4 Numerical solutions......................................................................................................... 22
2.4 System buildup..........................................................................................................24
2.5 Engine model ............................................................................................................25
2.5.1 Simple heat release model ............................................................................................... 29
2.5.2 In-cylinder heat transfer model........................................................................................ 29
2.5.3 Exhaust port heat transfer model ..................................................................................... 30
2.5.4 Governing equations........................................................................................................ 31
2.5.5 Numerical problems ........................................................................................................ 32
2.5.6 Diesel engine combustion model..................................................................................... 33
2.5.7 Engine friction model ...................................................................................................... 34
2.6 Turbocharger models ................................................................................................35
2.6.1 Performance data ............................................................................................................. 36
2.6.2 Performance data representation...................................................................................... 37
2.6.3 Compressor mass flow model.......................................................................................... 38
2.6.4 Compressor efficiency model .......................................................................................... 39
2.6.5 Turbine mass flow model ................................................................................................ 40
2.6.6 Turbine efficiency model................................................................................................. 41
2.6.7 Model accuracy................................................................................................................ 41
2.6.8 Improved model using interpolation and extrapolation techniques................................. 42
2.6.9 Governing equations........................................................................................................ 45
2.6.10 Comments.................................................................................................................... 46
2.7 Manifold models .......................................................................................................47
2.7.1 Inlet manifold .................................................................................................................. 48
2.7.2 Exhaust manifold............................................................................................................. 48
2.8 Charge air cooler (Intercooler) model.......................................................................49
2.9 Humidifier.................................................................................................................51
2.10 Other components .....................................................................................................53
2.10.1 Heater .......................................................................................................................... 53
2.10.2 Wastegate .................................................................................................................... 53
2.10.3 Engine control ............................................................................................................. 53
3 Simple heat release ..................................................................................... 54
3.1 Validation of HCCI Cycle Simulation......................................................................54
3.2 Validation of System Simulation – Diesel operation................................................56
3.3 Validation of System Simulation – HCCI operation ................................................58
3.4 Turbocharger considerations.....................................................................................62
3.5 Lean-burn spark ignition...........................................................................................65
3.6 The effect of ignition timing on efficiency...............................................................67
4 Single zone chemical kinetic model........................................................... 68
4.1 Mathematical model..................................................................................................68
4.2 Validation of chemical kinetics ................................................................................72
4.2.1 Natural gas....................................................................................................................... 72
4.2.2 Isooctane.......................................................................................................................... 73
4.3 Cycle simulations with chemical kinetics.................................................................74
4.3.1 The effect of various engine operating parameters.......................................................... 75
4.3.2 Stability and late ignition phenomena ............................................................................. 77
4.3.3 The effect of valve timing................................................................................................ 82
4.3.4 The effect of exhaust gas recirculation - EGR................................................................. 85
4.4 The effect of humidification of inlet air – the HAM concept ...................................89
5 More realistic prediction of heat release rate .......................................... 92
5.1 “Slave” cycle and estimation of NO formation ........................................................92
5.1.1 Compression ratio optimization....................................................................................... 93
5.1.2 Inlet temperature control model....................................................................................... 95
5.2 System simulation.....................................................................................................96
5.2.1 The effect of turbine size ................................................................................................. 96
5.2.2 Quest for higher loads...................................................................................................... 98
6 System simulations with chemical kinetics ............................................ 100
6.1 Simple system with natural gas...............................................................................100
6.2 Reformed natural gas fuel.......................................................................................102
6.3 The HAM system in combination with reformed fuel............................................105
7 Summary ................................................................................................... 110
8 References ................................................................................................. 112
Symbols and Abbreviations............................................................................ 119
1 Introduction
exhaust stroke or even upstream the trap. To better succeed with this catalytic materials can
be used in the trap. It is more difficult with the NOx emissions because of the idea is to
convert them into N2. This is very difficult to do in diesel exhaust gases because the high
amount of oxygen present. DeNOx catalysts exist but are in general very sensitive to sulfur,
and most diesel engine fuels contain some amounts of sulfur. Technology that uses a
reducing media, like urea or ammonia has also been tested but it then requires “refueling” in
order to work properly.
quite low heat transfer losses, this is a successful technology. The problem to be solved is the
ignition process. Wärtsilä NSD uses a prechamber were a stoichiometric mixture is ignited by
a spark plug, the burning gas then flows out of the prechamber, into the main combustion
chamber through several nozzles, resulting in a very good and secure ignition process of an
overall diluted mixture. However, the compression ratio is still limited by knocking
Figure 1 Wärtsilä pre combustion chamber (PCC) spark ignited natural gas engine [1].
Stratified charge SI engines uses direct injection of the fuel towards the spark plug and by
using the proper injection timing and duration it is possible (but certainly not trivial) to get a
fairly stoichiometric mixture around the spark plug surrounded by pure air. The idea is that
load control is achieved by varying the amount of air-fuel mixture around the spark plug,
instead of control the total amount of mass inside the cylinder, and this limits the throttle
losses. At maximum load, the engine works more or less like a normal SI engine.
Unfortunately, it becomes difficult to achieve a perfect homogeneous mixture and the
emissions, especially particulates, increase with this technology.
It is the compression ratio of the diesel engine that are the main design factor that give the
diesel engine its high efficiency, and it is the diluted homogenous mixtures that give low NOx
emissions form the lean burn SI engine. The compression ratio of the latter cannot be
increased due to knocking phenomena that destroy the engine. Instead of looking at knocking
as a negative phenomenon, it is actually possible to use it as an ignition process and this is the
basic idea of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition - HCCI. This means an engine
without spark plug or direct injection of the fuel, i.e. in its basic configuration, a very simple
design. Unfortunately, the ignition process becomes uncontrolled, or to be more specific;
there is no parameter that directly controls ignition timing like a spark plug or the injection
timing in the diesel engine. Everything is determined when the intake valve closes: Will the
temperature and pressure become high enough in order to get auto-ignition and combustion?
Will ignition occur at a desired crank angle degree? The advantage is that we will get high
efficiency, ultra low NOx emissions and no particulates, because it uses high compression
ratios and well-diluted mixtures (leaner mixtures than used in lean burn SI engines).
1.1.4 Fuels for IC engines
The IC engine transforms chemically bonded energy of a combustible fuel into useful
mechanical work. As long as the fuel is relatively safe, efficient and convenient to handle,
transport and store, the IC engine an excellent choice for automotive applications. Since the
IC engine is a compromise between properties the whole engine development becomes very
sensitive to fuel accessibility and technology. This has allowed two major IC engine types to
evolve: the diesel engines and the gasoline engines. If all combustion engines are considered,
the third engine type is the gas turbines; these will not be discussed any further in this thesis
but has its most common application in aircrafts due to its superior power density ratio
(power-to-weight). Oil drilling, cracking and distilling gives a spectrum of different
petroleum products with different combustion characteristics. This fuel refining is obviously
adapted to the major markets, the automotive and aeronautical applications, so proper blends
of distilled products become suitable for a specific application e.g. gasoline for SI engines.
Natural gas is the most economical alternative for stationary applications as long as the access
is sufficient and as long as it can be transported in pipelines.
Fuels that are “renewable” start to appear on the market today, which means fuels that do not
contribute to a net increase of CO2 in the atmosphere, unlike coal and oil products (fossil
fuels). During rationing in wartimes these were quite widely used, a typical example was
gasifiers (gas generators) mounted on European vehicles, during the 2’nd world war, in order
to run the cars on wood-chips. Today it is perhaps ethanol mixed into the gasoline that is the
most frequent example. Other examples are landfill gas or similar biogases.
engine speed would be changing tremendously. In this way the volume – time curve, and
hence pressure and temperature trace, prior combustion would be changing and allow
shorter/longer time for the chemistry resulting in earlier or later ignition timing.
As mentioned earlier, the HCCI engine uses a high compression ratio; this is generally true
but depends on the fuel that we would like to run the engine on. A fuel that easily ignites, like
a modern diesel fuel, requires low compression ratio in order to get ignition close to TDC. I
fact diesel is a quite poor fuel to run the HCCI engine on because the required compression
ratio becomes as low as 7:1. This would mean that we actually would get lower efficiency
than in a spark-ignited engine and that is certainly not our goal. The selected fuel should give
us an optimum compression ratio of about 15:1 – 17:1, this is a good compromise, if we use
higher compression ratio, not only do we increase the mechanical load on the engine, we also
increase the area-to-volume ratio and the heat transfer, crevice and blow by losses become
more significant. With this high compression ratio and lean mixtures, high octane number
fuels like natural gas and gasoline are more adequate. Anyway, some sort of parameter for
combustion timing control is required in order to optimize both efficiency and emissions.
The combustion duration at high load operation has shown to be extremely short and it is easy
to get knocking combustion, i.e. the combustion produces an oscillating pressure trace after
the main combustion, and in general a “pinging” noise outside the engine. This phenomenon
is the same as found in spark-ignited engines. The question is what degree of knocking is
acceptable from an engine durability point of view. In general, the combustion duration
depend on several parameters like fuel, air-fuel ratio, burned gas fraction (EGR), engine
speed, compression ratio and several other parameters, but also the degree of homogeneity in
terms of e.g. fuel and thermal distribution. Turbulence smoothes out most of these
distributions (and it is perhaps in this way turbulence plays its most important role). The
turbulence itself is distributed over the combustion chamber.
However, there are better methods to control combustion. It can be done by varying the
compression ratio or by using blends of two or several different fuels or additives that affects
the ignition timing and combustion duration. A variable compression ratio also makes it
possible to run the HCCI-engine on practically any fuel with an acceptable ignition
temperature of the air-fuel mixture. CFR-, Atkinson -, Alvar-cycle [2, 3] and variable valve
timing is examples of engines and methods used to achieve a variable compression ratio in an
which terminates when there is no combustible species left. Onishi also showed that the
cycle-to-cycle variations became very small compared to normal spark ignition operation,
which improved the overall efficiency of the engine. Detailed studies of the ATAC
combustion followed shortly after Onishi’s first publications [5-16].
The ATAC technology was adopted in commercial products, first small generators (“NiCE”,
electrical power of 1 kW) but later Honda Motorcycle Company introduced a similar concept
where they adjusted the burned gas fraction with an exhaust port valve. They implemented the
technology in small motorcycles and they gave the concept the name Active Radical
Combustion [9, 16]. A brief but comprehensive summary of ATAC and HCCI publications is
made by A. Hultqvist [17].
Flame Heat
propagation Release
Figure 3 The PAW 09 TBR – R/C engine. Weight: 140g Power: 0.24hp at 19500rpm. 1 –
propeller shaft, 2 – carburetor, 3 – compression ratio adjusting screw, 4 – Cylinder, 5 –
exhaust pipe, 6 – crankcase [18].
very low load (high λ-values). In addition, fuel can be trapped in top land crevices1, and
evaporate late in the expansion-, or even during the exhaust stroke. The temperature is then
too low for this mixture to ignite or burn completely, which results in UHC emissions. Some
CO emissions are also produced from partial burn in regions where combustion rate is
reduced due to the expansion.
To completely get rid of the UHC and CO emissions some sort of oxidizing catalyst is
required. The temperatures in the exhaust manifold from the HCCI engine is quite low due to
several factors:
• High compression ratio – high efficiency
• Fast combustion
• Lean mixtures
This may require more expensive catalyst technology e.g. coatings that have a low activation
temperature, or complex regenerative catalyst designs. Very few solutions have been
presented to this problem.
Crevices formed by the small volume between piston crown and cylinder wall, above the top piston ring.
causing a lower efficiency and a higher exhaust temperature. From a turbocharging point of
view, the higher exhaust temperature provided, the more energy is available to be transformed
in the turbine, which then gives a higher boost pressure. Supercharging by using a crank
driven compressor is not an option if a high efficiency system is wanted. One exception may
be as a temporary action in automotive applications, when performance is more important
than fuel economy.
The project that includes this study has the goal to find working HCCI engine system
solutions and this study provides a tool, or workbench, for that purpose. The primary task for
the project is to find a HCCI engine solution to stationary engine applications such as small
combined heat and power plants. The purpose of choosing stationary applications as a first
step is that the control problems are believed to be smaller since the control system does not
have to cope with heavy transients, as is the case in a mobile application.
Some experimental efforts were made with several catalysts. Mesh-type catalysts were
developed in Lund by Catator AB (former Katator AB) and could be doped with various
precious metals. The results were documented in a paper [95] and showed that carbon
monoxide was quite simple to handle regardless of coating; however higher amount of
platinum nitrate (PtNO3) gave much higher oxidation. It was a little bit more difficult with HC
emissions (Figure 4). By adding some ceria or stannic oxide (CeO2 or SnO2) some gain could
be seen, although there were some variations between the different experiments, e.g. the
amount of HC emissions upstream catalyst; the conclusions were not that precise. Anyway, it
seemed like if the catalyst were properly sized it would be possible to reduce the CO and HC
emissions to acceptable levels.
100 100
99.5 90
99 80
98.5 70
2 2
PtNO 10g/m PtNO3 10g/m
3 2
98 PtNO 20g/m2 60 PtNO3 20g/m
CeO2 + PtNO3 CeO + PtNO
97.5 50 2 3
SnO2 + PtNO3 SnO + PtNO
2 3
97 40
250 300 350 400 250 300 350 400
Temperature pre catalyst [°C] Temperature pre catalyst [°C]
Figure 4 Reduction in CO (left) and THC (right) emissions for various catalyst coatings
The second stage in the project started April 1999 and this time the goal was more explicit
into three part goals: 1 – further develop the simulation software, 2 – show a full scale HCCI
engine system and 3 – make new experiments with catalysts. The funding was however quite
limited which limited all experimental efforts within the project alone. A new project started
with separate funding and with a new Ph. D. student. A 6-cylinder diesel engine was
converted to HCCI by adding a dual-fuel port injection system. Varying the fuel mixture of n-
heptane and isooctane i.e. the RON number of the fuel controlled the ignition timing.
Cooperation resulted in a joint paper [68] and this fulfilled the second part goal. There were
however very little boost pressure and thus the engine load was quite small. In addition,
valuable validation was made of the software. The engine was fitted with its diesel size
turbocharger. Later, smaller turbines were tested with promising results. The results with the
catalysts described above were also published during this stage. Discussions were made with
catalyst developers about a regenerative catalyst design but it felt like it was a little bit too
early to start the development of full-scale catalysts at this time.
During the third stage, which started November 2000 the simulation software was fitted with
a chemical kinetics part that provided a prediction of the ignition timing. This is quite
demanding calculations that were not that suitable to use in direct combination with full
system simulations. Instead, cycle simulations were used to find proper control strategies (fuel
composition, inlet temperature or compression ratio) depending on engine speed, inlet and
exhaust conditions and air-fuel ratio. Then system simulation was then performed with a fixed
heat release function and the previously determined control model. Another part goal was still
to do experiments with catalysts but this felt again too early i.e. there were no bright ideas on
how to overcome the problem more than making a sufficiently large catalyst. The funds were
also quite limited and therefore catalysts experiments were considered a less prioritized area
at that time. Other part goals were simulations with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and
variable compression ratio (VCR). EGR has an effect of dilution and can be used to decrease
the air-fuel ratio for the same amount of fuel (heat) input. This reduces the heat release rate
during the combustion and hence suppresses knocking combustion. However, the ignition
temperature increases with EGR and higher inlet temperature reduce the mass flow through
the engine. In spark ignition and diesel engines EGR usually decreases the NOx formation. In
the HCCI engine the required higher inlet temperature balances this effect, however the NOx
levels are overall ultra low in comparison with SI and diesel engines.
QhtMEP Heat
gross η
− net − −η −
PMEP i,n Pump work
FMEP ηb Friction
Figure 5 Sankey graph illustrating the energy flow of an engine, in this case a naturally
aspirated, spark ignited, car-size engine running at 3500 rpm at WOT conditions, selected to
give significant pumping and friction. Mean effective pressure representation to the left and
efficiency representation to the right.
1.4.1 Performance
Starting at the end, the performance of an engine is in general described by the maximum
brake2 output power of an engine. This power, Pb [W] is the product of speed, n [rpm] and
torque, Tb [Nm] on the outgoing shaft and can be expressed as:
2π ⋅ n
Pb = ⋅ Tb Eq.1
The word “brake” refers to the usual way to determine the performance of an engine; connect it to a
dynamometer and brake the engine to a desired torque (load) and speed.
In general, it is sometimes necessary to compare, or to normalize, with the respect to the size
of the engine in order to make relevant comparisons between different engines and this is
usually done by looking at what Brake Mean Effective Pressure, BMEP [Pa], is delivered by
the engine. This is a ratio between the delivered torque and the displaced volume, Vd [m3] of
the engine. In addition, the number of revolutions per power strokes is considered in order to
make it possible to compare 2-stroke (nR = {revolutions per cycle} = 1) and 4-stroke engines
(nR = 2). Another way to look at it is that it is the delivered work per cycle and displaced
volume [96].
2π ⋅ nR ⋅ Tb 60 ⋅ nR ⋅ Pb
BMEP = = Eq.2
Vd n ⋅ Vd
The engine is an apparatus that transforms energy and the transformation can be separated
into different steps, each represented by a mean effective pressure. The difference between the
steps of this transformation may often be considered as losses (or gains) and can be expressed
as differences in mean effective pressures. Into the engine flows the energy carrier – the fuel.
The fuel flow rate introduces a certain amount of fuel per cycle, mf [kg]. Fuel corresponds to a
certain amount of energy through the heating value of the fuel, QLHV [J/kg]. This means that
we can express this fuel flow as a delivered energy per cycle, Fuel Mean Effective Pressure,
FuelMEP defined as:
m f ⋅ QLHV
FuelMEP = Eq.3
Note that the lower heating value (LHV) of the fuel is used, normally any condensation of the
water content is difficult to implement in combustion engines. The lower heating value
corresponds to the maximum possible heat released per mass fuel during combustion if
combustion is allowed to go to completion. The energy carried by fuel is released through
combustion inside the cylinder, at least some of it, depending on how effective the
combustion process is. This means that the amount of energy that is released, Qhr, may not be
as much as the amount that was carried by the fuel. The amount of energy released may be
expressed as a Heat Release (Qhr) Mean Effective Pressure, QhrMEP defined as:
v∫ dQhr
QhrMEP = hr = cycle
Vd Vd
The difference between FuelMEP and QhrMEP corresponds to energy that is chemically
bonded to unburned components like hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide or any other species
(e.g. NO, NO2, H2, H2O2, ...) that is an undesired product of combustion and that “steals”
energy by escaping out of the engine with the exhaust gases or into the crank case. We can
interpret this as an Emission (Qemis) Mean Effective Pressure, QemisMEP:
QemisMEP = FuelMEP − QhrMEP Eq.5
The released energy, or heat, then increases the temperature and pressure during combustion
and, thanks to the cyclic operating principle of the engine, mechanical work can be extracted
by the moving piston. The energy that is transformed into work per cycle is called indicated
work, Wc , and an Indicated Mean Effective Pressure, IMEP, can be calculated. In 4-stroke
engines, it is sometimes convenient to separate this work into IMEPnet and IMEPgross
depending on the gas exchange, is considered or not.
The definitions are:
v∫ p ⋅ dV
IMEPnet = c = cycle
Vd Vd
V (540° )
V (180° )
p ⋅ dV
IMEPgross = Eq.6
360° ⇔ TDC combustion
The released energy that that is not transformed into work, is partly transferred to the cylinder
walls by the temperature difference between the gas and the walls and some escape with the
exhaust gas; exhaust temperatures are significantly higher than the intake temperatures of the
engine. Heat Transfer-, QhtMEP, and the Heat Loss Mean Effective Pressures, QlossMEP,
can be calculated as:
v∫ dQht
QhtMEP = ht =
Vd Vd Eq.7
1.4.2 Efficiency
Using the previously defined mean effective pressures it is possible to normalize one more
step by using the FuelMEP as reference, and by doing so, several efficiencies are easily
defined. To start with, the combustion efficiency, ηc , that simply state how much of the
energy in the fuel is converted into heat during the combustion:
v∫ dQhr
v∫ dQhr
ηc = = cycle
⋅ = cycle
FuelMEP Vd m f ⋅ QLHV m f ⋅ QLHV
Two different indicated efficiencies could be defined based on IMEPnet and IMEPgross
respectively. The next step is incorporates the basic cycle and in the same way as there are
two different IMEP, two indicated efficiencies, net – whole cycle, and gross – compression
and expansion, are defined as:
v∫ p ⋅ dV
ηi ,n = = cycle
FuelMEP m f ⋅ QLHV
V (540° ) Eq.11
V (180° )
p ⋅ dV
ηi , g = =
FuelMEP m f ⋅ QLHV
And the more interesting brake efficiency that includes the frictional loss is simply calculated
through either the mean effective pressures, or in the more common way from experimental
data; from power output and fuel flow:
BMEP 2π ⋅ nR ⋅ Tb 60 ⋅ nR ⋅ Pb Pb
ηb = = = = Eq.12
FuelMEP m f ⋅ QLHV n ⋅ m f ⋅ QLHV m f ⋅ QLHV
Sometimes it is interesting to only look at the thermal process and not include combustion.
Then the reference is changed from being the heat equivalent of the fuel to the actual released
heat instead, and thermal conversion efficiency can be calculated as:
V (540° )
V (180° )
p ⋅ dV
ηi , g
ηTh. = = = Eq.13
QhrMEP v∫
dQhr ηc
The gas exchange process also has some degree of efficiency, the gas exchange efficiency,
and it is simply the ratio between the indicated net and gross mean effective pressures, or
indicated efficiencies:
ηG . e. = =1− = i ,n Eq.14
IMEPgross IMEPgross ηi , g
The mechanics of transforming the piston motion to shaft rotation has mechanical efficiency,
which is the ratio of work leaving the engine shaft and work delivered to the pistons:
ηM .e. = = 1− = Eq.15
IMEPnet IMEPnet ηi ,n
The brake efficiency can now also be calculated as a product of several part efficiencies, each
representing the efficiency of an essential step of energy transformation in the IC engine:
ηb = ηc ⋅ ηTh. ⋅ ηG .e. ⋅ η M .e. Eq.16
2 The tool - ESIM
2.2.1 Description
The Engine SIMulation (ESIM) software package is written in MATLAB© and consists of
several functions that correspond to a certain engine system components. These different
components are linked together by state, mass and energy conservation equations. The engine
part is a zero-dimensional, one-zone model that considers heat transfer and mass-flow
calculations over the valves. This section focuses on describing the different models and how
to connect them, building an entire engine system, e.g. a turbocharged HCCI engine.
2.2.2 Limitations
The engine part handle only thermodynamics, i.e. there are no mechanical calculations
regarding e.g. friction losses. That means that result as mean effective pressure and efficiency
is shown as indicated, i.e. based on the in-cylinder gas calculations only. Various friction
models often use the indicated mean effective pressure, IMEP and engine speed to determine
friction mean effective pressure, FMEP. Then a simulated brake mean effective pressure,
BMEPsim can be calculated and hence brake power, Pb, sim.
The program is not fully dynamical i.e. it cannot fully handle transients. However, it can cope
with changes in the operating situation if these are not to swift. The potential and kinetic part
of the total energy is somewhat neglected yet commented on in this report when necessary.
At first the combustion is treated empirically through a simple model i.e. there are no
calculations of the chemical reactions. The heat release is described by a shape function; the
level is determined by the amount of fuel present and a combustion efficiency factor. As an
alternative, an external chemical kinetic program can be linked to the engine module that
provides an estimation of ignition timing.
When linking the different system components, mean values are used i.e. mass flow into and
out of the engine is averaged when linked to the manifolds. The process itself, flow over
intake or exhaust valves, works with a varying in-cylinder pressure and a constant manifold
pressure. Flow is allowed ”backwards” over the valves and regarding the inlet valve this
process is assumed to work as a plug flow process i.e. mixing does not occur between the
back-flowing gas and the inlet manifold gas.
that undergoes vaporization is definitely not an ideal gas and situations were vapor is present,
e.g. fuel or water injection must be treated a little bit careful. So the conclusion is that in an
engine the gas can be treated as ideal without any larger error. In addition, most of the
working gas is nitrogen, which is a gas that is very close to ideal gas in all states, this also
give a high accuracy. In this study all gases are treated as ideal gases and equation Eq.17 and
Eq.18 are assumed valid. However, this assumption requires that the mixture be well known
which maybe difficult in some cases. At high temperatures, species can dissociate, affecting
number of moles and mixture composition, a phenomena that is not treated here unless
chemical kinetics is involved.
Table 1 Examples of compressibility factors, Z for some gases at engine related pressures and
temperatures. The table is based on generalized compressibility chart readouts.
Gas T[K] p[bar] T[K] p[bar] T[K] p[bar] T[K] p[bar]
300 1 700 50 1000 100 2500 250
N2 1,00 1,02 1,04 1,02
O2 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,01
Ar 1,00 1,02 1,03 1,02
CO2 1,00 0,99 1,01 1,01
H2O n.a. 0,93 0,97 1,01
CH4 1,00 1,02 1,03 1,02
C2H6 1,00 1,00 1,03 1,02
C3H8 0,99 0,95 1,01 1,04
Another very useful source for this type of data (and more) is the NIST Chemistry WebBook,
The easiest way to display how this data is stored and handled is by an example. For nitrogen
(N2) the coefficients for thermal properties are shown in Figure 6.
N2 J 3/77N 20 00 00 0G 300.000 5000.000 1
0.28532899E+01 0.16022128E-02-0.62936893E-06 0.11441022E-09-0.78057465E-14 2
-0.89008093E+03 0.63964897E+01 0.37044177E+01-0.14218753E-02 0.28670392E-05 3
-0.12028885E-08-0.13954677E-13-0.10640795E+04 0.22336285E+01 4
( 0 0
h 0f ,298 (T ) = h (T ) − h 298 + ∆ h f ,298 + ∆ h vap ,298
0 0
[J mol ] Eq.22
When calculating chemical reactions it is very convenient to have the formation enthalpy
included because heat from combustion will be added directly following the specie
concentration. However, if there are species present like gasoline or diesel, where
polynomials like those above is missing but the heating value is known, then it is easier to
ignore the formation enthalpy, as shown in equation Eq.23, and instead add energy as heat
during combustion. This approach is used mostly in this study.
h298 (
(T ) = h 0f ,298 (T ) − h 0f ,298 (298) = h (T ) − h 298
0 0
) [J mol ] Eq.23
The reverse calculation, from enthalpy to temperature becomes also important. Several
numerical methods are possible but here is the well-known Newton-Rhapson method chosen
manly because in this case it becomes simple since the needed derivative of enthalpy, is the
same as specific heat and the enthalpy - temperature relation is monotonically increasing for
most species. The iterative process of the Newton-Rhapson can thereby be written as:
h298 (Tk ) − h298
Tk +1 = Tk − [K] Eq.24
C p (Tk )
Note: Notation of the coefficients and the polynomials is different here than in the original reference, hopefully
this notation is a little bit simpler to grasp.
The reference state for entropy is at 0K and 1bar in order to only having to ”table” a function
of temperature only. Entropy change for an arbitrary process is then calculated as:
∆s = ( s2 − s1 ) = ( s20 − s10 ) − R ⋅ ln 2 J ( mol ⋅ K ) Eq.25
In analogy with the ideal gas law, it is assumed that there are no mixing effects and specific
heat, enthalpy and entropy for the mixture is calculated with respect of the property of each
individual species and their mole fractions e.g. enthalpy for a mixture is calculated as:
hmix (T ) = ∑ hi (T ) ⋅ yi [J mol ] or
i =1
H mix (T ) = ∑ hi (T ) ⋅ ni [J ]
i =1
Viscosity and thermal conductivity for pure substances are taken from the same source as the
thermodynamical data [98]. An example is shown Figure 7.
Note: In some literature, µ is used as symbol for dynamical viscosity, instead of η.
Now, viscosity and conductivity calculated from Eq.28 gives properties for pure substances.
When mixing substances it is not as simple as with thermodynamical properties. Several
approximate methods exist for mixture calculations and the one is chosen for this work is
derived from Brokaw (1961), as reviewed by Ferguson [101]. This method is briefly
reviewed here.
Thermal conductivity in pure species is split into a translational- and internal transport of
λi = λi′ + λ ′′ Eq.30
The internal contribution, λ´´ is approximately given by:
2 C p ,i
λi′′ ≈ 0.88 − 1 λi′ Eq.31
5 R
Equation Eq.30 and Eq.31 gives:
2 C p ,i
λi ≈ λi 1 + 0.88 − 1
5 R Eq.32
λi ≈ λi − λ′ i
In this study, all calculus that needs conductivity is using the first expression in Eq.35 e.g.,
heat transfer calculations in exhaust port and manifold are assumed to be under non-reacting
conditions. Viscosity for mixtures is calculated trough:
ηmix ≈ ∑ Eq.36
N yj
i =1
1 + ∑ Φ i, j
j =1 yi
j ≠i
Olof E.
Figure 8 Left: Energy flow in and out of a system. Right: Engine interpretation.
The total energy, E in the system can be written as a sum of internal, potential and kinetic
E = U + PE + KE Eq.38
Assuming potential and kinetic energy very small and insignificant (gas has usually a quite
low density), the total energy difference in the control volume will essentially be the same as
difference in internal energy. Consider small changes and assume that the flow can be
described uniform. Now, this assumption may be a limitation but normally, when solving the
following equations, these are usually made over small time-steps over which the properties
of the fluids may me treated uniform, or averaged, without any large errors. For a short time-
step and with the assumptions mentioned above, we get:
∂Q − ∂W + ∑ ∂nIN ⋅ eIN + ∑ ∂nOUT ⋅ eOUT = U 2 − U1 Eq.39
For a flowing fluid, the flow work has to be considered (which can be seen upon as a part of
potential energy) when the flowing media is passing the control volume boundaries:
E = U + p ⋅V (+ KE + PE ) or
e = u + p⋅v on mass-unit basis
It is very convenient to introduce enthalpy into the calculations for three reasons: Enthalpy
depends on temperature only (see section), gas properties are given in enthalpy and the
definition includes the p·v term:
H = U + p ⋅ V or
h = u + p⋅v
The change in heat is governed by heat transfer models e.g. heat transfer between in-cylinder
gas and inner cylinder surface, the combustion is also seen upon as heat transferred to the
system as mentioned earlier. The definition is set so that positive ∂Q means heat transferred to
the control volume. Work is boundary work, and positive values on ∂W means work is done
by the media in the control volume. In addition, mass transfer, e.g. valve flow, is governed by
models also which also depends on various state variables.
∂Q = ∂Q (T , p,... )
∂W = p ⋅ ∂V
Inserted in Eq.39 we get:
∂Q (T , p,... ) − p∂V + ∑ ∂nIN ⋅ hIN + ∑ ∂nOUT ⋅ hOUT =
( H (T ) − p V ) − ( H (T ) − p V )
2 2 2 1 1 1
This is an ordinary differential equation and it is, like most other large, differential equations,
quite often impossible to solve analytically, numerical solutions seem more appropriate.
T, p
f(T, p, …)
Time, V
i i+1
dt, dV
Schematically this can be described as shown in Figure 9. From one step to another, work,
heat and mass transfer are calculated as functions of the mean value representation of
temperature and pressure between the two steps. The state in the one point (i) is used as start
values for the next point (i+1). Trough iterative calculations, pressure and temperature are
calculated in the next point. This means that Eq.43 is written as:
( )
∂Q T , p,... − p∂V + ∑ ∂nIN ⋅ h IN + ∑ ∂nOUT ⋅ hOUT ≈
( H (T ) − p
i +1 V
i +1 i +1 ) − ( H (T ) − p V )
i i i
with: Eq.44
Ti + Ti +1 pi + pi +1
T= p=
2 2
Note that the left-hand terms in expression Eq.44 are functions of the mean state variables and
these causes a change in state between two points, which is described on the right-hand side.
The ideal gas law Eq.18 then connects the state variables in the next point (i+1):
pi +1 ⋅ Vi +1 = ni +1 ⋅ R ⋅ Ti +1 Eq.45
The relation between enthalpy and temperature is then given by Eq.23 and Eq.24. It is thus
possible to set up an iterative calculation scheme (simplified):
1. Given: Ti, pi, Vi, ni (including mole fractions) and Vi+1.
2. As start values for the next point, set Ti+1=Ti , pi+1=pi and ni+1=ni (or a better
3. Calculate mean values T , p
4. Use models to calculate heat and mass transfer, functions of T , p,... )
5. Calculate mole fractions in the next point, ni+1 , which changes due to combustion
and mass transfer.
6. Use Eq.44 to calculate enthalpy in the next point, H(Ti+1)
7. Use Eq.24 to calculate temperature, Ti+1 from enthalpy and Eq.45 to calculate
pressure, pi+1
8. Iterate 3 to 7, until stable pressure and temperature in the next point.
The description above is somewhat influenced by in-cylinder calculations i.e. to calculate in-
cylinder temperature and pressure trace. The time step used is set to be equal to the time
corresponding to 1 crank angle degree (CAD) at the specific engine speed. Test were made
were the step was set to 0.2 CAD with almost the same results (about 1% difference in
resulting variables). At 10 CAD per step the still generate acceptable results as shown in
Figure 10, indicating that the numerical method is very robust.
The expressions and method is very similar when calculating the whole engine system. In
some cases there has to be some numerical ”dampers” in order to achieve convergence due to
e.g. singularities in mass transfer functions. These dampers are inside the iteration loop above
and do not affect the results; they ensure convergence but cost calculation time.
2 2
10 0.2° (3.2253bar) 10 ESIM 1°/step (3.2199bar)
1° (3.2199bar) Experiment (3.201bar)
10° (3.1694bar)
Pressure [bar]
Pressure [bar]
1 1
10 10
0 0
10 10
−1 0 −1 0
10 10 10 10
Volume [liter] Volume [liter]
Figure 10 Comparison between different calculation resolution of 0.2, 1, and 10 CAD (left)
and a comparison with experiment (right). IMEPnet is shown in brackets. Volvo TD100
engine running with HCCI combustion at λ = 3, isooctane.
Set time-step
x6 (flow)
– Pressure
– Temperature
– Mixture
Adjust timestep?
300 Convergence?
iterations No
No convergence ENGINE CONTROL
Figure 11 Schematical illustration of the system calculation, in this case a 6 cylinder engine.
This position is then used to calculate in-cylinder volume and combustion chamber area
π D2
V (0...720° ) = ⋅ x (0...720° ) + Vc
A (0...720° ) = Acylinder (0...720° ) + Apiston + Acylinderhead = Eq.47
π D ⋅ ( x (0...720° ) + x0 ) + Apiston + Acylinderhead
Vc is the minimum compressed volume and should include crevice volumes. Area should also
include piston topland area, valve slot area and cylinder head gasket area.
TDC TDC = Top dead center, the piston is in the upper position
x = Piston position, x = 0 ⇔ TDC
r+l ς = Angle between the connecting rod (conrod) and the
cylinder when x = 0
l = Conrod length
l r = Crank arm length ⇔ Crank radius
δ = Offset, i.e. shortest distance between the crankshaft and
θ the cylinder centerlines
Crank θ = Crank angle, θ = 0 ⇔ TDC
r radius
δ CL cylinder
Amin = π ⋅ Lv ⋅ cos ( β ) ⋅ Dv − 2 w + 2 ⋅ sin ( 2 β )
when 0 < Lv ≤ Lv1
Amin = π ⋅ ( Dv − w ) ⋅ ( Lv − w ⋅ tan ( β )) + w
2 2
when Lv1 < Lv ≤ Lv 2
A = π ⋅ ( D2 − D2 ) when Lv 2 < Lv
min 4 p s
where valve lifts Lv1 and Lv2 is calculated through: Eq.49
Lv1 = w
(sin ( β ) ⋅ cos ( β ))
L = D p2 − Ds2
− w + w ⋅ tan ( β )
4 ⋅ ( Dv − w )
Olof E.
15 Inlet
Lift [mm]
0 180 TDC 540 720
15 Ainl.,min
10 inl.,eff.
[cm ]
5 exh.,eff.
0 180 TDC 540 720
Figure 14 Example of calculated valve lift (top), minimum and effective flow area (bottom).
Note that the CD factor is set constant.
The effective valve flow area and the pressures in the inlet port and in the cylinder are then
used to calculate mass-flow over the valves. The expression below is derived with an ideal,
steady flow and isentropic assumption [96], resulting in:
(γ −1) γ
2γ pdown
m = 1000 ⋅ A ⋅ p p
E up
1− [g s ]
1000 ⋅ Tup ⋅ R M pup γ − 1 pup
1000 ⋅ AE ⋅ pup 2
(γ +1) 2(γ −1)
m choked = γ [g s ] Eq.50
1000 ⋅ Tup ⋅ R M γ +1
γ (γ −1)
p 2
Choked flow occur when: down ≤
pup γ +1
Note that the expressions are written as function of γ, up to now this has been avoided since
gas properties are given by enthalpy. However, in this case it is simpler due to the non-
choked/choked check has to be done, which is easiest described as a function of γ, calculated
C p (T )
γ (T ) = Eq.51
C p (T ) − R
Note that specific heat also depends on what mixture flows trough the valves. The mixture is
set to be a mixture of air-fuel-EGR when flowing over the inlet valves, except when backflow
occurs and when this flow is pulled back into the cylinder again. In this case the mixture is
assumed to be the same as inside the cylinder. This is also is assumed to be the case regarding
the exhaust valve flow. The cylinder is assumed to be a well-mixed volume. In order to fit
into the energy conservation equation, the flow is represented as:
∂n ⋅ h = ∂t ⋅ m
M ( )
⋅h T [J ] Eq.52
2.5.1 Simple heat release model
Since this model does not have any built-in chemical kinetic calculations or an empirical
model of the heat release during combustion, a simple shape function is used for the heat
release. The amount of heat released is determined of the amount of fuel (and oxygen) that is
trapped inside the cylinder at IVC. This amount of fuel, its lower heating value and an
assumed combustion efficiency is then used to calculate the heat released. Together with the
shape-function the heat release for each CAD can be calculated and inserted in the left-hand
side of Eq.44. Several different shape functions have been tested and a function first described
by Wiebe, as reviewed by Heywood [96] (see also Vibe [103]) was found appropriate. In a
slightly modified form it can be described as:
xb = 1 − exp a ′ (θ − θ 0 )
) Eq.53
where xb is the percentage heat released, or combustion progress. The parameters θ0, a' and m'
is often hard to give values with direct physical meaning, it is easier to think in terms of A0,
A10 and A90, which represent the crank angle of 0,10 and 90%, of total heat release. It is
possible for a set of A0, A10 and A90, find a θ0, a' and m':
θ = A0
ln (0.9 ) A10 − A0
m ′ = ln ln Eq.54
ln (0.1) A90 − A0
a ′ = ln (0.9 ) ( A10 − A0 )
where mf is fuel mass present before combustion takes place and ηc is an assumed combustion
efficiency. An example of the Wiebe heat release shape is showed in Figure 15.
0 A0
−10 −5 0 5 10 15 20
It relate the Nusselt number, Nu = α⋅Lref/λ, – the dimensionless representation of the
convective heat transfer coefficient, α, with the Reynolds number, Re = ρ⋅Uref⋅Lref/η , – the
ratio between inertia forces and viscous forces. The Reynolds number is often used as a
characterization of the flow, the degree of turbulence. The average cylinder gas velocity
throughout the cycle is described by Eq.57 were indices “ref” denotes a reference state e.g.
IVO or start of combustion:
Vd ⋅ Tref
w = Cadjust .1 ⋅ 2.28 ⋅ S p + Cadjust .2 ⋅ 3.24 ⋅ 10 −3 ⋅ ⋅ ( p − pmotored ) Eq.576
pref ⋅ Vref
The original expression of Eq.57 used stroke dependant coefficients, the factor 2.28 was 6.18
during the exchange strokes and 3.24 was 0 for the exchange and compression strokes. In
addition compensation factors (Cadjust.1, Cadjust.2) are introduced to give “tuning knobs” for
better agreement with experiments. In this program the second term of the expression is used
from start of combustion (A0) to EVO. Start of combustion is used as reference state and the
motored pressure, pmotored is estimated over the combustion and expansion period by an
isentropic relation:
γ A0
∂QHT = ∂t ⋅ A ⋅ hc ⋅ T − T wall ) [J ] Eq.60
According to the original reference [104] the factor 3.24·10-3 has the unit m/(s·°C) which means that Tr should
be in °C. However, this seems strange since this part of the expression is in a way a calculation of the mass
trapped inside the cylinder through the ideal gas equation of state. Therefore, it is believed that there is a misprint
in the original reference and the unit should be m/(s·K).
The heat transfer coefficient is calculated as:
Cadjust . ⋅ Nu ⋅ λ
αp = Eq.62
An adjustment factor Cadjust. in Eq.62, initially set to 1, is can be used to fit the model to
measurements. Note that there is about 4.5 times higher heat transfer in the exhaust port, than
inside the cylinder, according to the basic equations, Eq.56 and Eq.61. One explanation can
be that the flow becomes much more turbulent closer to the walls in the exhaust port, than in
the cylinder, due to varying flow velocities and port geometry. This constantly disturbs and
reduces the laminar boundary layers near the port walls, and hence increases heat transport to
the walls.
The coolant side of the exhaust port wall is assumed to have a constant temperature, 100°C
approximately equal to the boiling temperature of the coolant. The inner side temperature is
calculated from a mean value of the heat flux over the exhaust wall which is calculated in
iterative manner assuming that the wall can be described as a plate as shown in Figure 16. The
thermal dynamics in the wall is not considered. That means that the mean wall temperature
during an exhaust stroke is determined by the heat flux during that, and not previous exhaust
Different models for exhaust port heat transfer were compared to measurements by Caton and
Heywood [105], both time-dependence and spatially at the exit of an engine port. The results
indicated that the model selected here gave an ”approximate agreement” on the mean exit port
temperature (so it suits the purpose here fairly well), the time-resolved temperature was less
Temperature twall
αp λ
Exhaust q· Coolant
port side
port wall
mixture inside the cylinder. The flow into the cylinder is added to this array with respect of
the mass flow rate and the inlet mixture.
The combustion is, as mentioned earlier, governed by the combustion shape function and
combustion efficiency. With the specie set-up chosen here, it is assumed that if the
combustion is not completed (less than 100% combustion efficiency), unburned fuel is the
only emissions i.e. there are no CO emission or HC emission besides pure fuel, in order to
reduce the specie set-up. The combustion is thereby only affecting the number of moles of
fuel, O2, CO2 and H2O. However, it is possible to expand the set of species, but it increases
the computational time. The overall complete combustion equation for the involved species
b c
[Ca H bOc + dN 2 + eAr + fCO2 + gH 2O ] fuel + a + − O2
4 2
dN 2 + eAr + (a + f ) CO2 + + g H 2O
The total change in moles for combustion of one mole of fuel under lean mixtures (λ≥1) can
be written as (please note the array notation):
∆nc ,tot = ∆ nN 2 nO2 n Ar nCO2 nH 2O n fuel =
b c b Eq.64
ηc ⋅ d −a + − e (a + f ) + g −1
4 2 2
Finally, the total change in cylinder gas moles and composition, due to valve flow and
combustion, can be expressed by:
m inl m exh
ni +1 = ni + ∂t ⋅ ⋅ x inl − ∂t ⋅ ⋅ x cylinder + ( xb,i +1 − xb,i ) ⋅ ∆n c ,tot Eq.65
M inl M cylinder
In summary, Eq.65 combines the mass and atom conservation constraints.
1 0.231
m 0 = 8.67 1 − Eq.66
When plotting this function close to a pressure ratio (π) 1, e.g. when flow switches direction,
there will be a problem in finding a solution to the differential equation with the method that
are selected here. This is visualized as in Figure 17. The first solution says that it flows into
the cylinder, which means that the pressure increases inside the cylinder. Due to the length of
the time-step, the pressure becomes too high and the new solution says that it flows
backwards, and so on. The explanation of this behavior is that the slope of this curve goes to
infinity close to 1 in pressure ratio. Another similar situation appears in the transition from
non-choked to choked flow.
m· 0
0.95 1 1.05
m f ,inj .
m f ,inj .
qhr (t ) = (t − tSOI ) +
τ inj .
exp ( − k hr ⋅ (t − t SOI )) − 1 ) tSOI ≤ t ≤ t EOI
qhr (t ) = 1 + ( qhr (t EOI ) − 1) ⋅ exp ( − khr ⋅ (t − t EOI )) tEOI < t Eq.69
∂Qhr = ηc ⋅ m f ,inj ⋅ QLHV ⋅ ( qhr (ti ) − qhr (ti −1 )) [J ]
It is assumed that a fraction of the fuel that is injected, but has not burned, is in vapor phase.
Vaporization has a cooling effect but is very small in comparison with the overall heat
release. It can then be expressed as in Eq.70 and to illustrate this, heat release and
vaporization are exemplified in Figure 19.
(t − tSOI )
qVAP (t ) = kVAP + (1 − kVAP ) ⋅ qhr (t ) tSOI ≤ t ≤ tEOI
τ inj.
qVAP (t ) = kVAP + (1 − kVAP ) ⋅ qhr (t ) t EOI < t Eq.70
∂QVAP = m f ,inj ⋅ QVAP ⋅ ( qVAP (ti ) − qVAP (ti −1 )) [J ]
1000 QHR
100 *Q
0 0
340 360 380 400 420 440 460 340 360 380 400 420 440 460
Figure 19 Example of diesel vaporization and heat release (QHR), note how small the
vaporization part is compare to heat release (a magnification factor of 100 is used here!),
kVAP = 0.5 and step length is 1 CAD. The right plot shows accumulated values.
1500rpm correspond to a synchronous speed of an electrical generator connected to 50Hz AC. Other
synchronous speeds for 50Hz are e.g. 750, 1000 and 3000 rpm, and for 60Hz: 900, 1200 and 1800 rpm.
FMEP = 1000 ⋅ 75 + 48 ⋅ n 1000 + 0.4 ⋅ S p
) [Pa ] Eq.71
Given this model a mechanical efficiency (ηM.e., Eq.15) can be calculated from engine load
(BMEP) and engine speed. The result is shown in Figure 20 and it clearly shows the
importance of high load operation for efficiency.
1000rpm (1.34bar)
20 1500rpm (1.71bar)
2000rpm (2.13bar)
0 5 10 15 20
BMEP [bar]
Figure 20 Speed and load dependence on mechanical efficiency. FMEP is noted in brackets.
Table 2 Friction models. The top one is used throughout this work (1 bar = 100 kPa).
Model FMEP Description
[kPa] [bar]
The friction was investigated on a motored engine. When using the model: FMEP = MEPMotored, or more
correct: (FMEP+PMEP) = MEPMotored
are supercharging with a compressor, driven directly by the engine itself, however this
directly costs energy and thereby efficiency. Another, quite advanced method is the Comprex-
charger which uses the blow down - pulse of the exhaust gas to directly compress the inlet air,
however this advanced solution has found very little acceptance on the market.
Turbocharging is selected here since it is the most dominating form of supercharging for
heavy-duty engines. It exist several manufacturers, and dealers, that can provide complete
turbochargers. The method that are used her to model the turbocharger should be applicable
on various superchargers as well.
convert between corrected- and parameter value representation. A third way to normalize
mass flow is by calculate an effective flow area by rearranging equation Eq.50.
Speed is normalized in the same manner as mass flow but only against temperature:
Tref .
Compressor: CSP − Corrected speed = N corr. = N [1 s ]
N 1
Turbine: SPP − Speed parameter = s⋅ K
The isentropic efficiency is defined as:
h2,s − h1 {Isentropic}
Compressor: ηC = =
h2 − h1 {Real}
h −h {Real}
Turbine: ηT = 3 4 =
h3 − h4,s {Isentropic}
Index ”s” indicates isentropic states, which is calculated from pressure ratio and temperature
before compressor and turbine respectively.
Typical schematic figures of performance maps are shown in Figure 21.
surge choke
line line πT
Figure 21 Schematic turbocharger performance maps, dotted lines are efficiency. The
questionmarks indicate regions were interpolation is impossible without addition of data.
possible. The problem is that it is not sure that the system reaches this region during startup
for various reasons and it becomes critical that the extrapolation is correct. Models seem to be
a more appropriate solution for handling performance data.
The following models are influenced by the work done by Müller et. al [108], however some
models are modified, others are completely different. Müller has derived models from
physical understanding and correlated this against performance maps and measurements for
small turbochargers for spark ignition engines. However, when trying to directly use these
expressions on turbochargers for a truck-size diesel engine, less accurate correlation was
found here, so this model was modified.
This means that there are 7 coefficients that represent the mass flow model for the
compressor. When the model is used in the simulations a certain CSP gives the surge point
and the second-degree dependence from Eq.78. At this moment the isoline is determined at
the given CSP and the polynomial coefficients to this isoline can be determined by solving the
system of equations in Eq.77. The mass flow becomes the roots to Eq.76. The model behavior
The surge line is the boundary to instable operation regimes at low mass flows. If the flow is restricted to left of
the surge line there will initially be a reversed flow in some of the compressor flow area. This reduces the
pressure upstream compressor (unless the inlet manifold volume are enormous), the pressure ratio drops
suddenly. But after this drop it is possible that the resulting operation point becomes to the right of the surge line,
in the stable regime, which means that the pressure can be built up again. We get an oscillating, surging,
operation, which in the long run destroys the compressor.
in the extrapolation region of the map is exemplified in Table 3. Note that for zero speed, a
pressure ratio higher than one gives a flow in the reverse direction.
Table 3 Extrapolation region in the compressor map. Last point is however covered by the
map and added to show the transition from “extrapolation” to ”interpolation”.
π CSP [1/s] CMF [g/s] π CSP [1/s] CMF [g/s]
model model
1 0 0 0,9 0 51,7
1 100 30,7 1,1 0 -51,7
1 250 66,7 1,05 250 44,2
1 500 146,2 1,2 500 43,9
1 1000 441,8 1,6 1000 285,9*
*) Map value: 275,6
Normally it is the maximum root of Eq.76 that should be selected. However, if the pressure
ratio becomes higher than the surge pressure, we assume that surging occur, in addition the
roots to Eq.76 becomes imaginary. This surging situation is handled here quite simple by
reducing the mass flow quite heavily according to the scheme illustrated in Figure 22 so the
simulation of surging operation becomes quite realistic. The basic principle is that a virtual
pressure ratio, π´ is calculated that is below πS as much as π is above πS. Then, a virtual mass
flow, CMF´ is calculated from π´ and CSP with the model as normal and this time there will
be a real, maximum root to Eq.76 which is CMF´. The estimated mass flow, CMF is then
assumed to be below CMFS as much as CMF´ is above CMFS. Another way to look at it is
that it is the minimum instead of the maximum root that is selected at π´.
π π ´ = 2π S - π
CMF´ = CMF(π´,CSP)
π´ CSP isoline
Figure 22 Handling surge operation (exaggerated figure). If the pressure ratio is higher than
the surge pressure ratio, the estimated mass flow will become much lower than the surge
mass flow, it can even become negative with this model. But it is more likely that when the
mass flow drops heavily, so will also the pressure ratio, unless the inlet manifold volume is
compressor effectiveness. Given an isoline in speed the efficiency is fitted to mass flow
through a second-degree polynomial:
η = D(i,1) ⋅ CMF 2 + D(i, 2) ⋅ CMF + D(i, 3) Eq.79
The representation of this isoline is transformed to maximum efficiency, mass flow for
maximum efficiency and the second-degree coefficient:
CMFη Max (i ) = − D (i, 2 ) (2 ⋅ D (i,1))
ηMax (i ) = D (i,1) ⋅ CMFη Max (i ) + D (i, 2 ) ⋅ CMFη Max (i ) + D (i, 3)
Aη (i ) = D (i,1)
These three coefficients are then fitted to three second-degree polynomials against corrected
speed, this time without any extrapolation considerations since there is no obvious efficiency
when pressure ratio is one and mass flow is zero. There are then 9 coefficients that define the
efficiency model for the compressor. When using the model, the corrected speed gives the
coefficients of the isoline through solving Eq.80 and the efficiency is the calculated directly
by Eq.79, however efficiencies below 1% are not accepted. Note that the compressor can
work like a turbine during speed up if the pressure ratio is below 1.
C MFP = ( A T × A ) × AT × y
[4 x 1 matrix ]
CMFP is the model representation; hence only 4 coefficients are required for the turbine mass
flow model. Again, the model has good extrapolation qualities towards low mass flows as
shown in Table 4. When using the model the mass flow parameter is the maximum real root
to Eq.81.
It seems strange that a reference state is ever required, even for the compressor maps. A reference state brings
in unnecessary information into the performance data. There may be a historical or practical explanation.
Table 4 Extrapolation region in the turbine map. Last point is however covered by the map
and added to show the transition from “extrapolation” to ”interpolation”. The first point with
a pressure ratio below 1 is quite unrealistic for a turbine.
π SPP 103 · MFP model π SPP 103 · MFP model
[1/(s·sqrt(K)] [g/s·sqrt(K)/Pa] [1/(s·sqrt(K)] [g/s·sqrt(K)/Pa]
This also means that if the speed is zero then the efficiency also becomes zero regardless of
the D-coefficients, which seems to comply with the performance maps as well. Again this
isoline representation is transformed by calculating the maximum efficiency and the
corresponding speed parameter:
SPPη Max (i ) = − D (i, 2 ) (2 ⋅ D (i,1))
ηMax (i ) = SPPη Max (i ) ⋅ ( D (i ,1) ⋅ SPPη Max (i ) + D (i , 2 ))
These “coordinates”, SPPηMax and ηMax are then fitted against pressure ratio through second-
degree polynomials, which means that there are 6 coefficients that define the efficiency model
for the turbine.
means that the flow reaches sonic velocities and the flow will not depend on the pressure
Compressor Compressor
60 15
CMF error [%]
20 0
−10 −10
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
CMF [g/s] CMF [g/s]
Turbine Turbine
2 2
MFP error [%]
−6 −1.5
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Figure 23 Turbo model fit to performance maps. Mass flow – left, efficiency – right,
compressor – top and turbine – below.
At this stage, the lack of fit is the only possible error to study. Measurements could have been
useful if turbine speed was measured. In Figure 23 is a fit to a compressor and turbine for a
truck-size diesel engine shown with lack of fit plots. The turbine model show excellent
agreement, the compressor model does not show that good agreement. It must be pointed out
that close to surge a small deviation in pressure ratio will lead to big change in mass flow and
that can explain the poor agreement in some points, unfortunately the points with the poorest
agreement are in the low load region.
The coefficients for each isoline are then weighed together against speed according to a
x= Eq.86
Once the new isoline is determined, the problem is to select the correct root of the
polynomial. Here it is assumed that it is the maximum root that is the correct one, which
makes it important that the isoline really decreases at higher mass flows.
In order to handle surge operation it is assumed that the point with lowest mass flow in each
isoline corresponds to the surge point. This point is weight against CSP in the same manner as
the coefficients. (Surging is treated as previous model as seen in Figure 22.) Given the new
mass flow, the efficiency can be calculated directly.
When moving into the low load regions (indicated by question marks in Figure 21) the isoline
with the lowest speed is shifted parabolic in the y direction and linear in the x direction by
moving the surge point according to:
CMFS = CMFS ,1 ⋅
π ,1 − 1
π S = 1 + CS ⋅ CSP CS = S 2
η − ηC ,min
ηC , S = ηC ,min + CSP ⋅ C ,S ,1
The isolines (pressure ratio and efficiency) is moved and interpolated again to a 3’rd degree
polynomial that is used in the same way as the interpolated line. A figure explaining the
interpolation and extrapolation scheme is shown for an arbitrary compressor in Figure 24.
2.2 Map data 0.8
Surge point
2 0.7
Interpolation 0.6
0.5 Interpolation
1.4 0.3 Extrapolation
1.2 0.2
0.1 Map data
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
CMF [g/s] CMF [g/s]
Figure 24 Improved compressor model. Interpolation and extrapolation of mass flow (left)
and efficiency (right). The isolines with the two lowest speeds of the map data are shown.
The turbine model is improved in a similar way but it is more straightforward to use. Given a
certain pressure ratio the isolines in pressure ratio above and below the actual isoline is
determined and these isolines are fitted to 2’nd degree polynomials (turbine data is usually
less complex than for compressors):
MFP π T ,1 = p2 ( SPP ) MFP π T ,2 = p2 ( SPP )
ηT π T ,1
= p2 ( SPP ) ηT π T ,2
= p2 ( SPP )
These isolines are then weighed together according to a factor x:
π − π T ,1
x= Eq.89
π T ,2 − π T ,1
The speed the directly give the mass flow. If extrapolation is required, the two isolines with
the lowest pressure ratio are used to calculate mass flow at zero speed (SPP = 0), MFP01 and
MFP02 respectively. Together with the point were the turbine is in rest, (SPP = 0, MFP = 0, πT
=1), a 2’nd degree polynomial can be fitted for zero speed. Given the actual pressure ratio a
new mass flow at zero speed can be calculated, MFP0 . The isoline with the lowest pressure
ratio is then moved in the y-direction according to this value. The efficiency for this isoline is
shifted in a linear manner simply by scaling against the pressure ratio. It is assumed that the
efficiency is corresponding to a small value (ηT,min = 1%) when the turbine is at rest. The
geometrical interpretation in the performance map is shown in Figure 25.
0.04 0.8
Map data Map data
MFP [(g*sqrt(K))/(s*Pa)]
0.035 0.7
0.03 0.6
0.025 0.5
0.45 Interpolation
0.02 0.4
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
SPP [1/(s*sqrt(K))] SPP [1/(s*sqrt(K))]
Figure 25 Interpolation and extrapolation of the turbine performance map, mass flow
parameter (left) and efficiency (right).
This improved model show much better agreement to the map data due to the interpolation
technique, as seen in Figure 26 and Figure 27. There is still some points in the compressor
map that has a quite high error, it should be pointed out that it will be difficult to predict the
mass flow close to the surge line; a small deviation in pressure ratio give a big change in mass
Compressor Turbine
4.5 Map
Model 0.038
1.5 0.028
1 0.026
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
CMF [g/s] SPP
Compressor Compressor
15 3
10 2
CMF error [%]
−10 −3
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
CMF [g/s] CMF [g/s]
Turbine Turbine
1 1
MFP error [%]
−0.4 −1
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Figure 27 Improved turbo model, fit to performance maps. Mass flow – left, efficiency – right,
compressor – top and turbine – below.
3. The efficiency then gives the real enthalpy and together with the mass flow the work
needed/developed in the compressor/turbine is calculated.
4. The difference in work between compressor and turbine then gives an accelerating work,
torque or power.
5. Depending on the inertia of the turbo-shaft, the new rotating speed can be calculated.
With the numerical method described earlier, it is appropriate to use mean state values of
pressures, temperatures, sped and mass flow over one time-step.
Despite the good behavior of the turbocharger models, the low-mass flow, or low load, region
there has to be some caution when using the models for the turbocharger. Especially since it is
not clear what happens with the efficiency when extrapolating in this region. The more the
maps are covering; the better the model become. The low load region should also be given
special attention because it set the possibilities to reach higher loads. Depending on
turbocharger performance and what is possible to achieve in exhaust temperature and mass
from the engine, the performance in the low load region determine if the speed and thereby
the boost pressure become higher or not. It is like a threshold. In some engines or
applications, the engine operating range is limited, then the mass flow and energy of the
exhaust gas is limited, and perhaps not sufficient to accelerate the turbo so that boost pressure
increases. An example of this can be found in the experimental work by Olsson [68], where
the air-fuel ratio cannot be reduced due to fast combustion and thereby limits the exhaust
temperature. The inlet pressure does not exceed 1.05 bar in this case.
The reason why the models are not tested on a variety of compressors and turbines is that
there is very few of these are distributed freely. The manufactures are not willing to give
everyone free access to these, probably due to several reasons. The major one is probably to
protect the manufactures own consultant activity.
In this work, constant-pressure turbocharging is considered, compared to the pulse-loading
turbocharging. The geometrical difference is shown schematically in Figure 28. In constant
pressure turbo-charging, an exhaust manifold with significant volume is inserted between the
engine and turbine collecting the exhaust gas from all cylinders. It has one exit to the turbine
that then will work with a constant upstream pressure (constant pressure ratio). In the pulse
loading system, this volume is very small, the turbine is mounted very close to the exhaust
port so that the pulse from blow-down is directly transferred to the turbine. It becomes
important to design the manifold properly on a multi-cylinder engine; turbines with two
entries are often used on 6-cylinder engines with pulse loading system.
Watson and Janota [109] and Heywood [96] state that there will be a loss of kinetic energy
when high velocity gas from the blow-down, mixes with low velocity gas in a constant-
pressure system. However, the kinetic energy from the pulses are not lost completely, this
energy must be, at least to some extent, transformed via turbulence to heat, increasing the
overall temperature in the exhaust manifold, providing more energy to be transformed in the
turbine. The part that remains in turbulence through the turbine is the real loss. In pulse-
loading turbocharging, the high kinetic energy of the blowdown pulse is directly transferred to
the turbine. The idea is that the high pressure at EVO is transferred to the turbine through a
small exhaust manifold with very small losses. However, it is not clear that a pulsating but
higher energy level is of benefit; the turbine and turbine entry must be designed properly to
handle this flow.
There are two other good reasons why pulse-loading system is better. The response of the
system is faster, because of the fast acting of each pulse into the turbine (compare with
pressure wave supercharging, the Comprex charger, with even faster response). The heat
transfer in the exhaust manifold is probably smaller due to the smaller volume and surface
area of the exhaust. However, these advantages depend on the success of the design of the
turbocharger system, how well the turbine is designed for this pulsating flow from a multi-
cylinder engine and how well the exhaust pipes are designed with respect of the number of
cylinders and firing order.
If a pulse-loading system should be simulated, the dynamics of the exhaust pipes should be
handled as well. It also requires that the performance data for the turbine is determined under
similar pulsating flow. This is often not the case. The constant-pressure model is used here
regardless of what the real system is, due to its simplicity and that the turbine performance
data is determined under steady state flow, but it is important to remember the limitations of
this approach.
Turbocharger related phenomena like surging and choking is quite difficult to correctly
handle in this type of simulations. A simple method of handling surging operation is
employed, however far from validated. Choking occur when the velocities become sonic, then
the mass flow will more or less depend on the pressure ratio only, choking are normally
treated in the performance maps. Compressor choking is not treated at all.
Figure 28 Constant pressure turbocharging (left) and pulse-loading system (right). From
Watson and Janota [109].
Eq.44 become:
( )
∂Q T , p,... + ∑ ∂nIN ⋅ h IN + ∑ ∂nOUT ⋅ hOUT ≈ H (Ti +1 ) − H (Ti ) − V ⋅ ( pi +1 − pi ) Eq.92
Again, the new enthalpy is calculated and the ideal gas law Eq.18 is then used to calculate the
pressure in the (i+1) point.
If the numerical method described earlier for solving differential equations is used, then some
numerical damping of the calculations are often required in order to obtain convergence. The
easiest way to this is only allowing, for example, 1/10 of change in manifold pressure and
temperature, compared to what the direct calculation give. This damping does not affect the
results since the system is calculated in an iterative way, however it increases computational
time. This damping should also be set with respect of what time resolution that is chosen. This
affects the resolution in time for the simulations. Higher resolution (smaller steps in time)
requires smaller damping in general. If dynamic processes are of interest, then of course, the
resolution should be set quite high. A good start value to test with is 0.1s steps, which is
sufficient if some dynamics should be treated as well, another more general solution is to vary
the resolution depending on the number of iterations needed.
Temperature twall
α1 λ
Exhaust q
manifold Manifold
T(t) (α⋅A)
Figure 30 Virtual control volume for residence time dependant CAC model
Assume also that this volume has a certain heat transfer coefficient (αA) [W/K], which is
determined for different charge air coolers, by fitting the model to data. Heat balance for the
control volume then gives a differential equation for the temperature development during the
residence time:
−T ⋅ C p ⋅ n ⋅ τ = (α ⋅ A) ⋅ (T (t ) − T0,CAC ) Eq.96
This can easily be solved with the boundary conditions of inlet and exit temperatures,
corresponding to t = 0 and t = τ respectively, and with steady state assumptions, resulting the
following expression for exit temperature:
(α ⋅ A)
T2,CAC ,τ = T0,CAC + (T1,CAC − T0,CAC ) ⋅ exp −
C ⋅ n
The two expressions Eq.95 and Eq.97 are weighed together with a constant, K, and the
resulting CAC model become:
T2,CAC = K ⋅ T2,CAC ,ideal + (1 − K ) ⋅ T2,CAC ,τ
(α ⋅ A) Eq.98
T2,CAC = T0,CAC + (1 − K ) ⋅ (T1,CAC − T0,CAC ) ⋅ exp − JJG
C ⋅ n
When the mass flow is very large, then Eq.98 becomes:
T2,CAC ≈ T1,CAC − K ⋅ (T1,CAC − T0,CAC ) Eq.99
This relation indicates that K can be seen upon as minimum heat exchanger efficiency at high
flows. When the flow is very small, then Eq.98 become close to the ideal heat exchanger:
T2,CAC ,ideal ≈ T0,CAC Eq.100
An example where K and (αA) is fitted to measured CAC data are shown in Figure 31 where
also the pressure drop are fitted against corrected mass flow, representing a very simple
model for the pressure drop over the charge air cooler.
Data 6 Model 19.3 [kPa/(kg/s)]
335 Model
330 5
325 4
∆p [kPa]
300 0
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Flow [mol/s] CMF [kg/s] @ 298K and 1.013bar
Figure 31 Example of CAC model in comparison with measured data, note that temperature
varies before the charge air cooler (T1,CAC.). Measurements are made on a charge air cooler
for a SCANIA DSC12 diesel engine.
2.9 Humidifier
In order to simulate the Humid Air Motor concept a humidifier has to be modeled. The
humidifier adds water to the inlet air after the compressor. This air has an elevated pressure
and temperature so it has a capability to can carry substantive amount of water vapor (steam).
Liquid water is pumped to the top of a humidification tower as illustrated in Figure 32, before
it enters the humidifier it is heated (if necessary) through a heat exchanger, heat can be taken
from either the coolant system of the engine or the engine exhaust. The purpose of this
preheating is to get above the saturation temperature in the humidifier entry. Depending on
this heating, the temperature and water content will change in the humidifier exit. The
pumping work for the liquid water become more or less insignificant compared to engine
delivered power. In the humidifier, the air is cooled down and the water content increases due
to the vaporization. Some of the liquid water passes down through the humidifier (against the
direction of the airflow) is not vaporized and is collected in the bottom of the humidifier. This
water is then recirculated. The air after the humidifier will have a high relative humidity, close
to 100%.
The purpose of the humidifier model is to predict the water content and the temperature of the
air leaving the humidifier. The required input are the airflow, temperature and composition in
the entry, the liquid water temperature and the pressure (assumed uniform in the humidifier).
Further more, an estimation of the relative humidity on the humidifier exit is required, i.e. an
estimation of how “good” the humidifier is.
The humidifier layout is simplified a little bit, as shown in Figure 32, by removing the heat
exchanger and use only a single entry for the water i.e. the water flow correspond to the
vaporization rate. This gives maximum cooling of the air. If circulation and higher water flow
is used, like in the original design, the temperature on the exit will increase corresponding to a
heating of the media, and more water will be vaporized due to this temperature increase.
Heat TH2O
m H 2O ,vap
Figure 32 Schematic layout of the humidifier (left) and simplified representation (right)
It is quite clear that an iterative approach is required since both the water content and
temperature is to be predicted, and they are dependent on each other. The thermodynamic
properties are again calculated with the NASA-polynomials. The data for liquid water is only
valid up to 500K, but this limit is above what we expect from the compressor (about 450K at
2 bar boost pressure). In addition, the liquid – vapor saturation curve is required. The Antoine
equation used to calculate the vapor pressure given the temperature. The parameters,
coefficients A, B and C, are taken from data reviewed by NIST Chemistry Webbook [110]
(selection: Bridgeman and Aldrich, 1964).
log10 ( psat . ) = A − Eq.101
T +C
The water molar fraction is calculated trough:
psat .
x H 2O = ⋅ϕ Eq.102
The calculation procedure for the humidifier follows:
1. Determine the enthalpies for the air in the humidifier entry and the liquid water. Note
that the enthalpy representation must include heat of vaporization.
2. Guess an exit temperature, T2,HAM (previously value)
3. From the assumed relative humidity, ϕ, pressure, p, and (guessed) temperature, in the
exit of the humidifier, calculate the water content through Eq.101 and Eq.102.
4. The mass flow of air and calculated water content on the exit gives the water
vaporization rate (mass balance) and the exit mixture.
5. Given the enthalpy and mass flow of air and the enthalpy and vaporization rate of the
liquid water, the enthalpy of the humidified air can be calculated (energy balance).
6. The mixture and enthalpy of the humidified air give a new exit temperature through
7. The steps 3 to 6 are iterated until stable exit temperature. Numerical damping is used,
the newly calculated temperature is not allowed to change too much after each
iteration (does not affect the results).
After this iterative process the temperatures, mass flows and gas mixtures are known for the
2.10 Other components
2.10.1 Heater
When simulating HCCI engine system it is sometimes necessary to include an inlet air heater
in the system. This can be done by inserting a heat-source and a pressure drop. The pressure
drop can be modeled as in the charge air cooler described earlier. Input to this model would
then be the mass flow and the heating power. The exit temperature, T2,HTR is calculated from
the exit enthalpy as shown in Eq.103.
h (T2,HTR ) = h (T1, HTR ) + [J mol ] Eq.103
Q HTR [W] is the power of the heater (electrical power) and n is the flow [mol/s].
2.10.2 Wastegate
A waste gate valve is a component used for controlling boost pressure by affecting the
pressure ratio over the turbine. The waste gate is simply modeled as a restriction with variable
throat area and a constant discharge coefficient. The poppet-valve geometry (Figure 13) can
be used and the mass flow is calculated trough equations Eq.50. Input to the model is valve
opening (valve lift) and pressure ratio.
3 Simple heat release
In this first step a simple heat release function (see sections 2.5.1 and 2.5.6) was adopted and
fitted to measurements made on a single cylinder and on a 6-cylinder HCCI engine. The
purpose was to validate the simulation software.
For comparison it is much more desirable if the absolute pressure is known but this is a little
bit tricky to do, at least if a good agreement with reality is desired. There are several ways to
do this:
• Assume a pressure at a certain CAD
• Assume an average intake stroke pressure
• From “simulation” of a part of compression stroke with a assumed γ = Cp/Cv value
Here an average intake pressure, determined from transducer measurements (absolute
pressure) in the intake manifold is assumed between 20 and 160 CAD ATDC during intake
stroke. Mathematical expressed:
pabs . = prel . − prel . 20−160CAD + pinlet Eq.105
The inlet pressure in the simulations are shifted a little bit to get a good agreement at the
beginning of the compression stroke.
Below is a comparison of pressure trace expressed as pressure – CAD diagrams. As input to
the simulation the heat release determined from measured traces are used through angles for
0, 10 and 90% burned fraction. The 0% burned fraction is estimated through angle for 1%,
minus 1 CAD (the angle for 0% burned fraction is very difficult to determine
experimentally). In addition, the combustion efficiency determined from exhaust gas
emission analysis is also used as input to the simulation. A question mark is the heat transfer
and compression ratio. From analyzing pressure traces without firing the engine, the
compression ratio was determined to be about 17.7:1 which is used in the simulations.
Engine geometry is shown in Table 5. In this case, the heat transfer correlation of Woschni
[104] is used straight off without any compensation. There seems to be only a small
difference indicating that the compression ratio and heat transfer is properly estimated.
10 1.4
Experiment Experiment
Simulation Simulation
Pressure [bar]
Pressure [bar]
10 1.1
−1 0
10 10 0 0.5 1 1.5
Volume [dm3] Volume [dm3]
Pressure [bar]
−90 −45 0 45 90
Figure 34 Comparison between measured and simulated in-cylinder pressure during late
compression, combustion and early expansion.
Very good fit can be seen during compression and expansion stroke but the agreement is less
during intake and exhaust stroke which is not that surprising since there is nothing in the
simulated model that handles flow dynamics inside and outside the cylinder. Adding
dynamics to the model would probably give much better agreement, but also longer
computational time. It is always a compromise between levels of detail in the model and
execution time; if more detail is to be considered it usually also requires more computational
It is also interesting to look at resulting parameters like indicated efficiency and indicated
mean effective pressure (Table 6). Both indicated pressure, and especially efficiency, is
overestimated. The difference in efficiency can be explained by the lower pump work
required in the simulations despite the lower inlet pressure. The pressure inside the cylinder
during the intake stroke is lower in the real engine compared to the simulated one. During the
exhaust stroke there is no clear difference; the flow produces pressure oscillations in the
experiments as shown in Figure 33. In summary, the difference is quite small and mostly
dependant on the poor intake and exhaust stroke prediction.
Table 5 Engine geometry for the Volvo TD-100 engine used for HCCI experiments in Lund.
The reference point (0°) for valve timings (zero lift) refers to combustion-TDC.
Bore 120.65mm Camshaft NG-SI
Stroke 140mm EVC -350
Conrod length 260mm IVC -140
Compression varied EVO 120
Cylinders 1 IVO 340
In the last point (at 72s), the boost pressure becomes too low, which can be a result of the
difference in turbocharging technique, constant-pressure turbocharging in the simulations and
pulse-loading turbocharging in the real engine. In this low speed, high load regime the pulse-
loading technique probably results in higher turbine efficiency and thus higher boost pressure.
1500 1.5
500 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 100
Time [s] Time [s]
Figure 35 Engine speed (left) and calculated air-fuel equivalence ratio, λ (right). Note the
good agreement in λ, indicating correct air and total mass flow to the engine. Notation: MEA
(crosses)- experiments, and SIM (lines)- simulations.
25 200
20 MEA
15 150
10 SIM
5 100
−5 50
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time [s] Time [s]
TC Temperatures TC Pressures
1000 3.5
800 3
T p
3 2.5 1
600 T p
4 2
T MEA 2 p
2 3
400 T MEA p
3 4
T MEA 1.5 p MEA
4 2
200 1
0 0.5
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time [s] Time [s]
lower, and in the last point, the boost pressure becomes too low resulting in lower airflow into
the engine and higher exhaust temperature. Please note that the measured pressures are static.
Total pressure is a little higher depending on where the static pressures are measured. In the
simulations, all pressures are total pressures. The difference in pressures cannot fully be
explained by the difference between static and total pressure, especially on the inlet side (p2),
which is quite surprising since temperatures, air-fuel ratio and IMEP shows better agreement.
Validation was first made to find out how well cycle and system simulations fitted with
experiments. The simulation software was fitted with a simple heat release shape function,
Eq.106 originally developed by Wiebe (see section 2.5.1). This function gives an accumulated
heat release expressed as burned fraction. The total amount of energy released (100%)
depends on the amount of fuel present, the lower heating value of the fuel and the combustion
xb = 1 − exp a ′ (θ − θ 0 )
) Eq.106
Table 7 Basic geometry of the SCANIA DSC 12 engine. Valve timings refer to zero lift.
Cylinders 6
Swept Volume, total 11 705 cm3
Compression Ratio 18:1
Bore 127 mm
Stroke 154 mm
Connection Rod 255 mm
Exhaust Valve Open 96° BBDC
Exhaust Valve Close 52° ATDC
Inlet Valve Open 54° BTDC
Inlet Valve Close 78° ABDC
This shape function was fitted to the experimental data from the heat release analysis,
however not individually but as an average for each cylinder. It is possible to do simulation
for each cylinder individually but that required longer computational time and also demands
better models of inlet and exhaust manifold in order to become valuable. The crank angles for
10, 50 and 90% burned fraction (xb) are used to fit the function and an example of such fit are
shown in Figure 39.
1 5
A10 4.5
0.8 A50
A90 4
0.6 3.5
0.4 2.5
0 1
−15 −10 −5 0 5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
CAD CMF [g/s]
Figure 39 Left - Example of heat release fit at one operating point. Right - Compressor
performance map that illustrates the problem at low mass-flow and pressure ratios. The “x”
signs indicate isolines in turbine speed.
The engine was fitted with the original turbocharger (Holset HX50), which can be considered
as well matched for diesel engine operation. In HCCI operation, the turbine was found too
big. The compressor (map shown in Figure 39) was acceptable since the airflow should be
about the same as in a diesel operation.
The turbocharger is an important engine component that has a great influence of the
maximum power output of an engine. What it does is simply increasing the mass flow trough
the engine and thereby increases the power output. The performance maps of a specific
turbocharger relate pressure ratio, turbine speed, mass flow and isentropic efficiency, and
cubic interpolation from tabled maps are used. Some extrapolation is needed at low mass
flows and low-pressure ratios since the maps lack data in this region. This extrapolation
becomes quite difficult and has to be done very precautious since this region directly sets the
possibility to reach higher engine loads. It becomes even more important in the HCCI case
since rich mixtures cannot be used in order to increase exhaust temperature and hence energy
levels upstream turbine. It would be possible to gain information from the experiments in
order to fill this blank area in the maps but that requires measurements of the turbine speed,
which at the time of the experiments was unavailable. This turbocharger map-problem was
later dealt with, see following section. Here is the extrapolation done manually by adding
points in the unknown region resulting in a smooth interpolation “surface”. A similar
approach was used for the turbine.
Besides engine and turbocharger data and heat release shape some measured values was used
as input in order to compare simulations with measurements as seen in Table 8. The
surrounding temperature was set to 35°C, and the surrounding pressure (upstream compressor
and downstream turbine) to 1.023bar.
Table 8 Input data for the simulation, PH – heating power, ηc – combustion efficiency.
Case Speed λ RON PH A10 A50 A90 ηc
[rpm] [kW] [CAD] [%]
1 1510 5,82 0 0,0 -20,8 -9,3 -0,6 77,7
1510 5,16 19 6,0 -20,9 -10,8 -3,9 94,1
1502 3,78 69 0,0 -7,0 -3,5 -0,6 95,2
1495 3,26 89 0,0 1,8 4,6 7,1 94,8
1477 2,87 93 0,0 5,9 9,1 12,8 94,2
1501 2,34 94 0,0 4,1 5,9 15,1 96,7
2 1991 3,51 86 0,0 1,6 5,4 8,9 90,2
3 1202 2,20 98 0,0 8,1 10,3 16,3 96,2
Simulated net indicated mean effective pressure, IMEP and exhaust manifold temperature
shows very good agreement with measurements as shown in Figure 40. IMEP depends
heavily on the heat release, both timing and the amount (accumulated) heat released, and in-
cylinder heat transfer. The timing and shape is set to correspond to measurements and hence
the good agreement should indicate a proper heat transfer and fuel flow, the latter gives the
accumulated heat release. The exhaust temperature depend mostly on air-fuel ratio, heat
transfer in-cylinder and heat transfer in the exhaust port (the thermocouples were mounted in
the exhaust manifold close to the cylinder head). Again, air fuel ratio was set to the same as
measured (from exhaust emissions) value so the good agreement should indicate that the
valve-flow and heat transfer models (at least together) seem to simulate the reality
(represented here by measurements) fairly well.
There is a much bigger difference if we look at the inlet and exhaust pressures as seen in
Figure 41, and this difference is believed to be connected to the poor turbocharger model.
Another factor is that the simulated systems do not have any model for an air-cleaner, which
normally reduces the inlet pressure somewhat. The intake air heater has also some unknown
resistance that would cause a pressure drop on the intake side. Altogether, it is not surprising
that there is a difference in intake pressure. The same goes for the exhaust side, although in
this case it’s probably the model alone that has to be blamed. A possible contribution can be
that the heavy oscillating pressure due to the blow down pulses may cause inaccurate pressure
registrations. The exhaust pressure transducers were mounted on approx 0.5 m long tubes
with 4mm bore directly on the two exhaust channels (from cylinder 1-3 and 4-6 respectively)
entering the turbine, which should give a reading of total pressure. The average pressure
reading of the two channels is shown here.
7 400
6 350
Net IMEP [bar]
5 300
4 250
3 Case1 200
2 Measured 150
1 100
0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
φ = 1/λ Texhaust [°C] − Measured
Figure 40 Left – Net indicated mean effective pressure. The measured points (dots) are
surrounded by bars that indicate maximum and minimum of the 6 cylinders. Comparison
between measurements and simulations is possible by looking at a specific φ (=1/λ) value for
which two points exist, one measured and one simulated. Right – Exhaust temperature
comparison between experiment and simulation
1.06 1.2
Case1 Case1
1.05 Case2 Case2
Case3 Case3
Exhaust pressure [bar]
0.99 1
0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
φ = 1/λ φ = 1/λ
Figure 41 Inlet pressure (left) and exhaust pressure (right) over fuel-air equivalence ratio.
The inlet temperatures (Figure 42) are over estimated about 5 – 10 degrees, which can be
explained by the absence of a heat transfer model for the inlet manifold, the cylinder heads
transfer heat to the intake manifold and in its turn to the intake air. Deviations in inlet pressure
should render in a similar difference in mass flow as seen in Figure 43, but the measured mass
flow is higher than the simulated values, which is quite contradictable. A further analysis
reveals that the mass flow measurements probably somewhat erroneous since the volumetric
efficiency (Eq.107) become higher than 100% in several cases.
60 ⋅ m ⋅ R ⋅ Tinlet ⋅ nR
ηV = Eq.107
M A+ F ⋅ pinlet ⋅ Vd ⋅ n
80 Case2
0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
φ = 1/λ
180 Measured
ηV [%]
100 85
0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
φ = 1/λ φ = 1/λ
Figure 43 Total mass flow over fuel-air equivalence ratio (left) and volumetric efficiency over
fuel-air ratio (right).
Before this simulation tool is used to study different engine systems or to match
turbochargers, some improvements have to be made, e.g. regarding the heat release
calculations and extrapolation of the turbo maps. The heat release calculations are to be made
based on empirical knowledge or by looking into the chemical kinetics. The extrapolation of
the turbo maps has to be improved in order to handle e.g. start up situations where the original
maps are not sufficient. Other than that, the calculations seem to represent the measurements
quite well.
turbocharged SI engines is around 9 to 10 in order to avoid knocking combustion and too high
peak pressures but this limits the efficiency of the engine so the exhaust temperature and
hence the energy levels always becomes high enough. Lean-burn SI stationary engines can
use a temporary richer mixture and late ignition in order to gain boost pressure and then lean
out to a desired operational level when boost is enough. The same goes for diesel engines
where the slow combustion process and low heat transfer also contribute to high exhaust
temperatures. In a HCCI engine, too rich mixtures cannot be used due to too fast knocking-
like combustion that gives heavy sound emissions and is believed too cause engine damage.
Because of this operational mixture limit of HCCI engines, it becomes important to simulate
the boost build-up period in order to find out if the engine can reach desired operating load.
Since the turbo performance maps has limited information in the low mass flow and low
pressure ratio regions a turbocharger model with good extrapolation qualities in this region
are desired. As shown earlier (section 2.6), the turbocharger model used in this work has been
subject to stepwise improvement, in this case the models described in sections 2.6.3 - 2.6.6
are used which is basically a system of polynomials fitted to performance map data.
When matching the turbocharger to the engine the first step is to select a proper compressor
that will provide the desired boost pressure and mass flow to the engine in the desired engine
operating speed. It also is important to minimize the necessary compressor work, which is
essentially the same as maximizing the efficiency of the compressor. For a truck size engine
radial compressor this efficiency is typically between 75 and 80% in the best point.
The size of the turbine determine the pressure ratio given a certain speed and mass flow. A
small turbine brings up the pressure ratio at lower speeds. The size of the turbine is usually
classified by A/R-ratio, which is the inlet area of the turbine divided by radius of turbine
housing. A basic turbine geometry or type can often be delivered with various A/R-ratios.
Without becoming an expert on turbo-charging, it is possible to model and simulate different
sizes of compressors and turbines and an example is used for the discussion here.
Three different turbine sizes were compared through simulation of a load sweep at 2000 rpm.
TC-1 corresponds to the diesel engine’s original turbine size (geometrical flow area: 25 cm2)
while the two smaller ones, TC-2 and TC-3 produce higher pressure ratios since they have
smaller flow area (16 and 13 cm2 respectively). A photo of two of the turbines is shown in
Figure 44. The simple heat release function was used with fixed parameters (A0 = -5, A10 = 0
and A90 = 10 CAD ATDC) and the results were compared against indicated mean effective
pressure and indicated efficiency i.e. engine friction was not considered. It was also assumed
that HCCI combustion was the case in each operating point, which perhaps is not the case in
the reality, at least not with a single fuel. Isooctane was used as a single substitute of a
mixture of n-heptane and isooctane.
The simulation was made so that the engine was started from idle speed with fuel injection
off, then during the first 24 seconds a 2-step ramp was used to bring up the speed to 2000 rpm
and a fuel injection corresponding to 10g/s into the inlet manifold. Thereafter followed a
reduction to 4g/s and then a stepwise increase in fuel rate ending at 16g/s as illustrated in
Figure 45. It is this last stepwise increase that is studied here. The first peak is to ensure boost
pressure buildup since there is a possibility that there can be two operating modes given a
certain fuel flow in some cases, especially low load. The varying fuel flow results in varying
load, boost pressure and hence air-fuel ratio and resulting efficiency. Air-fuel equivalence
ratio (Figure 45) depend heavily on how much boost pressure the turbocharger can provide
since this directly affects the airflow to the engine.
Figure 44 Photo (by J.-O. Olsson) showing the exit of the smallest (TC-3, left) and the largest
(TC-1, right) of the three turbines.
16 8
14 7 TC−2
Fuel flow [g/s]
2 2
0 1
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Time [s] Time [s]
Figure 45 Fuel rate for simulation (left) and resulting air-fuel ratio (right)
A smaller turbine forces the backpressure (exhaust manifold pressure) to increase due to
smaller flow area put it also bring up the pressure level (energy level) on the exhaust side
which means that more work for the compressor work can be delivered, resulting in higher
air-flow and higher air-fuel ratio. However, the increased backpressure also gives high
pumping losses on the engine itself, which reduces the overall efficiency of the engine. A too
large turbine on the other hand has difficulty to extract the exhaust energy but gives lower
pumping losses. A difficulty that is connected to the HCCI combustion is the λ-dependence
on heat release rate. If λ becomes to rich, a too fast combustion occur that bring fourth
oscillating pressure waves inside the cylinder. In spark-ignited engines, this is usually the
result of knocking i.e. self-ignition of the air-fuel mixture outside the flame-front. In a SI
engine, this can be devastating if the phenomenon prevails for a long time with structural
damage on the piston as result. The normal mixture in SI engines are stoichiometric which
means that the energy released per mass mixture is obviously higher than in a lean burn HCCI
engine so structural damage due to too fast combustion seems a less unlikely in a HCCI
engine. However, the noise-emission increases heavily. From experiments it is reported to be
“painful” to run the engine with richer mixtures than about λ = 2.1 (isooctane) and lets
assume that this is the limit for HCCI in this case then the resulting operating range with the
different chargers can be seen in Figure 46. Turbocharger 2 and 3 (medium and small size)
gives the highest mean effective pressures without getting lower than λ = 2.1.
6 1.5
5 TC−3
PMEP [bar]
2 HCCI limit TC−2
1 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
IMEP net [bar] IMEP net [bar]
Figure 46 Operating range at 2000 rpm, in simulation (left) and simulated pump mean
effective pressure (right)
As explained above a smaller turbine also brings up pump losses that reduces efficiency,
which is clearly seen in Figure 46. Now, indicated efficiency is not quite what is interesting in
a car, truck or power plant. The brake efficiency is more interesting and with the friction
model described earlier (section 2.5.7), we get lower efficiency (Figure 46) at with low loads.
Friction has a crucial effect at low loads as shown earlier in Figure 20.
50 45
Net Indicated Efficiency [%]
Brake Efficiency [%]
TC−1 TC−1
42 TC−2 TC−2
20 TC−3
40 15
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15
IMEP net [bar] BMEP [bar]
Figure 47 Net indicated - (left) and brake - (right) simulated efficiencies over mean effective
pressures at 2000rpm.
It is quite clear that it is the medium size turbine, TC-2 that should be selected in this case, it
seems like a good compromise between efficiency and performance. If more advanced turbo
technology were accepted, like the variable vane turbine, this may be a way to keep the larger
turbine without loosing to much pumping work at high loads. A variable vane turbine is a way
to extend the optimum operating range of a certain turbine by adjusting the flow field in the
turbine and hence optimize it for different mass-flows.
The experiment was made on a 10 liter Volvo TG103 natural gas engine which has basically
the same design as the TD100 engine mentioned earlier, however, it has a lower compression
ratio of 11.2. In the simulation the compression ratio of the DSC12 engine was reduced to
10:1, the medium size turbine (TC-2) was selected and a simple wastegate model was inserted
to control inlet pressure. A much longer combustion duration (25 CAD) was used to simulate
the SI combustion. Although the engine simulated was not the same as the experimental one
(due to lack of information about the turbocharger), the efficiency estimates were accurate as
shown in Figure 48. One explanation for the difference between simulated and experimental
results can be the friction model used in the simulations. At 1200 rpm the friction mean
effective pressure (FMEP) became 1.48 bar compared to about 1.2 bar for the experiments
(the mean value of net IMEP for the 6 cylinders was used to calculate FMEP). Note the high
NOx emissions, around 20g/kWh.
Sim. η [%]
10 Exp. η [%]
Exp. NOx [g/kWh]
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
BMEP [bar]
Figure 48 SI operation. Experimental results with the TG103 engine, compared with
simulations of a spark ignition (SI) converted DSC12 engine.
Lean burn spark ignited engines, especially those with 3-way catalysts, is the main
competitive solution to HCCI regarding both efficiency and NOx. Regardless of technology,
current and future engines must comply with the legislations. Table 9 shows some examples
of legislations for stationary natural gas engines in Europe (reviewed by Nellen and
Boulouchos [111]).
Table 9 Legislations is Germany and Switzerland for stationary natural gas engines.
Emissions in mg/Nm3 at 5% O2 (except for NMHC). 250 mg/Nm3 correspond to about 0.76
g/kWh for a lean burn SI engine [111].
Legislation NOx CO NMHC
TA-Luft 92, Germany 500 650 150
Switzerland 250 650 -
Zurich - city 50 650 -
3.6 The effect of ignition timing on efficiency
As in SI engines, the ignition timing in HCCI engines is possible to set to a desired value if a
suitable control system is used. The ignition timing affects not only the emissions but also the
efficiency of the engine. In the following simulation, the ignition timing is varied keeping
constant combustion duration (D0-10 = 8 CAD and D10-90 = 5 CAD) and combustion efficiency
(92%). The case correspond to the simulation in section 3.1 and the resulting indicated
efficiency is shown in Figure 49. Note that it is the angle of 0% burned mass fraction, A0 on
the X-axis. The angle of 50% burned mass fraction, A50, is about 8 + (8-5)/2 = 9.5 CAD later
than A0.
44 80
Indicated efficiency, ηi,n and ηi,g [%]
40 65
38 55
36 Gross
Net 45
34 40
−10 −5 0 5 10 −10 −5 0 5 10
Figure 49 Ignition timing and its effect on indicated efficiency (left) and maximum pressure
(right). At A0 > 7 CAD ATDC, the maximum pressure is limited by the pressure after
With fixed combustion duration, a later ignition timing (from optimum efficiency) reduce the
maximum pressure and hence the indicated work from the cycle and the efficiency goes
down. An earlier timing brings up the maximum pressure and thereby the maximum
temperature. This increases the time at high temperatures and thus the heat transfer. A lot of
heat transfer in the beginning of the expansion stroke reduces the pressure during expansion
stroke and thereby the indicated work. When the indicated work goes down, the efficiency
goes down if the fuel flow is constant.
It appears that the indicated efficiency does not change that much with ignition timing, but it
is important to remember that in reality, there is an influence of combustion duration and heat
transfer, both factors change when changing ignition timing.
4 Single zone chemical kinetic
The conservation equation for the chemical species is given by Eq.108. Yj is the mass fraction
of the species, ρ is the density, Mj the molar mass, νj,k the stoichiometric coefficient and ωk
the reaction rate.
dY j M j r
= ∑ν j ,kω k Eq.108
dt ρ k =1
The energy conservation equation is given by Eq.109. The first term is the contribution from
chemical reactions, the second is the work, and the third term is the change in internal energy
of all mass within the engine cylinder. The fourth term is the convective heat transfer from
walls. m is the total mass, uj the specific internal energy of species j, p pressure, V volume, t
time, Cv the heat capacity and T the temperature. α is the heat transfer coefficient attained
from the heat transfer model, Aw is the wall surface area and Tw is the average wall
The use of internal energy and constant volume heat capacity in the energy equation is
justified by the fact that for HCCI ignition and combustion, the peak values of normalized
pressure derivative are higher than the normalized values of maximum temperature derivative
- Eq.110. Using the constant volume specific heat minimizes the error in each time step and
convergence is reached faster. Using constant pressure specific heat for gas property
representation give the same results, but require more iteration. In each time step, the volume
is set constant.
M j Nr dV
m ∑ uj ∑ ν j ,k ω k + p +
j =1
ρ k =1 dt
mCv + α Aw (T w − T ) = 0
dp dV
max max
dt dt
>> Eq.110
p V
The volume decrease and consequently the pressure increase due to the piston movement can
easily be calculated. Thus, the total pressure is calculated as the sum of inlet pressure, the
pressure increase caused by piston movement, and the pressure increase due to chemical
reactions. The instantaneous volume is calculated from Eq.111 (note the absence of piston pin
– cylinder – crankshaft offset, compare with Eq.46) and the pressure is calculated from the
ideal-gas equation of state (Eq.17).
V = Vc + π ⋅ B 2 4 ⋅ l + a − a ⋅ cos ( Θ ) + l 2 − a 2 sin 2 ( Θ ) ) Eq.111
The ESIM package uses 6 species to describe the gas inside the cylinder (and in the rest of the
system as well): N2, O2 Ar, CO2, H2O and “Fuel”. The chemical kinetics program handles
about 60 to 100 (or more) different species depending on mechanism, which means that the
linkage has to handle this difference in a logical sense. The 6 species are split into air, fuel
and residuals simply by looking at the fuel and CO2 fraction. The CO2 fraction gives the
amount of burned gases since the amount of CO2 in the air is known and set constant. If water
injection is used the amount of steam also has to be determined. The fraction of fuel is given
directly and the rest is then air, and perhaps steam. Then the specie setup for the kinetics can
be set up, air and fuel is simple, residual gas is assumed by using the mixture from the
previous cycle, when the exhaust valve opens. This is sometimes not a correct assumption if
there are many residuals left at this point. Radicals may play an important role and could
affect the combustion timing. Since there is no chemical kinetic calculation during the gas
exchange period, several of the radicals in the residual gas become over estimated. It is quite
simple to study at the other extreme by setting all radical mole fractions to zero in the residual
The linking process is done quite simple, at 60 CAD BTDC a series of input files (text files)
is created and then the chemical kinetics program is called. When the execution of this
program is completed, the output files are read and interpreted by ESIM. The results are
interpolated to CAD resolution so the representation of the cycle in the ESIM program
becomes correct. Using only a little interval with kinetics, give less interpolation time when
doing the connection.
@ 60°BTDC
System (cycle) Input files
Chemical kinetics
Output files
engine, the temperature of the gas in the bulk should become somewhat higher than the mean
temperature, Tmean, since it is not exposed to any heat transfer (the temperature in boundary
layer is then lower than Tmean). To illustrate this difference an “adiabatic bulk temperature”,
Tbulk is calculated given a simulated pressure trace. From a initial state at IVC where the
temperature is assumed to be uniform all over the combustion chamber the gas is compressed.
Heat transfer reduces the pressure at the end of the compression stroke compared to adiabatic
conditions. Given the initial state and the pressure trace it is possible to calculate an adiabatic
temperature trace using an adiabatic assumption. First law (Eq.43, Eq.44) become:
( ) (
0 − p ⋅ ∂V = H (Ta ,i +1 ) − pi +1Vi +1 − H (Ta ,i ) − piVi ) ⇒
( )
H (Ta ,i +1 ) = pi +1Vi +1 + H (Ta ,i ) − piVi − p ⋅ ∂V
Tbulk − Tmean [K]
1400 10
1200 0
1000 −10
−1 0 1 2 3 −150 −100 −50 0
Figure 51 Left –The effect of different start angles and the effect of termination of some
radicals. “Reference” – calculation starts at 60° BTDC (plot resolution: 0.2 CAD). Right -
Estimation of the difference between a mean temperature and an adiabatic bulk temperature.
As with other numerical methods of solving differential equations, iteration limits may affect
the results. One mechanism is used to study the effect of changing tolerances. The heat
release rate is plotted and compared with measurement, note that the experimental result is an
average of 200 cycles. Medium and fine (more accurate) tolerances provide approximately the
same results. Coarse give a fair prediction of ignition timing but start to oscillate during the
main combustion. ”Medium” tolerances are used as basic setting and correspond to absolute
tolerance of 1E-10 and relative tolerance of 1E-7. “Coarse” correspond to 5E-10 absolute, 5E-
7 relative and “Fine” to 0.5E-10 absolute, 0.5E-7 relative tolerances.
1200 5 − Coarse
1 − Medium
1000 0.5 − Fine
−10 −5 0 5 10
Figure 52 The results of different tolerances on heat release prediction. Simulation peaks at
about 12000J/CAD.
Pressure [bar]
Experiment (335K)
50 Kin−1 (403K)
Kin−15 (369K)
−30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30
Figure 53 Natural gas cycle simulations with different chemical kinetic mechanisms
compared to experiments. Inlet temperature is shown within brackets.
The simulations are made with the same compression ratio as the experiment in which
compression ratio is determined from heat-release analysis on motored (non-firing) cycle. The
same average inlet pressure and exhaust pressure; engine speed and air-fuel ratio is use as
measured during the experiments. The simulation requires much higher inlet temperature than
measured on the real engine. The difference is about 34 degrees between the experiment and
“Kin-15”. Some of this difference, perhaps 10 – 15 degrees or so, can be explained by the
difference discussed earlier about zero dimensional modeling. The rest has to be explained by
the absence of a proper inlet port heat transfer model and perhaps limitation in the chemical
kinetics. “Kin-1” uses 58 species and 668 reaction while “Kin-15” uses 62 species and 711
reactions. Further description will be left out here.
4.2.2 Isooctane
It is possible to create mechanisms for heavier hydrocarbons as well, however these are still
limited to well defined fuels like n-heptane (N-C7H16) and isooctane and not like commercial
fuels, i.e. gasoline and diesel that is composed of a broad, almost infinite, spectrum of
different hydrocarbons. Again, several different chemical kinetic mechanisms have been
studied and some are illustrated in Figure 54. I this case the same compression ratio
(evaluated from heat-release analysis), inlet and exhaust pressure and the same inlet
temperature was used in the simulations as measured during the experiment. In this case, the
engine was operated at 1000 rpm and under naturally aspirated conditions. Pure isooctane (I-
C8H18) was used as fuel. (The experiments are described further in [67].) Based on the
knowledge earlier about the zero dimensional modeling the conclusion is that this mechanism
ignites slightly to early, however it is still quite impressive how close the ignition timing is to
the experiment.
When looking at the heat release rate, Figure 55, a first peak occurs at about 25 degrees
BTDC. It is possible that this peak occur in the real engine as well, if so, it may have drowned
in the smoothing effect of in-homogeneities or by the averaging process during heat release
analysis. However, Christensen [65] reported such 2-stage combustion when operating with
isooctane with inlet pressure of 3 bar and low inlet temperature, and not during naturally
aspirated conditions. What happens is that a “cool flame”, or two-stage combustion appears.
During this process there is a small temperature increase as seen in Figure 55 and this first
peak causes some backward reactions to temporarily dominate and the ignition is halted
100 Kin−4
80 Kin−17
Pressure [bar]
−30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30
Figure 54 Cycle simulations with different chemical kinetic mechanisms for iso-octane
compared to experiments (“Exp.”). The experimental pressure trace is an average of 201
cycles. Naturally aspirated conditions on the Volvo TD100 engine, inlet temperature of 370K,
engine speed 1000rpm and compression ratio is about 18:1 (17.7:1 was used in the
10 20
Simulation Fired
Experiment Motored
Heat release [J/CAD]
dT/dCAD [K]
0 0
−40 −30 −20 −10 0 −40 −30 −20 −10 0
Figure 55 Left – Heat release rate with isooctane. There is a small first peak at 25 degrees
BTDC, marked with “*”. Maximum heat release rate: Simulation: 2937J/CAD, Experiment:
315J/CAD. Right – Simulated temperature rate (K/CAD) trace during first peak, compared
with motored cycle.
4.3.1 The effect of various engine operating parameters
Since the ignition process of HCCI rely totally on the auto-ignition chemistry, any factor that
affect the chemical reactions during this process will affect ignition timing and hence the
combustion process. To illustrate some of these parameters a cycle is simulated repeatedly
varying one parameter at the time from a reference case summarized in Table 11. Again the
Volvo TD100 geometry is used (Table 5) with compression ratio of 17.4:1 running with
natural gas (Table 10) at naturally aspirated conditions. The result is illustrated in Figure 56
by the change of combustion timing, A50 (angle for 50% of accumulated heat release), from
the reference case.
• Changing the compression ratio (rC) has a great influence on combustion timing and
this makes engines with variable compression ratio very suitable for HCCI operation.
Higher compression ratio increases both temperature and concentrations at the end of
the compression stroke. Generally, this promotes chemical reactions.
• Engine speed determines directly how long time the chemical reaction has to start,
higher speed mean less time and hence later timing.
• The lambda value (λ) determines the fuel/oxidizer concentration ratio and lower
lambda means more fuel per amount of oxidizer, this also increases the overall
reaction rate as long as the mixtures are lean, λ well over 1.
• Increasing the inlet temperature (Tinl.), increases the overall cycle temperature and
higher temperature promote reactions in general.
• Higher inlet pressure (pinl.) simply increases both fuel and oxidizer concentrations and
hence the reaction rates.
• Increasing the exhaust pressure (pexh.) force more residual gas to be trapped inside the
cylinder when the exhaust valve closes. In this case the residual gas fraction goes from
5.2% to 7.4%, but it causes a more important thermal effect; the temperature at IVC
rise about 2 degrees. Increasing the residual gas fraction even further give a chemical
effect, e.g. exhaust gas recycling - EGR.
• Adding 20% EGR reduces the oxidizer concentration (the mass of fuel per cycle is
maintained by reducing λ to 2.4), which reduces the overall reaction rate, combustion
is delayed.
• Natural gas composition changes over time and a more up-to-date blend, as shown in
Table 12, give a slightly earlier timing. The explanation is the higher amount of
heavier hydrocarbons like ethane and propane that ignites more easily than methane
(compare with Table 10). Note that iso-butane and heavier hydrocarbons ends up as n-
butane in the kinetic mechanism used here. Fiveland et al has investigated a variety of
natural gas compositions [114], showing the importance of higher order hydrocarbons;
ethane, propane and butane.
← Earlier Later →
rC + 0.6
speed + 200rpm
λ − 0.2
Tinl.+ 2°
pinl.+ 0.1bar
pexh.+ 0.5bar
EGR 20%
NG June 2002
−4 −2 0 2 4
∆ A50 [CAD]
Figure 56 Shift of combustion timing when some operating parameters are changed.
Table 12 Fuel composition and energy content of natural gas from Denmark (North See),
average during June 2002 [115].
Specie Mole fraction (A/F)S 16.53
CH4 87.15% QLHV [MJ/kg] 47.7
C2H6 6.93%
C3H8 3.11%
N-C4H10 0.63%
I-C4H10 0.44%
C5H12 800ppm
C6 + 500ppm
N2 0.32%
CO2 1.19%
4.3.2 Stability and late ignition phenomena
In general, the HCCI combustion is very stable in its nature; the cycle-to-cycle variations are
in general very low and this fact was one of the early discovers by Onishi [4]. One interesting
question is what makes HCCI so stable. From HCCI experiments, we know that there are
operating regimes where the combustion become instable and typically this occur at very late
ignition timing. To study the stability of HCCI cycle simulation of several consecutive cycles
is made during a startup procedure. This approach reveals much of the stabilizing feature
about HCCI.
Consider a warm, non-firing HCCI engine running at 1000rpm with the fuel injection and
inlet air preheating turned off. Suddenly fuel injection and preheating is turned on and we
start to monitor the in-cylinder pressure during the first 10 cycles as seen in Figure 57. The
first cycle (C1) will not fire since the mixture is pure and cold air as seen in Figure 58. Fuel is
present during the second cycle (C2), however, the residual gas from the first cycle is pure air
and the low temperatures of this gas limit the fuel fraction. So there is not enough fuel and the
temperature is too low for ignition. During the third cycle (C3), the residual gas is fuel rich
since there was no combustion in the previous cycle. The gas temperature at IVC is also
higher due to the preheating of the inlet air. Ignition occurs early and combustion timing11 is
about 6 degrees ATDC. In the 4’th cycle, the residual gas is hot and the temperature at IVC is
even higher but there is no fuel present in the residual gas, combustion timing is later than the
third cycle. In the following cycles, C5 – C10, combustion timing stables to about 9 degrees
ATDC. The amount of fuel present corresponds to the injected fuel. In this simulation, the
combustion efficiency is about 100% so there are no HC or CO emissions in the residual gas.
The residual gas fraction is 5.4% for C10.
C1 − C10
70 C3
Pressure [bar]
C1, C2
0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 57 Inlet temperature of 130°C result in stable combustion with late timing after less
than 10 cycles. Odd cycle numbers indicated by dashed lines and even cycles with solid lines.
Cycle C5 – C10 is fairly the similar and cannot be separated here. (Naturally aspirated
conditions, natural gas at λ = 3, compression ratio of 17.4:1 .
Crank angle for 50% heat release, A50 is used here as a measure of combustion timing.
If a lower inlet temperature is selected, in this case 124°C, oscillating combustion timing may
occur as seen in Figure 59. In this case, the timing does not get stable as previously, modal
behaviors occur. A cycle with slightly earlier combustion timing produces residual gas that is
slightly colder due to increased heat transfer and efficiency. So, the temperature at IVC for the
following cycle becomes slightly lower as seen in Figure 60. The difference in temperature is
very small but since the combustion is very late, even this small change will delay combustion
timing. This later timing will bring up the residual gas temperature and the following cycle
gets earlier combustion timing. Note that the amount of fuel does not change. Therefore, this
tiny oscillation depends on small variations in initial temperature and the late combustion
timing. If we continue the simulation to 50 cycles, we see that the oscillation is still there,
however phase shifted 1 cycle, indicating that stability will not be reached. Modal behavior
similar to this is also known from the 2-stroke self-ignited (ATAC/AR) engines, see Ishibashi
and Asai [5].
Reducing the inlet temperature even further, to 122°C, the oscillation becomes bigger and the
cycles alternate, as seen in Figure 61, between 100% combustion efficiency and about 10%
combustion efficiency. In this case, it is not the temperature that is of importance but the
amount of fuel that is present: If combustion is poor, there will be lots of fuel and other
hydrocarbons in the residual gas (hydrocarbons and CO ends up also ends up here in “Fuel”
fraction) and this will act as ignition improvement. Ignitions occur early despite the fact that
the initial temperature is lower, as seen in Figure 62.
It would be possible that some of the effects shown previously may be to the radicals and
some intermediates that are allowed to survive from the previous cycle. So in order to
investigate this, termination of some species is made. Besides the species in the fuel and air,
only H2O2, CH2O, CH3OH, C2H2, CO and H2 are allowed to survive to the next cycle. The
result is basically the same as shown in Figure 63, both regarding oscillating and alternating
combustion. However, in the oscillating case the magnitude of the oscillation is bigger and
eventually occur a misfire, a cycle with poor efficiency (C8). The following cycle (C9) ignites
earlier. Note that the inlet temperatures are the same as earlier.
T [K]
Fuel [%]
A50 [CAD]
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
Figure 58 Stable combustion. Temperature (“T”) - top, and fuel mole fraction (“Fuel”) -
middle, at IVC. Combustion timing expressed as crank angle for 50% heat released (“A50”) -
C1 − C10
Even C3
Pressure [bar]
C1, C2
0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 59 Lower inlet temperature, 124°C, result in a oscillating combustion timing after
three cycles. C5, C7, C9 has about 0.2 degrees earlier timing than C4, C6, C8 and C10.
T [K]
Fuel [%]
A50 [CAD]
C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 − C49 C50
Figure 60 Oscillating combustion. The combustion oscillates around 19 degrees ATDC after
10 cycles. The cycles with earlier ignition (odd numbers) has higher temperature at IVC.
After 50 cycles the oscillation is still there, however the order is shifted, odd cycle number has
a late ignition due to a lower temperature. (Note that the resolution of A50 is 0.2 degrees).
C1 − C10
Pressure [bar]
C1, C2
0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 61 Even lower inlet temperature, 122°C, result in an alternating combustion with
either a high combustion efficiency, ~100%, and early timing (C4, C6, C8, C10), or poor
combustion efficiency, ~10%, and late timing (C5, C7, C9).
T [K]
Fuel [%]
A50 [CAD]
C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 − C49 C50
Figure 62 Alternating combustion with either high or low combustion efficiency. Due to the
poor combustion efficiency of the cycles with odd numbers, there will be “fuel” in the
residual gas that brings up the fuel fraction for the following, even number, cycles.
T [K]
T [K]
420 410
3.5 3.5
Fuel [%]
Fuel [%]
3 3
2.5 2.5
30 10
A50 [CAD]
A50 [CAD]
0 0
C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
Figure 63 With termination of radicals. With inlet temperature that provided oscillating
combustion timing earlier, 124°C, the oscillation become heavier and C8 become even a
misfire with poor combustion efficiency (left). With lower inlet temperature, 124°C,
alternating combustion occur, as in Figure 62 (right).
Given the stable operation, (as seen in Figure 57 and Figure 58) it is possible to suddenly
insert a disturbance in terms of a cycle with slightly later ignition timing (C11*, without
chemical kinetics) and see what happens in the following cycles. The result is shown in
Figure 64 and it is clear that the initial temperature can explain the response again. To further
investigate this affects the temperature at EVO, IVO and 60 degrees BTDC (i.e. when the
chemical kinetic calculation start) is shown in Figure 64. It clearly shows that later
combustion timing first brings up the EVO temperature (due to less heat transfer and lower
efficiency), this also increases the residual gas temperature, here illustrated by the temperature
when the intake valve opens (IVO). Finally, the temperature at the end of the compression
stroke in the following cycle (C12) is also increased and if this temperature is increased it will
give the same effect as if the inlet temperature would be higher, ignition occur earlier.
60°BTDC [K]
429.1 612.6
T [K]
429 612.4
428.9 612.2
3.5 750
Fuel [%]
3 740
2.5 730
10 610
A50 [CAD]
8 600
C10 C11* C12 C13 C14 C15 C10 C11* C12 C13 C14 C15
Figure 64 The response after a “disturbance cycle” with later ignition timing, C11*. The
following cycle will experience a higher initial temperature at IVC (T) and hence also at 60
degrees BTDC. Note that each cycle starts and stops at IVC so that the EVO and IVO
temperatures will refer to the result of each cycle respectively.
From the results above it is clear that there are one stabilizing effect due to the temperature of
the residual gas. Another stabling, or “rescuing”, effect activates if combustion is poor, the
residual gas become fuel rich (or rich of other hydrocarbons, CO or any other combustible
specie) the following cycle may occur earlier and give better combustion. Any radicals
surviving have little or no effect on the stability.
There is other stabilizing or destabilizing effects that also have importance e.g. heat transfer,
which is thoroughly studied by Olsson et al [116]. This has an important role at high load
operation where earlier ignition timing may cause the wall temperature to increase, causing
less heat transfer and higher temperatures at the end of the compression stroke. The ignition
timing gets earlier and earlier and it becomes critical for the control system to detect and stop
such development. At high load supercharged or turbocharged operation, this may cause too
high peak pressures and eventually engine damage.
0 180 TDC 540 720
Figure 65 Valve lift curves without (Reference) and with 60 degrees shift of EVC and IVO
This concept allow a lot of residual gas to stay inside the cylinder, over 50% is possible as
seen in Figure 66, and with a constant amount of fuel per cycle this means that the λ-value
goes down towards 1, i.e. stoichiometric mixture. Despite this heavy amount of residual gas,
the combustion timing becomes earlier and earlier as also seen in Figure 66. Lot of hot
residual gas increases the temperature prior ignition here illustrated by the temperature 60
CAD BTDC and this explains the earlier timing. The increasing amount of residual gas and
temperature explain this concepts capability of handling a transition from spark ignition to
Earlier EVC, Later IVO → Earlier EVC, Later IVO →
60 0
50 −2
Residual fraction [%]
0 −14
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Shift [CAD] Shift [CAD]
Figure 66 Earlier EVC, later IVO shift and its influence on residual gas fraction and
combustion timing.
Earlier EVC, Later IVO → 2.5
Temperature @ 60° BTDC [K]
680 2
Pressure [bar]
620 EVC/IVO shift
600 0.5
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 500 1000 1500
Shift [CAD] Volume [cm3]
Figure 67 Earlier EVC, later IVO shift and its influence on temperature at 60 CAD BTDC
(left) and pressure over volume during intake and exhaust stroke (right).
indicate EVO,
∇ - EVC, { - IVO and Ä indicate IVC.
Another way to control residual gas is to use inlet cam phasing, and move both IVO and IVC
earlier (increasing overlap) and thereby affect the valve flow process e.g. the backflow over
the intake valve. This backflow of burned gas will then increase the residual gas fraction. To
study this effect the reference case described in Table 11 is used again and the cam timing is
phased +/- 35 degrees. In addition, moving only the IVO timing is investigated as well. The
Volvo TD100 geometry is used however calculated valve lift (from timing and maximum lift)
is used instead of measured lift in order to modify valve timing more freely. It should be
pointed out that the model does not include any heat transfer model for the inlet manifold; the
heat loss of this hot residual gas is one factor of uncertainty.
If the inlet valve timing is moved earlier by using either IVO/IVC shift (cam phasing) or IVO
shift, the residual gas fraction is increased but the combustion timing changes depending on
what method is used as seen in Figure 68. Using cam phasing give first an earlier timing, then
at about 20 degrees shift, the trend alter an we get later and later timing. This behavior can be
explained by the temperature and pressure during the compression, here showed at 60 degrees
BTDC in Figure 69. With early cam-phase shift down to –20 CAD, the amount of residual gas
increase and cause an increase in temperature that move combustion timing earlier. With
more cam-shift, the effective compression is reduced since IVC has become too early and this
limits both temperature and pressure. The temperature ends up at approximately at the same
level as with zero shift but the pressure is much lower and combustion timing becomes later.
Shifting only IVO earlier does not affect the pressure during the compression stroke; the
temperature increase with more residual gas and combustion timing become earlier.
Slightly later cam phasing reduces the amount of residual gas and the temperature at 60 CAD
BTDC is reduced, combustion is delayed. With more shift, the amount of residual gas does
not change, instead is the temperature of the residual gas affected. Later cam phasing
effectively reduces the trapped amount of air in the cylinder; the λ-value is reduced (Figure
70), from 3.0 down to about 2.6, and this brings up the temperature after combustion and
hence the residual gas temperature. Despite the lower pressure, reduced by late intake valve
closing, again the temperature has the greatest influence and combustion timing become
← Earlier Later → ← Earlier Later →
9 6
IVO/IVC shift IVO/IVC shift
IVO shift 4 IVO shift
← Earlier Later →
5 −4
4 −6
−40 −20 0 20 40 −40 −20 0 20 40
Shift [CAD] Shift [CAD]
Figure 68 The effect of inlet valve timing on residual gas fraction (left) and combustion
timing (right).
← Earlier Later → ← Earlier Later →
624 4.4
IVO/IVC shift
Temperature @ 60° BTDC [K]
618 4
612 3.6
−40 −20 0 20 40 −40 −20 0 20 40
Shift [CAD] Shift [CAD]
Figure 69 The effect of inlet valve timing on temperature (left) and pressure (right) at 60
degrees BTDC.
In summary, using inlet cam phasing has very little influence on combustion timing; it is not a
suitable as a single method to control HCCI combustion. Shifting EVC/IVO or using late inlet
cam phasing also introduce pumping work illustrated by the p-V diagrams in Figure 67 and
Figure 70. The resulting pump mean effective pressure for the different solutions is showed
in Figure 71. Shifting EVC/IVO causes an “extra” compression phase. Heat transfer during
this phase causes a loss of energy that results in increased pumping work. It should be pointed
out that this extra heat transfer may be overestimated due to model limitations and the wall
temperature may become higher due to the extra heat transfer. Using late inlet cam-phasing
give a huge pumping loop since enough valve flow area is not allowed to be high enough in
time. Maximum valve lift occurs too late in the intake stroke.
← Earlier Later →
1.2 3.2
1.4 3
Pressure [bar]
0.6 Reference IVO/IVC shift
Late IVO/IVC 2.6 IVO shift
0 500 1000 1500 −40 −20 0 20 40
3 Shift [CAD]
Volume [cm ]
Figure 70 Pressure over volume (left) for 35 degrees earlier IVO (top) and +/- 35 degrees
cam phasing (bottom). { indicate IVO andÄ indicate IVC. The resulting λ-value (right).
Earlier EVC, Later IVO → ← Earlier Later →
0.4 0.3
IVO/IVC shift
0.35 IVO shift
PMEP [bar]
PMEP [bar]
0.25 0.2
0.2 0.15
0.05 0.05
0 20 40 60 80 100 −40 −20 0 20 40
Shift [CAD] Shift [CAD]
Figure 71 Pump mean effective pressure, PMEP for EVC/IVO shift (left), IVO/IVC (cam-shift)
and IVO shift (right).
In this simulation, the amount of fuel is kept constant at 25.79±0.01 mg/cycle corresponding
to the reference case (Table 11, λ = 3 without EGR). The amount of EGR is increased is steps
of 10% up to 50% and the inlet temperature is adjusted so that 50% burned fraction (A50)
occur at 8 degrees ATDC. The required inlet temperatures and the resulting indicated
efficiencies are shown in Figure 72.
435 43
430 Net
420 42
415 41.5
400 40.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
EGR [%] EGR [%]
Figure 72 Required inlet temperature (left) and resulting indicate efficiencies (right) with
EGR. ”Gross” = compression and expansion stroke and “Net” = whole cycle.
Higher inlet temperatures are required with EGR due to altered thermal properties of the
working gas and higher ignition temperatures. With EGR, the specific heat of the inlet
mixture is higher (Figure 73) due to higher specific heat of the burned gas compared to the
fresh charge. During the compression stroke, only a limited amount of energy (work) can be
added to the gas trapped in the cylinder due to a fix compression ratio, which means that both
the pressure and temperature is limited at the end of the compression stroke and after the
combustion, due to the higher specific heat. Therefore, a higher inlet temperature is required
to reach the ignition temperature. The ignition temperature is quite constant at low amounts of
EGR, but increases significantly with EGR levels above 20%, as seen in Figure 74. At high
levels of EGR the O2 concentration degreases since air is replaced with burned gases. In
addition, all concentrations are slightly reduced due to lower pressure and hence density.
Higher specific heat limits the maximum temperature after combustion, which limits the heat
transfer to some degree. Therefore, if the simulation is made without heat transfer, the
efficiency drops even more, as seen in Figure 75. In total, the lower pressure levels give a
slight reduction in efficiency. At higher amount of EGR there is a significant increase in
ignition temperature and even higher inlet temperatures are required. The overall temperature
trace is elevated and the heat transfer increases instead (Figure 74), the efficiency drops even
more. The explanation is quite complex; a schematic figure explaining the relations is shown
in Figure 76, which may support the discussion above.
In a real engine however these very small differences in efficiency is probably quite difficult
to see, other effects may have higher significance e.g. combustion efficiency. Without EGR
the combustion efficiency may be, let say 95%, but with EGR some of the exhaust gas is
recycled and the recycled hydrocarbons gets a second chance to burn, combustion efficiency
increases because less mass of unburned fractions leave the system12. When the combustion
efficiency increases, we can expect the indicated efficiency to increase. Combustion duration
will probably increase at high amount of EGR; the maximum temperature and thereby the
Note that the fuel trapped inside the cylinder is used here as reference when calculating efficiencies. This
amount of fuel includes residual and recirculated unburned fuel from previous cycles.
heat transfer will decrease somewhat. In summary, a less decrease in efficiency could be
expected in a real engine. The higher inlet temperatures lifts the temperature level over the
whole cycle and since a constant wall temperature is assumed here the heat transfer increases.
If the wall temperature would have been allowed to change, it is quite clear that it would be
higher with EGR than without due to the overall higher cycle temperatures. Nevertheless, the
wall temperature can only increase if the overall heat transfer or if the coolant temperature
increases. A thermostat usually controls the coolant temperature and it should be considered
as fairly constant. Therefore, the change in heat transfer on a real engine may not be as
significant as seen in the simulations here.
31.5 1.4
@ IVC & 300K
@ IVC & 300K @ IVC
@ IVC 1.395
Cp [J/(mol*K)]
30.5 1.385
30 1.38
29 1.365
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
EGR [%] EGR [%]
Figure 73 Specific heat at constant pressure (left) and ratio of specific heats, γ, (right) for the
in-cylinder mixture at IVC. At different amount of EGR and 300K and at actual temperature
at IVC.
30 435
Inlet Gross
25 @ 1% HR Net
Maximum 430
Temperature change [K]
Heat transfer [J]
15 425
10 420
−5 410
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
EGR [%] EGR [%]
Figure 74 Change in inlet, ignition (expressed as temperature at 1% heat release, 3.6 CAD
BTDC in all cases) and maximum temperatures with increasing EGR (left). Accumulated heat
transfer (right).
w. HT
w.o. HT
0 10 20 30 40 50
EGR [%]
Figure 75 The relative change in efficiency due to the effect of heat transfer and EGR
ηi,g (-) Tinlet(+) ηi,g (+) ηi,g (-) Tinlet(+) ηi,g (-)
4.4 The effect of humidification of inlet air – the HAM
Instead of using EGR, it is possible to dilute with other non-NOx generating gases e.g.
vaporized water (or steam). Hugon used water injection into the cylinder in a non-
compression flame-ignited engine to cool the double acting piston back in 1861. Later, when
non-compression engines were abandoned, Prof. Bánki of the Budapest Technical University
increased the compression ratio in a SI engine (to 6.5, a high value at that time) and used
water injection to avoid knocking combustion. The high compression ratio gave a better
efficiency but the water consumption was reported to be high, about 5 times the fuel
consumption (reviewed by Cummins [97]). Later “hot-bulb” engines also employed water
injection to control the temperature of the bulb and hence preventing pre-ignition. The hot-
bulb engine was a very interesting engine that was frequent in fishing boats, tractors and as
stationary engines in Europe from about 1900 to 1940. It was often a 2-stroke engine with
direct injection of the fuel into a hot, un-cooled part of the combustion chamber. The injection
timing was quite early and the engine speed was fairly low. It was vital to keep the
temperature of the bulb correct and this could be a problem if the engine were running at high
load for a long time. Water injection, either mixed with the air, the fuel or injected in a
separate injector, was developed. Later came adjustable fuel injectors (spray angle) solving
this problem without the need of any water [119].
The Humid Air Motor (HAM) concept shown in Figure 77. The patents of this method are
held by Rosén and Olsson [120] and it has been developed by MUNTERS AB as a method of
reducing NOx emissions in diesel engines. They have implemented this technology in large
diesel engines for ferries with good results and they claim up to 70% NOx reduction without
increase in fuel consumption [122]. Other positive side effect is that cylinder and valve
temperatures become lower and the engine become “cleaner” i.e. there is less carbon deposit
on the combustion chamber walls. The water to air mass ratio, W/A is about 0.11 at 2.5
bar/75°C and 98% relative humidity (RH).
Humidification Turbo -
system charger
w.o. HAM
T [K]
w. HAM
Figure 77 The HAM concept in a diesel engine (left), Revised from [121]. Schematic
temperature diagram illustrating the effect on combustion (right). Water reduces heat release
rate which limits the maximum temperature and hence NOx formation. Revised from [122]
Water injection in HCCI engines has been studied experimentally by Christensen [41]. The
results showed that water reduces heat release rate but the combustion efficiency goes down,
both CO and HC emissions increases. It should be pointed out that the heat release rate is
dependent on combustion timing that was allowed to change during these experiments.
If liquid water is injected downstream the compressor, it is possible to make use of the
vaporizing in terms of cooling of the inlet charge. In HCCI, this may be suitable at very high
engine loads, where cooling and/or water injection could be used as a control parameter. In
the HAM concept, heat from the coolant water of the engine or the exhaust gas downstream
the turbine is used as a vaporization improver in the humidifier. It is possible to increase the
mass flow through the turbine and hence deliver more power to the compressor. This is
making this concept very interesting in HCCI engines were it may solve some of the
turbocharging problem. Vaporized water, i.e. steam has a quite high specific heat; a slight
decrease in efficiency of the engine should be expected but this means that the energy level
upstream the turbine would also increase.
To study this further engine cycle simulation is made at turbocharged conditions and a
slightly richer mixture of λ = 2.5 (without water) is selected for high load operation. The inlet
and exhaust pressures are increased from the reference case 1 bar to 2.5 bar and the engine
speed is increased to 1500rpm. The combustion timing is set constant as previously by
adjusting the inlet temperature. The resulting inlet temperature and relative humidity for
different amount of added water steam is seen in Figure 78. Without additional water, the
inlet temperature is about 365K and this corresponds to an isentropic compressor efficiency of
about 75% (compressor inlet temperature: 293K). Higher inlet temperature is required with
more steam as expected, about 11 degrees per 0.1 in W/A-ratio. The reason why the
temperature has to be higher is not due to altered ignition temperature. The ignition
temperature is quite constant as seen in Figure 79, it even decreases but what happens is that
the specific heat increases which reduces the temperature and pressure during compression
and to compensate for this effect the inlet temperature has to be increased to maintain timing.
The maximum temperature decreases as the specific heat increases.
400 40
Relative Humidity [%]
Inlet temperature [K]
360 25
340 20
320 DB
WB 10
300 5
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Figure 78 Required inlet (dry bulb - DB and wet bulb - WB) temperature (left) and relative
humidity (right), over water to air mass ratio, W/A.
40 Inlet 32
@ 1% HR @ IVC & 300K
Maximum @ IVC
20 31.5
Temperature change [K]
C [J/(mol*K)]
0 31
−20 30.5
−40 30
−60 29.5
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Figure 79 The change in inlet, ignition and maximum temperature (left) and specific heat at
IVC (right).
As the maximum temperature decreases the heat transfer decreases, however the higher
specific heat reduces the pressure, which has a greater affect on the indicated efficiency of the
engine as seen in Figure 80. In the same figure, the heat balance of the engine is shown scaled
to a 6-cylinder engine. The fuel energy expressed as heating power calculated from fuel flow
and the lower heating value of the fuel (QLHV) is about 298kW (kept constant). The indicated
work is about 140kW but decreases since the efficiency decreases. The heat transfer to the
combustion chamber walls is about 70kW and decreases because the overall temperature
decreases. The heat that leaves the engine with the exhaust gas is about 90kW and increases
due to lower efficiency and less heat transfer. The vaporization heat at this inlet conditions
(heat required to elevate the water temperature to inlet conditions is not considered) is
increasing with increasing water flow and there is a brake-even with the engine heat transfer
at 0.15 in water to air ratio.
49 140
Net 120
Indicated efficiency [%]
Power [kW]
47 80
46 60
40 Exhaust
45 Engine HT
20 Water vap.
44 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
W/A W/A [%]
Figure 80 Indicated efficiency (left) and power levels (right). Fuel heat power (LHV) is about
298kW, “Work” – net indicated work, “Engine HT” – heat transfer over combustion chamber
walls and “Exhaust” fuel heat minus work and engine heat transfer. “Water vap.” – Water
vaporization heat, is calculated from water flow and specific vaporization heat at 2.5 bar and
the present inlet temperature.
5 More realistic prediction of
heat release rate
Pressure [bar]
−10 −5 0 5 10
Figure 81 Slave cycle compared to kinetics and experimental pressure traces. Kin#2 is used
trough out this work. Inlet temperatures are shown within brackets.
A large number of simulations with chemical kinetic based prediction of ignition timing has
been done in order to find models for the full system simulation. The purpose is to reduce the
computational time for the system simulation. Depending on what resolution is used in the
cycle simulation part (intake, exhaust stroke) the interaction with the chemical kinetics
program takes quite some time due to interpolation.
Using the temperature and pressure trace from the slave cycle it was possible to estimate the
specific NOx emissions with the extended Zeldovich mechanism as described by Heywood
[96]. It gave at least the correct order of magnitude, as shown in Table 13, considering the
differences in maximum pressure and hence temperatures. This mechanism could however be
used as an indicator of when significant NO appear.
Table 13 Comparison between experiment and cycle simulation regarding IMEP and NOx
Experiment [36] Simulation
IMEPnet [bar] 14.0 13.3
NOx [g/(kWh)i] * 0.0075 0.0082
*) NO counted as NO2 (ISO 8178-1)
The λ-value basically controls the maximum temperature and hence NO formation. Inlet
pressure determines the maximum pressure, and inlet temperature determines combustion
timing. The selected timing is held constant, based on a compromise between efficiency and
NO formation. (A very detailed study of the relation between combustion timing and
stability, NOx emissions and compression ratio was made by Olsson et. al [116].) An iterative
approach is used to find the proper λ, inlet temperature and pressure for each fuel and
compression ratio. Two different fuels were investigated; natural gas and land fill gas. Gas
composition and energy content are shown in Table 14.
The indicated efficiency became higher with higher compression ratios as shown in Figure 82,
a relation well known from ideal cycles. However, the load (Figure 83) was limited with
higher compression ratios due to the limited maximum pressure restricting the maximum inlet
pressure. When the friction was considered, the simulated brake efficiency peaked at
compression ratios between 15:1 and 17:1 (Figure 82). The friction model has no load or
compression ratio dependence; the results may have been somewhat different if it did. The λ-
values (Figure 83) was fairly constant indicating that the ignition temperature and the NO
formation do not vary that much with different compression ratios.
The efficiency and load became higher with natural gas than with landfill gas, which can be
explained by the higher ignition temperature of landfill gas that raises the required inlet
temperature (Figure 84). There is also a small difference in inlet pressure that probably also
can be explained by the higher inlet temperature. Higher inlet temperature limits the mass
flow, and thereby the amount of fuel burned. If higher combustion temperatures are allowed
due to dilution effects, (the high CO2 content of the land-fill gas) more fuel can be burned by
increasing the inlet pressure.
Table 14 Natural gas and landfill gas composition
Mole fractions
Natural gas Landfill Gas Natural gas Landfill Gas
CH4 88.11% 49.2% (A/F)S 16.58 4.93
C2H6 6.35% 10ppm QLHV [MJ/kg] 47.8 14.3
C3H8 2.89% - Qstoich. mix [MJ/kg] 2.72 2.41
N-C4H10 0.57% -
I-C4H10 0.43% -
C5H12 0.18% -
C6 + 520ppm -
N2 1.07% 15.7%
CO2 - 34.4%
O2 - 0.2%
Simulation Simulation
47 40
Net indicated efficiency [%]
46 39.5
Brake efficiency [%]
45 39
44 38.5
Figure 82 Left - Simulated net indicated efficiency against compression ratio. Right -
Simulated brake efficiency at 1500 rpm
Simulation Simulation
15 2.45
Natural gas Natural gas
14 Landfill gas Landfill gas
BMEP [bar]
9 2.2
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Compression ratio Compression ratio
Figure 83 Left - Simulated brake mean effective pressure at 1500 rpm. Net indicated mean
effective pressure is 1.71 bar higher at this speed (FMEP is 1.71 bar). Right - Simulated λ-
Simulation Simulation
180 4.5
Natural gas Natural gas
Landfill gas Landfill gas
160 4
Inlet temperature [°C]
120 3
100 2.5
80 2
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Compression ratio Compression ratio
Figure 84 Required inlet temperatures (left) for proper ignition timing and required inlet
pressures (right) for reaching maximum load (maximum pressure).
p = p +2bar p = p +2bar
exh inl exh inl
360 380
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Inlet pressure [bar] Inlet pressure [bar]
Figure 85 Required inlet temperatures depending on inlet (pinl) and exhaust pressure (pexh).
Left – Natural gas at λ = 2.4 . Right – Land fill gas at λ = 2.3 .
Natural gas Landfill gas
480 500
λ=4 λ=4
λ=3 λ=3
460 480
λ = 2.4 λ = 2.3
Inlet temperature [K]
420 440
400 420
380 400
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Inlet pressure [bar] Inlet pressure [bar]
Figure 86 Required inlet temperatures depending on λ-values and engine inlet pressure.
The reason why the exhaust pressure is set higher than the inlet pressure is that we know that
the turbine has to be small, compared to diesel engine configuration. This increases the
exhaust pressure, but also allow more energy to be extracted.
The modeling is made through multidimensional non-linear regression of these results. This
model is used in the system simulation to control proper inlet air conditioning (level of
intercooling/heating). It is quite surprising that the required inlet temperature for landfill gas
shows little dependence of λ-value.
inlet temperature. The conditioner can be interpreted as a controllable charge air cooler
(intercooler) or a heater of some sort. It can either cool the gas or heat the gas by removing or
adding heat to the air stream. The calculation scheme for the system is shown in Figure 87.
Each time step is 0.1 seconds but is allowed to be shorter if there is a problem with
convergence. Then it is reduced by a factor 0.5 after each 100 iteration cycle.
Inlet air
conditioner Cycle calculation
Turbo- Conditioner
Inlet/Exhaust manifold
Figure 87 System layout and simplified flow chart of the system calculation, note that the
engine cycle and engine control module are moved outside the iterative loop.
Simulation, Natural gas
1.5 TC−1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [s]
Figure 88 λ over time, 1500 rpm for natural gas. λ=2.4 at 29s. With land-fill gas the λ value
is 2.3 at 29s.
During the simulation, the λ-value is varied over time. At first, the λ-value is set to a fairly
low value of 2 (low for HCCI operation), simultaneously the engine is speeded up to 1500
rpm and then there is stabilization for 10 seconds where the turbine can speed up further.
After that, the λ-value is lowered to the value given by the optimization earlier: 2.4 for natural
gas and 2.3 for landfill gas. Everything is then allowed to reach steady state for 20 seconds.
This procedure is illustrated in Figure 88. The idea is to simulate a start-up procedure under
which the engine goes from idle to full load. The purpose of the middle step with a low λ is to
make sure that the turbocharger speeds up, if possible. This procedure is used with three
different turbine sizes and two different fuels. The resulting BMEP is shown in Figure 89 and
it is clear that the turbine does not provide enough work. The mass flow and the energy levels
in the exhaust are too low.
BMEP [bar]
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [s] Time [s]
Figure 89 Simulated BMEP for three different turbochargers. Neither of them provides
enough boost.
Conditioner power [kW]
BMEP [bar]
9 2
8 −4
13 14 15 16 17 13 14 15 16 17
Compression ratio Compression ratio
Figure 90 Left - BMEP with the smallest turbine (TC-3) and for different compression ratios.
Inlet pressure (pInl) is 2.22 ±0.02 bar. Right - Required inlet air conditioning. Positive values
mean heating and negative mean cooling of the air.
Without proper boost, it is the compression ratio that influences brake efficiency (Figure 91)
more than friction. Since the turbocharger cannot provide enough boost, the required inlet
temperature become quite high. This effectively limits the mass flow through the system,
making it even more difficult to produce boost. A higher compression ratio can actually allow
higher mass flows thanks to lower inlet temperatures. In the following simulations, five
different compression ratios are studied. Consequently, the efficiency became higher with
higher compression ratio and the specific NO (Figure 91) went down due to the higher load.
At 17:1, the efficiency became 40.3% and the NO emissions were about 22 ppm, 0.162
g/kWh, a figure far below the 20 g/kWh of the lean burn SI engine and also well below the
legislation limits in Germany and Switzerland (see section 3.5) due to the much leaner
mixtures. The specific load of the engine is however limited, only 9.7 bar BMEP at 17:1.
Natural gas, TC−3, pInl 2.22+/−0.02bar Natural gas, TC−3, pInl 2.22+/−0.02bar
40.5 0.23
38 0.17
37.5 0.16
13 14 15 16 17 13 14 15 16 17
Compression ratio Compression ratio
6 System simulations with
chemical kinetics
As a final step the chemical kinetics is used to predict ignition timing during system
simulations, however a slave cycle is used to give a more realistic heat release prediction as
shown earlier (section 5.1). The combustion efficiency is set to 95%. A combustion timing
control has to be designed to get a suitable timing. The advantage of using chemical kinetics
when running full system simulation is that accuracy increases, more parameters are allowed
to change and more interesting inlet mixtures can be studied, on the other hand, computational
time increases. The geometry of the SCANIA DSC 12 engine (Table 7) is used in all
modeling although with compression ratio of 17.4:1 (except in one case were 16:1 is used)
and it is fitted with the smallest turbine (TC-3: 13 cm2 geometrical flow area). In addition, the
improved turbocharger model described in section 2.6.8 is used here in order to get better
accuracy in the interpolating regime in the maps.
speed and compression ratio. With higher speed, a slightly earlier timing is used. With the
higher mass flow, boost pressure eventually builds up properly and engine load increases.
With higher speeds, the pressure upstream the turbine also increases and the pumping losses
increase rapidly, at 2000rpm, the PMEP is about twice that of 1800rpm. Friction increases as
well, which reduces the overall efficiency at 2000rpm. This results comply with those in
section 3.4, when increasing the engine speed a bigger turbine as the TC-2 is more suitable.
The maximum pressure is higher than the selected “design limit” used earlier (200bar) and
this why leaner mixtures or a lower compression ratio should be selected. A compression ratio
of 16:1 is tested at 1800rpm and 220kW brake power is reached with 39.3% brake efficiency
and 0.04 gNO/kWh.
2.25 6
MEP [bar]
2.05 Set 1 BMEP
2 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time [s] Time [s]
Figure 92 Left - The λ value, both set-point and actual value. Right – Load expressed as
indicated – and brake mean effective pressure.
Table 15 Results with simple system using natural gas (T1 = 298K, p1 = p4 = 1.013bar) At
1500 rpm 13kW of inlet air heating is required (Tinlet>T2).
Speed pMax NOZeldovich dm/dttot TInlet
rC λ Run
[rpm] [bar] @CAD [ppm] [g/kWh] [g/s] [K]
1500 17.4 2.18 71 13 7.1 0.08 127 397 Reference
1800 17.4 2.33 212 11 3.8 0.03 456 360 Speed +
1800 16.0 2.30 199 11 5.4 0.04 456 374 Speed +, rC -
2000 17.4 2.45 223 11 1.4 0.01 541 357 Speed + +
Speed Pb
IMEP IMEP PMEP FMEP BMEP ηi,n ηb p2 p3 T2 T3 T4
gross net
[rpm] [kW] [bar] [bar] [bar] [bar] [bar] [%] [%] [bar] [bar] [K] [K] [K]
1500 43.5 5.00 4.68 0.313 1.71 2.98 41.9 26.6 1.14 1.35 326 660 636
1800 220 15.2 14.5 0.71 1.96 12.5 46.0 39.8 3.05 3.31 445 676 543
1800 220 15.1 14.5 0.65 1.96 12.5 45.2 39.3 3.15 3.36 452 698 559
2000 237 15.6 14.3 1.34 2.13 12.2 44.6 37.9 3.29 4.01 465 679 527
6.2 Reformed natural gas fuel
A way to overcome the problem with the high inlet temperature may be to change the ignition
characteristics of the fuel. A way to do that is to add other fuels that ignite more easily.
However, in most cases it is convenient and more economical feasible to use only one fuel.
Regarding natural gas and many other fuels it is possible to reform them into CO and H2. This
can be done through fuel rich pre-combustion in a so-called reformer. The fuel composition
leaving the reformer may vary due to load, operating pressures and temperatures. In order to
simplify the simulations here, it is assumed that the reformed fuel consists of 40% (volume)
CO and 60% H2 at all conditions. This “synthetic” fuel is then mixed with the natural gas in
order to study the possibility to use this fuel as an ignition improver.
Here is the SCANIA engine used again with the setup shown in Figure 87. A mixture of
natural gas and this fuel is used. Up to 95% reformed fuel fraction is used, if that is not
enough to achieve proper combustion timing, inlet air preheating is also used. As input to the
simulation the natural gas equivalent λ is used, λNG,set. This air-fuel ratio sets a desired
amount of heat added to the system. The fuel flow is then calculated based on this value and
compensated for the actual fuel heating value; the resulting λ become higher if reformed fuel
is used. The heating value for the reformed fuel is only 20.81 MJ/kg (natural gas: 47.8 MJ/kg)
but the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio is 5.63 (natural gas: 16.58) which means that both the fuel
mass flow and λ differs, given the same amount of fuel-bounded heat. The heating value for a
stoichiometric mixture also differs; it is 2.08 MJ/kg for reformed fuel and 2.72 MJ/kg for
natural gas. If all natural gas is replaced with reformed fuel, the mass flow and λ with
reformed, fuel (“ref.”) can be calculated through (assumed the same airflow):
m ref . = ⋅ m NG ≈ 2.30 ⋅ m NG
QLHV ,ref .
m air m ref . QLHV ,ref . ( A F )s ,NG
λref . = = ⋅ ⋅λ ≈ 1.28 ⋅ λNG
( A F )s,ref . QLHV , NG ( A F )s,ref . NG
The simulations are performed as previously with a richer mixture during startup, and then
leaning out to the desired set point after 34 seconds as shown in Figure 93. The actual
(resulting) λ is then a result of fuel heating value difference and the control dynamics.
The resulting load and efficiency are shown in Figure 94 and Figure 95. There is no
noticeable difference in indicated efficiency between the two shown cases. The brake
efficiency is higher with richer mixtures as expected. At λNG,set = 2.2, the load is 12.1 bar
BMEP with 39.5% brake efficiency, However, at this point there is 22 ppm NO resulting in
0.17 g NO/kWh. The maximum pressure is about 181 bar, if higher maximum pressures are
allowed it is possible to increase the amount of fuel. At λNG,set = 2.1 about 14.1 bar BMEP is
reached and the brake efficiency at this point is about 40.4%. However, the NO formation
also increases to 0.30 g/kWh. These results and more detailed data can be found in Table 16.
In these tables comparison are also made with natural gas only. One interesting thing is that
when inlet air preheating is not required, intercooling is used to some degree when running
with reformatted fuel. Still, the turbocharging is not sufficient. Smaller turbine is required but
unfortunately, there is not available data on smaller turbines.
2.6 2.6
λNG,set = 2.2
2.5 λ = 2.3 2.5
2.4 2.4
2.3 2.3
2.2 2.2
λNG,set = 2.2
2.1 2.1 λ = 2.3
2 2
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time [s] Time [s]
IMEPnet [bar]
BMEP [bar]
5 6
λNG,set = 2.2 4 λ = 2.2
λ = 2.3 λ = 2.3
NG,set 2 NG,set
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time [s] Time [s]
0.45 0.5
0.35 0.45
0.25 0.4
λNG,set = 2.2 λNG,set = 2.2
0.2 λ = 2.3 λ = 2.3
NG,set NG,set
0.15 0.35
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time [s] Time [s]
Table 16 Results using 95% reformed fuel and 5% natural gas at 1500 rpm, except first case
where only natural gas is used and showed for reference (T1 = 298K, p1 = p4 = 1.013bar).
pMax NOZeldovich dm/dttot TInlet
λNG,set λ Run
[bar] [ppm] [g/kWh] [g/s] [K]
2.3 2.30 199 5.4 0.04 456 374 Natural gas only, 1800rpm, 16:1
2.1 2.36 201 44 0.30 362 333 95% reformed fuel
2.2 2.47 181 24 0.17 330 336 95% reformed fuel
2.3 2.59 154 11 0.08 291 340 95% reformed fuel
Pb Speed
IMEP IMEP PMEP BMEP ηi,n ηb p2 p3 T2 T3 T4
λNG,set gross net
[kW] [rpm] [bar] [bar] [bar] [bar] [%] [%] [bar] [bar] [K] [K] [K]
2.3 220 1800 15.1 14.5 0.65 12.5 45.2 39.3 3.15 3.36 452 698 559
2.1 207 1500 16.0 15.8 0.199 14.1 45.2 40.4 2.78 2.71 435 714 597
2.2 177 1500 14.0 13.8 0.177 12.1 45.1 39.5 2.55 2.47 421 697 592
2.3 145 1500 11.8 11.6 0.164 9.90 45.1 38.4 2.27 2.21 403 680 589
100% 100%
η ηC
5% Emissions 5% Emissions
ηi,n ηi,n
2.03% Pump work 0.355% Pump work
ηb ηb
6.13% Friction 4.89% Friction
39.3% 40.3%
Work Work
Figure 96 Sankey diagrams showing energy flow in the HCCI engine running at 1800 rpm
and with natural gas (left) and at 1500rpm using reformed fuel (right).
6.3 The HAM system in combination with reformed fuel
The HAM system may be a feasible way to increase the mass flow through the turbine and
simultaneously dilute the charge allowing higher engine loads without knocking combustion
or NOx formation. The HAM concept is described earlier and here it is implemented in a
whole turbocharged HCCI engine system simulation using the smallest turbine available (TC-
3), the setup is illustrated in Figure 97. The air after the compressor is humidified to 98%
relative humidity and then is the charged heated to give the necessary ignition criteria. The
temperature of the heated liquid water into the humidifier is assumed to have a temperature of
70°C. There is obviously other possible system buildup but this is perhaps the simplest one.
An inlet air heater for coarse control of combustion timing and reformed fuel is used for the
fine adjustment. It would be better to make use of as much cooling of the humidifier as
possible but that requires another ignition control parameter such as compression ratio, dual-
fuel, fuel additive or any other suitable parameter.
The basic idea is to get additional mass flow from the humidification without any extra effort
from the compressor. The extra water is used to dilute this mixture in a similar way as with
EGR and will probably also reduce the heat release rate; knocking combustion can be
avoided. The extra flow will also give extra work from the turbine and more power will be
delivered to the compressor. As shown earlier (Figure 79), the specific heat of the inlet air
mixture increases with more water, which results in lower indicated efficiency. Higher engine
output will however reduce the friction detrimental effect on brake efficiency (FMEP
assumed constant if constant engine speed).
Humidification Turbo -
system charger
water content and the heating value of the fuel, hydrogen brings up the heating value for a
stoichiometric mixture while carbon monoxide has about the same heating value for a
stoichiometric mixture as natural gas. The fuel flow is then calculated and depending on the
response of the system an “actual” lambda system can be calculated. The simulation is, as
previously simulated as a startup procedure at 1500rpm. The λ - set point and the resulting λ
is shown in Figure 98. For the two leaner cases, a slightly richer mixture is used during the
first 34 seconds, then follows a 10 s ramp where the final desired value is set13. If the
maximum in-cylinder pressure reaches 200 bar the λ set-point is increased. The primary
control factor is the reformed fuel fraction but at all these cases some preheating was required;
the reformed fuel fraction was set to it maximum value of 95%. 5% natural gas is left to
simulate a control margin for cycle-to-cycle and cylinder-to-cylinder variation control. In
order to investigate high load operation, combustion is phased quite late, as control parameter
the crank angle for maximum pressure is used and the set-point is 13 CAD ATDC.
The resulting loads, both IMEPnet and BMEP are shown in Figure 99. With the richer mixture,
λ is reduced in order to limit maximum pressure to 200 bar so maximum load became about
14.7 bar BMEP at 1.71 bar FMEP. The efficiency also became higher with richer mixtures,
about 45.2% net indicated and 40.3% brake efficiency as seen in Figure 100. The reformed
fuel allowed reasonable inlet temperatures, which limited the thermal throttling. The
compressor operating point became close to optimal as seen in Figure 101. In Table 17 the
results of each simulation are shown. The pressure difference between engine inlet and
exhaust also became positive despite the small turbine (TC-3) indicating that an even smaller
turbine would be possible to use without higher pumping losses. This could allow higher
boost pressures, although maximum in-cylinder pressures are already reached, so this action
would require a lower compression ratio.
2.5 2.8 λNG,set = 2.2
λNG,set = 2.3
2.7 λ = 2.4
2.4 NG,set
λNG,set = 2.2 2.4
λ = 2.3
2.1 NG,set
λ = 2.4 2.3
2 2.2
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Time [s] Time [s]
Figure 98 Left – Input to the simulation, λ for natural gas. Right - λ outcome, differs from set
value (λNG,set) due to vaporized water, fuel composition and maximum pressure limitation.
Required computational time (case hours:minutes): λ = 2.2 8:50, λ = 2.3 10:00, λ = 2.4 11:16, on a AMD
Athlon Thunderbird 1200MHz, 256MB RAM, Windows 98 and Matlab 5.3. Functions MEX-compiled when
possible. The computational time was estimated by looking at when the result files were created but the times are
underestimated; it was discovered that the computer clock were delayed about 2 hours (!) after running the three
IMEPnet [bar]
BMEP [bar]
6 λNG,set = 2.2
5 λNG,set = 2.2
λ = 2.3
4 NG,set λNG,set = 2.3
λ = 2.4
NG,set λNG,set = 2.4
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Time [s] Time [s]
Figure 99 Left – Indicated mean effective pressure. Right – Brake mean effective pressure,
FMEP is 1.71 bar
0.5 0.45
0.45 0.35
0.35 0.15
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Time [s] Time [s]
Compressor Turbine
5 0.04
MFP [s*sqrt(K)/(s*Pa)]
4 0.03
1.5 0.01
Map Map
1 Simulation Simulation
0.5 0
0 200 400 600 800 0 20 40 60 80
CMF [g/s] SPP [1/(s*sqrt(K))]
Figure 101 Compressor map (left) and turbine map (right) with the simulation (λNG,set = 2.2)
As much as 6.1 vol.-% of the inlet mixture is water, the relative humidity is assumed to be 98
% after the humidifier. The temperature drops in the humidifier due to the vaporization (T2 →
T2,HAM). When the air passes the heater, the relative humidity goes down and the temperature
goes up depending on the heating power. The temperature in the inlet will besides the
preheating also be dependant on the temperature of the fuel, and the assumption here is that it
has a temperature of 20°C before entering the inlet manifold which means that the fuel
actually cools the inlet charge, this is especially clear at λNG,set = 2.2 .
The NO formation according to Zeldovich is quite low despite the low λ. Some of this can be
explained by the lower inlet temperatures than with natural gas only. Another factor may be
the dilute effect of the water vapor. At λNG,set = 2.2 the NO fraction in the exhaust gas were 12
ppm corresponding to a specific NO emission of 0.08g/kWh.
Table 17 Results with HAM using 95% reformed fuel and 5% natural gas. (T1 = 298K, p1 =
p4 = 1.013bar)
pMax NOZeldovich dm/dttot dm/dtfuel dm/dtH20,vap xH2O TInlet T2,HAM
λNG,set λ
[bar] [ppm] [g/kWh] [g/s] [g/s] [g/s] [%] [K] [K]
2.2 2.32 200 12 0.08 370 15.6 22.3 6.1 337 338
2.3 2.43 179 7 0.05 337 12.6 19.5 5.5 340 334
2.4 2.57 151 4 0.03 289 9.08 16.0 4.6 344 328
Pb PHeater
IMEP IMEP PMEP BMEP ηi,n ηb p2 p3 T2 T3 T4
λNG,set gross net
[kW] [kW] [bar] [bar] [bar] [bar] [%] [%] [bar] [bar] [K] [K] [K]
2.2 206 1.54 15.9 15.8 0.12 14.1 45.2 40.3 2.91 2.75 445 704 587
2.3 177 3.81 13.9 13.8 0.11 12.1 45.2 39.6 2.66 2.51 429 687 582
2.4 139 6.35 11.4 11.2 0.11 9.5 45.0 38.2 2.30 2.19 406 670 581
Figure 102 shows a Sankey plot illustrating the energy flow through the HCCI engine
compared to a simulation of the diesel engine, running at peak load at 1500 rpm. The heat
release parameters in the diesel engine simulation are adjusted to fit experimental data on
maximum pressure, IMEP, and combustion efficiency. In the HCCI case the emissions steals
a great deal of the energy and since the brake, output is less than in the diesel case the friction
part is higher. The diesel engine loose quite much of the energy through the exhaust due to a
slow combustion process, but gains some of this loss back due to a negative pumping work,
the net indicated efficiency is higher than the gross indicated efficiency. This is possible
because the higher exhaust temperatures, which makes it possible to use a much bigger
In summary, HAM in the combination with reformatted fuel seems to be a promising solution
for small-scale power plant engines. With larger engines, it is a little bit questionable if HAM
is required or not because of less heat transfer. In the simulation here it is not stated
wherefrom the heater power for inlet air preheating is taken from. It is of cause suitable to use
a heat exchanger and take heat from the exhaust gas. It should be pointed out that this system
also requires a water supply of 22 g/s, about 80 liter/hour. However, during cold startup this
may be a problem because of the thermal inertia of the whole system. The best operating
point shown here provide 206 kW brake power, at 40.3 % brake efficiency and NO emissions
of 0.08g/kWh. A big question mark is what combustion duration we would expect at this load
and with this water content.
100% 100%
ηC η
C 0.148% Emissions
5% Emissions
14.3% Heat transfer
15.1% Heat transfer
η η
i,n 0.355% Pump work i,n
η −1.17% Pump work
ηb 4.89% Friction 3.49% Friction
40.3% 41.2%
Work Work
Figure 102 Sankey diagram showing the energy flow through the HCCI engine (left) using
HAM and reformatted fuel (λNG,set = 2.2) at BMEP 14.5bar, compared to simulation of a
diesel engine at the same speed but at 20 bar BMEP (note the negative pump work),
emissions estimated from experiments .
7 Summary
This thesis presents the predicted performance and efficiency of turbocharged natural gas
driven Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine systems. From these
simulated results, we can expect that the engine load in terms of brake mean effective
pressure will be lower than with conventional diesel engines, mainly due to the maximum in-
cylinder pressure. The heat release rate during HCCI combustion is very high compared to
diesel combustion and the peak pressures become higher. Nevertheless, for this rather small
stationary engine it is possible to reach efficiency comparable to diesel engines, and with an
acceptable specific power. The real benefit of HCCI is the low NOx emissions. The Zeldovich
model used here give only an estimation of the NO formation, however this can still be used
as an indicator of when NOx starts to form.
The most interesting cases are summarized in Table 18 and Table 19. In Table 18,
comparisons are made at constant air-fuel equivalence ratio (normalized to natural gas) and in
Table 19 at constant maximum pressure. The first case is the simple system with inlet air
conditioner. In this case, the engine speed had to be increased in order to get proper
turbocharging. The compression ratio was decreased in order to stay below a fictive design
limit of 200bar peak in-cylinder pressure. Increasing the speed to 1800rpm gave both higher
friction and pumping losses and the efficiency became lower.
Keeping the speed at 1500rpm and using a higher compression ratio of 17.4:1 and instead
affecting the ignition characteristics of the fuel gave other results. This was done by simulate
reformed natural gas, a CO (40 vol.%) and H2 (60 vol.%) mixture. The ignition characteristics
of the reformed fuel allowed lower inlet temperatures to be used and the mass flow through
the turbine could be increased trough less thermal throttling of the engine. The boost pressure
was lower compared to the high-speed case; the load also became lower. Using richer
mixtures obviously produced more power and gave better efficiency, but the NO formation
increased from 0.08g/kWh to 0.30g/kWh. The brake efficiency reached above 40% in the best
operating conditions.
By also using the Humid Air Motor (HAM) concept, the mass flow through the engine and
turbine could be increased at leaner mixtures. Engine load increased and hence also
efficiency. Using a richer mixture, the load became higher as expected, and performance and
efficiency became comparable with the case without HAM. On the other hand, the NO
formation became much lower. Despite the richer mixture, the NO stayed at 0.08g/kWh. This
final case would be even more interesting if the combustion duration were affected (longer)
by the increased humidity. This could not be predicted with the zero dimensional models
Table 18 Summary of full system simulation, keeping λNG,set at 2.3
Speed pMax NOZeldovich Pb PHeater BMEP ηb
Fuel/Case rC λ net
[rpm] [bar] [g/kWh] [kW] [kW] [bar] [bar] [%]
NG 16.0 1800 2.33 199 0.04 220 - 14.5 12.5 39.3
Reformed 17.4 1500 2.59 154 0.08 145 - 11.6 9.9 38.4
Ref. + HAM 17.4 1500 2.43 179 0.05 177 3.81 13.8 12.1 39.6
Based on these results a suggestion would be to try these concepts on a real engine. If
reformatted fuel is not possible, a temporary action could be to speed up the engine, if
possible, in order to build up boost and then use the HAM concept to go down in engine
speed and maintain boost pressure.
Some facts points towards better results in reality e.g. the limitation of the model about the
overestimation of the inlet temperature indicate that the mass flow through the engine will
become higher. Using HAM may affect combustion duration allowing slightly richer mixtures
to be used without reaching maximum pressure, significant NOx formation or knocking
combustion. This would lead to higher output and higher efficiency.
If bigger cylinders (larger displaced volume per cylinder) were used scale effects would
probably appear. Less heat transfer would lead to higher efficiency, lower inlet temperatures
and higher exhaust temperatures leading to less thermal throttling and less pumping losses if
the compressor and turbine is matched properly.
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Symbols and Abbreviations
η – Efficiencies
ηb Brake efficiency
ηc Combustion efficiency
ηC , ηT Isentropic efficiency for compressor and turbine
ηG.e. Gas exchange efficiency
ηi,n Net indicated efficiency
ηi,g Gross indicated efficiency
ηM,e Mechanical efficiency
ηTh. Thermal efficiency
ηV Volumetric efficiency
Other symbols
α Convective heat transfer coefficient [W/(m2⋅K)]
φ Fuel-air equivalence ratio, (mf/ma)/(mf/ma)s
γ Ratio of specific heats
η Dynamical viscosity [µP] or [Pa⋅s], 1µP = 10-7 Pa⋅s
λ Thermal conductivity [W/(m⋅K)]
λ Air-fuel equivalence ratio, (ma/mf)/(ma/mf)s
ν Kinematical viscosity
πC, πT Pressure ratio for compressor and turbine
ρ Density [g/m3] or [kg/m3]
τ Time period [s]
ω Rotational speed [1/s]
A Area [m2]
Amin Minimum geometrical valve flow area [m2]
AE Effective valve flow area [m2]
Ap Port area [m2]
A0, A10 Crank angle for 0 and 10 % burned mass fraction [CAD]
A50, A90 Crank angle for 50 and 90 % burned mass fraction [CAD]
BDC Bottom dead center
CD Discharge Coefficient
Cp Specific heat at constant pressure [J/(mol⋅K)]
CMF Corrected mass flow [g/s]
D Cylinder bore [m]
D0-10, D10-90 Duration 0 – 10% and 10-90% burned mass fraction [CAD]
Dp Port diameter [m]
E Total energy [J]
EVO, EVC Exhaust valve opening and closing (in crank angle degrees)
e Total energy [J/mol]
h0 Enthalpy [J/mol]
h1 , h2 Enthalpy upstream and downstream compressor [J/mol]
h3 , h4 Enthalpy upstream and downstream turbine [J/mol]
h2,s , h4,2 Isentropic enthalpy downstream compressor and turbine [J/mol]
hc Convective heat transfer coefficient [W/(m2⋅K)]
H Enthalpy [J]
IVO, IVC Intake valve opening and closing (in crank angle degrees)
JTC Inertia of the turbo shaft [kg⋅m2]
l Stroke [m]
Lref Characteristic length of the vessel [m]
M Mole weight [g/mol]
m Mass, [g] or [kg]
ma Air mass, [g] or [kg]
mf Fuel mass, [g] or [kg]
MFP Mass flow parameter [g⋅sqrt(K)/(s⋅Pa)]
n Moles [mol]
n Engine speed [rpm]
nR Revolutions per cycle
N Number of species
Nu Nusselt number, Nu = α⋅Lref/λ
p Pressure [Pa]
p1 , p2 Pressure upstream and downstream compressor [Pa]
p3 , p4 Pressure upstream and downstream turbine [Pa]
pcr , pr Critical and reduced pressure [Pa]
Pb Brake power, [W] or [kW]
Q Heat [J]
QLHV Lower heating value of the fuel, [J/g ] or [J/kg]
Qhr Heat released during combustion [J]
R Universal gas constant [J/(mol⋅K)]
rC Compression ratio
Re Reynolds number, Re = ρ⋅Uref⋅Lref/η
s0 Specific entropy [J/(mol⋅K)]
Sp Mean piston speed [m/s], S p = 2 ⋅ l ⋅ n 60
SPP Speed parameter [1/(s⋅sqrt(K))]
t Time [s]
T Temperature [K]
T1 , T2 Temperature upstream and downstream compressor [K]
T3 , T4 Temperature upstream and downstream turbine [K]
Tb Brake torque, [Nm]
Tcr, Tr Critical and reduced temperature [K]
u Internal energy [J/mol]
U Internal energy [J]
Uref Characteristic flow velocity [m/s]
V Volume [m3]
Vd, Vd,tot Displaced volume of the whole engine, or a single cylinder [m3]
W Work [m3]
w Characteristic gas velocity [m/s]
x Piston position
xb Burned mass fraction
yi Mole fraction
Z Compressibility factor
See also figures for definitions not covered in the list, e.g. Figure 13 and Figure 14.
ATAC Active Thermo Atmosphere Combustion (Engine)
ATDC After top dead center
BTDC Before top dead center
ARC Active Radical Combustion
CAC Charge air cooler, Intercooler
CAD Crank Angle Degrees
CFR Cooperative Fuel Research (Engine, used for octane number determination)
EGR Exhaust Gas Recycling (or Recirculation)
ESIM “Engine SIMulation”, software made in-house for engine system simulation
FTIR Fourier Transform Infra Red (analysis of the infrared absorption spectra)
HC Hydrocarbons (emissions)
HCCI Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (Engine)
HTR Heater
IC Internal Combustion (Engine)
KE Kinetic energy
MK Modulated Kinetics (diesel engine concept by Nissan Motor Co.)
NOx, NOx Nitrogen oxides (NO + NO2 + N2O)
PCC Pre Combustion Chamber (Engine)
PE Potential energy
RON Research Octane Number (A measure of “auto-ignition resistance”)
SI Spark Ignition (Engine)
TDC Top Dead Center (usually the combustion TDC)
THC, UHC Total-/Unburned hydrocarbons (including methane, CH4. See NMHC)
NMHC Non-methane total hydrocarbons (methane excluded), sometimes NMTHC
VCR Variable Compression Ratio (Engine)
WOT Wide Open Throttle (SI engines)
… and that was the beginning of the end of my Ph. D. studies.