Tableau - Day 2 (Data Blending Etc)
Tableau - Day 2 (Data Blending Etc)
Tableau - Day 2 (Data Blending Etc)
1} limited connections, server side is limited to google sheets, open data etc
2}There will be no live or extract connection (by default it will be only extract)
What you can do is, "Download" the Workbooks from your account which will be saved
as Tableau packaged workbook with extension .twbx and you can share them with
3}tableau public, you cannot save the workbook on your local machines, only to
tableau public gallery, absolutely no security involved , user level security will
not come into play
4}if somebody has sent you a tableau workbook , you cannot open it using tableau
public, only what you have downloaded from tableau public gallery, you can open
using tableau public else use "tableau reader"
5}Copy function will not be there in tableau public, print to pdf will also not be
there in tableau public
when you go to show me ppanle bottom section ,min fields are important , how many
measures we need , how many dimensions we need
(example, profit vs regions)
column shelf will get aligned along x axis, row shelf will get aligned on y axis
you shoudld refresh this extract manually if you do it on tableau desktop, however
you upload it on on tableau server, you can set the frequency(monthly ,daily,
hourly with the help of scheduler )etc.
The following view is built with help of VIzql server
Rows : profit, category
Columns: region
Joins: Inner join , left join, right join , full outer join
cross database(conncetivity) join (coffee chain)-ms access and im joining with my
sample superstore(excel file)
orange bars, blue bars , tableau is smart enough