Day 1 - 360digiTMG - May25
Day 1 - 360digiTMG - May25
Day 1 - 360digiTMG - May25
Free Tools
Connecting to Datasources:
Two modes of Connection -
1) Live - Direct connection with the data in the data server (Eg: Oracle)
Adv: Up to date information
Dis Adv: Need to have network connection, performance might be an issue
2) Extract - Fetch a copy of the data and save it locally on your machine (Tableau
Data Extract - .hyper format, in older version it was called .tde)
Adv: Performance will be better, Offline access to data
DisAdv: No up to date information
26-May-2021 - Day 2
Tableau User Interface
Data Pane - List of data sources that you are connected to in the workbook.
Fields seperated as Dimensions and Measures.
Measures : They are always presented in an aggregated form. All numbers are
Measures except for Pseudo Numbers(number used for identification purpose)
Dimension : All the Non-Numerical Data (String, Dates, Date and Time, Boolean,
Geographic) including Pseudo Numbers
How to convert a dimension into a measure? Drag and drop it in the Measures pane.
Blue Pill - Discrete Data - Field Labels
Green Pill - Continuous Data - a field with a min value and a max value and all the
numbers in that range (from min to max) will be valid - Axis will a Range of values
Tableau's Fast Data Engine:
1) Create the .hyper
2) Decide the data type of the field
3) Decide whether a field wil be in Dimensions pane or Measures pane
4) Default aggregation property to Measures
Tableau Workbook (.twb) : All the sheets and connection details to the resources
used in it.
Workbooks created on Tableau Desktop cannot be opened on Tableau Public.
Workbooks created on Tableau Public (we save it on the Gallery), if you download it
from the gallery, then that .twbx which is donwloaded from the Gallery can be
opened on Tableau Desktop.
We can create workbooks on Tableau Server also - this feature is called as Web
We can Edit workbooks published to Tableau Server - This feature is called Web