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An Analysis of German Industrial Production with DEMETRA+

Necmettin Alpay KOAK Turkish Statistical Institute [email protected]

Acknowledgements: I thank to Jean Palate from National Bank of Belgium, who is developer of Demetra+, for his contributions during the preparation of this paper. I also thank to Christina Calizzani, Dario Buono from EUROSTAT, and all members of user testing group from different institutions for useful comments and helpful suggestions on various drafts of this article.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3 First overview of Demetra+ ............................................................................................... 4 Loading a set of series from Excel ..................................................................................... 5 Visualizing the data and some statistical properties of the series ...................................... 7 Seasonal adjustment processing ......................................................................................... 9 5.1. Case 1: Single series .................................................................................................... 9 5.1.1. Initial setup ........................................................................................................... 9 5.1.2. Creation of a single processing .......................................................................... 10 5.1.3. Application ......................................................................................................... 12 5.1.4. Getting results .................................................................................................... 13 5.1.5. Modification of the specifications ...................................................................... 21 5.2. Case 2: Multi-process ................................................................................................ 21 5.2.1. Initial setup ......................................................................................................... 21 5.2.2. Application, diagnostics and main results .......................................................... 24 5.2.3. Exporting the results........................................................................................... 28 5.2.4. Revision of a multi-processing ........................................................................... 29 Appendix: Quality diagnostics ................................................................................................. 31 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................. 39 2

1. Introduction Demetra+ is a family of modules on seasonal adjustment, which are based on the two leading algorithms in that domain (TRAMO&SEATS / X-12-ARIMA). The current version of Demetra+ uses TRAMO&SEATS (dated 8/2009) and X-12-ARIMA (recently upgraded by USBC). The first official release of Demetra+ contains the following applications: Demetra+ itself, WSACruncher (console application for batch processing), Excel add-ins (Demetra+ integrated in Excel) and TSTools, (a graphical tool for experimental purposes on benchmarking, direct/indirect approach modules ...). TRAMO&SEATS and X-12-ARIMA are two different methods to seasonally adjust a time series. Both methods can be divided into two main parts: a pre-adjustment step, which removes the "deterministic" component of the series by means of a regression model with Arima noises and the decomposition part itself. The two methods use a very similar approach in the first part of the processing but they differ completely in the decomposition part. Their comparison is often difficult, even for the modelling step. More especially, their diagnostics focus on different aspects and their outputs take completely different forms. One of the main features of Demetra+ is to normalize - as much as possible - the different methods. It tries to improve the comparability of the two methods by using as much as possible, a common set of diagnostics and of presentation tools. That fundamental choice implies that a number of routines of both methods have been re-written in Demetra+. That can lead, compared to the original programs, to small discrepancies in diagnostics or in peripheral information that should not alter the general "message" provided by the algorithms. Under no circumstances should the main results of the original programs (seasonally adjusted series...) be impacted by that solution. Demetra+ has been designed to handle fast and non repetitive analyses as well as recurrent batch processing. For "transient" seasonal adjustments, the software provides several solutions to communicate with external applications in an interactive way, using the usual data transfer channels (drag/drop or clipboard). For batch processing, it provides a sophisticate and extensible solution to load dynamically information coming from various sources, ranging from usual files (text, TSW, USCB... formats) or applications (Excel) to generic database drivers (ODBC) or WEB servers (using a specific xml format). A final aspect of Demetra+, which is not considered in this document, is the possibility to use the tool in in-house applications, using the rich "application programming interface" (API) provided by the libraries. This document is not a complete description of Demetra+. Its only aim is to give basic directions for performing seasonal adjustment by Demetra+ with real data. It is organized as follows: in a first point we shortly describe the different parts of the software; we explain in a second point the ways of loading Excel data into Demetra+. The next part shows some of the graphical capabilities of the tool. The fourth point is focused on single processing and the last point considers multi-processing.

2. First overview of Demetra+ When it is launched for the first time, Demetra+ appears with the following layout.

The main parts of the application are: The browsers panel (left panel), which presents the available time series The workspace panel (right panel), which shows information used or generated by the software A central empty zone that will contain the actual analyses Two auxiliary panels at the bottom of the application; the left, one (TSProperties) contains the current time series (from the browsers panel) and the right one (Logs) contains logging information.

The different panels can be moved, resized, superposed, closed1... following the needs or the preferences of the user. The presentation is saved between different sessions of Demetra+.

Closed panels can be re-opened through the main menu commands: Workspace->View->...

The application can contain multiple documents. Following the needs, you can present them in different tabs taking the full space (default) or in floating windows. The main menu item "Window->Floating/Tabbed..." gives access to that functionality. 3. Loading a set of series from Excel Demetra+ is able to handle time series coming from different sources. For this paper, we use an Excel file that contains monthly industrial production index (2005=100) of Germany (333 series with 229 observations (Jan 1991 Jan 2010) for each time series). This data will be used through the whole paper. It should be noted that Demetra+ is compatible with Excel 2003 (xls) as well as Excel 2007 (.xlsx). We must respect some rules in the layout of our data if we want to be able to launch an Excel workbook in Demetra+. We consider below a vertical presentation of the series; a horizontal presentation is possible and follows, up to a transposition of the cells, exactly the same rules. In all sheets, the A1 cell must be empty and the A column must contain the reference dates of the observations. True dates must be used. They don't have to correspond to a specific day of the period they identify; they just have to belong to the considered period. The B1, C1... cells contain the names (or titles) of the series. They must be unique inside a sheet. The cells below each title contain the figures of the series. Missing data should not be indicated by a special value (though the software still accepts -99999, as before), but by an empty cell. Series are identified in a workbook by the name of the sheet that contains them and by their names. That information should not be changed if we wish to be able to re-use analysis based on that workbook.

It is possible to import directly data from Excel by the clipboard or by drag/drop. However, time series imported that way are "dead time series", which cannot be automatically updated. So, we consider here another way, which allows a repetitive use of our work. To load the dataset in Demetra+, first go to the Browsers, click on the Excel tab in this window and then click on the Add button to add an Excel workbook. The program opens a standard dialog window.

The name of the Excel file and the number of the series (in the brackets) are shown in the "Excel Browser". The tree in the "Browser" also shows the different sheets of the Excel file and the series in each sheet. By clicking on one of the series listed in the Browsers (for example, Capital goods in MIGS), it may be seen that the TSProperties window is changed. Summary statistics (max, min, average, etc.), graphic and data of the series are displayed.

4. Visualizing the data and some statistical properties of the series Before doing a seasonal adjustment it may be useful to take a look at the series and - perhaps at some of its statistical properties. Consider for instance the Capital goods MIGS series. To see the figures, we proceed as follows:

Open a "Grid" window, using the "Grid" item in the "Container" sub-menu under the "Tools" item of the main menu. When it is opened, the "Grid" is empty; it is ready to collect one/more time series. Add series to the Grid by drag/drop; in our example, take with the mouse the "MIG: Capital goods" node of the browser and put it in the grid. .

Other containers, like Chart and Growth Chart, are available under the same menu. 8

Some statistical tools, useful to discover properties of the series of interest, are available as tool windows. They can be used either by dragging/dropping series into them or by "connecting" them to the browsers. To enable that feature, you have to activate the tool and to check the corresponding menu item; the tool is then updated each time a new series is clicked in the "Browsers".

Two important tools in the context of seasonal adjustment are dealing with spectral analysis, namely, Periodogram and Auto-regressive spectrum; they are available from the Spectral Analysis tab. As a demonstration for the capital goods series, the Auto-regressive spectrum graph shows peaks at the zero-frequency (related to the trend component of the series) and at the seasonal frequencies (k*/6, indicated by vertical lavender lines); it also shows a distortion at one of the frequencies related to trading days effects, which are indicated by vertical violet lines.. Finally, Demetra+ provides the Differencing tool, which automatically determines the differencing orders of a series; the used algorithm is based on a sub-routine of Tramo. The "dropping zone" for that tool is represented by the box containing the name of the series, at the top of the window. The estimated regular (D) and seasonal differences (BD) are displayed on top of the tool; they can be changed manually. The differenced series, its graph, its periodogram and its auto-correlation are displayed in sub-windows of the tool. 5. Seasonal adjustment processing 5.1. Case 1: Single series

5.1.1. Initial setup Demetra+ offers several ways to seasonally adjust a single series. A first question, which will determine the best way to proceed, concerns the specification that will be used to start the

analysis. Demetra+ provides for Tramo-Seats and for X12 a set of pre-defined specifications (using the naming conventions of Tramo-Seats); they are presented in the next table. Method Tramo-Seats Tramo-Seats Tramo-Seats Tramo-Seats Tramo-Seats Tramo-Seats X12 X12 X12 X12 X12 X12 Name RSA0 RSA1 RSA2 RSA3 RSA4 RSA5 X11 RSA1 RSA2c RSA3 RSA4c RSA5c Explanation level, airline model log/level, outliers detection, airline model log/level, working days, Easter , outliers detection, airline model log/level, outliers detection, automatic model identification log/level, working days, Easter , outliers detection, automatic model identification log/level, trading days, Easter , outliers detection, automatic model identification No pre-processing log/level, outliers detection, airline model log/level, working days, Easter , outliers detection, airline model; pre-adjustment for leap-year if log log/level, outliers detection, automatic model identification log/level, working days, Easter , outliers detection, automatic model identification; pre-adjustment for leap-year if log log/level, trading days, Easter, outliers detection, automatic model; pre-adjustment for leap-year if log identification.

The default specifications appear in the workspace tree. We strongly recommend to the users to start their analysis - as explained below - with one of those specifications (usually RSA4(c) or RSA5(c)) and to change afterwards some of the options, if need be. When a user wants to use in a frequent way a specification that is not available in the list of the predefined ones (for example if he wants to integrate systematically its own calendar variables or if he want to exclude (some kinds of) outliers, the best solution consists in defining it and in adding it to his workspace. That can be done as follows: In the Seasonal Adjustment item of the main menu, choose the Specifications sub-menu, and click on Tramo-Seats specification... or X12 specification...After that you have chosen all the suitable options in the "Specifications" dialog box, the new specification is automatically sent to the corresponding node of the Workspace. The new specification will be saved with the workspace, for future use. It can be used exactly like any predefined specification. Finally, if the user wants to use just for one analysis a specification that is not available in the list of the predefined ones, he should go to the wizard for single seasonal adjustment, which is also described below. 5.1.2. Creation of a single processing The user can create a single processing either using the main menu or using only the mouse. We consider first the last solution, which is usually the fastest and the simplest one.


Creation of a single processing by a double click in the browsers When a series is double-clicked in one of the browsers, a single processing is automatically launched, following a logic explained below: if no (unlocked) single processing window is opened, a new one is created. If an active specification has been defined in the workspace, it is used for the new processing. The user can choose an active specification in the workspace tree by means of its local menu. If the workspace doesn't contain an active specification, a small dialog box will invite the user to choose it. If single processing windows have been previously opened, they will all be updated with the new series, even if they don't correspond to the active specification. Creation of a single processing by the drag/drop of a specification in the central panel The user can also create any single processing that correspond to a specification (default or user-defined) that appears in the workspace. He only has to drag/drop it in the central panel of the application. A new single processing window will open automatically. The data can be imported into that window either by a double click on a series of the browsers (but all other windows will also be updated) or by dragging/dropping the series in the left panel of the single processing window. Creation of a single processing by the main menu A new single processing can be created by selecting the main menu item: Seasonal adjustment Single Analysis New. If an active specification has been defined, the new single processing will correspond to that specification. Otherwise, just as it is explained above, a small dialog box will invite the user to select it.


Short summary

We summarize below the different steps that a user should follows to create a single analysis, with its own specification.

a) Seasonal adjustment Single Analysis New

Double click on a series or drag/drop a series to already opened new specification file i.e. Tramoseatsdoc1, or X12doc-1

b) Right click on the new specification in the Workspace, and then activate it.

Double click on a series in the Browsers

Creation of a single processing by means of the wizard A last option for the creation of a single processing consists in using the Wizard by means of the main menu item: Seasonal adjustment Single Analysis Wizard. In the Wizard, the user can choose the series he wants to analyse and he can create its own specification or use a default/pre-defined ones. 12

5.1.3. Application We consider in our example the MIG-Capital goods series. Our seasonal adjustment is performed by the way of creating our own TRAMO&SEATS specification via the menu

"Seasonal Adjustment Specifications". The parameters in the TramoSeatsSpecDlg dialog box are set up as follows: Transformation Function=Auto (program will test for log/level specification) Calendar effects Trading days Type = Predefined, Details Trading days=td2 (working-day and leap year) and Pretest=true, Easter effect option=Pretest and Duration=6. Arima modelling Automatic modelling is enabled = True Outlier detection is enabled = True By clicking OK, a new specification is created and added to the Workspace, under the "Specifications -> Tramo-Seats" node. By default, it is called TramoSeatsSpec-1. It is activated by means of the local menu (called with a mouse right click). Last, double click on the MIG-Capital goods series. 5.1.4. Getting results By default, Demetra+ presents all the results computed by the software (but it is possible to hide unwished panels). There are 4 main nodes i.e. Main results, Pre-processing (TRAMO), Decomposition (SEATS) and Diagnostics. The results of X12 are organized in a similar way (expressions in the brackets of Pre-processing and Decomposition are changed to RegARIMA and X-11, respectively). Results The Main results page contains a short description of the used model and of the quality of the seasonal adjustment. For a complete description of the diagnostics currently implemented in Demetra+, see appendix 1. According to results obtained by analysis of MIGS-Capital goods series with the specification defined before, we can see that: log-transformation is selected; working day and leap year effects are significant as well as Easter effect. Outlier detection procedure detected 1 outlier in the series. As seen in the Decomposition part of the Main results, variance of seasonal and trend components quite lower than irregular component's. It means that smooth trend and seasonal components are obtained. The analysis seems to satisfy all the diagnostics, except the visual test on trading days; it should warn the user about a possible misspecification of the calendar effects. 13

14 In the panels under the "Main results" node, the S-I ratio chart provides one of the most useful descriptive view of the decomposition. By double-clicking on a specific period, it is possible to get a more detailed view of its seasonal pattern. The charts below clearly indicate the months that present unstable or moving seasonal factors (see for instance December) Pre-adjustment Description and properties of pre-adjustment step are given in the "Pre-processing" panels

Used Arima model used Regression variables and their coefficients Residuals, with a complete analysis of their statistical properties, based on the diagnostics developed in Tramo.

For the Capital Goods series, the identified ARIMA model is an Airline model (all the coefficients are statistically significant); working day, leap year and Easter effects coefficients present the expected signs and are statistically significant at the 1% significance level. The routine has detected 1 level shift in January-2009. In the example of MIGS-Capital goods, the statistical tests don't suggest statistical problems (the null hypothesis of white noise residuals was never rejected at the 1% significance level). The only uncertain result concerns the linearity of the residuals: the alternative hypothesis which indicates non-linearity in the residuals is accepted at the 5% significance level.

15 Decomposition The Decomposition panel contains the ARIMA models which are defined by SEATS. The sub-panels of that part of the output present, for SEATS, many properties of the WienerKolmogorov filters generated by the canonical decomposition. For X-11, Demetra+ provides the detailed tables namely, A, B, C, D, and E which contain the results of consecutive stages of X-11 procedures. 16 It should be noted that, for the Wiener-Kolmogorov filters, Demetra+ displays advanced tools like the estimation of phase delays. For the tested series, the next chart shows that, at the end of the series, the decomposition generates a phase delay effect of 0.5 month on the seasonally adjusted series and of 2 months on the trend. Diagnostics The "Diagnostics panels present very detailed information on the seasonal adjustment procedures; that information - often purely descriptive - is computed the same way for TramoSeats and for X12. The diagnostics are divided in five main parts. The first one (Seasonality tests) contains non-parametric seasonality tests (Friedman and Kruskall-Walllis). Existences of stable seasonality, and evolutive" seasonality are tested. The combined test provided in X12 is also computed. Statistical information about the residual seasonality is provided at the end of the panel.

As far as the Capital goods series is concerned, moving seasonal component is present at the 5% significance level. Seasonality is identified in the original series, but nor entire neither last 3 years of the seasonal adjusted series has residual seasonality. The presence of a moving seasonality is not a surprise, considering the S-I ratio chart described above. The second part of the Diagnostics presents spectral graphics (periodograms and autoregressive spectrum) of the residuals, irregular component and seasonal adjusted series (made stationary by differencing). All those graphics are used to check the presence of abnormal peaks at the seasonal (lavender lines) and/or trading day frequencies (violet lines). Peaks at the seasonal frequencies mean that the filters used in the decomposition are not well adapted to the series (at least in a large part of it), while peaks at the trading days frequencies could indicate that the regression variables used (or not used) in the model are not the best ones or that the calendar effects are changing to much to be captured by fixed regression effects on the whole period of estimation.


In the perspective of Capital goods series, it may be suggested that there is no indication of residual seasonality and residual calendar effects in seasonal adjusted series, because no spectral peaks are found in seasonal and trading day frequencies. But, it can be seen that there is a peak (black circle) in a very short term frequency. Usually, peaks on other frequencies cannot be easily interpreted. It should also be stressed that it is difficult to build statistical tests on such information. The only exception concerns the periodogram of the residuals, whose values, provided that it is computed at the so-called "Fourier" frequencies should be, under the null hypothesis of white noises, distributed as a 2(2). A limit for abnormal values is indicated, on that chart, by a horizontal yellow line. The third part of the Diagnostics presents the revision history of the series of interest. A processing may be considered as stable if removing or adding data points at the end of the series does not affect the result. Most of the time, the stability of a seasonal adjustment is a good indicator of its quality. However, it can happen that the best seasonal adjustment is an unstable one. In such a case, the user should decide whether stability or quality of seasonal adjustment is more important. Demetra+ provides Revision history for TRAMO&SEATS as well as X-12- ARIMA. The analysis is built as follows: starting from the model estimated for the complete time span, noted [t0, t1]. Demetra+ shortens progressively that time span and re-estimates the decomposition. By default, only the parameters of the model are re-estimated. However, the program allows a complete re-estimation or a re-identification of the outliers; those options can be activated by means of the local menu on the nodes of the revision history. For each period, a series of successive estimations are obtained by the procedure explained above. The first one, which corresponds for the period t to the estimation on the time span [t0, t], is indicated by a blue circle. The last one, computed on [t0, t1] and corresponding to the current estimation, appears on the red line. 18


By clicking on a blue circle (for instance, 2006-1) of the graph, an auxiliary window will appear; it shows the successive estimations (computed on [t0, 2006-1], [t0, 2006-2]... [t0, 2010-1]) of the considered series (seasonally adjusted series) for the period 2006-1. From the auxiliary graphic of Capital goods series, it appears that revisions are about 2% and that they can still be significant after 3 years; the annual pattern of the revisions appears also clearly. In our example, the sudden change in the estimations of the seasonally adjusted figures for January 2006 when observations of 2009 became available is linked to the level shift that appeared at that time in the series. The revision history window also contains a table with the differences between the first estimates and the last estimates for the last four years. If the decomposition is additive, absolute revisions are used, otherwise, relative differences are considered. The largest differences are displayed in red. They correspond to values that are larger (in absolute term) than 2 times the root mean squared error of the (absolute or relative) revisions. According to results of Capital goods series, there are 4 data points which are out of the critical bound defined before. It should be noted that 3 of them are before the level shift at Jan-2009. In the fourth part of the diagnostics, the Sliding Spans analysis, as it is defined in the original X12, is computed. The program sets up 4 spans of 8 years, separated by 1 year. The seasonal and the trading days panels compare the (relative) changes of the levels of those components. The SA changes panel is related to period to period changes. When an additive decomposition is used, the sliding spans analysis uses absolute differences. The threshold to

detect abnormal values is set to 3% of the RMS of the original series. A value of more than 3% is regarded as unstable. As seen below, according the sliding spans analysis of Capital goods series, it may be suggested that the seasonal factors of the series are stable since none of relative differences are higher than 3%.

The last part of the diagnostics presents the Model stability analysis which calculates ARIMA parameters and coefficients of the regressors for different periods and visualizes these results on the graphics is shown at the last part of the diagnostics. The model stability is computed as follows. The parameters of the model defined on the complete time span is computed on a moving window (8 years), which is sliding year by year. The displayed points (trading days, parameters...) correspond to the successive estimations. Value of ARIMA parameters which are computed for each span, for example, 1991-1999, 1992-2000,..., 2002-2010 are given for Capital goods series, below; 12 parameters are estimated for the regular moving average polynomial and for the seasonal moving average polynomial. In the Airline model, it is known that regular MA parameter represents the structure of trend component; seasonal moving average parameter represents structure of seasonal component. The graphic shows a stable regular moving average parameter, but a seasonal moving average parameter that evolves in a rather large range.


5.1.5. Modification of the specifications Making a seasonal adjustment is usually an iterative process. We start often with a specification that gives a large freedom to the software (or, in other words, we try to find our "best model" in a very large set of possible models) and, if need be, we progressively impose to our specification some constraints (we restrict the field of the possible models). One of the main features of Demetra+ is to allow such an approach in a very interactive way. For each analysis, it is possible to get the specification used to get the results (current specification) or the specification that corresponds to the results (apart from the estimated parameters), to change any option and to see immediately its effect on the processing. The dialog box on the specification is launched by means of the main menu. It corresponds to the current active single analysis.


5.2. Case 2: Multi-process 5.2.1. Initial setup Demetra+ is able to perform seasonal adjustment of a (potentially large) set of series; such a task is called a "multi-processing"; it is defined by a set of pairs of series and specifications. Demetra+ accepts "multi-processing" that mix different seasonal adjustment methods. Creating a multi-processing consists in defining the set of series and specifications. The software provides two different ways to perform such a task. The first solution is based on the "active" specification; in that solution, the series that a put in a multi-processing are automatically associated with the "active" specification. The second solution consists in using a wizard, which allows the users to associate series and specifications step by step.

Creation of a multi-processing by means of the "active specification" The simplest way to create a multi-processing is based on the use of the "active" specification. We recall that the active specification can be selected in the workspace through a local menu; it can be either a pre-defined specification or a user-defined one. A new empty multi-processing is created by the "New" menu item under the "Multiprocessing" sub-menu. The user can drag and drop any series or group of series in the multiprocessing window. Those series are automatically associated with the "active" specification. For instance, if we want to process all Manufacturing, MIGS and Mining and quarrying series (all 333 series) with TRAMO&SEATS(RSA4), we have first to activate that specification in the workspace tree and then to drag/drop the corresponding nodes in the window. If we want to use X-12-ARIMA (RSA4c) for Manufacturing (1 and 2) series in the same multiprocessing, we must change the active specification accordingly and process as before. The multi-processing window will then contain two groups of Manufacturing series (totally, 309 series) that will be processed either by means of TRAMO&SEATS or by means of X-12ARIMA.


The processing is actually launched by means of the Run command under the "SAProcessing-1" main menu item.


Creation of a multi-processing by means of the wizard The same goal can be achieved through the "Multi-Processing Wizard". The wizard guides the user in the construction of the associations "series-specifications". It also gives him the possibility to define and to use specifications that don't belong to the workspace.

At the last stage of the wizard ("Finishing") the user can modify the name of the multiprocessing (SAProcessing-xx, default); he can also add the multi-processing to his workspace, for future re-use (see later) and he can decide if the execution is automatically started (the default) when the wizard is closed. It should be mentioned that he can go back to the first step of the wizard at any time, if he wants to add other series with other specifications.


5.2.2. Application, diagnostics and main results The first panel of the multi-processing window gives an overview of the processing of each series and more especially of the diagnostics computed by Demetra+ on its seasonal adjustment (see appendix 1 for details); some warnings can also be put forward, for short series, non-decomposable models (SEATS) or when the differenced series doesn't show seasonal peaks. Information on those warnings are displayed by a tooltip on the series

By clicking on the name of a series, a short summary of the diagnostics is displayed on the right part of the window and the final seasonally adjusted series appears in the chart at the bottom of the window. A very raw description of the used model is also provided in the status bar of the window. The complete details for a series can be obtained by a double click on the name of that series (when the window for the details is opened, changing the selection in the multi-processing window will automatically adapt the details to the new selected series)


If it appears that the quality of a specific processing is insufficient, the user should go to the detailed window and try to modify some options to get a better result. In the example showed below, the chosen specification for trading days effects (week days) was not able to remove all the calendar effects. The diagnostics indicated "amongst other things", the presence of spectral peaks on the trading days frequencies. The user can (try to) solve the problem as follows: Change the trading day specification (for instance, use 6 variables) Apply the new specification (top-left button) When the result is acceptable, save it to the multi-processing window ("Save" button); the multi-processing contains now the adjusted specification for that series.

The user can sort the multi-processing by clicking on a column header. Sorting the "Quality" can be helpful when the processing contains many series. Demetra+ also provides other views of the multi-processing. The "Summary" panel gives general information on the model used by each method for each frequency. 26


For the analysis of German industrial production indexes performed here, TRAMO&SEATS is used for 309 series, X-12 ARIMA is used for 24 series in the multi-processing. The series are defined mostly in AIRLINE model (62.8 % in TRAMO&SEATS and 75 % in X-12ARIMA). Number of outliers per series is 3.64 (4) in TRAMO&SEATS and 2.08 (2) in X12-ARIMA. TRAMO&SEATS detected trading day effect in 93.53%, Easter effect in 78.96% of 309 series. X-12-ARIMA also detected trading-day and Easter effect with high percent rates for the set of 333 series. According to preliminary results, it may be suggested that there are significant calendar effects (working days and Easter effect) in German industrial production series. And, it is quite acceptable that the number of outliers per series is 3 on average taking account the time span like 1991-2010 (Roughly, it may suggested that a series has one outlier per 6 years). The "Matrix view" panel provides information similar to the matrix output of TSW (Tramo&Seats for Windows). It contains summary information by each series about main statistical properties of the ARIMA model used in Pre-processing, calendar specification results, outlier structure of each series and coefficients of ARIMA model and their significance levels. A table with the p-values of different tests computed on the residuals and

with other information (annual discrepancies between raw and adjusted data, spectral visual peaks) is finally provided. The matrices can be copied into the clipboard by the usual keys combination (Ctrl+C), for user in other software, like Excel. Finally, it should be noted that the details of a processing can be displayed from that output by a double click on the name of a series.

28 5.2.3. Exporting the results For multi processing, Demetra+ is able to export the outputs of multi-process into different formats i.e. .txt, .xls. ODBC or .csv . To manage it, "Generate output" button is available under the SAProcessing-1 tab, provided that the multi-processing has been computed.

The user can select the format that he wants to generate and he can define some options for each of them.

Most of the results displayed by Demetra+ can be copied (by means of local menus or by means of the Ctrl+C key combination) or drag/drop to other software. 5.2.4. Revision of a multi-processing If a user wishes to be able to refresh a processing with new data, he must follow the next rules: The series must come from a browser; series imported by drag/drop or by the clipboard cannot be refreshed because Demetra+ is not able to register their origin. Information used to identify a data cannot be changed (path of the file, names of sheets, series, identifiers in a database...) cannot be modified (of course). The multi-processing must be added to a workspace and save with that workspace If some processing contains user-defined regression variables or calendars (a topic not discussed here), they must be updated. This short document is not aimed at presenting all the details underlying the revision of a processing. It will only give, for our concrete example, the different steps to create and to revise such a processing. Creation of the document 1. Create an Excel workbook with the current series 2. Save it in a specific place (i.e. My Documents), 3. Perform the multi-processing as explained above, using the Excel browser to launch the data. 4. Add the multi-processing (called SAProcessing-1) to Workspace 5. Save or (save as) the Workspace to a place in computer, 29

Refreshing of the processing 1. Update the data file with the new data (do not change the place of data file in the computer) 2. Open the previous Workspace in Demetra+; by default, the last saved workspace is open at the start of Demetra+. 3. Double click the "SAProcessing-1" under the "Multi-processing" node of the Workspace 4. Find the Refresh item under the "SAProcessing-1" item in the main menu. 5. Choose refreshing strategy and click on it. If you select the option Parameters, Demetra+ will fix the model (ARIMA specification, position of the outliers, specification of the calendar effects...), but all the coefficients will be re-estimated. The second option (Outliers + params) process the same way, except that it will re-estimate the outliers. The third option (ARIMA and outliers +params) add the revision of the Arima model to the previous option. The last option (Complete model) will make a complete estimation (using the specification chosen at the creation of the multi-processing). After selecting the refresh strategy, refreshment is performed, immediately. The strategies may be summarized in a table. Outlier specification (position=date) Fixed Fixed Free Free ARIMA specification (p,d,q)(P,D,Q) Fixed Free Free Free Calendar Effects (Trading, working, Easter etc.) Fixed Fixed Fixed Free 30

Coefficients are re-estimated in all cases. Parameters Outliers (+params) Arima and outliers (+params) Complete model

Appendix: Quality diagnostics Demetra+ provides a set of quality diagnostics on seasonal adjustment. This appendix shortly describes the current ones. 1 Description of the quality diagnostics




The quality diagnostics that can be built on the different seasonal adjustment procedures are very heterogeneous. Moreover, their interpretation might be difficult for many users. That is why we have chosen to give a summary of information they provide by means of a very simple qualitative indicator, which is defined in the next table. Such a simple approach doesn't prevent that much more complicated and much richer information could be provided to the user through more sophisticated interface. Meaning of the quality indicator2 Value Meaning Undefined The quality is undefined: unprocessed test, meaningless test, failure in the computation of the test... Error There is an error in the results. The processing should be rejected (for instance, it contains aberrant values or some numerical constraints are not fulfilled Severe There is no logical error in the results but they should not be accepted for some statistical reasons Bad The quality of the results is bad, following a specific criterion, but there is no actual error and the results could be used. Uncertain The result of the test is uncertain Good The result of the test is good

The model also contain a flag "Accepted", which simply means that the statistician decided to accept the results, no matter what are the different diagnostics.

Several qualitative indicators can be combined following the following rules. Given a set of n diagnostics, the sum of the results is: Sum Undefined Error Severe Bad Uncertain Good Rules All diagnostics are Undefined There is at least 1 error There is at least 1 "severe" diagnostic but no error No error, no severe diagnostics; the average of the (defined) diagnostics (Bad=1, Uncertain=2, Good=3) is < 1.5 No error, no severe diagnostics; the average of the (defined) diagnostics (Bad=1, Uncertain=2, Good=3) is in [1.5, 2.5[ No error, no severe diagnostics; the average of the (defined) diagnostics (Bad=1, Uncertain=2, Good=3) is 2.5

So, errors and severe diagnostics are absorbent results. The quality of each diagnostics (except for undefined and error) can be parameterized by the user. 2 Description of the diagnostics of Demetra+

The different diagnostics are put in several groups, corresponding to different modules (classes). The current software contains diagnostics on the coherence of the decomposition ("SA coherence" group), on the auto-regressive spectrum of the series, on the residuals of the RegArima pre-processing ("RegArima residuals" group) and on the residual seasonality ("Residual seasonality" group). We describe below the different items of those diagnostics. 2.1 Definitions constraints (in "Basic checks" diagnostics group) 32

The decomposition of a series is based on some basic relationships between its different components. We describe below the decomposition considered in Demetra+ and the underlying equations that should always be strictly respected. Components Name Y Yc T S I SA SI TDE MHE EE RMDE OMHE CAL O(cmp=T,S,I) REG(cmp=T,S, I,Y) DET Definition Original series Interpolated series (= Y with missing values replaced by their estimates) Trend (without regression effects) Seasonal (without regression effects) Irregular (without regression effects) Seasonally adjusted series(without regression effects) SI ratio Trading days effects Moving holidays effects Easter effects Ramadan effects Other moving holidays effects Calendar effects Outliers effects Other regression effects Deterministic effects

C(cmp=T,S,I,SA) Ycal Yl

Components, including deterministic effects Calendar corrected series Linearized series

Definition constraints(additive case) (1) (2) (3) (4) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) The multiplicative model is obtained in the same way by replacing the operations + and - by * and /. A first set of diagnostics consists in verifying that the definition constraints are well respected. The maximum of the absolute differences is computed for the different equations and related to the Euclidean norm of the initial series (Q). Results of the test Q (see above) > 0.000001 <= 0.000001 2.2


Diagnostic Error Good

Annual totals (in "Basic checks" diagnostics group)

The annuals totals of the original series and those of the seasonally adjusted series are compared. The maximum of their absolute differences is computed and related to the Euclidean norm of the initial series. Results of the test Q (see above) > 0.5 ]0.1, 0.5] ]0.05, 0.1] ]0.01, 0.05] <=0.01 2.3 Visual spectrum analysis

Diagnostic Error Severe Bad Uncertain Good

Visual diagnostics on auto-regressive spectrum are highly used in X12. Demetra+ provides its own implementation of that tool for trading days frequencies and for seasonal frequencies. It follows exactly the method developed by the US Census Bureau. More especially, it should

be noted that the auto-regressive diagnostics of Demetra+ are computed on the last 8 years of each series as it is done in X12 (but contrary to the other diagnostics). Results of the test Presence of a visual peeks On td and on sa On td or on sa No visual peek 2.4 Residuals diagnostics

Diagnostic Severe Bad Good

Several tests are computed on the residuals of the RegArima model. The exact definition of what we mean by "residuals" should be clarified. Indeed, X12 and Tramo are based on different estimation procedures of the likelihood of the RegArima models, which lead to different definitions of the residuals. Demetra+ uses a solution - "the full residuals" - which is also available in Tramo. In most cases, the different sets of residuals yield slightly different diagnostics. However, their global messages are near always very similar3. 2.4.1 Normality test The joint normality test (which combines skewness and kurtosis tests) is the Doornik-Hansen test (see at the end of the appendix), which is distributed as a . Results of the test Pr( >val) <0.01 [0.01, 0.1[ 0.1 2.4.2 Independence test The independence test is the Ljung-Box test (see at the end of the appendix), which is distributed as , where k depends on the frequency of the series (24 for monthly series, 8 for quarterly series, 4*freq for other frequencies) and np is the number of hyperparameters of the model (number of parameters in the Arima model) Results of the test Pr( >val) <0.01 [0.01, 0.1[ 0.1 2.4.3 Spectral tests The software provides tests based on the periodogram of the residuals, for the trading days frequencies and for the seasonal frequencies. The periodogram is computed at the so-called Fourier frequencies, which present good statistical properties. Under the hypothesis of

Diagnostic Bad Uncertain Good


Diagnostic Bad Uncertain Good

In future versions of Demetra+, it will be possible to choose the definition of the residuals that must be used in the tests and displayed in the graphical interface. Obviously, the choice is more a question for purists.

Gaussian white noise of the residual, it is possible to derive simple tests on the periodogram, around specific (groups of) frequencies. The exact definition and the used test are described at the end of the appendix. Results of the test P(stat>val) <0.001 [0.001, 0.01[ [0.01, 0.1[ 0.1 2.5 Residual seasonality diagnostics

Diagnostic Severe Bad Uncertain Good

The residual seasonality diagnostics correspond to the tests developed in X12/X13. The FTest on stable seasonality (see at the end of the appendix) is computed on the differences of the seasonally adjusted series (component CSA, see above) and on the irregular component (CI, see above). The differencing is done with a lag of 3 periods for monthly series and with a lag of 1 period in the other cases. For the seasonally adjusted series, one test is computed on the complete time span and another one on the last 3 years. Results of the test Pr(F>val) <0.01 [0.01, 0.05[ [0.05, 0.1[ 0.1 2.6 Seats diagnostics

Diagnostic Severe Bad Uncertain Good


Demetra+ provides a very simple (descriptive) diagnostic on the seasonal variance (expressed in terms of innovation variance). It should be clear that such a diagnostic is not a "true" diagnostic. It is only a way to put forward a fact that could explain the instability of the seasonal component. Results of the test seasonal variance > 0.5 ]0.25, 0.5] ]0.0, 0.25] Diagnostic Bad Uncertain Good

It also indicates when a non decomposable model was changed by Seats

A comparison of both models (pseudo-spectrum and ACGF) can then be found in the "Arima" panel of the results.

Details on statistical tests

a. Doornik-Hansen test. The Doornik-Hansen is defined as follows: let s = skewness, k=kurtosis of the n (non missing) residuals We make the following transformations: b. Transformation of the skewness (D'Agostino)


c. Transformation of the kurtosis (Wilson-Hilferty)

d. Ljung-Box test The Ljung-Box test is defined as follows: let = the sample autocorrelation at rank j of the n residuals. The Ljung-Box statistics is

If the residuals are random, It should be distributed as where np is the number of hyper-parameters of the model from which the residuals are derived. e. Periodogram i. Definition of the periodogram The periodogram of the series 1. The are standardized, is computed as follows:


2. The periodogram is computed on the standardized

where and ii. Periodogram at the Fourier frequencies The Fourier frequencies are defined by

If the .

are i.i.d

, it is easy to see that the corresponding quantities

are i.i.d

We have indeed that


, so that and are uncorrelated random variables.

iii. Test on the periodogram Under the hypothesis that frequency, we have: is a Gaussian white noise, and considering a subset J of Fourier

If we consider the sets of Fourier frequencies on or near the trading days frequencies on one side and on or near the seasonal frequencies on the other side, we can use the above formula as rough tests on the absence of trading days/seasonal effects in the considered series. The software considers the Fourier frequencies which are on or near the following frequencies (the nearest is chosen, or two if they are equidistant): Annual frequency 12 6 4 3 2 Seasonal 2/12, 4/12, 6/12, 8/12, 12/12 2/6, 4/6 2/4 Trading days d, 2.714 d d, 1.292, 1.850, 2.128 d d 38

where d is computed as follows: if s is the frequency of the series,

f. Stable seasonality test The stable seasonality test is a F-test used in the context of a single-factor ANOVA model, where the different categories are defined by the different periods (month, quarter...) of the considered series. The F-test measures the probability that the observations for each period come from distributions that have the same mean. If we write , the number of periods by year, the number of observations for the period ( , the total number of observations), we have the following decomposition of the variance:

The test is then

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