Medical Hand Washing & Open Gloving

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1.Remove Jewelry. Push sleeves of uniform or shirt up 1. Facilitates proper cleaning as microorganisms
above the wrist at mid forearm level may accumulate in jewelries.
2. Asses hands for hangnails, cuts or breaks in the skin, 2. Should receive extra attention during cleaning
or areas that are heavily soiled. as these are the areas where microorganisms
3. Turn on the faucet. Adjust the flow and temperature. 3. Water that is too hot can chap the skin. To
Temperature should be warm. avoid splashing and spread of microorganism to
other areas such as our uniform.
4. Wet hands and lower forearms thoroughly by 4. Hands are the most contaminated part of the
holding under running water. Keep hands and forearms arm so water should flow from the elbow which
in down position with elbows straight. Avoid splashing is the least contaminated over the hands.
water and touching the sides of the sink.
5. Apply about 5mL (1 tsp.) of liquid soap. Lather 5. Soap lather emulsifies fats and aids in
thoroughly. cleansing.
6. Thoroughly rub hands together for about 10 to 15 6. Friction from rubbing loosens dirt and
seconds. Interlace fingers and thumbs and move back organisms lodge in the hands. Length of hand
and forth to wash between digits. Rub palms and back washing is determined by the degree of
of the hands with circular motion. Special attention contamination.
should be provided to areas such as the knuckles and
fingernails, which are known to harbor organisms.
a) Palm to palm
b) Palm to palm with fingers interlaced
c) Right palm over left dorsum with interlaced
fingers and vice versa.
d) Back of fingers to opposing palm with fingers
e) Rotational rubbing of left thumb clasped in right
palm and vice versa.
f) Rotational rubbing of the left wrist and vice
7. Rinse hands in downward position, elbows straight. 7. Water should flow from most contaminated to
Rinse in the direction of forearms to wrist to fingers least contaminated.
without touching the sink.

Medical Handwashing
8. Dry hands thoroughly with a single use towel. Dry in 8. Dry hands first because it is the least
the direction of fingers to wrist to forearms. Discard the contaminated area after washing.
paper towels in the proper waste receptacle.
9. Turn off the water faucet 9. Use paper towel to turn off the water so that
we don’t contaminate our hands again.
Open Gloving (Aseptic) Technique

1.Wash Hands 1.

2. Read manufacturer’s instruction, proceed in removing 2. Moist surface could contaminate gloves.
wrapper from package, place inner wrapper onto a clean To keep inner surface clean.
dry surface. Open inner wrapper to expose.

3. Identify right and left hand: glove dominant hand first 3. Putting on dominant hand glove first can
minimize the risk of ripping or contamination
to the hand you're likely using most.

4. Grasp the 2- inch wide cuff with thumb and first two 4. The hands are not sterile touching only the
fingers on non-dominant hand; touching only the inside inside of the gloves avoids contamination.
of the cuff.

5. Gently pull the gloves over dominant hand, making 5. It should fit properly so that gloving of next
sure the thumb and fingers fit into the proper spaces of hand can be easy.
the glove.

6. Pick up the other glove with the sterile gloved hand, 6. Gloves remain sterile if you use your gloved
inserting the gloved fingers under the cuff and holding hands in picking it up.
the gloved thumb close to the gloved palm.

7. Pull on the second glove carefully. Hold the thumb of 7. So that it won’t be contaminated
the gloved hand as far as possible from palm.

8. Adjust each glove so that it fits smoothly, and carefully 8.

pull the cuffs up by sliding the fingers under the cuff.

9. Removing and disposing used gloves. Pull all the glove 9. Keeps soiled parts from touching the skin.
down to expose the thumb.

10. Slip the uncovered thumb into the opposite glove at 10. Turn it inside out to reduce chance of
the wrist allowing only the glove-covered fingers of the transferring microorganisms.
hand to touch the soiled gloves.

11. Dispose of soiled gloves according to institutional

policy and wash hands.

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