Open Gloving
Open Gloving
Open Gloving
1- Excellent
2- Very Satisfactory
3- Satisfactory
4- Needs Improvement
5- Poor
1. Clean and flat surface Microorganisms are
reduced in a clean
environment. Sterile
items do not fall due to
the flat surface.
2. Mask, cap or blood Use to keep yourself
3. Sterile gloves Use to prevent the
spread of bacteria and
to complete the
4. Scrub suit Use to keep yourself
1. Check the expiration date of the sterile gloves. A sterile that has been
terminated is called
2. Sterile gloves should be sealed, free form tears and not Gloves that have not
crumpled. been sealed are
considered unsterile.
3. Fingernails should be short, clean and healthy. Long nails can cut the
gloves, allowing
bacteria to enter.
4. The top portion of the scrub suit should be secured at the Ensure that scrub suit
waist and tucked into the pants. is secured and there
are no fabric problems.
5. Make sure that you are not allergic to the sterile gloves. To prevent
interference with the
operation, and to
ensure safety.
Defining characteristics from the assessment data my reveal Reduce the
the following nursing diagnosis for clients requiring the skill: propagation of
Risk for Infection)
Client prioritization is
(Related factors are individualized based on the client’s necessary.
conditions and needs).
1. Expected outcomes following completion of the procedure: To save time and
energy by maintaining
a consistent touch.
2. Prepare the equipment. Ensure a smooth
3. Sleeves should be above the elbows and uniform is fitted or Reduce microbe
tucked at the waist. transmission by
1. Do surgical handwashing Microorganisms are
removed by washing
the surface that has
been contaminated.
2. Open the package of the sterile gloves. Microorganisms are
removed by washing
Place the package of the gloves on a clean dry the surface that has
surface. been contaminated.
Some gloves are packed in an inner as well as an Prevent the inner
outer package. Open the outer package without gloves package from
contaminating the gloves or the inner package. accidentally opening
Remove the inner package from the outer package. and coming into
Open the inner package as above or according to the contact with a
manufacturer’s directions. Some of the
contaminated object.
manufacturer’s provide a numbered sequence for
opening the flaps and folded tabs to grasp for opening To be ready for usage.
the flaps. If no tabs are provided, pluck the flap so It is considered
that the fingers do not touch the inner surfaces. unsterile to touch the
Remove the envelop powder from the inside of the inner surface. It gives
right glove wrist without touching the outside of the direction and reduces
gloves. the chances of
Powder the hands over a waste basket. The powder contamination.
that falls from the hands is no longer sterile so Touching the sterile
powder hands away from the sterile objects. area outside of the
gloves is deemed
To prevent
3. Put the first glove on the dominant hand. The first glove is To maintain the
drawn with the left hand-grasping the cuff of the right glove sterility of the field,
on the fold, pick up the glove and step back from the table. always start with the
gloves in your right
If the glove is packed so that they lie side by side, hand.
grasp the glove for the dominant hand by its cuff (on
the palmar side) with the thumb and the first finger of
the non-dominant hand. Touch only the inside of the
Insert the dominant hand into the glove and pull the It is considered
glove on. Keep the thumb of the inserted hand against contaminated if the
the palm of the hand during insertion. exterior surface of the
gloves comes into
contact with the hand
or wrist.
Leave the cuff turned down.
Keeping the thumb on
the palm allows hands
to be easily inserted
into gloves.
4. Put the second glove on the non-dominant hand. Slip the Cuff maintains gloved
fingers of the right gloved hand under the turned back cuff of fingers sterile when
the left glove, pick it up, step back and removed from the they touch sterile
inside of the cuff. surfaces, reducing the
risk of infection.
Contamination is
Pick up the other glove with the sterile gloved hand, avoided by holding
inserting the gloved fingers under the cuff and beneath the sleeve.
holding the gloved thumb close to the gloved palm.
1x ____________ = __________
2x ____________ = __________
3x ____________ = __________
4x ____________ = __________
5x ____________ = __________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Student’s Signature over Printed Name Clinical Instructor’s Signature and Date over
Printed name