Hand Gestures
Hand Gestures
Hand Gestures
Thumbs up
This widely recognised sign of approval or agreement is actually used as an insult in Bangladesh.
In certain parts of the Middle East, thumbs-up is definitely a highly offensive thumbs-down.
The thumbs-up sign has been confusing people for thousands of years!
Come here
This is used in the United States to ask a person to step forward, but in Asia this gesture isn’t welcome.
It should only be used to beckon dogs…if you do it in the Philippines you could be arrested.
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In USA “the horn fingers” is adopted by rockers and it is a sign of approval, rock on!
Hook ’em Horns is the slogan and hand signal of the University of Texas at Austin.
But in many Mediterranean and Latin countries, such as Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, Italy
and Portugal, to make this sign at someone is to tell them that their spouse is cheating on them.
In the Middle East, however, a conversation should run its natural course, as it would be very rude to
look at your watch mid-conversation. In Arabic culture, once communication has started, it must “take its
The OK
In most of the English-speaking world, as well as in several other countries, this hand gesture means that
everything is fine, great, okay and/or perfect.
In Brazil, however, it is considered a rude gesture. The most famous example of this was in the 1950s
when Richard Nixon visited Brazil and flashed the “Ok sign” to a waiting crowd upon arriving in Rio de
Janeiro, who responded with boos!
This sign has two formats: one with the palm faced outwards, and another with the palm inwards.
In the US, both ways refer to “victory” and peace: protesters against the Vietnam War and activists
adopted the gesture as a sign of peace. Because the hippies of the day often flashed this sign (palm out)
while saying “Peace”, it became popularly known (through association) as the peace sign.
In other places, such as in the UK, Australia and South Africa, the same gesture with the back of the hand
facing the other person is considered to be an extremely insulting.
When we go overseas, sometimes language can be a barrier. We mean to say one thing, but the locals
understood it to be something else. Luckily body language can help us communicate when words fail to
do so. But as it turns out, not all hand signals are created equal. The same hand gestures could mean
different things in other countries. In fact, some innocent hand signals might come off as offensive!
Bright Side looked at the meaning of the same hand gestures in different parts of the world and thinks it
would be good for us to know them when traveling.
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Japan: Money. Sometimes the gesture is made with the 3 fingers at the bottom.
Brazil: A rude gesture. Don’t make the same mistake as Richard Nixon, who visited Brazil and flashed the
“Ok sign” to a waiting crowd, but was responded to with boos.
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America: The thumb between the index and middle fingers represents the nose stolen from a kid’s face
in the “I’ve Got Your Nose” game.
Turkey: An obscene gesture similar to the middle finger, and is also used to show disagreement or to
deny a request.
Brazil: A good luck charm to ward off the evil eye and jealousy.
China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand: Cute pose when being photographed.
United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland: When the same gesture is done but with
the back of the hand facing outward, it’s an insult.
ASL: The sign for the number 2.
© Glee / Fox
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China: Indicates the number 8, which is considered a lucky number. Knowing how to sign numbers is
especially useful when bargaining in China.
5. The thumbs up
6. The pinky up
America: It either indicates “fancy” when drinking tea or it’s a sign that you’re making a promise that
should not be broken, also called a pinky swear.
China: This is the same as giving the thumbs down sign. It shows that the signer is not happy.
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America, Ecuador: “Come here.” This gesture is also used when seducing someone.
Philippines: It’s only used to call a dog. It is derogatory to use on people. And you could get arrested for
using it.
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Greece, Sindh (Pakistan): Called the “moutza” or “mountza” and is considered an insult.
Mexico, Panama: Used to say “hi,” but when steady or moving it repeatedly toward the receiver it
means, “You’ll see!” warning that the giver is going to tell an authority figure.
Malaysia: Can be used to say hi to someone you know, to call a waiter, and to say thank you to another
driver. It is also used when crossing the street and this is humorously known as the “God hand” because
it seems as though you have the power to stop cars.
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Japan: It means “you’re fired.” This is because the word kubi, which means fired from a job, sounds the
same as kubi that means the neck or throat.
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Italy: Used when something is unclear. Similar to “What are you saying?”
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Malaysia: They call it “chup” and it used to mean “wait a minute.” But when the gesture is motioned
toward the mouth, it means “eat.”
ASL: When both hands with this sign are put together with the tips touching, it means “kiss.”
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America: Waving the hand left and right, with the palm facing the side in front of your face, indicates
that something smells bad.
Japan: It means “no.” “No can do,” “Impossible,” or even “No, thank you” are also expressed with this
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America, Germany: The thumb rubs repeatedly over the tip of the index finger and middle finger to
indicate money.
South Korea: It’s a similar gesture, but without the rubbing, to make a small heart. It means “love.”
13. The “animal ears” or “horns” gesture
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America: It’s not commonly used, but it means an animal ears or horns. It is often used just to be silly or
to imitate an animal while playing with children.
Japan: Also known as the “demon horns,” index fingers pointing up behind the head is used to describe
that the signer is angry.
Vietnam: It is thought to resemble female genitals, and is similar to giving the middle finger.
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America: Usually used by rockers, when the index and pinky are raised it is a sign of approval or “rock
Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, Italy, Portugal: This sign is made at someone to tell them that
their spouse is cheating on them.
Which of these hand gestures do you use a lot and what do they mean when you use them? Are there
any other hand gestures you know that mean something completely different in other countries?
Preview photo credit Glee / Fox, depositphotos.com, MSGJ / Wikimedia Commons, Steinsplitter /
Wikimedia Commons
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