From Circuit Topology To Behavioural Model of Power Amplifier Dedicated To Radar Applications

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From circuit topology to behavioural model

of power amplifier
dedicated to radar applications

F.X. Estagerie, T. Reveyrand, S. Mons, R. Quéré, L. Constancias and P. Le Helleye

Published in
Electronics Letters -- 12 April 2007 -- Volume 43, Issue 8, p. 477-479

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From circuit topology to behavioural model shows an example of the model’s topology. In the following, the Letter
of power amplifier dedicated to radar focuses on the modelling of transistors.
F.X. Estagerie, T. Reveyrand, S. Mons, R. Quéré,
L. Constancias and P. Le Helleye

A new behavioural model of a power amplifier (PA) at system level is

presented, dedicated to radar applications. This model, which is able to
take into account output loading impedance mismatch, is based on a
similar topology to the PA’s circuit. The model, implemented in
Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS), is validated for different
loading impedances, until VSWR ¼ 2 (voltage standing wave ratio),
on the PA’s bandwidth. This approach permits an extraction, resulting
from simple CW measurements or simulations, and easy model
implementation. This work has been supported by DGA (French
Defense and Security Agency).

Introduction: In recent years the development of active electronically

scanned array (AESA) radar has been significant. This technology Fig. 1 Grey Box approach: assembly of linear and nonlinear sub-models,
will equip most of next generation military radar systems [1]. In the based on same topology of design circuit
framework of the development of such systems, an accurate ‘system’
simulation is needed. Indeed, nowadays, cost reduction of such Modelling of nonlinear parts: Transistors are modelised thanks to
systems is a key issue for the European defence industry (an AESA nonlinear scattering functions. If we make the assumption that a
is two times more expensive than a passive electronically scanned transistor is considered to be a nonlinear two-port circuit at funda-
array) and that implies the use of accurate simulation tools to decrease mental frequency, without memory effects, it is defined by the
margins taken on component specifications. Such simulations must be following relationship:
able to optimise the design of the whole radar functional chain by
enabling design engineers to predict and analyse the impact of b~ i ¼ fNLi ð~a1 ; a~ 1* ; a~ 2 ; a~ *2 Þ ð1Þ
microwave components on ‘system’ performance. Unfortunately,
design models of microwave components cannot be used for such a where i ¼ 1, 2, b̃ 1, b̃ 2 and ã 1, ã 2 are, respectively, the reflected and
simulation because it would lead to huge computing time. That is why incident power waves at the two ports. In conditions of weak loading
technical solutions have been explored to reduce complexity of impedance mismatch, ã 2 can be considered weak compared to ã 1;
simulation accuracy with radar signals. Today, simulation tools moreover, if ã 1 is considered like the reference wave, Taylor series
dedicated to AESA radar describe RF systems in only a unilateral expansions limited to the first order lead to write [3]:
way and with insufficient accuracy. Nevertheless, design constraints !   !  
of AESA lead to significant load mismatch (up to VSWR ¼ 2) with b~ 1 S11 a~ 1 S12 a~ 1 a~ 1
varying phase in microwave chains implying the need for a nonlinear b~ 2 S21 a~ 1 S22 a~ 1 a~ 2
bilateral model. It appears that development of a powerful simulation  !
D *
0 S12 a~ 1 a~ 1
tool requires an accurate model of the power amplifier (PA) in order to þ   ð2Þ
quantify its impact on transmission=reception (T=R) modules and 0 S22 a~ 1 a~ * 2
then on emitted signal characteristics. Indeed, the PA undergoes many Sij(jã 1j) represent nonlinear scattering functions, as a function of the
disturbances in AESA radars, particularly output loading impedance incident wave’s magnitude. To extend the capabilities of prediction to
mismatch. In fact, impedance presented to the output port of the PA the PA’s bandwidth, the frequency dispersion of the transistor must be
varies because of AESA controls. The difference between this considered. An efficient solution consists of parameterising Sij(jã 1j)
impedance and PA load required in the case of optimal match with appropriate coefficients. Thus (2) becomes:
condition can be huge. PA behavioural models employed in these !   !  
simulations, simple gain or AM=AM-AM=PM, are insufficient. b~ 1 S11 a~ 1  c11 ðOÞ S12 a~ 1  c12 ðOÞ a~ 1
Recently, more efficient behavioural models were developed [2–5] ¼   
~b2 S21 a~ 1  c21 ðOÞ S22 a~ 1  c22 ðOÞ a~ 2
but their implementation and their extraction are complex. Therefore,
a~ *1
 D ! !
we present the principle of a novel approach, called ‘Grey Box’, and 0 S12 a~ 1  c12 ðOÞ
its results. This approach is particularly useful when the topology of þ  D
0 S22 a~ 1  c22 ðOÞ a~ *2
the PA is known at the design level. In order to satisfy AESA radar
needs, this model must be compliant with the following specifications: cij(O) is frequency function, normalised to one, where O ¼ o o0. The
it should be accurate with VSWR up to 2; it should take into account identification of nonlinear scattering functions and coefficients are
thermal effects; and it should take into account fast and slow memory obvious because it requires a simple extraction. In order to solve (2)
effects. nonlinear scattering functions are extracted, at the PA’s operating
frequency, from three different loading impedance CW measurements,
with a vectorial network analyser (VNA) [6], or CW harmonic balance
Model structure: The Grey Box model is directly derived from the simulations. Coefficients are extracted, for low level signal excitation,
topology of the amplifier. Thus, this model is divided into linear and thanks to the same method as nonlinear scattering functions for several
nonlinear sub-models, respectively associated to passive and active frequency points on the PA’s bandwidth.
elements. To take into account output impedance mismatch, linear and
nonlinear models are described in a bilateral way. Passive elements are
Model implementation: The Grey Box model has been implemented
described thanks to their linear scattering parameters. Nonlinear
in Agilent ADS, likewise in [5]. Data files from S-parameters passive
scattering functions [3], which are an extension of linear scattering
element’s simulation describe linear parts. Frequency device domain
parameters applied to the nonlinear case, permit us to describe the
(FDD) is used in order to modelise transistors, where (3) defines the
transistors. If the PA has several transistors by the amplification stage,
relationships between the input=output ports.
the model topology can be simplified since the impedances presented
to active cells at each stage are very close. As a result, passive cells
can be reduced to a two-port structure. Therefore, a single nonlinear Results: To validate the proposed modelling approach, it was applied
sub-model is necessary for each stage if input=output currents are to a PA design project in Agilent ADS. It is an X-band, 18 dB gain
divided by the number of transistors for this stage. This model amplifier, which contains four GaAs HBTs in the driver’s stage and
simplification enables us to use a single extraction for all transistors eight in power’s stage. Fig. 2 shows an example of comparison
of a same power amplifier stage and to enhance time cost. Fig. 1 between circuit-level simulation and the Grey Box model at operating

ELECTRONICS LETTERS 12th April 2007 Vol. 43 No. 8

frequency, the PA was terminated with different loads far beyond its Conclusion: We have presented a novel behavioural model based on
optimum load (VSWR ¼ 2). At different input levels, Fig. 3 shows a an actual PA design. It is divided into several simple sub-models
comparison of output power response of the circuit level and corresponding to linear and nonlinear parts of this PA. The tests,
behavioural model against the PA’s bandwidth. carried out on a two-stage PA, have been validated in frequency
domain. This new approach has several advantages: it enables a good
prediction of the PA’s behaviour in the case of strong output loading
impedances mismatch (until VSWR ¼ 2), it is extracted from simple
CW measurements or simulations, and its implementation in a
simulator is obvious. This model should be used in the time domain
environment in order to evaluate the PA’s behaviour submitted to pulse
signal excitations for radar applications and finally it should be
integrated in the DGA=CELAR AESA radar simulation tool.

Acknowledgment: This work has been supported by the French

Defence and Security Agency (DGA).

# The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2007

2 October 2006
Electronics Letters online no: 20073059
doi: 10.1049/el:20073059
F.X. Estagerie, T. Reveyrand, S. Mons and R. Quéré (XLIM –
University of Limoges, 123 avenue Albert Thomas, Limoges Cedex
87060, France)
E-mail: [email protected]
L. Constancias and P. Le Helleye (DGA=CELAR–BP 7419 – 35174
Bruz Cedex, France)

Fig. 2 Simulation-based Grey Box model (solid lines) compared to circuit

(circles, cross, rhombus triangles) 1 Hommel, H., and Feldle, H.P.: ‘Current status of airborne active phased
Gain in decibels and AM-PM in degrees against input power in dBm for the two- array (AESA) radar system and future trends’. 34th European Microwave
stage amplifier of Fig. 1 terminated with different loads at PA’s operating frequency Conf., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2004
2 Ngoya, E., and Soury, A.: ‘Modeling memory effects in nonlinear
subsystems by dynamic Volterra series’. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave
Symp., June 2003
3 Verspecht, J.: ‘Scattering functions for nonlinear behavioral modeling in
the frequency domain’. Fundamentals of Nonlinear Behavioral
Modeling: Foundations and Applications Workshop, IEEE MTT-S Int.
Microwave Symp., June 2003
4 Soury, A., Ngoya, E., and Rousset, J.: ‘Behavioral modeling of RF and
microwave circuit blocs for hierarchical simulation of modern
transceivers’. IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp., June 2005
5 Root, D.E., Verspecht, J., Sharrit, D., Wood, J., and Cognata, A.: ‘Broad-
band poly-harmonic distortion (PHD) behavioral models from fast
automated simulations and large-signal vectorial network
measurements’, IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., 2005, 53, (11),
pp. 3656–3664
6 Reveyrand, T., et al.: ‘A time domain envelope vectorial network analyser
for non-linear measurement based modeling accounting impedance
mismatches’. IMTC 2006, Sorrento, Italy, April 2006
Fig. 3 Simulation-based Grey Box model (solid lines) compared to circuit
At different input levels, output power in dBm against frequency offset from
carrier in MHz for PA’s nominal load

ELECTRONICS LETTERS 12th April 2007 Vol. 43 No. 8

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