Transmission Line Modeling of Grounding Electrodes and Calculation of Their Effective Length Under Impulse Excitation
Transmission Line Modeling of Grounding Electrodes and Calculation of Their Effective Length Under Impulse Excitation
Transmission Line Modeling of Grounding Electrodes and Calculation of Their Effective Length Under Impulse Excitation
Abstract-- Grounding electrodes, being the basic component literature [1],[18]. Grounding electrode is treated as in series
of any grounding system, need to be accurately modeled in connected π-circuits tending to the open-ended transmission
transient analysis studies. An easy-to-apply methodology for
calculation of voltage and current distribution along the line when the number of circuits increases. Analytical
electrode has been presented and validated in [1]. It is based on formulae are presented for current and voltage distributions
a distributed parameters transmission line model of the along the electrode. Impulse injection current has been
electrode. In the middle stages, closed–form mathematical
described by a double exponential waveform function.
expressions are used for the solution of telegraphy equations
that describe the propagation of voltage and current waves Grounding electrode model is constructed under the
along the electrode. The final expressions include few terms, so assumption that the soil is homogeneous. In this paper per
they are easy to apply. In this paper per unit length parameters unit length inductance conductance capacitance and
of the electrode are comparatively calculated using various
approaches. Calculation of the impulse response of grounding
resistance of the electrode are comparatively calculated using
electrodes shows that there is a limit in their length that various approaches and mathematical formulas.
seriously contributes in lowering raised potentials. This limit is Long grounding electrodes have lower grounding
the “effective length” of grounding electrodes and is calculated resistance and better behaviour under low and high frequency
in the paper.
excitation. In case a sinusoidal current source is applied at a
Keywords: Grounding Electrode, Transient Response,
point of a grounding conductor, maximum GPR (Ground
Effective Length, Ground Potential Rise (GPR). Potential Rise) decreases as its dimensions increase. However,
when high frequency components are injected as in the case
of lightning, there is an upper limit in the length of the
I. INTRODUCTION electrode that substantially affects the maximum GPR value.
and the other [7][8] is used for horizontal electrodes: where γ c = [ jωµ c (σ c + jωε c )]2
ρ 4l 4l and ω is the angular frequency. A simplified equation for
G −1 = log − 1 , C = 2πε log − 1 , easier and accurate calculation of Zi can be found in [20].At
2πl α α
very low and zero frequencies this impedance reduces to the
µ 0 l 2l classical dc resistance of a cylindrical conductor:
L= log − 1 (2)
α α Zi =
where α the radius of the conductor is replaced by πα 2σ c
2 ⋅ a ⋅ z when the conductor is placed at depth z.
Alternatively the following equation proposed by Dwight et A.3.Comparative evaluation of calculation formulas
al. [9] can be used to calculate G: A drawback of most calculation formulas for estimation of
the lumped parameters Re, Le, Ce and Ge is that they are based
ρ 2l 2l s s2 s4
G−1 = ⋅ ln + ln − 2 + − + 4
on quasi-static approximation that limits their validity to
2πl α s l 16⋅ (0.5l) 512⋅ (0.5l)
some upper frequency that depends on the size of the
(3) grounding system and the electrical characteristics of the
where s=2z is two times the burial depth and L, C can be earth.
calculated from the equations found in [4]: More particularly, Sunde’s assumptions in derivation of
l the electrode parameters are that the potential due to current
L= , C = ε ⋅ ρ ⋅G (4) leaving a conductor element is the same for a point source at
c0 ⋅ ε ⋅ ρ ⋅ G
the axis of the conductor. Thus is acceptable when dealing
Other, less commonly used calculation formulas can be with long conductors. In order to solve the equations of the
found in literature [3][17] potential versus the leakage current along the entire
The electrode can then be considered as a transmission conductor it is assumed that the resistance of the conductor is
line open at the lower end. The input impedance at the negligible, so that the voltage drop may be disregarded and
energization end is [11]: the boundary condition to be satisfied at the surface of the
Z = Z 0 coth γl (5) conductor y=α is that dV ( x,α ) dx = 0
Considering the accuracy of (6), as noted in [7], when the
A.2. Frequency dependent transmission line model current varies rapidly, as for example in the case of lightning
For given conductor and soil data an electrodynamic strike, these are an improved approximation of the solution in
model can be evaluated that results in the frequency terms of an exponential mode of propagation. There is a
dependent characteristic impedance Zc(ω) and propagation logarithmic approximation of the variation vs. conductor
constant γ(ω)[13][14]. Sunde [7] developed the mathematical length of the main integral functions q, p which are added to
equations for the unit length admittance and self-impedance the internal impedance and admittance terms to give (6)
of the grounding electrode: Grounding resistance values calculated from formula (3)
−1 are closer to the results of finite elements method calculation
−1 1 1.12 K
Y (Γ ) = Yi + log and well known commercial software [21] than the results
π (σ + jωε ) Γα calculated from formula (2).
jωµ 1.18 K In Fig.1, the magnitude of the input impedance |Z| at the
Z (Γ ) = Z i + log (6)
2π (
α γ 2 + Γ2
) energization end obtained from the various calculation
formulas, vs. electrode length is plotted. Curves 1 and 2
where α is replaced by a + 4z when the conductor is
2 2
show the results of (2) and (3) when the parameters R, L, C,
placed at a depth z. The above equations (6) are solved G, are calculated for the whole length of the electrode and
Γ Z( Γ ) Y( Γ ) then they are divided to find the p.u. values. Curve 3 shows
iteratively for at every single frequency in the results from calculation formulas (6). Curves 4, 6 are the
the range of interest. In practical examined cases the internal input |Z| of n-pi-circuit model of the electrode where the
impedance Zi that represents energy within the conductor is parameters R, L, C, G, are calculated for the whole length of
nonzero. The internal impedance of cylindrical conductor is the electrode and then they are divided to find the p.u. values
derived in a classical paper by Schelkunoff [19] where for a for each pi-circuit. Curves 5, 7 are obtained as 4, 6 however
solid conductor with radius α and internal characteristics σs , the parameters put in every elementary pi-circuit are
µc and εc it is for p.u. length: calculated for a 1m long electrode.
jω c I 0 (γ cα ) In order to avoid drawbacks caused by assumptions in the
Zi = (7)
2παγ c I1 (γ cα ) middle stages of the development of the mathematical
equations (2) it is proposed here to use (3) and (4) for
calculation of R, L, C, G, for the whole length of the electrode B. Voltage and Current distributions along the grounding
and then divide to find the per unit length values. electrode
In this paragraph the transient response of grounding
electrode in terms of voltage and current distributions along
its length is calculated solving the equations of propagation
directly in time domain.
Fig. 2. Voltages and Currents at lumped elements of the equivalent network that
represents grounding electrode.
sinh (γ β l )
sinh (γ a l ) =1
(14a) and (14b) are further simplified.
i0 = β2 α2 Vn
Only a few of the infinite terms in (14) are needed to form
(12) the solution (15) with high accuracy.
β −α
where D = , A=R+LD, B=G+CD, β2=-Β-α2,
C. Determination and estimation of the Effective Length
− AB + AB ( AB + 4 )
a2 =
2A In case a sinusoidal current source is applied at the
The general solution of (4) where the right part tends energization end of a grounding electrode, when its length
- (Ge + xC e Re + xLe ) ⋅ sinh( γ x l ) increases, maximum GPR decreases almost continuously.
to , is a linear However, there is an upper limit in the length of the electrode
combination of exponential terms. Each of them corresponds that seriously effects the max GPR value observed in case of a
to a root of the characteristic polynomial. Roots of (12) are: lightning strike. The length of the conductor value, beyond
x = − Ge C e γ r l = kπj , k = ±1,2,3....∞ ⇒ which no serious decrement is observed, is called here
r1,2 ( k ) =
− Re C e l 2 − Le Ge l 2 ± (R C l e e
− Le Ge l 2 ) 2
− 4 Le C e l 2π 2 k 2
“effective length”. The max.GPR value decrement is constant
versus length increment, and it is rapid for lengths below the
2 Le C e effective length and slow when conductors are longer than the
The general solution to the homogeneous equation for the effective length.
voltage at the end is: Another definition of the effective length determines it as
( )
∞ the length of the horizontal conductor, beyond which the
V h (l ,t ) = ∑ C 1 (k ) ⋅ e x 1 (k )⋅t + C 2 (k ) ⋅ e x 2 (k )⋅t maximum transient voltage at the injection point is length
k =1
(13) independent.
where C1(k), and C2(k) are real constants and k is integer. An example of effective length is given in Fig. 3. The
Considering the propagation of each of these exponential maximum GPR produced by a 9kA 1.4/17µs impulse current
terms we obtain: strike and also by a sinusoidal current with the same
I h (x ,t ) = ∑{C1(k )⋅
sinh γ x1 (k ) (l − x ) )⋅e x1 ( k )⋅t magnitude at the injection end of horizontal conductors of
k =1 Z x1 (k ) various lengths are comparatively plotted. The 1.4/17µs
(14a) impulse current wave shape has short rising time to its peak.
+C2 (k ) ⋅
sinh γ x2 (k ) (l − x ) )⋅ e x 2 (k )⋅t
} For this reason there is larger deviation of the results from
Z x2 (k ) those obtained when the sinusoidal current is injected.
( )
Vh (x ,t ) = ∑{C1 (k ) ⋅ coshγ x1 (k ) (l − x ) ⋅ e x1 (k )⋅t
k =1
injection point is decreasing and finally goes to an asymptotic
7.0E+5 value when the length of the conductor is increasing.
6.0E+5 According to the definitions of the effective length of
horizontal grounding conductor, the maximum transient
voltage at the injection point will not decrease further, when
4.0E+5 Lightning
Response the length of the conductor exceeds a certain value. It is
50 Hz Response observed from the simulations that the effective length of the
horizontal grounding conductor for the given current impulse
1.0E+5 and soil conditions is approximately equal to 40m.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Conductor Length/m
(a) (b)
Fig. 4. Impedance magnitude of the grounding electrode as “seen” from one end,
versus electrode length, when various calculation equations are used.
III. APPLICATION EXAMPLES Fig. 6. Voltage distribution vs. time at injection (start) point of electrodes of
The proposed model is applied to the transient analysis of various lengths (εr= 4)..
a 140m long electrode with radius 1.5mm, buried in 0.9m in
300 Ohm-m soil. Injection current has a 7/28 µs waveform. The ratio of peak voltage to peak current has been plotted
Voltage profiles at various points of the electrode are shown when a fast 1/4µs (Fig. 7) and a slow 8/20µs (Fig. 8) impulse
in Fig. 5. The soil relative permittivity is considered low so current has been injected to show the influence of effective
the effect of the capacitive component weakens. In this case, length of electrodes placed in soil with various characteristics.
the electrode shows a reactive behaviour. This results in faster In Figs 7 and 8 it can be observed that the faster the
appearance of the voltage peak at the injection point. injection current rises to its maximum value, the shorter the
In Fig. 6 the transient responses of horizontal grounding effective length is.
conductors with different lengths buried in soil with εr=4,
ρ=1000Ωm, and µr=1 are simulated. Impulse current is given
from the formula I(t)=I(e-500000t –e-1000000t). The lengths of the
conductors are 20m, 40m, 50m, 80m, 100m, and 280m. The
radius of the conductors is 4mm and the burial depth is
0.75m. In Fig. 6 the magnitude of the transient voltage at the
10000 [5] S.Cattaneo, A.Geri, F.Mocci, G.Veca: “Transient Behavior of Grounding
Systems Simulation: Remarks on the EMTP’s and special code’s use”
Proceedings of the 21st EMTP Users Group Meeting, 5-7 June 1992
Kolympari Crete,Greece.