Efficient Supply Modulator For Wide-Band Envelope Elimination and Restoration Power Amplifiers
Efficient Supply Modulator For Wide-Band Envelope Elimination and Restoration Power Amplifiers
Efficient Supply Modulator For Wide-Band Envelope Elimination and Restoration Power Amplifiers
1, JANUARY 2020 9
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II. P ROPOSED E NHANCED S UPPLY M ODULATOR A. Design of the Proposed Supply Modulator
The architecture of the proposed hybrid supply modulator 1) Estimating Switching Frequency of the Replica: In order
is shown in Fig. 2. It enhances the speed of the switching to achieve appropriate linearity performance, the switching
path; and thus improves the overall efficiency. The idea of the frequency FSW should be much higher than the signal band-
proposed architecture is developed as follows: width FENV as shown in Section III-A. This is also desirable to
1) The loop controlling the switching path has been reduce the size of the external inductor LB but results in larger
removed; and an additional control circuit is used in switching losses. The value of FSW is chosen as a trade-off
an open-loop configuration. The switching path consists between linearity and efficiency.
of digital buffers, non-overlapping circuit, switches MP In order to find an estimate FSW , the ripples of Vout−rep
and MN , inductor LB and capacitor CB . are assumed very small (Vout−rep 0) and thus the cur-
2) The proposed control circuit is a replica circuit for the rent across R1 , R2 and C1 is approximately constant. It is also
switching path. The replica circuit consists of two MOS assumed that the envelope Venv is constant for the sake of sim-
switches MP−rep and MN−rep that charge and discharge plifying the calculations. Thus, as shown in Fig. 3, a constant
capacitor C1 through resistor R1 . The effect of resistor current charges and discharges C1 , where tcomp1,2 represents
R2 is to emulate the load seen by the switching path. In the required time for the comparator to be able to flip its polar-
the current design, R2 has been made programmable to ity, while tbuff is the constant delay of the buffers following the
account for potential variations in the load. comparator. The term tcharge,discharge is the charging and dis-
3) Since the switching path is an open-loop path, it is charging time until Vout−rep reaches Venv . The time required
required to include a feedback path to correct any errors to charge C1 through MP−rep and fully invert the polarity
introduced by the control circuit. The feedback path is of the comparator is T1 = tcomp1 + tcharge + tbuff . Similarly,
a high-speed path that consists of a low-power linear the discharging time of C1 is T2 = tcomp2 + tdischarge +
OTA followed by a class-AB output stage. The linear tbuff . Thus, Vout−rep = T1 Slopeup = T2 Slopedown , where
stage should have minimum hit on efficiency, thus it is Slopeup = CV1DD R1 − Vout−rep ( C1 R1 + C1 R2 ) and Slopedown =
1 1
designed with small current (< 10% of the total output −Vout−rep ( C1 R1 + C1 R2 ).
1 1
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Fig. 5. Circuit implementation of the comparator in replica circuit and the Linear stage.
yet allow the envelope signal to pass with no significant atten- I NITIAL C OMPONENT VALUES F ROM A NALYTIC S OLUTION
uation, the LC filter is designed to have a cut-off frequency
close to the signal bandwidth as shown in eq. (1).
4π 2 FENV
= (1)
Since the switching path is designed to work in continuous
current mode (CCM), the value of LB is chosen sufficiently parameters obtained in the first step to obtain similar dynamic
large to avoid large current ripples that leads to losses due performance. This is measured through the step response of
to discharge of the output capacitor [6]. The value of CB each loop and the resulting IM3 by combining the two loops
affects the voltage ripples on Vout ; accordingly it is chosen together. Fig. 4 shows the rising step response of the replica
large enough for low voltage ripples. Equivalent series resis- circuit and the switching path for the case of 5 MHz signal
tance (ESR) of CB degrades efficiency, so it should be chosen BW. A good agreement between the two responses for both
as minimal as possible. cases (rising and falling) is achieved for R1,2 = 10k and
3) Design Parameters for Replica Circuit: First, analytic C1 = 25pF. In Fig. 4, IM3 drawn versus C1 and R1,2 is taken
expressions are found to equate the parameters of the replica as a norm to verify achieving the best solution.
circuit with that of the switching path under the assumption Since the components of the replica circuit are prone to
that both have constant average output voltage, i.e., Vout 0 process and temperature variations, the response of the replica
and Vout−rep 0. The voltage ripples of the replica circuit circuit can deviate. The linear stage in the proposed architec-
and the switching path can be expressed as: ture (Fig. 2) is designed to track very fast envelope changes
VDD 1 1 with minimal degradation of the overall efficiency, in addition
Vout−rep = T1 [ − Vout−rep ( + )] (2) to maintaining good performance in the presence of process
C1 R1 C1 R1 C1 R2
VDD − Vout Vout variations. Performance enhancement due to the linear stage,
Vout = T12 ( ) − T1 (3) even in the presence of process variations, has been verified
through simulations as shown in Section III-B.
In order to simplify the solution, R1 is chosen to be equal to
R2 and it is assumed that T1 = T2 = Tloop /2. Voltage division
between R1 and R2 in the replica circuit results in halving B. Circuit Implementation of the Proposed Design
Vout−rep . Equating both voltage ripples leads to: In Fig. 5a the detailed structure of the used comparator is
Tloop /2 1 shown. It consists of a high speed cascode differential ampli-
Coeff (VDD ) = = (2) (4) fier stage followed by a differential to single-ended rail to rail
2LB CB R1 C1
grep Tloop /2 1 output stage. A cascode amplifier is used to achieve high gain
Coeff (Vout ) = (2)( )= + (5) and thus good accuracy. The speed of the comparator is a cru-
cial requirement for achieving good performance; and thus the
where grep = R11
+ R2
= R2 . cascode stage consumes about 0.5 mA to 2 mA for different
Equations (1) and (4)-(5) are then solved to find the design signal BW. The input headroom issue is relaxed using R1 = R2
parameters as summarized in Table I for three different values halving the signal swing at input of the comparator.
of signal BW. RL is chosen to be 2.5 to emulate PA loading. The linear stage is shown in Fig. 5b. It consists of a single-
It is noted that the replica circuit is a first-order system ended cascode amplifier followed by a class-AB stage that
while the switching path is a second-order system. Thus, provides the required current for the load. A Miller capacitor
matching the ripple magnitude analytically does not guaran- CC and resistor RZ are added to enhance stability of the linear
tee matching the dynamic behavior. Second, the fine tuning path. The loading effect of the switching stage is added in
step, where the values of C1 and R1,2 are swept around the simulations. RL is the equivalent load resistance in the
Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Technology- Meghalaya. Downloaded on November 29,2020 at 16:59:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
range of few s, thus CB has non-dominant effect on the case of non-ideal alignment between the two envelope signals,
overall stability. The BW of the linear stage is chosen slightly the IM3 for different delay mismatch is reported as shown
higher than the switching frequency to be able to track the in Fig. 6a. IM3 has been simulated across different technol-
replica circuit. Cascode amplifier consumes about 1.5 mA. The ogy corners including the effect of mismatch. Since we have
linear stage has one dominant pole (wp1 1/rota Cc ), one non- off-chip components (LB and CB ) and on-chip components,
dominant pole (wp2 =1/RL CB ) and one Zero (wz =Cc (1/gmab − so the worst case mismatch is simulated where the off-chip
Rz )). Where rota is the output resistance of the cascade stage components are maximum and on-chip components are mini-
which is in range of 100 k and Cc is about 16pF. Class-AB mum and vice versa as shown in Fig. 6b. The slow corner is
stage has small attenuation (about -2dB gain) due to the small an indication of slow on-chip components while the off-chip
output resistance. gmab is the transconductance of the class- components have minimum values, i.e., worst case mismatch
AB stage, and Rz is 150 . The simulated BW of the linear between replica and switching path. The fast corner has oppo-
stage is 49 MHz with open loop gain of 54dB, wz is located site conditions. The slow corner has been simulated without
at 60 MHz to guarantee good phase margin. the linear path, shown in Fig. 6b, indicating that the linear
stage enhances IM3 about 6dB at 5MHz.
The layout of the proposed architecture in 0.13µm CMOS B. Linear Stage Contribution to Harmonic Distortion
technology is shown in Fig. 9. It occupies an area of Harmonic distortion (HD) test has been performed using a
1000µmx450µm. Post-layout simulations results are shown single tone signal at 2 MHz and 1.8Vpp amplitude. Figure 6c
with a conventional class-E PA used to test the performance shows that the amplitude of ripples at the output is less than
of the supply modulator in EER system. 55 mV. The effect of FSW is also simulated as shown in Fig. 7a.
It is noted that the linear stage enhances HD about 3dB when
A. Two Tone Test FSW is low. When FSW is high, the linear stage has lower
Two tones are applied to the input of the supply modula- contribution due to its bandwidth limitation.
tor. Figure 6a shows the simulated third-order intermodulation
(IM3). It can be noted that the proposed supply modulator C. Efficiency Test
maintains IM3 better than 40dBc for input signal frequencies Fig. 7b shows the efficiency as well as power consumption
up to 5 MHz, while the conventional H-EER can only achieve of the linear path. The efficiency of the conventional H-EER
3 MHz. In order to study the performance degradation in is higher than the proposed design when the signal frequency
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The architecture of an efficient supply modulator for wide-
band EER PAs has been proposed. Design equations and trade-
offs have been presented. The design is implemented using
0.13µm CMOS technology. Post-layout simulations using LTE
signals have been performed showing that the proposed sup-
ply modulator is a good candidate for modern communication
systems supporting wide-band signals.
Fig. 9. Layout of the proposed supply modulator.
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