Buck or Boost Tracking Power Converter
Buck or Boost Tracking Power Converter
Buck or Boost Tracking Power Converter
Authorized licensed use limited to: Angelos Wafik. Downloaded on December 20, 2009 at 18:27 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 2. Ramps and switching waveforms for different buck and boost ratios.
There is a pair of ramps, one for buck and one for boost. The
buck ramp rises and the boost ramp falls such that at the end of
the cycle they intersect. The error feedback signal must inter-
sect one of the two ramps. If the error signal intersects the buck
signal the buck switch is turned off for part of the cycle and the
BOB converter is in buck mode. In this cycle the boost switch is
never turned on. If the error signal intersects the boost ramp the
boost switch is turned on. In this cycle the buck switch is never
turned off. There is additional logic to latch the switching sig-
nals so that a glitch in the error signal does not cause both sets of
switches to transition in a given cycle. In the switched capacitor
implementation the duty ratios are quantized with a fairly coarse
granularity. Thus, the converter may chatter between buck and
boost modes, but the smallest on or off time is at least one cycle
of the switched capacitor clock period.
Fig. 3. Continuous-time implementation of BOB feedback control.
For this control, the equal slope criteria (ramp slope equal
to current feedback slope) can be easily implemented for the
boost mode. In the buck mode the equal slope criteria is met
at duty ratio equal to unity and degrades as the duty ratio is
reduced. Fig. 2 shows the switching signals, feedback signal
and the ramps, under different duty ratios and switching modes.
The lowest waveform is the clock signal. Above that are the Fig. 4. Switched-capacitor implementation of BOB feedback control.
switching waveforms for the buck and boost waveforms. The
buck switch is always on when the boost switch transitions. Sim-
ilarly the boost switch is always off when the buck switch tran- The use of SCM in this application reduced the gain band-
sitions. Waveforms for the different voltage transfer ratios are width requirement of the feedback opamp significantly. SCM
drawn all the way from to . eliminated the need for current sensing and noise issues related
Authorized licensed use limited to: Angelos Wafik. Downloaded on December 20, 2009 at 18:27 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Angelos Wafik. Downloaded on December 20, 2009 at 18:27 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
The authors wish to acknowledge the efforts of the team of
IC designers who worked on the BOB design including L. Con-
nell, E. Dagher, S. Iyengar, J. Phillips, D. Feldt, and T. Wu. The
contributions of the team that helped put the BOB converter suc-
cessfully in the iDEN phone included G. Leizerovich, G. Eng-
lish, G. Tong, J. Smith, R. Miller, A. Tan, T. Heffield, and A.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Angelos Wafik. Downloaded on December 20, 2009 at 18:27 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.