Department Secretary / Department Clerk / Technical Assistant

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Instruction : Kindly put a check or tick mark ( / ) on the space provided before the item corresponding
to your answer.
Department / College you are currently enrolled in :
_____/_____ College of Engineering ( CEng – Regular Program )
___________ College of Engineering ( CEng – ETEEAP Program )
___________ College of Architecture and Fine Arts ( CAFA )
___________ College of Maritime Education ( CME )
___________ Others ; please indicate _____________

Year Level you are currently enrolled in :

___________ 1st year _____/_____ 3rd year ________ 5th year
___________ 2nd year ___________ 4th year

Apparent Characteristics of Department Secretary / Department Clerk / Technical Assistant

I. Please indicate your degree of agreement on the following statement regarding your perceptions on
the apparent characteristics of the DEPARTMENT SECRETARY / DEPARTMENT CLERK /
TECHNICAL ASSISTANT of the Department / College which you are currently working.

Strongly Agree ( SA ) 5
Agree (A) 4
Undecided (U) 3
Disagree ( FD ) 2
Strongly Disagree ( SD ) 1

ELEMENT 1 Degree of Agreement

The Department secretary / Department clerk / Technical SA ( 5 ) A(4) U(3) D(2) SD ( 1 )
assistant of the department / college I am currently working,…
1. … they satisfy, delight and nourish the students, /
administrators, faculty members and their co-
employees, for them customers come first.
2. … create something fine that enhances people’s lives /
while surpassing students’ expectations.
3. … goal is to provide good service that will benefit all /
students and stakeholders.
4. … follow the golden rule, do unto others what you /
want others do unto you.
5. … goal as employee is just a paycheck. /
6. … goal is to seek ways to improve teaching-learning /
delivery for better customer satisfaction.
7. … love serving students and the university / /
organization as a whole.
8. … desired to be the best, make great products and /
deliver great service – quality education.
9. … celebrate successes like students’ achievement in /
and out of school.
10. … are business role models who ignite social, /
environmental and cultural change.
11. … own and control the primary skills behind the /
teaching – learning service delivery.
12. … make significant contribution in the higher /
education industry.
13. … practice and advance environmental stewardship. /
14. … as employee is to find meaningful work in /
delivering teaching-learning service.
15. … appreciate their students as blessings which they do /
not take for granted and they appreciate them with
awe, pleasure, wonder and even ecstasy, however stale
their experiences with them may have become.
16. … are thrilled to come to work even on the casual /
work a day.
17. … create ongoing win-win partnerships with the /
18. … understand needs of their students, promptly /
responds to and follows up on those needs.
19. … demonstrate proactive friendly customer service. /
20. … show gratitude to their students. /
21. … care, serve and support the local communities /
where they work and live as well as the global
22. … earn student’s loyalty and respect every day. /
The Department secretary / Department clerk / Technical SA ( 5 ) A(4) U(3) D(2) SD ( 1 )
assistant of the department / college I am currently working,…
1. … is highly involved in managing the department. /
2. … anticipate the needs of students, faculty members /
and non-teaching personnel.
3. … think one step ahead of the team members and /
anticipate potential roadblocks or challenges ahead.
4. … accept themselves, together with all their flaws. /
5. … accessible, students can count on them and they /
promptly respond to any queries or concerns.
6. … are intrinsically motivated to work and they work /
for the enjoyment of work, not solely for an external
reward like a paycheck, they have the heart of a
servant and are selfless.
7. … perform good with little supervision and are also /
willing to take up additional responsibilities because
they are take-charge people who will step in to
delegate and do whatever else is necessary to even if it
is not in their job description.
8. … bring solutions instead of problems, they bring /
suggested solution to a problem that comes up, they
take ownership and they make things happen.
9. … are determined and passionate team players who /
build a positive team and family spirit with maintained
10. … are hardworking, honest employee with ambition. /
11. … can be trusted with increased autonomy. /
12. … are accountable for all that they do and do not /
achieve, they are accountable for their tasks.
13. … take ownership without going into competitive /
overdrive. They enjoy collaborating, so when they take
ownership of a task of project, it is more in the spirit of
taking responsibility than show-boating or stealing the
14. … have strong work ethic, they are where they need to /
be on time and for duration of the time of which they
are being compensated.
15. … are self-motivated, go-getter, and proactive. /
16. … create fun and a little weirdness and they do not /
take themselves too seriously.
17. … want to work with great people. /
18. … are actively involved and deeply collaborate and /
cross-pollinate with groups allowing innovation in a
way that others cannot.
19. … pay attention to the warning signs of burnout and /
act to rest, schedule a vacation, and come back to work
refocused, they proactively seek rest.
20. … have the ability to meet expectations, they discover /
ideas that are more productive and suggest them to the
21. … have high level of self-acceptance, they are very /
self-aware having a certain level of emotional
intelligence which guides their thinking and behavior.
They understand who they are and where their
strengths lie but they also understand their limitations,
they know what they can and cannot do.
22. … do not feel ashamed or regretful about their bad /
habits and changeable weaknesses.
23. … goal as employee is to grow with the organization. /
24. … are provided with stable employment with sustained /
and improved working conditions.
The Department secretary / Department clerk / Technical SA ( 5 ) A(4) U(3) D(2) SD ( 1 )
assistant of the department / college I am currently working,…
1. … innovate, they identify new or improved work /
processes for teaching-learning service delivery.
2. … do more with less, and because they believe in /
simple, not complex processes, they live smarter not
harder at low cost.
2. … are not natural-born leaders but they are organized /
worker and they are detail-oriented.
3. … are action – oriented, they get things done. /
4. … are resourceful, that when given a task to do , they /
complete it without their manager having to worry
about, they get it done and get it done well.
5. … work hard while enjoying their work. /
6. … are courageous risk takers who do not grimace in /
the face of failure.
7. … balance the many needs of the school, their /
coworkers and their families.
8. … are democratic and egalitarian individual. /
9. … have positive attitude and are open minded. /
10. … are composed even under pressure. /
11. … goal is to work in a safe workplace and they work /
with reliability too.
12. … are emotionally stable and have a consistent and /
efficient working and leadership style.
13. … are highly skilled and are sticklers for quality, they /
are high performers who is toughest on themselves,
they are their own worst critics.
14. … do not mind conflict. /
15. … adhere to the principles of practicality or /
levelheadedness, that rather than being fearful of
things that are different or unknown, they are logical
and rational.
The Department secretary / Department clerk / Technical SA ( 5 ) A(4) U(3) D(2) SD ( 1 )
assistant of the department / college I am currently working,…
1. … embrace the company’s vision, mission and goals, /
they are the ambassadors of the organization.
2. … are motivating force, bolstering the morale of /
colleagues without even trying.
3. … live the creed of Try not, do or do not. There is no /
try. When they promise to complete the task, it is
considered done.
4. … have a second nature of accountability and time /
5. … are capable of more fusion, greater love, more /
perfect identification. They share deep relationship of
few students, but also feel identification and affection
towards the entire human race with a deeper and more
profound interpersonal relations than any other adults.
They treat others with respect.
6. … make up their minds, come to their own decisions, /
self- starters, responsible for themselves and their own
destinies. They have a code of ethics which are
individualized and autonomous rather than being
dictated by society. They tend to be very independent
and do not conform to other people’s ideas of
happiness or contentment.
7. … tend to be kind and friendly to almost everyone of /
suitable character regardless of class, education,
political belief, race, or color.
8. … contribute efforts to realize the objectives of the /
9. … neither accept at all, like a sheep, nor reject all, like /
the average rebel.
10. … value their privacy and they enjoy solitude. While /
they also love the company of others, taking time for
themselves is essential for their personal discovery and
cultivating their individual potential.
11. … resist enculturation, they do not allow themselves to /
be passively molded by culture, they deliberate and
make their own decisions, selecting what they see as
good, and rejecting what they see as bad
The Department secretary / Department clerk / Technical SA ( 5 ) A(4) U(3) D(2) SD ( 1 )
assistant of the department / college I am currently working …
1. … understand the macro trends and forces that affect /
the local workplace, community, and economy and
respects different people and populations.
2. … are optimistic making them quite receptive and /
more successful and effective in handling clients.
3. … have the tendency to be open and they are /
unconventional and spontaneous.
4. … display urgency, they know how to prioritize /
because they know what projects and tasks are more
important than others and they act on it. They are able
to assess an overwhelming number of responsibilities
and set a timeline for when and how they will be
5. … are not troubled by the small things, instead they /
focus on the bigger picture.
6. … value non-anxious presence but they are not /
complacent toward their work.
7. … display leadership qualities, they have potential to /
fill future management positions, lead teams, train new
team members and boost workplace productivity.
8. … are motivated by money, competition and status. /
9. … use reasonable judgment and understand the /
difference between problems they can handle and ones
that are more serious.
10. … have strong systematic and organizational abilities. /
11. … have concrete goals, yet they do not see things as /
simply as a means to an end.
12. … do not settle for anything less than excellence yet /
they have the self-honesty to admit when they are
wrong and the courage to change
13. … have the minimum educational credential needed /
with additional post-secondary education or training.
14. … are mentally sharp, they understand the nature of /
their job duties, adapt to changes and able to multitask
with efficiency.
15. … arrive to work ready and willing to accomplish their /
16. … have strong critical thinking and reasoning skills /
but also understand when to follow orders and when to
ad lib.
17. … use creative thinking to navigate problems and do /
not constantly run to management for every roadblock.
18. … believe in saying no to thousands of projects so that /
they can really focus on the few that are truly
important and meaningful to them.
19. … use computer to collect, analyzed, and disseminate /
information and to solve problems and make decisions.
20. According to … the journey toward achieving a goal is /
as important and enjoyable as actually accomplishing
the goal.
21. … react with a rational, calculated response when an /
issue or problem is brought up, instead of an
emotional, quick-tempered section.
22. … learn and adapt to new requirements in the rapidly /
changing workplace.
23. … work within a framework of values that are broad /
and not petty, universal and not local, and in terms of a
century rather than the moment.
24. … have positive attitude and when they have concern, /
they express it in an appropriate way to express it as
well as the right go-to person.
The Department secretary / Department clerk / Technical SA ( 5 ) A(4) U(3) D(2) SD ( 1 )
assistant of the department / college I am currently working,…
1. … are curious, adventurous people who embrace /
change and drive change with creativity and open-
mindedness, they are unafraid to change although they
respect status quo and authority figures.
2. … are risk takers who embrace the unknown and the /
ambiguous, they are not threatened or afraid, instead
they accept it, they are comfortable with it and are
often attracted by it. They do not cling to the familiar
because they are inherently unconventional.
3. … are goal oriented who do not take success for /
4. … are lifelong learners who persevere to improve their /
skills by reading and discovering new techniques.
5. … are no-ego doer who make time to reflect and are /
often motivated by strong personal ethics and
responsibility by applying their problem-solving skills
to real world situations and help other people improve
their own lives.
6. … value professional development and constantly look /
to improve their skills and efficiency and develop
themselves professionally by participating in career
development programs and keeping up on the current
industry trends.
7. … pursue growth and learning in the quest for /
excellence and self-improvement through signing up
for workshops, training seminars and continue
education classes which could cost in short term but
pay off in the long term. They are focused on personal
growth and attempt to grow to perfection and develop
more and more fully in their own style.
8. … are satisfied employees who are receptive to /
feedback about their work, taking healthy criticisms in
a positive way and look at it as an opportunity for self-
9. … are motivated by growth, not by the satisfaction of /
10. … are committed to continuous improvements because /
they believe that organizational prosperity can be
achieved and wealth is created through profits and
11. … value efficiency improvement and value technology /
innovation as they believe in innovative quality
12. … believe that employees’ satisfaction is experienced /
through continuous improvement process as they
embrace changes and learn to adapt to the ones they
may not love.
The Department secretary / Department clerk / Technical SA ( 5 ) A(4) U(3) D(2) SD ( 1 )
assistant of the department / college I am currently working,…
1. … value transparency, they are honest, they possess /
integrity and they are trustworthy. They can be trusted
because they do not provide false information.
2. … are reliable employees who work toward achieving /
results and strive to take on extra responsibility as their
roles in the company grows.
3. … are satisfied employee who keep their knowledge /
updated with the current trends and anything
concerning the organization be it newsletters,
advertisements, press coverage etc.
4. … are loyal, they show interest and dedication towards /
the organization even though their business position
does not necessarily ask for it.
5. … are dependable, punctual, has initiative, responsible, /
honest and respectful of their co-workers and
6. … treat others the same regardless of background, /
current status, or other socio-economic and cultural
7. … are humble and they believe that they are not /
perfect human beings.
The Department secretary / Department clerk / Technical SA ( 5 ) A(4) U(3) D(2) SD ( 1 )
assistant of the department / college I am currently working,…
1. … are able to actively listen and comprehend what /
others are telling them and able to voice their ideas in
clear, concise and objective ways.
2. … communicate well in both oral and written /
communications. They have excellent written and
verbal communication skills.
3. … have good listening skills and they actively listen. /
They can catch on quickly, follow tasks properly and
get the job done efficiently.
4. … are good communicators who are very direct and /
makes sense because they do not waste time, they
understand the difference between responding and
reacting, they are good in listening, they listen first and
then they listen more.
5. … are good observer too, they are able to read an /
email, if it relates to an important communication.
6. … leave their listener with the idea that they can /
articulate their thoughts or presentations well, they are
both a good listener and observer, they communicate
with clarity.
7. … are willing to open up and share their ideas and /
experiences and they do not respond to problems to
criticisms in overly emotional manner.
8. … have positive attitude towards each other. They are /
cordial in maintaining healthy work relations with each
other. They are sharp and able to connect with others
socially and emotionally.
9. … are confident about their capabilities and also help /
each other to improve themselves.
10. … introduce new technologies, use high-quality /
marketing skills and maintain strong customer
relationships and relationship with students.
11. … are characteristically skillful at developing and /
maintaining good relationships and building trust with
students and their customers.
12. … are excellent communicators who build open and /
honest relationship with students and their customers.
13. … trust each other and commit to authentic /
relationships and communications.
14. … have a thoughtful sense of humor and they are able /
to enjoy the humor in situations and laugh at
themselves, but they do not ridicule at the expense of
another person’s feelings.
Using a rating scale of 1 to 5 , please rate your overall satisfaction the customer service
TECHNICAL ASSISTANT of the department / college you are currently working with, by
putting a check/tick ( / ) mark on the space provided before the rating.

___________ Scale 5 Highly satisfied

_____/_____ Scale 4 Slightly satisfied
___________ Scale 3 Satisfied in some aspects, dissatisfied in other aspects
___________ Scale 2 Slightly dissatisfied
___________ Scale 1 Highly dissatisfied


… regarding the customer service delivery of the Department Clerk / Department

Secretary / Technical Assistant of the college / department you are currently working with.


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