Resume NLP V1

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Chaitanya Kulkarni

Tempe, Arizona, USA | [email protected] | +1 (480) 6340726 | LinkedIn


Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA (Aug 2022 – Dec 2023)
Master of Science in Computer Science GPA – 4/4
Courses- Fundamentals of Statistical Learning, Data Mining, Topics in Natural Language Processing

Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka, India (Affiliated to VTU) (Aug 2018 – June 2022)
Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering CGPA: - 8.76/10

Domain: Data science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Data Analysis, Data Visualization
Programming Languages: C, C++, Python, R, Java, MATLAB
Libraries/Software: Sklearn, Pandas, NumPy, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, NLTK, seaborn, matplotlib, DPLYR package, Huggingface, Tweepy, Pickle
Database: SQL

Professional Experience

Research Intern (NLP and Deep Learning), Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad March -June 2021
Research Responsibilities:
• Research was focused on Aspect based Sentiment Analysis using Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing techniques
• Hotel reviews were analyzed to mine different aspects
• State of the art models like BERT, Transformers, LSTM, Glove etc. were studied thoroughly.

Machine Learning Intern, The Sparks Foundation, under GRIP program Aug-Nov 2020
Job Responsibilities:
• Built a Machine Learning model for classification tasks
• Performed Classification efficiently using various algorithms like SVM, Decision-Tree, Random-Forest etc.


Title: Visual Question Answering for Hypothetical Reasoning using GPT3 and Continual learning using T5 Model (Vision and Language)
• We made use of CLEVER_HYP dataset for visual reasoning which has hypothetical questions.
• We checked the performance of CLEVER_HYP on LLM like GPT-3, the model failed for more complex hypothetical tasks
• We built a pipeline using T5 model and using continual learning to improve the performance of the model
• We used 2 continual learning architectures by using complexity score
Tools Used: python, pandas, NumPy, seaborn, Matplotlib, Sklearn, GPT3, Huggingface, Pytorch, TensorFlow

Title: A Web App for applications of Sentiment Analysis in Finance and Hospitality (NLP, Web development, ML)
• Built a web app for applications of Sentiment Analysis for Finance and Hospitality sectors.
• Mined Tweets from Twitter and used Fine-Tuned BERT for Sentiment Classification.
• Working on Aspect Mining and Sentiment Classification for Hotel and Restaurant Datasets.
• Working on other applications of Sentiment Analysis in Politics, Psychology and Economics.
• Deployed the model using Heroku and built the web-app using HTML and Django framework.
Tools Used: python, NumPy, seaborn, matplotlib, TensorFlow, Sklearn, Tweepy, NTLK, Django, HTML, Heroku, Huggingface, pickle

Title: Covid19 3rd wave prediction in India using BERT (NLP and Deep Learning)
• BERT pre-trained model from Huggingface library was used.
• Tweepy library was used to mine the data from twitter. Kaggle Fake news dataset was used to fine tune the model for the robustness of the model.
• Tweets were analyzed for various time-frames for predicting and Covid 3rd wave in India.
Tools Used: python, pandas, NumPy, seaborn, NLTK, Sklearn, keras, TensorFlow, Huggingface


1) Wankhade, M., Rao, A.C.S. and Kulkarni, C., 2022. A survey on sentiment analysis methods, applications, and challenges. Artificial Intelligence Review, pp.1-50. Impact
Factor -8.139
2) Monika, P., Kulkarni, C., Harish Kumar, N., Shruthi, S., & Vani, V. (2022). Machine learning approaches for sentiment analysis: A survey. International Journal of Health
Sciences, 6(S4), 1286–1300.
3) Kulkarni, C., Monika, P., Shruthi, S., Bharadwaj, D. and Uday, D., 2022. COVID-19 Fake News Detection Using GloVe and Bi-LSTM. In Proceedings of Second
International Conference on Sustainable Expert Systems (pp. 43-56). Springer, Singapore.
4) Chaitanya Kulkarni, P. Monika, Preeti B, Shruthi S, A novel framework for automatic caption and audio generation, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022, ISSN 2214853,

International Conferences
1) 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Expert Systems (ICSES 2021)
Tribhuvan University, Nepal - September 17/18 2021
Presented paper for publication in “Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems”
2) International Conference on Materials Science and Sustainable Manufacturing Technology (ICMSSMT)
Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. - May 20/21 2022
Presented paper for publication in “Materials Today: Proceedings”

Extracurricular Activities/ Certifications

• Crew member of IEDC (Entrepreneurship-cell), Student head of NSS (social service group) of Dayanada Sagar College of engineering for 2 years
• Active in Stock market and passionate about Finance and Entrepreneurship
• Participated in multiple Half Marathons, Brevets (Cycling) and Triathlons
• NLP Specialization, Deep Learning Specialization courses by DeepLearning.AI
• Machine Learning course by Stanford University

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