Lesson 1, 2, 3, 4

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Maricel O.

Carreon October 9, 2020

BSE- 1B EDUC 101
Lesson 1: Prenatal

1. What are the proofs that the mother is carrying a living human
being in her womb?
Many women experience different symptoms in early pregnancy that may
takes few weeks such as feeling discomfort together with frequent urination,
feeling tired, dizziness, vomiting, food cravings, and sometimes experience
constipation as well as heartburn. Also, there are some changes in the body as well
as appearance due to hormonal change.

2. What are the effects of alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine on

developing embryo/fetus?
Drinking alcohol: during pregnancy can cause miscarriage and a range of lifelong
physical, premature birth, health problem, behavioral and intellectual disabilities.
Caffeine: too much caffeine in take can increase the risk of miscarriages, and the
baby can have low birthweight and health problems.
Nicotine: increases the risk of health pregnancy for developing babies, including
preterm birth, low birth weight, and birth defects. Smoking during pregnancy also
increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

3. Can you have a healthy baby without prenatal care? Explain.

Without prenatal care the health of the unborn baby is at risk. Babies are
five times more likely to die because of lack of valuable information about health
care and pregnancy. Also, the first trimester is the most important stage of the
pregnancy because the baby is developing all senses and body so pre-natal care can
intervene different kinds of complications during and after pregnancy.
4. What behaviors must a woman avoid engaging in when she
decides to become pregnant, or when she finds out that she is
There are some behaviors that a pregnant woman should limit or
avoid. Firstly, a pregnant woman should not drink alcohol and smoke
cigarettes also limit the in take of caffeine. Secondly, they should avoid
stress and being lonely because it can bring danger to the baby. Also,
they have to avoid sleeping late, enough rest is advisable. Sleep
depravation is dangerous for the baby. Lastly, there are some certain
foods that should be avoided while in pregnancy like too much sweets
and salty food.
Maricel O. Carreon October 9, 2020
BSE- 1B EDUC 101
Lesson 2: Physical and Motor Development
1. Cite concrete example of factors that affect fine and
gross motor skills of child?
Fine motor skills involved using the small muscles on their hands
and wrist. When the child picks up a crayon, pencil, playing with a small
toys, dressing, brushing also to their teeth, touches their eyes, nose,
ears, lips, or their eats. That is an example of fine motor skills. While the
gross motor skills are responsible for movement like running, jumping,
climbing, throwing, walking, and standing. Gross motor skills involve
movements of the large muscles like arms and legs.

2. What activities may help a child develop his/her fine

and gross motor skills?
Fine motor skills
Drawing and painting, It helps a child to develop his/her creativity and
imagination. So that it can help their mind to boost and construct a new
idea on how they will do it. Painting with a paint brush or any coloring
materials helps the child to learn and control using things in their hands.
Gross motor skills
Martial arts is a good way to help a child to develop his/her strength in
arms and legs. Like kicking and punching. It can improve also their mental
and emotional health.
3. What physical and motor developments are the most important
adolescent ages? Cite your experiences.
For me, the most important is enjoy your free time by playing
sports, and dancing. That simple things, it can help to strengthen your
body to become flexible, and it makes you stronger. Exercise is good for
our to health to prevent disease. In that way, you learn also on how to
socialize with others and spend your time with peers in a healthy

4. How do children develop their identity during adolescence? You may

relate this to your development.
When you are in a puberty stage you may recognize your individual
preferences as well as your personality. You become conscious to your
body, like how you dress, if you prefer men’s clothing or girly clothing,
you freely able to express your fashion in a unique ways. Developing our
identity is building the foundation of our self-confidence. In adolescence,
the way we see ourselves changes in response to families, friends,
schools, and among other social environments. Our self-identities shape
our personal decisions.
Maricel O. Carreon October 9, 2020
BSE- 1B EDUC 101
Lesson 3: Brain Development
1. Which plays a more important role in brain
development, the genes or the environment?
The genes, because genes has a important role when it comes to
determining our physical traits and physical appearance. Because It
carries information that makes you who you are and what you are right

2. What is the most critical period in brain development?

Lack of parental guidance, lack of support when it comes to your
family and lack of attention. A parents role is to make sure that they
always their to support and guide their children. Not to be feel deprived
of critical experiences, especially during their critical periods. All they
need are a nurturing environment, care, and common life experiences,
such as talking, playing, reading, and bonding with them.

3. What role do parents play in brain development?

The proper role of the parents is to provide care, support, and
encouragement. A parents will need to provide the necessary support
and productively explore and learn from their environment.
4. Are there any differences in the development of boys’
and girls’ brains? Cite examples
Yes, Male and female brains actually differ right down at the genetic level
in quite a drastic way. Studies reveal that typically every cell in the male
brain contains a y chromosome. Quite alarmingly, female brains usually
contain no Y chromosomes at all. This lack of a Y chromosome has many
obvious physical effects, but most women still manage to lead normal,
cognitively-unimpaired lives despite this clear deficit in the very DNA of
their brains. Another difference is size, males of all ages tend to have
slightly larger brains, on average, than females, even after correcting for
differences in body size. And example, women use both sides of the brain
to process information while the men use the left side for more activities.

5. When does the real brain development begin?

Brain development begins with the formation and closure of the
neural tube, the earliest nervous tissue that looks like a fat earthworm
stretched out along the entire back of the embryo.
Maricel O. Carreon October 9, 2020
BSE- 1B EDUC 101
Lesson 4: Factors Affecting Development
1.How does nutrition affect a child’s development?
The child become more malnourished. And it is more prone
to disease because of lack of essential nutrients. So that it can
affect their growth development.
2.What will you do for instance that you are giving your
lesson, and one of your pupil is caught sleeping in your
class? How is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs applicable to
First , I will ask my pupil why he/she sleeping during my
class hour. If my pupil reasons are valid . I will give her/him a
chance to excuse my class. And applicable it to physiological
needs because he/she need some rest.
3.How is maternal nutrition related to preterm birth?
The incidence of preterm birth in developed countries is
increasing, and in some countries, including the United States, it is
almost as high as in developing countries. Demographic changes in
women becoming pregnant can account for only a relatively small
proportion of the increase. A significant proportion of spontaneous
preterm birth continues to be of unknown cause. Experimental data
from animal studies suggesting that maternal under nutrition may
play a role in spontaneous, noninfectious, preterm birth are
supported by observational data in human populations, which
support a role for maternal pregnancy nutritional status in
determining gestation length. In addition, intakes or lack of specific
nutrients during pregnancy may influence gestation length and thus
the risk of preterm birth. As yet, the role of paternal nutrition in
contributing to gestation length is unexplored.
Maricel O. Carreon October 9, 2020
BSE- 1B EDUC 101
Summative Test
Answer the following questions briefly but substantially.
1.What are prenatal stages?
Germinal Stage
The stage of development that occurs until 2 weeks (implantation). The cells
necessary for the placenta, umbilical cord, and amniotic fluid will differentiate to
form the embryo. The mass of cells has yet to attach itself to the lining of the uterus;
begins to form different organs and body parts.
Embryonic Stage
Lasts from implantation (2 weeks) until week 8 of pregnancy. The blood vessels
grow that form into placenta. The placenta is connected to the uterus that
provides nourishment and oxygen from the woman’s body to developing embryo
through the umbilical cord. The first part can develop the spinal cord and brain.
The second part can develop the eyes, ears, nose, and jaw develop; the heart
develops chambers; and the intestines grow.
Fetal Stage
The remainder of prenatal development occurs during the fetal stage, which lasts
from week 9 until birth (usually between 38 and 40 weeks). The nine weeks old,
the embryo is called a fetus. It begins to appear the arm and legs to start to move.
Also the sex organs begin to differentiate. The fingers and toes are fully developed,
hearing has developed, so the fetus can respond to sounds. The internal organs,
including the lungs, heart, stomach, and intestines, have formed enough that a
fetus born prematurely at this point has a chance to survive outside of the womb.
2.What are the physical developments happening from
new born to adolescent ages? Highlight the major
development for each stage.
When a baby was born their internal system such as
breathing were developed. When the baby is 2 months
their hands are fisted and arms are flexed, and their back
is unable to support when they are in sitting position. In 3
to 4 months it begins to control their hands and feet
actions, they begin to use both hands to accomplish a task.
In 5 to 6 months they are able to sit alone, without a
support, for only moments at first and then end up for 15
to 30 seconds more. In 7 to 9 months they are begin to
crawl and they can walk while holding their hands. In 10
to 12 months they begin to balance while standing alone.
When they are in adolescent ages, they are at the stage
where the puberty is already begins. Girls may begin to
develop breast bud, pubic hair, armpit, and menstrual
period. While boys they begin to notice that their testicle
and scrotum are grow, pubic hair growth as well as armpit,
legs, chess, and their voice also are change.
3.How does the brain develop?
The neural tube is the first step of brain development. The stem cells,
known as a neural progenitor cells, are created within the neural tube.
Neural progenitor cells continuously divide, to forming two new
progenitor cells with each division. The back of the neural tube will
create the neurons of the spinal cord, while the front part of the neural
tube produces neurons that will eventually be part of the brain. When
the new neurons are created, they can move from the neural tube to
new destinations to form parts of the brain and spinal cord. The Chemical
signals determine where the new neurons will migrate. chemical signals
provide directions, to each neuron. When a neurons reach the end of
their journey. It will grow and have a branches known as dendrites and
axons, that connect with other neurons.

4.What are the factors that affect child development

Lack of attention by their parents, We all know that every parents have
a different views or perspective on how they should raise their children
and different parenting methods or guidance. We all know that every
parents become more busy especially to their work and they don't have
enough time for their children, they don’t have time to talk to them,
listen to them, bonding with them, and also knowing the problems of
their children. As a result children don’t get enough time and attention
that they really need and deserve. So that it can cause anti-social
behavior. Like they want to be alone, they become more emotionally and
also rebel.
5.What are the some factors that stimulates
development ?
Support by their parents, Parents help make us educated.
They will protect their children as long as they can, they
sacrifice to make us happy and just to support our needs
to sustain what you really want. They will support you
during your ups and down. In that action, Every children
feel the love and presence of their parents , that no matter
what happen they always their to support their children.

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