CEE 41 Child Development and Care For Special Needs SEMESTER 1,2020 Assessment 2

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CEE 41



ID: S11103561
PHONE: 9514009
Pre-birth improvement is very is crucial it each stage in light of the fact that a child is
creating in every stage, the starts when an egg cell inside the mother joints up with sperm
from father .the egg cell parts into two cells then into two cells, at that point into four
cells ,at that point eight, etc. The heap of cell implants itself in the mother's belly [uterus],
which secures and supports it. Following two months the undeveloped organism has
developed into small child, as large as the thumb with arms, leg, eyes, ears and mouth
.Secondly, prenatal development is divided in three major phases. These are:

Germinal period
This is the place treatment begins , the development of infant happen , a great many sperm
cells arrive at the egg ,yet just one is fruitful and joins and later preparation happen
.advancement and development occur for an entire body to develop and create.

The embryonic period

It is a second phase of advancements ,third to eighth week , a body is start to create from a
cell littler than a full stop .yet it contain all the directions, known as qualities ,for an entire
body to develop and create. Where by oxygen and nourishment through the umbilical string
and waste away to the placenta and the mother's circulation system.

The fetal period

This is the place a minor undeveloped organism begin framing into a child an improvement
of organ, for example, lungs , heart , toenail ,eyes etc.the incipient organism has developed
into a small infant , as large as thumb .after nine months in the belly , the infant is fit to be
brought into the world solid muscles in the belly , called the cervix , and along the birth
channel ,the infant enters the outside word .Three major phase of prenatal development
1. Germinal period
Source: https://www.slideserve.com/elysia/prenatal-development

2. Embryonic development

Source: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=1iEQ9Kdp&id

The Fetal development

Source: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=ttsNyG3F&id=

The prenatal development

In stage of pregnancy ,it is important to look after yourself because a unborn child is
growing inside a mother’s womb therefore it is important to eat healthy food .Food gives a
pregnant mother energy for our body process inside, and for breathing, moving, and talking
and every other action she make. Food also provides raw materials that the body uses to
grow, maintain itself and repair daily wear-and-tear and the growth development of a
unborn baby.
A healthy diet needs a wide variety of different foods, especially fresh vegetables and fruits,
which have lots of vital nutrients. Too much of one single food may be unhealthy, especially
if that food is also unhealthy. It makes the body overweight, which increases the risk of
various illnesses to a mother and child.
Moving on , mother can practice yoga and morning walk so that she can sleep properly and
this can lead to a healthy baby. pregnant should drink a lot of water and have enough sleep
because if she practice a good habit a baby will be in that order once he or she is born.
Secondly , family member should show love and care to a pregnant mother because this is a
time she need a lot of attention .Avoid lifting heavy load or bending down this may affect a
unborn baby .father’s role is very important he should give a quality time to he’s wife
because it is the time she need financially and mentally support .pregnant mother should
not intake or consume alcohol ,drugs no smoking avoid strong pills and unhealthy
practice ,which lead to a unhealthy development of a child or premature birth.
Factors influencing prenatal stages

1. Pregnant consuming unhealthy food such oily fatty food.

2. She going clubbing ,drinking alcohol ,taking drugs or smoking
3. Unaware that she is has conceived or not ready for child
4. Busy with her job,work load
5. Age is also a major factor ,she must be too old or young
6. Financial issue ,for raise a child
7. Health issue such as mother may be sick all the time
Source: photo taken by shivani


1. If you could let us know your age please ?

My age is 22
2. How many children you had before this pregnancy?
3. How did you find out that you are pregnant?.
I miss my period and got tested and it was postive
4. Do you crave certain foods at times? If yes, what are they?
Yes, fish and bele.
5. Is there any food you dislike? If yes, what are they? No.
6. What do you experience during this pregnancy?
I feel tired ,sometime cry a lot for no reason get angry often.
7. How does your family supports you?
No support I’m aborted and my husband is helping me most of the time
plus my friend.
8. How do your family supports you?
No support I’m aborted and my husband is helping me most of the time
plus my friend.
9. How does your family supports you?
No support iam aborted and my husband is helping me most of the time
plus my friend.
10. How does your family supports you?
No support iam aborted and my husband is helping me most of the time
plus my friend.

i. What a interviewed is about

The interview is about a 22 years pregnant woman who stay at Makoi
lot 8 ,currently a Pioneer day care teacher I took her interview to find
out what she go through when she is pregnant .And how she feel to
be a mother of a child. Learn and understand her mood swing and her
emotional .

ii. Overview of the interviewed ,was interesting she was quiet outspoken
and tried to share everything possible which was relevant to the

To conclude , it was very interesting facts to discuss and learn
because every single day a women give birth to a new life
and it’s a very amazing thing that happen to a women ,it trial
a mother go in her stage such as no matter how sick she is
she can’t take medication and sometime pee in her panties
.It is a time when a women is getting stronger in each stages.


: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=ttsNyG3F&id=


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