Infants and Pre Schoolers Reflection
Infants and Pre Schoolers Reflection
Infants and Pre Schoolers Reflection
1. Having learned the physical development of infants and toddlers, as a parent or as care
giver or future parent or as care giver of children, reflect on:
What you should do more often for infants and toddlers.
Infants and toddlers need secure attachments with familiar caregivers to
develop trust their needs will be met and that they are loved.
Create an interesting and safe environment
Support and enhance the play and exploration the child initiates.
Encourage communication
Feed infants on demand and put them down to sleep when they need it.
Play games that involves running, hopping, throwing and catching together
What you should refrain from doing to facilitate their growth and development.
Giving too much screen time
Refrain from ordering kids what activity they should do but instead praise
them on what activities they achieved
Giving too much junk food whenever the child wants.
3. What struck you most in the cognitive development of infants and toddlers? Remember
cognitive development includes development of memory and acquisition of language.
Get things that are out of reach
Finds hidden things easily
Scribbles on his own
Pretends to read a book
Builds tower of blocks