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NeuroQuantology | December 2017 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | Page 37-44 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2017.15.4.

Kaufman S., Advanced Relativity for the Renaissance of Cosmology and Evolution of Life

Advanced Relativity for the Renaissance of

Cosmology and Evolution of Life

Amrit Sorli1, Steve Kaufman1, Uros Dobnikar2, Davide Fiscaletti3

In Advanced Relativity model conscious observer builds the cosmological model on the basis of elementary
perception and experimental data. Each element of the model is related to the exactly defined one element of the
universe with the bijective function of set theory. The physical universe represents a set X; the cosmological model
represents a set Y. Both sets are related with the bijective function of set theory f : X → Y . The resulting
theoretical model of the universe is an adequate picture of the universe as a non-created system in dynamic
equilibrium in which life is the consistent part of cosmic dynamics.

Key Words: Conscious Observer, Bijective Function, Epistemology, Cosmology, Evolution of Life
DOI Number: 10.14704/nq.2017.15.4.1106 NeuroQuantology 2017; 15, 4:37-44

Introduction analysis, synthesis) of your mind: matter, energy,

Conscious observer is building cosmology model space, change and time. And you, as the conscious 37
exclusively on his elementary perception and observer, are the sixth fundamental element of
experimental data. Imagine you are a conscious the universe. These six elements constitute the
observer. You have the perfect ability to observe set X of the universe:
and be conscious how your mind is building
scientific models of reality. With your eyes you X : {M X , E X , S X , CX , TX , COX }
can observe in the universe matter, energy and (1),
space. Matter and energy are continuously
changing, so you observe material changes of the
universe. These material changes are where M X is matter, E X is energy, S X is space,
characterized by an exact sequential order: CX is change, TX is time, COX is conscious
change is happening after change and change observer.
is happening after change. When change enters You may apply bijective function of the
existence change does not exist anymore. When set theory:
change enters existence, change does not exist
anymore. Material changes in the universe have f : X →Y (2)
their numerical order which you observer
observe with the sight and measure with the
and define the set Y of the model of the universe
clocks. This numerical order of material changes
with the following elements:
is time. These are the 5 fundamental elements of
the universe which you perceive with eyes and
experience without interference (interpretation, Y : {MY , EY , SY , CY , TY , COY } (3),

Corresponding author: Steve Kaufman

Address: Foundations of Physics Institute, Slovenia; 2School of Light Institute, Slovenia; 3SpaceLife Institute, San Lorenzo in Campo (PU),
e-mail [email protected]
Relevant conflicts of interest/financial disclosures: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any
commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Received: 02 August 2017; Accepted: 14 November 2017

eISSN 1303-5150

NeuroQuantology | December 2017 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | Page 37-44 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2017.15.4.1106
Kaufman S., Advanced Relativity for the Renaissance of Cosmology and Evolution of Life

where M Y is matter, EY is energy, SY is space, which has its beginning in some temporal remote
event called Big Bang.
CY is change, TY is time, COY is conscious In physics of 20th century the principle of
observer. causality was one of the most valid. No one ever
Set X and set Y are related with bijective had doubt that this principle could be wrong in a
function which realizes the Einsteinian idea of sense that it does not reflect the real nature of
“completeness theorem” according to which each physical reality. The core of the causality principle
element of the model should correspond exactly is that events are running in time and that event 1
to one element of the real world (Fiscaletti and is a cause of event 2, event 2 is a cause of event 3
Sorli, 2015a). and so on. Advanced Relativity has confirmed that
Conscious observer has experimental data events run only in space and that time is their
that black holes have tendency to become smaller numerical order. When event 2 enters into
and smaller and that finally disappear. He existence, event 1 does not exist anymore, when
calculates that in black holes energy density of event 3 enters into existence, event 2 does not
space becomes lower and this makes atoms exist anymore. Events run in space where there is
unstable. On the basis of these calculations he always NOW. The principle of causality which
predicts that in black holes matter transforms into implies the existence of physical time as the arena
the photons which then turn back into the energy of the events does not work in physical reality; it
of space (Sorli et al., 2016a). This means that is only our rational mind interpretation.
matter, energy (electromagnetic energy) and In Advanced Relativity principle of
space are different forms of energy of the set X causality is replaced with the principle of
and forms the subset energy X (EX), which can be dynamics: Universe is in a continuous dynamics
formulated as following: which does not have particular cause. Dynamics
itself is the fundamental universal principle.
X : {COX , CX , TX ,{XE}} (4) Dynamics always happens between two or more
EX : {M X , EX , S X } . elements. For example motion of an elementary
particle in space is dynamics between particle and 38
space. In Advanced Relativity there are two
We have now four fundamental elements of the different types of dynamics in the universe:
set universe X: conscious observer, change, time 1. Temporal dynamics
and energy; the same is in the set model Y: 2. Immediate dynamics.
Temporal dynamics is for example, motion
Y : {COY , CY , TY , {YE}} (5) of planets and stellar objects. Motion has its own
YE : {MY , EY , SY } . numerical order and is temporal. It does not run
in time, it runs in space only, time is their
Conscious observer has experimental data numerical order which we measure with clocks.
that space is continuously radiating cosmic rays Immediate dynamics has no numerical order.
which form elementary particles (Friedlander, Such dynamics are gravity and entanglement.
2002). In the universe matter is continuously Universal phenomena based on dynamics do not
transforming back into energy of space in black need energy. Motion of the Moon around Sun does
holes; in outer space energy of space is not require any energy use, because it is the result
continuously transforming into cosmic rays and of dynamics between variable energy density of
further into elementary particles. This means that space and two material objects. In physics of 20th
energy of the universe is continuously circulating. century the prevalent idea was that for anything
The question of the “begging” of the universe does to happen energy is used. This is valid only for
not exist for the conscious observer. He manmade machines and is not valid for the
understands that universe is not running in some universe which is ruled by the law of dynamics.
linear time which exists only as a mind frame in Dynamics is the intrinsic physical property of the
which common observer is experiencing run of universe and nature which does not use energy in
universal changes. Universe runs in space where order to run. For common view of physics this
is always NOW. Conscious observer is exceeding seems “strange”, however our perception of the
the 20th century view on the universe as a system universe is confirming the principle of dynamics.
Planets are rotating around the Sun without using
energy; the same is with the rotation of our solar

eISSN 1303-5150

NeuroQuantology | December 2017 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | Page 37-44 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2017.15.4.1106
Kaufman S., Advanced Relativity for the Renaissance of Cosmology and Evolution of Life

system around the centre of Milky Way galaxy. average distribution of energy. Where a given
Cosmologists today still approach the universe particle exists, quantum vacuum energy density is
similarly to the machines made by the humans. smaller exactly for the amount of the energy
This “temporal cosmological view” is based on contained in a given particle:
causality principle where cause and consequence
are happening in some linear physical time. In mc 2
Advanced Relativity, time is merely the numerical ρ PE = ρ qvE + (12)
parameter of motion in space where is always
NOW which means that cause and consequence
happen in the same NOW and are part of universal Where ρ PE is Planck energy density, ρ qvE is
dynamics which can be immediate or temporal. energy density of quantum vacuum in the centre
In Advanced Relativity universal space has origin of a given particle (or massive body), m is mass
in quantum vacuum. We developed formula for of the particle (or massive body), V is volume of
gravitational constant G in order to show that G the particle (or massive body).
is related to permittivity and permeability of
quantum vacuum. Equation (12) we can rearrange and we will get:

lP3 E = mc2 = (ρ PE − ρqvE ) ⋅V (13)

G= (6)
mP ⋅ t P2
Where left side of the equation represent
l 3 famous Einstein equation and right side
G= P (7)
l2 represents the missing part which explain origin
m P ⋅ P2 of energy and mass of a given particle or massive
body (Sorli, 2017). Equation (13) is the "super
symmetry formula" which shows that the energy
c 2 ⋅ lP E and the mass m of a given particle are made out
G= (8) 39
mP of the same “stuff” called quantum vacuum and
that energy and mass are symmetric to the
Velocity of light c is: diminishing of the energy density of quantum
vacuum ρ qvE in the centre of a given particle.
1 Formula (13) is also valid for massive objects and
c= (9)
ω0ε 0 stellar objects; it works from micro to the macro
level of the universe.
Formula (13) can also be multiplied by
c2 = (10) Lorentz factor and is then valid for relativistic
ω0 ⋅ ε 0 particles, which because of their speed absorb
energy in the quantum vacuum, which becomes
Combining equations (8) and (10) we get: their kinetic energy:

lP γE = γmc 2 = γ ( ρ PE − ρ qvE ) ⋅ V
G= (11) (14)
mP ⋅ ω0 ⋅ ε 0
Equations (13) and (14) are presenting
Equation (11) shows gravitational the origin of mass of elementary particles without
constant G depends on Planck metrics of quantum the introduction of Higgs mechanism. According
vacuum, its permittivity and its permeability. to the mass-energy equivalence, no field can exist
Max Planck units are representing which would give mass (mass here means energy)
mathematical values for quantum vacuum to the particles. The only plausible idea would be
physical properties. In empty space energy that the interaction of particles with some field
density of quantum vacuum has a value of Planck generates their inertial mass. “Mass” means the
energy density ρ PE . We know in physics that amount of energy incorporated in a given particle
every physical system has a tendency to reach the and “inertial mass” means the particle property to
stay at the certain position or to move in the

eISSN 1303-5150

NeuroQuantology | December 2017 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | Page 37-44 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2017.15.4.1106
Kaufman S., Advanced Relativity for the Renaissance of Cosmology and Evolution of Life

certain direction. In Advanced Relativity, the which is the duration enters into existence
inertial masses of elementary particles and (Fiscaletti and Sorli, 2015b). In Advanced
massive bodies have the origin in diminished Relativity CMBR has origin in a fundamental
energy density of quantum vacuum. The dynamics universal background space which can be also
between diminished energy density of quantum called 3D quantum vacuum and is defined by
vacuum and a given massive object (particle, reduction-state (RS) processes of
massive object or stellar object) generates inertial creation/annihilation of particles/antiparticles
mass and gravitational mass (Sorli, 2017). (with opposite orientations of spins),
High-speed motion of particles and corresponding to elementary fluctuations of the
massive bodies creates friction with the quantum quantum vacuum energy density.
vacuum. This friction causes the concentration of Big Bang cosmology model uses finite
quantum vacuum energy in the relativistic object spherical Riemann geometry. NASA results have
which actually is its kinetic energy. In CERN confirmed universal space is flat and corresponds
Collider are colliding about hundred millions of to the Euclidean geometry (NASA, 2016). This
pairs of relativistic protons each second. Only one means that use of Riemann geometry in
in ten billion of collisions create so called "Higgs cosmology is not allowed. Universe is infinite in
boson" which is nothing more than the released its dimensions and has also infinite amount of the
relativistic energy of two relativistic protons. The energy:
conclusion that the Higgs boson is the proof of the
existence of Higgs field (Higgs boson is the EU = ∞ (15)
"ripple" of the Higgs field) which should give
particles mass is epistemologically unstable. Calculations which are taking in account
Might happen, the next generation of physicists energy and mass of the universe should be finite
will re-evaluate the discovery of "God particle", seems not appropriate. Universe cannot be
and give it appropriate meaning and importance. approached as a finite system, universe is infinite.
We can study the dynamics of the universe in the
Weak points of Big Bang cosmology region of universal space which is reachable with 40
According to the Big Bang cosmology, universe is the telescopes and hope that universe which is
happening in space-time as the fundamental beyond our observation functions according to
arena of the universe. Space-time has 3 spatial the same laws as the observable universe.
dimensions and 1 temporal dimension. According Big Bang cosmology predicts universe is
to Bijective epistemology presented in the section finite and is expanding. We have seen above
1 above, the element of space-time cannot have universal space is infinite and infinite space
existence in the set model universe Y where time cannot expand; we could only speculate that the
is merely numerical order of changes in space. observable area of the universe is expanding. The
Element of space SY belongs to the energy subset main proof for expanding universe should be red
YE and element of time TY is not an element of the shift where light of the galaxies is moving to the
red spectrum because of their motion away from
energy subset YE . In this view space and time
the Earth since universe is expanding. Expansion
cannot be united in space-time. Space-time is a
of observable universe is questionable because
model which has no solid epistemological ground
“red shift” can also be interpreted as a
and thinking that it has some correspondence in
consequence of light pulling from the strong
real world, seems incorrect.
gravity (Pound, 2000). This so called
Big Bang should happen in some remote
“gravitational red shift” is a basis for “tired light”
physical past. The prove for that should be cosmic
hypothesis of Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky. He
microwave background radiation CMBR which
proposed that the reddening effect was not due to
has origin in Big Bang and is radiating since the
motions of the galaxy, but to an unknown
Big Bang via time as the 4th physical dimension of
phenomenon that caused photons to lose energy
space. Bijective epistemology does not allow a
as they travelled through space. He considered the
given signal to move in time because time has
most likely candidate process to be a drag effect in
only a mathematical existence. Every signal moves
which photons transfer momentum to
only in space and time (fundamental time) is the
surrounding masses through gravitational
numerical order of its motion. When fundamental
interactions; and proposed that an attempt be
time is measured by the observer emergent time

eISSN 1303-5150

NeuroQuantology | December 2017 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | Page 37-44 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2017.15.4.1106
Kaufman S., Advanced Relativity for the Renaissance of Cosmology and Evolution of Life

made to put this effect on a sound theoretical Organisms may be interconnected with
footing with general relativity. He also considered one another and with their physicochemical
and rejected explanations involving interactions environment by information flow, as well as by
with free electrons, or the expansion of space material and energy flow. Most molecular
(Zwicky, 1929). biologists assume that the answer to biological
organization will come when all the molecules in
Evolution of life is a component of universal organisms are isolated and analysed. But
cosmic dynamics biological organization is a dynamic, macroscopic
Life, as we know it, beyond a common range of order extending over astronomical numbers of
compatibility linked to the thermo dynamical molecules, spanning distances at least millions of
conditions and to the chemistry of a set of times the size of individual molecules (Mae-Wan
elements (carbon, hydrogen, azotes, oxygen, Ho, 2016). This organization enables organisms to
phosphorus, sulphur), exhibits an extraordinary transform energy with the rapidity and efficiency
variety which cannot be reduced to a simple rarely achieved elsewhere and to be extremely
chemistry-physics. Despite life being a physical sensitive to specific signals in the environment.
phenomenon, subjected to the general laws which In 1960, Nobel laureate biochemist Albert
rule the behaviours of matter and energy, this Szent-Györgyi pointed out that we can begin to
compatibility is not enough to reproduce the understand the characteristics of living systems
variety of the living systems: biological systems only if we take into account the collective
satisfy a sort of indifference principle in the sense properties of molecules akin to superconductivity
that are historic systems and can exhibit and superfluidity. This idea was developed at
unforeseeable behaviours, which cannot be about the same time by German-born British
classified (Licata, 2010). According to the solid-state physicist Herbert Fröhlich, who
Maturana and Varela autopoiesis theory in living suggested that living systems have collective
systems it is the global functional dynamics to fix modes of activity somewhat similar to
each time the boundary conditions and the back- superconductors operating at physiological
reaction cycles which support their autonomy temperatures (Szent-Györgyi, 1960). The Fröhlich 41
(Maturana and Varela, 2001). Living processes model implies that, when the energy supply goes
seem to be characterized by the so-called intrinsic above a certain level, the polar structure enters
emergency, associated with the appearance of into a state of nonlinear vibration and a coherent
properties which are compatible with the models behaviour of excited electrons observed in living
describing the basic relations between system and systems emerges which is similar to coherent
environment, but absolutely unforeseeable behaviours found in superconductors. The only
because, in similar situations, several variations difference is that in superconductors, this
are possible. The appearance of these new behaviour is observed with the help of Bose-
emergent properties can modify in an irreversible Einstein condensation at temperatures near the
way the nature of the system and its relations absolute zero point (Fröhlich, 1968), while
with the environment (Licata, 2015). coherence in biological systems occurs at room
All the evidence indicates that organism temperature (Reimers et al., 2009). The Fröhlich
and environment are intimately interconnected, model suggests that metabolic energy, instead of
from the socio-cultural domain right down to the being lost as heat, is stored in the form of
genes. Stable inheritance depends on this very collective or coherent electromechanical and
interconnection, rather than on a mythical electromagnetic excitations. These “coherent
unchangeable genome. The process of heredity excitations” could be responsible for generating
has a dynamic stability that resides in the and maintaining long-range order. They also make
feedback interrelationships that can propagate possible highly efficient energy transfer and
from the external environment through the transformation of energy and the detection of
physiological system to the genes. Organism and very weak electromagnetic signals.
environment engage in ceaseless rounds of Evidence for the existence of coherent
mutual definition and transformation, which is excitations in living systems comes from the work
the essence of evolution. Cycles of feedback of German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp and his
between the biosphere and the physicochemical co-workers (1988), who showed that practically
environment are the basis of stability for the all organisms and cells emit light (biophotons) at
global ecosystem. very weak intensities. Organisms and cells also re-

eISSN 1303-5150

NeuroQuantology | December 2017 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | Page 37-44 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2017.15.4.1106
Kaufman S., Advanced Relativity for the Renaissance of Cosmology and Evolution of Life

emit light at higher intensities as delayed system, where, at each scale, there are dynamics
luminescence after exposure to a brief pulse of creating order and directionality of interaction
light. As the result of some 15 years of towards higher levels of synergetic organization,
experimental work, Popp became convinced that and as a result, greater levels of consciousness.
bio-photons come from a coherent electro- On the other hand, cosmic energy may be
dynamical field within the living system. This field connected and thus forms a matrix within the
has a wide range of frequencies that are coupled entire cosmos and by means of structured matter
together to give effectively a single degree of can elicit life (Penrose et al., 2011). Evolution
freedom, and that may be the basis of biological began much after the existence of energy and
organization. Living systems are thus both matter and its unanimity and therefore the
emitters and receivers of electromagnetic signals answer to the origin of life lies much before the
originating from the physicochemical emergence of viruses, bacteria, algae and
environment as well as from other organisms. eukaryotes, which required the presence of water
In order to explore the biological and organic compounds. For life to emerge there
organization which characterizes living systems, had to be a right blend of energy and matter,
in the recent paper “The unified spacememory where the properties of energy and matter played
network: from cosmogenesis to consciousness”, an important role. Many significant studies seem
authors consider the possibility that nonlocal to suggest that, as regards the problem of the
information dynamics, intrinsic to the properties origin of life, the properties of matter and energy
and behavior of material systems and uniquely are not emergent, but must be considered as the
harnessed by the natural nanotechnology of designers for creation (Maysinger et al., 2015).
supramolecular systems of the brain (similar to Moreover, recently, theories associated with
the Hameroff-Penrose model of orchestrated redox homeostasis have been considered as an
objective reduction) are involved in producing the important aspect linked to the origin of life (Allen,
sentience, awareness, and memory of cognitive 2010). On the other hand, quantum computation
processes (Haramein et al., 2016). Moreover, they has unknowingly opened up a new array of hope
propose that nonlocal influences across spatial towards understanding the origin of life from the 42
and temporal domains, communicated through perspective of organic and inorganic chemistries
the micro-wormhole network of the Planck-scale and the use of non-living matter to perform
geometric structure of spacetime, may play an activities like living matter. Several theories are
instrumental role in the evolution and now available that support the emergence of
development of physical systems, thus consciousness from quantum based mechanisms
engendering an ordering dynamic as well as (Hameroff and Penrose, 2014) and the
directionality towards higher levels of complexity involvement of the cosmic energy uptake in the
and organizational synergy. In this approach, one form of electromagnetic radiation (Pereira,
has the same unifying ordering dynamics 2015a; McFadden, 2007 and 2013). A recent
regarding the evolution and development both of pathway known as the cell-soul pathway has been
physical systems and of biological systems and proposed to be a hypothetical mechanism where a
therefore awareness properties follow the same single cell uses the quantum phenomenon to
rules describing the evolution of matter and of the convert external cosmic energy to internal energy,
universe. One has a unifying picture of evolution to store and use this energy as part of its
and development processes, from non-organic conservation process (Pereira, 2015b) indicating
matter to biological matter, which are shaped by that life and consciousness is quantum processed
the integrative and ordering influences of a and may have driven the origination of living
holographic Planckian wormhole network, from forms proceeding with evolution. In the recent
cosmogenesis to the universe being aware of it, paper “Origin of life: a consequence of cosmic
i.e. consciousness. In Haramein’s, Brown’s and Val energy, redox homeostasis and quantum
Baker’s model living systems are seen as complex phenomenon”, Reddy and Pereira suggest that
systems composed by biomolecules origin of life emerges as an eternal process
intercommunicating in an intricate network of associated with the interaction between energy
information and energy exchange. These highly from the cosmos and inorganic matter, which
complex biomolecules are constituted in turn by supports matter with retention of this riveted
elements that evolve under the influence of a energy, as energy to be circulated within the
larger, more fundamental intercommunication primitive channelized structures to conserve

eISSN 1303-5150

NeuroQuantology | December 2017 | Volume 15 | Issue 4 | Page 37-44 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2017.15.4.1106
Kaufman S., Advanced Relativity for the Renaissance of Cosmology and Evolution of Life

energy by the materialization of the proton (Sorli et al., 2016b). This decreasing entropy
homeostasis mechanisms developed from the tendency can be observed as the presence of all
obtainable inorganic matter (Reddy and Pereira, organic molecules essential for development of
2016). According to Reddy’s and Pereira’s life in entire universal space. This so-called
approach, origin of life is therefore a result of the “chemical evolution” then develops in living
organization and reorganization of matter to organisms on the planets with similar physical
support constants such as the cosmic energy, circumstances as on the planet Earth.
matter and quantum processes that prevailed in Consciousness is shaping life on 3D physical
the cosmos and mellowed with evolution. reality via pilot photons of higher dimensional
In the light of the results of Maturana, Hilbert spaces (Sorli et al., 2017).
Varela, Szent-Györgyi, Fröhlich, and the most In Advanced Relativity the notion of
recent ones of Popp, Haramein, Brown and Val energy can be extended into multidimensional
Baker, Reddy and Pereira, the authors of this Hilbert spaces. Energy can be defined in a nD
paper suggest the possibility that evolution of life Hilbert space where n is the cardinal number of
is a consistent part of cosmic dynamics, is a natural numbers; nD Hilbert space is the
continuation of the evolution of the universe. In fundamental background of consciousness, which
Advanced Relativity (AR) model evolution of life is acts in the human being as the observer. This
the integral part of universal dynamics. Life is means that life on the molecular level of 3D
developing in entire universe and is tending to dimensionality has origin in nD consciousness.
create intelligent and conscious organisms as we Evolution of life is encoded in 4D and more
humans are. In Advanced Relativity (AR) the dimensional Hilbert spaces of higher information
fundamental primordial space of the universe is density and is communicated to the 3D ordinary
consciousness which is described by the n- life dimensionality via bio-photons.
dimensional Hilbert space. Entire universe exists
in consciousness and the manifestation of Conclusion
consciousness is of varying degrees and such Planet Earth is the subsystem of the solar system
manifestations happen due to the intervention of which is the subsystem of Milky way which is the 43
pure cosmic energy/Prana (Jayakrishnan et al., subsystem of the universe. Approaching evolution
2017). In Advanced Relativity model pure cosmic of life as a process which has developed on the
energy/Prana corresponds to the 4-dimensional planet Earth surface is a narrow viewpoint having
Hilbert space which consists from 4-dimensional its root in the geocentric model according to
pilot bio-photons (Sorli et al., 2017). That is why which Earth is the center of the universe. The
matter has tendency to develop in life and life conscious observer is dropping geocentric model
further in conscious organisms. Life is the and building his scientific picture of the universe
subsystem of the universe and cannot be and life on the elementary perception and
examined separately from the system in which it bijective epistemology. The result of the conscious
develops, which is the universe. This view of observer research methodology is the model of
Advanced Relativity is supported by a classical the stationary universe which is a non-created
Vedic text, viz., Sri Saundarya Lahari written by system in a permanent dynamic equilibrium.
Adi Sankaracharya, the first verse reveals the Evolution of life on planet Earth is an integral part
nature and existence of the universe, i.e., the of cosmic dynamics which is developing in the
universe is a manifestation of pure consciousness entire universe. Evolution of the universe and
and pure cosmic energy cannot be separated from evolution of life should not be approached
pure consciousness (Jayakrishnan et al., 2017). separately because they are one phenomenon.
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and biology. Evolution of life seen from the view reached to the point where cosmology and
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Kaufman S., Advanced Relativity for the Renaissance of Cosmology and Evolution of Life

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